TRUE/FALSE. stephanie has adhd, and her teacher believes that all children with adhd misbehave in the classroom. stephanie never used to misbehave, but now her parents get a weekly phone call from the principal about stephanie's bad behavior at school. stephanie's teacher may be creating for stephanie. cognitive dissonance a subtype a self-fulfilling prophecy an actor-observer effect


Answer 1

Stephanie never misbehaved before, but now the principal calls Stephanie's parents every week to complain about how she acts at school. It's possible that Stephanie's teacher is forging a self-fulfilling prophecy for her. The right response in this case is option C.

It is simple to observe how self-fulfilling prophecies can trigger negative and positive thought and behavior cycles. When we have certain views about who we are, we are more inclined to act in ways that support those beliefs, which strengthens those beliefs and promotes the same behavior.

Two categories of self-fulfilling prophesies exist: When your actions are influenced by your own expectations, self-imposed prophesies happen. Prophecies that are enforced by others happen when their expectations affect your actions.

To learn more about self-fulfilling prophecy


Related Questions

FILL IN THE BLANK a fundamental characteristic of the definition of communication is that people must_____ their thoughts and ideas into messages which other people must ______in order to achieve shared meaning.


A fundamental characteristic of the definition of communication is that people must encode their thoughts and ideas into messages which other people must decode in order to achieve shared meaning.

Give a brief account on categories of communication.

There are many different ways humans can communicate, and more than one might be going on at once.

The various forms of communication include:

Face-to-face, telephone, radio, television, and other spoken or verbal communication methods are all included here.Body language, gestures, how we dress or act, how we stand, and even our scent are all examples of nonverbal communication. We can communicate with people in a variety of subtle ways, sometimes even without meaning to. In addition to adding to a spoken word, hand signals and gestures can also provide hints about mood or emotional condition.Writing encompasses correspondence by mail, e-mail, social media, books, periodicals, the Internet, and other media. Up until recently, a very limited number of authors and publishers possessed considerable influence over the dissemination of the written word. Since everyone may now write and publish their thoughts online, the possibilities for communication and information sharing have exploded.Visualizations can convey messages in a variety of ways, including maps, logos, graphs, and charts.

To know more about, communication, visit :


more than percent of all cases in the united states are heard in state courts. group of answer choices 97 50 68 33


Out of the choices provided above, it can be concluded to state that more than 97 percent of all the cases in the United States are heard in the state courts. Therefore, the option A holds true.

The state courts can be referred to or considered as the courts that deal with the matters of trials and hearings of judicial cases within the jurisdiction or the scope of the respective state. A state court of one state cannot conduct hearing of cases for other states without having a conflicting interest. The court hearings have become an integral part of the legal and justice system of the United States, and the state courts have dominated the proportion of court hearings.

Learn more about state courts here:


The__________ method assumes essential requirements can be defined up front so the software can be designed, built, tested, and released once at the end.
A) international
B) agile
C) spiral
D) focused
E) waterfall


The waterfall method assumes essential requirements can be defined up front so the software can be designed, built, tested, and released once at the end.

Essential Requirements are Performance and General Safety Requirements, which are essential.

Software is a hard and fast process of laptop applications and associated files and data.

The waterfall methodology is a linear project management approach that captures stakeholder and customer requirements at the beginning of a project and develops a series of project plans to meet those requirements.

Gantt charts are the tool of choice for project managers who work in a waterfall method. Gantt charts help you plan each phase of your project as it progresses through the subtasks, dependencies, and waterfall lifecycle.

To learn more about software, here:


the resistance movement was able to attract a high turnout for the women's march the day after donald trump's inauguration because


Because of the Women's March on Washington, D.C., to protest Donald Trump's inauguration as president, the resistance movement was able to draw a sizable crowd for the women's march the day after Trump was sworn in.

What does women's march do?

