What line from Poem 26 by Emily Dickinson contains an example of inverted syntax?
1. And fences fled away
2. The bell within the steeple wild
3. It quivered through the grass,
4. We barred the windows and the doors


Answer 1


2. The bell within the steeple wild


I just took the quiz lol, hope this helps

Related Questions

How is an individual’s life affected by outside events, family situations, or cultural, political, and social trends?



Because if someone sees anther person acting different they would do it.


Because these events change people




B. Combine the following sentences into one sentence using paired conjunctions (conjunctions that go together). Choose from the following options: both and not only but also, either or neither nor

1. We could fly We could go by train.

2 She will have to study hard. She will have to concentrate to do well on the exam

3. Jack is not here. Tom is in another city.

4 The speaker will not confirm the story. The speaker will not deny the story

5 Pneumonia is a dangerous disease. Small pox is a dangerous illness.

6 Fred loves traveling Jane wants to go around the world.

7 It might rain tomorrow. It might snow tomorrow

8 Playing tennis is good for your heart Jogging is good for your health.

Compare and contrast the stories by Edgar Allan Poe with the films by Tim Burton and provide examples to support your response. Consider elements such as setting, plot, mood & tone, characters, sounds, colors, state of mind, and theme

use 300 words or more thank u in advance



Both Tim Burton and Edgar Allan Poe wrote about death, tormented heroes, and hopeless love. The horror aesthetic of Poe’s stories is found in most of Burton’s movies. The use of stop motion in black and white highlights the contrast between light and darkness. Burton uses sounds such as an organ, thunder, and a somber soundtrack that enhance the horror setting. Visual details like skeletons, black cats, bats, and spiders strengthen the horror aesthetic.

Burton has said that as a child he used to escape from his reality by reading the horror books of Edgar Allan Poe and watching horror movies inspired on them.

Interestingly, Burton´s first movie, Vincent (1982), was a stop motion animation full of references to "The Raven", Poe´s most famous poem.

Vincent Malloy is a 7-year-old-boy obsessed with Edgar Allan Poe, his favorite author, and with Vincent Price, the actor whose characters Vincent wants to be like. Notably, Vincent Price is also the narrator of the short movie and was famous for his work in horror movies, many of which had been adapted from Poe’s stories. Vincent confuses his reality with Poe´s stories. For example, he believes his house is a big castle where he can perform experiments such as transforming his dog into a zombie and his aunt into a doll. Vincent´s last words at the end of the movie are an exact quotation from "The Raven". In addition to the direct mention of Poe and his work, Poe’s influence can also be seen in the poetic format of the movie.

Furthermore, both the movie and the poem have themes like delusion, love, beauty, the supernatural, and death. In the movie, Vincent goes insane as he starts to believe that his wife was buried alive, while in the poem, there´s a supernatural setting, and a man is being disturbed both psychologically and emotionally by a raven about the death of the woman he loved.

Discuss the deterioration of the "society" on the island. What circumstances, events, and psychological forces cause this deterioration (lord of the flies)



William Golding held that a breakdown in the social order causes moral deterioration in the individual. This breakdown is suggested symbolically early in the narrative when Ralph and Piggy pull off their clothes, the trappings of society, and swim in the pool.


Describe what happens when the patrols arrive at Alice’s house



help her


what story are u reading

can someone please write me a fable i will mark brainliest!



There was once a creature called a sharkpido it was a shark and scorpion it only ate kids if they were being mean but some people thought it was fake but little did they know it was watching them in the shadows and some kids slowly started to disappear the village was really scared and afraid but one day a guy called nick hu Chan came and said he could defeat the creature and none believed him and they were really scared so then one day nick went out and never came out and he left colorful stuff and the creature never came back that’s why we wear different colors in the world.


What part of the sentence contains a infinitive? Having visited the local butterfly farm, I know more about how to create my own butterfly garden. A. Having visited farm B. How to create C. Own butterfly garden D. I know more


An infinitive is a phrase or sentence that cannot be tested for tense, number and mood. They are marked by -ing, to +verb, and -ed²/-en verb. Hence, option A Having visited farm.

What are infinitives?

Infinitives are the basic form of a verb, without an inflection binding it to a particular subject or tense. It takes the form of “to + verb” in its simplest form. An infinitive expresses an action or state of being.

learn more about infinitives: https://brainly.com/question/449147


Which is not a plural noun is this text?
1 opponent's
2 swords
3 actors
4 fencers





A plural noun indicates that there is more than one of that noun (while a singular noun indicates that there is just one of the noun). Most plural forms are created by simply adding an -s or –es to the end of the singular word. For example, there's one dog (singular), but three dogs (plural).


1. opponent's


1. How do Louise Mallard's loved ones treat her?


They are impatient with her

Throughout their marriage, Mallard "had never gazed but with love upon [his wife]," and he had "gentle, tender hands." Well, that certainly seems to be a wonderful quality.

