What is the significance of Act 3 in Hamlet?


Answer 1

Act 3 of William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" is a key act because it represents a turning point in the action and the character development.

The disclosure of Claudius' intent to transfer Hamlet to England is one of Act 3's significant events. As a result of this realization, Hamlet's character changes for the better and decides to get revenge on Claudius.

Hamlet has been battling hesitation throughout the play and has been unable to carry out his desire for vengeance up to this time. But when Hamlet hears of Claudius's scheme, it gives him the motivation he needs to start acting on his plan.

Act 3 is crucial because it introduces the play's resolution. Act 3's actions set off a series of incidents that finally result in the play's terrible ending.

To learn more about Hamlet



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What is the process of hearing a case?


A hearing test is carried out in a sound proof room. You will put on headphones or earplugs linked to a gadget that sends sounds of specific volumes and pitches to one ear at a time. You will be asked to respond by using elevating your hand or urgent a button every time you hear a sound.

What comes after a hearing?

A written reproduction of the choice (an 'order') will be despatched to you after the hearing. The order will no longer set out the reasons for the decision. The decide may additionally inform you to do something, such as pay money to the different birthday party or commence making ready your proof for trial, as phase of the decision.

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What is the theory of precedent?


Something that has been done before or is older is called a precedent. The Supreme Court is directed by precedents, or earlier legislation or decisions that provided a model or rule for them to follow in the current case.

An easy explanation of a precedent

In the legal sense, precedent refers to a court decision that serves as a model for other cases involving the same or related facts or legal issues. The principle of stare decisis asks for courts to follow the law consistently when the circumstances are the same and takes precedent into account.

Why is there a precedent?

Precedents are used when a case's facts and laws match those of a contemporary legal dispute before a court. The result of a subsequent similar case will normally be bound by the precedent unless a party can show that it was wrongly decided or that it fundamentally deviated from the precedent.

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We can distinguish among three different types of public policy approaches related to poverty and inequality: _______.


We can distinguish among three different types of public policy approaches related to poverty and inequality: economic development, redistribution of resources and safety nets.

What methods are used to assess poverty?

The cost of basic needs (estimated cost of obtaining enough food for adequate nutrition plus the cost of other necessities like clothing and shelter), which is typically the preferred approach, and food energy intake (expenditure or income per capita against food) are the three main ways that poverty lines are typically determined.

Absolute poverty and relative poverty are the two ways to quantify poverty. While relative poverty evaluates the amount of poverty in various countries in terms of income levels, absolute poverty examines the level of poverty in a certain country in terms of consumption levels.

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What happened to the economy in 1932?


The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached its lowest point during the Great Depression on this day in 1932, closing at 41.22.


The Dow has decreased by over 90% since 1929, when it reached its peak. Following the 1929 crash, there was a significant stock market downturn that had an impact beyond of Wall Street.

Which economic catastrophe affected the world the most in 1932?

From the 1929 stock market crash until 1939, the Great Depression was the worst economic crisis to ever affect the industrialized world.

In 1932, what led to the Great Depression?

The 1929 stock market crash, the collapse of international trade brought on by the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, government policies, bank failures and panics, and the collapse of the money supply are a few of the explanations cited for the Great Depression.

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Which type of inheritance is most suitable for inheriting same syllabus in 2 different colleges with different streams?


The single syllabus can be applied into many college classes if the same syllabus is applicable when hierarchical inheritance is used.

What is  Hierarchical inheritance ?A key component of object-oriented programming is inheritance, which allows derived classes (also known as child classes) to take on the properties (such as data members and member methods) of the base class (parent class). A child, for instance, acquires the characteristics of their parents.More than one subclass can inherit a single base class's property through hierarchical inheritance. Multiple derived classes are derived from one base class. The derived classes are also inherited by a number of additional classes. As a result, hierarchical structures resemble trees. Similar to that, both the mango and the apple are fruits and share the characteristics of fruit. Mango and apple are subclasses of Fruit, which will be the base class.

To learn more about  hierarchical inheritance refer to:



What are 3 examples of limitations on the power of Congress?


