Which of the following factors would have a negative impact on the survival of a species? a A high level of biodiversity in the organism's ecosystem b Access to multiple sources of fresh water c Barriers restricting access to resources d Reduction in the population of competing species


Answer 1

Answer: The answer is...

Explanation: I dont know

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What is arteriosclerosis also called?


Arteriosclerosis is also called as cardiovascular arteriosclerosis.

what is Arteriosclerosis ?

A form of vascular illness called arteriosclerosis occurs when the arteries, which carry oxygen away from the heart, are harmed by things like excessive cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and specific genetic effects. Blood flow to other organs and tissues may occasionally be impeded as a result of the arteries' thinning and stiffening.

There are four basic ways that artery sclerosis can present itself:

Plaque accumulation inside of a coronary artery is known as coronary artery disease (CAD).

Chronic constriction of the arteries in the legs, arms, or pelvis is known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD).

Narrowing of the carotid arteries, which provide blood to the brain and aorta, is known as carotid artery disease (CAD).

An abnormal enlargement of the aorta, the biggest blood vessel in the body, is known as an aortic aneurysm.

To know more about Types of sclerosis  click below



Structure A is _______. ATP synthase phospholipid an electron acceptor sensory protein an electron donor


Synthesizing ATP an electron donor is a sensory protein, and phospholipid is an electron acceptor so the answer is Intermembrane space Mitochondrial matrix for Structure A.

ATP synthase in the mitochondrial matrix phospholipid O O a sensory protein O an electron donor O an electron acceptor the "ATP synthases" enzyme complexes are where the proton flow happens.

Synthesizing ATP An electron donor is a sensory protein, and phospholipid is an electron acceptor. The space existing between or involving two or more membranes is known as the intermembrane space (IMS). It is most frequently referred to in cell biology as the space between a mitochondrion's or chloroplast's inner and outer membranes. Although it is frequently referred to as the perinuclear space, it also describes the region of the nuclear envelope that is between the inner and outer nuclear membranes. The IMS of mitochondria is essential for coordinating a wide range of cellular processes, including the control of respiration and metabolic processes. The IMS of the chloroplast does not appear to have any clear function, in contrast to the IMS of the mitochondria.

To learn more about ATP, refer: https://brainly.com/question/721509


What are the 3 main themes presented in Of Mice and Men?


Of Mice and Men is a novella written by Nobel Prize-winning author John Steinbeck. The three main themes presented in Of Mice and Men are:

1. The American Dream: The novel examines the nature of the American Dream and its possibilities for achievement. The characters strive to attain the dream of owning their own ranch, but their efforts are ultimately thwarted by the realities of their situation.

2. Friendship: Of Mice and Men explores the value of friendship and stands as a testament to the power of companionship in the face of struggle. The novel's central relationship between George and Lennie is a strong example of how two people can rely on each other for support and motivation.

3. Power and Prejudice: Of Mice and Men examines the power dynamics at play in 1930s America, as well as the prejudices against marginalized groups such as women and racial minorities. The novel shows the consequences of unequal power relations and the ways in which racism and sexism can be used to oppress those without power.

What is Of Mice and Men?

John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice and Men' is a classic novel of friendship, tragedy, and the struggles of the working class. Set in the 1930s during the Great Depression, the novel follows two men, George and Lennie, as they travel across California looking for work. George is the more intelligent of the two, while Lennie is mentally challenged and often gets into trouble. Despite their differences, they form a strong bond of friendship that is tested when Lennie accidentally kills a woman. The story explores themes of loneliness, the pursuit of the American Dream, and the power of relationships. It is a timeless tale of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

To know more about 'Of Mice and Men',



If an egg cell containing the (n+1) number of chromosomes combines with a sperm cell containing the (n) number of chromosomes, what is the result?


If an egg cell containing the (n+1) number of chromosomes combines with a sperm cell containing the (n) number of chromosomes, then somatic cells of the future organism will contain the (2n + 1) number of chromosomes.

