Who is the intended audience for the “Day of Infamy” Speech?


Answer 1
It was to the American people so that Pearl Harbor is never forgotten

Related Questions

What was President Obama's 2008 campaign slogan?


President Obama's 2008 campaign slogan used the slogan "Change We Can Believe In" and the slogan "Yes We Can".

In several of President Obama's addresses, the phrase "Yes We Can" is repeated. This sentence demonstrates his political strength and authority in addressing the US's period of decline in order to encourage and drive its people toward development and prosperity.

For context, Obama ran for president in 2008 on the "Change" platform. He is now pleading with his followers to be patient. In his remarks, he stressed to the audience that "change we can believe in" is not something that can happen tomorrow.

The language of his speech is essentially what makes the distinction between the two. Instead of short-term transformation, he is considering a long-term change.

To learn more about President Obama



One of the items Progressives insisted on in the state Constitution was direct
democracy in the form of (Standard 4.8)
a. Bill of Rights and direct primaries
b. Initiatives and referendums
c. Petition and amendments





I believe that is correct

John Hancock was the defense lawyer for the soldiers involved in the event that became known as the "Boston Massacre.
true or false





What was the social impact of business in the 1920s? How were attitudes toward business different from the Progressive era?


During the 1920s, there were important social advancements. The emergence of a consumer-oriented economy and of mass entertainment were the most evident signals of change.

What effects did the Roaring 20s have on society? There were significant social developments during the 1920s.The emergence of a consumer-oriented economy and of popular entertainment, which contributed to a "revolution in morality and manners," were the most visible indicators of change.Significant changes were made to sexual mores, gender roles, hairstyles, and clothing during the 1920s.The 1920s saw a 42% increase in the US economy.New consumer products entered every household as a result of mass production.Modern auto and aviation industries were established.The conventional wisdom held that the market would correct itself without assistance from the executive branch.In order to safeguard the interests of the general public, progressives pushed to implement laws against corrupt business activities throughout the Progressive Era as they observed the corruption that resulted from the belief in a free market.

To learn more about social impact refer



Did Napoleon say all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others?


Unfortunately, that is exactly what occurs over time, and the pig The final dictum, "All creatures are equal," is changed by Napoleon to read, "All animals are equal but certain animals are more equal than others." The Stalinist Russia that Orwell was criticizing is parodied in this.

The animals of Manor Land lead a rebellion against Mr. Jones, who owns the farm and, consequently, them, in the novella. They take over Manor Farm, renaming it "Animal Farm," and begin managing it themselves in accordance with their seven commandments, which stipulate that all animals are equal. Napoleon and Snowball serve as their leaders. Indeed, one of their tenets is that "all creatures are equal."

However, it soon becomes apparent that the pigs, notably Napoleon and Snowball, think of themselves as special and deserving of special treatment as the animals' leaders. Napoleon plans it so that Mr. Whymper, a visitor from a nearby farm with whom the pigs had begun to trade, overhears the animals discussing how great life is on Animal Farm. Eventually, Snowball is exiled from the farm after having a disagreement with Napoleon.

Napoleon and Squealer, Napoleon's one-man (or one-pig) propaganda machine, gain weight during the novella, and none of the animals are able to retire as promised. The farm expands and becomes wealthier, but the pleasures the animals were promised never materialize: they are informed that the true joy comes from toiling away and leading a modest life.

To know more about Napoleon:



Why was the Scientific Revolution so impactful?


Since the 18th century, significant scientific developments have been referred to as "revolutions."

For instance, the French mathematician Alexis Clairaut noted in 1747 that "Newton was supposed to have sparked a revolution in his own life." [10] Additionally, Antoine Lavoisier's 1789 paper announcing the discovery of oxygen had the phrase in its prologue. Few scientific revolutions have garnered as much attention as the presentation of the theory of oxygen. Lavoisier saw his theory adopted by the greatest minds of his time and come to dominate a large portion of Europe within a few years of its initial proclamation. The scientific method revolution that occurred between the 15th and 16th centuries was characterized by William Whewell in the 19th century.

Learn more about Scientific Revolution:



The term robber baron refers to wealthy and powerful 19th century american businessmen who used exploitative practices to amass their wealth. A philanthropist is a person who makes an active effort to promote human welfare and make a positive impact on society. Which is the best example of a "robber baron" using his wealth in a "philanthropic" manner?.