Their mission statement endorsed a number of causes that were perceived as lacking support within the new administration, including reproductive freedom, LGBTQ and civil rights, accessible health care, environmental awareness, and gender and wage equality. The Women's March took place on January 21, 2017, the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated as president of the United States. It was brought on by Trump's language and policy stances, which demonstrators criticized as misogynistic or otherwise dangerous to women's rights.

What is the purpose of celebrating Womens month?

International Women's Month is crucial because it raises awareness of how far women have gone in the fight for equality and encourages critical conversations about how far we still have to go. Women continue to encounter several obstacles, including intolerance, discrimination, and gender stereotypes.

To know more about Women's March visit:


FILL IN THE BLANK ______ involves explicitly manipulating others' access to critical work issues for the purpose of changing their attitudes and or behavior


Information control entails purposefully influencing others' access to important workplace concerns in an effort to alter their views or conduct.

Does critical imply grave?

Credible: The patient is severely unwell and may have vital signs that are unstable or outside of the usual range. Indicators are suspect. Critical: The patient may be unconscious and has unstable, abnormal vital signs.

Briefing :

Controlling information is essential for maintaining the management system. It is via it that crucial business data is documented, such as the organization's context or the documentation of deviations. Information control will specifically alter other children's access to crucial work concerns in order to modify their attitudes and/or conduct, in addition to assisting managers in better organizing their records and referencing them much more properly and with confidence.

To know more about critical visit :


A simplistic definition of crime is that it is anything that violates criminal law. A more complex definition would characterize it as a/an ________ event arising out of an intricate social nexus that involves a variety of participants.


A simplistic definition of crime is that it is anything that violates criminal law. A more complex definition would characterize it as a/an lawbreaking event arising out of an intricate social nexus that involves a variety of participants.

What is crime, according to criminologists?

A crime is described as "an intentional act or omission in violation of criminal law..., done without defense or explanation, and sanctioned by the state as a felony or misdemeanor" by criminologist Paul Tappan. crimes and misdemeanors. The distinctions between felonies and misdemeanors are determined by the potential penalties.

Which two definitions of crime apply?

A violation of the law is what all of these terms refer to. Treason or robbery are examples of crimes, which generally refer to any major infraction of human laws.

                          The term "offense" can refer to a violation of either human or divine law and does not always imply a serious one. Examples include an offense that results in a jail sentence and an offense against morals.

Learn more about criminologists


According to research findings, which of the following has been found to be associated with higher grades?
a. writing down everything your instructor says
b. attending class regularly
c. putting off studying until just before an exam
d. not changing answers on tests


Regular attendance in class has been found to be related to better marks, per research findings. The right response in this case is option B.

Higher academic success has been linked to frequent attendance at school rather than sporadic attendance. This link between attendance and success may become clear early on in a child's academic career.

If we were to stay with data and statistics, several studies show a causal association between absenteeism and student success. This shows that higher class attendance has been linked to better test performance and final course grades. This is especially true for students who were compelled to attend class yet had low academic achievement.

To learn more about attendance


a philosophy and style of management whereby managers rely on solid research evidence to make business decisions rather than relying on hunches.


chances are the interviewer will ask you about your management philosophy


My concept is founded on the capacity for open and effective communication, which has assisted me in previous roles in raising the productivity of my team as a whole. In my previous position, I made sure that reviews and feedback were detailed and offered suggestions for how my team might grow or build on their own strengths. My team finally performed better and expressed greater job satisfaction as a result of realising that I created initiatives based on their individual talents and capabilities." I'm confident in my capacity to adjust to various viewpoints and modes of communication in order to successfully lead my team to success. I am delighted to lead my team by promoting creative thinking and inventive ideas since I believe in attaining success in a variety of creative and unique ways.