What are Chromosomes? Chromosomes are the very long DNA fibers coated with packaging proteins which contains all of the genetic information about the organisms. Every DNA has a 23 pairs of chromosomes .Out of these 23 pairs the 23rd pair is known as Sex Chromosome which also differ in Male and female.Somatic cell:It is a biological cell forming the body of any multicellular organism.it is also known as vegetal cell.

To know more about chromosomes visit



Neuronal and hormonal communication both involve?


Neural correspondence incorporates both electrical and synthetic motioning among neurons and target cells. Endocrine correspondence includes compound flagging using the arrival of chemicals that travel through the circulation system, where they get a reaction in target cells.

They are both gotten by receptors and they are the two synthetics. A distinction is that synapses are as yet utilizing an electric charge to be sent and chemicals are set off synthetically.

All through the sensory system, neurons impart using electrical and substance signals. One more type of substance correspondence is the discharge of chemicals into the circulation system, which is achieved using endocrine organs situated in the endocrine framework.

Learn more about communication:



(Lab 12: The Heart Pre-Lab Assignment 17C Questions 1-10 Nucleus Sarcolemma Desmosome Sarcomere Intercalated discs Sarcoplasmic reticulum Mitochondria Myofibril Muscle cells (fibers) Gap junction


The nucleus is the central part of a cell that contains genetic material.The sarcolemma is the outer membrane of a muscle cell.Desmosomes are protein structures that help hold cells together.Sarcomeres are the basic functional units of a muscle fiber.Intercalated discs are structures found in heart muscle cells that allow for the transmission of electrical signals between cells.The sarcoplasmic reticulum is an organelle in muscle cells that stores and releases calcium ions.Mitochondria are organelles that produce energy for the cell through the process of respiration.Myofibrils are long, thin structures within muscle cells that contain contractile proteins.Muscle cells, also known as fibers, are specialized cells that can contract and produce movement.Gap junctions are channels that allow for the transfer of ions and small molecules between cells.

What is a cell?

A cell is the basic unit of life in an organism. It is a small, compartmentalized structure that contains all of the necessary components for life, including genetic material, a cell membrane, and various organelles.

Cells perform many functions, such as producing energy, synthesizing proteins, and exchanging materials with their environment. There are many different types of cells, each specialized to perform specific functions within an organism.

Learn more about cell, here:



Which issue in a game would a developer most likely address by adding an
option to change the color palette?
A. Accessibility for color-blind users
B. Bias toward users who prefer bright colors
C. Accessibility for users who are blind
D. Bias against users of a certain gender



A) accessibility for those who are color blind


C is impossible because they're blind, D is offensive, and B doesn't make sense.

Hope this helps!

What are biological impacts?


Allergies, respiratory issues, hypersensitive illnesses, and infectious diseases are examples of biological impacts that can be brought on by a range of pollutants and toxins.

How has climate change affected biological systems?

Climate change has the potential to affect populations or species' geographic distributions by interfering with the compatibility of organisms with their local environment, limiting survival and reproduction, and reducing the ability to reproduce. While some species may benefit from climate change, others may become extinct.

Which biological ecosystem would you use as an example?

The sea environment, the air environment, and the terrestrial environment are a few examples. Given that every living thing has a unique habitat, there are countless different biophysical settings.

To know more about biological impacts visit :-



during a cold spell, florida orange growers often spray a mist of water over trees during the night. why is this done?


During a cold spell, Florida orange growers often spray a mist of water over trees during the night because The large latent heat of vaporization for water keeps the trees from freezing.

The thermal energy needed for a liquid to vaporize to a gas, or the amount released when a gas condenses to a liquid, is referred to as the latent heat of vaporization. The enthalpy of vaporization is another name for the latent heat of vaporization.

A substance's latent heat of vaporization is a physical property. It is defined as the amount of heat required to alter one mole of liquid at its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure. It is measured in kg/mol or kJ/kg.

The highest known heat of vaporization of water. The heat of vaporization is described as the amount of heat required to convert 1 g of a liquid into a vapor without causing the liquid's temperature to rise.

