What push factors means?


Answer 1

Poverty, a lack of social mobility, violence, or persecution are examples of push factors—reasons why people would leave their own countries.

What is meant by push and pull factors?

Push factors, such as poverty, a lack of social mobility, violence, or persecution, characterize the causes that people may emigrate from their own countries. The causes for someone to choose to live in a certain nation are known as pull factors. Higher salaries, social services like health care or education, or fuzzier ideas like equality or freedom are popular examples of push factors.

Within nations, rural-to-urban migration was modeled using push and pull forces by economist Michael Todaro.

Learn more about push and pull factors, from:



Related Questions

What are the positive and negative impact of westernization?


The impact of westernization is:

Loss of Cultural Identity.Increased Employment Opportunities.Social Disruption.Improved Healthcare.

Positive Impact of Westernization:

Increased Employment Opportunities: Westernization has created more job opportunities in developing countries by introducing modern technology, advanced business processes and modern infrastructure.Improved Healthcare: Healthcare systems in developing countries have improved significantly due to westernization. Western countries have invested in medical technology and research which has been used to improve healthcare in developing countries.Improved Education: Education has improved in developing countries due to westernization as more schools and universities have been opened up and students have been exposed to western education and values.Improved Quality of Life: With the introduction of western technology, there has been an improvement in the quality of life in developing countries. Quality of life has improved due to improved access to better healthcare, improved education and better job opportunities.

Negative Impact of Westernization:

Loss of Culture: Westernization has led to a loss of culture in developing countries as traditional customs and beliefs have been replaced by western values and norms.Increased Pollution: Westernization has led to increased pollution in developing countries due to the introduction of modern technology and industrialization.Increased Economic Inequality: Westernization has led to increased economic inequality in developing countries as the wealthy have benefited more from the introduction of western technology and infrastructure.Displacement of Indigenous People: Westernization has led to the displacement of indigenous people as their land has been taken over by corporations and government agencies.

Learn more about westernization at: https://brainly.com/question/19194121


Why Gulliver's Travels is a controversial book?


Gulliver's Travels caused a lot of controversies as Gulliver's depictions of "public peeing" prompted Irish parents to want to ban the book out of fear that it would prevent their kids from learning to use the toilet.

What is Gulliver's Travels?

Gulliver's Travels is still in full force three centuries after it was first published in 1726.

This well-known work of satire mixes an action story with a deft philosophical examination of the framework of modern society.

When Gulliver's Travels was initially released in 1726, it generated much controversy.

In fact, it took almost ten years after the book's initial printing for the complete text to appear, as was Swift's original intention.

Irish parents attempted to prohibit Gulliver because of its portrayals of "public peeing" out of concern that it would hinder their children's potty training (though would Gulliver really have been able to fit in the bathrooms on Lilliput, we must wonder).

Therefore, Gulliver's Travels caused a lot of controversies as Gulliver's depictions of "public peeing" prompted Irish parents to want to ban the book out of fear that it would prevent their kids from learning to use the toilet.

Know more about Gulliver's Travels here:



job refers to the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, particularly people in the world at large. (a) variety (b) identity (c) significance (d) autonomy (e) feedback


According to the job characteristics model, task significance is defined as the degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people.

What is task significance?Task significance is the degree to which employees perceive their work as significantly impacting other people within or outside of the organization, but the JCM specifies that only when workers have a sense that their work positively impacts the well-being of other people will they have greater meaningfulness.As such, Task significance reflects the extent to which a worker feels his or her job has a substantial impact on the lives of others. The impact may be local (i.e., meaningful to people inside the organization such as co-workers) or worldwide (i.e., meaningful to people outside the organization such as customers).

To learn more about Task significance refer to:



A shared culture __________ members of a group. A. Unites b. Separates c. Diversifies d. Individualizes please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d.



A. Unites is the correct answer.


What is the easiest type of mortgage to get approved for?


A Federal Housing Administration loan, also known as an FHA loan, frequently permits you to purchase a home with less limitations.

Which lenders are the simplest to be accepted by?

