What are the 5 principles of cleaning?


Answer 1

Cleaning operations refer to the removal of contaminants, including but not limited to dirt, grease, or loosely held uncured adhesives, inks, coatings, or mobile equipment from automobiles, mobile equipment, associated parts and components, substrates, products, tools, machinery, equipment, or general work areas.

Time, temperature, mechanical action, chemical reaction, and methods are the five main aspects that influence cleaning and are all equally crucial. The best outcomes will come from balancing these variables. The outcomes will be unpredictable if any one of these components is out of balance. Start with your gentlest cleaning procedures and only switch to more forceful ones as necessary. Additionally, be familiar enough with your cleaning materials to halt your efforts before you cause damage.

Know more about cleaning procedures at: https://brainly.com/question/20374166


Related Questions

Why does the poet tell his Neighbour that they don't need fences?


They do not require the wall, according to the speaker, because its fields are divided into two different categories. While the speaker seems to have an apple orchard, the neighbor's field is covered in pine trees.

The neighbor claims that strong fences make for nice neighbors, but why?

The adage "Good fences make healthy neighbors" succinctly captures the significance of having distinct property lines and the importance of neighbors upholding these lines if there is to be good neighborly interactions.

What proverb refers to fences and neighbors?

In his 1914 poem "Mending Wall," Robert Frost introduced the proverb "good fences make good neighbors." While the poem's intent may have been to emphasize "grass protection," it could also be used to discuss enhancing

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Choose the correct way to rewrite sentence 2 by adding a gerund.
Group of answer choices

a.)In addition to requiring military forces, wars need to be financed and need to be supplied.

b.) Wars require military forces and need to be financed and supplied.

c.)In addition to requiring military forces, wars have to be financed and need supplies.

d.) In addition to requiring military forces, wars need financing and supplies.


The correct way to add a gerund and rewrite the sentence is "In addition to requiring military forces, wars need financing and supplies," option D.

What is a gerund?

A gerund is a word formed when we add -ing to a verb. It is important to understand that gerunds function as nouns in a sentence, meaning that they can be a subject, and object, or the predicate nominative of the sentence in which they appear. Examples of gerund are:


Among the possible answer choices for this question, the one that uses a gerund is option D. Since we do not have the original sentence and were unable to find it online, we assume that the part "in addition to requiring military forces" is already included in the original sentence.

Thus, we are looking for a sentence that has another gerund besides "requiring," and that is why we chose option D. In it, we have the gerund "financing" functioning as the object of the verb "need".

Learn more about gerunds here:



How are the Puritans portrayed in The Scarlet Letter?


The Scarlet Letter paints Puritans as being rigid, oppressive, and judgmental. They established a culture that was based on hypocrisy and prejudice.

What is The Scarlet Letter about?

The Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony is the setting for Hester Prynne's story, which takes place between the years of 1642 and 1649. After having a daughter with a man she is not married to, Hester struggles to start a new life of repentance and dignity.

The rosebush is a symbol of generosity and forgiveness. The splendour of a wild rose bush blooming in such an unlikely area symbolises God's grace because the jail is a place of darkness and sin.

The Puritan village, complete with its market and scaffold, is a place of strict regulations, an emphasis on sin and punishment, and introspection.

The scaffold represents public humiliation and penance and is the only location Dimmesdale can travel to make amends and leave his tormentor's grasp.

Thus, this way, the Puritans portrayed in The Scarlet Letter.

For more details regarding The Scarlet Letter, visit:



What did Justice Harlan argue in his dissent?


In his most famous and eloquent dissent, Harlan stated that "our Constitution is colorblind," that "there is no superior, dominant ruling class of citizens in this country,".

And that it is unconstitutional to allow states to "regulate the enjoyment of citizens' civil rights solely on the basis of race." Harlan had foreseen...

In Plessy, Justice Harlan's dissent reaffirmed a key 13th Amendment argument he made in The Civil Rights Cases of 1883, claiming that the amendment did more than abolish formal slavery and involuntary servitude. Slavery's "badges and occurrences" were also outlawed.

Learn more about to Harlan visit here;



which of the following best describes how the author developed the theme? by creating conflict between the buckwheat and the willow-tree by creating conflict between the willow-tree and the ears of corn by creating conflict between the buckwheat and the thunderstorm by creating conflict between the willow-tree and the thunderstorm



1st option


makes most sense

How did the music develop?


Different noises were employed by humans to indicate fear or excitement. These may have inspired them to create music, along with the noises they heard from other creatures, including birds chirping.

How and why did music change?

