What is the one way that the Confederate states of American was similar to the United states


Answer 1


One way in which the Confederate States of America (CSA) was similar to the United States was that both were federations of states. The CSA was a federation of 11 Southern states that had seceded from the United States and formed their own country. Like the United States, the CSA had a federal government that was responsible for certain national functions, such as foreign relations and defense, while the individual states retained certain powers and autonomy. Both the United States and the CSA were also based on the principles of federalism, which is a system of government in which power is shared between a central authority and the constituent states.

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What was Obama slogan in 2008?


Answer:Slogan. Obama's campaign used the slogan "Change we can believe in" and the chant "Yes We Can". The latter slogan is shared with the United Farm Workers and associated with its founder Dolores Huerta and is well known amongst Latinos in its Spanish form Sí se puede.

Hope this helps

What did the Supreme Court rule in Baker v Carr quizlet?


They concluded that if the state legislative districts are disproportionately populated, federal courts may enforce the 14th amendment.

What was the Supreme Court's decision in Baker v Carr?

Baker won the case at the Supreme Court. They concluded that if the state legislative districts are disproportionately populated, federal courts may enforce the 14th amendment. Biggers' case should not have been dismissed by the District Court because they deemed they lacked jurisdiction.

In the landmark 1962 decision Baker v. Carr, the U.S. Supreme Court established that federal courts could review claims that redistricting, or the drafting of electoral boundaries by a state, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Supreme Court declared in Baker v. Carr (1962) that a state legislature would need to redistrict its representative districts in order to conform with the Constitution.

To learn more about Baker v Carr refer to:



How does President Wilson organize Paragraph 8 of Wilson's war message?


President Wilson describes the incidents in chronological order. He gives a crystal-clear illustration of cause and effect. He draws comparisons and contrasts to support his opposition to war.

In his text to Congress, the president presented his thoughts and supporting evidence in order to persuasively plead for war against Germany. Wilson made a comparison between the German government and earlier regimes in this section. He supplied details to back up his claim.

The president makes a distinction between good and wrong by showing where the lines between peace and conflict are drawn. He says that seeking serenity is never more important than doing the right thing. In fact, maintaining morality always fosters tranquilly. Before going back to it, the president adds one more thing.

To learn more about President Wilson please click on below link



Can you start a sentence with 1?


The Modern Language Association (MLA) recommends that you never start a sentence with a numeral. Instead, try to rephrase the sentence. If you are unable to rephrase the sentence, spell out the number.

A sentence is a linguistic expression in linguistics and grammar, such as "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." It is typically defined in traditional grammar as a string of words that expresses a complete thought, or as a unit consisting of a subject and a predicate.

It is typically defined in non-functional linguistics as a maximal unit of syntactic structure, such as a constituent. It is defined as a unit of written texts delimited by graphological features such as upper-case letters and markers such as periods, question marks, and exclamation marks in functional linguistics.

Learn more about sentence  to visit this link



Which bet decribe the role of the US Supreme Court in the 2000 preidential election?
It declared George W. Buh the winner of the election. It refued to become involved in the election. It ordered a recount in Florida, reulting in Buh’ election. It topped a recount in Florida, reulting in Buh’ election


The United States Supreme Court played a critical role in the 2000 Presidential election. It refused to become involved in the election was pivotal, as it forced the country to accept the result of the election and move forward.

The Court’s decision to refuse to become involved in the election was based on the idea that it would be an improper use of its power to intervene in an elected official’s decision to certify the election results. This was a controversial decision, as some argued that the Court should have intervened to assure a fair and proper election.

However, the Court did not remain entirely inactive in the election. In response to a lawsuit filed by the Gore campaign, the Court ordered a recount in Florida. This recount resulted in George W. Bush being declared the winner of the election.

The Court’s decision to order a recount in Florida was a major factor in the outcome of the election. The recount showed that Bush won Florida by a very small margin, and as a result, he was declared the winner of the election.

Learn more about George W. Bush at : https://brainly.com/question/880998


Who is at fault in Animal Farm?