Learn more about philosophy here:


Match the plot to the type of conflict.1. Carol and Brandi race for the gold medal.2. Miguel struggles with feelings of guilt3. Farmers experience a terrible drought.4. Jonah is corrected by God.5. Reverend Mundo protests Sunday sporting events.
A. Man vs. Man
B. Man vs. Self
C. Man vs. Nature
D. Man vs. Higher power
E. Man vs. Society


Any story will contain a variety of conflicts, including those between humans and the environment, humans themselves, humans with other humans, and humans with society.

What are the types of conflicts?Man vs. Man: Carol and Brandi were competing for the gold medal in their quest. The two parties engaged have a conflict of interest since they are competing to achieve the best aim.Man vs. Self: Miguel is having a hard time not feeling guilty. This type of conflict includes only the person and his or her internal emotions and sentiments; it is an instance of internal conflict within the persona.Man vs. Nature:The drought that had ruined their crops and the farmers. The awful drought, an act of nature, and the farmers are at odds. It represents a sort of battle between man and nature.Man vs. Higher: Conflict is a sort of power between a person and a superior power, in this case God. Since God is the supremely powerful being who rules over everything, when Jonah disobeyed him, he was punished. This kind of combat pits men against superior forces.Man vs. Society: Conflict between a person and the society in which they live demonstrates it. Therefore, Rev. Mundo is at odds with society when he protests a sporting event that takes place on a Sunday. Differences in interests are the root cause of this conflict.

To learn more about conflicts refer to:


a team of u.s. child-care specialists and civic leaders visited france and studied its early childhood programs. which of the following was the major conclusion of their study?


Differentiation is the use of a wide range of instructional strategies and lesson modifications by teachers to instruct a different set of learners in the same course, classroom, or learning environment.

Teachers are able to decide what pupils will need to learn by using a thorough and rigorous approach throughout curriculum preparation. To guarantee that students receive the greatest education possible, extensive research and analysis are conducted in the early stages of the process. an approach to curricular integration that places a strong emphasis on the many disciplines and the variety of viewpoints they bring to bear on a subject, theme, or issue. The needs, interests, and ambitions of the students are at the focus of learner-centered curriculum design. It recognises that children are not all same and shouldn't be forced to follow a set curriculum. This strategy tries to provide students the power to choose how to pursue their education.

To learn more about learners click the link below:


gustavo has conditioned a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell. he presents the bell without food several times. gustavo expects the dog to show:


In the situation provided above, Gustavo will always expect the dog to show a conditioned stimulus.

A conditioned stimulus can be referred to or considered as a form of stimulus wherein the expression of a behavior reacts in a way through multiple repetitions of the same activity again and again. In the situation represented above, it can be seen that the dog starts to salivate at the sound of the bell, as has been taught to him by Gustavo. Thus, it is said to be an ideal example of a conditioned stimulus.

Learn more about a conditioned stimulus here:


which of the following students provides the most accurate overview of women of color and the feminist movement?


Many women of colour believe that feminist activity contradicts their cultural beliefs.

What are the three feminist movements?

It is typically divided into three waves: first wave feminism, which deals with property rights and the right to vote; second wave feminism, which focuses on equality and anti-discrimination; and third wave feminism, which began in the 1990s as a reaction to the second wave's perceived favoritism of white, straight women.

Who is the father of feminism?

Many consider Mary Wollstonecraft to be the originator of feminism because of her 1792 book A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, in which she pleads for women's education. Charles Fourier, a utopian socialist and French philosopher, is credited with coining the term "féminisme" in 1837.

To know more about Feminist Movement visit:


To know that crimes against persons boil down to three types: taking a life, unwanted sexual invasions, and bodily injury.


Should be aware that there are only three categories of crimes against people: taking a life, unwanted sexual assaults, and physical harm. This claim is false.

Crimes against people include kidnapping, assault and battery, arson, child abuse, and domestic violence. The phrase "crimes against the person" refers to a wide range of criminal acts, most of which entail causing bodily injury, threatening to do so, or acting against the will of the victim.

Domestic violence, battery, and assault are some of those that result in bodily damage. Crimes against the person can include infractions like stalking, abduction, and harassment.

