What were the major characteristics of Roman society in the Roman Republic?


Answer 1

In the Roman Republic, society was split into two classes: wealthy patricians and common citizens, known as plebians.

They couldn't get married. Only male Roman citizens were eligible to vote. Slavery was critical to the Roman economy.

There were many branches of government in the Republic. The Senate, Consuls, and Assemblies were the three primary branches of government. The Senate was made up of leaders from ancient Rome's patricians, or noble and rich households. They were the ones who made the laws.

Lower-class people, or plebeians, had almost little voice in governance at the period. In the Roman Republic, both men and women were citizens, but only males could vote.

Learn more about to Roman Republic visit here;



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Is our country an agricultural country?


India's primary source of income comes from agriculture and related industries. Its rural households still rely heavily on agriculture for 70 percent of their income, with 82 percent of farmers being small and marginal.

Do you think of the Philippines as a farming nation?

The majority of people in the Philippines live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihoods, making the country predominately an agricultural one.

Philippines – an agrarian nation?

With a land area of 30 million hectares, the Philippines is primarily an agricultural nation, with 47% of that area being used for farming.

What distinguishes the Philippines as an agricultural nation?

Rice, coconuts, and sugar dominate the production of crops and exports in the Philippines, where agriculture plays a significant role in the country's economy. As of 2021, the World Bank estimates that it employed 23% of the Filipino labor force.

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what does the hookup culture insist you can do without?


It is not a commitment or a partnership.

Recently, announcements of corporate alliances have been widely reported in the media. Although this is nothing new, the tendency seems to have picked up speed since Covid. Every media property we represent is really a collaboration between the publisher and ourselves. Additionally, we have gathered content creators with comparable objectives throughout the years in order to take advantage of synergies and attain scale.

On the surface, the idea of media partnerships—particularly in the sale of advertisements—seems to be a straightforward way to increase profits. When sales tasks are assigned to experts, productivity should grow, and adding more salespeople should simply result in more advertising overall. The devil, however, is in the details, therefore life is not always like that.

Learn more about " partnership " to visit here;



What are Redeemers quizlet?


The "Redeemers" were a political coalition in the Southern United States during the Reconstruction era, who sought to oust the Radical Republican coalition of Freedmen, carpetbaggers and Scalawags. They were the southern wing of the Bourbon Democrats, the conservative, pro-business wing of the Democratic Party.

What was Schenck's major argument?


On January 9, 1919, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in which Schenck's legal representative claimed that the Espionage Act was illegal and that his client was merely expressing First Amendment-guaranteed free speech.

What was Schenck's argument?

Socialists Charles Schenck and Elizabeth Baer circulated pamphlets during World War I claiming that the draft was against the restriction against involuntary slavery spelled down in the Thirteenth Amendment. While urging disobedience to the draft, the pamphlets simply suggested nonviolent protest.

In Schenck v. United States (1919), the Supreme Court determined that speech posing a "clear and present danger" is not covered by the First Amendment. This judgment demonstrates how the First Amendment's interpretation by the Supreme Court occasionally trades off individual liberties in favor of social order.

To learn more about Charles Schenck, visit:



How do I answer Social Security disability questions?


Social Security pays disability benefits through two programs: the SociaSecurity Income (SSI) program.

How to Respond to Disability Surveys

Write legibly and with clarity. Avert erasures as much as you can.No section of the form should be left empty (unless otherwise noted).Give replies that are consistent.Honestly respond to the questions.adhere to the directions on the form.

Draw a picture of your life, day by day and hour by hour. Describe a past activity that your impairment prevents you from engaging in now. Give specificl Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental s on the things you used to be able to perform on your own but now require help from others.

To know more about Disability here



Why do South Americans holds a larger celebration on december 24th than 25th?


Unlike Canada or the U.S. Hispanic countries don't have anything similar to Boxing Day so people would celebrate a little earlier on the (Dec.) 24th, so they have 25 as the day to rest and recover because on the 26th, you're back to work.

Nochebuena translates to "the good night" and is celebrated on Christmas Eve. The holiday traces back to Spanish colonialization and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

What is demand-pull inflation and what is done to fix it?


Demand-pull inflation is a form of inflation that happens when an economy's demand for goods and services exceeds its ability to supply them, pushing up prices.

Many things, including rising consumer spending, rising government expenditure, and rising exports, can contribute to this. The price of everything in the economy may rise as a result of manufacturers having to raise prices to keep up with the rising demand for products and services.

