Which best explains why the battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack was fought to a draw?


Answer 1

Answer: D


they were both ironclad and equally matched in the fight.

Related Questions

when president nixon attempted to prevent the nyt/wp from publishing a classified defense department study containing info about u.s. activity in vietnam, he was attempting to practice which of the following?


The Nixon government made an effort to prevent The New York Times and Washington Post from publishing information on a confidential report from the Defence Department concerning American involvement in Vietnam.

The Nixon government obtained a restraining order to prevent the publication of the so-called "Pentagon Papers" when the newspaper started doing so. The Supreme Court dismissed the restraining order and permitted publication in a 6-3 decision when the New York Times appealed.

The First Amendment was in fact violated by the Nixon administration. The US government had not fulfilled "the onerous burden of proving grounds for the enforcement," the Court said in a 6-3 judgement. The court ruled that the publication bans must stop right away.

Learn more about Nixon visit: https://brainly.com/question/5030621


Why? Do you think there any amendments missing that are important and would be beneficial to our society? Writing at least one paragraph, please address the question prompt above. Support your response with as much detail/facts as possible. Once completed, respond to at least one of your classmates' posts. Be sure to follow all guidelines listed below and remember to be respectful to one another. Guidelines Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above. Reply to at least one of your classmates' posts. Your response to your classmates discussion should be around 50 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc.). Avoid inappropriate or disrespectful comments. This is not a course where we disparage others or question their beliefs. Overt political/social/religious messages about any particular party, politician, religion will be removed.


One of the Constitutional amendments that is crucial and need to be included in to the US constitution is: a bill relating to the use and ownership of guns in the United States.

Why would the amendment relating to the Usage and Ownership of Guns be important in the United States?

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which protects the right to keep and bear arms, is a contentious and widely debated topic in the United States.

Proponents of the amendment argue that it is important for protecting the right of individuals to own guns for self-defense, hunting, and other lawful purposes.

Critics of the amendment argue that it contributes to the high rate of gun violence in the United States and that it should be amended or repealed to allow for stricter gun control laws.

Overall, the issue of gun ownership and regulation is a complex and multifaceted issue that continues to be a significant topic of discussion in American society.

Learn more about Constitutional Amendment:

During the Industrial Revolution working class women


Women in the working class, worked during the Industrial Revolution with lower wages than men and often times started working as children. Women during this time also had to be the caretaker of the house, so they might have worked all day and night to keep up their daily routine.

What is an incumbent?
A. A congressman who is not up for re-election
B. A congressman who is up for re-election
C. A person in the media
D. A president during their 2nd term


Answer: B


The incumbent is the current holder of an office (like Congress) or position, usually in relation to an election.

Which of the following represents a significant change in Africa between 1450 C.E. and 1750 C.E.?
A) Most enslaved Africans were transported across the Atlantic instead of the Sahara.
B) Bantu-speaking people spread iron metallurgy to East and Central Africa.
C) Islam was introduced and widely adopted in North Africa.
D) Europeans established settler colonies in East and Central Africa.


Option A is correct,  Most enslaved Africans were transported across the Atlantic instead of the Sahara represents a significant change in Africa between 1450 C.E. and 1750 C.E.

In this time period, Europe "woke up," grows, and establishes empires. The worldwide circulation of some commodities and the emergence of new regional marketplaces and financial centers were two examples of how long-distance trade patterns were evolving. The expansion of transregional and international commerce networks helped people migrate in great numbers and disseminate religious and other aspects of culture. Native Americans were decimated by germs brought to the Americas, and crops and animals were traded globally, changing agriculture, food, and populations all across the world transporting enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to reach the new world.

To learn more about enslaved Africans, click at:



First Inaugural Address of Andrew Jackson, selected quotes


… In administering the laws of Congress I shall keep steadily in view the limitations as well as the extent of the Executive power trusting thereby to discharge the functions of my office without transcending its authority. …
In such measures as I may be called on to pursue in regard to the rights of the separate States I hope to be animated by a proper respect for those sovereign members of our Union, …
This I shall aim at the more anxiously both because it will facilitate the extinguishment of the national debt, the unnecessary duration of which is incompatible with real independence, …
that the spirit of equity, caution and compromise in which the Constitution was formed requires that the great interests of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures should be equally favored …
As long as our Government is administered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will; as long as it secures to us the rights of person and of property, liberty of conscience and of the press, it will be worth defending …"

According to Jackson, what is required of the national government for it to "be worth defending"?