Even though Napoleon was good in the beginning, he became corrupted and changed to benefit himself after all the power he got.

What is the saying about neighbors and fences?


Good neighbours value each other's possessions. For instance, good farmers keep up their fences to prevent their livestock from straying onto nearby farms. This saying is found in Robert Frost's poem "Mending Wall."

What proverb refers to fences and neighbours?"Nice fences make good neighbours," goes the adage regarding neighbours and fences in Robert Frost's poem "Mending Wall".This proverb emphasises the value of establishing limits between individuals or organisations and how those boundaries can foster coexistence and goodwill.The poem examines the interactions between two nearby farmers over the length of one spring day, one of whom is constantly eager to fix the wall dividing their holdings.The wall is viewed as a representation of their separation, and Frost implies in the poem that even though it can be challenging to grasp why the wall is essential, it plays a crucial role in preserving their relationship.The narrator of the poem eventually comes to the realisation that, even though the wall is necessary for their relationship, it is equally important to acknowledge the need for communication and cooperation between the two parties.He or she also learns that walls can be broken down through conversation.

To learn more about Robert Frost's poem "Mending Wall" refer to:



What did most Federalists have in common?


The belief of creating a stronger federal governance was commonly found among most of the Federalists in the American society.

The federalists were known as the people who followed the beliefs and ideologies of a society where the federal government is the strongest among all governments. Many federalists have not been adamant in leading to the creation of a governance that adopts commercially viable systems of political functioning of the society. Additionally, the federalists also wanted to develop diplomacy in the society.

Learn more about Federalists here:



1. Which of the following slave states did not fight with the Union during the Civil War?



Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri.


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Answer: Delaware,Kentucky, and Maryland



According to the Fundamental Orders of 1639 (Fundamental Orders of Connecticut), why was it necessary for the people of Connecticut to form “an orderly and decent Government established according to God”?



The preamble established that the Fundamental Orders were written because ''the word of God requires that to maintain the peace and union of such a people there should be an orderly and decent Government established according to God, to order and dispose of the affairs of the people at all seasons as occasion shall ...Oct 7, 2021


hope this helps

How did Newspaper affect US support for military action in Cuba?


It was one of many factors at play in the late 19th-century conflict between the United States and Spain over Cuba and the Philippines, which led to the United States gaining control of foreign territory.

Yellow journalism is the term for newspaper reporting that prioritises sensationalism above accuracy.

Among other well-known newspaper owners, Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal regarded the public's interest in the Spanish American War as an opportunity to boost newspaper sales. The media covered events in Cuba in dramatic tales and attention-grabbing photos in an effort to draw in more readers.

To learn more about Spanish American War refer here



What group did Roosevelt want the government to control more effectively? Why?


The group that did Roosevelt want the government to control more effectively is the conservative Republicans, because, Federal taxes were extremely expensive, and the federal government was intrusive and imposed a plethora of restrictions on states.

What is the significance of conservative?

Conservatives in Western civilization strive to maintain a variety of institutions, including organized religion, parliamentary governance, and property rights.

This conservative Republicans group was preferred by the Roosevelt due to high Federal taxes, and the federal government was overbearing and put several limitations on states.

Therefore, it is conservative Republicans group.

To learn more about the conservative Republicans, refer to:



Which white terrorist group in the South grew to be the largest and longest
O A. Confederate veterans
B. White League
C. Red Shirts
D. Ku Klux Klan



D. Ku Klux Klan


Confederate veterans

how indigenous peoples day is celebrated



Indigenous Peoples Day is celebrated in various ways by different communities and individuals. Some common ways that Indigenous Peoples Day is celebrated include:

Hosting educational events and activities to raise awareness about the history and culture of Indigenous peoples.

Organizing community gatherings, such as powwows or traditional dances, to celebrate Indigenous culture and traditions.

Participating in marches, rallies, and other public demonstrations to advocate for Indigenous rights and recognition.

Sharing information about Indigenous peoples and their history on social media and other online platforms.