For more information on latent heat of vaporization, visit :



Is sclerosis the same as arthritis?


Between the two diseases ( Sclerosis and Arthritis) there are many similarities including some symptoms like the kinds of issues that arise, and how each condition develops over time. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Multiple Sclerosis are autoimmune illness . The immune system attacks healthy body parts after mistaking them for alien invaders. 

Similarities between the Multiple sclerosis(MS) and Rheumatoid arthritis(RA) are

Consequences: Chronic inflammation that arises as a result of an overactive immune system causes harm in both RA and MS.Damage to tissues: Both RA and MS induce damage to the tissues, which results in motor dysfunction in the muscles, which affects walking and running.Symptoms: MS and RA share some symptoms, such as weakness and fatigue. Both illnesses eventually affect movement in a variety of ways.Treatment: Medication to reduce inflammation and to suppress the immune system so it can't do more harm is frequently used in the treatments developed for both diseases.

Know more about arthritis here



When Mendel crossed true-breeding purple and white pea plants What is the phenotypic ratio of offspring in the F1 generation?


The F1 offspring of the P cross are all heterozygous for both traits. Using a Punnett square, the resulting 9:3:3:1 F2 phenotypic ratio is calculated. Yellow peas (Y) and white peas (p) are dominant over purple blooms (P) and green peas (p) respectively in pea plants (y).

The genotypes PpYY, PpYy, ppYY, and ppYy are among the options. For a 1:1 ratio of each phenotypic, the first two genotypes would produce plants with purple flowers and yellow peas, whereas the second and third genotypes would produce plants with white flowers and yellow peas. Because two of the alleles are homozygous, you only need a 2X2 Punnett square (four squares total) to do this analysis.

know more about heterozygous here



Figure 1 is a proposed model of the feedback system controlling erythrocyte (red blood cell) production.
Air is less dense at very high elevations, so less oxygen is available than in the denser air at sea level. Based on the model in Figure 1, if a person travels from sea level to a high elevation location, which of the following correctly predicts the response to the decreased blood oxygen level?

answer choices
More erythropoietin will be secreted from the kidneys, decreasing production of erythrocytes.
More erythropoietin will be secreted from the kidneys, increasing production of erythrocytes.
Less erythropoietin will be secreted from the kidneys, decreasing production of erythrocytes.
Less erythropoietin will be secreted from the kidneys, increasing production of erythrocytes.


More erythropoietin will be secreted from the kidneys, increasing production of erythrocytes. So, the correct option is (B).

What is Erythropoietin?

Erythropoietin is also called erythropoietin, hematopoietin or hemopoietin. It is a glycoprotein cytokine secreted primarily by the kidney in response to cellular hypoxia which stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow.

It helps in making red blood cells which carry oxygen to the tissues in the body. Oxygen is turned into energy, and the tissues release carbon dioxide. Red blood cells transport carbon dioxide to the lungs for us to exhale.

If a person travels to a higher altitude above sea level, more erythropoietin will be secreted by the kidney, increased production of erythrocytes predicts response to low blood oxygen level.

Thus, more erythropoietin will be secreted from the kidneys, increasing production of erythrocytes. So, the correct option is (B).

Learn more about Erythropoietin, here:



how are the parts of their anatomy adapted for eating specifically what they consume?


The digestive system, which is intricate, complex, and coordinated and is controlled by both the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and its own intrinsic neural system.

frequently referred to as the body's "second brain," is essential for eating and digesting food. The GI tract, commonly known as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, is made up of two primary groups of organs: the accessory digestive organs and the organs of the alimentary canal.

The act of eating is the putting of solid food into the mouth with the purpose of nourishing oneself. This activity is carried out by insertion [of the foodstuff] in the mouth, followed by mastication, swallowing, and digestion." Diderot offered this explanation of "eating" in his renowned Encyclopedia. He continues by stating that only substances that may be imagined can be eaten, not the consumption of non-food items like clay, chalk, stones, or charcoal.