Other restrictions include the inability to tax goods coming from a state, the prohibition against favoring any state's port, the requirement that all expenditures of public funds be authorized by law.

What is a Congress in government?

The legislature branch of the government, known as Congress, is responsible for enacting laws on behalf of the American people. It shares authority with the president-led executive branch and the Supreme Court of the United State States, the branch's highest court.

What does the Congress do?

Congressmen as in American Congress hold hearings, draft legislation, and vote on behalf of the constituents in their area. All bills must be passed by Congress before being delivered to the President receiving his approval as a law.

To know more about Congress visit:



What are the stages of public policy?


When broken down, the four stages of the public policy process are agenda setting, formulation, implementation, and evaluation.

What exactly does public policy entail?

Public policy is a set of guidelines, directives, plans of action, and budgetary priorities affecting a certain topic that have been developed by a governmental entity or its representatives.

What four categories of public policy exist?

The four distinct types of policies are public policy, organizational policy, functional policy, and particular policy. A path of action advocated by a group or individual is referred to as a policy.

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Legal and educational systems are components of which subsystem of culture?


Legal and educational systems are components of Sociological subsystem of culture.

About Sociological subsystem of culture

Sociological subsystem, Expected and standard patterns of interpersonal relationships, as shown in affiliations with the economy, politics, military, religion, and other groups. "Sociofacts" as evidence

Sociofacts encompass groupings created for specific purposes, such as families, governments, educational systems, sports leagues, and religious institutions. Sociofacts are the societal institutions and factors that shape social behaviour. Sociofacts encompass groupings created for specific purposes, such as families, governments, educational systems, sports leagues, and religious institutions. Mentifacts: A culture's common beliefs, values, and ideals. The Roman Catholic Church, which has been in continuous operation for more than 2,000 years, is one of the oldest sociofacts still in existence, although this is unique. Individual sociofacts frequently vanish fast, however sociofact types persist due to the ongoing adaptation and change of sociofacts.

To know more about Sociofacts:



What are the three types of PACs?


American Bankers Association, Bank of Federal PAC, and Capital One Associates PAC.

What are the sources of revenue in local government?


Local governments receive income from a variety of sources, including property, sales, and other taxes, fines and fees, transfers from the federal and state governments, and other levies.

What are the local government's sources of funding?

Taxes on income, sales, and property are the three main tax revenue streams for state and local governments. While property taxes are the main source of funding for local governments, including school districts, income and sales taxes provide for the majority of state tax revenue.

What are the Nigerian local government's sources of funding?

Community taxes and rates; property (tenement) rates; general/development rates; licenses, fees, and charges like marriage registration fees, car/truck licenses; interest on revenues such as deposits, investments, and profits from the sale of stocks are just a few of the internal revenue-generating methods used by local governments.

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an opinion prepared by a judge who supports the court's decision but wishes to in some way clarify, emphasize, or offer a different rationale is known as which of the following?


An opinion prepared by judge who supports court's decision but wishes to in some way clarify, emphasize, or offer different rationale is known as judicial opinion.

What is a judicial opinion?

A judicial opinion is a type of legal opinion that is written by a judge or judicial panel during the process of resolving a legal dispute; it provides the decision made to resolve the dispute and typically includes an analysis of the law that was applied to reach the decision as well as the facts that gave rise to the dispute. An official judgment supported by more than half of the court's members is known as a majority opinion. The court's ruling and an explanation of its reasoning are presented in a majority opinion. A majority view is not always present in circumstances. Sometimes the reasons given by the justices who voted in favor of the majority judgment may be vastly dissimilar, and they may be unable to reach an agreement.

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Why should judges serve for life?


Judges must serve for life because the Constitution stipulates that justices serve while "good Behavior," which has historically meant life terms, in order to provide an independent judiciary and shield judges from partisan pressures.

Why it is important for judges to serve for life?