A variety of actions can be done to combat demand-pull inflation. In order to fulfill the rising demand, one strategy is to boost the economy's supply of products and services. This may be accomplished by taking steps like raising output, boosting productivity, or importing commodities from other nations.

To learn more about demand-pull inflation



which of the following statements about criminal intent is false?a. criminal intent is the same as the motive for the crime.b. criminal intent must be proved in specific intent crimes.c. criminal intent need not be proved in strict liability crimesd. at common law, children under seven were presumed incapable of forming criminalintent.


Which of the following statements about criminal intent is false? criminal intent is the same as the motive for the crime, The correct option is A

What is criminal intent?

Criminal intent is defined as the resolve or determination with which a person acts to commit a crime. One of the example of criminal intent it means that a person intends the consequences of his act. For example, planning to kill someone and then shooting the intended victim. Entering a home with the intent to steal is purposeful criminal intent.

criminal intent, also known as mens rea, is one of two elements that must be proven in order to secure a conviction the other being the actual act.

Therefore the intent to commit a crime is the same thing as the motive for committing a crime.

Learn more about Criminal intent here: brainly.com/question/23793066


How can I get my SSS payment reference number self employed?


SSS Payment reference number can be accessed from the official SSS website through your account.

A Statement of Payments means all those payments made towards veterans, welfare, and social security.

The Social Security System has recently put out a new scheme for self employed private individual to induce flexibility in the system.

For self employed the elaborate method of finding a reference number involves opening an account in the My.SSS facility at the SSS website (www.sss.gov.ph).

You can then have online access to your SSS records and  generate your Payment Reference Number (PRN), which is required when paying contributions.

You can then pay your contributions using the Payment Reference Number (PRN) monthly or quarterly in accordance with the prescribed schedule of payment.

To know more about SSS payment, click here:



What caused the women's rights movement?


Many women's rights advocates decided to concentrate their efforts once again on the fight for female suffrage after the Civil War because of the controversy surrounding the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, which would have given citizenship and the vote to African-American men.

Why did the campaign for women's rights begin?

Women were nearly generally denied the right to vote since the United States' founding. But it wasn't until women started to object to this limitation that their exclusion became clear.

Who and why did the struggle for women's rights begin?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony founded the National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA) in May 1869; they opposed the 15th amendment since it excluded women.

To know more about women's rights visit:-



What was the purpose of utopian communities?


Utopian communities was intended to provide all of its members with the highest levels of academic, physical, and moral instruction.

In his work of the same name, Utopia, which was released in 1516, Sir Thomas More first used the term utopia. Utopia is typically thought of as a flawless world free from social, societal, or governmental problems. Common traits of utopian societies include communalism, collectivism, the abolition of money, living sustainably, freedom of speech and thought, peaceful citizens and government, and a shared conviction in particular ethics, philosophies, or religion, despite the fact that utopian societies are conceptualised differently by different people. Most people believe that a utopian state is impossible, as More noted when he coined the phrase.

Learn more about utopian community here:



Why is the Baker v Canada case important?


It was decided that the decision-maker had to take the rights of Baker's children into account in order to maintain procedural fairness. The international Convention on the Rights of the Child outlines the human rights of children.

How did the Baker case end?

The United States Supreme Court ruled in Baker v. Carr (1962) that federal courts could review claims that a state's redistricting of electoral lines violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

Mavis Baker was she deported?

After suffering from postpartum depression, Baker was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. Unable to work, she applied for social assistance in 1992. Her application informed immigration officials of her position as a "illegal" immigrant in Canada. On December 29, 1992, a deportation order was made.

To know more about Baker's visit:-



Can the symbol & Used in title?


The ampersand symbol is perfectly acceptable to use in titles. Your title doesn't gain or lose any worth as a result.

Why is it vital to understand the floor plan symbols?

The buyer and the construction team can get an idea of the construction and design specifics from a floor plan, which provides a clear and detailed perspective of a building or property. All of the building components in a floor plan are represented by symbols on the plan. First off, symbols in architectural designs show what needs to be built and where it has to be installed. First off, symbols in architectural designs show what needs to be built and where it has to be installed. Second, there are some unique symbols that make cross-referencing easier. For example, callouts or section marks make it easier for readers to explore the drawing set and locate a particular element fast using the drawing numbers.

To know more about symbol visit:



Fast and frugal heuristics allow one to make quick decisions with limited information.