The national government must favor the interests of agriculture over all others.

The national government must restrict freedoms of the press and assembly.

The national government must allow the president to act as he sees fit.

The national government must protect people's rights and property.


According to Jackson, the national government must protect people's rights and property, as shown by the last answer option.

Why did Jackson believe this?Because for him that was the obligation of the government.Because he believed that rights and property were what ensured the well-being of the American people.Because he believed that the people deserved to have rights and be properly defended.

The American government was founded to encourage liberty and the defense of rights and property for all Americans.

In this case, it has become a responsibility of paramount importance for the government and for presidents who take responsibility for caring for people and resources that promote justice and social well-being.

Jackson was sure of this and reaffirmed the government's responsibility to protect rights and property, in addition to emphasizing that this responsibility was what made the government worth defending.

Learn more about Andrew Jackson:



Document 1:
Thomas Jefferson's letter to Robert Livingston (early 1802).
There is on the globe one single spot the possessor of which is our natural and habitual enemy. It is New
Orleans, through which the hproduce of three-eighths of our territory must pass to market... France placing
herself in that door, assumes to us the attitude of defiance. Spain right have retained it quietly for years.
Her pacific dispositions, her feeble state, would induce her to increase our facilities there, so that her
possession of the place- would be hardly be felt by us... Not so can it ever be in the hands. Is of France
Circumstances render it impossible that France and the United States can continue long friends when
they meet in so irratible a position...
We must... make the first cannon which shall be fired in Europe the signal for the tealing up any
settlement she may have made, and for holding the two continents of
America in sequestration for the common purposes of the united British and American
Nations... I should suppose that all these considerations might, in some paper form, be brought into
view of the government of France. Though stated by us it ought not to give us offense, because we do not
bring them forward as a menace but as consequences not controllable by us, but inevitable-able from the
course of things... If France considers Louisiana-, however, as indispensable for her views, she might
perhaps be willing to look about for arrangements which might reconcile it to our interests. If anything
could do this, it would be the ceding to us the island of New Orleans and the Florida... Every eye in the
States is now fixed on the affairs on Louisiana. Perhaps nothing since the Revolutionary War has
produced more uneasy sensations through the body of the nation
Document 2:
Meriwether Lewis, Excerpt from "Report to Thomas Jefferson (1806)
We view this passage across the continent as affording immense advantages to the fur trade, but fear that
the advantages which it offers as a communication for the productions of the East Indies to the United
States and thence to Europe will never be found equal on an extensive scale to that by way of the Cape of
Good Hope, still we believe that many articles not bull-y, brittle nor of a very perishable nature may be
conveyed to the United States by this route with more facility and at less expense than by that at present
If the government will only aid, even if in a very limited manner, the enterprise of her citizens I am
fully convinced that we shall shortly derive the benefits of a most lucrative trade from this source, and
that in the course of ten or twelve years a tour across the continent by the route mentioned will be
undertaken by individuals with as little concern as a voyage across the Atlantic is as present

1. describe the historical context surrounding these documents

2. Identify and explain the relationship between the events and ideas found in these documents


The following are the answers for the given questions:

The first narrative was based on the first world war and how it affected families, which served as the historical setting. The second dealt with racism and prejudice in America.What is Historical context?

Historical context refers to details about the time, location, and activities that shaped, impacted, or provided the setting for the historic resources. Perhaps even more significant than the storm's actual severity is the historical setting in which it happens.

Giving the historical period and its current events can help readers comprehend the general mood of the era, which will help them understand the tone of your work and the society at the time.

To know more about Historical context, visit:



what led to the passage of Jim Crow laws in the American South after the American Civil



What led to the passage of Jim Crow Laws in the American South after the American Civil War is that many people still did not believe former slaves were people. They were equal, but seperate. Even though slavery had been abolished, nobody truly saw them as equal. The Jim Crow laws were a way to still basically have slavery, racism, and separation, without it being illegal. Examples iinclude segragational bathrooms, schools and bus seats, as well as treatment at restaurants, wages, and how they were seen by people.

