. When did the survivors arrive west?


Answer 1


That left the public was frothing for details of the disaster. By the time the Carpathia arrived in the New York harbor on April 18 around 9:15 P.M., thousands of people were standing outside Pier 54 at West 13th Street on the Hudson River.


Related Questions

What is the main message of the story Masque of the Red Death?


All mortals will eventually pass away, although many people want to resist this destiny is the main message of the story Masque of the Red Death.

All mortals will eventually pass away, although many people want to resist this fate. The inevitable nature of death, reinforced by the theme of terror, is the key focus of Poe's "Masque of the Red Death." That reality itself is a further issue that the narrative tackles. The author wants readers to understand that mortality cannot be avoided, regardless of one's money, rank, or the precautions they take. Additionally, the author challenges our perceptions of reality by having what at first appears to be a disguise turn real then Death reveal itself to be a spirit. Death comes to find everybody, whether they are a powerful royal or an impoverished pea-sant. Although a little illogical, the heir has intense wish to escape dying. Unfortunately, he together with all of his visitors and performers are unable to flee from dying.

Learn more on Masque of the Red Death



What symbol represents Napoleon in Animal Farm?


The symbol that represents is that in Animal Farm, Napoleon is said to represent Stalin the animal.

Who was Napoleon?

George Orwell's depiction of Napoleon as "a big quite fierce-looking Berkshire Boar" suggests that he is quite dangerous. He was aware that he was "the only Berks" on the land, and this made him feel unique and special. Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union's dictator, is represented by Napoleon.

Leon Trotsky is replaced by Snowball, since both of the men were exiled for posing a danger to the current quo. Given that both Napoleon and Joseph Stalin were motivated by fear, they are comparable. A euphemism again for Russian media that propagandized in favor of Stalin is "squealer."

To know more about Napoleon:



What founding value(s) was fought for during The 1913 March for National Women’s Suffrage?
-pursuit of happiness/opportunity
And why?



The 1913 March for National Women's Suffrage, also known as the Women's Suffrage Parade, was held in Washington D.C. on March 3, 1913 to advocate for women's right to vote. The marchers fought for the value of equality, as they believed that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men, including the right to vote. This value is derived from the principles of liberty and justice, which are fundamental to the American democracy. The pursuit of happiness and opportunity are also closely related to the fight for equality, as women's ability to participate fully in society and have their voices heard is essential to achieving their own personal happiness and opportunities.

What else did the indian curio rooms do in addition to selling art and crafts? a. They displayed items from the orient. B. They sold newspapers and brochures. C. They held demonstrations, told stories, and held indian dances. D. They sent catalogues across the country.



The Indian curio rooms, which were established in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, were stores that sold Native American art and crafts. In addition to selling these items, the Indian curio rooms often held demonstrations, told stories, and held Indian dances. These events were typically presented in a staged or theatrical setting and were meant to educate and entertain visitors about Native American culture. The Indian curio rooms may also have sold newspapers and brochures about Native American culture, and they may have sent catalogues across the country to promote their products. It is possible that the Indian curio rooms also displayed items from the Orient, as the term "orient" was often used to refer to the East or the Middle East at that time. However, this is not specifically mentioned in the information you provided.


c.They held demonstrations, told stories, and held Indian dances.


What's inside 22 rooms in Taj Mahal?


The chambers are periodically opened for repair work. The Taj is the subject of several myths and tales. Among them is Shah Jahan's desire to build the "black Taj" across.

The Taj Mahal is unique, but why?

It is widely recognized that the Temple Complex is the peak of combining the best of Eastern style. Its legendary architectural beauty is defined by concave and convex contours, light shade, and a cyclical arrangement of bulk and perforations. Adding more ornamental elements, such as arches and domes, enhances the aesthetic value.

How much space is within the Taj Mahal?

The Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan provided to increase are kept inside the Taj Mahal in a six-chamber structure that is embellished with combination of open dura (a semi-precious stone inlay) and a limestone lattice screen. The magnificent monuments, however, exist only to be seen: The sarcophagi themselves are located in a serene chamber at garden level.

