Unity alone sustains interest and appeals to our need and enjoyment of the new, different, and unexpected. True or False?


Answer 1

It takes unity for different sets of people to work together for the greater good of society.

What is unity?

Being united or at one with someone or something is called unity. It is the antithesis of division. This word means unification or cohesion.

The United States' unity was guaranteed when the north prevailed in the Civil War.

In sports, teams wear uniforms to demonstrate their unity, and fans do the same by donning team colors.

Learn more about unity here



Related Questions

How does gender affect voting?


Answer:The answer is A


What are the 3 components of a policy?


Policies include parts or components that deal with particular problems. Standard components of policy are those deemed necessary by custom and practice to communicate the authority and purpose of the policy.

The 3 components of a policy:

Context A policy or procedure's context provides background knowledge about the company and its overarching goals and objectives. ...Purpose The justification behind a policy or procedure's creation is its purpose.Benefits A policy or procedure's benefits list the advantages of adhering to it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

To learn more about components of policy please click on below link



What did the Supreme Court case Baker v Carr rule?


In the landmark 1962 decision Baker v. Carr, the U.S. Supreme Court established that federal courts could review claims that redistricting by a state violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

A sentence is a component of language that consists of a semantic predicand (expressed or not) and a semantic predicate. A typical clause has a subject, a syntactic predicate, which is often a verb phrase made up of a verb and any possible objects as well as other modifiers, and sometimes other words. Even in languages with null subjects, different languages, and even English in the imperative mood, the issue is occasionally unvoiced if it can be retrieved from context.

A simple sentence is complete when it has only one clause and one finite verb. Multiple clauses, including at least one independent clause, are paired with either at least one dependent clause (also known as an embedded clause) or with one or more independent clauses in complex sentences.

Learn more about clause here:



All death-row inmates are held in ________ prisons.


All death-row inmates are held in Maximum-security prisons.

Prisoners serving lengthy sentences are typically housed in maximum security facilities. These inmates are guilty of treason, murder, robbery, kidnapping, and other heinous crimes. Most maximum security jails are surrounded by high stone walls or sturdy chain fences. Death row offenders reside in the same facilities as all other inmates who need the highest level of protection.

Learn more on prisons.



Are Horatio and Hamlet in love?



Horatio loves Hamlet so much that he would rather impale himself on his own sword than live on after Hamlet's death. Hamlet passionately demonstrates his own deep love and admiration for Horatio in his request that Horatio tell Hamlet's story.


how the misinformation effect impact those testifying as eyewitnesses in crime? how might lawyers use the misinformation effect to their favor in a criminal case


Eyewitness evidence is likely to be given improper credibility by jurors, which can impact those testifying as eyewitnesses in crime.

There have been countless cases when people have been victims of false witness memory. The witness loses the true recollection and then provides misleading clues. It is not done on purpos

Memory, according to Elizabeth Loftus, is constantly formed and remade. When something similar arises, one may forget the true memories. In the instance of a witness, we discover that they are a victim of false memory, and so innocent people are condemned.

People forget the true incident and feel guilty as a result. Some psychologists argue that memory functions like a recording device, replaying actual occurrences. However, this is not the case. It always accumulates several comparable incidents, causing the true incident to overlap.

Loftus demonstrates that individuals recall things that did not actually happen by using several instances. It is true that when people are given incorrect information, their true memories do not function effectively. Memory manipulation is a factual truth, and individuals are regularly the victims of memory manipulation.

learn more about Eyewitness evidence at https://brainly.com/question/7375781


Scientific experiments often continue even after a scientific idea is presented to the scientific community. These scientific experiments continue because.



Scientific experiments often continues even after a scientific idea is presented to the scientific community. Scientific ideas are often way ahead of its time and because of which are not always accepted by the larger audience foe which they have to carry out experiment to make the ideas work out in a better way. Betterment of the same idea will give it exposer and from time to time people will add more to it. Even if the idea gets accepted in the community the experiment over time will bring changes and will make it more user friendly. Giving time to those inventions and letting people put their inputs make it better for which scientific experiments are yet continued even after presenting it to the scientific community.