The loans that are most likely to be accepted for include payday loans, auto title loans, loans from pawn shops, and personal installment loans. All of these short-term financial choices are available to individuals with bad credit. Many of these options are designed to help borrowers who need rapid cash in an emergency.

If you make a greater down payment, you'll probably be able to get a better mortgage arrangement. Lenders will consider a number of factors when calculating your loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, which is essentially the amount of the mortgage relative to the value of the property and is expressed as a percentage.

To know more about mortgage, refer:



a response to frustration that often involves more vigorous, more varied, and repeated efforts of responding is known as


A response to frustration that often involves more vigorous, more varied, and repeated efforts of responding is known as persistence.

"Frustration breeds rage, and rage breeds aggressiveness." Direct rage and hostility are directed at the thing thought to be the source of the dissatisfaction. You could hit or kick a machine if it doesn't work.

If someone gets in your path, you can threaten them verbally or shove them away. When the source of dissatisfaction is too intense or dangerous for direct hostility, shifted aggression is frequently utilized. The aggressiveness is transferred to a less dangerous and more accessible item.

An angry individual frequently behaves rashly. The individual has succumbed to exasperation and has abandoned restraint. Anger may be a good response if it pushes us to take constructive action, but all too frequently, our furious acts are detrimental.

Indeed, if we could see a movie of ourselves being furious, the shame may help us overcome our rage. When you sense irritation rising, you must practice learned responses that lead to healthy rather than destructive acts.

learn more about frustration response at https://brainly.com/question/13122345


1. The function of a sensory receptor is to:2. A(n) _____ stimulus is the form of energy for which a sensory receptor is specialized – in other words, the type of energy that most stimulates a specific type of receptor.3. The adequate stimulus for your auditory system is _____.4. Before sound waves can stimulate cells inside your cochlea, they must first cause your ____ to vibrate.5. As fluid inside the cochlea vibrates, it stimulates _____ in the _____, which is the receptive organ in the ear.6. When hair cells move, they brush against the _____ membrane, causing ion channels to open and producing an action potential.7. The primary auditory cortex is located in the _____ lobes of the cortex.8. Officer Rosa immediately dropped for cover behind her car, knowing that the sound she heard was a gunshot and not a car backfiring. The _____ stream of auditory processing in involved in this ability to identify sounds.9. Research demonstrates that, in most people, the _____ is dominant for language.10. Overall, Carly is well-adjusted and intelligent, but she has difficulty understanding what people are saying. When she speaks, the rhythm and pattern sound normal, but the words themselves do not make sense. Given this information, it is most likely that Carly probably sustained an injury to which brain region?


The function of a sensory receptor is to receive information and generate nerve impulse to transmit to the brain for analysis. An adequate stimulus is the form of energy for which a sensory receptor is specialized

An internal or external physical stimulation can cause a sensory receptor, a structure, to respond. It is a sensory nerve terminal that processes information after receiving it and sends nerve impulses to the brain for interpretation and perception.

Although sensory receptors can be divided into many categories, they all essentially start the same process of registering events and producing nerve signals.

To learn more about receptor refer here:



Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates the role of context effects in memory?
answer choices
Jonah tutored his classmate on a difficult concept, and now he understands the concept better than he did before tutoring his classmate.
Amy studied for a vocabulary test in the same classroom and at the same time of day as the normal class, and she performed better on the test than students who studied in different classrooms under different conditions.
Mateo studied for an anatomy exam while taking pain medication, which he did not take before the exam. He forgot many of the concepts that he learned when he was studying.
Dina could not remember the name of her second-grade teacher, but after she thought about the names of her classmates, the teacher’s name suddenly came to her.


The following scenarios which best demonstrates the role of context effects in memory is Amy studied for a vocabulary test in the same classroom and at the same time of day as the normal class, and she performed better on the test than students who studied in different classrooms under different conditions.

A context effect is a cognitive psychology concept that describes how environmental factors influence one's perception of a stimulus. The impact of context effects is regarded as a component of top-down design. The concept is supported by the constructive perception theoretical approach to perception. Context effects can have a wide range of effects on our daily lives, including word recognition, learning abilities, memory, and object recognition. Like the sample above about Amy who performed better on the test than students who studied in different classrooms under different conditions.