A conspiracy is defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime at a later date under criminal law. Some nations' or conspiracies' criminal laws may stipulate that an infraction must involve at least one overt act to be considered unlawful.

To learn more about Crimes


anthropologist bronislaw malinowski (1913) examined the family structure of australian aboriginals and settled a long-standing debate when he concluded that


Malinowski is a well-known anthropologist whose work is still extensively researched. He is well known for his fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands, where he contributed to the spread of fieldwork techniques.

renowned social anthropologist, globetrotter, ethnologist, expert on religion, sociologist, and author. He founded the functionalism school, promoted extensive fieldwork, and pioneered novel approaches to social theory. Bronisaw Malinowski, whose full name is Bronisaw Kasper Malinowski, was one of the most significant anthropologists of the 20th century. He is widely regarded as the father of social anthropology and is most closely associated with the field. He was born on April 7, 1884, in Kraków, Poland, Austria-Hungary. His most well-known book, Argonauts of the Western Pacific, was inspired by Malinowski's research on the "kula ring," a mechanism for exchanging shell jewellery through a circuit of remote islands (1922).

To learn more about Malinowski click the link below:


according to the principles of , exceptional children are taught in the regular classroom except in cases where their exceptionality would affect their learning.


According to the principles of Mainstreaming in Special Education, exceptional children are taught in the regular classroom except in cases where their exceptionality would affect their learning.

The term "mainstreaming" refers to the idea that disabled children can be educated alongside typically developing youngsters rather than being isolated in special education classrooms and receiving wholly different instruction.

Giving children with disabilities the same opportunities as other students in the regular classroom, including access to classes, knowledge acquisition, personal growth, and engagement in the educational and social environments that a school has to offer, is the fundamental purpose of mainstreaming.

Every child should have an equal opportunity to pursue a higher education. This isn't necessarily a privilege or even a right in some countries. Regardless of one's academic level, socioeconomic situation, or cultural background, every child in the US has the legal right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

More specifically, neither a school nor an instructor may exclude a student because of their disability. We are fortunate that the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that all children who qualify for special education can receive teaching of the same calibre. They have access to the same educational resources as their classmates without impairments in the least restrictive environment.

Visit here to learn more about special education:


------------------The correct question formate is here --------------------------

( Que ). According to the principles of ____________________, exceptional children are taught in the regular classroom except in cases where their exceptionality would affect their learning.

A wife is on trial for murdering her husband. At trial, the prosecution entered into evidence the fact that the wife fired the gun which killed her husband. The wife testified in her defense that her husband was threatening her with a knife when she picked up the gun and shot him.
In rebuttal, the prosecution calls one of the officers who responded to the wife's 911 call right after the shooting. The officer will testify that the wife said, "I accidentally dropped my gun on the floor and it went off, killing my husband." Is this testimony admissible?
A. Yes, as an excited utterance
B. Yes, to impeach the wife and as evidence that she did not act in self-defense
C, No because of the wife's privilege against self-incrimination
D. no, for the purpose of impeaching the wife because the prosecutor did not call her attention to her statement to the officer on cross


The correct answer is B. Yes, to impeach the wife and as evidence that she did not act in self-defense.

What supports a claim is the supporting evidence. The supported proposition's truthfulness is typically assumed to be indicated by this statement. Different fields have different ideas on what evidence is and how it should be used. Evidence is used in epistemology to support claims and establish why a particular doxastic attitude is reasonable. A comparable understanding of evidence exists in phenomenology. However, it is restricted to intuitive knowledge in this case, which offers instant access to the truth and is hence undeniable. Its purpose in this capacity is to offer conclusive reasons for fundamental philosophical ideas, transforming philosophy into a precise science.

Learn more about evidence here:


Take the data of the output of your organisation summarise them with some tool (like bar chart, pie chart, etc.) and discuss the result. Give your opinion to improve the results in the future.