Music was created to aid people in coordinating their movements while they worked. Charles Darwin, a proponent of the theory of evolution by natural selection, has a unique hypothesis on how music first came to be. He connected sexual attraction to music.

What does the word "music" mean?

The Greek term "mousike," which means "(art) of the Muses," is where the English word "music" originates. The Muses in ancient Greece included the deities of dance, poetry, music, and painting. Those that create music are referred to as musicians.

To know more about Origin of Music, visit:


What is an example of satire in Part 2 of Gulliver's Travels?


One example of satire in part 2 of Gulliver’s Travels is the location of Brobdingnag.

The greatest satirist to ever write in the English language, Jonathan Swift had a profound impact on writers who came after him and was both revered and feared in his own day for the force of his writing in Gulliver’s Travels Swift enrolled in Trinity College at Dublin University when he was fourteen years old and studied there for seven years. He moved to England in 1688 after receiving his diploma to work as Sir William Temple's secretary and personal assistant. He received his priestly ordination in the Church of Ireland (Anglican Church) in 1694 and was appointed vicar (parish priest) of Kilroot, a church close to Belfast (in Northern Ireland). Swift graduated with an M.A. from Oxford in 1692. In 1696, he resumed his employment with Temple. He persisted in creating satires that tackle political issues throughout this time.

To know more about revered refer :



What are the different vocal and dance forms of Latin American music?


Latin American music spans a wide range of forms due to its highly syncretic nature, including influential genres like cumbia, bachata, bossa nova, merengue, rumba, salsa, samba, son, and tango.

Which of the following Latin American dance and vocal music styles is customarily sung during bullfights?

The Paso Doble is a classic bullfight dance that frequently depicts the dramatic tale of the matador, his cape, and his life-or-death battle with the bull. The Cha-Cha, Rumba, Swing, Mambo, and Bolero are all included in the American Rhythm category.

What kind of popular music have vocals?

Jazz, blues, folk, soul, country, pop, and rock are a few of these genres. There is no voice in any of these musical genres.

To know more about Latin American music, visit:

How do race and health intersect?


Historically, health in regards to one’s race has been a subject of bias. Take the Tuskegee Syphilis Study for example; from 1932-1970’s, hundreds of low-income, black men were test subjects for syphilis research. Researchers at the Tuskegee Institute aimed to study “untreated syphilis in the negro male.” They promised participants benefits such as free meals, healthcare, and burial stipends. This enticement directly targeted the population of underprivileged, black men. During the decades-long study, these participants were injected with the incurable (at the time) disease in order to monitor their symptoms. Only a decade or so into this experiment, Penicillin (a treatment for syphilis) became widely available, but was withheld from all participants. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study is just one example of how race and health overlap, I’m sure there’s a bunch of stuff I left out but that’s the main gust. I don’t know if that answers your question well enough, but I hope just that one example provided some context yk

What does melancholy mean in A Modest Proposal?


Line 1's word "melancholy" signifies "sad." Use that information to rephrase the opening sentence. It is heartbreaking to observe the country's destitute parents and kids begging for alms.

The significance of objects in the lives of the bereaved is discussed in this work using psychoanalytical concepts, interview data, and biographical literature. The transitional object concept from D. W. Winnicott is used to analyse grief work through items. The bereaved frequently express their grief through personal items that belonged to the now-deceased, much like the transitory objects of infancy. Not only do objects transition as part of the emotion and process of mourning, but also as they change in terms of their position, worth, and significance. Later on, people frequently have conflicting feelings about things that were once used strongly in grief. The often disorienting and displacing experiences of mourning are oriented in time and place by objects as concrete symbolic material. The things used in the labor of grief and the objects that, over time and space, become the remembered objects of mourning are categorically and temporally distinguished in this essay. The commemorated artefacts of sadness are conceived as melancholy objects.

Know more about melancholy here:



How can I contribute to my nation as a responsible citizen?


I contribute to my nation as a responsible citizen - Be Patriotic. Give Back to the Community. Be a Productive Member of Society. Take Part in Social Issues. Vote. Mentor Someone. Cultivate Your Skills and Talents.

How do you, as a Filipino citizen, support your nation?

Pay your taxes, take care of your family and personal duties, and respect the law and other people. When anything is incorrect, speak out. Elect and support the political candidates you feel best represent you.

being considerate of other people and their possessions. being mindful of school grounds. obeying school regulations. demonstrating moral character (responsibility, honesty, good listening, kindness). A moral citizen must live in peace and harmony with their neighbors and fellow citizens. A good citizen must uphold the law at all times and have zero tolerance for criminals and unsociable people. He has to keep an eye out for the country's adversaries.