Learn more about context effects in memory https://brainly.com/question/3355363


How do you solve HCF by 3 digit division?


Calculate the HCF of 3 numbers. Then Find the HCF of the 3rd number and the HCF found in step 1. The HCF you got in step 2 will be the HCF of the 3 numbers.

What is the meaning of HCF?

The greatest number among the common factors of the given numbers is the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two numbers. Since 12 is the greatest common factor between 12 and 36, for instance, the HCF of 12, as well as 36, is 12.

Finding all common factors between two numbers and choosing the biggest one yields the highest common factor (HCF).

Learn more about the HCF here:



5. Identify two different ways local governments can be organized. For each type of
government, explain its structure and provide an example of one of its typical
responsibilities. (4 points)


Local governments can be structured in two ways:

Structured similarly to the federal and state governments.Structured to match the requirements and characteristics of the local community.What exactly are local governments?

Local governments are the lowest levels of governance under the framework of sovereignty.

Local government area organization is a well-known grassroots attempt to partition a huge state into counties or districts for administrative ease.

If a local government is constituted similarly to the federal or state governments, it has three branches of government that function as the legislative, executive, and judiciary.

Thus, local governments might be established similarly to federal and state governments, or to match the demands and characteristics of the local community.

To learn more about local governments, click



What does the Bible say about freedom?


The Christian worldview holds that real freedom is not about doing anything you want without restraint, but about developing the correct desires and following God's plan.

What is freedom according to the Bible?

Christ has set us free because he loves us. So maintain your resolve and resist letting a yoke of enslavement fall upon you once more. Because of death, sin has been freed from a person. "Let no debt stay unpaid, save the ongoing debt of love for one another, for he who loves his neighbor has kept the law.

Freedom gives us the ability to make decisions about our course of action and demonstrates that we are not constrained by a set course for our lives. As part of the dignity he bestowed on people, God gave us the ability to be the masters of our own acts.

To know more about Bible, refer:



What type of logical error underlies the argument that black people were inferior? genetic fallacy begging the claim hasty generalization ad populum.


Option a) The type of logical error underlies the argument that black people were inferior is genetic fallacy.

The genetic fallacy is also known as fallacy of virtue or fallacy of origin.

Genetic fallacies are irrelevant fallacies in which arguments or information are discarded or verified based solely on their source of origin rather than their content.

In other words, claims are either ignored or made credible based on their sources rather than the claims themselves.

Stating that black people were inferior, is one of the examples of Genetic fallacy.

To learn more about the fallacy, here:



Answer: A. Genetic Fallacy


Edge 2023

What do you mean by demand-pull inflation explain with help of diagram?


A kind of inflation known as "demand-pull inflation" happens when the overall demand for products and services in an economy rises, pushing up prices.

This can happen when people have more money to spend and are more ready to buy products and services, or when company or government expenditure increases. A demand and supply diagram can be used to comprehend demand-pull inflation.

The figure that follows demonstrates how rising overall demand may result in inflation in an economy. The figure shows a vertical axis for pricing and a horizontal axis for the number of products and services available.

The link between the number of products and services that producers are willing and able to produce at a specific price level is shown by the "Supply" curve. The link between the number of products and services that customers are willing and able to acquire at a specific price level is shown by the "Demand" curve.

To learn more about demand-pull inflation



What are the 4 different types of committees?


The four distinct sorts of committees are Joint Committee on Printing, Joint Committee on Taxation, Joint Committee on the Library, and Joint Economic Committee.

The House Rules define standing committees as permanent panels with specific authority.

With the noteworthy exception of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, select committees are established by a resolution to undertake investigations or discuss actions, often on a particular issue.

Joint committees, like the Joint Committee on Taxation, consist of members from the House and the Senate and usually undertake research rather than propose legislation.

The U.S. House of Representatives' committee structure was first designed as a temporary tool to examine legislation on behalf of the Committee of the Whole, a mechanism in which every Member is treated as a member of a single, sizable committee.

Learn more about Committee here:



What kind of service project would help improve the life expectancy of the nations with the lowest life expectancy in the world?.


