What is the most important point that the authors make in this paragraph most enslaved people worked under fair to good conditions?


Answer 1

The option C "Plantations often were harsh because of the cruelty of those in charge" is correct answer.

The writers' most crucial argument in this passage is that:

Plantations were frequently harsh because of the brutality of those in control.

The author defends the life of the slaves who worked on the plantation and their overall treatment, as can be seen from the entire text.

As a result, we can see that the authors make clear how unpleasant it was for workers to work on a plantation and how cruel the owners were.

As a result, choice C is the appropriate response.

To learn more about life of the slaves link is here



The right question is :

What is the most important point that the authors make in this paragraph?

(A) Most enslaved people worked under fair to good conditions.

(B) Enslaved workers had decent lives if they had fair overseers.

(C) Plantations often were harsh because of the cruelty of those in charge.

(D) Men with absolute power can lose the sense of what it means to be good.

Related Questions

Please answer these questions and I swear I will give you brainlist I promise I will answer this question part a and part b please


Answer: sorry its to small and blury


Reading Strategy: Previewing
When previewing pictures from the text such as the one pictured above, what kind of questions did you have before
began reading?



answer the photo I could attach it

Answer: how was this built in the middle of the water?


please urgent please beg


It's rather straightforward - we only need to create the going to sentences like the pattern in the first one shows us.


We are going to decorate the garden for the party

We are not going to decorate ...

Are we going to decorate ...

Andrew is going to cook spaghetti tonight.

Andrew is not going to cook ...

Is Andrew going to cook ...

The kids are going to be ready soon.

The kids are not going to be ...

Are the kids going to be ...

Mark is going to visit a museum tomorrow

Mark is not going to visit ...

Is Mark going to visit ...

Which word correctly completes the analogy?

hire : employ :: resign :







B) Quit


Since hire and  employ are both synonymouns we can infer that resign and quit are the next pair


B: quit


I took the test

Review the following excerpt and bar graph from the text. “By 1889, the bicycles had air-filled tires, resulting in a much smoother ride. Within a decade, the production of bicycles quintupled.” The bar graph accompanies the text to help readers understand how many bikes were produced between 1889 and 1899. Which of the following formatting, graphics, or multimedia elements would provide additional, related information to help readers understand other sections of the text? Select all that apply. (1) A slideshow with photos of bicycle models to accompany this statement: “Walk into a bicycle shop and you will be met with nearly unlimited choices. Bicycles come in various models, including racers, mountain bikes, hybrids, BMX, and even collapsible models that can be folded into the size of a duffle bag.” (2) A photo of the Draisienne to accompany this statement: “In 1817, [Baron von Drais] built the Draisienne, a machine similar to the modern bicycle. It had an armrest, a padded saddle, or seat, and two in-line wheels of the same size. However, the Draisienne was quite unlike the modern bicycle.” (3) An interactive map showing the German home of Baron von Drais and the route he took to Paris with his invention, to accompany this statement: “Credit for patenting the modern bicycle’s ancestor goes to Baron von Drais, a German inventor. . . . Drais took his invention to Paris in 1818, where it acquired the name ‘velocipede,’ meaning ‘fast foot.’” (4) A diagram showing the different layers found in a rubber tire to accompany this statement: “People first began to use the word bicycle in 1869, the same year that solid rubber tires replaced the ‘boneshaker’s’ metal wheels.” (5) A map showing the top five bike-owning countries and the approximate number of bikes that exist in each country, to accompany this statement: “Today, manufacturers build around one hundred million bicycles each year. A single country, China, is home to more than one-half billion bikes.”





I got it right-

Which statement correctly describes a couplet?

A couplet consists of three quatrains.
A couplet consists of two rhyming lines.
A couplet consists of four rhyming lines.
A couplet is used as the opening lines of a sonnet.



two rhyming lines

hope it helps


A couplet consists of two rhyming lines.


What do you think is the hardest job in the world? Why?


it's mom


the hardest job in the world is the job of being a mother. As she makes many sacrifices to care for and raise her children.


being astronaut because there no gravity in spaces. abd if you take alot of days of being in spaces you have to learn how to walk again.Also you have to e careful when you take your helmet of your head or whatever that thing is.


being a electricity because you could get shocke.

Read the following paragraph:

Paul was raised in a tough neighborhood by people who did their best to survive. He watched peer after peer, like Marco, succumb to the temptations of the streets. He watched other peers, like his brother Laurence, keep their heads down, try to dodge trouble as best they could, and grab the meager chances that came their way and hang on
with all their might. How could he explain why some went down one path and some another? How could he guess which path would be his?

