Which statement best describes the Sun-Earth-Moon system during a neap tide?


Answer 1


i think it is b


are these your options?

​A. The Sun, the Moon, and the earth are in a straight line.

B. The Moon, the Sun, and earth form a right angle

C. Earth is behind the Sun and the Moon

D. The Sun is between Earth and the Moon

if they are then it is b

Answer 2




Related Questions

The relative age of a rock gives scientists a numerical date that the rock was formed.

a. True
b. False


The relative age of a rock gives scientists a numerical date that the rock was formed. This is a false statement.

The relative age of a rock gives scientists a numerical date when the rock was formed. After the drought of the 1930s, Great Plains farmers were encouraged to plant  trees in their fields to reduce soil erosion. The relative age of a rock is its age compared to other rocks. Relative age refers to the approximate age of a given object. a layer of stone. It is determined by comparing its position with other rock layers.

The process of determining whether a rock layer or geological event is older or younger than another without giving them a specific age is called relative dating. Superimposition of rock units is a very simple and straightforward method of determining relative ages. Basically, in a series of undeformed sedimentary rocks, the oldest layers are at the bottom and the youngest  at the top.

Learn about relative age of rock:



Choose 2 reservoirs depicted in the diagram above and describe how phosphorus moves from one to the other


Phosphorus repositories are tracked down fundamentally in soil and sedimentary rocks, in light of the fact that dissimilar to different supplements that cycle through the biosphere, phosphorus can't be tracked down in that frame of mind in the vaporous state.

Phosphorus moves in a cycle through rocks, water, soil and silt, and creatures. Over the long haul, downpours and enduring reason rocks to deliver phosphate particles and different minerals. This inorganic phosphate is then appropriated in soils and water. Phosphorus can be tracked down on earth in water, soil, and dregs. Dissimilar to the mixtures of other matter cycles phosphorus can't be tracked down in the air in the vaporous state. This is on the grounds that phosphorus is typically fluid at ordinary temperatures and tensions. It is basically going through water, soil, and silt.

To learn more about sedimentary rocks here



Glaciers can carve out large ___________________ through mountains.


Glaciers can carve out large valleys through mountains.

How do glaciers change the earth's surface?

Glaciers move slowly over land and, as part of the cryosphere, interacts with the earth's surface through weathering, erosion and deposition.

Although moving and working slowly, glaciers are major forces of erosion. It can take glaciers years to scratch a bedrock but it can also carve out huge valleys hundreds of kilometers long over thousands of years.

Valley glaciers is a type of glacier which forms when snow and ice buildup in a mountain valley and the high mountains keep the glaciers from spreading out in all directions, and gravity pulls this glacier downhill.

Learn more about glaciers at: https://brainly.com/question/19709729


What are 5 cons to a command economy?





It restricts freedom.

It may ignore societal needs.

It slows down innovative developments.

It causes black markets to explode.

It offers no competition.


1. It restricts freedom.

Due to the fact that this type of economic system is tied to communist countries, it is no surprise that it also takes the freedom away from the people and puts full control in the hands of the government alone. People can not choose their careers based on their skills and interests; rather, it is based upon what the government forces them to do. All jobs are aligned with needs at a time, and people have little freedom of choice. This major downside to a command economy can lead to discontented citizens.

2. It may ignore societal needs.

Command economy often ignores the needs of the society for its betterment. Workers will not be given the options on where they can work or where they can move.

3. It slows down innovative developments.

Unlike a free market that encourages change and innovation, a command economy does not offer this advantage. Since the government controls the market, it does not make innovation a priority or does not encourage it all in all. This is because it controls all aspects of production and leaves no room for people to make it better, leading to a workforce that is less motivated to create higher-quality products or services.

4. It causes black markets to explode.

Because of restrictions by the government, some products and services are not offered in the command economy, so they would be offered on black markets.

5. It offers no competition.

Competition on the market is one of the main forces of improvement, but in a command economy, there is little competition. The government owns all the industries and does not encourage competition or actually exerts effort to eliminate it. The benefits gained from competition are not seen in this type of market.