While taking data of manufacturing concern' output where goods were producing by taking raw materials from suppliers and selling to customers. This manufacturing concern can improve result by opting supply chain management.

What do you mean by supply chain management?

The administration of the flow of goods and services between firms and locations, including all procedures that turn raw materials into finished commodities, is known as supply chain management in the business world.

The supply chain manager plans, coordinates, and controls all logistics related to the manufacture and delivery of a company's goods. Supply chain managers are in charge of a product's complete life cycle.

The five main components of supply chain management are planning, locating raw supplies, manufacturing, delivery, and returns.

Therefore in order to increase the overall productivity of the organization the manager shall opt for supply chain management as an important tool to cater the economic growth within the industry.

Learn more about supply chain management:


Which of the following is true of public relations?
A. It is restricted to management functions.
B. Its primary goal is to develop transactional relationships.
C. It is undertaken by companies primarily to facilitate sales promotions.
D. Its purpose is to create mutual goodwill among individuals and organizations.
E. It focuses on managing relationships with people solely within an organization.


D) True of public relations, which aims to foster goodwill between people and organizations.

What are the primary objectives of the PR department?

Public relations aims to educate the general public, potential customers, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders and persuade them to maintain a positive or favorable opinion of the company, its leadership, its products, or its political decisions.

What does a company's public relations department do?

The Public Relations Department oversees and evaluates public attitudes, as well as the organization's public relations and public understanding. It opens up new channels of communication and establishes a two-way flow of information and comprehension.

To learn more about Public relations here:


Which sources would be most useful in exploring the issue of higher education costs?
plans of action
Ographs and charts
O personal stories
opening statements
O past social policies



The sources most useful would be A. graphs and charts and B.personal stories opening statements.

Answer: Plans of action graphs and charts personal stories opening statements past social policies Past social policies would be most useful in exploring the issue of higher education costs.

Explanation: Graph and Charts are technical analysis tools that compile data and information providing reliable statistics about reality. Statistics on the education sector are vast, so they are an essential tool for analyzing the costs of higher education.

Hope this was helpful

The root cause of a psychological disorder may be explained through the use of either a one-dimensional or multidimensional model.
The __ approach argues that the origins of behavior can be traced to a single cause.


The monocausal approach argues that the origins of behavior can be traced to a single cause. This approach suggests that a single factor or event is the sole determinant of a given behavior.

The monocausal approach has been used to explain many different behaviors, from aggression to depression. For example, some psychologists have argued that aggression is caused by a single factor such as exposure to violence or a particular personality trait. Similarly, depression has been linked to a single factor, such as a traumatic event or an inherited trait.

The monocausal approach has been criticized by some psychologists, who believe that behavior is more complex and that multiple factors are likely to be involved in the development of any behavior. They argue that behaviors are shaped by a range of different influences and that no single cause can explain all behavior.

Despite the criticism, the monocausal approach remains a popular explanation for many behaviors. It is particularly useful for understanding the causes of individual behavior, as it helps to identify the specific factors that are influencing a person’s behavior. This can help to inform treatment plans and interventions that are tailored to an individual’s specific needs and circumstances.

Learn more about behavior at :


melvin, who has recently begun treatment for schizophrenia, believes that his co-workers are plotting to kidnap him. he often hears voices urging him to run and hide. melvin is most clearly demonstrating


Melvin, who has recently begun treatment for schizophrenia, believes that his co-workers are plotting to kidnap him. he often hears voices urging him to run and hide. Melvin is most clearly demonstrating positive symptoms.

Which sign of schizophrenia is characterized by a delusion that is upheld despite being irrational?

Delusions are persistent, irrational ideas that a patient maintains despite contradictory evidence. In schizophrenia, common delusion types include: Persecutional delusions

Is there an unfounded fear that you'll suffer harm because of someone else?

People who have paranoid beliefs think others are out to get them or are persecuting them. Somatic delusions: When someone has them, they think that a physical component of their body is broken or missing.