It's not uncommon for wealthy and powerful individuals, including those who may be considered "robber barons," to use their wealth for philanthropic purposes. Many of these individuals have recognized the impact that their wealth and influence can have on society and have used it to support causes that they believe in.

One example of a "robber baron" who used his wealth in a "philanthropic" manner is Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie was a 19th century industrialist and one of the wealthiest men in the world at the time. He made his fortune through the ownership of Carnegie Steel Company, which was known for its ruthless business practices. However, Carnegie was also a philanthropist and believed in using his wealth to improve society. He donated millions of dollars to fund the construction of libraries, schools, and other public institutions, and he supported various causes such as peace, education, and scientific research. Carnegie's philanthropy had a significant impact on American society and helped to shape the modern charitable giving landscape.

in spanish-speaking latin america, social scientists and politicians favor which term over indio (indian), the colonial term that the spanish and portuguese conquerors used to refer to the native inhabitants of the americas?


Social politicians and academics from Spanish-speaking Latin America prefer this term to indio (Indian), the colonial term employed by the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors.

Is the US the same country as America?

The United States as well as the United States (USA) are same (US). The North American nation is referred to by both names. They are identical and are frequently used in the same sentence.

What does the name America mean?

Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer who proposed the at the time groundbreaking idea that the regions Columbus traveled to in 1492 were a separate continent, is the inspiration behind the name America.

To know more about America visit:



please help fast!

Anti-Federalists felt the proposed Constitution would lead the country down a road
of corruption. (Select 3 fears held by the Anti-Federalist over the ratification of the

A. The concept of 3 branches went against the need to restrain the governments

B. The Bill of Rights would put too much power in the hands of the citizens

C. Central government would need to hold more power than the individual states

D. Presidents power to overturn decisions made by the Legislature

E. Court system would have more power than local courts


Answer:  A, C, and D


While the Anti-Federalists did not support the ratification of the Constitution, their concerns ultimately led to the addition of the Bill of Rights, which addressed many of their fears and guaranteed certain fundamental rights and protections for individuals against the government.

Answer: C, D, and E.


A does not make sense, although the Anti-Federalists did wish to restrain the power of the Federal government.

B does not make sense because Anti-Federalists favored small government.

C makes sense because Anti-Federalists favored small governments and the states having the most power.

D makes sense because Anti-Federalists would fear the concentrated power given to a President and would see it as an attack on states' rights.

E makes sense because Anti-Federalists would favor small and local courts rather than a Federal court system with most of the power.

What happens in Book 21 of The Odyssey What loyalty?


Penelope, with the guidance of the goddess Athena, decides there will be a competition between the suitors in Book 21 of The Odyssey.

They must string Odysseus' bow and fire an arrow through twelve axes, Penelope declares. The challenge winner will get Penelope as a bride. When speaking to the potential bridegrooms, Telemachus declares that he will not object if they choose to wed his mother. While hidden among the suitors, Odysseus frowns at Telemachus and signs for him to halt after his fourth failed effort at stringing the bow. Telemachus asks the potential partners to try.

Leiodes, the initial suitor, is unable to string the bow. Although they could try, he claims that it would be preferable for them to wed a different woman. Other potential partners reheat the bow over a fire to make it more flexible, but they still fall short of the task. In the meantime, Odysseus reveals himself to his servants Eumaeus and Philoetius. He exhibits a scar from a boar's tusk as identification. If they assist in driving away Penelope's suitors, Odysseus vows to lavishly compensate them. Odysseus's arrival makes the servants ecstatic, and they decide to assist.

To know more about Penelope:



Why did some Native Americans join with the British during theRevolutionary War?

A. The British offered higher wages than the Americans

B. They believed the British would prevent further movement westward by the Americans.

C. They believed the British army could train them better for battle.

D. The British offered food and blankets imported from England to help during harsh winters



B. They believed the British would prevent further movement westward by the Americans

What is the meaning of the phrase you be a man as it is used in the excerpt?

А compose yourself

B grow up

C see what you have done

D take responsibility​



b i think


hope this helps

Why can t government take away your natural rights without cause?


The idea of natural law holds that everyone is born with specific rights that ought to be upheld by the state and society. And these rights are referred to as natural rights. And you are born with these.