Scientific theory

 Once developed, a theory cannot be changed. A scientific theory is an expression of a mathematical or descriptive

Over time, scientific theories can evolve or alter. Scientists are able to investigate and discover things that were previously impossible due to the development of new technologies. Some theories are altered, debunked, or strengthened by fresh information as a result of new findings.

A scientific law, not a hypothesis, is an articulation of a mathematical or descriptive relationship found in nature. A scientific rule is a statement about an observable natural occurrence, not an explanation of why it occurs, whereas a scientific theory is an explanation of a natural phenomenon.

To know more about scientific theory here



How did the North benefit from slavery?


The North benefit from slavery because northern traders benefited from the transatlantic triangle trade in molasses, rum, and slaves, more than 40,000 slaves were formerly held in servitude in Colonial.

The disparities between the northern and southern states have frequently led to conflicts between the two throughout American history. The American Civil War was the culmination of a growing conflict between the north-based Union and the south-based Confederacy. This conflict was largely fueled by the disparate opinions and lifestyles of the residents of either side. Despite the fact that the Civil War had several causes, slavery gained significance as the conflict progressed. Following various debates over state and federal powers and Abraham Lincoln's election on an anti-slavery platform, a number of "cotton states" seceded from the Union, beginning the Civil War.

Learn more about Slavery here:



darren is at the zoo, but he won't go anywhere near the reptile exhibits. in fact, when one of his friends suggests going there, darren's heart starts to race, and he immediately starts to feel fearful. darren likely has


It is possible that Darren has a phobia of reptiles, also known as ophidiophobia. A phobia is an irrational and intense fear of a specific object or situation that is out of proportion to the actual danger posed.

What is a phobia?

A phobia is an irrational and intense fear of a specific object or situation that is out of proportion to the actual danger posed. Phobias can be triggered by a wide variety of objects or situations, such as animals, heights, enclosed spaces, or social situations.

How are phobias treated?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): This type of therapy helps individuals to recognize and challenge their negative thoughts and behaviors related to their phobia, and to gradually expose themselves to the feared object or situation in a controlled and safe environment.

Medications: Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed to help reduce the severity of phobia-related symptoms, such as anxiety and panic.

Virtual reality therapy: This form of treatment uses computer-generated simulations to expose individuals to the objects or situations that trigger their phobia in a controlled and safe environment.

Supportive therapy: Supportive therapy involves talking with a therapist or counselor about the phobia and developing strategies to cope with and manage it.

To know more about Phobia visit:



A person who shows little unsteadiness when standing with feet together and eyes open, but who becomes unsteady when the eyes are closed, has a positive __________ test.


A person who shows little unsteadiness when standing with feet together and eyes open, but who becomes unsteady when the eyes are closed, has a positive Romberg test.

A person with impaired balance organs would use their eyes to make up for their lack of sensory input.

A proprioception test is the Romberg test. The patient is asked to stand with their feet together, their eyes open, then closed, as part of this test. While a patient with considerable proprioceptive loss will sway or fall while their eyes are closed because they are unable to maintain their balance, they will be able to stay still with their eyes open because vision will make up for the loss of position sensation.

To know more about eyes , click here:



What is a focused research question?


A research question is the issue on which you focus your investigation. It ought to be: clear: it offers sufficient details so that one's audience can quickly comprehend its objective without further explanation. It is limited enough to allow a comprehensive response in the confines of the writing task.

An answer to a research question is what the term "research question" refers to. Both quantitative and qualitative research must include the selection of a study question. Data gathering and analysis will be necessary for the investigation, and the methodologies used to do so will differ greatly. In order to further knowledge on a crucial subject, good research questions are typically focused and precise. Choosing between a qualitative, quantitative, or hybrid study is the first step in developing a research question. The formation of the research question during the study process as well as other elements, such as project finance, may be influenced. The FINER or PICOT approaches are just two examples of the many variations on criteria selection for creating a research topic that are suggested in the literature.

Learn more about research question here



How do you deal with change in friendship?


Answer: You communicate with your friend about the changes you've seen. If you can reconcile these changes then it would be best to do so and stay friends. If not, it might be time to cut it off.