Which of the following explains why the DSM 5 did away with the subcategories of schizophrenia?

These subcategories were eliminated with the publication of the DSM-5 for a number of reasons: They didn't serve as very accurate descriptions. Not everyone who had schizophrenia experienced the same symptoms or subtypes. The subtypes did not differ in how their brains worked.

To Know more about positive symptoms.


The ways groups of people both maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the freedom to accomplish their goals.


Organizational Communication is defined as the ways that the groups of people both maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the freedom to accomplish their goals.

What is the Organizational communication?

Organizational communication is a field of study within communication studies that encompasses all aspects of communication and information flow that contribute to the operation of an organization.

Organizational communication is defined as the ways in which groups of people maintain structure and order through symbolic interactions, while allowing individual actors to achieve their goals.

Therefore, Organizational communication is defined as the methods by which groups of people both maintain structure and communicate with one another.

Learn more about the Organizational communication, refer to:


________________ are facial movements that convey emotional messages.a.Emblemsb.Regulatorsc.Adaptorsd.Affect displays


Affect displays are regarded as the facial movements that tend to convey emotional messages. Therefore, the option D holds true.

The affect displays can be referred to or considered as the types of behavior that represent conveyance of emotional messages to others. These emotional messages are usually conveyed with the help of facial expressions or movements. Thus, they are not oral, but verbal form of communication. Therefore, the significance regarding the affect displays has been aforementioned.

Learn more about affect displays here:


Annette Lareau, author of Unequal Childhoods (2003), makes a compelling case for the existence of different parenting values and practices between working-class and middle-class families.


She argues that families from different class backgrounds have different values and practices regarding parenting and childrearing.

What is emphasize independence?

Emphasizing independence refers to encouraging and promoting autonomy and self-reliance. It is about providing individuals with the skills and resources they need to take ownership and responsibility of their own development and success. This can be done by fostering self-confidence, teaching problem-solving skills, and developing a positive attitude towards learning and growth. Additionally, it involves creating a supportive environment to promote a sense of independence, such as providing guidance and resources, creating opportunities for meaningful contributions, and recognizing and celebrating each individual's successes.

Working-class parents tend to be more authoritarian, emphasizing obedience and conformity to adult rules, while middle-class families emphasize independence and self-expression. Lareau also argues that class differences in parenting have a significant impact on children's long-term outcomes. She finds that working-class children are more likely to be disadvantaged in terms of educational and economic success than their middle-class peers, largely due to their upbringing.

To learn more about emphasize independence

After a recent incident, a forensic analyst was given several hard drives to analyze. Which the following should the analyst do FIRST?
A. Take screenshots and capture drive images
B. Take hashes and screenshots
C. Take hashes and capture drive images
D. Perform antivirus scans and create chain of custody documents


The analyst do FIRST option (C) Forensic analysts capture drive images and take hashes before beginning analysis, and they only analyze the imaged copies, not the original drive.

Screenshots are taken when a computer is running. An antivirus scan might modify the drive and chain of custody documents are created when evidence is collected.

What does forensic analyst do?

Technicians in forensic science work at crime scenes and in labs. Typically, forensic science professionals do the following tasks at crime scenes: Investigate crime scenes to decide what evidence needs to be gathered and how. The crime scene and the evidence should both be photographed.

As of November 23, 2022, the median compensation for a forensic data analyst is $77,682, however the range is often between $67,399 and $88,580. Salary ranges can vary significantly based on a variety of crucial aspects, including schooling, credentials, supplementary talents, and the length of time you've been working in a given field.

Learn more about forensic analyst to visit this link


which of the following policies is primarily focused on the general welfare of a country's citizens? which of the following policies is primarily focused on the general welfare of a country's citizens? social policy transportation economic policy public health policy criminal justice policy


Social policy focuses on areas of government action traditionally related to the welfare state of the country's citizens.