What does the comparison between Marco and Laurence most clearly

A. An example of the character traits that lead to success or failure
B. How people in the same situation are very similar, despite their
different goals
C. The different options available to Paul in his own life
D. Paul's belief that personal success has purely individual causes


Answer: Life is never easy.

Its all about how people accept it and live by it.

Marco gave into the dark and flowed with it while Lawrence was keen only just to survive and run out his days alive.

Situations are circumstantial and its always finally upto the people to make their own choices and live by it through its perks and downfalls.

It is for upto Paul now that if he would want to follow either of their footsteps or rather make his own path adjusting fighting thorugh the odds. Maybe even one day he could overpower the darkness shadowing their neighbourhood.

How did the two minute mysteries relate to beggining to unpack the mystery in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd? Has the activities made you think of any red herrings in the text?


As in so many mystery novels, Roger Ackroyd is set in a small, isolated community where everybody knows everybody else. The isolated, close-knit setting 1) suggests that the criminal is someone who everybody knows, and 2) creates a paranoid, suspenseful mood, since the criminal is hiding a big secret from their neighbors. It’s also telling that the owners of the two most “important houses” in town are also the two main victims of the novel.

what is the figurative language for "float like a butterfly sting like a bee?"



This is a metaphor.


There are two main takeaways for this question. The two words "Like" are both metaphors, there for, this sentence is a metaphor.

Please tell me in a couple of sentences what your favorite thing to do is. Is it a sport, a hobby, reading, art, or something else altogether? Be specific and give me your reasoning as to why it is your favorite thing to do. WATCH YOUR SPELLING!!!

will give brainliest




I like to read. I enjoy it because I feel like it takes me to another world. When I read I feel like nothing else matter. This way I can join the fairy tale and help the heroes or the villins.


oops i posted it in the wrong area-


Reading and writing; You can be transported into the authors mind when reading and when you're writing you get sucked into your own brain and crazy thoughts. If you're having a bad day maybe read a happier book so you can forget your problems and be transported somewhere peaceful, happy and safe. For writing you can definitely just write about yourself but in a different light and maybe see the bright side of life, you could also inspire others to write and read more by just doing it yourself!!

Directions: Identify the underlined word as gerund (G), infinitive (I), participle (P) or verb (V).

Fred wanted to lose the game, so he could get home. __________

The losing team put up a good fight. __________

No one enjoys losing. __________

The home team was losing at the half. __________

The contractors are painting the exterior today. __________

Painting is more than a hobby to Chad. __________

To paint the house will take more than just the two of us! __________

Have you seen my painting clothes? __________

Our meeting at the station was surprise. __________

Because she was late, Tina was unable to meet her new coworker. __________

Hayes was a member of the group meeting the plane. __________

You will be meeting many new people at camp. __________

Why are you reading that book? __________

Reading is my favorite thing to do Saturday morning. __________

Helga enjoys the reading club. __________

Eager to read, Martin flipped his book open quickly. __________

She whispered, “be quite” to the talkers during the move. __________

Mark was only able to whisper since he lost his voice. __________

The whispering child told her mother she was hungry. __________

In the darkness, all Mara heard was the whisper of her friend telling her to run! __________





because lose is a verb

okay i'm only assuming you mean the repeated words in every other sentence.


the first paragraphs are lose.

1. (P)

2. (V)

3. (G)

4. (I)

the second paragraphs are paint.

1. (P)

2. (V)

3. (I)

4. (V)

the third paragraphs are meet.

1. (G)

2. (P)

3. (I)

4. (V)

the fourth paragraphs are read.

1. (V)

2. (I)

3. (G)

4. (P)

the fifth paragraphs are whisper.

1. (V)

2. (G)

3. (I)

4. (P)


·participle are used when there is an -ing or -ed

·verb used suffixes -ify, -ize, -ate, or -en.

·infinitives are verbs, they do not function as verbs, instead they are used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.

·a whole gerund phrase functions in a sentence just like a noun.


I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States of America, and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy thereof, do hereby proclaim and declare that hereafter, as heretofore, the war will be prosecuted for the object of practically restoring the constitutional relation between the United States, and each of the States, and the people thereof, in which States that relation is, or may be, suspended or disturbed.

That it is my purpose, upon the next meeting of Congress to again recommend the adoption of a practical measure tendering pecuniary aid to the free acceptance or rejection of all slave States, so called, the people whereof may not then be in rebellion against the United States and which States may then have voluntarily adopted, or thereafter may voluntarily adopt, immediate or gradual abolishment of slavery within their respective limits; and that the effort to colonize persons of African descent, with their consent, upon this continent, or elsewhere, with the previously obtained consent of the Governments existing there, will be continued.