Answer: 1.Give it some time try it if you don't like it then tell them nicely that you would not want to be friends anymore than explain and see if it changes anything. Maybe she/he will change back to how they were and your friendship will be back to were it was.

2. Talk about how you feel and tell them what you think and if they don't like it everything will be okay. Let them be them.

Hope this helps!!

gary has frequently suffered from stereotype threat in the past. now, whenever he takes a test, he does not feel concerned if he does poorly. instead, he uses his social network to bolster his self-esteem. based on the information above, what phenomenon related to stereotype threat has gary been affected by?


Gary has been affected by the phenomenon of stereotype lift, which is the opposite of stereotype threat. Stereotype lift occurs when someone in a stereotyped group is able to use social support to overcome the effects of stereotype threat and perform better on a task or test.

Overcoming Stereotype

Threat with Social Support: The Power of Stereotype Lift

Stereotype lift occurs when members of a stereotyped group are able to use their social networks to counteract the negative effects of stereotype threat and enhance their performance on tasks or tests. By utilizing his social network to bolster his self-esteem, Gary has been able to reduce the effects of stereotype threat and improve his performance. This is an example of stereotype lift, which can be a powerful tool for individuals facing stereotype threat.

Learn more about Social Support: https://brainly.com/question/28436507


What was the most important issue for Mary Wollstonecraft?



1797, London, England) Mary Wollstonecraft was a renowned women's rights activist who authored A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 1792, a classic of rationalist feminism that is considered the earliest and most important treatise advocating equality for women.


Which type of monthly payment includes interest?



monthly mortgage payment


Your monthly mortgage payment has two parts: principal and interest. Your principal is the amount that you borrow from a lender. The interest is the cost of borrowing that money. Your monthly mortgage payment may also include property taxes and insurance.

hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Answer: Monthly mortgage payment

Explanation: Your monthly mortgage payment has two parts: principal and interest. Your principal is the amount that you borrow from a lender. The interest is the cost of borrowing that money. Your monthly mortgage payment may also include property taxes and insurance.

What are the 5 claims of globalization?


Core truth of the globalization ideology include the following: (1) Liberalization and global integration  (2) Globalization is inevitable and irreversible; (3) Nobody is in control of Globalization; (4) Globalization benefits Everyone; (5) Globalization Advance.

In simple terms, what is globalization?

The process by which commodities and people can travel freely across borders is known as globalization. The integration of markets, commerce, and investments with few obstacles to the movement of goods and services between states is the concept's economic underpinning.

In order to gain access to more products, services, and consumers as well as to a more competitive market position with reduced operational costs, enterprises must go global.

To know more about globalization visit:



What are the most important challenges to women's rights?


There are still issues to be resolved, such as ensuring equitable access to economic and educational opportunities and ending gender-based violence.

Why are individuals opposed to women's rights?

Most women, according to anti-suffragists, did not desire the right to vote. They said that women did not have time to vote or follow politics since they had to take care of the house and the kids. Some claimed that women lacked the knowledge or the capacity to think critically about political matters.

What difficulties did the women's movement confront after becoming independent?

The women's movement has focused on a wide range of issues in the post-independence era, including dowry, women's employment, rising costs, land rights, political participation of women, Dalit women and other marginalized women's rights, spreading fundamentalism, women's representation in the media, etc.

To know more about  challenges women's rights visit:-



Groupthink is fueled by a desire for:

a. conflict.
b. self-disclosure.
c. harmony.
d. passionate love.
e. cognitive dissonance


Groupthink is fueled by a desire for:

c. harmony.

What is groupthink?

Groupthink is a phenomena that happens when people come to an agreement without using critical thinking or weighing the pros and drawbacks. Groupthink is founded on a shared goal to maintain a group's equilibrium.

The social scientist Irving Janis initially introduced the hypothesis of groupthink in his influential 1972 paper, Victims of Groupthink.

Pressure to fit in, the false sense of invulnerability, self-censorship, and unquestioning ideas are four of groupthink's key traits.

Effective decision-making and problem-solving are successfully driven out by the demand for groupthink and hence we say it is a fueled by the likelihood of harmony

Learn more on groupthink at:


Is Achilles an epic hero?