To know more about Taj Mahal visit:



Reflect On How Palestine and Israel can achieve peace.


israel should protect itself from Palestine like how each and every nation protects itself

Is Natal Day a paid holiday?


Even though they are frequently observed as holidays, days like Easter Monday, Victoria Day, and Natal Day are not paid general holidays under the Nova Scotia Labour Standards Code or shop closing days.

A collection of symbols meant to signify established, frequently unspoken meanings; a system of symbols or signals used in communication. Code is text written in a programming language by a computer programmer. Examples include programming languages like C, C#, C++, Java, Perl, and PHP. Less formally, text written in markup or style languages like HTML and CSS can alternatively be referred to as "code." A code can be a list of guiding ideas. Our laws make up our legal system, and many people adhere to their own private "code of honour." Code can also refer to a language used to programme computers or a technique for transmitting encrypted messages. In 1303, the term "code" could only be used to describe a set of rules, such as  as a code of conduct.

Learn more about code from



Even though they are frequently observed as holidays, days like Easter Monday, Victoria Day, and Natal Day are not paid general holidays under the Nova Scotia Labour Standards Code or shop closing days.

A collection of symbols meant to signify established, frequently unspoken meanings; a system of symbols or signals used in communication. Code is text written in a programming language by a computer programmer. Examples include programming languages like C, C#, C++, Java, Perl, and PHP. Less formally, text written in markup or style languages like HTML and CSS can alternatively be referred to as "code." A code can be a list of guiding ideas. Our laws make up our legal system, and many people adhere to their own private "code of honour." Code can also refer to a language used to programme computers or a technique for transmitting encrypted messages. In 1303, the term "code" could only be used to describe a set of rules, such as  as a code of conduct.

Learn more about code from



Why the wild animal come into the conflict with farmers?


Because farmed crops often offer a good food supply for both people and animals, there have been conflicts between humans and wildlife. Large wild herbivores can serve as reservoirs for livestock illnesses and compete with livestock for fallow resources.

When humans and animals interact negatively, such as when there is a loss of property, livelihood, or even life, this is referred to as a human-wildlife conflict. These species may eventually become extinct as a result of defensive and retaliatory killing.

Human population growth, infrastructure development, agricultural expansion, climate change, and other factors that promote habitat degradation are all contributing to an increase in the frequency, severity, and prevalence of human-wildlife conflicts.

To learn more about wildlife



By about the 1940s, a split between liberals and conservatives developed in the democratic party that focused on?


By about the 1940s, a split between liberals and conservatives developed in the democratic party that focused on new deal economic policies and civil rights measures.

About Democratic Party

One of the two main modern political parties in the United States is the Democratic Party. It was primarily created by Martin Van Buren and was established in 1828 with the support of war hero Andrew Jackson. As a result, it is the oldest continuously operating political party in the world. Since the 1850s, the Republican Party has been its primary political adversary. Due to the larger number of distinct voting blocs that make up the party, it is more ideologically diverse than the Republican Party (with important people typically expressing sharply divergent political views), even though contemporary liberalism is the party's dominant philosophy. The Democratic-Republican Party is regarded as the Democratic Party's forerunner throughout history.

To know more about Democratic Party:



How did the Great Migration affect Chicago?



The great migration's effect on cultural lifestyles in Chicago is most obvious in the southern influence on the Chicago Renaissance of the 1930s and Nineteen Forties, in addition to blues tune, cuisine, churches, and the several families and community associations that link Chicago with its southern hinterland—especially Mississippi.


How does Equiano describe the Middle Passage?


The sea and a slave ship saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast. These filled me with astonishment, which quickly turned into terror, neither of which I can describe, nor the feelings in my mind.

What did Equiano say about the Middle Passage?Olaudah Equiano described the terror of the transatlantic slave trade in this harrowing description of the Middle Passage. Equiano eventually bought his freedom and moved to London, where he campaigned for abolition.While we were on the coast, the stench of the hold was so unbearably foul that it was dangerous to stay there for any length of time, and some of us had been allowed to stay on the deck for fresh air; but now that the entire ship's cargo was confined together, it became absolutely pestilential.Finally, when the ship we were on had received all of her cargo, they made many fearful noises and escorted us all under deck, so we couldn't see how they managed the vessel. But this was only the beginning of my heartbreak.The forced passage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World is Middle Passage.