Supporting Indigenous businesses, organizations, and initiatives.

Overall, the celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day can take many forms, depending on the specific community and the goals and priorities of the individuals and organizations involved.


Indigenous Peoples' Day is a holiday in the United States that celebrates and honors indigenous American peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures. It is celebrated across the United States on the second Monday in October, and is an official city and state holiday in various localities.

michael kimmel found that in the eighteenth century, the ideal man was very different than the modern-day ideal man. the ideal man in the 1700s was:


Michael Kimmel discovered that the ideal guy in the eighteenth century was extremely dissimilar from the ideal man of today. In the 1700s, a quiet, nerdy academic who enjoyed poetry writing was considered the ideal man.

The ideal male avoids conflict and struggles with limits. sets limits and deals with conflict. Puts the wants and needs of others before his own. Makes oneself responsible for his own wants and requirements.

Consistency, dependability, dependability, willingness to compromise, and respect for boundaries are traits of a trustworthy man. If you plan to have children, it is much more important to find a partner who meets these criteria. You must have complete faith that he will treat them with respect.

To learn more about the ideal man



How did Tomas Paine contribute to the American revolution


Answer: By promoting the idea of American exceptionalism and the need to form a new nation to realize its promise, Paine's pamphlet not only attracted public support for the Revolution, but put the rebellion's leaders under pressure to declare independence.


What did Woodrow Wilson want from the Treaty of Versailles?


In addition to advancing the US goal of democracy and peace, Woodrow Wilson hoped that the Treaty of Versailles would serve as the foundation for a system that would avoid future conflicts. He considered that creating the League of Nations was the most effective approach to accomplish this aim on a global scale.

The Treaty of Versailles was formally signed on June 28, 1919, bringing an end to World War 1. According to the terms of the treaty, Germany was required to pay compensation, disarm, relinquish land, and give up all of its foreign possessions.

Woodrow Wilson called for an end to clandestine diplomacy, a reduction in weapons, and freedom of the seas. He maintained that reducing trade restrictions, redistributing colonies fairly, and upholding national sovereignty would diminish the economic and nationalist fervor that fuels violence.

To learn more about the Treaty of Versailles



On April 19th, 1775, colonial militias in Lexington and Concord confronted British troops. James Barrett, a colonel in the militia described the fighting:

“I ordered said militia to march to said bridge and pass the same, but not to fire on the king’s troops unless they were first fired upon. We advanced near said bridge, when the said troops fired upon our militia and killed two men dead on the spot, and wounded several others, which was the first firing of guns in the town of Concord. My detachment then returned the fire, which killed and wounded several of the king’s troops.”

Based on the quote, what was MOST significant about the fighting at Concord and Lexington?

Select one:

It was the first time that American colonists had killed British troops.

It was the first time that British troops had fired on American colonists.

It was the first time that American colonists had defied British authority.

It was the first time that American colonists had organized themselves into a militia.


Based on the quote, the MOST significant about the fighting at Concord and Lexington is: a. It was the first time that American colonists had killed British troops.

What is the MOST significant about the fighting at Concord and Lexington?

Based on the quote the American colonists did not have the intention to kill the British troops which is why they stated that  they will only retaliate if the British troops shoot at them firstly as they won't  be the first to shoot the British troops.

The British  troops fired upon the  militia and killed two men  which makes the American colonists to retaliate by  returning the  fire, which killed and  as well wounded several troops which was the first time  that the American colonists will killed the troops.

Therefore the correct option is A.

Learn more about MOST significant about the fighting at Concord and Lexington here:https://brainly.com/question/11395565


What is the significance of the turtle in Native American culture?


Answer: Precious water


How is the Democratic Party similar to the Federalists?


Both Democratic Party and Federalists powerfully opposed slavery. Each were shaped attributable to a dispute. Each supported a powerful central government.

In conclusion, the Democratic Party and also the Federalists bear likeness in this they each believe a powerful central government, while the fashionable political party and also the Anti-Federalists share their article of faith as advocates for the rights of individual states.

