Which sentence in this excerpt from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein suggests that Frankenstein was distant as a young boy?
We were brought up together; there was not quite a year difference in our ages. I need not say that we were strangers to any species of disunion or dispute. Harmony was the soul of our companionship, and the diversity and contrast that subsisted in our characters drew us nearer together. Elizabeth was of a calmer and more concentrated disposition; but, with all my ardour, I was capable of a more intense application and was more deeply smitten with the thirst for knowledge. She busied herself with following the aerial creations of the poets; and in the majestic and wondrous scenes which surrounded our Swiss home —the sublime shapes of the mountains, the changes of the seasons, tempest and calm, the silence of winter, and the life and turbulence of our Alpine summers—she found ample scope for admiration and delight. While my companion contemplated with a serious and satisfied spirit the magnificent appearances of things, I delighted in investigating their causes. The world was to me a secret which I desired to divine. Curiosity, earnest research to learn the hidden laws of nature, gladness akin to rapture, as they were unfolded to me, are among the earliest sensations I can remember.

On the birth of a second son, my junior by seven years, my parents gave up entirely their wandering life and fixed themselves in their native country. We possessed a house in Geneva, and a campagne on Belrive, the eastern shore of the lake, at the distance of rather more than a league from the city. We resided principally in the latter, and the lives of my parents were passed in considerable seclusion. It was my temper to avoid a crowd and to attach myself fervently to a few. I was indifferent, therefore, to my school-fellows in general; but I united myself in the bonds of the closest friendship to one among them. Henry Clerval was the son of a merchant of Geneva. He was a boy of singular talent and fancy. He loved enterprise, hardship, and even danger for its own sake. He was deeply read in books of chivalry and romance. He composed heroic songs and began to write many a tale of enchantment and knightly adventure. He tried to make us act plays and to enter into masquerades, in which the characters were drawn from the heroes of Roncesvalles, of the Round Table of King Arthur, and the chivalrous train who shed their blood to redeem the holy sepulchre from the hands of the infidels.


Answer 1





Related Questions

What is the summary of Invictus?



Invictus by William Ernest Henley is an inspirational poem. This poem depicts the poet's attempt to motivate himself when there is no hope at all. When the poet writes this poem he has already lost one of his legs. So, in such a situation of mental and physical agony, the poet tries to lift up his courage. the theme of the poem which is to never lose hope no matter the circumstance, and how you control your fate and decide your future.

have you succeeded ___ finding a job yet?
a) on
b) in
c) at​



The answer is a


The answer is a because when wrting you dont type with something that doesnt make sense.

plzzzzz helpppp meeeeeee ​





A bank of justice is already a figurative thing, and a bank cannot be bankrupt. They are applying bankrupcy as an attribute to a bank of justice.




Act 3 Scene 1: Note that Shakespeare changes "Capulets” to "Capels.” Why do you think he does this?
It isnt a typo and it isnt written in short term. There is a meaning behind this


I think it was to show how Mercutio and Benvolio were laughing and slightly mocking the capulets whilst also adding the idea that they always pick the fights and are the antagonists

There is no definitive answer as to why Shakespeare changed "Capulets" to "Capels" in Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet. It is believed that,  It may have been a way for Shakespeare to distinguish between the two main families in the play, the Capulets and the Montagues, and to emphasize the differences between them.

What is the significance of the change "capulets" to "capels" in Romeo and Juliat ?

There is no definitive answer as to why Shakespeare changed "Capulets" to "Capels" in Act 3, Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet. However, there are a few theories and speculations that have been suggested by scholars over the years:

It may have been a way for Shakespeare to distinguish between the two main families in the play, the Capulets and the Montagues, and to emphasize the differences between them.

By changing the spelling of the name, he may have been indicating that the Capulets were a separate and distinct entity from the more traditional and established Montagues.

It's possible that Shakespeare was simply trying to match the way that the name was pronounced by the actors performing the play. In Elizabethan England, spelling was not standardized in the way that it is today, and many words and names were spelled phonetically based on the way they sounded.

Another theory is that the change in spelling may have been a deliberate alteration made by one of Shakespeare's editors or printers. It's possible that the original manuscript read "Capels" and was changed to "Capulets" by mistake, or vice versa.

Ultimately, the reason for the change in spelling remains a mystery, and scholars continue to debate the issue to this day.