To know more about contribute to country as a Filipino citizen visit:



How did immigrants impact American culture?


Immigrants, and particularly the kids and grandkids of outsiders, the play had a lopsided impact on the improvement of American performance expressions. They have likewise made essential commitments in numerous different domains of the imaginative, social, culinary, athletic, and logical undertaking.

An immigrant (pariah) legacy might offer specific inventive benefits to the infinitesimal part of people having remarkable abilities.

The general transparency of American performance and social expressions to untouchables may be made sense of by different elements. The appearance of an extremely enormous pool of capable foreigners some escaping mistreatment, and others looking for new social skylines was an essential condition.

Learn more about American culture:



What are the three 3 main purpose of the author in writing?


The aim of a writer can be to amuse, persuade, educate, or parody a situation in order to accomplish one of these objectives.

What are the three main perspectives that an author might hold?

In order to voice their views, authors must decide from which point of view he will write. The three choices are first person, second person, or various third person point of views. Readers can identify the author's point of view by glancing at the genre and the pronouns that are used.Multiple objectives are served by writing. The most frequent ones are persuading, amusing, informing, and explaining. There are many others, such as the ability to express feelings, examine ideas, make judgements, reflect, resolve disputes, or defend views.

To learn more about author refer to :



What does Pap want from Huck when he appears in chapter five?


When Huck responds that he has run out of money, Pap questions whether Huck is really as wealthy as he has heard and labels his son a liar. Pap then departs to buy whiskey with the $1 that Huck received from Judge Thatcher.

The following day, Pap arrives intoxicated and asks Judge Thatcher for Huck's money. He wants access to Huck's fortune because he is incredibly envious of it and needs the cash to support his drinking habit. When Huck declines, Pap resorts to violence to enforce his will. Pap is only a minor character throughout the book, thus he doesn't change all that much. Huck was in continual worry for his bodily safety and his financial stability due to his violent abuse and avarice.

When Pap makes a second appearance in St. Petersburg, he kidnaps Huck and imprisons him while using the legal system to try to retrieve his money. He loads up the boat with all of the cabin's supplies before shooting a wild hog and using its blood to make it appear as though the cabin's occupant had been killed. Huck believes that by orchestrating his own murder, he may flee without fear of being pursued.

To learn more about Huck Visit : brainly.com/question/4149809


What amino acid is translated first?


Amino acid is translated first in Methionine. As a result, when proteins are made, methionine is the first amino acid in the ribosome.

This initiator tRNA always carries the amino acid methionine to guarantee that all freshly produced proteins have methionine as the first amino acid at their N-terminal end, the end of a protein that is formed initially (in bacteria, a modified form of methionine called formylmethionine is used).

A polypeptide chain's first amino acid, methionine, always reaches the ribosome coupled to the initiator tRNAfMet. The polypeptide's internal methionine incorporation is attached to the elongation factor tRNAMet and transported to the ribosome by elongation factor EF1A.

To learn more about methionine here:



Which of these words is closest in meaning to 'confessed' as used in the poem?



Answer: Admitted





They're synonyms.

What are the 8 elements of Gothic literature?


The eight elements for Gothic literature are as follows: 1. Supernatural and Paranormal Activity. 2. Omens and Curses. 3. Atmosphere and Setting. 4. Romance. 5. Villain. 6. Emotional Distress. 7. Nightmares. 8. Anti-hero.

Evoking a sense of suspense and horror is one of the most important aspects of a compelling Gothic novel. Gothic settings take advantage of the fact that everything beyond the realm of scientific comprehension lends itself to mystery. Many of the narratives in Gothic literature contain foreshadowing, a literary device that alludes to future events, in the form of visions, omens, and curses. Because the atmosphere and setting of a Gothic novel directly influenced the reader's sense of terror and unease, Gothic novelists set the mood by carefully selecting the physical location of a scene.

Villains are important in Gothic literature, just like they are in many other literary genres. In classic Gothic literature, villains typically appeared as tyrannical, male figures, frequently holding positions of authority such as king or priest. Melodrama or "strong passion" is a common technique used by Gothic writers to express ideas. The dread and anxiety that are present in many characters is expressed through the exaggerated, passionate vocabulary. A woman who suffers at the hands of a villain is a common theme in Gothic literature. Many of them were shown as virgins in early Gothic art; they carry feelings of melancholy, oppression, and loneliness.

