What is the difference between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference in computer programming?


Answer 1


In pass-by-value, the function receives a copy of the argument as a parameter. This means that any changes made to the parameter inside the function have no effect on the argument outside the function.

On the other hand, in pass-by-reference, the function receives a reference to the memory location of the argument. This means that any changes made to the parameter inside the function are reflected in the argument outside the function.

Here is an example in C++ to illustrate the difference:

#include <iostream>

void increment(int x)




void increment(int* x)




int main()


   int y = 5;

   increment(y); // pass-by-value

   std::cout << y << std::endl; // prints 5

   increment(&y); // pass-by-reference

   std::cout << y << std::endl; // prints 6

   retuIn the first call to increment, the value of y is passed to the function as a parameter. Since the function receives a copy of the value of y, any changes made to the parameter inside the function have no effect on the argument outside the function. Therefore, the value of y is not changed and remains 5.

In the second call to increment, the memory address of y is passed to the function as a parameter. Since the function receives a reference to the memory location of y, any changes made to the parameter inside the function are reflected in the argument outside the function. Therefore, the value of y is incremented to 6.rn 0;



Related Questions

write a c++ program that accept student information




This program stores the information (name, roll and marks entered by the user) of a student in a structure and displays it on the screen.

To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following C++ programming topics:

C++ StructuresC++ StringsIn this program, a structure(student) is created which contains name, roll and marks as its data member. Then, a structure variable(s) is created. Then, data (name, roll and marks) is taken from user and stored in data members of structure variable s. Finally, the data entered by user is displayed.This structure has three members: name (string), roll (integer) and marks (float).

Then, a structure variable s is created to store information and display it on the screen.

Now, we’re ready to program! Leave the visualizer and go back to https://repl.it/ to write your program. Here is the pseudocode for your program: Define a function called “even_checker” that will do the following things: Iterate over a list. Check to see whether the values in the list are even. Print the even values. Create a list with ten numbers in it. (Some of your numbers should be odd, and some should be even.) Call the function on your list. When you have tested your program, take a screenshot of it and its output to turn in. If your program does not work properly, also include a paragraph explaining what you did to troubleshoot it.





Answer:did you get the answer right or wrong?


explain the procedure you will undertake to create a new partition​


Ans: To create and format a new partition (volume) Right-click an unallocated region on your hard disk, and then select New Simple Volume. In the New Simple Volume Wizard, select Next. Enter the size of the volume you want to create in megabytes (MB) or accept the maximum default size, and then select Next.

What is the most important part of the brainstorming process?



Some people may say that the most important part of brainstorming is the ability to come up with creative ideas, but this end result is still linked to the need for a lack of judgement or criticism during the session.


brainliest please

I have this project and I can't do anything about it, I do really need help ASAP


sorry i can't i am confused

The ____ character is allowable in a folder name. Select one: a. < b. : c. / d. -



d. - is allowed in a folder name.

Which technologies combine to make data a critical organizational asset?


Answer: Is in the image I attached below of my explanation. Hope it helps! Have a wonderful day! <3

Explanation: Brainliest is appreciated, I need 2 more for my next last rank please!

A processor has word-addressable memory with all instructions of length 1 word (which is equal to 4 bytes). At a given point in time, the current instruction being executed has an operand field with the value 7C30. At this time, suppose the Program Counter contains the address 49A072, the register R3 contains the value 5600, and the register R4 contains the value 3A. All addresses and values above are in hex. For each of the following addressing modes, find the effective address of the operand:______.
a) Direct mode
b) PC-relative mode
c) Displacement mode with base register R3 and displacement given by the operand field
d) Indexed mode with index register R4 and base address given by the operand field



i dont


know im lazy to do it but it looks easy just put some effort into it youg ot it!

Consider the following code: def tryIt(b): for i in range(len(b)): b[i] = b[i] + 100 #***********MAIN************ x = [] x = [56, 78, 88] print(x) tryIt(x) print(x) [156, 178, 188] [156, 178, 188] [56, 78, 88] [156, 178, 188] [56, 78, 88] [56, 78, 88]


Answer: I took a high school robotics class when I was in 5th grade and I don't even understand your code there aren't any instructions other than "Consider" the following code you may want to improve your question

outline four advantages of digital
cameras over analogue cameras​




A digital camera refers to a camera whereby the photographs are being captured in digital memory. An analogue camera refers to the traditional camera that typically sends video over cable.

The advantages of digital cameras over analogue cameras include:

1. Massive Storage Space:

There is a large storage space for photos and thus helps to prevent limitations to film. There are memory cards that can store several images.