The warrior Achilles is one of the great heroes of Greek mythology. According to legend, Achilles was extraordinarily strong, courageous and loyal, but he had one vulnerability–his “Achilles heel.” Homer's epic poem The Iliad tells the story of his adventures during the last year of the Trojan War.


Answer: In Greek mythology, Achilles was the strongest warrior and hero in the Greek army during the Trojan War.

Explanation: He was the son of Peleus, king of the Myrmidons, and Thetis, a sea nymph. During the Trojan War, Achilles was instrumental in the Greeks’ mission to retrieve Helen.

Achilles was a Greek hero, most famous for his part in the Trojan War. When he was born, Thetis dipped Achilles in the river Styx to make him immortal. She held him by the heel as she dipped him in, and because his heel did not touch the water, it was the only part of him that could be harmed.

How do Federalists and Democratic-Republicans compare?


The Federalists argued for a strong central government, while Democratic-Republicans believed that the state governments should be stronger than the central government.

What is meant by Republicans?

The Republican Party, also referred to as the GOP or the "Grand Old Party," is one of the two major modern political parties in the US.

The GOP was established in 1854 by abolitionists who opposed the Kansas Nebraska Act, which may have permitted chattel slavery to spread into the western territories.

Since Ronald Reagan's presidency in the 1980s, conservatism has served as the GOP's driving principle.

It has been the Democratic Party's main political foe since the middle of the 1850s.

Republicans Chester A. Arthur, Benjamin Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, and Rutherford B. Hayes were all Whigs before joining the party from which they were elected, making them the Republican Party's ideological forefathers.

To learn more about Republicans refer to



How do I get a Selective Service exemption letter?


To obtain a letter of exemption from Selective Service you must call the official numbers for assistance with your application.

How do I obtain a Selective Service exemption letter?

The selective service corresponds to an American agency that contains information about citizens who are subject to being recruited for military work, with possible exemption in cases where the impossibility of the individual's participation in such a program is proven.

If the citizen decides to try the exemption, he should find out which supporting documents are accepted to proceed with such a request, finding the list on the official websites. Therefore, it is necessary for every American citizen to have information about their rights and duties related to military service, being up to date with their legal responsibilities in this matter to avoid fines and other punishments.

Find out more about Selective Service on:



Varying activities gives everyone a chance to have fun and to be more successful. please select the best answer from the choices provided. T/F?


Answer: True


A company will debit ______ while recording a credit sale at the time of the transaction.


A company will debit Accounts Receivable while recording a credit sale at the time of the transaction.

To record a credit sale, you debit the customer receivables account and credit the sales revenue account. The journal entry would debit the accounts payable and credit the inventory.   The double-entry recordkeeping system guarantees the precision of financial records by recording each transaction twice. Since the offsetting side of the journal entry is a debit - usually to the cash or accounts receivable account - sales are recorded as a credit. In essentially, the debit rises one of the current assets, while the credit grows the equity of the shareholders.

Learn more on company



What is Swift suggesting about political disputes?


Swift disagreed with the Tories' view of the king's divine right to rule, nevertheless, and thought that the English people should have actual political power.

What is Swift?

Swift became the primary Tory pamphleteer after being hired by the Tory Prime Minister.

However, he disagreed with the Tories' doctrine of the king's divine prerogative and believed that England's people should hold real political authority.

Swift is suggesting that disputes between religions are meaningless and are comparable to arguments over which end of an egg to crack.

As much as he detested social contradictions and political squabbles, he abhorred the endless theological arguments between various religions over what he considered to be insignificant issues.

Therefore, Swift disagreed with the Tories' view of the king's divine right to rule, nevertheless, and thought that the English people should have actual political power.

Know more about Swift here:



marissa is a good tennis player whose performance seems to improve as the crowd watching her gets larger. the best explanation for this phenomenon is


Marissa is a good tennis player whose performance seems to improve as the crowd watching her gets larger. the best explanation for this phenomenon is Social facilitation

According to Norman Triplett's social facilitation hypothesis, people will behave differently when there are observers present. Particularly, people often do better on simple or well-known jobs and worse on novel or complex tasks.The following is just one illustration: a singer, actor, or other artist who is inspired by an audience and gives a stronger performance. discovering that going to a library improves your productivity compared to studying at home.