Find more on Romeo and Juliat:



Drag each label to the correct location on the image
Determine which details should be included in a summary of the passage and which details should be omitted from the summary
Ancient pottery and rock
art have been found in
the mountains
The people who lived in the
mountains were hunter
Many of the early residents
lived in caves
Spaniards came to the
mountains in the mid
sbdeenth century
Evidence shows that the
mountains were inhabited
over 10,000 years ago
Details to include in summary
Details to omit from summary
The Guadalupe Mountains
No one knows when the fut people came to the Guadalupe Mountains infor
west Texas, but archaeological evidence Gates back over 10.000 years ago. The earliest
inhabitants were her gatherers who fotowed avtale game and ripening
vegetation. They lived in and among the many caves and coves common throughout
the range. Scattered evidence of their ende, including projectile points baskets
pottery, and rock art has been found throughout the mountain range
Since then myfferent groups have moved in and out of the area, Induding the
Spanish who arrived by the mid 1500s. There is the evidence of any attempts on the
part to penetrate the Guadalupes. No large scale settlements have been located. Ther
influence was significant, though because they introduced horses into the wea for the
bands of Apaches who roamed freely over much of the southwest, horses quickly
became an asset to their nomadic style. The Mescalero Apaches followed game,
much as the earlier peoples had done, and they so harvested the apare for mesca
for food and fiber Mescalero is the name given to them by the Sparvh it means
mesc maker. Apoveroasting pits and other remains of escalier campsites are
common in the mountains
Prior to the mid 1800s, the Guadalupes remained an unchallenged Sanctuary for the
Mescalero Apaches. But newly established transportation routes, and the end of the
Civil War, encouraged droves of pioneers, homesteaders muners and numerous others
to head west. In the mid 1800s, explorers were commissioned to look for possible
emigrant routes to the west. The proposed transcontinental red expected to follow
one of these routes through these wurveying expedition would never lead to a
road through Guadalupe Pass they did provide the first extensive studies of the
Guadalupe region
in 1858 a horse-changing station was constructed near Pine Springs for the
Butterfield Overland Mel To protect the investments, the stapeline and settlers in the
are demanded protection from the moty Several Cavalry troops were ordered in
and out of the area that Indian raids and secure settierents along the stage route in
the winter of troopstead by HB Cushing penetrated the Guadalupes and
destroyed two primary Apache camps. These aggressive actions were devastating to
the Mescaleros who were already taongfood shortages within the increasingly mited
and base. They were eventually driven out of the Guadalupes by the late 1800's nearly
of the surg Mescaliero Apaches in the United States were ingon reservations
Permanent series in the Guipes were not common though even after the
final displacement of the Mescaleros The Butterfield stage route through the
Guades was abandoned in less than a year for a more favorable course alonga
string of army forts to the south Mosters found the range distinted water
sources to run and hospicable. The first permanent ranch house was
construded in 1976 byte Rader brothers Now Caled Frole Ranch served as
residence for several as through the years. And, as the only major building
complex in the repon for several decades. served as a community center and
repona post office from 1916-1942. Today, the role Ranch House has been restored
and operates as tem
100 points please help me.



Details to include: The people who lived in the mountains were hunter/gatherers, Many of the of the early residents lived in caves, Spaniards came to the mountains in the mid sixteenth century.

Details to not include: Evidence shows that the mountains were inhabited over 10,000 years ago, Anciet poetry and rock art have been found in the mountains


It's my best guess

Answer: right here :)


How can trauma impact generations of people?​


Answer: This form of trauma is specific as it affects a large population and is typically more complex than individual trauma. Historical trauma can result in a greater loss of identity and meaning, which in turn may affect generations upon generations until the trauma is ingrained into society.









Most americans want to get rid of the penny.


Ethos, Pathos, Or Logos? BRAINLY IF (In-depth answers only, No guesses)

Please explain your reasoning for choosing the answer you chose, If in-depth, explanation I will give ->Brainly<-



The right answer is ethos.


Because the ad us trying to convince or persuade you in doing something

What is the purpose of
developing a research plan?


It is to give others a 10,000 foot view of why you are doing the study and how you are going to conduct the study, it is essentially a introduction.

whats wrong in the following sentence:
Provided that we use natural gas to fuel our car engines that are not very energy-efficient​



The punctuation


What is the opposite of plush
A. Wild
B. Cold
C. Tired
D. Hard


the answer is D.Hard

5. Lines 98-105: Analyze line 105 and explain what the author means by "carry a

bucket." How does this support the story's theme?


Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly the same as yours that referred to the text "Allied with the green." If this is your case, I hope the answer below will help you.


The expression "carry a bucket" is used by the author to convey the sense of work and responsibility. This is connected to the theme of history as it shows that taking care of plants correctly requires a lot of work and responsibility.