What would happen to the Earth temperature if the energy absorbed from the Sun was less than the emitted energy leaving the Earth?


Answer: below freezing

Explanation: Energy from the Sun that makes its way to Earth can have trouble finding its way back out to space. The greenhouse effect causes some of this energy to be waylaid in the atmosphere, absorbed and released by greenhouse gases. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth's temperature would be below freezing

mount washington, n.h. has some of the worst weather around. describe their weather today.


Mount Washington indeed has one of the worst weather around, as of today it has a cold temperature of -2° Fahrenheit with snowy and foggy condition and wind up to 97km/h.

Mount Washington is located in the state of New Hampshire, and it is the highest mountain peak in the Northeastern United States with its peak reaching up to 1,916.6 m above sea level. It is considered to be the second coldest place on earth with the lowest temperature ever recorded of -47° Fahrenheit with the lowest wind chill of -97° Fahrenheit and has one of the highest snow precipitation of 97 inches or 246.3 cm of snow on average per year.

To learn more about Mount Washington visit: https://brainly.com/question/27540196


An Environmental Wisdom worldview states that:Group of answer choicesOur success depends on how well we manage the earth’s life support system.The potential for economic growth is essentially unlimited.Because of our ingenuity, we will not run out of resources.Resources are limited and should not be wasted.We have an ethical responsibility to be caring managers to the earth.


An Environmental Wisdom worldview states that  .Resources are limited and should not be wasted Thus correct option (c).

An individual's environmental ethics are their beliefs about what is right and wrong in our behavior toward the environment. There are three major environmental worldviews to consider. They are the "planetary management," "stewardship," and "environmental wisdom" perspectives.

The key to environmental sustainability, and thus to the survival of the human species, according to the environmental wisdom worldview, is learning how to work with the earth rather than thinking of ourselves as in charge of it and thus working against it.

Learn more about "environmental wisdom"  to visit this link



Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is not correct.

a) _________ The water cycle is also called the hydrologic cycle.

b) _________ Most of the water found on Earth is freshwater.

c) _________ The water cycle has a beginning and an end.

d) _________ The water frozen in polar ice caps is saltwater.

e) _________ The water cycle has three main steps.

f) _________ Evaporation is the process in which water changes to water vapor.

g) _________ Plants and animals give off water vapor.

h) _________ Transpiration is the second step in the water cycle.

i) _________ Precipitation is moisture that falls to Earth as rain, hail, sleet, or snow.

j) _________ Clouds form when water evaporates.

k) _________ Water that soaks into the ground is called runoff water.

l) _________ All of Earth's water is called the hydrosphere.

m) _________ Groundwater stays there forever and is no longer part of the water cycle.

n) _________ The water cycle makes it possible for areas with no nearby bodies of freshwater to have a supply of fresh water.

o) _________ The water that evaporates from the ocean takes the salt with it as a gas.



a - true

b - false

c - false

d - false

e - evaporation, condensation, precipitation, true

f - true

g - true

h - false, condensation

i - true

j - false, when it condenses clouds form

k - false

l - true

m - false

n - true

o - false


Electrons in atoms are best described as
O electromagnetons.
O waves.
O photons.
O protons.
O tiny planets.


Electrons in atoms are protons. A negatively charged subatomic particle known as an electron can either be free or attached to an atom.

One of the three main types of particles within an atom is an electron that is bonded to it; the other two are protons and neutrons. An atom's nucleus is made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons. The collection of subatomic particles known as leptons, which are thought to be fundamental or elementary particles, includes electrons in its description of particle physics. A chemical element is uniquely defined by its atoms, which are tiny pieces of substance. A negatively charged electron or electrons surround the nucleus. The positively charged, comparatively hefty protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus may be present. In the list of statements, the statement that most accurately defines an electron is that it lives in the nucleus. The protons and neutrons in an atom are balanced by the electrons, which are the subatomic particles that supply negative charge to the atom. Quarks make up protons and neutrons, but not electrons. We believe that quarks and electrons are fundamental particles that are not composed of lesser subatomic particles.

