What were the three targets Al-Qaeda tried to attack? Which attack was not successful?


Answer 1
Al-Qaeda aimed to attack three places, three of which were successful. Three of the hijacked planes hit their targets that were the twin towers and the pentagon. One of the planes crashed unintended in stony creek township. Another fluke in the operation occurred when the hijackers assigned to crashing into the White House did not follow through

Related Questions

What was the
Impact on England
and America?


Answer: The English established and expanded a number of colonies in the 17th century in the New World. British America later gained large amounts of territory with the Treaty of Paris (1763), which ended the French and Indian War in America and the Seven Years' War in Europe.


Which of the following statements does the passage support?

A. Rice paddy farming is particularly successful in areas with good water resources and a huge population.

B. Drier areas can produce rice as long as the region has a huge population to farm in the arid land.

C. Modern methods of commercial agriculture using farm machines are used a lot in rice farming.

D. Tropical regions with less population could likely grow just as much rice using paddy farming.



D would be the awnser I believe,

what contributed to the overinflated of the stock market in the 1920s?
a. a closed stock market that few people had access to
b. few people buying stocks
c. people speculating in store purchases
d. employers forcing employees to buy their stock


c. people speculating in store purchases

if this helped pls mark as brainliest

A resenha lida apresenta um breve resumo da obra avaliada para os leitores? Justifique sua
resposta, transcrevendo passagens do texto.


Resposta: Nova Orleans e o pântano ou seja floresta

Explicação: Nava Orleans a cidade. Depois que eles virou sapo eles foram pra floresta.

What was one goal of Catholic reformers?
ending corruption
reducing dioceses
eliminating missions
replacing sacraments



The goals  for the Catholic church to make reforms which included clarifying its teachings, correcting abuses and trying to win people back to Catholicism.

Why did steel impact the Industrial Revolution?


The availability of cheap steel allowed larger bridges, railroads, skyscrapers, and ships. Other important steel products were steel cable, steel rod, and sheet steel, which enabled large, high-pressure boilers and high-tensile strength steel for machinery. Military equipment also improved significantly.

As steel was a stronger and more resilient metal than iron, which was the main metal used prior to the Industrial Revolution, steel had a significant effect on the Industrial Revolution.

This makes steel perfect for a variety of uses, such as:

Transportation: Steel was utilized to build stronger, lighter railway lines, allowing trains to run more quickly and haul more loads. The railway sector saw a boom as a result, which in turn aided in the acceleration of the Industrial Revolution.Construction: Steel was utilized to construct skyscrapers and other stronger, higher buildings. In addition to promoting economic expansion, this enabled cities to become higher and denser.machines: Steel was utilized to create steam engines and textile mills, two examples of stronger and more effective equipment. As a result, there was an increase in the output of products, which accelerated the Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, Steel had a significant influence on the Industrial Revolution. Steel made it possible to construct machines that were stronger, lighter, and more productive, which in turn raised output and stimulated the economy.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution, here:



(50 points no links)

1. Why is immigration such a contentious issue in US history?

2. Do you think Boss Tweed and the Democratic Party political machines did more harm than good? What was the purpose of machine politics?

3. Why do you think the Germans and Irish were able to overcome anti-foreign prejudice and become two of the largest and most successful immigrant groups in the country?



1. In the late 1800s, people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes and immigrate to the United States. Fleeing crop failure, land and job shortages, rising taxes, and famine, many came to the U. S. because it was perceived as the land of economic opportunity.2. Political machine, in U.S. politics, a party organization, headed by a single boss ... as Tammany Hall, run by boss William Magear Tweed (1823–73) in New ... itself in power rather than providing good government, machines have been ... as they did in the marketplace of democratic Athens or Rome3.  The Irish and German settlement in America were different, because while the great majority of the Irish settled in the eastern cities, where they swelled on the ranks of unskilled labor, most Germans moved on to the Northwest, where they became farmers or went into business in western towns.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!

True or false
Japan was seeking Hawall as a new base of operations





The Japanese intended the attack as a preventive action to keep the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States.

Right to legal counsel


what are we supposed to answer ?

What do the Fifth Amendment and the Sixth Amendment have in common?


The Fifth Amendment addresses the right to a grand jury for serious federal criminal charges, protection against double jeopardy, the right against self-incrimination, the right to due process, and the takings clause

The Sixth Amendment provides many protections and rights to a person accused of a crime. One right is to have his or her case heard by an impartial jury—independent people from the surrounding community who are willing to decide the case based only on the evidence.