How did Louis Mallard love?

Despite her love for her husband, Mrs. Mallard loathes the responsibilities that come with marriage. I think freedom is better than love.

Louise is secretly relieved to learn the news because it means she is finally free. She has a newfound zest for life, and while she still adores her husband, she now values her independence even more.

When her husband, who is still alive, returns home, she suffers a heart attack. Mallard had a right to feel love for both her husband and for herself.

She allowed herself the freedom of not having to deal with her husband's passing permanently. She desired to experience him in spirit rather than be depressed by the idea of her husband's passing.

Check out the link below to learn about Louis Mallard;



What does the fittest mean ?


the best suited for something
Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose

4: What is the meaning of the word alleviate as used in this sentence? "To alleviate dust allergies, be sure to keep your pet's
sleeping area vacuumed."
OA: Elevate
OB: Lessen
OC: Maintain
OD: Recognize


i believe it’s lessen, since it’s talking about a type of treatment to supposedly help with the allergies. If it were to maintain them it wouldn’t really be good way of spending money, and alleviate is commonly used to reference a lessen “bad” experience

Give a personal example with the word relationships



The relationship between the two countries has improved. She has a close relationship with her sister. She has had many bad relationships. ... the relationship between mental and physical health “What is your relationship to the witness?” “He is my father.”

What themes in this?​



it your theme and in your hand to answer this question


The theme is B


had it in my test beofifjvifjgmt

What is the format we use when writing English papers? *


MlA is the format to be used

The god that i chose is Hades.
Please help :_ )


While the victorious gods established their new home on Mount Olympus, Hades retreated to the underworld to rule over the dead. His rule over the realm of the dead was so complete that his name became synonymous with it. The physical world of the Greek afterlife was Hades’ realm, eventually referred to simply as Hades.



While the victorious gods established their new home on Mount Olympus, Hades retreated to the underworld to rule over the dead. The physical world of the Greek afterlife was Hades’ eventually referred to simply as Hades

please help 20 points


"Pap always said it warn't no harm to barrow things if you was meaning to pay them back sometime; but the widow said it warn't anything but a soft name for stealing and no decent body would do it"

(i think haha)

what if you could no longer to see?​



you would no longer see


When did Mac and cheese become a common meal in America



During the Great Depression, Kraft brought its boxed Mac and Cheese, and as a cheap and affordable, it became a easy meal for Americans that were suffering in the 30's and 40's.

It was introduced in 1937, and now is an American Favorite.


In the poem miller of th dee why is miller happier than the king



The miller is the happier man, because he has no worries whereas the king has all the worries and problems of the world.

can someone help me please



1.The waves symbolize the Seventh's Man's fear.

2After he rediscovers K.'s water colors, what does the seventh man do with them? The seventh man takes a good, concentrated look at the watercolor paintings that K. had given him. In his own words he explains, "I opened the bundle again and forced myself to take a long, hard look at K.'s watercolors."

3. K.'s watercolors symbolize the great, and warm memories that the seventh man had with K. during the duration that they spent as best friends before the traumatic event. When you paraphrase, you restate a text in your own words.

4. "I found myself in warm memories." Paraphrase the seventh man's comments about fear in the story's final paragraph. He is saying in very wise words that you should not be fearful of being fearful of something.

5.As the story unfolds and the seventh man comes to peace with his constant blame and grief and also eliminates his fear of the ocean, we see that the best way to deal with fear is to face it rather than turn our backs on it and let it slowly overtake us.

6. Although the seventh man did not die, he did not truly escape the wave because for forty long years, he dealt with imagining the traumatizing image of his best friend K. being swallowed by the giant wave, and continuously had nightmares down to the smallest detail about his experience.

A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, Act II Scenes I and II Research recent issue or incident involving conflict or prejudice in the news. Create an opinion piece in the form of a letter to the editor outlining the issue and developing a specific solution for what should be done. Sign the letter, send it, and look for a response



give the answer from the comprehension passage

operational definition of editorial



Relating to an editor / an editorial office


Being or resembling an edtorial / an editorial statement

What does accentuate mean?​



make more noticeable or prominent.


EXAMPLE: transitive verb. : to make (something) more prominent or noticeable : accent, emphasize With her hair in tight curls that accentuate her pale beauty, she seems lit from within.— Peter Travers trying to accentuate the positive aspects of the program also : intensify accentuates the feeling of despair.


to give emphasis or prominence to or to mark or pronounce something with an accent.


Which of these is the best reason writers use imagery?
A. encourage readers to keep reading
B.help readers connect to the writing
C. get the readers to write their own poetry
D. create mental pictures in the readers minds





The answer to this is D.