2. Multiple functions:

The digital camera performs several functions like face detection, night and motion detection This makes capturing of images more fun and brings about better images.

3. Video Camera:

Digital cameras can also capture moving pictures while analog camera typically captures images that are still. Digital camera is vital as it can be used for live streaming.

4. Smaller and Lighter:

Digital cameras are usually smaller and lighter which makes them more portable and easy to carry about.

You have been tasked with building a URL file validator for a web crawler. A web crawler is an application that fetches a web page, extracts the URLs present in that page, and then recursively fetches new pages using the extracted URLs. The end goal of a web crawler is to collect text data, images, or other resources present in order to validate resource URLs or hyperlinks on a page. URL validators can be useful to validate if the extracted URL is a valid resource to fetch. In this scenario, you will build a URL validator that checks for supported protocols and file types.
What you need to do?
1. Writing detailed comments and docstrings
2. Organizing and structuring code for readability
3. URL = :///
Steps for Completion
Create two lists of strings - one list for Protocol called valid_protocols, and one list for storing File extension called valid_ftleinfo . For this take the protocol list should be restricted to http , https and ftp. The file extension list should be hrl. and docx CSV.
Split an input named url, and then use the first element to see whether the protocol of the URL is in valid_protocols. Similarly, check whether the URL contains a valid file_info.
Write the conditions to return a Boolean value of True if the URL is valid, and False if either the Protocol or the File extension is not valid.
main.py х +
1 def validate_url(url):
2 *****Validates the given url passed as string.
4 Arguments:
5 url --- String, A valid url should be of form :///
7 Protocol = [http, https, ftp]
8 Hostname = string
9 Fileinfo = [.html, .csv, .docx]
10 ***
11 # your code starts here.
15 return # return True if url is valid else False
18 if
19 name _main__': url input("Enter an Url: ")
20 print(validate_url(url))



Python Code:

def validate_url(url):

#Creating the list of valid protocols and file name extensions

valid_protocols = ['http', 'https', 'ftp']

valid_fileinfo = ['.html', '.csv', '.docx']

#splitting the url into two parts

url_split = url.split('://')

isProtocolValid = False

isFileValid = False

#iterating over the valid protocols and file names for validity

for x in valid_protocols:

if x in url_split[0]:

isProtocolValid = True


for x in valid_fileinfo:

if x in url_split[1]:

isFileValid = True


#Returning the result if the URL has both valid protocol and file extension

return (isProtocolValid and isFileValid)

url = input("Enter an URL: ")



The image of the output code is attached. Hope it helps.

Consider the following recursive method, which is intended to display the binary equivalent of a decimal number. For example, toBinary(100) should display 1100100.

public static void toBinary(int num)
if (num < 2)
/* missing code */

Which of the following can replace /* missing code */ so that toBinary works as intended?

a. System.out.print(num % 2);
toBinary(num / 2);

b. System.out.print(num / 2);
toBinary(num % 2);

c. toBinary(num % 2);
System.out.print(num / 2);

d. toBinary(num / 2);
System.out.print(num % 2);

e. toBinary(num / 2);
System.out.print(num / 2);



D) toBinary(num / 2);

System.out.print(num % 2);


5.27 LAB*: Program: Soccer team roster (Vectors)
This program will store roster and rating information for a soccer team. Coaches rate players during tryouts to ensure a balanced team.
(1) Prompt the user to input five pairs of numbers: A player's jersey number (0 - 99) and the player's rating (1 - 9). Store the jersey numbers in one int vector and the ratings in another int vector. Output these vectors (i.e., output the roster). (3 pts)
Enter player 1's jersey number:
Enter player 1's rating:
Enter player 2's jersey number:
Enter player 2's rating:
Enter player 3's jersey number:
Enter player 3's rating:
Enter player 4's jersey number:
Enter player 4's rating:
Enter player 5's jersey number:
Enter player 5's rating:
Player 1 -- Jersey number: 84, Rating: 7
Player 2 -- Jersey number: 23, Rating: 4
(2) Implement a menu of options for a user to modify the roster. Each option is represented by a single character. The program initially outputs the menu, and outputs the menu after a user chooses an option. The program ends when the user chooses the option to Quit. For this step, the other options do nothing. (2 pts)
a - Add player
d - Remove player
u - Update player rating
r - Output players above a rating
o - Output roster
q - Quit
Choose an option:
(3) Implement the "Output roster" menu option. (1 pt)
Player 1 -- Jersey number: 84, Rating: 7
Player 2 -- Jersey number: 23, Rating: 4
(4) Implement the "Add player" menu option. Prompt the user for a new player's jersey number and rating. Append the values to the two vectors. (1 pt)
Enter a new player's jersey number:
Enter the player's rating:
(5) Implement the "Delete player" menu option. Prompt the user for a player's jersey number. Remove the player from the roster (delete the jersey number and rating). (2 pts)
Enter a jersey number:
(6) Implement the "Update player rating" menu option. Prompt the user for a player's jersey number. Prompt again for a new rating for the player, and then change that player's rating. (1 pt)
Enter a jersey number:
Enter a new rating for player:
(7) Implement the "Output players above a rating" menu option. Prompt the user for a rating. Print the jersey number and rating for all players with ratings above the entered value. (2 pts)
Enter a rating:




The following code is written in Java and loops five times asking for the desired inputs from the user and saves that information in two Vectors named jerseyNumber and ratings. Then creates a while loop for the menu and a seperate method for each of the options...

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.Vector;

class Brainly {

   static Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

   static Vector<Integer> jerseyNumber = new Vector<>();

   static Vector<Integer> ratings = new Vector<>();

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {

           System.out.println("Enter player " + (x+1) + "'s jersey number:");


           System.out.println("Enter player " + (x+1) + "'s rating:");



       boolean reloop = true;

       while (reloop == true) {


           System.out.println("a - Add player");

           System.out.println("d - Remove player");

           System.out.println("u - Update player rating");

           System.out.println("r - Output players above a rating");

           System.out.println("o - Output roster");

           System.out.println("q - Quit");

           char answer = in.next().charAt(0);

           switch (answer) {

               case 'a': addPlayer();


               case 'd': removePlayer();


               case 'u': updatePlayer();


               case 'r': outputRating();


               case 'o': outputRoster();


               case 'q': System.exit(0);

                   reloop = false;





   public static void addPlayer() {

       System.out.println("Enter player's jersey number:");


       System.out.println("Enter player's rating:");



   public static void removePlayer() {

       System.out.println("Enter Jersey number:");

       int number = in.nextInt();

       for (int x = 0; x < jerseyNumber.size(); x++) {

           if (jerseyNumber.get(x) == number) {






   public static void updatePlayer() {

       System.out.println("Enter Jersey number:");

       int number = in.nextInt();

       System.out.println("Enter new Rating:");

       int rating = in.nextInt();

       for (int x = 0; x < jerseyNumber.size(); x++) {

           if (jerseyNumber.get(x) == number) {

               ratings.set(x, rating);




   public static void outputRating() {

       System.out.println("Enter Rating:");

       int rating = in.nextInt();

       for (int x = 0; x < ratings.size(); x++) {

           if (ratings.get(x) >= rating) {





   public static void outputRoster() {

       for (int x = 0; x < jerseyNumber.size(); x++) {

           System.out.println("Player " + (x+1) + " -- Jersey number: " + jerseyNumber.get(x) + ", Rating: " + ratings.get(x));




what is the weather in Ireland?​



Year-round, Irish weather as a whole tends to stick with what it knows: Mildly crisp weather, around 270 days of rain, with sunshine and wind. Although slight fluctuations occur dependent on the month and season, the average yearly temperature is around 50 degrees Fahrenheit.




The climate of Ireland is mild, humid and changeable with abundant rainfall and a lack of temperature extremes. ... January and February are the coldest months of the year, and mean daily air temperatures fall between 4 and 7 °C (39.2 and 44.6 °F) during these months.

have a nice day

I love Ireland very much

What is the output of the following code?
int num=25;
if (num > 5)
System.out.print(num + " ");
num += 10;
if (num > 30){
System.out.print(num + " ");
num += 5;
if (num > 45 ) {



25 35


First if checks if num is greater than 25, it is so it prints 25 with a space after and adds 10 to num (num is now 35)

Then it checks if num is greater than 30, it is, so it prints 35 with a space after and adds 5 to num (num is now 40)

Lastly, it checks if num is greater than 45, it is not, so the program terminates with output: "25 35 " (note the space at the end)

what is the output of int s; in c programming?m​



No output



int s;


The output

The above instruction is not an output statement, but rather it is a statement that declares variable s as an integer.

Hence, no output is expected.

To produce an output in C, you make use of the following print statement:

printf("%d", s);

The above instruction prints the value of s

Briefly explain how Riboflavin deficiency lead to disease state.​



Severe riboflavin deficiency can impair the metabolism of other nutrients, especially other B vitamins, through diminished levels of flavin coenzymes [3]. Anemia and cataracts can develop if riboflavin deficiency is severe and prolonged [1]. The earlier changes associated with riboflavin deficiency are easily reversed.

