which of the following statements best explains how the undermining of the Geneva Accords and the use of military advisers in South Vietnam by the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations set the stage?
A. their actions proved the success of the U.S policy of containment and quieted critics of a full-scale assault of North Vietnam.
B. Their actions demonstrated that a strong U.S presence would force the soviet union to withdraw its support of North Vietnam.
C. Their actions forced the North Vietnamese government to strike first and gave the united states a reason to send military forces to the region.
d. Their actions prevented Vietnam from holding elections for its leaders and established a military presence in the country


Answer 1


Most likely A. Their actions proved the success of the U.S policy of containment and quieted critics of a full-scale assault of North Vietnam.


I'm no expert on the Vietnam War, however the soviet union didn't withdraw from North Vietnam until the war's end in 1991, nor did the Vietnam army strike first, that was Kennedy's troops. Knocking out both B and C, leaving D impossible since the country was under communism during the cold war. Thus leaving A as the correct answer.

Hope this helps out with your History work! ت Sincerely, Kelsey from Brainly

~ #LearnWithBrainly ~

Answer 2


d. Their actions prevented Vietnam from holding elections for its leaders and established a military presence in the country


Which Of The Following Statements Best Explains How The Undermining Of The Geneva Accords And The Use

Related Questions

Why were World War I war bonds important to the war effort?
They ensured long-term commitments from soldiers who would fight.
They served as a source of cheap manufacturing labor.
They provided the government with excellent generals and commanders.
They gave the government a source of income to help fund the war effort.



d. they gave the government a source kf income to help fund the war effort


i got it wrong so they told me the right answer :p

What does LBJ say happened in the Gulf of tonkin





LBJ said that there was a unprovoked naval attack at the Golf of Tonkin by the North Vietnamese.


Supporters of the Union looked to Article VI of the Constitution for support for their argument. Read the excerpt from Article VI and then choose and defend a point of view regarding whether the Constitution corroborates (supports) a view that the Union is permanent.

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding."



The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2), establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws.

hope i helped.



give him brainliest


it was right

Which group did not see big gains in politics with the end to the county unit system?






Women because women were meant for looking after kids and cleaning

What role did collectivization have in the communist



The Communist regime believed that collectivization would improve agricultural productivity and would produce grain reserves sufficiently large to feed the growing urban labor force. ... Forced collectivization helped achieve Stalin's goal of rapid industrialization, but the human costs were incalculable


Plz help me giving brainliest








I truely hope it helps.

what are 10-15 items that would help someone in the future learn about the civil right movement? Write a short summary of the importance of each item.


1. Speeches from Martin Luther King Jr
2.segregated restaurants and water fountains
3. protests against Ruby Nell Bridges Hall for being the first black girl to go to school in America
4. Malcolm X speeches- he talked about how he felt about white people in America
5. The KKK
6. Martin Luther King Jr was shot and taken to the hospital, he survived the gun shot but the doctor gave him medicine that killed him
7. MLK Jr wife filed a lawsuit against the doctor and won
8. rosa parks refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man
9. discrimination in jobs
10. white supremacy rallies

True or False
George H.W. Bush was able to keep his promise when he said “Read my lips, no new taxes?



I think True will be the answer.

Who were the top 2 countries for the cold war?



usa and the soviet union



Soviet Union and the Allies


Charlemgne was important because he:

A. Took power from the Catholic Church.
B. Established the Holy Roman Empire.
C. Stoped the spread of the Black Death (AKA the Bubonic Plague).
D. Created the manor system.



B. Established the Holy Roman Empire.


Charlemagne established the Holy Roman Empire in the 9th century. He was crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III in the year 800.

What effect did wwi have on the Great War?



The First World War destroyed empires, created numerous new nation-states, encouraged independence movements in Europe's colonies, forced the United States to become a world power and led directly to Soviet communism and the rise of Hitler.

In 2 sentences, describe the heroics of John Paul Jones



He was an American naval hero.


The heroics of John Paul Jones is that he was an American naval hero in the American Revolution which got popularity for his victory over British ships of war off the east coast of England that happened on September 23, 1779. John Paul Jones's victory over the British ship named ''Serapis” was a major victory at a crucial time i.e. American Revolution. It raised morale of the sailors and inspired the American forces to continue the fight against British army.