"Allied with green" is a story whose main theme is to show the importance of nature and especially plants in the life of humanity and how this importance requires everyone to commit to caring for nature and not destroying it. History shows how green plants are the element that literally allows life to continue, being the providers of the most necessary resources for the maintenance of living beings. Although it is very laborious to take care of these plants, everyone must dedicate themselves to this, taking care of nature responsibly and allowing for a livable future.

Read Chapter 6 of lord of the files who was the beast



A dead pilot from one of the destroyed planes drifts down on a parachute and lands on the mountain top next to the signal fire. A sign from the adult world arrives. ... They run to the beach in terror to tell the others that the beast chased them down the mountain. The sign from the adult world is the beast.


Essay 2:

What kind of beauty is Lord Byron defining in "She Walks in Beauty?" Is this a kind of beauty

you can make sense of? Does it seem more like part of real life or fantasy? Write an essay in

which you discuss your viewpoint on the beauty you think he defines in the poem. Use evidence

from the text to support your response.


Usjdidnzownaid issss so sodneisnvd I can go get my nails e dbdjdjdn


In the poem "She Walks in Beauty," Byron describes the beauty of an unnamed woman. He describes this beauty in terms of the contrast and balance of light and dark. In this way, he shows that the woman’s beauty is not unearthly, but it is still unusual.

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impaired the nameless grace

In the last stanza of the poem, Byron connects this outward beauty to a strong inner beauty:

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent,

This kind of beauty does exist in daily life. Good actions and a life well lived can also give a person natural grace, which is a realistic kind of beauty.


sample answer for Edmentum

He came over the hill and through the garden.
the prepositional phrase is\are



over the hill; through the garden.


A preposition can be defined as a word that shows or illustrates the relationship between a pronoun or noun and other words in a sentence. Some examples of a preposition used in various literary works in English language are up, below, after, by, against, for, over, at, to, etc.

The main purpose of a preposition as a part of speech is to introduce an object (of, upon), indicate a timeframe (from, by, over), show direction (to, across, along), location or place (at, up, after, below) and to illustrate the spatial or sequential relationship between two or more things, people, place, etc.

A prepositional phrase can be defined as a phrase that starts with a preposition such as over, through, to, below, on, etc., and ends with a noun such as hill, garden, bridge, school, hospital, etc.

In this scenario, the prepositional phrase in the sentence are "over the hill" and "through the garden."

Can someone plz help me with this one problem plz plz!!!



It should be B


I hope this helps

the answer is B ………….

Fill in: poisonous, hand-held, breeding, signs,
focus, police, cuts, fall into, fatal, borrow.
1 Always obey the road.............
2 You mustn't panic if you............
a mud bog!
Do you ever......... books from the library
4 Some documentaries use video footage from
.......... cameras.
5 My dad hates it when another driver........
him off.
6 December to February is
....... season
for elephant seals. They give birth to a single pup.
7 Try to ............
on what he is talking about.
8 The ...............
car was chasing the
suspect through the streets.
9 Scorpion stings can be
............., so
you should be very careful.
10 There are lots of ................
spiders and
snakes in a jungle. Their bites can be very



1) Always obey the road signs.

2) You mustn't panic if you fall into a mud bog!

3) Do you ever borrow books from the library?

4) Some documentaries use video footage from hand-held cameras.

5) My dad hates it when another driver cuts him off.

6) December to February is breeding season for elephant seals. They give birth to a single pup.

7) Try to focus on what he is talking about.

8) The police car was chasing the suspect through the streets.

9) Scorpion stings can be fatal, so you should be very careful.

10)  There are lots of poisonous spiders and snakes in a jungle. Their bites can be very dangerous​.

Good luck ^^

1) Always obey the road signs.

What is Road?

The word Road is derived from the Middle English word rode or rade, which means a riding or horseback journey, and the Anglo-Saxon word rad, from the verb ride, to ride. It refers to a typically rural route as opposed to an urban street and derives from the Latin stratum via, a route scattered or paved with stones.

Always obey the road signs.

2) You mustn't panic if you fall into a mud bog!

3) Do you ever borrow books from the library?

4) Some documentaries use video footage from hand-held cameras.

5) My dad hates it when another driver cuts him off.

6) December to February is the breeding season for elephant seals. They give birth to a single pup.

7) Try to focus on what he is talking about.

8) The police car was chasing the suspect through the streets.

9) Scorpion stings can be fatal, so you should be very careful.

10)  There are lots of poisonous spiders and snakes in the jungle. Their bites can be very dangerous​.

Therefore, Thus option ( C ) is correct.

Learn more about Road here:



How should this excerpt be edited to make it more objective?

