The process used to break down a carbohydrate?


Answer 1

Answer: Digestion of carbohydrates is performed by several enzymes. Starch and glycogen are broken down into glucose by amylase and maltase. Sucrose (table sugar) and lactose (milk sugar) are broken down by sucrase and lactase, respectively.

Answer 2

Answer:Digestion of carbohydrates is performed by several enzymes. Starch and glycogen are broken down into glucose by amylase and maltase. Sucrose (table sugar) and lactose (milk sugar) are broken down by sucrase and lactase, respectively.


Related Questions

What is the difference between atherosclerosis and multiple sclerosis?


Arteries harden and narrow as a result of atherosclerosis, which develops as cholesterol plaques line the artery over time. Your arteries could become blocked, which could endanger blood flow. Whereas, a potentially crippling condition of the brain and spinal cord is multiple sclerosis (MS) (central nervous system).

The arteries become thicker or harder due to atherosclerosis. It is brought on by a buildup of plaque in the artery's inner lining. Deposits of fatty materials, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and fibrin make up plaque. As it accumulates in the arteries, the arterial walls stiffen and thicken.

Myelin, the protective sheath that protects nerve fibers, is attacked by the immune system in Multiple Sclerosis, which impairs brain-to-body communication. The condition may eventually result in nerve fiber degeneration or irreversible injury.

Know more about brain here


Which of the following are normal functions of the adult spleen?

a. phagocytosis of old eythrocytes
b. phagocytosis of bacteria
c. act as a reservoir for platelets


The adult spleen performs the following normal functions: phagocytosis of old erythrocytes; phagocytosis of microorganisms; and acting as a reservoir for platelets.

Bacteria are considered one of the prokaryotes, or unicellular living forms, because they lack a membrane-bound nucleus and other internal components. Like all living things, bacteria require food for development and energy. What do bacteria eat, though? Well, a lot of bacteria consume sugars and starches, which are present in almost all organic stuff. They are to blame for a number of infectious ailments, including tooth decay, diphtheria, syphilis, tuberculosis, erythrocytes and pneumonia. Some bacteria cause the destruction of cellulose, which obliterates textiles, wooden objects, and canvas.

Learn more about Bacteria here:


Q6.7 . During many epidemics, health-care professionals emphasize the importance of community mitigation strategies, such as wearing masks, frequent hand-washing and social distancing. Why is it important for people to adopt these strategies? These strategies are only effective with full compliance, so everyone must be encouraged to practice them. These strategies are the best way to reduce the length of time that a person is able to transmit disease These strategies help reduce transmission, even when drug-based treatments and vaccines are unavailable. These strategies help the population achieve herd immunity, which doesn"t require that everyone is immune.


Even in the absence of vaccinations and drug-based therapies, these methods aid in reducing transmission.

A traditional model of illness transmission within a population is the SIR model. Although it may be altered to take into consideration a number of crucial population dynamics, including the death rate, immigration as well as birth rate, recovery, or immunity, even the most straightforward model has significant public health implications. The likelihood of infection each contact event and the number of contacts between susceptible and infected people. Before eating or touching your eye, nose, or mouth, wash your hands. After interacting with someone who is sniffling, coughing, or blowing their nose, wash your hands. Never share anything that might be infected with respiratory infections, including towels, lipstick, toys, and other items.

Learn more about  vaccinations


Which of the following events occur in the hypothalamus of a mouse brain expressing channelrhodopsin when the blue light is switched on?

a. Channelrhodopsin is activated and opened
b. Na+ floods into the neuron.
c. The neuron membrane is depolarized.


The correct option is (a) i.e. Channel rhodopsin is activated and opened, events occur in the hypothalamus of a mouse brain expressing channel-rhodopsin when the blue light is switched on.

