What impact did the Ottoman Empire have on Eastern Europe?


Answer 1

The fact that it possessed control over so many trade routes gave it a monopoly-like grip over trade across Europe and Asia.

What is Ottoman Empire?

In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Ottoman Empire, which was founded in Anatolia by Turkish tribes, became one of the most formidable nations on earth.

Over 600 years later, the Ottoman Empire only ended in 1922, when it was succeeded either by Turkish Republic as well as a number of Middle Eastern and Southeast European successor states.

At its height, the empire included the majority of southeastern Europe up to the gates of Vienna, as well as modern-day Hungary, this same Balkan region, Europe, and portions of Ukraine.

It also included parts of the Middle East that are now occupied by Syria, Syria, Israel, and Egypt, as well as large portions of North Africa as far south of the city as Algeria.

To know more about Ottoman Empire:



Related Questions

Which of the following best describes federalism?

Fiscal federalism involves limited control of the national government over the state
Nixon’s revenue sharing plan is an example of fiscal federalism
The Founding Fathers interpreted federalism as dual federalism
Interstate highway projects are an example of dual federalism


Nixon’s revenue sharing plan is an example of fiscal federalism.

What is fiscal federalism?

Our federal system is characterized by the division of financial and management responsibilities among the federal, state, and local governments. These initiatives are funded through taxes and fees.

This power is used by federal governments to establish rules and regulations across the nation. Transfers can be either unconditional or subject to conditions.

A conditional transfer from a federal agency to a province or other authority is subject to a set of restrictions.

The lower level of government must consent to the federal government's spending guidelines in order for it to receive this kind of transfer. An example of this would be the Canada Health Transfer.

Learn more about fiscal federalism, here



What can Claudius not do Act 3 Scene 3?


Claudius cannot stop Hamlet from continuing his plan to perform the play.

In Act 3 Scene 3, Hamlet has decided to stage a play to confirm his suspicions about Claudius, and he does not accept Claudius’s attempts to stop him. Claudius attempts to stop Hamlet by appealing to his emotions and questioning his logic, but Hamlet remains steadfast in his decision.

He even goes so far as to challenge Claudius to stay and watch the play, which Claudius can only accept reluctantly. Claudius has no other choice but to allow Hamlet to continue his plan, as he cannot force him to stop.

Claudius is powerless to stop Hamlet, and this shows how much control Hamlet has over the situation. He is able to manipulate Claudius and make sure his plan goes forward, despite Claudius’s protests.

For more questions like Claudius click the link below:



Look at this chart showing the economic impact of the Great Depression between 1929 and 1932.

A 4-column table with 3 rows is shown. Column 1 is not labeled with entries Industrial production, foreign trade, unemployment. Column 2 is labeled U S with entries down 46%, down 70%, down 607%. Column 3 is labeled Britain with entries down 23%, down 60%, down 129%. Column 4 is labeled Germany with entries down 41%, down 61%, down 232%.

According to this chart, had the smallest increase in unemployment.

Great Britain
the United States


We can observe from the accompanying graph that Britain experienced the smallest increase in unemployment.

Define Unemployment.

Unemployment is the state in which a person finds themselves when they actively seek employment but are unsuccessful in doing so.

In light of the chart's specifics, it is clear that Britain had the lowest increase in unemployment rates among all the nations that experienced the Great Depression's effects. We can see that the jobless rate in Britain increased by an estimated 129% less than it did in other nations. In contrast, it decreased by a staggering 607% in the United States and by 232% in Germany. Britain's smaller decline is likely due to the fact that, up until the first decades of the twenty-first century, it was Britain, not the United States, that had the most developed economy.

To know more about unemployment, visit:




Great Britain


I got it right on test

What kind of relationship does Thoreau think the individual should have with the government?


Government, according to Thoreau, is an expedient by which men would fain succeed in leaving each other alone. It exists through the consent of the governed to ensure individual freedom, allowing for the pursuit of deep living and high thinking.

Despite its vulnerability to abuse, Thoreau admits that it is necessary But it is not the less necessary for [its shortcomings]; for the people must have some complicated machinery or other. to satisfy that idea of government which they have. Despite its powerful statement, Civil Disobedience is written in a relatively measured tone. Contrary to popular belief, Thoreau does not advocate the dissolution of government in it. "Not at once for no government, but at once for a better government, Individuals and their consciences must decide moral issues, not the majority through government. Individual action can halt the Mexican War, which Thoreau believes must be stopped, but not through the political process. Civil disobedience is an expression of support for limited government. The individual protests the government's involvement in issues over which it has no proper jurisdiction by refusing to pay taxes (withholding support from a government that commits immoral acts). This is a "peaceful revolution," rather than a violent one. Thoreau can still accept that government has a role, I quietly declare war on the State, as is my custom.

