What are the arguments for and against GM food?


Answer 1

The arguments for and against GM food are:

Genetic manipulation overcomes natural barriers by combining organism characteristics in ways that would never be possible in nature.Genetic engineering has not been sufficiently researched and tested for use in the food chain, and it is based on outdated ideas about how DNA works. Furthermore, developing just one GM plant variety costs millions of dollars, money that could be spent on the more sustainable alternatives.The long-term impacts on health as well as nature seem to be largely unknown and understudied. Not that all research findings indicating GMO problems are made public.Genetic engineering endangers biodiversity. It encourages the spread of monocultures throughout agriculture. Numerous animals and plants in the fields' vicinity will perish as a result of this treatment.

GMO crops also require fewer pesticide applications, which benefits the environment. The main concerns about GMOs revolve around allergies, cancer, as well as environmental issues, all of which may have an impact on the consumer.

To know more about the GM food, here



Related Questions

How does biology help the environment?


For example, biologists analyze soil, water, and air for chemical pollution as part of the protection, management, and monitoring of the land's current resources. discovering methods to clear up pollutants.

The environment is it studied in biology?

A life science is biology. The living environment and the interaction between biological organisms and their surroundings are important topics to discuss when studying biology.

How is science beneficial to the environment?

Science has aided in the reduction of pollutants in many regions of the world; new automobiles today are 99% cleaner than they were fifty years ago, for instance. The current global energy demand can be met by renewable resources more than 3,000 times over. We now have cleaner, safer water thanks to new discoveries and technology.

To know more about  environment visit :-



How do animals depend on photosynthesis? check both responses that correctly answer this question.


Through the process of photosynthesis, plants create food, and since animals need energy, they eat the food that plants have produced. Additionally, plants release oxygen, which animals may then take in and breathe.

All of the energy needed by living things is produced during photosynthesis. Animals that consume plants get their energy from the sugar that plants store, and animals that eat those plants get their energy from the animals that eat those animals. As a result, photosynthetic organisms continue to provide the energy necessary to sustain all layers of a food web.

know more about photosynthesis here



What does vehicle mean in microbiology?


Vehicle-borne transmission is an indirect transmission process in which the pathogen is transferred from one host to another via inanimate intermediary vehicle objects.

A vehicle can passively transport a pathogen, just as food or water can. Chikungunya fever, Zika virus fever, yellow fever, West Nile fever, Japanese encephalitis (all transmitted by mosquitos), and tick-borne encephalitis are examples of viral diseases transmitted by vectors (transmitted by ticks). Cooking or eating utensils, bedding or clothing, toys, surgical or medical instruments (such as catheters), or dressings are examples of vehicles that can transmit diseases. Water, food, beverages (such as milk), and biological products such as blood, serum, plasma, tissues, or organs can all be used as vehicles.

Contact is the most common mode of transmission of health-care-associated infections and is classified as direct or indirect. Noroviruses, which cause many gastrointestinal infections, are an example of contact-transmitted microorganisms.

To learn more about Vehicle-borne transmission in microbiology, here



Where food is broken down by the digestive enzymes?


The pancreas, stomach, and small intestine produce digestion enzymes. The "powerhouse" of enzymes for digestion is actually the pancreas. The most vital digestive enzymes—those that liquefy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates—are produced by it.

The process by which food is converted into energy is called digestion. For instance, our saliva, pancreas, intestines, and stomach contain enzymes. They disintegrate proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. These nutrients help enzymes grow and repair damaged cells.

Produced by the stomach, pepsin. Proteins are converted to amino acids with the aid of pepsin. produced by the pancreas is trypsin. Additionally, trypsin degrades proteins.

The intestinal glands secrete various enzymes, including lipase, amylase, sucrase, lactase, maltase, aminopeptidase, and carboxypeptidase.

For more information on digestion kindly visit to



Which nervous system cells respond to injury?



Central nerve cells


Central nerve cells undergo a stereotyped regenerative response following physical injury. 2. This reaction involves adaptive changes within the axon and cell body of origin, directed at sprouting and synaptogenesis.

approximately one week after conception, when differentiation of the cells begins, the zygote is now a group of cells that is more specifically called the


approximately one week after conception, when differentiation of the cells begins, the zygote is now a group of cells that is more specifically called the Blastocyst.

A typically developing embryo will have six to ten cells three days after fertilization. The fertilized egg is recognized as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells — by the fifth or sixth day. The embryo will be formed by the inner group of cells.