To know more about digestive system



Emily is developing a computer model of protist populations in certain areas of the ocean, and how they help maintain homeostasis in ecosystems. Photosynthetic protists play essential roles in the environment, especially in oceans and lakes. If a hypothetical catastrophic event drastically reduced the population of zooxanthellae, a photosynthetic protist with a specific habitat, which statement describes the most likely result?

A. Almost half of the photosynthesis occurring on Earth would be in jeopardy, and species from shrimp to whales would lose an important food source.
B. Kelp forests would experience a drastic reduction in size, eliminating shelter for many marine species and a food source for sea urchins.
C. The health of coral reefs would suffer and reef populations would decrease in size and stability.
D. The equilibrium of the ecosystem surrounding hydrothermal vents would be upset, leading to loss of diversification.



C. The health of coral reefs would suffer and reef populations would decrease in size and stability.


Zooxanthellae are photosynthetic protists that live in the tissues of coral reefs, providing them with a significant portion of their energy requirements through photosynthesis. If the population of zooxanthellae were to drastically reduce, it would likely have a significant impact on the health of coral reefs and their populations. Coral reefs are important ecosystems that support a diverse array of marine life, and a reduction in their populations could have cascading effects on the ecosystem.

Write a short paragraph that explains the central idea of the article. Use at least two details from the article to support your response.

Dozens of earthquakes hit Hawaii as the world's largest volcano erupts

On November 27, Mauna Loa erupted for the first time in nearly 40 years. Located in Hawaii, Mauna Loa is the world's largest active volcano. Volcanoes are openings or vents where lava, small rocks, and steam erupt onto the Earth's surface. Melted rock that comes up from inside the Earth and out of a volcano is lava. The Mauna Loa eruption occurred at the Moku'āweoweo summit caldera. This is a large sunken basin at the summit — or highest point — of the volcano.

Following the eruption, dozens of earthquakes swarmed the region — one of them a magnitude 4.2 quake. Magnitude is a number that characterizes the relative size of an earthquake from 1 to 9.

Remain Vigilant

Officials issued an ashfall advisory for Hawaii's Big Island and asked residents to remain vigilant. So far the eruption's lava flows pose no risk to people living downhill from the eruption, according to Hawaii's Tourism Agency.

Map showing lava flow of Mauna Loa from the years 1843 to 1984.

Image 1. The volcano's last eruption was in 1984, when it sent a lava flow close to the city of Hilo.

"At this time, lava flows are contained within the summit area and are not threatening downslope communities," said officials from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The USGS is a government agency that collects information to help monitor natural hazards such as earthquakes. They warned, however, that the location and advance of lava flows can change rapidly.

The USGS's Hawaiian Volcano Observatory noted that it is set to perform flights to assess the eruption. They warned that "winds may carry volcanic gas and possibly fine ash and Pele's hair downwind." Pele's hair are thin strands of volcanic glass formed from cooling lava. The glass is sometimes carried into the air by strong winds and is sharp enough to tear skin and eyes.

Monitoring The Volcano

Mauna Loa takes up more than half of Hawaii's Big Island. It rises 13,679 feet (4,169 meters) above the Pacific Ocean, according to the USGS. The volcano is fairly active, having erupted 33 times since its first well-documented eruption in 1843. Its last eruption was in 1984 when it sent a lava flow close to the city of Hilo. After that, Mauna Loa entered its longest dormant period in recorded history. Periods of time when the volcano is not erupting, but could in the future, are volcanic dormant periods.

Scientists tracked an uptick in earthquake frequency beginning in June with five to 10 earthquakes a day. By September, the warning signs of an eruption increased. The number of earthquakes grew to around 40 a day in October.


The central idea that the text has is that it tells us of the fact that the scientists were talking about the eruption as a way of sending out warning to the people.

The parts that agree with this are: By September, the warning signs of an eruption increased. Officials issued an ashfall advisory for Hawaii's Big Island and asked residents to remain vigilant

What is the central idea of a passage?

The most significant thought that the author wishes to convey to the reader is the key theme of a passage or story. It is possible to state the main notion immediately. The main idea is stated by the author.