Use context to determine the meaning of the word in bold. (4 points)
Hereafter is the bold world

A: In the future
B:By the way
C: In the past
D:By mistake


Answer: A

Explanation: Big brain ;)

Need to double-check my work. Which ones are correct?
1. Which of the following is NOT true of modernism?
a. It believed the real savages were the uncivilized natives living in jungles.
b. It valued humans determining their own fate.
c. It spoke against slavery, racism, and imperialism.
d. It blamed the Victorian period for the atrocities of World War I.

2. Which of the following is NOT true of modernism?
a. It was a reaction against the Victorian traditions.
b. It is associated with literature and art from the early 20th century.
c. It is a clearly defined period in the development of literature.
d. It was produced largely in reaction to the world wars of the early 20th century.

3. Which of the following is NOT true of modernism?
a. It valued humans determining their own fate.
b. It valued realism and traditional meter.
c. It valued the “savage” world untouched by civilization.
d. It was a reaction against the Victorian traditions.



number one is B

number two is C

number three is, I think its (my best guess on this one) C

number three may or may not be right im not sure but im 100% sure of one and two.

[tex]\huge{\mathbb{\tt{ \frac{QUESTION↓}{} }}}[/tex]
[tex]\color{purple}{\tt{What \: is \: an \: Electrical \: Tool ?}}[/tex]
[tex]\color{green}{\tt { DON'T \: WASTE \: MY \: POINT}}[/tex]
[tex]\color{red}{\tt { I \: NEED \: SOBER \: ANSWER}}[/tex]
[tex]\color{orange}{\tt { NON-SENSE/COPIED/SPAM/}}[/tex]
[tex]\color{orange}{\tt {INCORRECT/INCOMPLETE/PLAGIARIZED}}[/tex]
[tex]\color{blue}{\tt {= REPORTED}}[/tex]
[tex]\color{black}{\tt {DON'T \: SEND \: ME \: A \: NON-SENSE \: LINK}}[/tex]
[tex]\color{red}{\tt {TENCHU \: IN \: ADVANCE!}}[/tex]



A tool that is powered by electricity.

[tex] \huge \green{a} \orange{n} \red{s} \pink{w} {e} \blue{r}[/tex]

A type of tool which works on electricity i.e, that is powered by electricity is called an electric tool.

These tools convert electricity into energy and start working.

Some of the examples are :- Air conditioner , Refrigerator , Television , etc.

(Diary of Anne Frank) In Act I, Scene 3, Peter is ashamed of his parents' behavior toward Mr. Dussel. Why does he feel this way? Support your answer with details from the play. Give at least one additional example in the play where Peter shows shame because of his parents

please answer i dont have much time!!
ill put brainlist answer for the first response!



He is ashamed because his parents behave very selfishly with the arrival of Mr. Dussel.


"Diary of Anne Frank" is a play that seeks to reproduce the moments lived by Anne Frank's family while they were hiding to avoid being taken to the Nazi concentration camps. Anne Frank's family was Jewish and is hiding in a very small place together with the Van Daan family, who was also a Jewish family.

The two families live with little space and small amounts of food, however, Mr. Frank, decided to help yet another Jew to hide, Mr. Dussel. However, the Van Daan family did not like this idea and they behaved in a very bad manner when Mr. Dussel arrives in hiding. Mr and Mrs Van Daan are concerned about the amount of food now that they will have to feed one more person. This makes their son, Peter, very ashamed.

Peter is also embarrassed when everyone in hiding finds out that Mr Van Daan is stealing the food.

The author of Passage A most likely states that the wild apples growing in the Tian Shan looked like apples found at the local grocery store to support the point that:
A. many of the apples stocked in grocery stores are harvested in the Tian Shan
B. in the Tian Shan, Vavilov had likely found the wild ancestors of the domesticated apple
C. the wild apples growing in the Tian Shan are among the most popular varieties with consumers.
D. in the Tian Shan, Vavilov had found new apple varieties to introduce to food producers.



B. in the Tian Shan, Vavilov had likely found the wild ancestors of the domesticated apple


The author most likely states that the wild apples growing in the Tian Shan looked like apples found at the local grocery store to support the point that in the Tian Shan, Vavilov had likely found the wild ancestors of the domesticated apple.