A blastocyst is a ball of cells that develops early in a pregnancy, approximately five to six days after a sperm fertilizes an egg. It implants in your uterine wall and develops into an embryo, then a fetus.

Blastocyst embryo transfer has a success rate of 67%, which is significantly higher than cleavage embryo (6-cell to 8-cell stage of the embryo) transfer.

For more information on Blastocyst , visit :



Most enveloped viruses use the host __________ membrane as their envelope source.
A. plasma
B. nuclear
C. mitochondrial
D. none of these


Most of the enveloped viruses use the host plasma membrane as their source for envelope.

Viruses are the acellular structures that are pathogenic in nature. These are called acellular because they do not follow the cell theory. Viruses are non-living outside any living body, but once inside a living body, they gain their potential to divide.

Plasma membrane is the outer layer of the cells that keeps the inner components of the cell separated from the outer environment. It is made up of lipid bilayer along with proteins and cholesterol. The plasma membrane is also involved in regulating the movement of substances across it.

To know more about viruses, here



Bloodtype phenotype Genotype




The genotype must be AB. Someone with blood type O has neither the A nor the B allele.  


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

which of the following is characteristic of cardiac muscle? cardiac muscle cells achieve tetany with every contraction. cardiac muscle cells are striated. neurons that innervate cardiac muscle tissue are under voluntary control. cardiac muscle fibers are faster than skeletal muscles. cardiac muscle fibers are multinucleated.


Compared to skeletal muscle fibers, the characteristics of cardiac muscle cell membranes are different. Therefore, cardiac muscle cannot develop tetanus (sustained contraction).

What quality of heart muscle prevents tetany from happening?

Tetany is not present because summation cannot take place in heart muscle due to a long refractory period that lasts until relaxation is well advanced.

Has tetanic contraction been observed in heart muscle?

Compared to skeletal muscle fibers, the characteristics of cardiac muscle cell membranes are different. Therefore, cardiac muscle cannot develop tetanus (sustained contraction). This characteristic is crucial since a heart in tetany would not be able to pump blood.

To know more about cardiac muscle visit :-



What are epigenetics in simple terms?


the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work

3. In the diagram of a cell below, the structure
labeled X enables the cell to
(1) release energy
(3) control cell activities
(2) store waste products (4) manufacture proteins
4 If the ribosomes of a cell were destroved whatsoever


Label x = store waste products
If the ribosomes in the cell were destroyed the cell would not be able to grow (growth and repair)



In the diagram you provided, the structure labeled X is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of flattened sacs and tubes that is found within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells (cells that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles).

There are two main types of endoplasmic reticulum: the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The rough endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes, which are small organelles that synthesize proteins. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum, on the other hand, does not have ribosomes attached to it.

The endoplasmic reticulum plays several important roles in the cell, including:

1. Release of energy: The endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of lipids and the breakdown of carbohydrates, which releases energy that can be used by the cell.

2. Control of cell activities: The endoplasmic reticulum helps to regulate the synthesis and transport of proteins and lipids within the cell.

3. Storage of waste products: The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis and detoxification of certain substances, such as drugs and hormones.

4. Manufacture of proteins: As mentioned, the rough endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of proteins. Proteins are synthesized on the ribosomes attached to the RER and are then transported into the lumen (cavity) of the RER for further processing and modification.

If the ribosomes of a cell were destroyed, the cell would no longer be able to synthesize proteins, which would severely impact its function and survival.

for which organic compounds must information be encoded in dna for green plants to synthesize the other three compounds? select one: a. starches b. proteins c. fats d. sugars


Organic compounds are the building blocks of life and are essential for living organisms. They provide the necessary energy, structure, and functions for life to exist. In green plants, four main organic compounds must be encoded in DNA for the plants to synthesize the other three compounds. These four compounds are starches, proteins, fats, and sugars.

Starch is a polysaccharide composed of glucose molecules and is the main energy source for green plants. Proteins are complex molecules made up of amino acids. They are essential in the structure and function of cells and are responsible for many of the plants’ metabolic functions. Fats are made up of glycerol and fatty acid molecules and are an important source of energy for plants. They are also important in providing structure to the plants’ cells.

Sugars are simple carbohydrates composed of glucose molecules. They are a primary source of energy for green plants and provide the necessary sugars needed for photosynthesis. The information for synthesizing sugars must be encoded in the plants’ DNA in order to create the necessary enzymes and proteins needed in the chemical reaction.