Answer: The project relies on accuracy of data. The Global Health Observatory (GHO) data repository under World Health Organization (WHO) keeps track of the health status as well as many other related factors for all countries The data-sets are made available to public for the purpose of health data analysis. The data-set related to life expectancy, health factors for 193 countries has been collected from the same WHO data repository website and its corresponding economic data was collected from United Nation website. Among all categories of health-related factors only those critical factors were chosen which are more representative. It has been observed that in the past 15 years , there has been a huge development in health sector resulting in improvement of human mortality rates especially in the developing nations in comparison to the past 30 years. Therefore, in this project we have considered data from year 2000-2015 for 193 countries for further analysis. The individual data files have been merged together into a single data-set. On initial visual inspection of the data showed some missing values. As the data-sets were from WHO, we found no evident errors. Missing data was handled in R software by using Missmap command. The result indicated that most of the missing data was for population, Hepatitis B and GDP. The missing data were from less known countries like Vanuatu, Tonga, Togo, Cabo Verde etc. Finding all data for these countries was difficult and hence, it was decided that we exclude these countries from the final model data-set. The final merged file(final dataset) consists of 22 Columns and 2938 rows which meant 20 predicting variables. All predicting variables was then divided into several broad categories:​Immunization related factors, Mortality factors, Economical factors and Social factors.

Explanation: Hope this was helpful

How does homeland security prevent terrorism?


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversees the movement of people and goods into and out of the United States as well as the protection of our nation's borders.

The FBI and CIA, for instance, are not a part of DHS, and other executive departments like the Department of Defense and the United States Department of Health and Human Services also play a substantial role in some parts of homeland security. The Management Directorate's Federal Protective Service division is a part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). serving as the Secretary of Homeland Security's police force. Under the Director of National Intelligence, who oversees or supervises the activities of the 16 organisations that make up the United States Intelligence Community, the CIA serves as the principal US HUMINT and general analytical agency.

To learn more about Homeland click the link below:



What is the purpose of the play-within-a-play?


A common literary device in theatre is the play-within-a-play, which places a play within the context of the main narrative. Depending on the situation, the play-within-a-objective play's may change.

The players in Hamlet see one such metadrama, which is a play within a play. The Murder of Gonzago and The Mousetrap is the title of the play-within-a-play.

The play-within-the-play in A Midsummer Night's Dream both symbolically and physically mimics the play as a whole. The drama addresses the insanity and craziness of love. The thin line dividing dream and reality is also covered. This has to do with meaning since it touches on the idea of human destiny.

To learn more about play-within-a-play



a baby stops sucking to listen to a tone. later, after the tone has been repeated frequently, the infant ignores it. this is an example of


A baby stops sucking to listen to a tone. later, after the tone has been repeated frequently, the infant ignores it. This is an example of habituation conditioning.

Habituation conditioning is a creation of psychological response due to frequent same stimulus. This response exists in every human since we're born to determine our fight or flight response. In this case for example.

After hearing the tone, the baby determines that the sound feel really similar to him and he do not perceive it as a source of danger, so the baby feel safe to continue sucking.

The process by which there is a decrease in behavioral response to a stimulus that is repeatedly presented over time. Habituation occurs in most animal species from simple invertebrates to humans. Habituation typically involves an attenuation of autonomic and motor response, as well as underlying neural processes that support these responses.

To know more about Habituation conditioning visit:



during the 12 months prior to the term for which you are applying, did you attend a public college or university in texas in a fall or spring term? count for dual credit?


Seniors in high school: even if you are enrolled in dual courses, you must choose "Never attended college/1st year" for your grade level since dual credit counts as high school for the FAFSA.

What is dual credit?An qualified high school student who successfully completes a college course or courses that are linked with a high school course necessary for graduation will earn credit for the course on both their high school and college transcripts under the dual credit system. 28.009 of the Texas Education Code (TEC).Seniors in high school: even if you are enrolled in dual courses, you must choose "Never attended college/1st year" for your grade level since dual enrollment counts as high school for the FAFSA. If you expect to have received your high school diploma by the end of the academic year, check that box.