The following examples serve as historical proof of a(n) ___________ during the Middle Ages: House of Wisdom, Cordoba, Avicenna, Al-Khwarizmi

Arab/Muslim Golden Age of Learning

Persian resurgence

European scholasticism

Chinese trade



A. Arab/Muslim Golden Age of Learning

Which country closed the West Indies
market to the Americans after the
Revolutionary War?
A. France
B. Britain
C. Spain


B. Britain since Great Britain and the new United States of America was formed but separated from Britain

I met ____ in Lithuania.



i met Linda in lithuania



you should up your points your giving away but whatever

it is going to be Jane or B


even ever your writing a name you always want to make sure the first letter of the name is not lower case, you want it to be capitalized

Which of the following effect did imperialism frequently have on colonies



Native Under foreign rule, native culture and industry were destroyed. Explanation:

Under foreign rule, native culture and industry were destroyed. Imported goods wiped out local craft industries. By using colonies as sources of raw materials and markets for manufactured goods, colonial powers held back the colonies from developing industries.

Why do you think people continued to follow traditional African beliefs despite Mansa Musa's efforts to get them to practice Islam? EMERGENCY!!!


In the Mali Empire, the majority of people were prosperous farmers and herders. Through trade, both within and outside of Africa, they flourished. Despite Islam's influence, the majority of people kept up their native African religious practices.

Who was Mansa Musa?

Mansa Musa is also known for his efforts to encourage people to practice Islam. Islam is the religion of Muslims. In 1324, he traveled to Mecca, the holy city of the Muslims. It is believed he traveled by camel in a huge caravan bearing gold and gifts. Mansa Musa brought back many skilled people with him. One of them was an architect who designed houses of worship for Muslims, called mosques. They can be found today in Timbuktu and other cities.

Most people in the Mali Empire were successful farmers and herders. They prospered through trade within Africa and beyond. Despite Islam's influence, most of the people continued to follow traditional African beliefs.

To know more about Mansa Musa, visit:



evaluate the extent to which the lives of african americans changed during the reconstruction era 1865-1877.


Following the Civil War, during the Reconstruction era of 1865–1877, newly freed African Americans faced enormous obstacles in trying to start their own households, farm their own land, build community organizations and churches, and seek equal justice under the law during this time of racist violence.

With the "exception as a punishment for a crime," slavery was abolished in the United States once the 13th Amendment was ratified. Only the 3 million slaves living under Confederate authority in the states at the time of the Civil War were freed by Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.

After the Civil War, African Americans benefited from a time when they were permitted to vote, actively engage in politics, and obtain land from former owners thanks to the protection of the Fourteenth, Thirteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Constitution.

To learn more about the Reconstruction era



Here is everything you will need for your flvs u.s history module 3 DBA
module 3 dba


policy of growing a nation's physical territory or political influence


policy of refraining from involvement in global affairs


policy of creating colonies in weaker natigns in order to generate raw materials and have access to new markets


involvement by a foreign power in the affairs of another nation, typically to achieve the stronger power's aims

-sphere of influence

an area or region over which a country has significant cultural, economic, military or political influence


devotion to the interests of one's own nation, desire and plans for national independence


the policy of making military interest very strong; a political situation in which the military interest dominates government policy


group of merchant ships sailing under the protection of a group of battleships

-conscientious objector

person who refuses to fight in a war, usually because of religious beliefs

-demilitarized zone

area where no military activity is permitted

-trench warfare

style of warfare that relied on a series of opposing dug-in defensive ditches


an agreement to end an armed conflict


the period after an armed conflict when soldiers are sent home and industries reduce or halt their production of war materials


the reduction or disbanding of a nation's army


compensation paid by a defeated nation-state to the victors after a war


a penalty or punishment given for violating a law or directive

The difference between

fourteen points & treaty of versailles

fourteen points was wilson’s speech for peace of germany and treaty of versailles was to go against wilson’s wishes and be harsh towards germany


Turner's Thesis: an idea advanced by historian Frederick Jackson Turner that argued that Americans should seek a new frontier, one in foreign lands, because this would help
Americans maintain their inventive and energetic spirits


big stick policy
roosevelt corollary


Answer: easy bro


Imperialism is the outcome of a variety of circumstances, including nationalist sentiments, economic pressures, human aggression and greed, the need for security, the desire for power and prestige, and many more elements, all of which are present to varied degrees.

What is meant by Imperialism?

Imperialism is the state's pursuit of increasing its power and dominance, particularly through direct territorial conquest or by gaining control over other regions' politics and economies.

This pursuit frequently involves the use of both hard power (such as economic and military might) and soft power (cultural and diplomatic power). Imperialism is a separate idea that can refer to many different types of administration and expansion, although being related to the concepts of colonialism and empire.