This country united under the manipulations of a politician who believed in Realpolitik. First, this Junker organized and trained an army, vastly improving it. Then, his country allied with Austria to attack Denmark to seize land. After Denmark's defeat, this country turned on its former ally Austria, and seized more land, as well as forcing Austria to stay out of the affairs of this nation. Finally, to unite the northern and southern provinces of this country, the Junker created a nationalist dispute with France. This war with France was the catalyst that united the country. What country does this passage refer to





Who went to war with Austria against Denmark?

In the 1860s, Otto von Bismarck, then Minister President of Prussia, provoked three short, decisive wars against Denmark, Austria, and France, aligning the smaller German states behind Prussia in its defeat of France. In 1871 he unified Germany into a nation-state, forming the German Empire

(from the web, so you can read it)

The country the question is referring to is Prussia. Otto von Bismarck played a crucial role in gaining land from Denmark and Austria.        

Prussia in 1800s.

In the 1860s, Bismarck declared wars against Denmark, Austria, and France.

The Second Schleswig War in 1864 saw Denmark's defeat by Prussia and Austria.

Bismarck attacked Austria, which resulted in the Austro-Prussian War ending with the defeat of Austria.

Franco-Prussia was provoked by Otto von Bismarck against France.

Learn more about Prussia  here:


During the Cold War, the Soviet Union led _________ nations, while the United States led ________ nations.

democratic; communist

communist; democratic

colonial; communist

democratic; colonial


Communist then democratic

Item 14
Which famous words did President Ronald Reagan say?

“The buck stops here!”

“That’s one giant leap for mankind!”

“An Iron Curtain has descended across Europe!”

“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”



The last one, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

how did the rome finally destroy cathage once it penetrated the walls of carthage


The Romans burned the city to the ground after stifling the walls. The Roman general was adamant to stifle the walls.  

1pt The first test for Odysseus on his journey is
A. to ignore the songs of the Sirens
B. to sail past the whirlpool and the Scylla
C. to survive on the island of the Cyclops
D. to survive on the island of Ithaca



The answer is C. to survive on the island of the Cyclops.

It's all in the story. After Odysseus was blown off course with his men, he comes across the cave of a giant, and survives this encounter by tricking the cyclops.

I read this a couple years ago, so forgive me for not remembering what exactly happened.

Also PLEASE give me brainliest.  

Imagine living in Europe as the Renaissance was beginning. What are some of the problems you might have? Can you think of ways to solve the problems?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Some of the problems that I might have at the beginning of the Renaissance could have been the frequent attacks of the Catholic Church due to my ideas of freedom of speech, questioning the existence of a supreme god, and my constant search to find more and better truths to answer questions that in the past were only answered by the church's view and teachings.

Can you think of ways to solve the problems?

Yes, trying to inform and educate more people that the dark ages were gone. The Medieval Age was gone and that humans are able to use reason to learn new things, be free, and grow. The more people would learn to read and have access to education, the better. No more control through religious beliefs.

During the Renaissance, the Catholic Church was increasingly seen as a corrupt institution with too much power.

That is when the concept of "Humanism" was introduced, which meant more respect for the human being and his possibility to increase knowledge through reason.

Which of the following statement best describes a contradiction between Reagan's economic rhetoric and the outcomes of his economic policies?
a. Reagan openly condemned the effectiveness of Social Security, but then greatly increased its budget
b. Reagan publicly denounced government spending but directed huge amounts of money to military programs.
c. Reagan promised to regulate irresponsible corporate behavior but slashed the budgets of regulatory agencies.
d. Reagan claimed to support worker' right to unionize, but ultimately decided to break the air traffic controllers' union.


Answer to this is d

Review the article, paying special attention to the introduction and to the section "Living and Working in the Snow."

In at least two or three sentences, give three examples of hardships and dangers the workers faced.

(If you need the article, it is linked here.)