1. Place a checkmark next to each reason the colonists protested British taxation:

They were taxed without any representation in Parliament.

The taxes took away their rights to life, liberty, and property.

The taxes unfairly targeted the rich.

The taxes made imported tea cheaper than colonial tea.

The taxes were used to fund a war with Spain.

The taxes were used to explore the western territories.

The taxes took away their freedom of speech.



They were taxed without any representation in Parliament.


I hope this helps, have a wonderful day!

Can someone reword this to make it sound better for my assignment please and thank you

The Middle colonies is the greatest place for wheat production. They have a great soil and hard-working people to harvest the wheat grain and oats. Middle colonies is the only source of wheat, so they also have a great chance to trade with others.



The Middle colonies is the greatest place for wheat production. They have a great soil and hard-working people to harvest the wheat grain and oats. Middle colonies is the only source of wheat, so they also have a great chance to trade with others.


Wheat production is at its peak in the Middle Colonies. They have great soil and hard-working people to harvest the wheat grain and oats. Since the Middle Colonies are the sole provider of wheat, they have a great chance to exchange their goods with others.

Which of the following best describes the group of women called "flappers?"
"Trend setters"
"Old Fashioned"
"Just like their mommas."


I think old fashioned would describe them

Answer: the answer should be Home-bodies


Folktales are often stories of animals that act like humans and live in a world of wonder and magic. Create your own folktale consisting of a central character, a plot, and a moral to be learned from the events in the story. In your folktale, create a conflict for the main character or the protagonist. Without a conflict, you do not have a story to tell, or a lesson to give. Many folktales use phrases that are easy to remember such as "once upon a time" or "in a land far, far away." You might also come up with repeated verses or phrases. Invite the reader to know your character intimately and to understand what the character thinks and feels. Use dialogue to reveal your character’s


I can help you! Lets decide on a main character, perhaps you? We need it to be personal, so get me the details and Ill write it:)


What historic event is most related to ideas shared in this source?

1.The Louisiana Purchase
2.The War of 1812
3.The Trail of Tears
4.The Annexation of Texas


it's is related to the war of 1812

the answer would be the trail of tears. during the presidency of andrew jackson, he wanted to dig up the gold in georgia. he passed to congress the indian removal act which removed all native americans in the area. they forced a great march to oklahoma which this trail was called ... the trail of tears.

Compare and Contrast How were slash-and-burn agriculture and

chinampas similar, and how were they different?



slash-and-burn agriculture and chinampas


The Aztec lived in wet areas. For farming, they used the chinampas to grow crops like corn, beans and squash. Chinampas were man-made islands, raised land on the surface of lake shallow waters. Chinampas were made of soil and rotten vegetation and dirt from nearby areas which allowed the crops to grow fast.

The Maya used the Slash and Burn method to farm. They would cut down all the trees and burned the stumps to clear the land for farming. The burning of vegetation provided fertile soil from the ashes. The Maya grew the same crops as the Aztec.

Both the Empire use different methods of farming to crow crops. They both rely on farming for crops. They both grow the same crops like corn, beans and Squash which also known as the three sisters as planted together.

I see no reason why Indians who can give satisfactory proof of having by their own labor supported their families for a number of years, and who are willing to detach themselves from their tribal relations, should not be admitted to the benefit of the homestead act. . . . —President Rutherford B. Hayes, first annual message, 1877 In this excerpt, President Hayes proposes a change in federal policy toward American Indians. Legislation based on this new policy did which of the following? F Promoted individual land ownership among American Indians G Forced white settlers to leave reservation lands H Ended federal oversight of tribal governments J Granted American Indians the right to attend public schools



Promoted individual land ownership among American Indians


According to the excerpt from President Rutherford B. Hayes, first annual message, he talks about Indians who have proof of having their own labor and are ready to detach themselves from their tribal relations should be given the benefit of the Homestead Act.

This Act means that any adult citizen who had not taken arms against the United States could be given 160 acres of land for development.

Answer:I believe the correct answer is C

Explanation: I did the test I got an 100

I need help with this political cartoon, I don’t understand it.


Answer and explanation:

I think the cartoon is trying to explain the peace that occurred when FDR died. You see, his death was the same year WW2 ended. I am assuming that the man in the picture is sad because of FDR's death, therefore conveying a message in this cartoon. Hope this helps!

Peace that occurred when FDR died

How did Pericles die?



typhoid fever



The cause of the plague of Athens in 430BC, which devastated the city and killed up to one-third of the population, including its leader, Pericles, was typhoid fever, scientists believe.