In the past, the phrase had been used to refer to what was thought to be Napoleon III's attempts to win political support through outside military adventures. The phrase was and still is mostly used to refer to Western and Japanese political and economic supremacy, particularly in Asia and Africa, in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Learn more about Imperialism, from :



The American colonists based their fight for independence from Great Britain on the writings of
Select one:
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Thomas Hobbes
c. John Locke
d. George Washington



Explanation John Locke:

Do you think women activists during the late 1800s had any effect on the political or social life of the country?



yes,had effect,because, women are the one who give good decision making or advisors

What can you infer about the natural resources used in Maya warfare?
a. Cacao was an important resource used in Maya warfare.
b. Rubber trees were an important resource used in Maya warfare.
c. Jade was an important resource used in Maya warfare,
d. Obsidian was an important resource used in Maya warfare,


The natural resources used in Maya warfare was  Obsidian as an important resource used in Maya warfare. The appropriate response is option D.

What is Maya warfare?

The ancient Maya engaged in frequent wars that were fought to overthrow rival governments, collect tribute, and capture people to be sacrificed as human sacrifice.

Despite the relative scarcity of silver and gold in the area, which disappointed European conquerors, the Maya made use of the land's abundant natural resources, including salt, limestone for building, and obsidian for tools and weaponry.

To learn more about Maya warfare



What was a long-term impact of trade during the Vedic Age?

The people declared war on neighboring civilizations.
New kingdoms developed.
Craft products increased in value.
Diseases were introduced that led to decline.


The long-term result of trade throughout the Vedic Age was the emergence of new kingdoms. As a result, choice (B) is the best way to respond.

What is the significance of the Vedic age?

The "heroic age" of prehistoric Indian culture is known as the Vedic Age. Additionally, it was during this period of formation that the fundamental tenets of Indian culture were established. These include the early development of Hinduism as India's primary religion and the social and theological problem of caste.

These Vedic texts were followed by the kings and queens as their kingdoms expanded and became more powerful. People were impacted by trade, business, the food industry, women's rights, child marriage, the caste system, and the religious system at that time. Administration and political systems were expanded by the Aryans.

Hence, option (B) is accurate.

Learn more about the Vedic age, from:






the developments illustrated in the excerpt are evidence of which of the following historical trends during the period 1450 to 1750?


The developments presented in the excerpts are evidence that European countries have resorted to violence and trickery to achieve their economic goals.

During this time, the Roman Empire slowly crumbled and split into many smaller political organizations. The geographical boundaries of today's European countries were established in the Middle Ages. This was the era that heralded the founding and rise of universities, the establishment of the rule of law, the era of church reform, and the birth of the tourism industry. Many works of medieval literature, such as the Canterbury Tales, the Divine Comedy, and the Song of Roland, are widely read and studied today.

The visual arts flourished in the Middle Ages and created their own aesthetic values. The richest and most influential members of society commissioned artists to create cathedrals, churches, sculptures, paintings, textiles, manuscripts, jewelry, and ceremonial objects.

Know more about Roman Empire here:






because he worked hard in his life

Prior to the mid-twentieth century, in the United States _____ was sufficient cause to hospitalize people against their will and force them to undergo treatment.


Prior to the mid-twentieth century, in the United States to need for treatment was sufficient cause to hospitalize people against their will and force them to undergo treatment.

The moral treatment movement fell out of

favour in the late 1800s as hospitals became impoverished and crowded. The total lack of success of moral treatment.

During the first half of the nineteenth

century, moral treatment, a therapeutic

method that emphasized character and

spiritual development and asked for

kindness on the part of those who came

into touch with the patient, flourished in

American mental hospitals.

Many of its key characteristics were also

present in the treatment of physical

physical sickness in American general hospitals at the time. Prior to the mid-twentieth century, in the United States to need for treatment was sufficient cause to hospitalize people against their will and force them to undergo treatment.

To know more about Treatment visit:



If you lived during the renaissance would you agree with Mather Luther please help!!


I would not agree with Martin Luther king If i lived during The renaissance.

Question 12
What is one way the second Industrial Revolution differed from the first Industrial Revolution? (1 point)
O The second revolution brought large numbers of immigrants to American cities.
O The first revolution brought large numbers of immigrants to American cities.
O The second was based on transportation improvements.
O The first was based on transportation improvements.
Question 13



The second Industrial Revolution differed from the first in that it was based on transportation improvements. The first Industrial Revolution was characterized by a shift from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, and the increasing use of steam power. The second Industrial Revolution, which took place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was marked by the development of new forms of transportation such as the railroad and the automobile, as well as the growth of electrification and the use of petroleum as a fuel. These innovations had a significant impact on industry and society, leading to the rapid expansion of global trade and the growth of cities.

in the mid-1800s, this concept had replaced class as the boundary between those american men who were entitled to enjoy political freedom and those who were not.