A region of the brain called the hypothalamus has a lot of tiny nuclei with various roles. The pituitary gland connects the neurological system to the endocrine system, which is one of its most crucial roles. The hypothalamus, which is located below the thalamus, is a part of the limbic system. According to neuroanatomic nomenclature, it comprises the ventral region of the diencephalon. Every vertebrate has a hypothalamus in their brain. In individuals, it is the size of an almond. The hypothalamus regulates some metabolic processes as well as the functions of the autonomic nervous system. Certain neurohormones it generates and releases are referred to as releasing hormones or hypothalamus hormones, and they either stimulate or inhibit the pituitary's ability to secrete hormones. The hypothalamus is split into three regions in a parasagittal plane (supraoptic, tuberal, and mammillary), indicating an anterior-posterior placement; and three regions in a coronal plane (periventricular, medial, and lateral), indicating a medial-lateral placement. The hypothalamic nuclei are located in these specific areas and locations. It is present in all vertebrate nervous systems.

To know more about hypothalamus please refer:


joan was bitten by a chihuahua when she was 5 years old. as a result, she is now afraid of all dogs, no matter the breed. what is this an example of? multiple choice question.


This is an example of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is a type of learning based on associations between stimuli and responses. In this case, Joan was exposed to a negative stimulus (being bitten by a Chihuahua) and as a result, she has developed an irrational fear of all dogs, regardless of breed.

Classical conditioning works by pairing a neutral stimulus (in this case, all dogs, regardless of breed) with an unpleasant stimulus (being bitten by a Chihuahua). After multiple exposures to this pairing, the neutral stimulus (all dogs) becomes associated with the unpleasant stimulus (being bitten by a Chihuahua). As a result, the individual will experience a conditioned response (in this case, fear) when exposed to the neutral stimulus.

Joan’s fear of all dogs is an example of classical conditioning. This type of learning is based on associations between stimuli and responses. In this case, Joan was exposed to an unpleasant stimulus (being bitten by a Chihuahua) and as a result, she has developed an irrational fear of all dogs, regardless of breed.

Learn more about classical conditioning at :


What are the possible things that might happen if the principles of FITT is not followed?


If used properly, FITT really does provide you the power to exert exactly the right amount of pressure to advance without jeopardizing your health. Additionally, it lessens your chance of getting sick.

How is the FITT Principle defined?

The acronym FITT (volume, effort, time, and type) might help you recall the essential components of a fitness program. It's crucial to bear in mind each household person's fitness objectives will vary depending on their age, sex, level of fitness, and access to resources.

According to the given question:

In order to develop fitness goals that are appropriate for each individual's level of fitness, the FITT concept should be combined with cardiorespiratory endurance.

Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type are the letters that make up the acronym FITT. The exercise prescription provided to help people determine how long they should exercise is known as the FITT principles.

Learn more about FITT here:


What are the main issues of concerning about genetic engineering?


The main issues of concerning about genetic engineering are:

Potential as well as unknown environmental impacts- It is impossible to deny that genetic engineering has played a significant role in the sustainability of foods and life on Earth, but negative consequences also await. Nobody can predict the environmental effects of genetically modified crops or animals. This may result in ecological imbalance and the extinction of another. A minor engineering mishap can have a negative impact on the environment, causing major problems later on. Any error in the genetics of bacteria and viruses can result in a stronger type that causes widespread damage, not only to crops but also to animals and humans. These potential errors could be fatal.

Human risks- If viral vectors are inserted inside the body and carry functional genes, they can cause unknown health conditions that can be fatal, as well as susceptibility to viruses and any form of disease if engineered incorrectly. The new food supply may also contain new allergens as a result of genetic engineering. Transgenic crops can introduce allergens into foods that humans do not know how to avoid.

To know more about the genetic engineering, here


suppose friendly ants fed on sugary droplets excreted from a caterpillar, but did nothing to help the caterpillar. assuming that taking the sugar does not hurt the caterpillar, what type of symbiotic relationship is this?


This is a symbiotic partnership of the commercial kind. When two organisms of different species operate together, they are said to be in a mutualistic relationship since they both gain from it.

What is an illustration of reciprocity?

An illustration of a mutualistic relationship is the one between an animal called an oxpecker and a rhinoceros or zebra. Ticks and other skin-living parasites are eaten by oxpeckers when they settle on rhinos or zebras. The oxpeckers are fed, and the animals are protected from pests.

What does a mutualistic symbiosis look like in practice?

In the warm waters of the Pacific or Indian Oceans, we would most certainly see a wonderful illustration of mutualism: the connection between water life and clownfish anemones. The mutualistic relationship is advantageous to both species. Living affixed to coral reef surfaces are sea anemones.