To learn more about thoreau think the government here:



what is the unit of life ? ​



a cell


Cells are considered the basic units of life in part because they come in discrete and easily recognizable packages. That's because all cells are surrounded by a structure called the cell membrane — which, much like the walls of a house, serves as a clear boundary between the cell's internal and external environments.

Conquistadors scoured the mainland of north america in search of __________. A. Fish and furs b. Land and gold c. Silk and spices d. New foods and medicines.



b. Land and gold


I remember learning this in AP History Class. Christopher Columbus and the Spanish were in search of north America for gold and land resources.

So, the answer is B.

What are 5 similarities and 5 differences between the populist and socialist platforms?


Populist which focuses on standing up for the rights and positions of the common people as opposed to the elite and the government. Several political movements around the world have promoted populist ideals. When used to describe political rhetoric, an individual or a political party, the term often carries pejorative connotations, and “populism” has become a loaded word to many people.

Socialist economic philosophy and movement encompassing a range of economic systems characterized by the dominance of social ownership of the means of production as opposed to private ownership.

How do the animals now refer to Napoleon?


Leader, Comrade Napoleon

who is the owner pf antartica


Antarctica is claimed to be owned by seven countries which are Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom

What is Antarctica continent?

The most southerly continent and location of the South Pole is Antarctica, an ice-covered landmass that is essentially uninhabited.

The Antarctic Peninsula, which juts out toward South America, is where most cruises to the continent stop. It is well-known for the Lemaire Channel, a stunning passageway flanked by icebergs, and Paradise Harbor, as well as Port Lockroy, a former British research facility turned museum.

The isolated landscape of the peninsula is home to a variety of wildlife, including numerous penguins.

Learn more about Antarctica here:



what evidence would you expect to find that would indicate that the indus river valley culture declined due to internal factors rather than being overwhelmed by indo-european invaders. change was evident in the indus river valley through natural disasters like earthquakes which caused loss of futile soil. change from cremation practices to inhumation burial traditions. change in the continuity of religious beliefs as well.


Anatomically detailed figurines made of terracotta, bronze, and steatite, as well as sculptures, seals, pottery, gold jewelry, and other artifacts from the Indus Valley culture have been unearthed at the sites of the culture's excavations.

What evidence suggests a strong centralized government in the Indus River Valley?

There was uniformity in urban planning, sizing and weights of bricks and structures, similar artifacts, and other architectural features that could suggest a central government, despite the fact that the highly populated cities had separate leaderships.

What evidence demonstrates that Mesopotamia and the Indus River traded?

Around 2350 BCE, there is evidence of imports from the Indus to Ur. In Mesopotamian archaeological sites from around 2500-2000 BCE, various objects made with Indus coast-specific shell species, particularly Trubinella Pyrum and Fasciolaria Trapezium, have been discovered.

To learn more about Valley culture here:



How did the San Francisco government feel about the countercultures “summer of love”?


San Francisco government feel about the countercultures “summer of love” is young adults returned home with a new hippie way of life that included drug usage, sexual experimentation, long hair on men, and new fashion trends.

What do you mean by the "Summer of love"?

On January 14, 1967, 30,000 people gathered in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park to mark the start of the Summer of Love.

They came to participate in the counterculture authors Gary Snyder and poet Allen Ginsberg's "Human Be-In" campaign, which was part of their plea for a general rise in consciousness.

The most enduring traces of that time period and the fury over the Vietnam War are found in the music from 1967 and the surrounding years.

Some of the most significant pieces of popular music in history came from the Summer of Love.

Some of it was an overt statement against the war, while others were merely expressions of the desire for harmony and love.

Therefore, San Francisco government feel about the countercultures “summer of love” is young adults returned home with a new hippie way of life that included drug usage, sexual experimentation, long hair on men, and new fashion trends.

To know more about the "Summer of love", visit:



Is Equiano a true story?


Equiano is a true story, By far the most thorough first-person narrative of a black seafarer in the eighteenth century is The Narrative.