Option a) True. Fast and frugal heuristics allow one to make quick decisions with limited information.

The term heuristic comes from the Greek and means "to discover".

Fast and frugal heuristics are a simple task-specific decision-making strategy that belongs to the decision-maker's repertoire of cognitive strategies for solving judgment and decision-making tasks.

They are fast to execute or to make a decision as it has limited information without much involvement of computation.

Hence, fast and frugal heuristics lets one to make quick decision with limited information.

To learn more about heuristic, here:



What favor does Hamlet ask of horatio?



He asks Horatio to watch the King and note his reaction to a specific speech in Murder . If the play does not reveal Claudius as the killer, Hamlet promises Horatio that he will admit to having seen a "ghost" rather than the honest spirit of his late father.


In order to determine whether the king is responsible for the death of the elder hamlet, Hamlet requests that Horatio follow the monarch throughout the performance of a play.

Horatio is told by Hamlet about the impending play, which has a sequence he created that parallels the death of his father. He requests that Horatio see Claudius at that scene in order to judge his culpability. If Claudius appears to be guilty, the ghost might be a demon; otherwise, something needs to be done.

In light of all the tragedies, Hamlet informs Horatio once more that he is dying and implores his companion to stay alive and share his narrative rather than committing self death.

Learn more about Hamlet, here;



Briefly describe any educational plans you have beyond earning your bachelor’s degree


Obtaining a master's degree necessitates successfully completing a course of study that often needs one or two additional years of full-time study after earning a bachelor's degree.

What is the name of post-secondary education?

The level of education that comes after successfully completing secondary education, also known as high school, is postsecondary education, also known as higher education.

Bachelor's degree in a sentence: how to write?

Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral Degree are not capitalized in general contexts. When writing bachelor's and master's degrees, use an apostrophe (possessive), but not when writing bachelor's of arts or master's of science. An apostrophe should not be used with an associate's or doctoral degree.

To know more about master's degree visit:-



8. Give an example each of evocative and active genetic/environment forces and how they have shaped the person you are. Then give an example of either an optimum or poor person-environment fit that you have experienced this semester.

9. Anthony, age 8 months, and his father are driving to the park when a heavy pipe falls off a passing truck and crushes the roof of their car. Both of them sustain serious injuries to the language areas of their brain. What predictions can be made about their future functioning, and why?

10. List three normative and three non- normative influences in your life.

11. Xenia carries the gene for hemophilia and asks a doctor for information about her risks should she decide to have children. What should the doctor let Xenia know

12. Explain Piaget's concepts of assimilation and accommodation, and give a concrete example of those processes.

13. List the four attachment patterns identified in the text, give examples of each, and then name the attachment style that BEST predicts having long- term personality problems.


Our innate skills and temperamental predispositions inherently evoke or produce. Based on our genetic propensities, we actively choose our environments.Because the top players are receiving all the attention, good athletes attract more attention and improve.

What is active environment?

The opposite of a passive environment is an active one. A passive environment is one where people have "learned helplessness."

There is a distinction between surroundings that encourage active learners and environments that encourage passive learners. In fact, a dynamic environment may by its very nature be messier than its passive counterpart. Passive environments encourage passivity while "Active Environments" encourage "Active Learners." The latter is very infrequently done on purpose; it typically occurs as an unintended byproduct of an establishment's policy, method, and practice.

There is proof that staff members increase learners' cognitive involvement in an active environment.

Learn more about active or physical environment, from:



The HIPAA Privacy Rule applies to which of the following?
All of the above


All of the aforementioned The Privacy Rule under HIPAA applies to PHI transmitted or retained by a covered company or a former business partner in just about any form or medium.

A business can be formed as a legal person such that the company has itself limited responsibility as members execute or fail to perform their duties in accordance with the publicly stated incorporation or published policy. When a firm closes, it may have to be liquidated in order to avoid ongoing legal liabilities. Corporations can form alliances and register as new companies as a group; the resultant entities are generally referred to as corporate groups. Inside the United States, any company is not always a corporation. A corporation, partnership, organization, joint-stock company, charity, fund, or organized group of individuals whether incorporated or otherwise, and any receiver, trustee in insolvent, or similar official, nor liquidation agent for any of the foregoing, is an example of a company.

Learn more about insolvent here



had the framers adopted a parliamentary system; we might see all of these features in the political life of the united states except which one?


Answer: Not higher and more centralized.