To learn more about Equiano refer :



Who believes 8 fold path?


The Noble Eightfold Path is one of the main summaries of Buddhist teachings that is supposed to lead to Arhatship. This path is also known as sila (morality), samadhi, and prajna in the Theravada tradition (insight).

The Noble Eightfold Route (Pali: ariya ahagika magga; Sanskrit: rygamrga) is an early exposition of the path of Buddhist practises leading to deliverance from samsara, the painful cycle of reincarnation, in the form of nirvana. The Eightfold Path consists of eight practises: right perspective, right resolve, right speech, right behaviour, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi ('meditative absorption or union'; alternatively, equanimous meditative awareness). In early Buddhism, these practises began with an understanding that the body-mind is corrupted (right view), followed by entering the Buddhist path of self-observance, self-restraint, and cultivating kindness and compassion, and culminating in dhyana or samadhi, which reinforces these practises for the development of the body-mind.

learn more about Eightfold Path here:



What is the point of Justice Harlan's dissenting opinion?


In his dissent, Harlan held to Radical Republican principles and maintained that the victims weren't asking for special treatment; rather, they wanted to be treated equally with the majority race.

Harlan and Brown did not support social equality between the races, despite the fact that they both argued persuasively for a "color-blind" reading of the Constitution. Instead, he dissented from the dominant view because he thought that legally imposed segregation prevented political equality.

Justice Harlan's crucial 13th Amendment argument from The Civil Rights Cases of 1883, in which he claimed that the amendment did more than just outlaw formal slavery and involuntary servitude, was reaffirmed in his dissent in the Plessy case. The "badges and events" of slavery were also forbidden.

To know more about Plessy vs. Ferguson: https://brainly.com/question/24766692


What did the Northwest Ordinance allow settlers to do?



The Northwest Ordinance chartered a government for the Northwest Territory, provided a method for admitting new states to the Union from the territory, and listed a bill of rights guaranteed in the territory.


Answer: The Northwest Ordinance stated a bill of rights that were guaranteed in the area and established a system for admitting new states to the Union from the territory. It also established a government for the Northwest Territory.


What do you know about the Eighth Commandment Why is it important for us to observe this?


'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor's is the Eight Commandment.

This command that goes against wrongful testimony is perceived as a consequence of the  deeply rooted religious command of loving your neighbor as yourself.  

When one errs from the path of moral righteousness and bear a false witness to the deity, it seen as an act of infidelity. It weakens the framework of the covenant.

The religious doctrine lays down that when someone is accused of something and brought before the court, the accusation is proved on the basis of testimony given by two/three sworn witnesses.

When any false testimony is suspected, the judges in the courts were required to conduct extensive investigations.

if the witness is shown to be a false witness, then he will have to bear the punishment that he had planned to inflict upon the person on whom he made the false accusation.

Thus, a person's testimony bears such heavy weight on the future of the accused and so a false testimony is not only despised but also punished.

To know more about 10 commandments, click here:



In what ways are Buddhism and Christianity similar and how are they different?


Buddhism has no gods, but Christians believe in a God. While Jesus claimed to be the way, the Buddha just provided a pointing finger. Christians are guaranteed eternal life.

While Christianity is focused on the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ, Buddhism is concentrated on the Life and Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who became known as the Buddha the Enlightened One, or One Who Is Awake. Buddhism is a nontheistic religion or philosophy, meaning that it rejects the existence of an ultimate creator, often known as God. Christ is regarded as the Son of God according to Christianity, a monotheistic faith. The founding fathers of Buddhism and Christianity were both great Spiritual Masters who strove to provide a way to redemption. They frequently utilized vocabulary that was completely dissimilar. Additionally, they taught diverse routes and placed emphasis on various approaches to spirituality because of the various conditions in which they had their incarnations.

Learn more about Buddhism here:



Prior to 1989 many Eastern European nations
a. were not industrialized
b. had systems in place to control pollution
did not have laws about pollution
d. began cleaning up pollution



we're not industrialized

What things does the British Queen use to send her staff signals when she wants to stop a conversation or to get out?