The Antifederalists morphed into the Democratic-Republicans and so the Republicans. the most problems stemmed over the Constitution and also the role of presidency within the creation of America. renowned for his or her support of a powerful national government, the Federalists emphasized business and diplomatic harmony with Great Britain following the sign language of the 1794 Jay written agreement.

To learn more about Democratic Party, visit here



What happened to Parliament as a result of the Glorious Revolution quizlet?


Parliament was established as the ruling power of England as a result of the Glorious Revolution.

When William of Orange succeeded James II as king of England in 1688, it was known as the Glorious Revolution. As a result of the incident, the English constitution's balance of power was permanently altered. This was a very important event in the history of revolutions.

In comparison to earlier monarchies, the new co-monarchy of King William III and Queen Mary II accepted additional restrictions from Parliament, and the new constitution established the presumption that subsequent monarchs would continue to be subject to those restrictions.

To know more about revolution, click here.



What are examples of dependent and independent?


You want to know how drinking diet soda and regular soda affects blood sugar levels, so you conduct an experiment.

The independent variable is the type of soda - diet or regular.The dependent variable is the blood sugar level, which varies depending on the type of soda.

What is the definition of an independent variable?

In an experimental study, an independent variable is one that you manipulate or vary in order to investigate its effects. It is referred to as "independent" because it is unaffected by any other variables in the study.

Independent variables are also called:Variables that can explain (they explain an event or outcome)Variable predictors (they can be used to predict the value of a dependent variable)Variables on the right (they appear on the right-hand side of a regression equation).These terms are commonly used in statistics to estimate the extent to which a change in an independent variable can explain or predict changes in the dependent variable.

Learn more about Independent variables to visit this link



government cutbacks (decreases in funding) resulted which of the following correctly lists the native american legislation of the 19th and 20th centuries in chronological order? a. indian reorganization act, indian self-determination and assistance act, indian removal act, dawes general allotment act, indian citizenship act b. indian citizenship act, dawes general allotment act, indian removal act, indian reorganization act, indian self-determination and assistance act c. indian removal act, dawes general allotment act, indian citizenship act, indian reorganization act, indian self-determination and assistance act d. indian self-determination and assistance act, dawes general allotment act, indian removal act, indian citizenship act, indian reorganization act increased levels of which of the following on native american reservations? i. college degrees earned by tribal members ii. alcoholism and drug use iii. death rates from treatable diseases like diabetes and lupus a. i only b. i and ii only c. ii and iii only d. i, ii, and iii


Government budget cuts have led to an increase in alcoholism and drug use, as well as a rise in deaths from treatable diseases such as diabetes and lupus. It also provides a chronological list of Native American legislation from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Government budget cuts can have a significant impact on the availability of resources for individuals struggling with addiction and mental health issues. When resources are limited, individuals may not be able to access the treatment they need to manage their addiction or mental health issues.

This can lead to an increase in substance abuse and a decrease in overall health. Additionally, when resources are limited, individuals may not be able to access the necessary medical care they need to manage chronic illnesses such as diabetes and lupus.

Without proper medical care, these illnesses can become more severe and lead to death. Therefore, government budget cuts can have a direct impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals, leading to an increase in substance abuse and a rise in deaths from treatable diseases.

Hence, the correct answer is option (c).

To know more about Government budget visit: https://brainly.com/question/10876388


how did athenian government evolved from a monarchy to an aristocracy


With regard to Athens, they had developed into a brand-new form of governance known as democracy

What is Athenian government?

In the Greek city of Athens, which included the capital city and the surrounding region of Attica, democracy emerged about the sixth century BC. Several other city-states enacted comparable democratic constitutions before Athens, despite the fact that it is the most well-known ancient Greek democratic city-state. Up to half of the more than a thousand Greek city-states that were still in existence by the end 4th century BC may have been democracies.

Athens utilized a legislative and executive branch of government. Adult male residents who "were certainly no more than 30% of the total adults in the united states" (i.e., not a distinct requirements, despite of the number of ancestors of the clan had lived inside the metropolis, nor a slave, and neither a woman) were eligible to participate.