List of instructions to enjoy a Holiday
example:pack ur suitcase



Hang out with friends and family

Try new food


Reflect on what is important to you during the holidays. This may change over time, but thinking about what you want for this holiday season will help you choose more intentionally about who you would like to spend time with and how you would like to spend the time. It’s hard to have a meaningful holiday if you don’t determine ahead of time what will give it meaning.


Make a plan as early as possible about what you will do during the holidays. Try to plan at least one activity that is important to you for each holiday that you celebrate. Feel free to initiate activities with family and friends. Consider volunteer activities. Making a plan well in advance can give you something to look forward to and help you feel a greater sense of control.

back your suitcase, prepare snacks

Is someone willing to help me with this please and thank you



It’s the first one

a healthy man is an asset to his family. make it negative?



give the man fast food and beer

[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{pink}{An}}{\red{sw}}{\orange{er}} {\color{yellow}{:}}}}}[/tex]

A healthy man is not an asset to his family.

Thanks Hope it helps.

My car heroically took me to work.
O Personification
O Metaphor
O Idiom
O Simile



It is Personification


It is giving human charecteristics to something that is not human.




It is Personification because the car, which is not living is being described as a hero, TAKING him to work. The person gave it human characteristics. :D

Discussion Topic
In this unit, you explored different types of media that people use to communicate information. You learned about print media, broadcast media, and Internet media.

Choose a type of media that you think you could live without. Why do you think that you don't need this type of media in your life? What don’t you like about it, or what makes it less useful than other types of media?

Next, choose a type of media that you think you couldn't live without. Why do you think that you need to have this type of media in your life? What aspects of this type of media appeal to you? What would you do to make this type of media even better and more useful to you?



we don't need  Wizz and tender it is very bad and people can do n u d s and much more this should be token of the app store and the media.

what should not be token of of the media is  FaceTime call, and text these all can be useful to get a hold to people and talk to them at any time and when something wrong u can get ahold of them i think this these this should stay on the media to get should of people at any time.



I think I could live without print media, such as newspapers. Today with all of the social media I can go online and see what is happening locally in my community, state and nationally. Print media is getting so expensive plus we would be saving trees by getting our news on social media.

I think I couldn't live without online research. Right now with doing Trojan Academy I need online research to study topics for written responses. With the pandemic library research isn't very praciticle. Online research appeals to me, because I don't have to leave home to get information.

To make this information more useful and beneficial I need to be careful which websites I use. I need to use credible websites.

Compare and Contrast - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Which two sentences or phrases from the passage best support the answer to Part A?
“My signs are a rain-proof coat, good shoes, and a staff cut from the woods” AND “I got into my old rags and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied.”

“I have no chair, no church, no philosophy” AND “The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me.”

“But each man and each woman of you I lead upon a knoll” AND “But Tom Sawyer he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of bank robbers, and I might join.”

“Not I, not any one else, can travel that road for you” AND “so when I couldn’t stand it no longer I lit out.”



Two years after Simpson's 1995 acquittal, a civil court jury found him liable for the deaths of his ex-wife and Goldman, and awarded $33.5 million to the families, which later doubled to $70 million due to interest, as Simpson has never fully paid the restitution.


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Please help. I will give u brainiest if u have the right answer. EspaolBrian is fertilizing his garden. The garden is in the shape of a rectangle. Its length is 12 feet and its width is 10 feet.Suppose each bag of fertilizer covers 30 square feet. How many bags will he need to cover the garden? A line passes through the two glven points. Is it vertical, horizontal,or neither?(-1, -1), (-2, -1) Vertical Horizontal Neither y=x/4+1/2 find the x and y Pls help asap can someone help me find the measure of the angle indicated in bold please Why would you want to slow down a chemical reaction? Heeeeeeelp meeee pleaseeeee What was d-day and why was it important ? 1.Seala el sujeto en las siguientes oraciones-Roco baila muy bien salsa-Francisco ayuda a poner la mesa-en la cpula de la Iglesia hay muchas aves Whats this answer ? A capacitor holds a 8.89 x 10-7 Ccharge when 32.0 V are applied toit. What is its capacitance? Which is the most reasonable estimate for 30% of 72?7142128 How does background knowledge help you understand what your reading? A 10 hp, 60 Hz, 2 pole, 440 volt (line-to-line), three-phase induction motor operates at 3240 rpm at the full load power output of 10 hp. (a) What is the mechanical synchronous speed in rad/sec and in rpm Find the length of side x in simplest radical form with a rational denominator. WHICH STATEMENT BEST DESCRIBES THE KIDS INFLUENCE ON LIZZIE HELP Here is an expression: `3 X 2^{b}`Evaluate the expression when `b`is 3. What is the equation of a line that passes through the points (-3,4) and (2, 8 Which type of figurative language animates objects and ideas?personificationmetaphoradaptationsimile Question 3If you go to college on a student loan and drop out, the loan doesn't have to bepaid backTrue.False.