The key thought or concept that the author wishes to convey to the readers about the subject is the main idea of a paragraph.

The main premise of the text is that it informs us of the fact that experts were discussing the eruption as a means of alerting the public.

The following passages support this: By September, there were more eruption warning indicators.

Read more on central idea here:https://brainly.com/question/2684713


true or false: neurons have a pacemaker potential.


True. The ability of pacemaker neurons to produce rhythmic bursting activity is a characteristic feature of these cells.

Understanding how many rhythmic activity in neural networks are produced by voltage- and time-dependent ion fluxes in single neurons may be largely dependent on this phenomenon. In addition to rhythmic motor activity, rhythmically active neural networks also contribute to seemingly non-rhythmic behaviors including sleep, arousal, addiction, memory, and cognition. Pacemaker neurons are found in several of these networks. The slow, positive increase in voltage across the cell membrane (the membrane potential) that takes place between one action potential and the start of the next action potential is known as the pacemaker potential or pacemaker current in the pacemaking cells of the heart, such as the sinoatrial node.

Learn more about neurons



What is the output of the light-dependent reactions?


The main output of the light-dependent reaction is ATP and NADPH.

Light-dependent reactions occur in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts and occur in the presence of sunlight. These reactions convert sunlight into chemical energy. The light-dependent reaction will convert light energy into the chemical energy. The goal of photosynthetic light-dependent reactions is to harvest energy from the sun and split water molecules to produce ATP and NADPH. The inputs are carbon dioxide from the air and ATP and NADPH produced by the light reaction. The Calvin cycle uses carbon from carbon dioxide, energy from ATP, high-energy electrons, and hydrogen ions from NADPH. The result of the cycle is a high-energy sugar molecule.

Learn more about the light-dependent reaction in



Parent 1 has A blood. Parent 2 has B blood.
Draw a punnett square to show the possibilities of their offspringto have O blood.


Here, this is the answer I drew it on notebook paper hopefully it’s clear enough

The possibilities of their offspring have O blood is 25%.

What is Punnett Square?

Punnett square is defined as the square diagram which is used to predict the genotype of a particular cross or breeding experiment. It is used by biologists to determine the probability of an offspring having a particular genotype.

It is a helpful tool which helps predict the variations and possibilities that may come from cross breeding, which involves predicting how plants, animals, even humans cross with each other.

For above given information,

The Parent 1 and Parent 2 have A and B blood group respectively. So, the possible genotypes when crossed between AO and BO are AB, AO, BO and OO. The possibility of O blood group is 1/4 i.e. 25%.

Thus, the possibilities of their offspring have O blood is 25%.

Learn more about Punnett Square, here:



Homeostasis literally means the same or steady state. A plant’s health depends upon the availability of water, air, light, and nutrients. Which statement BEST describes how plant organelles help the plant to maintain homeostasis?


Homeostasis, which is the ideal state for a healthy plant, is defined as the same state. Additionally, the health of plants is reliant on the availability of nutrients, light, water, and air, all of which are utilised by plant cells.

Plant cells have solid walls that house organs that control the health and development of the plant.

In ecology, homeostasis refers to an ecosystem's capacity to keep itself generally stable in the face of disruptions. It comes about as a result of both species interactions and biodiversity in the natural world. - An balance is kept in the ecology.

Evaporative cooling is provided via transpiration. Heat is transferred with the water when it exits the plant tissues and enters the atmosphere.

To know more about Homeostasis , visit:



the temperature felt by the human body when wind makes it feel colder than the actual temperature.


The temperature felt by the human body when the wind makes it feel colder than the actual temperature. this is called wind chill.

A term used to describe how the combination of cold temperatures and winds blowing on exposed skin makes the air temperature feel to the skin is known as wind chill. Simply put, the colder the air and the faster the wind, the colder your skin will feel when you are outside.

