What are the main parts of a conclusion?


Answer 1

The conclusion paragraph must repeat your thesis, highlight the major supporting points you made throughout the paper, and provide your last thoughts on the main topic. The lesson of your tale or a disclosure of a deeper truth should be included in this concluding section.

The analysis of adherence with the research goals, a global comment to the problem statement, a comparison of the findings to the theoretical framework, areas for additional research, and an affirmation or denial of the established hypothesis are all necessary components of a strong conclusion section.

All three elements are included in the sample conclusion that follows:

the answersummarizes the key points of the response.a final word on the importance

To know more about main parts of a conclusion, click on the link below:



Related Questions

Read the following sentence:

Between the upcoming vacation, my sister's new baby, and my new project at work, I can barely sleep!

Which attitude does the narrator most likely have, based on the sentence?

A. He is excited about the new developments in his life.
B. He is frustrated with too many responsibilities.
C. He is nervous about failing in his obligations.
D. He is nervous about the events in his life.


B . He is frustrated with too many responsibilities.
B. He is frustrated with too many responsibilities
The narrator uses a “!”, indicating that they are annoyed/frustrated

This story is considered to be an early example of experimentation with “stream of consciousness” narration. Why might an author choose to narrate a story this way?

From- An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge commonlit

also guys you know a cite to find the commonlits answer



i think its to be in a third person narration so i would say its a thisd person narration


can someoneone help me with please i have to sent it today

Writing A story

Read the task below.

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story for your school magazine
The story must begin with this sentence:

It all began when Hayley was woken up by a loud noise.

Your story must include:
• an open window
• a broken vase
Write your story.​



It all began when Haylee was woken up by a loud noise. startled out of her sleep Haylee flung herself out of bed frantic to find where the noise originated from. A cold  breeze gives her goosebumps and she turns to find the window opened. she mutters curses as she realizes that it must have been the wind, when she hears a loud crash from behind her. She slowly turns around to see a black cat barely visible in the night and a broken vase.


How did the Camp David Accords reflect the role of the United States as a mediator?



They led to an official peace treaty between the two countries that returned the Sinai to Egypt, established diplomatic relations between Egypt and Israel, and opened the Suez Canal to Israeli ships. The Camp David Accords led to a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt after many years of war.

Explanation:brainliest plz

you have a toy bin that is 6 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 3 feet high, how much space do you have for toys? Please I really need this answer



You have 72 cubic feet of space for your toys.


What we need to find here is the volume of the toy bin. Volume can be defined as a three-dimensional space that is enclosed by a boundary. In this case, it would be the walls, bottom, and lid of the bin. The formula to calculate volume is length X width X height, that is, the multiplication of the three dimensions. According to the instructions, we have the following dimensions: 6 x 4 x 3 = 72. Thus, we can say that we have 72 cubic feet of space for the toys in the bin.

Please help me to write a short speech about how to treat other people ​


Instead of judging people by their past, stand by them and help them build their future.  

Listen with curiosity, speak with candour, and act with integrity.  

Treat everyone with kindness--not because they are kind-hearted, but because you are. Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up.

Appreciate those who have supported you, forgive those who have hurt you, help those who need you.

hope this helps

Well treat them how you eat to be treated. If they are mean, you can be mean back or ignore them. If you are nice they will most likely be nice back.

Also I don't know if this is a sech, but hope this helps!

i am writing a speech on abortion and i have chosen pro-life could you please write me a paragraph persuading your audience to take action and to join the fight to change this social injustice. basically just try to convince someone to join pro-life.


Answer: answer in the pic


hope it helps!!

help please !

Task: Imagine you are Boo Radley at the end of Chapter 8, starting when the children are
standing and watching the fire. In his voice, write a diary entry of what is happening from Boo's
point of view. Include specific encounters between you (Boo) and the children. What motivates
your (his) actions? His diction (way he speaks) should be similar to the diction of the novel.
Write AT LEAST 10 sentences.



It hasn’t snowed in ages, well not that it matters since I’ll always be inside this prison. Looking out the window, I see Scout and Jem making of what seems a snowman… I wish I could help, but the only thing I can do is share my worthless treasures with them. Now I can’t even do that since Nathan decided to block the tree knothole up.  