To learn more about Gothic literature Visit : brainly.com/question/1234077


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good outline?
It contains well-organized information.
It addresses the requirements of the rubric.
It is written in entire paragraphs.
It incorporates evidence and examples.


An outline gives a brief overview of the main points of an essay therefore it is not written in entire paragraphs.

The third option is correct. Please give brainliest I need four more

Now, revise your response to create cohesion. Be sure to include transitions and absolute phrases.

Review the rubric to ensure that your response meets the expectations.


The response to be revised is not included. However, here are suggestions on how to make your essay cohesive using transitions and absolute phrases.

How do you make your essay cohesive while using transitions and absolute phrases?

Revising an essay response to create cohesion while including transitions and absolute phrases can help to make the writing flow more smoothly.

To do this, begin by finding places where an absolute phrase could be used to provide more detail.

Next, add transition words to make the essay more logical and easier to read. Finally, look for places where the repetition of words can be eliminated with the use of synonyms, or by rephrasing. By following these steps, the essay will become more cohesive and the writing more concise and effective.

Note that Transition Words are words that help to link ideas together such as:

Therefore, However, Although, Furthermore, etc.

Learn more about Transition Words:

What did the animals observe as they watched the pigs and humans argue from outside the window?


The animals observed no distinctions between humans and pigs.

In the novel's final scene, the animals look through the farmhouse window and observe the pigs amusing Pilkington, who remarks that he is impressed that the farm's animals put in more labor and consume less food than any other animals in the nation. Napoleon decrees that the hoof and horn will no longer be present on the flag and that Manor Farm will once again be the name of the organisation.

While the other animals watch through the window as a quarrel breaks out and discover they can't distinguish between pigs and people. The pigs have begun dressing and acting just like people. The final illustration in the book depicts the animals' awareness that the pigs have evolved into being just as repressive and cruel as human farmers.

Read more about Animal farm on:



How is Napoleon cruel to the other animals?


Utilizing Boxer's loyalty and goodwill, Napoleon abuses his authority. Squealer brainwashes the other animals by taking advantage of their lack of intelligence in order to perpetuate Napoleon's reign.

In Animal Farm, who or what is Napoleon?There is only one other hog of his sort on the farm, and he is a huge pig named Napoleon. He is one of the pigs that gains authority and influence among the farm's inhabitants over time, eventually taking the place of the farm's undisputed leader.Because he essentially makes the other animals his slaves, Napoleon is a horrible leader. He establishes a violent, ruthless regime that governs the property. A challenger of the boar's authority will be attacked by his attack hounds.Utilizing Boxer's loyalty and goodwill, Napoleon abuses his authority. Squealer brainwashes the other animals by taking advantage of their lack of intelligence in order to perpetuate Napoleon's reign. "He could convert black into white," Squealer says.          

To learn more about Napoleon abuses refer to:



in many instances, two different consonant phonemes in english are formed the same way in the mouth, but one is voiced and the other is unvoiced. t or f


In many instances, two different consonant phonemes in english are formed the same pronounced way in the mouth, but one is voiced and the other is unvoiced. This statement is True.

A voiced consonant indicates that the voicebox is vibrating or producing voice when the sound is made. Many times, despite one english consonant phoneme being voiced and other not, two different consonant phonemes are spoken in the mouth in the same manner two separate english consonant phonemes.

Frequently sound the same when spoken, but one is voiced and the other is not. Adults usually underestimate the amount of phonemes in a word because they tend to remember how a word looks in print and count the letters rather than the sounds. Consonants that are spoken indicate that the voicebox is creating sound or vibration.

To know more about pronounced visit:



What is the main idea of the most of it by Robert Frost?


Answer: Whether nature alone is sufficient to satisfy human spiritual yearnings.


What does Squealer tell the animals about Napoleon?


Squealer tells  that Napoleon and his fellow pigs must take the milk and apples because they "contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig."

Who is Napoleon in Animal Farm represent?

Dark in hue, Napoleon is a pig. Stalin is embodied by Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte of France and Stalin were comparable. The French Revolution saw the rise to power of Napoleon Bonaparte, who was seen as a revolutionary hero. The pig Napoleon takes over Animal Farm when Mr. Jones is kicked out. He progressively adopts the behavior and vices of the people Major had criticized, systematically destroying all of Major's values in the process. He is modeled after Joseph Stalin. He rises to power. Napoleon is still in charge of the farm at the book's conclusion. He has started to walk on two legs while wielding a whip, along with the other pigs. Napoleon's intention to behave and look more like a human is obvious from his actions. He has established a solid working connection with the other farmers at this point.