Learn more about electrons here:



layers of sedimentary rocks, which generally form horizontally through the deposition of sediment into water, are called .


Correct answer is :- Strata

plural strata The term "stratum" refers to a sedimentary rock layer that is bordered by two stratification planes, with the latter generated by apparent differences in the texture, grain size, or other diagnostic characteristics of the rocks above and below the plane. A lamina is a stratum with a thickness of less than one centimeter (0.4 inch), whereas a bed is one with a thickness larger than this.

know more about sedimentary rocks here




1. Read the scenarios below. For each of the scenarios, identify the following (you should identify the 3 for EACH of the scenarios):

Control Group Independent Variable Dependent Variable

A. John thinks that a special juice will increase the productivity of workers. He creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns each group the same task (in this case, they're supposed to staple a set of papers). Group A is given a special juice to drink while they work. Group B is not given the special juice. After an hour, John counts how many stacks of papers each group has made. Group A made 1,587 stacks, Group B made 2,113 stacks.

B. Candy notices that her shower is covered in a strange green slime. Her friend Belinda tells her that coconut juice will get rid of the green slime. Candy decides to check this out by spraying half of the shower with coconut juice. She sprays the other half of the shower with water. After 3 days of "treatment", there is no change in the appearance of the green slime on either side of the shower.

C. Elisa is working on a science project. Her task is to answer the question: "Does Grow Long (which is a commercial hair product) affect the speed of hair growth?" Her family is willing to volunteer for the experiment.



A. Control Group: Group B

Independent Variable: Juice

Dependent Variable: Number of stacks of papers

B. Control Group: Half of the shower sprayed with water

Independent Variable: Coconut juice

Dependent Variable: Appearance of green slime

C. Control Group: Group B

Independent Variable: Grow Long

Dependent Variable: Length of hair


What were 3 pieces of Wegener's evidence to support continental drift?


They based their idea of continental drift on several lines of evidence: fit of the continents, paleoclimate indicators, truncated geologic features, and fossils.

Continental go with the flow is the hypothesis that the Earth's continents have moved over geologic time relative to each other, as a result acting to have "drifted" across the sea bed. The idea of continental go with the flow has been subsumed into the science of plate tectonics, which researches the movement of the continents as they experience on plates of the Earth's lithosphere.

The speculation that continents might have 'drifted' was first put forward by way of Abraham Ortelius in 1596. A pioneer of the modern-day view of mobilism turned into the Austrian geologist Otto Ampferer. The concept changed independently and extra completely developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912, but the speculation changed into rejected by using many for loss of any cause mechanism.

To learn more about Continental drift visit here:



What is the importance of characteristics of light?




Light is an electromagnetic radiation that can be perceived by the human eye.

Visible light usually ranges between 400-700nm corresponding to frequencies of 750-420terahertz.

They are found in electromagnetic spectrum between infrared and ultraviolet rays.

What are the 7 warm-up?


Leg bends, jumping rope, leg swings, shoulder/arm circles, lunges, jumping jacks, standing side bends, squats, walking or a slow jog, yoga, torso twists, lateral shuffles, butt kickers, knee bends, and ankle circles are a few further examples of warm-up exercises.

Your cardiovascular system is progressively revved up during a warmup by increasing body temperature and boosting blood flow to your muscles. Warming up may also help to lessen the possibility of injury and muscle pain. After exercising, cooling down enables a gradual return to pre-exercise blood pressure and heart rate.

Your blood vessels will expand during a decent warm-up before an exercise, supplying your muscles with plenty of oxygen. Additionally, it boosts the temperature of your muscles for maximum flexibility and performance.

To learn more about warm-up



What step is G3P glycolysis?


G3P glycolysis is step 6

A geologist is studying three layers of sedimentary rock in an area. The layers have not shifted from their original positions. The geologist records the relative ages of the rocks. The bottom layer is listed as the oldest. The top layer is listed as the youngest. What did the geologist use to determine the relative ages of the rocks?.


To determine the relative ages of the rocks, the geologist use: the law of superposition. The correct answer is option C.

What is the law of superposition?