To know more about Athenian democracy, visit:



What are views of Buddhism in war and violence?


Answer: Buddhism is a religion of AHIMSA(non-violence)

Explanation: Born in 6th century BC in India the religion contains in its BASIC DOCTRINES pursuance of non-violence and self-control. There were 5WOVES that Buddhist MONKS took for life, these were:

1) Abstaining from VIOLENCE.

2)Abstaining from LYING.

3) Maintaining CELIBACY.

4)Abstaining from STEALING.

5) Abstaining from INTOXICATION.

So, if we go to the essence of the religion it follows the path of AHIMSA meaning NON-VIOLANCE.

Why is it called Natal Luz?


Natal Luz, which translates as "Christmas of Lights," is an annual Christmas celebration held in Gramado, Brazil. The festival began in 1986 with a short concert led by Eleazar de Carvalho.

Gramado, a city in Rio Grande do Sul, celebrates Natal Luz. Gramado has been designated as the country's Christmas capital for over 20 years. Every year, around 1.5 million people attend the event, which lasts from November 12 to January 13, making it one of the world's longest Christmas festivities. The Natal Luz celebration includes a variety of events and attractions, including one that allows guests to experience what it's like to be inside a Christmas tree. The so-called magic Christmas tree stands 99 feet tall and has over 3,500 ornaments, 2,600 string lights, 1,000 strobe lights, and other decorations.

learn more about Natal Luz here:



which two events in britain indirectly influenced the american revolution? group of answer choices the glorious revolution adoption of catholicism as the official english government religion. english opposition to the french revolution. passage of the english bill of rights



It is the glorious revolution and the passage of the English Bill of Rights.


I just got this right on the test. Hope this helps!

What do you think is the author's purpose in writing the story Brainly?


There are four purposes author's use for composing. At the point when somebody conveys thoughts recorded as a hard copy, they generally do as such to put themselves out there, illuminate their peruser, convince a peruser, or make a scholarly work.

Understanding the writer's motivation assists the peruser with bettering grasp the primary thought of the section and following the writer's thoughts as they progress. Similarly, a creator has a reason for the different choices made in making the sentences in the section.

The writer's motivation is their aim (or reason) for composing something. To either convince, illuminate or engage a crowd of people. You will most regularly see these three viewpoints credited just like the creator's motivation nonetheless, different components, for example, depicting and making sense of are additionally normally located.

Learn more about author's purpose:



How has the poet described the call of the sea Sea Fever?


The poet referred to the call of the sea as a ferocious and unmistakable appeal that cannot be ignored. The flowing tides are making this call.

In Sea Fever, how does the speaker describe the ocean?

Due to his absence, the speaker says that the sea feels lonely. He longs to be sailing the sea in a tall ship that is directed by the stars, out there on the seas once more.

What kind of call does the speaker in Sea Fever hear?

He can hear the sea making a constant call. The call serves as a kind of emotional connection between the speaker and the sea. After hearing it, the narrator decides he must go back to the sea because it cannot be avoided. Also on his wish list are powerful gusts.

To know more about Sea Fever visit:-



Help me pls-
Describe Jay’s Treaty. Be detailed. Who was president when it was signed and which countries signed it? (11/30)


Jay Treaty is the 1794 agreement between England and the U.S. that established limited economic ties, saw England abandon her forts along the northwest frontier, and established a joint commission to settle border disputes.

What is Jay's Treaty?

The United States and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, Between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America in 1794. This document is often referred to as the Jay Treaty or Jay's Treaty. It averted war, resolved lingering disputes from the Treaty of Paris, which ended the American Revolutionary War in 1783, and permitted ten years of peaceful trade between the two nations while the French Revolution was still going on.

The Treaty was written by George Washington and Alexander Hamilton jointly. It broke American unity and infuriated France. It helped two opposing political parties, the Federalists for treaties and the Republicans against treaties, arise in every state.

To know more about Jay's Treaty, visit:



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