Sexual misconduct between staff and inmates is more common in women's prisons than in men's prisons.

a. True
b. False


True, In women's prisons, sexual misconduct between staff and inmates is more common than in men's prisons.

Sexual misconduct is sexual misconduct that exists on a spectrum that includes a wide range of unwelcome sexual behaviors. This includes morally inappropriate behavior on an individual or societal level, sexual harassment, and/or criminal sexual assault.

If sexual harassment is reported, the harasser may face disciplinary action, such as being reprimanded, demoted, or fired. If the harasser's actions were serious enough to be considered sexual assault, the harasser could face criminal charges as well.

To know more about sexual misconduct, click here.



what does research on gender differences and day care reveal as an important moderator of day care's effects on social behavior? group of answer choices girls in non parental care are more likely than boys in similar care settings to be ambivalently attached to their caregivers. boys in non parental care are more likely than girls in similar care settings to be insecurely attached to their caregivers. boys in nonparental care are more likely than girls in similar care settings to be ambivalently attached to their caregivers. girls in nonparental care are more likely than boys in similar care settings to be insecurely attached to their caregivers.


Based on the concept of gender differences and the available options, the research on gender differences and daycare reveals that Boys in nonparental care are more likely than girls in similar care settings to be insecurely attached to their caregivers.

What are daycare's effects on social behavior?

Daycare's effect on social behavior is a term that is used to describe the effects of several hours in daycare during a child's early years with less social competence and cooperation, more problem behaviors, negative mood, aggression, and conflict.

Generally, Daycare's effects on social behavior are considered to have more positive than negative impacts, as it affects the emotional development of the children which persists throughout early childhood and adolescence.

Major effects of Daycare's effects on social behavior arehigher levels of empathy, resilience,prosocial behaviorimproved long and short-term health outcomes, language development, social-emotional development, andschool readiness

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that male child in guardian care are more likely than female child in similar care environments to be unusually connected to their caregivers. Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

Learn more about the Daycare's effects on social behavior here: https://brainly.com/question/12945298


What is it called when politicians advertise?


In politics, campaign advertising refers to the use of a media-based advertising campaign to sway a political conversation and, ultimately, voters.

What does political advertising entail? In politics, campaign advertising refers to the use of a media-based advertising campaign to sway a political conversation and, ultimately, voters.Political advertising includes displays, newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, articles, tabloids, flyers, letters, radio or TV appearances, and other forms of mass communication that are used to solicit votes, donations, or other forms of support, either directly or indirectly.An attack ad in a political campaign is a piece of advertising made with the intention of making a personal attack on a rival candidate or political party in an effort to win over voters and obtain support for the candidate making the attack.The goal of a political campaign is to win over voters.

To learn more about  political advertising refer



mr. brooks' basketball team has an away game today. the team bus is ready to leave and two of his players are making up a test with mrs. harper. mr. brooks asks mrs. harper to drive the boys to the game on the other side of town when they both finish. the boys finish their test and mrs. harper drives the boys to the game. whose behavior is a violation of the law?


As Mrs. Harper drives the boys to the game, hence her behavior is a violation of the law.

All the players that play any game such as basketball have to travel in the approved vehicle only. Any misfortune that occurs if any of the team members travels in an unapproved vehicle will be severely punished by law.

In the scenario mentioned in the question, although it was Mr. Brooks who had instructed Mrs. Haper to drive the two boys from the team however Mrs. Harper should not have driven them in her vehicle. Hence, in the above case, it is Mrs. Haprper who has caused a violation of the law.

To learn more about law, click here:



How are Federalists and Democrats similar?


While the present Republican party and the Anti-Federalists share a strong confidence in the rights of individual states, the modern Democratic party and the Federalists are similar in that they both support a powerful federal government.

What is similarity of Federalists and Democrats?Both of these parties supported American freedom and independence, while having significant differences, and they helped to establish the new country.Despite the similarities between Federalists and Democrats, as well as Anti-Federalists and Republicans, there are a number of important differences. For example, while Federalists and Anti-Federalists debated whether a centralized federal government should even exist in the first place, Republicans and Democrats today advocate for changes to the federal government that already exists because completely eliminating this institution would be difficult. The Federalists felt that a strong central government could help the country out of its massive war debts, which had accrued over the course of the country's history.