To know more about symbiotic relationship visit:-


Breathing is controlled solely by the medulla oblongata and pons. FALSEThe rate of oxygen diffusion is affected by the pressure gradient of carbon dioxide. FALSEAccording to the Bohr effect, a low level of oxyhemoglobin enables the blood to transport more CO 2 .FALSEHemoglobin releases the same amount of oxygen to all the tissues regardless of variations in their metabolic rate. FALSE(could you explain these questions? thank you. )


In the lungs' millions of alveoli and the capillaries that surround them, gas exchange occurs. As seen in the diagram below, breathed oxygen travels from the alveoli to the capillaries' blood, while carbon dioxide travels from the capillaries' blood to the air in the alveoli.

Oxygen is carried by the air we breathe, which raises the amount of oxygen in the blood that circulates throughout the body. The blood's levels of carbon dioxide rise as it travels back to the lungs, discharging it from there and into the atmosphere. In order to increase the rate of diffusion, breathing in and out (a ventilation mechanism) maintains a sharp concentration gradient between the oxygen (and carbon dioxide) in the alveoli and the blood.

Learn more about alveoli here


Around 50,000 rainforest species go extinct every year.


The given statement is True....sadly

Describe one path carbon can take through the environment (through the systems and bodies of living things and back in our land, oceans, and atmosphere). Be sure to include at least five specific places that the carbon atom can be found as it makes its cycle.


Carbon is stored on our planet in the following major sinks :

(1) as organic molecules in living and dead organisms found in the biosphere.

(2) as the gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

(3) as organic matter in soils.

(4) in the lithosphere as fossil fuels and sedimentary rock deposits such as limestone dolomite and chalk.

(5) in the oceans as dissolved atmospheric carbon dioxide and as calcium carbonate shells in marine organisms.

How long does it take for a vaccine to be effective?



Typically for most or any vaccination you get it can take up to two weeks to get the full protection or the effects of it.

Where is the least painful tattoo spot?


The least painful tattoo spot are areas of your body with fewer nerve endings.

While most individuals focus on the site of pain, Stanley Kovak, a cosmetic specialist, believes that pain is more about size. The more you work on the body and the longer you work on it, the more it pains. When a tattoo is very elaborate, it necessitates additional shading, color, and different types of needles, all of which enhance tattoo discomfort.

While the ribs and throat are often highly painful, any individual you meet who has a tattoo will most likely give you a different response as to what hurts the most. After all, pain level and pain tolerance are both subjective, and what is lethal to one person may be a blip on the radar for another.

Learn more about Tattoo at


Click to select the behaviors that support weight management Eat breakfast Take weight loss supplements advertised on Infomercials Keep a food journal Restrict energy intake to less than 1200 kcal/day Pack healthy snacks for a long day on campus Reduce energy intake by about 500 kcal per day Avold weighing oneself on a scale Plan physical activity into the day


The behaviors that support weight management are:

a) Eat breakfast

c) Keep a food journal

e) Pack healthy snacks for a long day on campus

h) Plan physical activity into the day

Weight management can be described as the strategies that are implemented to control the weight of a person. Eating a healthy breakfast helps in weight management as it keeps you energetic and full.

Keeping a food journal helps you in tracking the food that you have eaten and your calorie intake and helps in weight management. Packing healthy snacks when you know that you will have a long day outside helps in weight management as by doing so, you restrict yourself from eating junk outside. Physical activity in a day causes you to lose weight and hence helps you in weight management.

The question will correctly be written as:

Select the behaviors that support weight management

a) Eat breakfast

b) Take weight loss supplements advertised on Infomercials

c) Keep a food journal

d) Restrict energy intake to less than 1200 kcal/day

e) Pack healthy snacks for a long day on campus

f) Reduce energy intake by about 500 kcal per day

g) Avold weighing oneself on a scale

h) Plan physical activity into the day

To learn more about weight, click here:


body images of women please



Body images of women


Body images of women


Read the scientist’s journal entry from Saturday. Then, use all the journal entries to answer the questions that follow.

Saturday, August 29

I do not know for sure yet, but because this new species lays eggs, I am going to guess this species is a reptile. I will need make more observations to know for sure!

