Why does Ponyboy think that Soda is wrong?


Answer 1



Ponyboy tells the reader that Darryl grew up too fast and that Sodapop has never grown up at all.

Answer 2


Ponyboy loves Soda like his own family. Soda helps Ponyboy to understand that Darry is just trying to be a parent and a brother. He explains how this must be difficult for him. Ponyboy has more potential than either Darry or Soda to be successful in his life. Darry keeps close watch on his brother because his parents are gone. This is his way of showing tough love.


Darry loves Soda and wants what is best for him.

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a meeting started at 10.35am and ended at 3.15pm the same day how long was the meeting​



2 hours 40 minutes or 160 minutes


add 120 minutes and 40 more to 10:35 will get you to 3:15 P.M.

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Who is Mr. Utterson and why is he important to the story? Hes the first character in the book. He is a lawyer and is also the main narrator of the story.

1) How often do I genuinely express gratitude to those in my life?
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1. your opinon, how often do you say thank you?

2. still your opinion. When you go out somewere do you tell them thanks, or do  you just not say anything?


Lol, I had to do this stuff XD

what is noun and example


person place or thing. dog, human, hammer


like a store, a cat, dog, a spoon


A noun is person, place, or thing

What is the narrator trying to accomplish with us (the reader) by describing the Martians this way?



The narrator claims that humans do a lot of that same stuff, too. Humans kill others (both people and animals), steal their stuff (just the people), and eat them (just the animals).

What happens after Brian screams out that he's hungry?



They feed him


In which sentence do the subject and verb agree?


E is the correct answer

Read the sentence.

Rob chased the playful kitten through the house.

What is the function of the phrase through the house?

It is an adverb phrase modifying playful.

It is an adjective phrase modifying Rob.

It is an adjective phrase modifying kitten.

It is an adverb phrase modifying chased.


Answer:it is an adverb phrase modifying chased


Just finished test


The awnser is chased, i did the test


What is one of the four freedoms that Roosevelt identifies in his Four
Freedoms speech?
O A. Freedom of religion

B. Freedom of wealth

C. Freedom to bear arms
D. Freedom from oppression



The four freedoms Roosevelt discusses are: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear. He argues that these are the freedoms that everyone in the world should enjoy. The main purpose of the speech (which was the 1941 State of the Union address) was to outline the responsibilities of the United States when it came to helping allies that were engaged in war.


The four freedoms Roosevelt discusses are: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear.

What is freedom?

Freedom is understood as either having the ability to act or change without constraint or to possess the power and resources to fulfill one's purposes unhindered. Freedom is often associated with liberty and autonomy in the sense of "giving oneself one's own laws", and with having rights and the civil liberties with which to exercise them without undue interference by the state. Frequently discussed kinds of political freedom include freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of choice, and freedom of speech.

In one definition, something is "free" if it can change easily and is not constrained in its present state.  Philosophy and religion sometimes associate freedom with free will, without undue or unjust constraints on that will, such as enslavement. It is an idea closely tied with the concept of negative liberty.

Learn more about freedom,here:



What does Bobby Martin do while he waits for the lottery to begin?



He collects stones.


How does the narrator affect the reader’s understanding of details in Gentleman of Río en Medio?

Details in the story are limited to the narrator’s first-person point of view.
Details in the story are presented by a narrator who knows everything.
Details in the story are provided by a narrator who is outside the story.
Details in the story are given from the point of view of multiple characters.



details in the story are limited to the narrators first person point of view




A . Details in the story are limited to the narrator’s first-person point of view.


hope this helps


Why is conflict important to a story? Why is it important to be able to identify the antagonist and type of conflict? Response should be 3-5 sentences in length.



The conflict is important to a story because it can create tension and make the readers more interested to find out what's going to happen.

it is important to identify the conflict so you know what is happening,, and important to identify the antagonist because sometimes it may be the 'mastermind' behind the conflict and the key to 'solve' the conflict.

Can someone pls give me 5 problem and solution sentences?!





1. Mia is making cupcakes, the cupcakes need 1 cup of water but Mia accidently lost her 1 cup measuring spoon. She found her 1/2 cup measuring spoon spoon by accident while looking for her 1 cup measuring spoon. What could Mia do to get the exact amount of water needed for the cupcakes?

Solution: Mia could use her 1/2 measuring spoon two times to create a whole 1 cup.

2. (Part A) John went to a local farmer's market near by. He bought 5 apples, each apple cost 0.75. How much did John need to pay for the apples?

Solution: $3.75

(Part B) John only had a $5 dollar bill, how much money will John get back after his transaction?