This is because, in the Tian Shan, Vavilov had discovered the wild ancestors of the domesticated apple which shows that they are similar to the apples in the local grocery store.

A little piece of paper,
That makes a letter go;
A foot that strikes the floor hard,
While someone hollers, “No!”



nice that’s cool. But is there a question? Like is this a riddle?


Harry Potter Chapter 6

At the end of the chapter, someone finally finds Trevor. What is Trevor, and who finds him?


Trevor is Neville's toad who keeps disappearing. Hagrid eventually finds him as they are about to enter the castle.

Which statement performing Internet research is true A. Public library is the best place to do Internet research. B. Never use your smart phone for research because of the many distracting apps on it. C. Be sure to use each search engine separately instead of waiting so long a meta-search engine. D. Most public library offer free Internet access to patrons.



I believe the answer is D

The statement about performing Internet research which is true is: B. Never use your smart phone for research because of the many distracting apps on it.

A research can be defined as a systematic investigation or careful consideration of study with respect to a particular problem using scientific methods such as collection of data, documenting critical information, analysis of data, and the establishment of facts in order to reach new conclusions.

In English literature, there are different types of research and these include;

Applied research.Experimental research.Qualitative research.Theoretical research.Exploratory research.Explanatory research.Quantitative research.Descriptive research.

An internet research can be defined as a research methodology that typically involves gathering or collecting data (information) through the world wide web (WWW) such as blogs, social media networks, online journals, online articles, etc.

Hence, it is very important that you conduct an internet research by using a computer rather than on a smartphone because of the distractions that could be caused by the different software applications found on your smartphone.

In conclusion, when performing an internet research you shouldn't use a smartphone so as to avoid distractions from the many software applications installed on it.

Find more information here: https://brainly.com/question/13327183

Monty is writing an argumentative text about not having exotic animals as pets. A classmate read an excerpt and suggested that Monty needs to strengthen his credibility.

What are two changes Monty can make to strengthen the credibility of his paper?

Include direct quotes from animal experts about the cost and care of exotic pets.
Use stronger transitions between ideas.
Include facts about laws related to owning exotic animals.
Remove information about pet sanctuaries.
Share a personal story about visiting a zoo.



Include direct quotes from animal experts about the cost and care of exotic pets & Include facts about laws related to owning exotic animals

An argumentative text is written to persuade readers. To make the text more credible Monty should include direct quotes and particulars about laws associated with exotic animals.

What are argumentative texts?

An argumentative essay or text is a writing piece that is used to influence the readers to support the viewpoints of the writer by providing reasons and evidence.

If quotes from an expert about the cost and care, and facts that state about the law related to the exotic animals are stated in the text then the argument will be more credible and stronger as the evidence, facts, and claims are used.

Therefore, option A. direct quotes and option C. facts from the law should be used.

Learn more about the argumentative text here:



What was Carl Fredricksen's job from the Disney movie UP (before he was retired)


He was a Balloon Salesman

Mood is the ________created by a text




Hope this helps you.


mood is the emotion created by a text.





5.) Write both an explicit equation and a recursive equation for the sequence 4, 2, ,

(4 points)

What arguments would you use to influence people to sign your petition?


i would give all the positive things that would come along with the petition signing

Choose the word that correctly
completes the analogy.
curiosity: piqued ::
A. series : chain
B. revoke : pensive
C. ambition : inspired




Please answer the question and hurry!!!!



Sunita is not that different from the other girls.

Many people come over to this country (legit or not) having limited ability to speak English or not being able to speak it at all. Think about why this is and describe some of the reasons (at least 3) why a person would migrate to the United States before learning enough English to speak it.?​



are resources


our rights as citizen can i please have brainlest


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

by Mark Twain (adapted excerpt)

Judge Thatcher hoped to see Tom a great lawyer or a great soldier some day. He said he meant to look to it that Tom should be admitted to the National Military Academy and afterward trained in the best law school in the country, in order that he might be ready for either career or both.

Huck Finn's wealth and the fact that he was now under the Widow Douglas' protection introduced him into society—no, dragged him into it, hurled him into it—and his sufferings were almost more than he could bear. The widow's servants kept him clean and neat, combed and brushed, and they bedded him nightly in unsympathetic sheets that had not one little spot or stain which he could press to his heart and know for a friend. He had to eat with a knife and fork; he had to use napkin, cup, and plate; he had to learn; he had to talk so properly that speech was become insipid in his mouth; the bars and shackles of civilization shut him in and bound him hand and foot.
What theme does the excerpt most clearly reflect?