Which of the following characteristics differentiates PCM from BWF audio
file formats?
metadata storage
.wav file extension
uncompressed audio file format
compressed audio file format


Answer: A





Which of the following would a cyber criminal most likely do once they gained access to a user id and password



do something wrong as you

Which program enables different computers to transmit data to each other?

A. simple message transfer protocol
B. Hypertext transfer protocol
C. Interactive file transfer protocol
D. Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol



Option D, Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol


Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol is a communication protocol through which files are transferred from the server to the client's system via computer network.

On the internet, It interconnects the network devices and also serve as a communications protocol in a private computer network

Hence, option D is correct

What does an operating system provide so you can interact with a device



Operating system software provides the user interface for interacting with the hardware components, whereas application software enables you to accomplish specific tasks.


please give me brainlist and follow

An operating system provides graphical user interface, which enables the user to interact seamlessly with a computer device.

Graphical user interface (GUI) provides user-friendly visual representations to help the user to manage the human interaction with the device via the operating system.

Some graphical user interface tools include icons, menus, and mouse.

Thus, with visual representations of data and operating instructions, users are able to understand the operating system and interact easily with the computer device.

Read more about graphical user interface at https://brainly.com/question/16956142

What are some things you need to be careful not to change while editing a macro? Check all that apply. commas names spaces brackets rows columns



commas, spaces, brackets


I hope this helps.

The vulnerabilities common to the software development process, including buffer overflows, race conditions, input validation attacks, authentication attacks, authorization attacks, and cryptographic attacks, and how we might mitigate these by following secure coding guidelines. Besides protecting O S software on hosts, there is a need to protect applications that run on these devices. Aspects of application security includes all except:____.
A. Application development security.
B. Secure coding techniques.
C. Code testing.
D. Requirement Assessment.



Aspects of application security includes all except:____.

D. Requirement Assessment.


The requirement assessment is carried out during the initial development stage to meet the user's requirements.  This assessment does not necessarily deal with application security.  However, the other three aspects are security-related.  They focus on the areas where application security is mostly required to reduce errors and technical weaknesses of a software, including authentication, privacy, access control, data segregation, and error handling.

Select all the correct answers.
Which two data types can be used to store the sentence "Click to open."?



boolean is correct



its string and array


Edmonton gang

The UNIX cal command prints out the calendar of the month/year that the user enters. Type in the following, one at a time, and observe the output:
cal 3 2014 cal 2014 cal 1 1
To learn more about this command, type in man cal for help.
Write a program named cal.c that prints out the following (which is the output when you type in cal 10 2018 in UNIX). Note that you are not asked to implement the cal command. You can assume that you know October 1 is a Monday. You will need to use loops and the % operator.
October 2018 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Solution :


int [tex]$\text{dayofweek}$[/tex](int d, [tex]$\text{int m}$[/tex], int y){

static [tex]$\text{int t}[]$[/tex] = { 0, [tex]$3,2$[/tex], 5, [tex]$0,3$[/tex], 5, 1, [tex]$4,6,2,4$[/tex] };

y -= [tex]$m<3$[/tex];

return ([tex]$y+$[/tex] y/4 - y/100 + y/400 + t[m-1] + d) % 7;


int main() {

int month,year,i;

printf("Enter Month : ");


printf("Enter Year : ");


//find week day number

int day = dayofweek(1,month,year);

char * weekDays[] = {"Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"};


//print week day header


printf("%s ",weekDays[i]);


//print days accordingly


printf(" ");


printf("%-2d ",i-day+1);





what name is given to the method used to copy a file onto a CD


Answer: Burn or Write


Burn is a colloquial term meaning to write content to a CD , DVD , or other recordable disc. DVD and CD drives with recording capabilities (sometimes called DVD or CD burner s) etch data onto the disks with a laser .

Write a python program to print the square of all numbers from 0 to 10.



for i in range(11):


What is the name for the last word on a dictionary page?
a. Final word
c. First guideword
b. Second guideword
d. None of these
Please select the best answer from the choices provided








B.Second guideword


Do you think renewable energy can power the world? If so, why?





Because it is a new safer and more energy efficient way of producing energy

Question 1
1 pts
The pressure of the electrons in a wire is measured in units called
The largely instinct 3.5 inch floppy disc uses which connector



Option A, Volts


Volts  is the unit of pressure of the electrons in a wire. One Volt is the required pressure to allow flow of one unit of current in a circuit against a resistance of one ohm.

Hence, option A is correct

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