Judges and Justices don't have a set tenure; they remain in power until they pass away, retire, or are found guilty by the Senate. By design, this shields them from the transient emotions of the people and enables them to apply the law impartially, without regard to political or electoral considerations.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. The Court is made up of one Chief Justice, eight Associate Justices, and one Associate Justice.  Supreme Court Justices serve lifetime appointments on the Court, just like all Federal judges do.

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What does the US District Court handle?


District courts preside over trials in the federal court system for both civil and criminal offenses.

What roles does the United States District Court play?District courts gather the pertinent information and utilize the law to resolve disputes in order to determine who is in the right. A district judge hears the matter in a trial court, and a jury decides the case's outcome. Magistrate judges assist district judges as they prepare for trials.District courts preside over trials in the federal court system for both civil and criminal offenses. The U.S. Attorneys districts  serve as the top federal prosecutor in each jurisdiction, and their districts correspond to their own.

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What is meant by the enumerated powers?


The powers granted to the Federal government, and particularly to Congress, are known as enumerated powers and are primarily outlined in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

What are the enumerated powers supposed to mean?

Enumerated powers are the explicit authority granted by the Constitution to Congress. Thanks to implied powers, the federal government is able to carry out the duties outlined by the enumerated powers.

What are the government's enumerated powers?

The federal government is expressly given delegated (also known as enumerated or expressed) powers in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. This includes the power to pass legislation regulating business, form banks, declare war, raise and sustain armies, and set up post offices.

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What are the foreign policy powers of the president?


The President is given the power to draft or sign treaties, which are then ratified by the Senate. The Executive Branch also engages in diplomacy with foreign countries.

What is a synonym for foreign?

Foreign can also be referred to as alien, superfluous, and extrinsic. While all of these phrases refer to anything that is "external to something like a thing, its core character, or its fundamental character," the term "foreign" refers to something that is too different to be accepted, repulsed, or absorbed.

What noun is alien?

The word foreign, that is employed to describe people or things from other places, notably other countries, as in foreign nation and foreign language, has a noun form called "foreigner." A somebody from outside of someone's community is referred to as a foreigner in a more generic sense.

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How are these excerpts similar both insist that drastic action requires a statement of?


Both insist that drastic action requires a statement of rationale.

How are these excerpts similar?

State demands from both. Read the Declaration of Independence passage in its entirety. All men are created equal and are granted certain unalienable rights by their Creator, among those are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We hold these truths to be self-evident.

What are the Declaration of Independence's and feelings' similarities?

Both "The Declaration of Independence" and the Declaration of Sentiments Urging Equal Rights for Women begin with the phrase "When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary" (Stanton and Jefferson) and then provide a list of complaints after a few paragraphs.

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How does lobbying work in government?


Lobbying work in government because in the United States it is a paid activity in which special interest groups hire well-connected professional advocates.

What is lobbying?

Lobbying in the United States describes a paid activity in which special interest groups hire well-connected professional advocates, often attorneys, to advocate for specific legislation in decision-making bodies such as the United States Congress. This is a controversial phenomenon, often viewed negatively by journalists and the American public, with some critics describing it as a form of legal bribery, influence peddling and/ or blackmail.

Although lobbying is subject to extensive and often complex rules, if violated can result in penalties including imprisonment, lobbying has been explained by court rulings as constitutionally protected right to free speech and a way to petition the government for the redress of grievances, two of the freedoms protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. Since the 1970s, lobbying has greatly increased in the United States in terms of the number of lobbyists and the size of lobbying budgets, and has become the subject of much criticism for US government.

Learn more about Lobbying brainly.com/question/25117359


the substance of many countries' antitrust law is very similar in focusing on two types of activity. the two types of activities are: group of answer choices prohibitions against economizing to achieve greater market share and lack of marginal return. prohibitions against agreements attempting to restrict competition and the abuse of a dominant market position. prohibitions against price cutting and resale price agreements. all of these are correct.


The two types of activities are prohibitions against the agreements attempting to restrict competition and abuse of dominant market position.

What is dominant market?