To learn more about Animal Farm refer to:



What is the answer to the riddle I enter the bedroom there are 34 people you kill 30 how many people are in the bedroom?


The appropriate response to I Go to the Bedroom Riddle number 34 is "5". Explanation: Four was the most frequent response that was given. 34 individuals in total, 30 of whom were slain.

What is Riddle number?

A word I am familiar with has six letters. Just one gets taken away, leaving twelve.

You must create three three-digit numbers in the three numbers problem by using the digits 0 through 9 once each (you will have one number that you will not use at all). Three times the third number equals the first number. The difference between the first and third numbers is represented by the second number.

Thus, The appropriate response to I Go to the Bedroom Riddle number 34 is "5".

For more information about Riddle number, click here:



When should you paraphrase the ideas in a source rather than using a direct quote Brainly?


Paraphrase the ideas in a source rather than using a direct quote brainly choose to paraphrase or summarise rather than quote directly when the author's overall meaning is more significant.

Than the precise words he or she used and you don't immediately need to cite. The author's supreme authority to support your position.You should paraphrase or summarise a source when the phrasing is not as important as the meaning. You can maintain a consistent style throughout your paper by using the paraphrase.

Summary to show that you are familiar with the source material.Using straight quotes can interfere with each author's unique voice. Too many quotes might make an essay sound disjointed and challenging to read. Paraphrasing can be used to explain a key concept found in a section or source without interfering with the essay's flow.

To know more about quote brainly visit:



Read this passage from The Dark Game.
When the war began, Elizabeth Van Lew was considered a southern "spinster." She was in her early forties and unmarried. What could she do, she wondered, to serve her country? The answer came to her when she recalled her father's aunt Letitia telling her how she had ministered to the captured troops of the Continental army during the American Revolution, especially those who had been wounded in action.
which type of supporting detail is included?
a. example
b. fact
c. anecdote


The dark game when the war began, elizabeth Van Lew was considered a southern "spinster." She was in her early forties and unmarried. she recalled her father's aunt Letitia telling her how she had ministered to the captured troops. The correct response is C. anecdote.

Elizabeth Van Levw wanted to assist during the Civil War and found encouragement from a relative who had taken part inConcise, precise, and objective accounts of the key aspects that serve as a summary are known as summaries. The essential idea and the precise details are shown.

The summary of the passage for the provided text. The last option best sums up the text because Elizabeth Van Lew, the main character, wanted to serve her nation and remembered how one of her family had done so by aiding the injured troops during the war.

To know more about summary visit:



What does Napoleon say would happen to the animals if they waste a year trying to build the windmill?


Napoleon said that "If animal waste a year trying to build the windmill, then  they would all starve to death."

What is the theme of Animal farm?

The major theme of Animal Farm is ordinary people's capacity to sustain confidence in a revolution that has been thoroughly deceived. Orwell attempts to demonstrate how people in power—Napoleon and his fellow pig, the democratic ideal of the revolution.

Snowball claims that after the windmill is constructed, the animals will only need to labor three days a week, but Napoleon claims that "if they squandered time building the windmill, they would all starve to death." in Animal farm.

As a result, Napoleon stated, "If an animal wasted a year trying to build the windmill, they would all starve to death."

Learn more about Animal Farm here:



If there are books written on your
topic, you can assume
A. that no other students will choose the same topic
you have chosen.
B. that your topic is too broad -- there is too much
information on it to process in a limited time.
C. that you may also have to use magazines to get
enough information.


If there are books written on your topic, you can assume that no other students will choose the same topic you have chosen. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is books?

The term book refers to the bunch of the pages. The book is the collection of the different pages. The book is the help to the gaining the knowledge. The book is the read the words, and the different chapters are the involved.

According to the person are to write the book was the choose that topic not to the other are the decide. The information was the relevant to the topic. The topic is the similar, the reader was the not to the interested to the read in the topic.

As a result, the book topic not to the similar for other it was the different topic are the decide. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on books, here:



Which type of figurative language is present in the following line of poetry?

Oh fair and sweet, for all your heart of stone.




A. Metaphor


The verse "Oh, fair and sweet, for all your heart of stone" uses metaphorical language to compare an object or idea to a heart of stone to show that it is cold-hearted or unfeeling. This metaphor gives the line depth and color, making it easier for the reader to picture what is being said and understand what it means.

By using the image of a heart made of stone, the author shows a lack of feeling or mental distance. This picture also shows a difference between the thing or idea being described and the heart's warmth and softness, which makes the line even more powerful and thought-provoking.

Find out the difference between literal and figurative language at Brainly.com/Question/22725883.


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