The Queen, it seems, usually stands with her purse tucked into the crook of her left arm, but when she casually moves it to her right arm to end conversation, it seems to indicate to her handlers that she is prepared to go on.

What is conversation?

Conversation is when two or more people interact through communication. The development of communication skills and manners depends on socialization. The development of second-language conversational skills is frequently the focus of language learning and teaching. The field of conversation analysis in sociology is concerned with the structure and mode of human interaction, particularly conversation. Specific guidelines for discourse are produced by the cooperation principle. To prevent the conversation from worsening or ending, abide by these rules. Contributions to a discourse are in response to what has already been expressed. For instance, talks may be advantageous when participants seek to create social relationships or when they wish to equally disperse knowledge.

To learn more about conversation, visit:



What is the 6th right in the First Amendment?


The sixth right in the First Amendment is "the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The Right to Petition: A Necessary Part of the First Amendment

The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances is an important part of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This right gives citizens the ability to come together and formally request that the government take action on an issue they feel strongly about.

This could range from a change in a law, or the issuance of a statement on a certain issue. This right is important in that it allows citizens to have a voice in their government, and to be able to express their opinions on issues that affect them. This right provides citizens with the ability to seek justice and to hold the government accountable for their actions.

Learn more about Constitution: https://brainly.com/question/16385413


How long until a peasant was considered a free man?



on August 4, 1789

Which sentences describe the balance of power in the Roman republic


B) Tribunes could reject decisions that were unfair to plebeians and C) Each consul could reject decisions made by the other consul.

Why does the date of the destruction of Gibala make it unlikely that the Sea Peoples were the ones who destroyed the city?


The reason why the date of destruction for Gibala, made it unlikely that the Sea Peoples destroyed the city was the claim that Gibala was destroyed in the first half of the 12th century BC, while the Sea Peoples left the area in the beginning of the 12 century BC.

What was Gibala ?

Gibala was an ancient town that existed before the 11th century BC, in the area now known as Syria. The town of Gibala is said to have been destroyed in one of two dates with the first being around the beginning of the 12 century BC and the other being towards the first half of the same century.

If we go by the conclusion that Gibala was destroyed in towards the end of the first half of the 12 century BC, then it is unlikely that the destruction of the town came at the hands of the Sea Peoples. This is because the Sea Peoples left the area at the beginning of the 12 century BC, and moved downwards towards Ancient Egypt.

Find out more on Sea peoples at https://brainly.com/question/28444368


What does Old Major skull symbolize in Animal Farm?


Old Major skull symbolize in Animal Farm represent the Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik Party that seized control in the 1917 Revolution.

After reading the "Animal farm " lesson we see that Major's skull is dug up and saluted by the animals every day, even after the mutiny, as a sign of respect that the animals remember their roots and the roots of the rebellion. Later, after Napoleon decides to accept humans and make treaties with them, he announces that the remains are to be disposed of because they represent the old days when Animal Farm was "violent and primitive" towards humans; near the end of the story, Napoleon announces that he has reburied the skull.

To learn more about Animal farm: Old major , refer:



What are three Enlightenment ideas used in the Declaration of Independence?


Social contract, natural laws and natural rights are the  three Enlightenment ideas used in the Declaration of Independence .

A social contract is a pact that establishes rules for behavior among individuals and groups in a specific environment, such as a social media platform, workplace, culture, or nation. This consent may be given explicitly or implicitly.

The social contract theory contends that in order for members of a society to cohabit, they must all uphold a set of moral and political values. Some people think that if we follow the social compact, we can live morally out of our own free will rather than because a higher power commands us to.

To know more about Social contract visit :



What did Britain get from China according to the Treaty of Nanjing? (there are multiple things you should include in this answer)



In the Treaty of Nanjing in 1842 China agreed to give the British the island of Hong Kong. The Chinese also opened 5 coastal ports, limited taxes on British imports and paid for the cost of the war.