As I lay in bed, I hear chaos on the street; I wonder if Scouts in trouble. “Why don’t they hurry, why don’t they hurry…” I heard Jem say. Hurry what? Whats happening? I take a step out, the cold night engulfs me. Looking out, I see one of the houses on fire; I sure wish I could help, but everyone would probably be scared of me. It really is cold, maybe I should get a blanket for Scout, its not healthy for her to be out here in the cold. I rush inside and grab my brown woolen blanket. I see Scout doing a little dance to keep warm and try to hold in a giggle. Silently walking up to her, I gently slip the blanket on and creep back inside. She didn’t even notice a thing.

hope this help

Write a descriptive paragraph about bicycle



Every day morning I would ride my cycle . I loved to ring the bell whenever I saw people coming near my cycle. My cycle had a basket in the front. I always kept my favourite teddy bear in the basket.

Direction: Write a descriptive paragraph about bicycle.

[tex]Bicycles \: are \: common \: and \: almost \: every \: kid \: has \: a \: bicycle. \\ I \: too \: had \: been \: longing \: for \: one \: and \: i \: kept \: telling \: my \\ parents \: that \: i \: want \: one. [/tex]

[tex]But \: they \: were \: first \: not \: very \: much \: willing, \: considering \: the \: risks \: and \: dangers. \\ Almost \: all \: my \: friends \: have \: bicycles \: and \: I \: really \: wanted \: one. \: On \: my \: last \: birthday, \\ i \: was \: presented \: with \: a \: new \: bicycle \: by \: my \: parents. \: I \: was \: so \: very \: excited \: and \: thrilled, \\ that \: i \: really \: did \: not \: know \: what \: I \: should \: be \: doing. \: It \: was \: a \: new \: BSA \: SLR \: cycle \\ and \: was \: an \: advanced \: version. \: It \: had \: so \: many \: added \: features \: and \: was \: looking \: very \\ \: stylish. \: I \: immediately \: got \: on \: it \: and \: started \: to \: ride. \: It \: was \: so \: much \: fun \: and \: I \: was \: all \: excited.[/tex]

[tex]I \: rode \: the \: cycle \: to \: almost \: all \: my \: friends’ \: house \: in \: the \: neighborhood \: and \: showed \: them \: my \: new \: present. \\ They \: all \: liked \: it \: very \: much \: and \: asked \: me \: to \: give \: them \: for \: a \: ride. \: Though \: at \: first \: I \: was \: a \: bit \: hesitant, \\ I \: then \: decided \: to \: share. \: We \: all \: had \: so \: much \: fun \: riding \: the \: cycle. \: My \: parents \: also \: bought \: a \: helmet, \\ so \: that \: I \: could \: wear \: it \: while \: riding \: and \: save \: myself \: from \: any \: kind \: of \: accidents.[/tex]

[tex]The \: cycle \: is \: black \: and \: red \: in \: color \: and \: looks \: very \: beautiful. \\ I \: clean \: it \: daily \: and \: make \: sure \: that \: it \: is \: in \: fine \: condition, \\ before \: I \: start \: my \: day. \: I \: go \: to \: school \: these \: days \: on \: my \: new \\ bicycle \: and \: everybody \: in \: school \: also \: likes \: it \: very \: much. \: It \: has \: great \: \\ space \: at \: its \: back \: and \: this \: helps \: me \: to \: keep \: my \: school \: bag \: safely \\ and \: tidily \: when \: I \: drive \: to \: school \: and \: come \: back. \: Its \: wheels \: are \: also \\ great \: with \: its \: grip, \: so \: that \: the \: chances \: of \: falling \: down \: are \: less.[/tex]

[tex]Since \: cycling \: is \: a \: good \: exercise \: too, \: I \: love \: going \: for \: cycling \: too. \\ This \: bicycle \: of \: mine \: is \: just \: priceless \: and \: would \: be \: treasured, \\ as \: this \: is \: one \: gift \: that \: my \: parents \: gave \: me, \: without \: me \: preparing \: \\ for \: it. \: The \: excitement \: and \: joy \: is \: really \: great \: and \: we \: thank \: God \: for \: his \: blessings.[/tex]

[tex]\huge\bold\color{purple}{Hope \: it \: helps!}[/tex]

7) What inference can be made from the punctuation in section (6)? A) Exclamation marks are used to indicate serious danger. B) Exclamation marks are used to indicate happy excitement. C) Exclamation marks are used to indicate a sense of urgency. Eliminate D) Exclamation marks are used to indicate the narrator's fear.