When a company can dominate markets, it is said to be in a dominant position. A dominating corporation has the ability to impact the market price and the level of competition. A firm's level of dominance refers to its ability to act independently of its rivals or customers and without regard for resource allocation. It measures the strength of a brand, product, service, or company in comparison to competitive offers. When deciding whether a firm's market position is dominant, it's vital to understand that dominant posture is both a legal and an economic concept. Numerous hegemonic businesses are the first "major" rivals in their sector. When they are the first product in a new industry, these companies can have an advantage over their rivals in the short or long term.

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Who approves treaties and international agreements?


Proposals for seeking Cabinet approval for signing and ratification/accession of treaties must be sent to the Ministry of External Affairs for approval/concurrence from the political and legal angles.

Who is responsible for approving treaties?According to the Constitution, the Senate is the only body that can unanimously vote to accept treaties negotiated by the executive branch.In addition, the Department of Foreign Affairs must submit the treaties for approval by the Philippine Senate before the President ratifies them.Treaties, sometimes known as covenants, protocols, acquis, conventions, pacts, or charters, are agreements made between nations or international organisations. International law is primarily derived from treaties. According to the Constitution, the president has the power to ratify treaties, but first he or she must send them to the Senate for a two-thirds vote. A crucial part of this procedure is the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The committee assesses candidates for the State Department as well.

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What is taking information from an authorized source of classification guidance and re wording it in a new or different document?


When information is taken from an authorized source and reworded in a new or different document, this is known as paraphrasing or restating. (Using paraphrases is highly discouraged.)

Information is generated into another form or medium when it is received from an approved source.

In a new or different document, information is extracted when it is taken verbatim from a source of allowed categorization guidelines.

Derivative classifiers must thoroughly examine the material they are classifying in order to ascertain what information it contains or discloses and then assess that information in comparison to authorized classification guidance (such as the Security Classification Guide (SCG), Classified Document, or DD-254). Unclassified does not imply unmarked.

Learn more about "  classification guidance " to visit here;



What is the gender gap in public opinion quizlet?


The gender gap refers to the disparity in political perspectives between men and women. Since the 1960s, men have become more Republican, while women's opinions have remained stable. This disparity is due to differences on social issues like as military expenditure, gun control, abortion, government size, and homosexual rights.

Many variables contribute to the gender wage gap, including race and ethnicity, disability, access to education, and age. As a result, various groups of women face extremely significant wage disparities. The gender difference is driven by two factors: women have more liberal, social welfare, and foreign policy perspectives than males, and they are more inclined to prioritize social welfare problems. The collective opinion on a given issue or voting intention significant to a society is referred to as public opinion. It is the public's opinion on issues that concern them. For many years, gender inequalities in public opinion and policy preferences have been a characteristic of American politics. The way women and men respond to a stimulus differs by gender.

We can learn more about gender gap here:



What is the poem that was read at President Obama's inauguration?


Elizabeth Alexander, an American poet, once wrote a song called "Praise Song for the Day," which she read aloud at President Barack Obama's inauguration in 2009.

Did Beyonce sing at Obama's inauguration?

At President Barack Obama's inauguration, Beyonce performed the Star-Spangled Banner for hundreds of thousands of spectators in Washington, DC. Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z attended the inauguration. Beyonce will play at the US Title Game the following month.

During Obama's second inauguration, what poem was read?

Richard Blanco became the fifth poet to read at a US presidential inauguration when he performed his poem "One Today" at Barack Obama's second inauguration.

To know more about Obama inauguration visit:



Why is it called the Harlem Renaissance?


The most important movement in African American literary history was the Harlem Renaissance, which occurred from 1918 and 1937 and saw a flourishing of African American culture, notably in the creative arts.

What is the importance of Harlem Renaissance?America was forever changed as a result of the Harlem Renaissance.In addition to inspiring and influencing later generations of African American artists and intellectuals, the movement brought attention to the great works of African American art. The world at large was exposed to the self-portrait of African American life, identity, and culture that evolved from Harlem, defying the Jim Crow South's racist and derogatory preconceptions. By doing this, it fundamentally altered the perception of African Americans and the African American experience among individuals of other races.The Harlem Renaissance, most importantly, gave African Americans across the nation a renewed sense of self-determination and pride, a new social consciousness, and all of these would form the basis for the 1950s and 1960s Civil Rights Movement. a recommitment to political activism.As a result, it supported the ideas of its founders and leaders, like Langston Hughes and Alain Locke, who believed that art could be a tool for enhancing the lives of African Americans.