Why natural rights cannot be taken away?

All people, according to Locke, are equal in that they are born with certain "inalienable" natural rights. Those are unalienable, divinely granted rights. "Life, liberty, and property" are three of these essential natural rights, according to Locke.

How does the government defend our fundamental rights?

The Bill of Rights specifically guarantees those fundamental liberties—life, liberty, and property—that were already covered by the original Constitution.

To know more about natural law visit:



this passage is excerpted from katherine mansfield, the voyage. originally published in 1921.


The passage is an excerpt from Katherine Mansfield's story "The Voyage," which was first published in 1921. The Voyage is a short story about a girl's voyage to New Zealand following the death of her mother.

What's the story of The Voyage?

"The Voyage" by Katherine Mansfield, is about a journey. It's recounted from the perspective, or point of view, of a young girl named Fenella as the main character. Her mother has died, and Fenella must travel across the sea to start a new chapter in her life in Picton, New Zealand, to live with her grandparents. She arrives there by boat alongside her grandmother.

The Garden Party and Other Stories, a compilation of brief works of fiction, included Katherine Mansfield's The Voyage during its initial release in 1921. Mansfield spent her whole writing career honing the short story, and she was a master of it.

There is no question found, hence the answer is general. 

The following passage is an excerpt from Katherine Mansfield's story "The Voyage":

The Picton boat was due to leave at half-past eleven. It was a beautiful night, mild, starry, only when they got out of the cab and started to walk down the Old Wharf that jutted out into the harbour, a faint wind blowing off the water ruffled under Fenella's hat, and she put up her hand to keep it on. It was dark on the Old Wharf, very dark; the wool sheds, the cattle trucks, the cranes standing up so high, the little squat railway engine, all seemed carved out of solid darkness. Here and there on a rounded wood-pile, that was like the stalk of a huge black mushroom, there hung a lantern, but it seemed afraid to unfurl its timid, quivering light in all that blackness; it burned softly, as if for itself...

Learn more about Katherine Mansfield's story here: brainly.com/question/21405300


What symbols are found in the political cartoon? What do they mean?

• What is the overall message of the cartoon?

• Do you think Block represented the U.S. or Soviet point of view? Why do you think that?

• Do you think Block favors the Marshall Plan? Use evidence from the cartoon to support your answer.



it's at the bottom of the image


The characters in ​The Diary of Anne Frank​ develop routines of everyday life. How do these routines help them carry on through difficult times



I think knowing they have something to complete or look forward to, gives them a sense of hope and motivation for the future.

Brainliest if you like it!

You love April 06, 1830 outlawed immigrants from the United States to Texas what finding from the mirror y terán report cuse the law



The General Mier y Terán Report concluded that the increase of immigration from the United States to Texas was a threat to keeping Texas in the Mexican federation.


His recommendation was to ban immigration from the United States to Texas because it could lead Americans living in Mexico, who tended to isolate themselves from Mexican culture and people, to acquire too much power. Therefore, the law of April 6, 1830, banned immigration from the U.S. to Texas and imposed strong restrictions on trade.


American colonists had outnumbered Mexican settlers.


When did the United States began trading with China?


Answer: 1784


American trade with China began as early as 1784, relying on North American exports such as furs, sandalwood, and ginseng, but American interest in Chinese products soon outstripped the Chinese appetite for these American exports.

Baldwin contends that Black English is a separate language from American English, because _____.
1. it is the product of the black American fight for survival, which is how all languages develop
2. the African American people do not want to be identified with whites in any way
3. its linguistic elements are fundamentally different, just like Russian or Chinese
4. none of the above


A - it is the product of the black american fight for survival, which is how all languages develop

How did god of Ares affect, or influence, everyday life in Ancient Greece?


The Greeks believed in gods and goddesses who, they thought, had control over every part of people's lives. ... They made special places in their homes and temples where they could pray to statues of the gods and leave presents for them. The Greeks had a different god for almost everything.

Which excerpt from the Odyssey demonstrate the importance of hospitality in Greek society O father?


Food distribution is an expression of hospitality seen in Greek society. Nobody hurled a stool at Antinous. Odysseus emphasised that Greeks are kind and will offer foreigners everything in the name of friendship.