In the mid-1800s, race concept had replaced class as the boundary between those american men who were entitled to enjoy political freedom and those who were not.

The concept of race as a categorization of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) has an extensive history in Europe and the Americas. The contemporary word race itself is modern; historically it was used in the sense of "nation, ethnic group" during the 16th to 19th centuries. Race acquired its modern meaning in the field of physical anthropology through scientific racism starting in the 19th century.

With the rise of modern genetics, the concept of distinct human races in a biological sense has become obsolete. In 2019, the American Association of Biological Anthropologists stated "The belief in 'races' as natural aspects of human biology, and the structures of inequality (racism) that emerge from such beliefs, are among the most damaging elements in the human experience both today and in the past."

To know more about Race concept visit:



How did hunter-gatherer societies adapt to their environments?



One way they adapted their diets was by enriching meals with fat. To protect themselves from the harsh environment, they learned to build sturdier shelters. They also learned to make warm clothing using animal furs. Paleolithic people used fire to help them stay warm in this icy environment.


what was the principal means by which whites in america were able to force jim crow law on minority citizens following the end of reconstruction


Jim Crow laws, which were state and local laws passed from the conclusion of Reconstruction in 1877 until the mid-1950s, were intended to enforce segregation of blacks and whites and allowed white southerners to reassert their dominance by depriving African Americans of fundamental social, economic, and civil rights like the right to vote.

What do you mean by Reconstruction?

Building or creating something after it has been damaged or destroyed is known as reconstruction.

State and local regulations known as the "Jim Crow laws" made racial segregation legal. The laws, which were named after a Black minstrel show figure, were intended to marginalize African Americans by denying them the right to vote, hold jobs, receive an education, or have other possibilities. They were in place for about 100 years, from the post-Civil War era until 1968. Jim Crow laws frequently resulted in arrests, fines, jail terms, violence, and even death for anyone who tried to violate them.

The origins of Jim Crow legislation date back to 1865, soon after the 13th Amendment, which ended slavery in the United States, was ratified.

Therefore, Jim Crow laws, which denied African Americans basic social, economic, and civil rights like the right to vote, were designed to enforce the segregation of blacks and whites and allowed white southerners to reclaim their control.

Learn more about Reconstruction, here;



in the 1960s this movement emerged from the rejection of the idea that pollution and destruction of natural resources were acceptable in exchange for industrial progress and prosperity.


In the 1960s, environmental movement emerged from the rejection of the idea that pollution and destruction of natural resources were acceptable in exchange for industrial progress and prosperity.

The environmental movement originated

in the mid-20th century as a result of

opposition to the excessive exploitation of natural resources. The environmental movement is a varied political, social and global movement, whose main purpose is the defense and protection of the environment.

The first ideas about the defense and protection of the environment focused mainly on the reduction of poll ution and the protection of natural resource reserves such as water and air. In subsequent decades, these ideas spread throughout the world as a result of the massive exploitation of resources in different places.

In the 1960s, environmental movement emerged from the rejection of the idea that pollution and destruction of natural resources were acceptable in exchange for industrial progress and prosperity.

To know more about Environmental movement visit:



the requirements for becoming president of the united states are set forth in of the u.s. constitution


Answer:No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident ..


For a business course: What skills from this course would you use to decide between two different investment proposals?


Skill of determining consequences and cause we would use to decide between two different investment proposals.

What is investment proposal?

A professionally crafted presentation that details the objectives and mission of your company is known as an investment proposal. This presentation is a resource for locating collaborators and financiers who could be interested in providing financial support to your endeavour.

Are business and investment proposals the same thing?

Typically, a business plan is adequate to secure somewhat modest funding from banks, business angels, and other funders. When soliciting big investments from venture capitalists, business angels, or other important investors, an investment proposal is a requirement.

To know more about investment proposal, click here- brainly.com/question/16996887


Skill of determining consequences and cause we would use to decide between two different investment proposals.

An investment proposition is what?

An investment proposal is a carefully produced presentation that describes the goals and mission of your organization. Finding collaborators and financiers who could be interested in supporting your endeavor financially can be done using this presentation as a resource.

Are offers for business and investments the same thing?