Benefits Gained from the Treaty of Nanjing


The Treaty of Nanjing, signed in 1842, was the first of the Unequal Treaties between China and Great Britain. The treaty was signed after the First Opium War and granted a number of privileges to Britain, including the opening of five ports to trade, the establishment of a British embassy in Beijing, and the cession of Hong Kong. The treaty also granted extraterritorial rights to British subjects in China and gave Britain access to the lucrative Chinese tea and silk markets.

In this answer, I will discuss the benefits that Britain gained from the Treaty of Nanjing. I will outline the five ports opened for trade, the establishment of a British embassy in Beijing, the cession of Hong Kong, the extraterritorial rights granted to British subjects in China, and the access granted to the Chinese tea and silk markets.

Five Ports Opened for Trade

The most important provision of the treaty was the opening of five ports to trade. These ports included Shanghai, Canton, Amoy, Foochow, and Ningpo. This was a major boon to British merchants, who had previously been restricted to trading with China through the port of Canton. The opening of the five ports allowed British merchants to establish direct trade with China, and to purchase goods directly from Chinese merchants, rather than relying on the Chinese system of trading through the Thirteen Factories. This gave the British merchants a greater degree of control over the goods they purchased, and allowed them to set their own prices.

Establishment of a British Embassy in Beijing

The Treaty of Nanjing also allowed for the establishment of a British embassy in Beijing. This was a major breakthrough for the British, as it allowed them to have a direct diplomatic presence in the Chinese capital. This was a major advantage for the British, as it allowed them to negotiate directly with the Chinese government on matters of trade and other diplomatic matters. This was also a significant development in terms of the British Empire's relations with China, as it allowed for a more direct and open dialogue between the two countries.

Cession of Hong Kong

The Treaty of Nanjing also granted the cession of Hong Kong to the British. This was a major victory for the British, as it gave them a strategic foothold in the region, as well as access to the lucrative markets of the Far East. Hong Kong quickly became an important trading port and a major hub for the British East India Company. It also allowed the British to maintain a military presence in the region, which helped to protect British interests in China.

Extraterritorial Rights Granted to British Subjects

Another significant benefit of the treaty was the granting of extraterritorial rights to British subjects in China. This allowed British citizens to be tried in British courts, rather than in Chinese courts. This was a major advantage for the British, as it allowed them to escape the harsh punishments often imposed by the Chinese authorities. It also allowed the British to maintain a degree of autonomy in their dealings with the Chinese government.

Access to the Chinese Tea and Silk Markets

The Treaty of Nanjing also granted the British access to the Chinese tea and silk markets. This was a major boon for the British, as it allowed them to purchase these valuable commodities directly from the Chinese. This allowed the British to bypass the costly and often unreliable Chinese trading system, and purchase these goods at much lower prices. This allowed the British to make a significant profit from their trade with China and helped to fuel the growth of the British Empire.


In conclusion, the Treaty of Nanjing provided a number of significant benefits to Great Britain. It opened five ports for trade, allowed for the establishment of a British embassy in Beijing, ceded Hong Kong to the British, granted extraterritorial rights to British subjects in China, and gave the British access to the Chinese tea and silk markets. These benefits allowed the British to gain a greater degree of control over their dealings with China and helped to fuel the growth of the British Empire.

How did land improvement change in the neolithic age?


Land improvement changed dramatically in the Neolithic age. People began to practice more sophisticated techniques of crop cultivation, such as tilling and sowing, in order to increase the amount of available food.

This led to the development of more sophisticated agricultural practices such as crop rotation, fallowing, and the use of manure and other fertilizers to increase crop yields.

Additionally, the introduction of domesticated animals provided a new source of fertilizer and labor for plowing, planting, and harvesting. Improved tools and techniques were developed to clear more land and create more productive fields, and new irrigation systems were created to increase water access to these fields.

All of these advances allowed for greater yields and allowed people to settle in more permanent villages and cities, leading to the development of the first civilizations.

Read more about irrigation here


What did Equiano do after he was free?


Following the United States' independence in 1783, Equiano became involved in assisting the Black Poor of London, who were mostly African-American slaves freed by the British during and after the American Revolution.