Law of superposition, a major principle of stratigraphy stating that within a sequence of layers of sedimentary rock, the oldest layer is at the base and that the layers are progressively younger with ascending order in the sequence.

An example would be that the silt back-fill of an underground drain would form sometime after the ground immediately above it. Other examples of non-vertical superposition would be modifications to standing structures such as the creation of new doors and windows in a wall.

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question: A geologist is studying three layers of sedimentary rock in an area. The layers have not shifted from their original positions. The geologist records the relative ages of the rocks. The bottom layer is listed as the oldest. The top layer is listed as the youngest. What did the geologist use to determine the relative ages of the rocks?

A. mineral content

B. radioactive decay

C. the law of superposition

D. the principle of unconformity

Learn more about law of superposition at: https://brainly.com/question/12493909


What is a feature that all volcanoes have?



A vent


it's the opening at the surface of a volcano where eruptions occur.

AP Human Geography Chapter 2 Vocabulary


Although it had many uses outside of Political Geography, the most significant technological development of the late 20th century in this area resonated particularly with geographers.

Geocoded data is captured, stored, checked, integrated, manipulated, displayed, and analyzed using geographic information systems (GIS), which combine hardware and software. These systems accept data input and show it as two- or three-dimensional maps and other diagrammatic formats (i.e., information with coordinate referencing, such as latitude and longitude). Even if two or more maps were created using distinct spatial grids, they can be combined for analysis by being overlay, for example, a relief map and a map of wells.

Although it had many uses outside of geography, the most significant technological development of the late 20th century in this area resonated particularly with geographers.

Learn more about Political Geography here



What are 3 Effects of the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution?



What are 3 Effects of the Neolithic agricultural revolution? Neolithic populations generally had poorer nutrition, shorter life expectancies, and a more labor-intensive lifestyle than hunter-gatherers.


hope this helps

mark me brainliest

A distinct feature of the cultural landscape in many towns located in Southwest Asia includes —
answer choices
sports stadiums
shopping bazaars


The shopping bazaars are a distinctive aspect of the cultural environment in many communities in Southwest Asia. As a result, choice (D) is the appropriate approach.

What do you know about Southwest Asia?

Southwest Asia is a subregion of Asia that is bordered by the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf on the south and southeast and the Mediterranean Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Red Sea on the west. The region extends northward to the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

Sloping plains can be found in the marginal downwarps of an ancient platform that makes up much of southwest Asia, much like much of southern Asia: the northern pieces of Gondwanaland. Arabian Peninsula and Mesopotamia make up its main parts.

Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are the seven countries that make up Southwest Asia.

Hence, option (D) is accurate.

Learn more about Southwest Asia, from:



Who Colonised Nigeria?


Lord Frederick Lugard, the governor of both parts of Nigeria, signed a document consolidating the two, thereby creating the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria.

What does Nigeria excel at?

The world's most populous black country is Nigeria. It is the center of fashion, technology, and creativity in Africa and is the second largest film industry in the world. Nigerians are renowned for their vivacious and amiable energy, which they exhibit in a variety of artistic forms.

What dialect do Nigerians use?

Although English was the official tongue, it is less frequently spoken in rural areas and by those with less education.In Nigeria, sign language is utilized in three different dialects: Hausa, Bura, and Nigerian.

To learn more about Nigeria visit:



Help, please

Conduct an internet search on a famous storm. Prepare a report on your storm.


With a diameter of 1,380 miles (ca. 2,221 km), Typhoon Tip broke the previous record of 700 miles (ca. 1,127 km) set by Typhoon Marge in August 1951 as the largest tropical cyclone on record. Tip was almost as big as the contiguous United States at its largest.

What internet search on a famous storm?

Stay away from the porches, doorways, and windows. DO NOT lean on concrete walls or floors during a thunderstorm. Lightning could conduct through any metal wires or bars embedded in concrete walls or floors.

Therefore, A breeze is the name for the wind when it blows gently and slowly. On the other hand, a storm is referred to when the wind is blowing ferociously and quickly. A low-pressure system is a storm.