To learn more about dual credit refer to:



Which type of workplace culture emphasizes accomplishing goals?
a. achievement-based
b. consistency-oriented
c. involvement-oriented
d. adaptive-based


Answer: the correct answer is C. involvement-oriented.


involvement-focused workplace culture is team-based empowerment and progress. These workplaces support learning new skills and applying those skills to support the team. It takes planning and deliberate actions to create a collaborative environment that supports teamwork. Setting organizational-wide goals, tracking productivity and progress toward goals, and demonstrating cooperative conflict resolution are a few of the actions that can help your business move in a more collaborative direction and function as the foundation for a culture of cooperation.

The correct answer is c. A workplace culture that is involvement-oriented places a strong emphasis on achievement.

A corporate culture that emphasizes participation fosters team empowerment and advancement. These workplaces encourage the development of new abilities and their application to help the team. To establish a collaborative environment that encourages teamwork, careful preparation and action are required.

Among the steps that can help your company go in a more collaborative direction and serve as the cornerstone of a cooperative culture are setting organizational-wide goals, monitoring productivity and progress toward goals, and exhibiting cooperative conflict resolution. Due to the focus on outcomes, a market culture is also known as a "competition culture." People desire to succeed and complete their goals, to put it simply. To attain the success measures the organization has established, leaders are stern and demanding, and employees are intensely goal-focused.

Learn more about workplace Visit: brainly.com/question/29618609


darla was moving some furniture, and in the process, her dog, sammy, ran out the front door. rather than accepting responsibility for leaving the door open, she yelled at her husband for not closing the door. according to gottman, this is an example of which horseman of conflict?


Defensiveness is an example of which horseman of conflict. Thus option A is correct.

What is conflict?

Conflict is the term used to describe the discord brought on by opposing beliefs, objectives, and circumstances. an ongoing argument between individuals who hold different ideals or viewpoints.

In reaction to real or assumed violent threats, assertive or obedient conduct may be displayed. She raged at her partner for not sealing the door then instead of owning up for doing so. Defensiveness is an illustration of the conflict's horseman.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about conflict, Here:



The question is incomplete, the complete question will be :





The landmark significance of the protestant reformation was the fact that it?


The landmark significance of the protestant reformation was the fact that it shattered the religious unity of Western Christendom.

Many people's preference to read the Bible in their native tongue as opposed to Latin. The desire of many to base their religious decisions only on the Bible, rather than customs or contemporary ideas. a conviction that the source of forgiveness is solely God, as opposed to a combination of good works and faith.Improved education and training for select priests of the Roman Catholic Church. the cessation of indulgence sales. Protestant services are held in the local tongue as opposed to Latin. The Peace of Augsburg (1555), which gave German rulers the freedom to choose between the Catholic and Lutheran faiths in their lands.

To know more about Protestant here



How do you show respect in Vietnamese culture?


To show respect to a person in Vietnamese culture, people bow and greet each other.

Vietnamese culture is the culture that is followed in region covering Vietnam. This culture respects the experience and wisdom of elderly people very much. Their experience and wisdom helps the younger generation as well as the people to follow the traditions and celebrate the festivals according to the traditions. The people in Vietnamese culture have a special way of greeting each other. They greet each other by bowing in front of each other and show their respect to each other. Not bowing in front of any person shows that the other person has disrespected the person.

Learn more about Vietnamese culture at:



A researcher calculates statistical significance for her study and finds a 5 percent chance that results are due to chance. Which of the following is an accurate interpretation of this finding?
answer choices

This is well beyond the range of statistical significance.
This is the minimum result typically considered statistically significant.
This is not statistically significant.
There is no way to determine statistical significance without replication of the study.
Chance or coincidence is unrelated to statistical significance.


The idea of statistical significance is the assertion that a set of observed facts is not the result of chance but rather can be linked to a particular cause. Hence Correct option is D.

The statistical significance of what t value?

A difference between two groups that is statistically unlikely to have happened because the sample was unusual is a statistically significant t-test result.

In what ways is statistical significance assessed?

The probability that a difference in conversion rates between Versions A and B of an A/B test or split test is not the result of random chance is gauged by statistical significance.

For academic disciplines or practitioners who extensively rely on evaluating data and research, such as those in the fields of economics, finance, and investment, statistical significance is vital.