Solution: $1.25

3. If a cylinder has a diameter of 12 in, what is the radius of that cylinder?

Solution: 6 in

4. 456,078- What is the place value of the number 5 in 456,078?

Solution: 50,000

5. You and your four friends are having a sleep over, you decide to order a large pizza (10 full slices). How many slices could everybody eat to finish the pizza?

Solution: There is a total of 5 people (including yourself). If you eat 2 pieces each that will amount up 10 slices even (5 × 2 = 10).

Create an opposing argument for the following claim:

The school year should be longer because during summer break, students tend to forget what they learned



The school year should not be longer for students


The reason for this is even though students may forget some things all they need is a refresher. Keeping students longer can cause many problems students already have a hard time going to school 8 hours a day what makes people think that the school year should be longer.

Explain how Romeo and Mercutio are foils for each other. What do you learn about the characters by seeing them in contrast to each other?


Answer and Explanation:

In literature, a character's foil is someone who is his opposite, who makes certain qualities of his more noticeable. In Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo and his friend Mercutio are foils for each other.

Even though they are friends, their personalities could not be more distinct. Romeo is a helpless romantic. He believes in true love and in dreams. Romeo is the type of person who will stop eating, who will stay home alone, sulking, because the woman he likes does not like him back. Mercutio teases him for being like that. Mercutio does not have such a romantic view of love as Romeo. He has a more playful attitude toward it. He also thinks that dreams have no meaning, no importance. Mercutio is the type of person who lives in the present, who enjoys life, who does not allow feelings to overwhelm him.

pls help due tonight


criminal like you had down!!


I believe the answer is civil


it has to do with people and people are the "civil"ians

100 POINTS Write a speech on the topic of an unjust situation you are passionate about. This may be an issue on the community level, or a current national issue.

Remember to use the following elements:

a claim
supporting facts, statistics, and reasons
possible objections to your claim (counterclaims)
a summary and call to action
three transitional words or phrases and one instance of effective keyword repetition
proper documentation of sources using MLA citation style
Your speech should be a minimum of 200 words.





Which of the following gives a stumbling feeling to the poem? the use of rhyme the imagery the rhythm of the line breaks the use of alliteration



the rhythm of the line breaks


hope this helps


by Alice Walker

They were women then

My mama’s generation

Husky of voice—stout of


With fists as well as


How they battered down


And ironed

Starched white


How they led


Headragged generals

Across mined




To discover books


A place for us

How they knew what we

Must know

Without knowing a page

Of it


Which of the following gives a stumbling feeling to the poem?


The rhythm of the line breaks

which is an example of a noun phrase?
1. running quickly
2. under the piano
3. with the green pants
4. the ugly dog
plllssss help



tim with the green pants

your elderly bother is arriving from London where he has been studying for the past three tell he the preparation your family is making towards the occasion​



Dear Brother,

The family and I are very excited about your arrival next Saturday. We can't wait to see you again after three years abroad. As we are happy to see you again, we are preparing everything for your arrival.

First of all, we are organizing a big welcome party. We have already invited your school friends, ex-coworkers and relatives and your friends from the football club. There will be a lot of food and even a Dj.

Dad and I are cleaning and fixing things in your room. We have already vacuumed, and we are now taking all the things that we have storage in your room while you weren't present. While we are fixing your bedroom, mom is buying and cooking all the things that you like. She bought all the ingredients to bake you a chocolate cake!.

As you can see, we are counting the minutes to see you again and hug you. Have a safe flight and see you soon.

All the best,



When we write a letter to a friend or a relative, we have to use informal language. Also, we divide the letter into three main sections.

First, we write the introduction. In this section, we address our brother and tell him that we are excited about his arrival. Secondly, we have the body of the letter. In this part, which can have multiple paragraphs, we describe all the different things that we are doing for his arrival. Lastly, we write a closing paragraph telling him how happy we are to see him again and say our goodbyes.

Can someone plz help me with this one problem plz!!!


Tempt would make the most sense
Tempt would in fact be the correct logical answer I believe

What point of view does Abraham Lincoln express in this excerpt from his Second Inaugural Address?

With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.



C on edg.





How does "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" break away from traditional poetic conventions? Select all that apply

It incorporates many allusions to other texts

It distorts the traditional concept of a love song

It abandons the strict orderliness of the Victorian era

It emphasizes the search for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world



It distorts the traditional concept of a love song.

It emphasizes the search for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world.


The poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" breaks away from traditional poetic conventions by distorting the traditional concept of a love song and emphasizing the search for meaning in a seemingly meaningless world.

This poem is a sad and melancholic poem which questions love and the feelings of being loved, hope, and also how it feels to be alone.