Hope I helped !

how did government stability lead to the rise of Rome?



conclusion.Rome became the most powerful state in world by first century BCE through a combination of military power political flexibility economic expansion and more than a bit of good luck.This expansion changed the Mediterranean world and also changed Rome itsrlf

Write the definition of constitution in your own words.




A document written years ago stating what is right and wrong for our country

According to Lenin, are
people really free in a
capitalist state? Why or
why not?



No, as capitalism is inherently exploitative to the worker, it will never pay them the true value of their labor according to Lenin. This is why he emphasised the values of Socialism and Communism. We also see the coruption money causes within capitalist "Democracies" meaning Lenin would say that there can never be true democracy under capitalism, only under socialism/communism.

please help i will give branliest thanks




1.what the cause was

2.what was the outcome

3.what solved the problems

This Question comes more from you so there isn’t a right or wrong answer, (I think) but some question you can put under are

1) How was income for a standard home life at the time being brought in?

2) Was there a second wave?

3) How many people died ?

Hope this helpss!

What is the main cause of flooding in India and China?



Las lluvias monzónicas de las últimas semanas están provocando unas gravísimas inundaciones en India, Bangladesh y Nepal. En UNICEF calculamos que 16 millones de niños están afectados y necesitan ayuda urgente.

La subida del agua ha detenido la vida de estos niños, que además están ahora en grave peligro. Con las inundaciones, las enfermedades como el cólera se multiplican, el acceso a alimentos se reduce drásticamente y espacios tan importantes para los niños como las escuelas y sus propias casas quedan destruidos.  

Las lluvias torrenciales se han llevado más de 1.200 vidas y ahora amenazan a millones de supervivientes. Por eso, los equipos de UNICEF en los países afectados trabajan a contrarreloj para responder las necesidades inmediatas de los niños y sus familias. Esta es la situación:


En India, las inundaciones han dejado al mayor número de niños afectados. Más de 12 millones de niños están sufriendo las terribles consecuencias de las lluvias monzónicas. El balance de daños materiales ya alcanza más de 800.000 casas y 15.400 escuelas, lo que implica que casi 1 millón de niños han dejado de ir a clase.

A nuestros compañeros les preocupa especialmente que las inundaciones traigan un aumento de la desnutrición infantil, que ya era alta antes del Monzón. Por eso, están trabajando codo con codo con las autoridades indias para coordinar la respuesta de emergencia en los estados más afectados. Como ejemplo de esta colaboración, más de 9,8 millones de personas en Bihar han recibido información sobre temas tan importantes en estos momentos como el agua potable y el lavado de manos.

Las persistentes e incontenibles lluvias en China desde finales de mayo y las crecidas han provocado inundaciones en gran parte del territorio. ... Sin embargo, según muchos especialistas, el control de las riadas depende de la capacidad de las represas y la cantidad de lluvias.

Which branch of government does the Court of Appeals belong in
A. Judicial
B. Executive
C. Legislative
D. parliamentary



A. judicial I believe this is the answer

What nation emerged from the Dutch East Indies?



In de 19th century, the Dutch East Indies - modern Indonesia - developed into a profitable colonial empire. Local insurgents were suppressed and henceforth a huge slice of Dutch revenue came from the East Indies.

If you kown a lot about music answer these true or false questions
Question 1
Cultural needs affect the way music is made in different times and places.


Question 2
Composers from the Romantic Era focused on composing church music.


Question 3
There is no difference between classical and popular music.


Question 4
Jazz is a mixture of African, South American, and European musical influences.


Question 5
Rap focuses on lyrics that are spoken or chanted with a rhythm.





1. true

2. false






Democratic Party, Republican Party


Which statement best completes the diagram? CAUSE:
European powers colonize western Africa.
-----> EFFECT: ?

A. Democratic governments form in western Africa.

B. Economies grow quickly in western Africa.

C. Islam becomes a major religion in western Africa

D. Ethnic conflict spreads in western Africa​


maybe,this can help you

The European imperialist push into Africa was motivated by three main factors, economic, political, and social. It developed in the nineteenth century following the collapse of the profitability of the slave trade, its abolition and suppression, as well as the expansion of the European capitalist Industrial Revolution


I think its b


Farmers that owned their farming equipment, agreed to work a landowner's property, and provide a landowner with a portion of the crop were .... A Tenant Farmers B Slaves С Freedman's Bureau Sharecroppers​




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