To know more about statistical significance visit:-



During the night, Alicia stops breathing repeatedly, frequently gasps for air, and snores loudly at regular intervals. Alicia is most likely suffering from which of the following conditions?
answer choices
sleep apnea
night terrors
the REM rebound effect


During the night, Alicia stops breathing repeatedly, frequently gasps for air, and snores loudly at regular intervals. Alicia is most likely suffering from sleep apnea.

What causes sleep apnea primarily?

Obesity and excess weight in adults are the most frequent causes of obstructive sleep apnea, which is linked to soft tissue in the mouth and throat. This soft tissue can cause the airway to become clogged when you're sleeping since your throat and tongue muscles are more relaxed.

Breathing regularly stops and starts during sleep, which is known as sleep apnea. You may have sleep apnea if you snore loudly and still feel exhausted after a full night's sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea, the more prevalent variety that happens when throat muscles relax, is one of the main types of sleep apnea.

Learn more about sleep apnea here: brainly.com/question/6433518


All criminal convictions in the USA must be: 01. brought to an appeals court to approve 02. are reviewed by the Governor for appropriateness 03. including a prison sentence made by unanimous jury verdict 04.


In the United States, a unanimous jury verdict must make all criminal convictions.

The answer is D.

Recommendation 78 states that a jury’s verdict in criminal trials has to continue being a unanimous decision of the other jury members. In the U.S., all criminal defendants have the right to be tried by a jury. The 6th Amendment will guarantee the right. In the two situations, a criminal case is decided through trial by judges instead of juries. In criminal trials happening in federal courts, a jury should reach a unanimous decision to convict a defendant. After reaching an agreement on the verdict, the lawyers, judge, and defendant are notified.  

To learn more about the jury, visit



What are the main arguments in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman?


Women should be regarded as having the same value as males. We should provide young females with the same possibilities for school and other pursuits that we do for boys. Men and women would have happier relationships if women's rights were improved, and society as a whole would be better.

In it, Wollstonecraft makes the case that women should get an education appropriate to their standing in society. She also argues that women are vital to the country because they educate its children and because they have the potential to be "companions" rather than merely spouses. A Vindication of the Rights of Men, Wollstonecraft's earliest rejection of Burke's call for legislative reform, was published in 1790. In it, she contended that religious and civic liberty are a man's natural right and that corruption is mostly the result of ignorance. According to Mary Wollstonecraft, society was squandering its resources by maintaining the status of women as "useful domestic slaves" and preventing them from achieving economic freedom.

To learn more about pursuits click the link below:



What does the word Stark mean in this stanza?


means: night


How did the Vietnam War affect the American public's opinion of the US government?


Americans believed that the Vietnam War was pointless, a waste of money, and caused needless deaths. The Watergate Scandal served as a wake-up call that government irregularities can and will be revealed by the media.

What impact did the Vietnam War have on Americans' perceptions of the US government?

As information from the field became more widely available to civilians, public opinion began to turn against U.S. engagement, while many Americans remained in favor of it. Others believed their government had deceived them by not telling the truth about the conflict. As a result, there was more public pressure to halt the conflict.

How did the general public in America feel about the Vietnam War?

As the war continued and more young men were drafted, it became increasingly public opinion in America is unfavorable. The battle entered the American household through violent images and disturbing videos that were broadcast on the news.

To know more about American public’s opinion visit:-



What is a democracy answer?


A democracy is a system of government in which citizens choose representatives to enact and uphold laws.

What are the types of democracy?

The term "types of democracy" describes the plurality of governing institutions, including governments from local to global and other constructions like workplaces, families, community associations, and so forth. Democracies can be grouped based on principles. For instance, some political systems, such as direct democracy, electronic democracy, participatory democracy, real democracy, and deliberative democracy, aim to give everyone the opportunity to directly and equitably take part in political protests, discussions, and decision-making. Since this methodical approach to collective self-governance is still largely seen as the only way to ensure the more or less steady democratic functioning of mass societies, various forms of democracy, such as representative democracy, strive for indirect participation.

To know more about Democracy visit:                    brainly.com/question/17627950


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