Therefore, even if the temperature stays the same but the speed of the wind increases, it will actually feel colder on your skin. The heat that we naturally produce is carried away from our bodies by the wind as it moves across our bodies. Our body heat is taken away from us more quickly and we feel colder the faster the wind blows. The process is analogous to blowing on a hot bowl of soup to cool it down. The "Wind Chill" is the temperature that feels like it's outside because of the temperature of the air and the speed of the wind.

Know more about wind chill here: https://brainly.com/question/11385951


What products are used to start the light-independent reactions?


The products used to start the light dependent reactions are NADPH and ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) molecules.

The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis take place within the stroma. Light dependent reactions are the reactions occurring inside chloroplast region with the help of chlorophyll in which energy is used in the form of ATP molecules to produce carbohydrate molecules. This reaction is also known as photophosphorylation reaction. ATP and NADPH are produced during light reactions which are utilized in the light independent reaction, also known as dark reaction or Calvin cycle. In this reaction, carbon fixation and carbon assimilation takes place and ATP and NADPH are used to drive the biosynthetic phase of photosynthesis.  

Learn more about ATP at:



Succession occurs after ecosystems experience some type of disruptive event.


It is true that Succession occurs after ecosystems experience some type of disruptive event. The process by which an area's mix of species and habitat changes over time is called ecological succession.

Ecological succession is the consistent and continuous change in a type of a specific region concerning changes in the environment. The idea of success comes into play when a change in the ecosystem is disruptive. Ecological succession aims to evolve and restore equilibrium.

Primary succession and secondary succession are two distinct types of succession. In this instance, secondary succession is the succession that occurs after a disruptive event occurs in the ecosystem.

Know more about Ecological succession here: https://brainly.com/question/12325701


Label the structures of the finger and fingernail. Epidermis Nail body Eponychium Dermis Nail bed Free edge Nail matrix Reset Zoom


The diagram for structures of the finger and fingernail is illustrated and attached.

What is the finger about?

In the hands of the majority of Tetrapods, including humans and other primates, a finger is an organ of manipulation and sensation. The top layer of skin on your body is called the epidermis.

At the base of the fingernails and toenails is a thickened layer of skin called the eponychium. It is also known as the proximal or medial nail fold. The eponychium is different from the cuticle in that it is made up of living skin cells, whereas the cuticle is made up of dead skin cells.

Learn more about finger on:



Fireflies make their light. The light they give off looks green. The spectrum of their light is shown. Describe how you would use a tool to see a firefly’s light spectrum. Explain what the spectrum tells you about the light the firefly gives off. Include a comparison of the wavelengths of the light.



To see the spectrum of a firefly's light, you would need a spectroscope, which is a tool that separates light into its different wavelengths to create a spectrum. This is often done by passing light through a prism, which refracts the light at different angles based on its wavelength, creating a rainbow-like spectrum of colors.

When looking at the spectrum of a firefly's light, you can see the specific wavelengths of light that the firefly is emitting. This can tell you what colors are present in the light and in what proportions. In the case of a firefly, the spectrum would likely show a dominant peak in the green portion of the spectrum, indicating that the firefly's light is primarily green in color.

Additionally, the spectrum can be used to compare the wavelengths of the light emitted by the firefly to the wavelengths of other sources of light. For example, the spectrum of a firefly's light could be compared to the spectrum of sunlight, which contains all the colors of the rainbow. This comparison can provide insights into the unique properties of the firefly's light, such as its relative brightness and color.

How are trees agents of mechanical weathering?

Growing tree roots physically break apart rock.

Tree roots secrete a lot of acids that react with minerals in the rock.

Trees cause chemical reactions to take place altering the soil and rock nearby.

Trees do not cause rocks to weather.


Growing tree roots physically break apart rock are the tree agents of mechanical weathering. So, the correct option is (A).

What is Mechanical Weathering?

Mechanical weathering is also called physical weathering in which a large rock breaks down into smaller pieces of rocks. When rocks decompose or break down without experiencing any change in their chemical composition, it is known as mechanical weathering.