Was Olaudah Equiano a real person?Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745–1797), a remarkable man who became a well-known figure involved with the fight to end the slave trade, was an enslaved man who bought his freedom and wrote movingly about his experiences. Equiano was born in what is now Nigeria, and at the age of 11, he was sold into slavery.Equiano served his master Michael Henry Pascal, a Huguenot descendent, as a slave for around seven years while he was a child aboard ships of the Royal Navy.As their own property and for their own use, some of these slaves even have more slaves working for them (40-41). Equiano was exposed to the institution of slavery from a young age. He had the right to own slaves as a member of the ruling class.

Learn more about Olaudah Equiano refer to :



Who is the villain in Gremlins 3?


Stripe, a brand-new character, is a product of the Gremlins series. Stripe, who is the antagonist for sporting a mohawk and detesting Gizmo, serves as the main adversary in the films.

Who is an antagonist?

An antagonist is a figure who appears as the protagonist's main enemy in a story. Even though not every plot needs an antagonist, playwrights frequently use one to up the drama.

Characters can be antagonists without necessarily being bad; instead, they just need to be foolish and unlikable to the viewer. Almost every character in some stories, like The Catcher in the Rye, who is not the protagonist, is an adversary.

Sometimes an opponent is not a person or individuals. A force, such as a tidal wave that wipes out a city, a storm that causes chaos, or simply the conditions in a specific location that are the origin of a problem, can act as an enemy in some situations. The protagonist may or may not face challenges from an opponent.

Other rules or societal standards may also be adversaries. An antagonist is a story device that creates challenges, conflicts, or obstacles for the protagonist.

In comedies, they are typically in charge of placing the protagonist in humorous circumstances; in tragedies, they are frequently the root of the protagonist's primary issue or organize a gang of characters to fight against the protagonist.

Learn more about antagonist, here



How successful was Olaudah Equiano in ending slavery?


His story dispelled many of the prevalent racist stereotypes and misconceptions of the time, allowing the public to see slavery through the eyes of a former slave.

What did Olaudah Equiano achieve?Olaudah Equiano, an enslaved man who bought his freedom and wrote compellingly about his experiences, was a remarkable man who became a prominent figure associated with the campaign to abolish the slave trade.Equiano worked as an explorer and merchant for 20 years before settling in England, where he converted to Christianity in 1759. In 1789, he published these memoirs with the encouragement of fellow Abolitionists who were campaigning against the slave trade.The ability of this cultured and intelligent man to relate firsthand the horrors of slavery swayed public opinion, and Britain had formally abolished the trade by 1807. Equiano was not around to witness it; he died in 1797, leaving behind his English wife and two daughters.

To learn more about Olaudah Equiano refer :



What impact did the media have on the Vietnam War?


Some people believe that the media played a key role in the United States' defeat. They assert that the erosion of support was a result of the media's predisposition for negative reporting.

How did the media influence the Vietnam War?

American citizens were exposed to military crimes like the 1968 My Lai Massacre, which sparked riots in American cities and on college campuses. The decision to remove American forces from the war in 1973 was finally made in response to this uproar, which was made worse by media coverage.

How did the media contribute to the Vietnam War?

One of the first wars without media censorship was the Vietnam War. Anything relating to the war could be reported by the media. The Before the Tet Offensive, the coverage of the US was largely favorable. Televisions across America showed the news from ABC, NBC, and CBS.

To know more about Vietnam War visit:-



What is not allowed in Taj Mahal?


Both eating and smoke are strictly prohibited within the Taj Mahal. Weapons, ammunition, fire, cigarettes, alcohol, candies, wire, headphones, knives, and cell phone chargers.

Can you go inside the Taj Mahal?

There are two different tickets available for purchase. You can enter the grounds from outside Taj Mahal for 1100 rupees. Make sure you get a new ticket for the tomb for 200 rupees if you'd want to visit inside as well. This adds out to 1300 rupees, or almost $19 US, in total.

Can you sleep in the Taj Mahal?

There is a one-night limit for visitors. The individual is barred from staying there at Taj Mahal for the following six months. There are some places that are clearly marked as restricted, and nobody is permitted to enter them, not even at night. The cost of the stay would start at Rs 25,000.

To know more about Taj mahal visit:



How did women express their political opinions after the American Revolution? (40 points plus brainliest)
They included political leaders in knitting circles.
They started seeking jobs outside the home.
They invited men to tea parties.
They organized reform movements.



they organized reform movements


Womens opinions were not valued so they would have to make reform movements in order to be heard

What do the white Russians represent in Animal Farm?


The White Russians represent a group of people that followed the Czar and his way of running the country in Animal Farm.