Learn more about polysaccharide at : https://brainly.com/question/16580858


Based on the observations you made in the activity, how do you think your total cholesterol score would change if you started eating more unsaturated fats than you currently do? what if you started eating significantly less saturated and trans fats than you currently do? what if you did both at the same time?.


Total cholesterol score is a measure of the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. If you started eating more unsaturated fats then the total cholesterol score will increase. Unsaturated fats are unhealthy.

The ranges for total cholesterol score in adults are as follows:

Normal: Less than 200 mg/dL

Borderline high: 200 to 239 mg/dL

High: At or above 240 mg/dL

Merry Christmas!! :D

What are 5 things all cells have in common?



a cell membrane (also known as the plasma membrane)



DNA (genetic information)


The sum of all physical and chemical changes that take place inside the cells of the human body



The sum of all the physical and chemical changes that take place within the cells of the human body is known as metabolism.

usually, a river ________ at its source compared to farther downstream.


There can be many answers for these king of question for eg:- Its wider

a terminator in mrna synthesis is a(n) __________.


A terminator in mRNA synthesis is an Hlnts stop codon.

What is mRNA synthesis?

The nucleus, where mRNA is produced, uses the nucleotide sequence of DNA as a template.  When elements that help to maintain nuclear DNA are disturbed, transcription (the creation of mRNA) begins.

"In eukaryotic cells, Hlnts stop codon specific nucleotide sequence in DNA that signals the RNA polymerase to stop specific nucleotide sequence in mRNA that signals the RNA polymerase to stop an enzyme whose specialized purpose is to cease transcription" is a terminator in mRNA synthesis.

Thus, a terminator in mRNA synthesis is an Hlnts stop codon.

To learn more about mRNA synthesis, refer to the link below:



Bacteriophages and animal viruses do NOT differ significantly in which of the following steps?
A) attachment
B) penetration
C) uncoating
D) biosynthesis
E) release


Bacteriophages and animal viruses do NOT differ significantly in which of the following steps the correct option D) biosynthesis.

Animal viruses and bacteriophages do not considerably differ in the domain of biosynthesis. In an enzyme-catalyzed process, substrates are changed into products in living things. Bacteriophages and animal viruses both have comparable structures, which is why it is typically a multi-step process.Bacteriophages have a cycle called lytic/lysogenic. While the lysogenic cycle results in the integration of the phage into the host genome, the lytic cycle results in the death of the host. While animal viruses enter the host cell through membrane fusion or endocytosis, bacteriophages inject DNA into the host cell.

The following are the steps in the lytic cycle of bacteriophages:

Phage attachment is the first step in the process of entering a bacterial cell as are bacterial cell entry, phage replication, and phage birth.

To know more about Bacteriophages



1 Which of the following is not a characteristic of water Water is composed of polar molecules Water is organic compound Water stabilizes temperature because it has a high specific heat Water has a ph of 7.0 because it is neither an acid or a base 2 Identify which of the following question is accurate Water molecules have no polarity therefore they are hydrophobic Water molecules exhibit polarity. Therefore substances attracted to water are hydrophilic The electrons in a water molecule spend most of their time around the hydrogen atom Water molecules can be polar or nonpolar; it depends on how the electron configure themselves 3 At a pH of 4 identify which of the following questions is accurate There are more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions; the solution is basic The solution is neutral; neither basic or acidic The solution has more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions; the solution is acidic 4 A RBC has a solute concentration of 530 miliequ, while a check cell is seen to have a solute concentration of 210 millieq. Which is an accurate representation of this phenomena? the rbc is hypertonic to the cheek cell; water will flow into the RBCcTrue the rbc is hypertonic to the cheek cell; water will flow out of the RBC the cheek cellis hypertonic to the RBC; water will not move in either direction


The right answer is (3) An ionic bond holds it together. (3) An ionic bond holds it together. Option 3 is not a water characteristic since the bonds that hold water together are covalent bonds.

Water's four distinguishing characteristics are its high specific heat, high polarity, adhesion cohesiveness, and decreased solid density. Because of the unequal distribution of electrons among the atoms and the asymmetrical form of the molecule, a water molecule has two poles: a positive charge on the hydrogen pole (side) and a negative charge on the oxygen pole (side) (side). Option 3 is not a water characteristic since the bonds that hold water together are covalent bonds.

Learn more about oxygen here-



What is the name of the process that converts mRNA → amino acid?


Translation is the name of the process that converts mRNA → amino acid.