Learn more about storm here:



AP Human Geography Political Geography Vocab


Although it had many uses outside of Political Geography, the most significant technological development of the late 20th century in this area resonated particularly with geographers.

Geocoded data is captured, stored, checked, integrated, manipulated, displayed, and analyzed using geographic information systems (GIS), which combine hardware and software. These systems accept data input and show it as two- or three-dimensional maps and other diagrammatic formats (i.e., information with coordinate referencing, such as latitude and longitude). Even if two or more maps were created using distinct spatial grids, they can be combined for analysis by being overlay, for example, a relief map and a map of wells.

Although it had many uses outside of geography, the most significant technological development of the late 20th century in this area resonated particularly with geographers.

Learn more about Political Geography here



A dry climate might impact how people live by increasing:


A dry climate might impact how people live by increasing: both the risk of drought and other water shortages and irrigation needs.

Regions lying within the dry climate group occur where precipitation is low. There are two dry climate types: arid and semiarid. Most arid climates receive 10 to 30 centimeters (four to 12 inches) of rain each year, and semiarid climates receive enough to support extensive grasslands.

Deserts in Africa, Saudi Arabia, Australia and the Southwest U.S. are all examples of the dry climate. There are two subcategories: semi-arid and arid. Semi-arid is dry with differing amounts of precipitation; this region gets between 10 to 20 inches of rain a year.

Dry climates are found throughout the globe, particularly in western North America, Australia, southern South America, central and southern Africa and much of Asia.

Learn more about Dry climates to visit this link



A distinct feature of the cultural landscape in many towns located in Southwest Asia includes —
answer choices
sports stadiums
shopping bazaars


Option (e), The shopping bazaars are a distinctive aspect of the cultural environment in many communities in Southwest Asia.

Shopping bazaars: what are they?

In the Middle East, the Balkans, North Africa, and India in particular, a bazaar is a market place with numerous tiny booths or businesses.

Since the dawn of civilization, the Southwest Asia region of the world has experienced a great amount of trade and merchant activity. The nations in this region have built extremely sizable business markets. The upshot is that the shopping bazaars are a prominent feature of the cultural environment throughout the entire region.

Why are bazaars necessary?

Bazaars are one of the identifying characteristics of towns in different historical times that show a city's social and economic development. The political system or the government, which controls how a society develops, may occasionally be the target of riots and protests that take place in the middle of a bazaar.

Learn more about Shopping bazaars: https://brainly.com/question/30071849


What are the foci of an ellipse orbit?


The majority of orbits have two foci and an elliptical shape. According to Kepler's first law, a planet will circle the sun in an elliptical form, with two focal points in internal locations that contribute to the ellipse's shape.

An ellipse has two foci or focal points. A planet's total distance from these 2 focus points remains constant throughout its orbit. An ellipse also contains two symmetry lines. The longest line is the principal axis.

There are two focal points on an ellipse. The plural form of "focus" is foci. Two foci, one focus. The foci are always evenly distributed on each side of the primary axis.

An object is said to be rotating in an elliptical orbit when it travels around another object on an oval-shaped path. All planets circle the sun in elliptical patterns. The Moon similarly travels in an elliptical orbit around the Earth.

To learn more about foci



What is a Grade 1 burn?


First-degree burns affect only the outer layer of skin, the epidermis. The burn site is red, painful, dry, and has no blisters. Mild sunburn is an example.

How do the characteristics of light relate?


The frequency and wavelength of light are related by the speed of light, a constant.

Who controls prices in a command economy?



Answer: The central government


A command economy, also known as a planned economy, is one in which the central government plans, organizes, and controls all economic activities to maximize social welfare. Command economies, as opposed to free-market economies, do not allow market forces like supply and demand to determine production or prices.

While spending the day relaxing on the beach, Keisha notices that the Sun appears to move across the sky. What is the best explanation for why this is happening?
answer choices
Earth's revolution
the Sun's revolution
the Sun's tilt on its axis
Earth's rotation on its axis



Earth's rotation on its axis


The Earth rotates on its axis of around 23.5 degrees.

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