White Russians were also known as the White Army. They play a very important role in Animal farm. Prior to the Russian Civil War and Revolution, the White Army, which served as the Tsar's army, had the explicit mission of maintaining law and order in the country.

They made an effort to drive out Soviet institutions and agents in areas under White control. The White Army was, in general, nationalistic and opposed to secession and ethnic particularism. Animal farm is based on Russian Revolution.

To know more about Russians, click here.



What makes the speech of Queen Elizabeth powerful?





Queen Elizabeth is a credible source which allows many people to believe that her speech is trustworthy and that it is factual.

A force is the ability to do work. True False


Answer: False


The ability to do work is energy, not force.


To do work is energy.

Is Huck Finn realism or Naturalism?


Huckleberry Finn is regarded as a work of realism, a writing movement that aimed to present life but without frills and fancies that romanticism tended to emphasize. The fact that the story takes place right before Civil War is another crucial aspect of it.

The utilization of realistic characters in the story further exemplifies realism. Our protagonist, Finn, is a juvenile adolescent who deals with the common, everyday challenges that teens confront, like group pressure, moral development, and the propensity to rebel. Before the War, life along the River is accurately depicted in the book. In a global system devoid of a single political power, realism emphasizes enduring social patterns. It attempts to capture reality by depicting common-place, daily events as they actually occur. It features well-known characters, settings, and narratives. It is a desire for accuracy or truth and a rejection of the idealistic.

Learn more on realism



Why did religious revivals
gain in popularity during
the course of the Civil War
in America (1861-1865)?
A. It was required for every citizen to
attend on Sundays
B. It was a retaliation for the new taxes
imposed on the Colonists
C. It was a way for soldiers to cope with
stress and death from the war
D. It was a way for slaves to express
their freedoms



C. It was a way for soldiers to cope with stress and death from the war


Surges in religious interest and observance among large numbers of soldiers in both the Union and Confederate armies characterized religious revivals during the American Civil War (1861–1865). Although they came not long after the Second Great Awakening, primarily a Baptist and Methodist phenomenon, the soldier revivals tended to be ecumenical and cross class boundaries. They were often marked by frequent, fervent, and heavily attended religious ceremonies, including preaching services, organized prayer meetings, and “experience meetings,” or gatherings in which individual soldiers took turns sharing with the group how God had brought them to faith in Christ. They were also evidenced by much private Bible reading and small informal prayer meetings among the troops.

The answer is C. It was a way for soldiers to cope with stress and death from war.

What is the effect of dramatic irony in the passage?


Because the reader knows what awaits a character and may witness the character behave against his or her own well-being, dramatic irony can elicit intense emotions in the reader.

The reader of "The Gift of the Magi" understands that both presents will be meaningless, but also recognizes that the purchases were acts of love.

Dramatic irony is used by writers to capture and hold the audience's attention.

It piques people's interest. It also produces suspense by encouraging the audience to fear the moment when the characters discover the truth that the spectator already knows and how he or she will react with it.

Learn more about to irony  visit here;



Full Question ;

What is the effect of dramatic Irony in the passage?

A. The dramatic Irony contributes to the resolution by showing how Feste tries to disprove the perception

that Malvolio is a lunatic and helps him.

B. The dramatic irony contributes to the resolution by showing how Feste tries to disprove the perception

that Malvolio is a lunatic and helps him.

C. The dramatic irony adds to the comedic effect by showing how Feste contradicts Malvolio's statements to

confuse him and makes him believe he is crazy.

D. The dramatic irony complicates the plot further by showing how Feste successfully leads Malvolio into

passage ;

This last act, which consists of only a single scene, takes place on a street in front of Olivia's house. Feste is reluctantly carrying Malvolio's letter to Olivia (pleading Malvolio's sanity), but Fabian is trying to discourage him from reading it. Feste, needless to say, is in no great hurry to deliver it.

Duke Orsino, Cesario (Viola), Curio, and others enter, and Orsino has a few words with Feste; he is pleased with Feste's quick wit and gives him a gold coin and tells him to announce to Olivia that he is here to speak with her and, furthermore, to "bring her along"; if he does, there may be more gold coins for Feste.

Cesario (Viola) sees Antonio approaching with several officers and tells Orsino that this is the man who rescued him from Sir Andrew earlier. (Antonio, of course, is still under arrest). Orsino remembers Antonio well; when he last saw Antonio, the sea captain's face was "besmeared / As black as Vulcan in the smoke of war." Antonio was the captain of a pirate ship then and did great damage to Orsino's fleet. Yet despite their past differences, Orsino remembers Antonio as being a brave and honorable opponent.