Friday, August 28

This new species is very interesting to observe. Its members seem naturally curious, and love investigating my hidden cameras. I might try to capture one in the future and see if I can teach it a new behavior. But for now, I don’t know if the population could afford to lose a member. They must be rare if no one has discovered one before. For now, its environment is doing well. I am seeing an increase in the butterfly population, which is allowing for an increase in the flowing plants, since the butterflies help to pollinate them.

Tuesday, August 25

I think I have discovered a new species! I found them while studying the area to see how a recent increase in rainstorms is affecting the environment. The change seems to have made the species more successful.

Below are my observations regarding the new species.

feeds on local butterflies

inflates itself when scared

lays eggs

lives close to a lake

burrows in the ground

appears to have a greenish-brown skin color

communicates through sounds

If the scientist is correct and the new species is a reptile, how would the new species maintain homeostasis?


A number of control systems that operate at the organ, tissue, or cellular level work together to maintain homeostasis

How do reptiles maintain homeostasis?Reptiles are ectothermic, which means they depend on their environment to regulate their body temperature, unlike mammals and birds maintain their body temperature through metabolic heat.For instance, the human body and that of other warm-blooded creatures maintain homeostasis by keeping an eye on and managing their internal water levels, body acidity, and temperatures. Osmoregulation is a process that regulates the body's water balance.A number of control systems that operate at the organ, tissue, or cellular level work together to maintain homeostasis. Substrate supply, individual enzyme and receptor activation or inhibition, enzyme synthesis and breakdown, and compartmentalization are some of these regulatory mechanisms.

To learn more about homeostasis refer,


What is the amino acid chain that was made in translation?


Protein is the amino acid chain that was made in translation.

Translation is the process by which ribosomes in the cytoplasm or endoplasmic reticulum make proteins after the process of converting DNA to RNA in the cell's nucleus, as defined by molecular biology and genetics. Gene expression refers to the entire process.

The process of translating mRNA into the chain of amino acids that makes up the produced protein occurs on ribosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell. The ribosome is a complex molecule made up of numerous ribosomal RNA molecules, numerous proteins, and both tiny and big subunits. Initiation, elongation, and termination are the three phases of an mRNA molecule's translation by the ribosome.

To learn more about translation of proteins, here


Why genetically modified food is important?


Most existing genetically modified crops have been developed to increase yield by introducing resistance to plant diseases or increased herbicide tolerance.

Genetically modified foods, as well known as genetically engineered foods as well as bioengineered foods, seem to be foods derived from organisms whose DNA has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. Genetic engineering techniques, when compared to previous methods such as selective breeding as well as mutation breeding, allow for the introduction of new abilities as well as greater control over traits. The twentieth-century discoveries of DNA and advances in genetic technology were crucial in the creation of transgenic technology.

Genes encrypting desired characteristics, including such higher nutrient levels, pesticide but also herbicide resistance, as well as the presence of therapeutic substances, have been frequently extracted but rather transferred to the target organisms, allowing them to survive and produce more. Consumers typically benefited in specific ways from increased utilisation value.

To learn more about genetically modified food, here


What is the difference between skin cells and nerve cells?



Skin cells are found in the outer part of the human body known as the integumentary system. They play a key role in protecting the body against damage from heat, light, pathogens and chemicals. Nerves are made up of excitable neurons, which transmit electrical and chemical signals throughout the nervous system.

How do you write a haiku about nature?



I don't really know what you mean but I'll tell you that a haiku is a 5,7,5 syllable stanza


For starters it does not have to rhyme

Ok now to the answer, remember this is a example try not to copy paste this or write it down changing two words.

The birds are singing

nature a beautiful thing

The wolves are hunting

there you go, I did not really try but this is just to give you a decent understanding of what it is.

Hope this helped :)

How would you describe 2 chromosomes that have the same genes in the same order?


A homologous pair of chromosomes has the same genes in the same order, but there may be variation between them, resulting in distinct alleles.

In genetics, homozygous means having inherited the same versions (alleles) of a genomic marker from both biological parents. As a result, a person who is homozygous for a genetic marker has two identical copies of that marker.