An effective business plan can usually convince banks, business angels, and other funders to provide small investment. An investment proposal is necessary when requesting sizable financing from venture capitalists, business angels, or other significant investors. The purpose of the document makes the biggest difference. As strange as it may sound, an investment proposal is just that—a proposal.

To know more about investment proposal, click here- brainly.com/question/16996887


Other Questions
Directions: Identify the underlined word as gerund (G), infinitive (I), participle (P) or verb (V). Fred wanted to lose the game, so he could get home. __________ The losing team put up a good fight. __________ No one enjoys losing. __________ The home team was losing at the half. __________ The contractors are painting the exterior today. __________ Painting is more than a hobby to Chad. __________ To paint the house will take more than just the two of us! __________ Have you seen my painting clothes? __________ Our meeting at the station was surprise. __________ Because she was late, Tina was unable to meet her new coworker. __________ Hayes was a member of the group meeting the plane. __________ You will be meeting many new people at camp. __________ Why are you reading that book? __________ Reading is my favorite thing to do Saturday morning. __________ Helga enjoys the reading club. __________ Eager to read, Martin flipped his book open quickly. __________ She whispered, be quite to the talkers during the move. __________ Mark was only able to whisper since he lost his voice. __________ The whispering child told her mother she was hungry. __________ In the darkness, all Mara heard was the whisper of her friend telling her to run! __________ How tightly packed molecules (particles) are packed in a solid, liquid or gas is the weightvolumedensity __MgCl2 +_Na3PO4 -->NaCl_Mg3(PO4)2 +---In the reaction above, how many moles of sodium chloride would be producedif you started with 20 grams of magnesium chloride and excess sodiumphosphate? The equation is not balanced.(If anyone can answer in depth if appreciate it ) Describe asexual reproduction.A. It is when a new organism forms from a piece of the originalB. It is when a new animal grows out from the parent until it fully matures and breaks offC. It is a reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parentD. It is a reproductive process that involves two parents combine their genetic material to produce a new organism which differs from both parents He drives a racecar 80 miles per hour. He motivates audiences of hundreds. He's earned awards for his performance on and off the racetrack, and he's traveled the country to compete. Did we mention that he's 13 years old? One look at his accomplishments and it is easy to see that Noah "Little Gator" Cornman is on the fast track to success. "Little" might be a part of his nickname, but it does not describe his determination to succeed and his heart to make a difference for kids like him.In paragraph 1, which sentence implies that the author is impressed with the teen's accomplishments? aHe drives a racecar 80 miles per hour. bHe motivates audiences of hundreds. cDid we mention that he's 13 years old? dHe's traveled the country to compete. Hakim is making birdhouses. Each birdhouse uses 7/8 yard of wood. What is the total length of wood Hakim will need to build 5 birdhouses. Alana has $80 in a savings account. The interest rate is 5% per year and is not compounded. How much interest will she earn in 1 year? GEAR UP!Match the medicines in column A with their uses in column B. Write the letter of your answerin your notebook.Column AColumn B1. antacid a. relieves nasal or chest congestion2. analgesicb. soothes and calms nervous condition3. antipyreticc. lowers blood pressure4. laxatived. lowers acid levels in the stomach5. decongestante. regulates bowel movement6. antibioticsf. destroys pathogens7. Which statement performing Internet research is true A. Public library is the best place to do Internet research. B. Never use your smart phone for research because of the many distracting apps on it. C. Be sure to use each search engine separately instead of waiting so long a meta-search engine. D. Most public library offer free Internet access to patrons. what does the anther produce? A. ovaryB. eggsC. pollen How did the Reformation change the political role of the CatholicChurch in European society? You are planning a backpacking trip. You must hike a minimum of 11 miles each day in order to complete the trip in the time you have available. Write an inequality to represent the situation. Let x represent the number of miles you must hike each day. Giving brainliest No LinksFind the length of the line below.A) 4 in.B) 4 1/2 in.C) 4 5/8 in.D) 5 in. WHAT CAN BE USED TO REPLACE OIL? help 30POINTS!!!!! ASAP what is geothermal energy What proof of Chicago's reputation as brutal does the poem's speaker give?The speaker thinks the people who live in Chicago are insensitiveThe speaker has seen dogs fighting in the streets.The speaker thinks the people who live in Chicago grab all the weThe speaker has seen hungry women and children. what is 3c-9d+7c+5d simplified 5points on disadvantage of fungi PLEASE HELP DUE IN 1 HOUR Help me !!!! What would be the mRNA sequence made from the strand: ATC-AGG