What is the importance of social policy?

Social policy refers to governmental and legislative efforts to implement change for the benefit of society and in this sense a social intervention. Depending on the country and culture, there are many societal implications for levels of aggression and violence. Examples include: public housing, family and child benefits, state medical insurance, and unemployment benefits.

What factors influence social policy?

Knowledge and innovation. Social, political and economic background. Legal framework. A particular event, especially a traumatic event that requires a political response. Institutional impact. External influence.

What are main areas of social policy?

The social policy has three aspects: Employer Obligations, Personal Investment, Private Insurance.

To learn more about social policy visit:


how have psychologists defined the concept of terrorism?compare and contrast different psychological factors which explain why people engage in terrorism


The way that Psychologists have defined terrorism has it that people become terrorists based on their state of mind. These people are said to engage in this for their own reasons.

What is terrorism?

The illegal use of force or violence against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing a government or its people to promote specific political or social goals is referred to as terrorism. Domestic and foreign terrorism are typically recognized as distinct categories by law enforcement.

Potential terrorists frequently have issues with perceived injustice, identity, and belonging. The presence of mental illness does not explain terrorist activity in a significant way.

Four elements are frequently used to describe terrorism, but not always: (1) the threat or use of violence; (2) a political goal; the desire to alter the status quo; (3) the purpose to sow fear by engaging in heinous public acts; and (4) the deliberate targeting of people. intentional, politically motivated acts of violence committed against noncombatants

Read more on terrorism here:


In the past, the U.S. dollar was said to be backed by gold. Any person with
U.S. dollars could exchange them for a certain amount of gold at any time.
During that period, the U.S. dollar served as which type of money?
O A. Representative money
OB. Currency money
OC. Fiat money
OD. Commodity money




Representative money is the right answer friend

fifteen-year-old katherine is in a long-established simple stepfamily. which of the following most likely describes katherine's relationship with her stepparent?


The statement, ''Katherine benefits from the presence of her stepparent, is the one that most likely describes Katherine's relationship with her stepparent. Therefore, the option A holds true.

A relationship can be referred to or considered as the factor that expresses and represents the relation or connectivity that exists between two or more people. Generally, friends and family comprise the closest relationships in an individual's life. Normally, an individual will derive benefits by being involved in close relationships, which is similar to the condition of Katherine mentioned above.

Learn more about relationship here:


Complete question

Fifteen-year-old Katherine is in a long-established simple stepfamily. Which of the following MOST likely describes Katherine's relationship with her stepparent?

A. Katherine benefits from the presence of her stepparent.

B. Katherine feels alienated from her parents.

C. Katherine will experience attachment problems as an adult due to her stepparent.

D. Katherine has a distant relationship with her stepparent.

When and where did the Olympic games originate ?​


The games originated in Ancient Greece and the first modern Olympic games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896.