Exclamation marks are used to indicate happy excitement.

use an adverb from the box to complete each sentence

tomorrow quickly over
later softly under
seldom happily around
often sadly behind

1. we want to go to the amusement park :__________

2.we______go to the store on the way home from school

3.she______ changed her mind and chose vanilla

4.our presents are______the tree.

5.he sits_____mark in class

6.l like to jump_____ the obstacles

7.we looked______ for the last piece

8.she sang ______to herself

9.he _______chose a new car

10. she _____ asked what happened to the baby​



its oi oi oi oi oi ioiooiooioii



How do u feel about the queens husbands death. write an essay of 150 words.

i need it asap


Answer: Answer: I feel that it was very tragic, he was months away from his birthday and he died. I feel that maybe if possible he would have done great things for his people if he could have lived another 3 months.

Explanation: Correct me in my grammar but i am still upset at you >:(

Juliet's use of oxymoron (pairs of opposite words) shows that
she is feeling?





the answer above me is completely wrong, oxymoron is a form of paradox that combines a pair of contrary terms into a single expression.  This combination usually serves the purpose of shocking the reader into awareness.  Oxymorons are used throughout Juliet's speech.

Enviromental pollulation
in Nepal​


Environmental pollution in Nepal include overpopulation, deforestation, energy and species conservation. Mountain biodiversity is suffering due to ecological fragility and instability of high mountain environments, deforestation, poor management of natural resources, and inappropriate farming practices.

The death rate from both indoor and outdoor air pollutants was 133.3 per 100,000 populations(2017) which is the second-highest death rate after due to Cardiovascular diseases in Nepal. There is no complete combust when coal and biomass fuels are burned.

They leave some variety of chemicals and gases behind which are usually breathable and can be associated with long-term chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, cardiovascular disease, and adverse reproductive outcomes.

The most vulnerable groups are women and children in household air pollution. In Nepal, Diarrhoea is the 4th leading cause of death. There is still limited systemic monitoring of the water system and water quality.

Sedimentation and discharge of industrial effluents are prominent sources of water pollution, and the burning of wood for fuel is a significant source of indoor air pollution and respiratory problems. Vehicular and industrial emissions increasingly have contributed to air pollution in urban areas.  

complete the table by listing some situations where it is easier when u demonstrate patience


the northern long end ksksodkdkdkkd




I know you haven't gave the article but i am going to say it is the 1st one


Choose 3 words from the table above. Write a senteance in which the word appears, the words part of speech, it's denotation and positive or negative connotations associated with it



She likes to gaze at the stars. I think the word "gaze" would be an action verb.

They are very nosy people. The word nosy is an adjective.

That's a fairly priced dress! The word fairly is an adverb.


1. Positive Denotation  

2. Negative Denotation

3. I think positive denotation.

Read the passage.

(1) Ask young people today if they know of anyone who has had smallpox, and they might ask, "What’s smallpox?” (2) That is because this disease was eradicated from the planet decades ago, thanks to vaccinations. (3) Despite the obvious effectiveness of vaccination, opponents of this procedure argue that humans are better off fighting diseases on their own without adding anything potentially harmful to their bodies. (4) Still, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that vaccines can be 99 percent effective, and the Centers for Disease Control claims that, over a 10-year period, vaccines allowed 322 million children to avoid illnesses. (5) So the next time someone tells you that vaccines are poisoned apples that will lead to a fate like Snow White’s, counter their argument with the facts. (6) The bottom line is that vaccines are safe to use and save lives.

How can the writer add parallelism in this passage?

by changing the phrase “young people” to “most people” in sentence 1
by deleting the words obvious and potentially from sentence 3
by deleting “save lives” and adding the phrase “easy to administer” to the end of sentence 4
by shortening the passage to only five sentences by removing sentence 5



by adding the phrase "so a few lives might be saved" to the end of sentence 4

I got this correct on Edge. 2021.....

❤ I hope this helps you, kind stranger! ❤

The writer add parallelism in this passage by adding the phrase "so a few lives might be saved" to the end of the sentence 4.

What is parallelism in the passage?

In a sentence or paragraph, parallelism is the use of the same grammatical constructions for similar words, phrases, or clauses.

Using parallelism in your writing can improve its impact, intrigue, and clarity. Linking related concepts together and highlighting their connections is beneficial.

The repeating of grammatical elements in a text to produce a pleasing effect is known as parallelism. Sometimes it involves saying the same thing over and over.