It reflects the theme of conflict between individual freedom and social expectations.
It reflects the theme of isolation and lack of social connections.
It reflects the theme of childhood expectations and their impact on future choices.
It reflects the theme of innocence and the joys of being a child.



A). It reflects the theme of conflict between individual freedom and social expectations.


The theme or central concern in the given excerpt is 'the clash between the individual liberty and the expectations of the society.' Judge Thatcher's belief that Tom would become a wonderful either a soldier or lawyer and even both symbolizes society's expectations while his struggle to attain his individual liberty is reflected through the description ('his sufferings were almost more than he could bear'). The extreme level of societal expectations compelled him to eat, learn, talk, and live as per their norms and didn't allow him to do things the way he wishes to do. These margins snatched his liberty completely and thus, there is a disagreement between his individual will and the way society wants him to be. Hence, option A is the correct answer.


on edmentum this answer is correct


Name the function of the underlined section in this sentence.​



Independent clause because the last part of the sentence can be said on its own and be understood.

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If the Trial Balance columns are not equal and the difference can be evenly divided by 9, then the error most likely is a transposed number.answer choicesTrueFalse if u.s. speculators gained greater confidence in foreign economies so that they wanted to move more of their wealth into foreign countries, the dollar would a. appreciate which would cause aggregate demand to shift left. b. appreciate which would cause aggregate demand to shift right. c. depreciate which would cause aggregate demand to shift right. d. depreciate which would cause aggregate demand to shift left. How do you know if a function is positive or negative? 2. ICD-10-CM codes can have up to characters. A(n) "x" is used to fill in for positions that don't have characters. 3. The SOAP notes system of documentation divides the information into what four areas? a. b. c. d. 4. To prepare for medical coding, the coder must analyze the patient's health record and the diagnostic statement 7. Match the following terms. Main terms a. These terms are indented under the main term; they Nonessential modifier change the description of the diagnosis in bold type Subterms b. Appear in bold Essential modifier c. Are found after the main term and are enclosed in parentheses d. Indented under the essential modifie 8. Information pertinent to code selection can be abstracted from a variety of medical documents. List the documents where the diagnostic statement may be found. 9. The physical assessment of the patient. is the provider's health history evaluation and 10. The describes why the person is seekign medical attention. is a statement in the patient's own words that 11. The is used for extracting procedure an diagnostic information for patients who underwent surgery. Researchers investigated the influence of environmental pH on the activity of peroxidase, an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen gas. In an experiment, the researchers added a hydrogen peroxide solution containing guaiacol to several identical test tubes and adjusted the solution in each test tube to a different pH. The researchers included the guaiacol because it caused the solutions to change color as the reactions proceeded, which the researchers relied on for measuring reaction rates. Finally, the researchers added the same amount of peroxidase to each test tube and measured the rate of each reaction at 23C. The results of the experiment are represented in Figure 1. One of the researchers proposes using oxygen gas production to measure reaction rates. Which of the following statements best justifies the use of the proposed modification as a way of creating an appropriate control for the investigation?O the experiment can be repeated without hydrogen peroxide, which will help eliminate an uncontrolled variable. O the experiment can be repeated without hydrogen peroxide, which will help eliminate an uncontrolled variable. O the experiment can be repeated without peroxidase, which will introduce a second independent variable. O the experiment can be repeated without peroxidase, which will introduce a second independent variable. O the experiment can be repeated without guaiacol, which will reveal the effect of guaiacol on the reaction rates. O the experiment can be repeated without guaiacol, which will reveal the effect of guaiacol on the reaction rates. O the experiment can be repeated without water, which will reveal whether the reaction can occur inside a living cell. Calculating length of the curveCan somebody give me a detailed description how we did the last three steps? Write an instruction that adds the value 12 to the value in register $6. Use an instruction which ignores overflow. A. add $6, 12 B. addi $6, $0, 12 C. addiu $6, $6, 12 D. addi $6, 12 What was the ruling in Griswold v. Connecticut start the debate over reproductive rights brainly? Which of the following was a result of World War I in Russia?ANSWER IS 100% SURE THIS IS FOR A TESTA. Food shortageB. Population increaseC. Abundance of food If the distance between the points A(2, -2) and B(-1, x) is equal to 5, then the value of x is: (a)2 (b)-2 (c)1 (d)-1 What are Swift's true feelings about the situation in Ireland? Janice earned $175,000 of qualified business income this year from her sole proprietorship and has taxable income, before any QBI deduction, of $150,000. Janice is permitted a QBI deduction of What temperature is piping hot?