A: by including direct quotations from the professor about his knowledge of the gambling ring

B: by interviewing the department chairman and the professor to get both sides of the story

C:I am moving the commentary that the professor is most likely involved in the gambling ring

D: by deleting the department chair man’s and professors name from the article


Answer: by removing the commentary that the professor is most likely involved in the gambling ring


You can find the excerpt online.

To make the excerpt more objective, the commentary that the professor is most likely involved in the gambling ring should be removed.

It should be noted that the highlight of the excerpt was about Professor Shuman which should not be the case. The involvement of the professor in gambling overshadowed the main issue itself.

Therefore, to make it more objective, the focus should be on gambling and it effects on the society and shouldn't focus on the Professor.


C. by removing the commentary that the professor is most likely involved in the gambling ring


got it right

when should you include a direct quote from an expert in your research report?

- when you need to explain a technical fact that you don’t understand.
- when the expert’s exact language best explains a fact or issue.
- when you need to add more words or length to your report.
- when you have not yet used any direct quotes in your report.


B ( when the experts exact language best explains a fact or issue)

Include a direct quote from an expert in your research report when the expert's exact words best describe a fact or problem. Therefore, the correct option is B.

In cases where the expert's exact words give the most concise and understandable explanation of a fact or topic you are discussing, it is okay to include a direct quote from the expert in your research report. Direct quotes from professionals can strengthen the credibility of your reports and improve the accuracy and precision of the data you present.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about research report, here:



can we use water whenever we want,without consequences explain


no because if you're using water whenever you want then you might be making it so that other people can't access/use that water. you also might be stealing it from plants or animals that need that water.

ur hurting other people, animals and plants when u use water whenever u want without any regard for other ppl

you might be stealing water from plants or animals so no

Hole is to trench as whole is to


as whole is to full?

I need to write a song for music class what should it be about





It’s what’s hots

Why does everyone have to concentrate together really hard?
Mr. Mouse's magic is weak.
The Penguin stole Mr. Mouse's magic.
The Rabbit's magic is blocking Mr. Mouse's magic.
Prince Charming's castle has a protective barrier against magic.


Answer:A) Mr. Mouse's magic is weak.


I got it right on edge.


A Mr. Mouse's magic is weak. and the next answer is Prince Charming's castle


Edge 2021

The word highlands is an endocentric compound. What is most likely true about an area called the highlands?

It is below sea level.
It is impoverished.
It is far south.
It is elevated.

anyone know the answer?! asap




Elevated area

Can somebody write about describing their favorite place using similie, hyperbole, alliteration, and imagery? I put 66 points, troll answers will be reported.



My favorite place growing up, was the library of Downtown Swansea, I love the old book smell, like Petrichor, the pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell, it makes my mouth water. The librarian, much beloved by me was Shirley Johnson. She was small in stature, a cloud of white hair and freckled button nose. The fact that she rarely smiled did not make her an unfriendly or mean person, in fact she was very sweet, but shy. She could always be found at the library seated on her perch behind the front desk keeping a cautious eye on everything inside. Her diligence was always so graceful. If you were looking for a book or waiting for a returned copy, she would hold the book for you or help you search each shelf until it was located.


I love the beach like a dog likes a bone. The warm sand sprinkling in my toes. The sound of the sea splashing against the rocks. Having ice cream so cold it makes your moth feel like it has frostbite.


Hyperbole- exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

Alliteration- the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.

Imagery- visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work.

Simile- a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind.

Is the highlighted portion of the sentence a complete or incomplete thought? T'Challa hid his jeweles behind the refrigerator because he was worried id find them



It's a complete thought


We know the information behind him putting it there

~ Brainliest plz~

Someone please help me I’ll give out brainliest please dont answer if you don’t know



Either 'Uneasy' or 'Confident'.


It depends on what part of the text you are aiming at. The part at the end shows that the narrator is feeling a little uneasy.

On her journey to the city, what objects fascinate Laskshmi? How might her innocence foreshadow her fate?



Trucks, pictures of movie stars and cars.


Trucks, pictures of movie stars and cars are the objects that fascinate Lakshmi because these things or objects are new to her. Her innocence foreshadow her fate by landing her in the brothel. Due to her innocence, Mumtaz want to keep her for longer time. Brothel is a place where people engage in sexual activity with prostitutes. The girls of this type of place has a very bad life because she was insulted every time.

Which of the following areas can be a trap for incorrect parallelism?
A. Use of conjunctions
B. Switching from active to passive voice in the verb pattern
C. Lists after a colon
D. All of the above are correct.




D. All of the above are correct.


Inferring helps you get more out of the text than what is written in black and white. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F





Because if you wouldn't infer on an article you might not continue to read it and get everything the article is offering to you.




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