There are 3 Mechanical Weathering Processes which break down rocks

Frost wedging.Exfoliation.Biological activity

The roots of a plant grow into a crack in a rock. When these roots grow, they open the crack. Burrowing animals can also cause weathering. The animal may break the rock to dig for food or make a hole to live in.

Thus, growing tree roots physically break apart rock are the tree agents of mechanical weathering. So, the correct option is (A).

Learn more about Mechanical Weathering, here:



Now that you have watched the video clip, how is chemical change different from physical change?

Pollutants are formed during a chemical change.

New substances are formed during a chemical change.

Only living things drive the process of chemical change.

Material is broken down into smaller pieces without any chemical reactions during a chemical change.


The correct answer is new substances are formed during a chemical change. Please give brainliest I need 2 more

What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction Class 12?


Sexual reproduction involves the production of male and female gametes, which combine to form a zygote. Asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring from a single parent without the fusion of gametes.

The zygote grows and develops into a new organism that is genetically similar but not identical to its parents. This is because the genetic combination of the two parents results in the offspring having a unique genetic code. Sexual reproduction allows for genetic variation, which can be beneficial to a species as it allows them to adapt to changing environments.

Asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring from a single parent without the fusion of gametes. The offspring created is genetically identical to its parent and is referred to as a clone. Asexual reproduction does not create genetic variation, but it does allow for rapid reproduction and population growth. The main difference between sexual and asexual reproduction is the way in which genetic material is combined.

Learn more about clone at :https://brainly.com/question/12483409


How are seeds calculated?


Seeds are calculated in order to ensure that a random sample of data is collected in a given population. This is important to ensure that the data collected is representative of the whole population and is not overly influenced by a single group of individuals or a small subset of the population.

To calculate the seeds, a population is divided into sections and each section is assigned a numerical value. This value is known as the seed. This seed is then used to randomly select individuals from the population. The selection process is designed to ensure that each individual has an equal chance of being selected. The more sections that are used, the more random the selection process will be.

The number of seeds used will depend on the size of the population, the desired sample size, and the desired level of randomness. For example, if the population is small and the sample size is large, then more seeds may be needed to ensure a truly random sample.

Once the seeds have been calculated, they can be used to determine the sample size. This is done by multiplying the number of seeds by the desired sample size. For example, if 10 seeds are used and the desired sample size is 100, then the sample size will be 10 x 100 = 1000.

To know more about Seeds: https://brainly.com/question/15976369


Predict the end result if a chloroplast's light-independent enzymes developed a mutation that prevented them from activating in response to light

a. ATP and NADPH accumulation
b. Water accumulation
c. G3P accumulation
d. Carbon dioxide depletion


Predict the end result if a chloroplast's light-independent enzymes developed a mutation that prevented them from activating in response to light "water accumulation".

Depletion of carbon dioxide. ATP as well as NADPH buildup are the final consequence of a chloroplast's light-independent enzymes.

The assembly of a glucose molecule would be the final step in the light-independent processes, also known as the Calvin cycle. This stage of photosynthesis necessitates the CO2 that the plant absorbs from the atmosphere. In essence, the plant requires the carbon in the CO2 to make the components of glucose.

Therefore, the correct answer will be option (b)

To know more about enzymes



What are the 3 parts of the carbon reactions?


Carbon fixation, reduction, and regeneration of the starting molecule are the three main phases of the Calvin cycle reactions.

Inorganic CO2 is bonded to the organic compound ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) during the carboxylation process. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, or RuBisCO, is the enzyme that catalysis this reaction. The 5-carbon RuBP molecule is split into two 3-carbon 3-Phosphoglyceric Acid, 3-PGA, molecules by the addition of CO2. The Calvin cycle is occasionally referred to as the C3 cycle because of this 3-carbon molecule.

What Substance Is Generated During Carbon Fixation?

3-PGA is produced as a result of the carboxylation of RuBP. In this reaction, two 3-PGA molecules are created for each CO2 molecule used. However, because it takes three CO2 molecules to complete a full turn of the Calvin cycle, six 3-PGA molecules are formed for each turn.

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