To learn more about Federalists and Democrats refer:



factors that promote underachievement in school include all of the following except: a. bias against identifying or programming for students from some minority groups b. nurturing social climate in the classroom c. chaotic, neglectful, or abusive home enviornment d. cultural barriers to success in certain fields


All of the following—EXCEPT—the following are contributors to academic underachievement: favorable social atmosphere in the classroom.

What does "school" mean to you?

A university is a sort of educational facility established will offer classrooms and other instructional settings where students may be taught by teachers. The majority of nations maintain formal education regimes that are occasionally required. Students move through a sequence of universities under these setups.

Why are schools crucial?

Nobody can ever simply remove of you the peace that education brings to your life. You boost your chances of finding better employment possibilities and widen your career options by just being well-educated and obtaining an university degree.

To know more about School visit:



at one point, people thought that increasing the number of cable tv channels would offer greater diversity. instead, many analysts now feel we are bombarded by even more messages promoting the same stereotypes. which theory proposes that we are affected by the type and amount of messages we experience through mass media? cultivation theory standpoint theory social exchange theory social learning theory


Correct option is A, cultivation theory proposes that we are affected by the type and amount of messages we experience through mass media.

Cultivation Theory -

To look at the long-term effects of media, particularly television, "cultivation theory" is a sociological and communications framework is utilized. It suggests that regular and prolonged media exposure increases the likelihood that people would see social realities as they are portrayed in the media, which in turn affects their attitudes and behaviors.

The concept of culture was first proposed in the 1960s by Professor George Gerbner, who further developed it in 1976 with Larry Gross. Gerbner created his three-category analytical framework for the mass media in 1973. The organizations promoting and disseminating the examined information are the subject of the first type of analysis, referred to as an institutional process analysis.

To learn more about Cultivation theory from given link



What is the speaker's mood in Mending Wall?


Curiosity and thoughtfulness are the themes of "Mending Wall." The story moves forward because of this curiosity.

How does Mending Wall's neighborhood feel about it?Between the speaker's area and that of his neighbor lies a wall, which is the subject of the poem titled Mending Wall. The speaker believes that the wall is unneeded because it separates them. Being judgmental toward one another is viewed as an opportunity, not a barrier, in this speculative viewpoint.Curiosity and thoughtfulness are the themes of "Mending Wall." When the speaker in the poem inquires as to the necessity of the wall and the reasoning behind their neighbor's belief that it "makes excellent neighbors," they show their inquisitiveness. The story moves forward because of this curiosity.                

To learn more about Mending Wall refer to:



What are the 3 types of scarcity?


The 3 types of scarcity are demand-induced, supply-induced, and structural.

What Are the Principal Reasons for Scarcity?Economic scarcity is primarily caused by structural, supply- and demand-induced factors.There are several types and kinds of scarcity. You can distinguish between four broad types: excessive demand, exclusivity, urgency, and rarity.It's time to come to an end, but before we do, keep in mind that the four forces of production—land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship—are finite resources that serve as the foundation of the economy.Three kinds of scarcity are distinguished by economists: shortage fueled by demand. supply-based scarcity structural shortage.The 3 types of scarcity are demand-induced, supply-induced, and structural.

To learn more about scarcity refer to:



What do you call the power of the president to approve or disapprove a bill or joint resolution?


The power of the president to approve or disapprove a bill or joint resolution is called the veto power.

The power of the President to refuse to approve a bill or joint resolution and thus prevent its enactment into law is the veto.

The norm is that the president has to sign a bill passed by Congress within 10 day period.

If the president returns this back to the house, it will be considered as a regular veto. In a regular veto, the president normally specifies the reasons for return and room for improvement or modification.  

However, such a veto can still be nullified and turned into law despite the objections of the President only by a two-thirds vote in both the Senate and the House.

A pocket veto, on the other hand, arises when Congress session comes to an end during the ten-day period. The president cannot return the bill to Congress and so the veto cannot be nullified by any majority vote.

Thus, if the president decides not to vote, the legislation will be left unsigned and it will be inferred that it is a pocket veto.

The congress doesn't get to override this.

To know more about veto power of president, click here:



What was the negative impact of western education in India?


The negative impact of western education in India is literacy, as the Indian education system is not the best because many do not speak English and while it is true that English is the second language of the nation many do not speak it.

Characteristics of education in IndiaIt is divided into four different levels.It helps to raise public awareness related to political and social events.It has strengthened higher education to enable the growth of professionals.It helps many Indians to follow their dreams and helps them to take advantage of all the opportunities presented.

Learn more about western education in India: brainly.com/question/1378205


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