Translation is the process by which ribosomes in the cytoplasm or endoplasmic reticulum make proteins after the process of converting DNA to RNA in the cell's nucleus, as defined by molecular biology and genetics. Gene expression refers to the entire process.

The process of translating mRNA into the chain of amino acids that makes up the produced protein occurs on ribosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell. The ribosome is a complex molecule made up of numerous ribosomal RNA molecules, numerous proteins, and both tiny and big subunits. Initiation, elongation, and termination are the three phases of an mRNA molecule's translation by the ribosome.

To learn more about translation of proteins, here



create a punnett square for each of the three traits where both parents are spiny, orange heterozygotes (ss, rr, yy). a) what is the proportion of offspring with spines?


A Punnett square is a tool used to determine the genetic outcome of a cross between two parents. It is used to determine the probability of the offspring having particular traits based on the alleles of the parents.

In the case of the spiny, orange heterozygotes (SS, RR, YY), a Punnett square can be used to determine the proportion of offspring with spines. The punnett square would look like this:





In this Punnett square, the parents are represented by the capital letters on the top and left sides. The offspring are represented by the lowercase letters within the grid. The proportion of offspring with spines can be determined by counting the number of offspring with the genotype SS (two squares in the grid). Therefore, the proportion of offspring with spines is 2/4, or 50%.

Learn more about Punnett square at : https://brainly.com/question/25608427


Where must a mutation occur if it is to directly affect an amino acid sequence?


Mutations are modifications to the DNA sequence that can result from radiation or other forms of DNA damage. The amino acid structure of a protein can be altered by mutations that take place in the section of a gene called the "coding region."

Another is that the vast majority of mutations happen in somatic mutations, such as muscle or skin cells, and only have an impact on the cell in which they originate and cells that develop from that cell. Mutations are modifications to the DNA sequence that can result from radiation or other forms of DNA damage. The amino acid structure of a protein can be altered by mutations that take place in the section of a gene called the "coding region."When an organism reproduces sexually, germ-line mutations take place in the egg cells (sperm or eggs) and are passed on to the progeny. Non-reproductive cells experience somatic mutations, which are transmitted through the process of mitosis to daughter cells but not to the progeny during sexual reproduction. High-energy sources like radiation or the presence of environmental chemicals can both result in mutations.

Learn more about  mutation



What is active site mutation?


The folded morphologies of an enzyme's active site and its affinity for its substrate can be changed by a mutation that takes place in a region of DNA that codes for an amino acid sequence located there.

On the surface of enzymes, active sites are areas that either catalyze reactions or bind substrates. These regions were typically particularly modeled by nature during the evolution of the enzyme. Consequently, the catalytic site and the substrate binding site can be considered to be the two components of the active site.

As long as the active site is unaffected, the gene mutation is not an issue. Lucy was able to produce more proteins and break down deoxyadenosine regularly thanks to the assistance of stem cell therapy in battling the excess stop protein.

For more information on active site mutation kindly visit to



Learning through Art: Human Pedigree Analysis Can you identify the genotypes in this human pedigree for deafness? The human pedigree shown here is for an inherited form of deafness caused by a recessive allele (d). Drag the labels to the pedigree to identify the genotypes of individual family members. If you can't tell with certainty whether an individual is homozygous dominant or heterozygous dominant for the trait, place the label "DD or Dd" in that box.


Learning through Art: Human Pedigree the genotypes in this human pedigree shown here are homologous chromosomes, gene locus, recessive allele, centromere, sister chromatids, alleles, and dominant allele.

One chromosome from the mother and one from the father are often inherited in a pair. Homologous chromosomes, for instance, are two copies of Chromosome 1 in a cell.

Each gene has two copies, one from each parent, and they are each found at a distinct locus (place on a chromosome). However, the copies are not always the same. Gene copies that differ from one another are referred to as alleles.

When a cell divides, the centromere, which has a similarity with a constrictive area of a chromosome, is crucial in assisting DNA division (mitosis and meiosis). To be more precise, it is the area where the cell's spindle fibers are attached.

To learn more about chromosomes



Label the olfactory receptors and pathways Olfactory epithelium Lamina propria Olfactory receptor cells Olfactory glomerulus Cribriform plate Reset Zoom


Synapses are formed between the terminals of the olfactory nerve and the dendrites of mitral, periglomerular, and tufted cells in the glomerulus, which is a spherical structure found in the olfactory bulb of the brain.