To know more about social facilitation here



What is the top leadership position in the Senate?


The roles of Senate leadership that are specifically stated in the Constitution are those of the Vice President of the United States, who serves as President of the Senate.

What do we mean by the Senate?

A bicameral legislature's upper house or chamber is normally a deliberative assembly known as the senate.

The expression is derived from the name of an assembly of the Roman Senate that was composed of senior, or seen as more knowledgeable and experienced, members of the community or ruling class.

The President pro tempore, traditionally the most senior member of the majority, theoretically presides in the Vice President's absence, and the Vice President of the United States, who serves as President of the Senate, are the two roles of Senate leadership that are explicitly stated in the Constitution.

Therefore, the roles of Senate leadership that are specifically stated in the Constitution are those of the Vice President of the United States, who serves as President of the Senate.

Know more about the Senate here:



parents in the target audience responded negatively to a campaign about adding more fruits and vegetables to children's diets. the parents, who say they are unable to afford much fresh produce, felt that the campaign depicted them as bad parents. the sense that people are being blamed for conditions that are actually influenced by a large array of factors is called: social homophily scapegoating gaslighting source homophily


Anyone who communicates on behalf of an organization addressing a public health emergency can benefit from the evidence-based framework and best practices provided by the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) document from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

What is Crisis and Emergency Risk Communications (CERC)?The crisis and emergency risk communication (CERC) paper from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers an evidence-based framework and best practices that may be used by anybody communicating on behalf of an institution dealing with a public health emergency (CDC).The foundation of CERC is the study of psychology, communication, issues management, and emergency response lessons.Communities are vulnerable to disasters that strike quickly. We are aware of a number of catastrophes that could at any time put a population in danger, including earthquakes, chemical releases, explosives, and pandemic illnesses. At the start of a disaster, responding personnel frequently have no other resource to offer affected communities but information.We can influence how our community reacts to and recovers from these potential disasters by using effective communication.

To Learn more About Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication refer to:



One of the two aspects of the measure of bicultural identity integration (bii) is the degree to which bicultural individuals

a. True
b. False


One of the two aspects of the measure of bicultural identity integration (bii) is the degree to which bicultural individuals see their two cultures as distant from each other.

The above statement is True

Individuals are considered bicultural if they speak both their heritage cultural context's language and their receiving cultural context's language, have friends from both cultural backgrounds, and watch television programs and read magazines from both cultural contexts.At least three characteristics distinguish bicultural people. First, they participate in the lives of two or more cultures to varying degrees. Second, they adapt their attitudes, behaviors, values, and so on to these cultures, at least in part. Third, they combine and blend elements of the various cultures involved.

To know more about Culture here



write a short note on ragi



Finger Millet


Finger Millet, also known as Ragi is an important millet grown extensively in various regions of India and Africa. Its scientific name is Eleusine coracana. It ranks sixth in production after wheat, rice, maize, sorghum and bajra in India.

who of the following can overrule a traffic signal? a. crossing guard b. police officer c. state trooper d. all of the above(1 point)


Crossing guard, police officer, and a state trooper. This sign means that a driver must stop before entering traffic. Thus correct option all of the above (d).

What does traffic signal mean in plain English?

At intersections, traffic signals are traffic signs that direct how cars should travel through the intersection. To uphold perfect order and prevent tragic accidents on the roadways, traffic lights are used. The traffic signal uses three different colors—red, yellow, and green—and operates on light signals.

The AMBER (or YELLOW) light indicates to clear the road when the signal is changing from green to red. If, by mistake, caught in the amber signal in the middle of a large road crossing, continue with care and do not accelerate in panic.

A traffic light. When the light is red, you must stop. A yellow indicator indicates that the lights are about to turn red. Unless you are unable to stop due to proximity to the junction, you must halt. If the light is green, you are free to proceed.

A traffic light with the green portion lighted to indicate that it is okay to move forward: Prior to crossing the street, watch for the green signal. fig. A green light also indicates consent to proceed: The project's creators received approval to move forward.

Learn more about traffic signal to visit this link