Therefore, by adding the phrase "so a few lives might be saved" to the end of the sentence 4, the writer adds parallelism in this passage.

Learn more about parallelism, here:



Tisha is researching Renaissance artwork and its influence on modern art. What would be the most credible source for Tisha to use? A. a documentary about the growing modern art scene in Tisha’s hometown B. the biography of a famous artist from the fourteenth century C. a reference book about art during the Renaissance D. an interview with the owner of a local art gallery



B. the biography of a famous artist from the fourteenth century


pleasee mark this answer as brainliest

Answer: C


What is Shirley Chisholm's overall purpose in her speech?
A. to discredit the other candidates running for the Democratic nomination
B. to persuade people that she is the right choice for the Democratic nomination
C. to convince people that she has overwhelming support for the Democratic
D. to pressure people to vote for her for the Democratic nomination


B. to persuade people that she is the right choice for the Democratic nomination

To persuade people that she is the right choice for the Democratic nomination is Shirley Chisholm's overall purpose in her speech. Hence, option D is correct.

What is the main idea of Chisholm's speech?

The need for the ERA served as the speech's main theme. Similar to the ERA, a constitutional amendment would provide federal protection and supersede any state laws that would encourage discrimination.

In the 95th and 96th Congresses, from 1977 to 1981, Chisholm held the position of Secretary of the Democratic Caucus. Chisholm campaigned to increase possibilities for citizens in inner cities throughout her time in Congress. She supports raising the amount spent on social services including education and healthcare.

If there were still any labor regulations that only applied to women, their revision or repeal would give them access to better-paying employment in manufacturing. More options for women in public graduate and vocational institutions would also generally increase their chances of finding better employment.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about Chisholm's speech, click here:



which of the following words is an object
she ​


I think it’s “who” , or “whom” because the others are genders.


10. Correçt the grammar error in the following sentence. Retype the whole
sentence and correct the mistake: Samantha is the second girl that has
achieved full colours for drum majorettes.​


Samantha is the second girl that has achieved full colors for drum majority’s. (sorry if this isn’t right)

Read the excerpt from President Ronald Reagan’s Address at Moscow State University.

But progress is not foreordained. The key is freedom—freedom of thought, freedom of information, freedom of communication. The renowned scientist, scholar, and founding father of this university, Mikhail Lomonosov, knew that. "It is common knowledge," he said, "that the achievements of science are considerable and rapid, particularly once the yoke of slavery is cast off and replaced by the freedom of philosophy." You know, one of the first contacts between your country and mine took place between Russian and American explorers. The Americans were members of Cook's last voyage on an expedition searching for an Arctic passage; on the island of Unalaska, they came upon the Russians, who took them in, and together with the native inhabitants, held a prayer service on the ice.

In this excerpt, President Reagan expresses his opinion that the key to progress is freedom. This is
a substantiated opinion because Reagan quotes an expert.
a substantiated opinion because Reagan lists many freedoms.
an unsubstantiated opinion because Reagan shares personal feelings.
an unsubstantiated opinion because Reagan gives a historical example





took the test.

I made plans and tried without much luck to raise the money I would need to mount the kind of expedition that could
find the wreck of the Titanic.
What does the word expedition mean in this sentence?
O dream
O journey
O reason
O problem


I believe it’s journey


I know it’s journey

Explanation: Edge 2021

List 4 ways hummingbirds work to stay alive.



1. build habitats for them

2. stop shooting them

3. make a bird feeder.

4. help the hurt


i have a brain

this is probably a weird question but if anyone is taking English 2 on sos (10th grade) can u tell me how many projects/ essays are assigned in the whole subject
Thanks !



Id say theres about 4 per quarter/ 8 per semester


hope that helped

What phrase is the sentence in blue and how do you know?


In the woods because it is highlighted in blue

How is the nonfictional text similar to the fictional text in The People Could Fly?
Both include imaginary animal characters.
O Both tell a real story of escaping slavery.
Both use a first-person point of view.
Both describe a person gaining his freedom.


Both tell a real story of escaping slavery. Also talks about escaping through what was known as the Underground Railroad


The Answer is d "Both describe a person gaining his freedom"


i took the test

What was Rodriguez's father's job in Mexico?



he wanted to be an engineer but series of disappointments led to Rodriguez's father living a life of “dark factory jobs” though he eventually gets a “clean job” making false teeth.

Why is the interest of early philosophers in nature also a gradual liberation from religion? Explain



Nature heals


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