When he is asked to explain how he happened to be in Illyria, Antonio explains to Orsino that he is the victim of "witchcraft" — that is, he saved Cesario's life, and then this "most ingrateful boy" would not return the purse of money which he lent him earlier.

Okay I am begging for you to get this right it is for 5 points so please don't get it wrong!!Q^Q


The main distinction between low and up was that up did not have as much wealth. Additionally, the Upcountry didn't require slaves for their subsistence farming whereas the Lowcountry had slaves.

What makes the Upcountry and Lowcountry distinct from one another?

The Upcountry has been the name of this region since the 1700s (prior to the Revolutionary War it was called the Backcountry). Coastal regions were previously referred to as the Lowcountry and everything above them as the Upcountry, respectively. The word Lowcountry is still widely used today.

The majority of people living in the upcountry were poorer subsistence farmers, while those living in the Lowcountry were typically wealthy elites with more clout in politics. Back when the colony was initially established, the upcountry and Lowcountry were always at odds with one another. The residents of the Upcountry were regular farmers, tradespeople, and woodsmen, whereas those in the Lowcountry were wealthy planters.

To learn more about Upcountry, visit:



Responsibilities of citizens with a limited government do NOT include what?



A limited government is a political system in which legalized force is restricted through delegated and enumerated powers.


African Americans supported the Gulf
War. true or false


African Americans supported the Gulf War.  The statement is False.

What are the causes of the Gulf war?

The key explanation behind the first Gulf War in 1991 was Iraq's desire to seize control of Kuwait's oil and gas fields and their belief that Kuwait was a part of their nation.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other surrounding nations were concerned about an Iraqi invasion of their nation and requested assistance from the United States as a result.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization, Jordan, Algeria, Sudan, Yemen, and Tunisia all supported Iraq. African Americans supported world war I 1 not the gulf of war. Therefore the statement is False.

Learn more about the Gulf war, here:



What are Gremlins called before they get wet?


A gremlin is a cunning mythical creature that was created at the start of the 20th century to explain faults in airplanes, then in other processes and equipment as well as their users. Diverse representations of these species exist.

What is a Gremlins?

Lenny, Mohawk, as well as George perform as The Black Mogwais. When a Mogwai comes into contact with water, it produces new Mogwai it from back; tiny orbs of fur, about the size of marbles, emerge from the wet Mogwai's bottom, and indeed.

The furballs continue to expand until they fully develop into new Mogwai. , Then in other processes and equipment as well as their users. Diverse representations of these species exist.

Learn more about Gremlins, Here:



What is Eightfold Path means?


The Eightfold Path refers to the path adopted by Buddhist where 8 practices are sought after in order to achieve nirvana.

The 8 fold path is the crux of the Buddhists way of life where salvation  and freedom from bondage to the lower self in order is sole goal.

The eight practices of the 8 fold path can be briefly listed as: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi.

Buddhist  places strong emphasis on maintaining a healthy mind-body balance where the desires of the body are restrained.

Buddhism makes one more self-centered, though, because no external divinity is completely submitted to and the search for greatness is inward and not outward.

An Indologist by the name Vetter even claimed the Christian Middle Way and Buddhist Eightfold path have considerable similarities.

To know more about Eightfold Path, click here:



In the late 1800s, the united states’ annexation of hawaii and acquisition of the philippines shared which goal?



In the late 19th century, both the annexation of Hawaii and the acquisition of the Philippines by the United States were aimed at expanding American influence and power in the Pacific and establishing military and commercial bases in these regions.

Discuss the rise and fall of the Black Panther Party.


Some white people began to dread black people, while others began to believe that all black people were violent as a result of the Panthers.  They caused black people in some neighborhoods to become more aggressive.

People who intended to use violence were still present in the neighborhoods after the Panthers were defeated, but there was no one to control and restrain them after the Panthers were defeated.

What is Black Panther Party?

Generally, The Black Panther Party was an African American revolutionary group that was established in 1966 and reached its zenith a few years later. Its heyday was during the time period of 1966 to 1970. Its first mission was to patrol Black communities with the intention of shielding inhabitants from the violence of the police.

After some time, it morphed into a Marxist organization that demanded, among other things, the arming of all African Americans, the liberation of all Black prisoners, and the payment of restitution to African Americans for centuries of mistreatment.

Eventually, it was disbanded. It was also known for the many social activities it offered, such as free breakfasts for children and medical clinics. These programs garnered a lot of attention.

Read more about  Black Panther Party



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