Greek society was made up of autonomous city-states that shared a culture and religion. Traditions such as the panhellenic games brought the ancient Greeks together. Greek architecture was created to accommodate religious activities as well as shared public areas. The Greeks contributed much to philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. The importance of literature and theatre in Greek civilization impacted contemporary play. The Greeks were well-known for their refined sculpture and architecture. Greece is a collectivist culture in the sense that familial and social groupings are highly valued. Many Greeks limit their social life to a small group of family and friends. These personal interactions are extremely crucial in people's daily lives.

learn more about Greek society  here:



Which of the following is required to be on all political campaign advertisements? A. The goals of the group who created the ad. B. Who paid for the ad. C. The date the ad was created.​



A. The goals of the group who created the ad.



B. Is correct


Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



B.Tension between states increases if I recall correctly


What was the most popular nickname for the 1920's?



The roaring 20s.

ANSWER : The 1920s was the first decade to have a nickname: “Roaring 20s" or "Jazz Age." It was a decade of prosperity and dissipation, and of jazz bands, bootleggers, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, bootleggers, and marathon dancers.

what helped stop communism?


In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine.

Answer: In 1947, President Harry S. Truman pledged that the United States would help any nation resist communism in order to prevent its spread. His policy of containment is known as the Truman Doctrine.

The Songhai Empire under Sunni Ali was different from the empire under Askia the Great because
a. Sunni Ali made a pilgrimage to Mecca
b. Sunni Ali made Songhai the largest kingdom in West Africa
c. Askia used religion to legitimize his control
d. Askia used zamindars to collect taxes.


Askia the Great's empire was distinct from the Songhai Empire under Sunni Ali because "Askia used religion to legitimize his control". The correct answer is C.

Under Sunni Ali's leadership, the Songhai Empire initially rose to prominence. Sunni Ali, the Songhai Prince, was the ruler of the Mali Empire, who oversaw the Songhai and held him as a political prisoner. Sunni Ali fled to Gao in 1464, where he overthrew the local government. He started the Songhai Empire from the city of Gao and ruled over the surrounding areas.

Askia Muhammad took over as the Songhai's leader in 1493. He established the Askia Dynasty and increased the authority of the Songhai Empire. Askia Muhammad practiced Islam with fervor. Islam became a significant component of the empire during his leadership. 

Learn more about Songhai Empire here: brainly.com/question/25905923


Why was the roman empire divided into two sections?


Answer:because Emperor Diocletian decided the empire was too big to handle he divided it into two parts Eastern roman empire and Western roman empire


The Roman empire had become too large to be ruled by one empire by the third century. It was divided by Emperor Diocletian.

Identify factors that are common between mayor and chief of police? Check all that apply.


Answer:Both are elected by the citizens

Both serve four year terms


I got it right




What does Old Major say about drinking alcohol?


Old Major says about drinking alcohol that no animal should ever live in a house, sleep in a bed, drink alcohol, smoke tobacco etc. so, animals are better than humans.

While the animals listen intently, the Old Major in his stall brings forth the fruits of his years of quiet contemplation. The plain truth, he says, is that the lives of his animals are "miserable, laborious, and short." Animals are born into the world as slaves, working around the clock from the time they can walk, fed just enough to keep breath in their bodies. The seven commandments are placed on the edge of the barn along with the motto: "Four legs good, two legs bad". The commandments are as follows:

1. Anything that walks on two legs is an enemy.

2. Anything with four legs or wings is a friend.

3. No animal may wear clothing.

4. No animal may sleep in the bed.

5. No animal may drink alcohol.

6. No animal shall kill another animal.

7. All animals are equal

To learn more about Old major's speech , visit:



Who does Laertes blame for his death?


Laertes had been away at school up until his father's death, seemingly oblivious to all the commotion at home. When he returns to Denmark, some of the public joins him in his opposition to Claudius and requests that he be made king.

Despite the fact that he does not expressly mention Claudius and Gertrude in his remarks, it is obvious from his fury and audacity that he deems them largely responsible.

Ophelia's brother and Polonius's son is Laertes. He wields a sword with a poisoned tip to mortally stab Hamlet in the pivotal scene to exact revenge for the deaths of his sister and father, which he ascribed to Hamlet. While falling victim to the same poison, he accuses King Claudius.

Learn more about Laertes visit:https://brainly.com/question/5635657


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