The writer is aching for the love of someone who so far has refused his advances which causes him to be sad, even though he doesn't want to give up.

This is completely against the love ideal of something to be happy and cheerful about.

What reasons did Mr. Jinnah give in his speech of 23rd March 1940 to support the demand for



Ill treatment and harsh behaviour.


Ill treatment faced by Muslims in Hindu majority states, harsh and unfaithful behaviour of Hindus towards Muslims were the reasons due to which Mr. Jinnah give in his speech of 23rd March 1940 to support the demand for  Pakistan.  Mr. Jinnah knew that the difference between Muslim and Hindu ideology will cause problem in the future so it best for the Muslims to have separate state where they live according to their religion and believes.

The King’s Hawk

A Even the world’s greatest leaders sometimes learn things the hard way. Eight hundred years ago a powerful king named Genghis Khan ruled an empire that stretched from eastern Europe to the Sea of Japan and included all of China. His armies marched on China and Persia, and Khan was known as the greatest king since Alexander the Great.
B According to legend, one day Khan gathered some friends and servants and rode into the countryside to search for game. Everyone in the party had high hopes of bringing home enough meat for a great feast that night. In those days it was customary to bring a trained hawk along on hunting trips. On command, the hawk would leave its master’s wrist and fly high into the sky. Then, using its exceptional eyesight, the hawk would spot its prey and swoop down on it, so the hunters would know where to follow.
C On this trip the king had brought his favorite hawk. It was a hot summer day, and although the hunting party rode for hours, they had no luck finding game. At dusk they gave up and turned toward home. The king knew the area well, and while the hunting party took the fastest way home, the king rode off on his own between two large mountains, determined to have a successful hunt. In the valley, his hawk flew off.
D As the king rode farther, he became parched and started looking for a spring of water. His thirst was growing, but the hot summer had dried up all the brooks that usually ran by the path. Finally, he spotted a trickle of water running over the edge of a steep rock. Quickly, he jumped from his horse, taking a small silver cup from his bag. He held the cup under the trickle of water until there was enough to drink.
E However, as he raised the cup to his lips, there was a whooshing sound, and the cup was knocked from his hand to the ground. The king turned to see who could be responsible. Spotting his pet hawk, he wondered why the bird would do such a thing. Angrily, the king picked up the cup and again held it under the trickling water. This time he held the cup for just a few seconds before he began to raise it to his mouth. Just as the cup touched his lips, the hawk flew down again, rushed past the king, and again knocked the cup to the ground.
F The king was very angry now. Again he filled the cup, and again the hawk kept him from having even the smallest drink. “You awful bird!” the king shouted. “If you were near me I would kill you in an instant!” As the king filled the cup for the fourth time, he spoke to the hawk. “Now, you arrogant hawk, I warn you. If you value your life, let me drink.” As he spoke, he held his sword ready. Again the bird flew down, knocking the cup from the king’s hand; but this time, the king was ready. His sword flashed and the bird fell. The hawk dropped at his master’s feet and died quickly.
G “That will teach you,” said the king. Then Genghis Khan turned and looked for the cup, but it was nowhere to be found. “I will drink now anyway,” he said, and started climbing the steep rock toward the source of the water. It was a long climb, and the king’s thirst grew and grew.
H Finally, he reached the top and could see the water. As he walked closer, he could see something in the water. With one more step the king could see now that the huge thing was a dead snake, one of the most poisonous in his entire kingdom.
I Now, the king stopped walking. He forgot his thirst, and his heart ached as he thought dismally of the dead hawk he had left lying on the ground below. He dropped his head and said, “You were a true friend, Sir Hawk. You saved my life, and yet in anger I killed you. I will honor your memory and never forget the lesson you taught me.”

In paragraph A, the author most likely compares the king with Alexander the Great in
order to show that the king—
A. was enormously powerful
B. hoped to become famous
C. came from noble blood lines
D. was humble despite his high position





Answer: A

Explanation: Because he is comparing how powerful Genghis Khan is to Alexander the Great

why you shouldn't travel during the pandemic ( explain in long answers )​


To stop the spread of coronavirus.

Another reason why is because Most travel insurance doesn’t cover pandemics.

People who never develop symptoms or are not yet showing symptoms (pre-symptomatic) might not know that they are infected but can still spread rona to others. Masks also offer protection to the wearer.






i need help on ixl ixl ixl ixl



i think it maybe B


I hope this helped ;)




good luck

i dont like them either but they help in the long run...

How would you define the word relationship



being with someone else like a family or lover relationship


riddle : how many words does apply have ?​



18 words

hope we can be friends ^_^


apply is one word and it has 5 letters.

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