This structure is referred to as the glomerulus. Each glomerulus is encompassed by a diverse population of juxtaglomerular neurons and glial cells on all sides. These juxtaglomerular neurons include periglomerular, short axon, and external tufted cells. Glial cells are also present. Near the surface of the olfactory bulb is where you'll find each and every glomerulus. A component of the anterior olfactory nucleus is also contained within the olfactory bulb. The cells contained within this portion of the nucleus contribute fibers to the olfactory tract. They are the first synaptic sites that are involved in the processing of odor information that is received from the nose. A glomerulus is composed of a globular tangle of axons that originate from the olfactory receptor neurons and dendrites that originate from the mitral and tufted cells. Additionally, a glomerulus is surrounded by cells that include external tufted cells, periglomerular cells, short axon cells, and astrocytes. All of these cells contribute to the formation of the glomerulus.

The complete question and answer are attached as images.

Want to know more about olfactory receptors visit the link which is given below;



how does cellular respiration impact the observed rate of photosynthesis? is your calculated rate of photosynthesis accurate?


No, cellular respiration decreases the observed rate of photosynthesis by delivering CO2. Because of this, the actual rate of photosynthesis is higher than the observed rate.

Consequently, the rate of respiration exceeds the rate of photosynthetic activity. As a result, breathing as a whole produces an excessive amount of carbon dioxide.

The plant is taking in more carbon dioxide as a result of this. Consequently, more carbon dioxide is taken in. There would be no glucose or oxygen for respiration without photosynthesis. Photosynthesis would not be possible without carbon dioxide.

Know more about cellular respiration here: https://brainly.com/question/29760658


What does 5 and 3 mean in DNA and mRNA?


In DNA and mRNA,  5 and 3 means to the total number of carbon snippet in a deoxyribose sugar reinforcement to which a phosphate group does make a bond.

DNA is the information reinforcement. It stores the orders for making other big molecules, which are called as the proteins. These orders are stocked in the cells, and than distributed among the various chromosomes which are made up of thousands of small paths of DNA, called genes.

Deoxyribose is the five- carbon sugar reinforcement that helps to form the phosphate backbone of the molecules of DNA. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid is a polymer whixch is formed of many nucleic acids. Each of the  nucleic acid is composed of a deoxyribose patch bound to both a phosphate group.

To learn more about DNA here



What are 3 important things about coral reefs?


they build homes for species of the ocean, they support healthy ocean food webs and they protect our coastlines

the classic gate-control theory suggests that pain is experienced when small nerve fibers activate and open a neural gate in the


The classic gate-control theory suggests that pain is experienced when small nerve fibers activate and open a neural gate in the spinal cord.

A mechanism in the spinal cord known as the "Gate Control Theory of Pain" allows pain signals to either be sent to the brain to be processed to intensify the potential for perceived pain or to reduce it in the spinal cord itself.

The "gate" is the mechanism that controls whether pain signals can pass through or not. The gate can either be "open" or "closed," either of which can occur:

Pain signals can pass through the gate if it is open, and they will be sent to the brain to make the pain feel real.

The perception of pain will be lost if the gate is closed, as pain signals will be prevented from reaching the brain.

Know more about gate-control theory here: https://brainly.com/question/29576534


Learning through Art: DNA Structure doute Tento nea uchando Fra le


DOUBLE HELIX is a twisted-ladder shape of DNA, formed by two nucleotide  twisted around each other.

PHOSPHATE GROUP This is attached to the 5' carbon of the sugar unit.

One nucleotide of a DNA molecule consists of a phosphate group. There is formation of phosphate backbone it is the portion of the DNA double helix that provides structural support to the molecule.

DEOXYRIBOSE: This is a A five-carbon sugar that is a component of DNA nucleotides.

Hydrogen bonds are found between the bases of the  strands of nucleotides. Adenine forms hydrogen bonds with thymine whereas guanine forms hydrogen bonds with cytosine.

BASE PAIR: Two nitrogen-containing bases (or nucleotides) that pair together to form the structure of DNA is called base pair.

So these are  nucleotides on opposite strands of the DNA double helix.

NUCLEOTIDE: Nucleotide is one of the structural components, or building blocks, of DNA and RNA. It consists of a nitrogenous base (one of four chemicals: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine) a molecule of sugar (deoxyribose or ribose) and a phosphate group.

NITROGENOUS BASE: Nitrogenous base is the carbon ring structure found in DNA or RNA binding of these base pairs forms the structure of DNA that includes adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and uracil.

To learn more about DNA Structure

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