Hence, The most important movement in African American literary history was the Harlem Renaissance, which occurred from 1918 and 1937 and saw a flourishing of African American culture, notably in the creative arts.

To learn more about Harlem Renaissance  refer to:



A municipality establishes development goals in its:


A municipality establishes development goals in its comprehensive plans.

Community planning is "a process that tries to include all members of the community to build a more prosperous, convenient, equitable, healthy, and attractive place for present and future generations," according to the American Planning Association. Planning for the community's future growth and development is one of the essential duties of local government. The comprehensive plan is the guiding document that emerges from this planning process. Remember that a zoning ordinance and a comprehensive plan are two independent tools that are utilized in tandem with one another. A zoning ordinance governs the suggested land uses made by the comprehensive plan, whereas the comprehensive plan serves as a guide and offers suggestions on how property should be used to satisfy the requirements and preferences of the community.

To learn more about comprehensive plans please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/10586540


in 1972, with broad bipartisan support, congress approved the equal rights amendment (era) to the constitution and sent it to the states for ratification. the amendment failed to gain ratification by the required number of states. in a brochure, the philadelphia chapter of the national organization for women (now) detailed what it hoped the era would accomplish. in the excerpt below, identify the passages that discuss the wage gap between men and women, as well as what the era will do to address that specific issue.


Women earn on an average 41% less than men, prohibit sex-based discrimination and create the constitutional principle of "equal pay for equal effort."

What is Equal Rights Amendment?

The Equal Protection Amendment is a constitutional change to the US Constitution that would ensure that all people, regardless of gender, have equal access to the judicial system. According to its proponents, it would end laws that discriminate between men and women with relation to divorce, property, employment, and other matters.

The Equal Amendment (ERA) was first put out in Congress in 1923, three years after the 19th amendment was ratified, in an effort to guarantee complete equality for women. The discrepancies in the legislation that exist for men and women in respect to divorce, inheritance, employment, and other concerns are intended to be eliminated.

To know more about Equal Rights Amendment, visit:



What are the three main characteristics of propaganda?


Volume is a typical propaganda feature .

What use of propaganda does this paragraph make apparent?It repeatedly recapitulates the victories the animals had over Frederick. It implies that the animals defeated Frederick using exaggerations.Propaganda is a form of self-deception on an individual level. In terms of culture, it functions within political, religious, and economic systems like those that support and oppose globalization.There are nine distinct categories of propaganda, including ad hominem, ad nauseam, an appeal to power, an appeal to one's fears, an appeal to one's prejudice, and so on. Bandwagon, inescapable success, Be a part of the mob, lovely individuals.Renee Hobbs identified four distinctive design elements of many contemporary propaganda forms, which have become more prevalent with the emergence of the internet and social media: (1) it arouses strong emotions; (2) it simplifies information; (3) it appeals to the hopes, fears, and dreams of a targeted audience; and (4) it attacks opponents.

To learn more about self-deception referhttps://brainly.com/question/26113912


is a presidential directive to subordinates in the executive branch that caries the force of law and may alter public policies.


A presidential veto is an order given to associates in the executive branch that has legal effect and could change societal norms.

What is a presidential veto?

The veto is the president's authority to reject a bill or joint resolution and so stop it from becoming law. A law passed by Congress must be signed by the president within 10 days (excluding Sundays). The President has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress under Article I, section 7 of the Constitution. One of the most important weapons the President has to stop legislation from being passed is this authority.

To know more about presidential veto visit:



which are the penalties for a tax prepared that cash a refund check that belong to a client?



Fined up to $1,000.

Imprisoned up to 1 year.

Required to pay for the costs of prosecution.

Why was the 9th amendment created in simple terms?


To ensure that the Bill of Rights was not seen as granting to the people of the United States only the specific rights it addressed.
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