What did Olaudah Equiano do after slavery?Equiano worked as an explorer and merchant for 20 years before settling in England, where he converted to Christianity in 1759. In 1789, he published these memoirs with the encouragement of fellow Abolitionists who were campaigning against the slave trade.Equiano was named "Commissary of Provisions and Stores for the Black Poor Traveling to Sierra Leone" in November 1786. This was an expedition to resettle London's Black Poor in Freetown, a new British colony established on Africa's west coast, in modern-day Sierra Leone.Equiano was a well-known figure in London who frequently spoke on behalf of the black community. He was a key figure in the Sons of Africa, a small abolitionist group comprised of free Africans in London. They collaborated closely with the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.

To learn more about Equiano refer :



How did Constantine weaken the Roman Empire?


 Constantine aided in hastening the fall of the Roman Empire. He divided the empire into two pieces in 330 CE, the eastern half was named Constantine.

How did the Roman Empire crumble during Constantine's rule?

Constantine the Great split the Roman Empire in two and established Christianity as the main faith in the area. Rome's surroundings, which had been left completely undefended, were reached by the invading army. The Visigoths under Alaric's command invaded Rome in 410 CE and took control of the Roman Empire's capital. Everywhere they went, the Visigoths left a wake of devastation as they pillaged, burned, and looted their way through the city.  

To know more about Constantine visit:



What can one conclude about the link between falling cacao corp prices and rising economic problems in Ghana?



Read below


It is difficult to conclude anything about the link between falling cocoa prices and rising economic problems in Ghana without more information. Cocoa is a significant export for Ghana, and changes in the price of cocoa can impact the country's economy. However, there are many other factors that can also affect the economy, such as changes in other export prices, government policies, and global economic conditions. Additionally, the relationship between cocoa prices and the overall economy is likely to be complex, with both direct and indirect effects. In order to understand the link between these two factors, it would be necessary to study the specific details of the situation and consider a range of possible factors.

Why is the Baker v Canada case important?


This case has significant administrative law implications for Canada. It gives us five criteria to consider when deciding whether or not to uphold the obligation of fairness and offers advice on procedural fairness.

Factual information: Mavis Baker is a Jamaican citizen who arrived in Canada in 1981.She was employed in the nation as a domestic helper for 11 years. She had two sets of kids: four that she left in Jamaica and four that she had while residing in Canada. She was living in Canada illegally when the Canadian authorities found this in December 1992 and issued a deportation order for her .She submitted an application for permanent residence in accordance with section 114(2) of the Immigration Act. G. Lorenz, the immigration officer in charge of her case, rejected her application for a number of grounds and made improper remarks in the process.

Learn more about Baker v canada here:



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What is the empirical formula for a compound that contains 17. 34% hydrogen and 82. 66% carbon?. most hormones are taken up and degraded by the __________ and __________.A. adrenal glands; intestinesB. liver; kidneysC. blood; kidneysD. liver; spleenE. spleen; kidneys active transport a-requires an input of atp b-is involved in diffusion c-occurs in osmosis and facilitated transport d-all of the choices are correct GeometryAnswer with a proper explanation Historians have argued that all of the following were causes of the Civil War EXCEPTa. the clash of economic interests between agrarian and industrializing regionsb. the actions of irresponsible politicians and agitators in the North and the Southc. differences over the morality and future of slaveryd. the growing power of poor Southern Whites who resisted planter dominance and sought to abolish slaverye. a constitutional crisis pitting states rights against federal power mccue inc.'s bonds currently sell for $1,250. they pay a $90 annual coupon, have a 25-year maturity, and a $1,000 par value, but they can be called in 5 years at $1,050. assume that no costs other than the call premium would be incurred to call and refund the bonds, and also assume that the yield curve is horizontal, with rates expected to remain at current levels on into the future. what is the difference between this bond's ytm and its ytc? (subtract the ytc from the ytm; it is possible to get a negative answer.) mccue inc.'s bonds currently sell for $1,250. they pay a $90 annual coupon, have a 25-year maturity, and a $1,000 par value, but they can be called in 5 years at $1,050. assume that no costs other than the call premium would be incurred to call and refund the bonds, and also assume that the yield curve is horizontal, with rates expected to remain at current levels on into the future. what is the difference between this bond's ytm and its ytc? (subtract the ytc from the ytm; it is possible to get a negative answer.) 2.77% 2.33% 2.04% 2.98% 2.62% What is the first step to graph an inequality? What are the answers to First World War? The mBOD = 46 and the mBOC = 26. What is the mCOD? What is ethos pathos and ethos? Assume int[] t = {1, 2, 3, 4). What is tlength? 0345 Bergamot Urgent Care ClinicFORMATTING WORKBOOK TEXT AND DATAGETTING STARTEDOpen the file NP_EX19_2a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx, available for downloadSave the file as NP_EX19_2a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx by changing the "1" to a "2".If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.With the file NP_EX19_2a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet.If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.PROJECT STEPSJennifer Williams is the business manager at the Bergamot Urgent Care Clinic. Jennifer is adding formatting to the workbook she uses to track statistics on patient visits to make it easier to read and use. Change the theme of the workbook to Office.Switch to the Visits worksheet and then format the headings. Merge and Center the range A1:H1.Apply the Heading 1 style to the range A1:H1.Merge and Center the range A2:H2.Next, Jennifer needs to format the report dates. Change the background color of the range A4:B5 to Gray, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (7th column, 2nd row of the Theme Colors palette).Format the range A4:A5 as bold.Format the range B4:B5 to use a date format with a two-digit month, a two-digit day, and a two-digit year (e.g., 09/26/21).She also wants to format the table headings. Format the range A7:H8 as italic.Apply horizontal centering to the contents of each cell in the range A7:H8.Change the background color of the range A7:H7 to Orange, Accent 2, Lighter 60% (6th column, 3rd row of the Theme Colors palette).Change the background color of the ranges B8:D8 and F8:H8 to Orange, Accent 2, Lighter 40% (6th column, 4th row of the Theme Colors palette).Merge and Center the range A7:A8 and then center the contents of the merged cell vertically.Merge and Center the range E7:E8 and then center the contents of the merged cell vertically.Merge and Center the range B7:D7 and then Merge and Center the range F7:H7.Jennifer would like to spruce up the table data. Change the background color of the range A10:H10 to White, Background 1, Darker 5% (1st column, 2nd row of the Theme Colors palette) and then repeat for the range A12:H12.In the range F9:H12, apply the Percentage number format with zero decimal places.Use the Highlight Cells Rules conditional formatting to format cells in the range G9:G12 with a value less than 6% using Light Red Fill with Dark Red Text.For the merged range A17:A23, rotate the cell contents to 0 degrees and then change the indent to 2.Find and replace all instances of the text "Ins" with Insurance, not including any punctuation. (Hint: You should find and replace two instances.)Finally, she needs to format the workbook for printing. Insert a page break to start a new page at row 14.Set the margins to Narrow.Set rows 1 and 2 as print titles.Create a custom footer for the worksheet. In the left footer section, display the current page number using a Header and Footer element. In the center footer section, display the Sheet Name using a Header and Footer element.Save your changes, close the workbook, and then exit Excel. What acceleration does a net force of 32 N impart to a mass of; *30 kg45 kg14 kg32 kg3 kg0.094 m/s^2 0.94 m/s^2OOOO1.00 m/s^2 0.44 m/s^2OOOOOOO10 points1.41 m/s^2OO Do Shipt drivers see tips before delivery? only goods and services are included in the estimation of nominal gdp, the dollar value of output produced in an economy. T/F A researcher is crossing two organisms that are heterozygous for three Mendelian, unlinked traits (XxYyZz). What is the fraction of offspring that are predicted to have the genotype xxyyzz?a. 1/64b. 1/32c. 1/6d. 1/8 What is equal to 3 minus square root of eight divided by square root of 3 1.) Which would fetch ID. Name and Salary fields from the customers table where salary is greater than 2000: SOL-SELECT ID, NAME, SALARY FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE SALARY> 2000 2.) SQL SELECT ID, NAME, SALARY FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE NAME="Handik Air trapped inside a single-piston-cylinder exerts a pressure of 760 mmHg. If its volume is increased by 20% at a constant temperature, the pressure exerted would be equal to Question 4 (1 point)What is the product? (6.28x10^3) x 10,00062,8006,280,0006,28062,800,000