The workers faced many dangers daily, including a constant threat of snow slides to go along with the severely cold weather conditions. Due to the weather, they were forced to live underneath the snow when they weren’t working underground with constant use of explosives.


idrk i just smooshed the list of things together.

The article is explaining about mine workers who have to work for long hours that physically and emotionally exhaust them.  

What were the hardships and dangers the workers faced?

The workers have to work in cold weather conditions where there was constant threat of snow slides.

The workers were having poor work condition by using lamps in rock tunnels with no safety measures.

The workers were forced to work in underground where they use drilling that may lead to of explosions.  

Learn more about labor working condition here:


Which statement was NOT an advantage that led to the rise of Florence during period from 1300 CE- 1500 CE?

A: Florence had a wealthy politically involved merchant class.

B: Florence had a thriving regional and intercontinental trade system.

C: Florence served as the central government throughout the Italian peninsula.

D: Florence was the epicenter of the availability and inspiration of Classical art and literature.


The answer is for the question is b


C)Florence served as the central government throughout the Italian peninsula.

Explanation: this is the right answer

How did the Aztecs develop a highly-organized government and advanced achievements in in engineering and architecture?



Aztecs  Empire


The famous civilizations from Central America were the Aztec and Maya. The Aztec had advance engineering which allowed them to built magnificent buildings or architectures. They also have a stable government with hierarchical that control over the Empire and indirectly to its provinces. The Aztec were master builders and constructed structures, such as temples, pyramids, plazas, ball courts, and homes. They had a sophisticated method of agriculture. Their capital was built on the top of two islands.


Patrick Moynihan served in all of the following positions except
A. US Ambassador to India
B. US Ambassador to the United Nations
C. Press Secretary to President Johnson
D. Senator from New York





Daniel Patrick 'Pat' Moynihan was born on March 16, 1927, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was a political scientist, advocate, U.S.  Senator, and whatnot.

He served in many positions in the United States. The positions held by Daniel Patrick 'Pat' Moynihan include the U.S. Ambassador to India (1973 to 1975), the US Ambassador to the United Nations, also known as the permanent representative to the United Nations (1975-1976), Democratic Senator fromNew York (1977-2001).

The post incorrectly mentioned in the given options is Press Secretary to President Johnson. Moynihan served as an Assistant Secretary of Labor under the presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson and Kennedy.

Therefore, option C is the answer.

Which issue is most likely to involve deciding between individual rights and the common good.

Please help me!!!!!!!



Maybe c


Who started the Cold War the U.S or USSR and why?



The Cold War began after the surrender of Nazi Germany in 1945, when the uneasy alliance between the United States and Great Britain on the one hand and the Soviet Union on the other started to fall apart.

What did John Q. Adams mean when he said, “We are what we were?”



He means we are a product of our past. Our past molds us into the people we are today.


what is the equal right amendment​




La enmienda de igualdad de derechos o Equal rights amendment (Era) fue o es una enmienda propuesta a la constitución de los Estados Unidos diseñada para garantizar la igualdad de derechos legales para todos los ciudadanos estadounidenses sin importar el sexo

Busca terminar con las distinciones legales entre hombres y mujeres en asuntos de divorcio, propiedad, empleo y otros asuntos.




The primary purpose of the roman bath houses was for the people to wash themselves/get clean. In that time they had no showers, so t=people had to go to the bath, much like a russian banya.


One of Jefferson’s concerns that led to his purchasing the Louisiana Territory was



It's believed that the failure of France to put down a slave revolution in Haiti, the impending war with Great Britain and probable British naval blockade of France – combined with French economic difficulties – may have prompted Napoleon to offer Louisiana for sale to the United States.


i hope this helps your question, mark me brainliest if Im righttt

The Cold War refers to the period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union a the end of World War II to the fall of the Soviet Union. b the end of World War I to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. c the Cuban Missile Crisis to the fall of the Berlin Wall. d the Bolshevik Revolution to the end of World War I.



a the end of World War II to the fall of the Soviet Union


The Cold War refers to the period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union which was towards the end of World War II to the fall of the Soviet Union.

The Cold War was a period of hostility between the United States of America and the Soviet Union over the spread of Communism and this coincided with the fall off the Soviet Union.

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