The history of the Games goes back around 3,000 years, to the Peloponnese in Ancient Greece. Sports contests organised at Olympia took place every four years and acquired the name Olympic Games. We do not know exactly when they started, but the date of 776 BC is often cited in written sources.
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What was the cause of labor reform movements in the early 1800s Find the area of the semicircle. Round your answer to the nearest whole number, if necessary.area: about cm2 Square 1 has a area of 24 square units if square 2 is half the size what is the ratio of the area of square one to square two? Explain two ways democracy was redefined and expanded under Andrew Jacksons administration. Nthanda Corporation has just completed a physical inventory count at year end, December 31, 2020. Only the items on the shelves, in storage, and in the receiving area were counted and costed on the FIFO basis. The inventory amounted to K80,000. During the audit, the independent Accountant discovered the following additional information:(a) There were goods in transit on December 31, 2020, from a supplier with terms FOB Shipping Point, costing K10,000. Because the goods had not arrived, they were excluded from the physical inventory count.(b) On December 27, 2020, a regular customer purchased goods for cash amounting to K1,000 and had them shipped to a bonded warehouse for temporary storage on December 28, 2020. The goods were shipped via common carrier with terms FOB Destination. The customer picked the goods up from the warehouse on January 4, 2021. Nthanda Company had paid K500 for the goods and, because they were in storage, Nthanda included them in the physical inventory count.(c) Nthanda Company, on the date of the inventory, received notice from a supplier that goods ordered earlier, at a cost ofK4,000, had been delivered to the transportation company on December 28, 2020; the terms were FOB shipping point. Because the shipment had not arrived on December 31, 2020, it was excluded from the physical inventory.(d) On December 31, 2020, there were goods in transit to customers, with terms FOB shipping point, amounting to K800 (expected delivery on January 8, 2021). Because the goods had been shipped, they were excluded from the physical inventory count.(e) On December 31, 2020, Nthanda Company shipped K2,500 worth of goods to a customer, FOB destination. The goods arrived on January 5, 2020. Because the goods were not on hand, they were not included in the physical inventory count.(f) Nthanda Company, as the consignee, had goods on consignment that cost K3,000. Because these goods were on hand as of December 31, 2020, they were included in the physical inventory count.Requiredi. Pass an analysis of the above information and calculate a correct amount for the ending inventory. Give explanation of the basis for your treatment of each item. 4) What is the perimeter of a square that has an area of 262.44 feet? He measured the pools dimensions to be 15 feet long by 35 feet wide. The actual dimensions of the pool are 14.5 feet by 34.75 feet. Find Jacks percent error to the nearest percent. 538 divided by 6 pls help me Find a formula for the exponential function passing through the points43,and (1,20)125f(x) - is there any physical qulitiesin the paintingstarry night Question 33.1. Explain the following terms3.1.1. Common land3.1.2. Enclosure system PLEASE HELPP ME IM GONNA FAIL 1A baroque musicians often don't play exactly what is written on the page.TrueOFalseOThe two main styles of Baroque music were the German and the English.O TrueFalseMusic has been written down in the same notation for hundreds of years.TrueFalse Find the average number of people in these cities: New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Detroit a. 3.35 million b. 40 million. C. 4.0 million d. 33.million Read the excerpt from "The Night the Bed Fell."I suppose that the high-water mark of my youth in Columbus, Ohio, was the night the bed fell on my father. It makes a better recitation (unless, as some friends of mine have said, one has heard it five or six times) than it does a piece of writing, for it is almost necessary to throw furniture around, shake doors, and bark like a dog, to lend the proper atmosphere and verisimilitude to what is admittedly a somewhat incredible tale. Still, it did take place.Which word best describes the tone of this passage?humorousromanticsomberadventurous The Spanish version of Michelle Obama's book,Becoming, is 528 pages long. The number of pages inthe Spanish version of the book is 32% greater than thenumber of pages in the English version. How manypages are in the English version of Michelle Obama'sbook? g Consider a pure sample of a radioactive isotope with a mass number of (46 A). If the sample has mass of (25.0 B) micrograms and the isotope has a half-life of (4.50 C)x106 years, determine the decay rate for the sample. Give your answer in decays/second and with 3 significant figures. Grandma received 0.25 liters of medicine from her doctor. The directions asked her to take one teaspoonful 3 times daily until it is finished. A full teaspoon has a capacity of 4 ml. Grandma started taking her medicine on November 20th. What date should the medicine finish? A stop sign is in the shape of a regular octagon. A regular octagon can be created using eight triangles of equal area. One triangle that makes up the stop sign has a base of 15 inches and a height of 18 inches. Calculate the area of the stop sign.a.1000 sq. inc.980 sq.inb.1080 sq. ind.1200 sq. in What must students do with the 10 grid-ins on the math section of the PSAT?A. Mark the correct answer on a gridB. Mark the incorrect answer on a gridC. Arrive at an answer by creating a gridD. Arrive at an answer and put it in a grid