Before dividing into two cells, a cell copies all of its chromosomes. These duplicates, known as sister chromatids, are identical.

Homologous chromosomes are those that share the following characteristics: The similar structural characteristics (e.g. same size, same banding patterns, same centromere positions) The same genes are found at the same loci (while the genes are the same, alleles may be different)

Learn more about to chromosomes visit here;


How are MS and atherosclerosis related?


We propose that subclinical atherosclerosis may be related to age and MS per se. Inflammatory cytokines like Hs-CRP promote the creation and rupture of atherosclerotic plaques and enhance inflammatory cell infiltration, oxidative stress, and endothelial function.

describing what atherosclerosis and multiple sclerosis are. Both multiple sclerosis and atherosclerosis allude to the hardening of a biological tissue because they both utilise the word "sclerosis." In this respect, atherosclerosis and multiple sclerosis are comparable.

A deposit of plaque in the inner lining of an artery results in atherosclerosis, which is a thickening or hardening of the arteries. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, obesity, physical activity, and consumption of saturated fats are possible risk factors.

Learn more about to subclinical visit here;


What are the methods of prevention biological hazards in a hospital?


Biological hazards in hospitals can be a serious issue, ranging from the spread of infectious diseases to occupational exposure to hazardous materials. Fortunately, there are a number of methods of prevention that can reduce the risk of these threats.

One of the most effective methods of prevention is through rigorous hygiene protocols. All staff members must be trained in proper hand hygiene techniques, including the use of soap, water, and alcohol-based sanitizers. It is equally important that all surfaces, equipment, and tools are cleaned and disinfected regularly. Additionally, any waste materials should be disposed of properly to avoid cross-contamination.

Another key element of prevention is the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). All staff members must wear the appropriate PPE for their job, including masks, gloves, gowns, and eye protection. All staff must be aware of the correct way to put on and take off the PPE, and any contaminated PPE must be disposed of immediately.

Finally, it is essential that all hospital staff be aware of the risks of biological hazards and how to prevent them. This includes regular training on infection control practices and proper handling of hazardous materials. Regular monitoring and assessment of the hospital’s hygiene and safety protocols should also be conducted to ensure that all staff members are following the correct procedures.

By following these preventive measures, hospitals can significantly reduce the risk of biological hazards and maintain a safe and healthy environment for both patients and staff.

Learn more about Biological hazards at :


When blood plasma leaks out of the capillaries it is then called ______


Answer: extracellular fluid


What is the importance of coral reefs Studypool?


Corals are the minute underwater invertebrates and coral reefs are the colonies of these tiny oceanic living creatures.

These are formed of coral polyps that are held together by calcium carbonate. Coral rivers are important for many different reasons and they contain the most diverse ecosystems in the world. It saves coastal areas from the harmful effects of wave action and tropical cyclones. It also gives accommodation and shelter for many marine species. It is a source of nitrogen and other essential nutrients for seafood chains.

Coral reefs assist in carbon and nitrogen fixing and help with nutrient recycling. That is why many marine species live in coral reefs. Other reasons why they are so important include:1) The fishing industry relies on coral reefs because many fish breed there and young fish spend time there before heading to the open sea.2) The Great Barrier Reef generates more than $ 1.5 billion annually in the Australian economy, from fishing and tourism. A study of coral resources is essential to providing a clear, scientifically proven record of climate events over the past million years or more. This includes records of recent major storms and human impacts recorded by changes in coral growth patterns.

Read more about ecosystems:


What process during meiosis creates genetically different recombinant chromosomes?


Recombination Occurs During the Prolonged Prophase of Meiosis I.

Recombination normally occurs during meiosis in eukaryotic cells with nuclei and organelles. Prophase I is the longest and arguably the most important segment of meiosis, as recombination occurs at this interval. Over the years, cytologists have divided prophase I into several segments based on the appearance of meiotic chromosomes.

This type of genetic recombination is known as crossover and allows meiotic daughter cells to be genetically different from each other. Crossovers are only possible between homologous chromosomes. Recombination between maternal and paternal chromatids occurs during the pachytene stage, resulting in crossovers between homologous chromosomes.

To learn more about Recombination during Meiosis I, here


sarah is building a model of a strand of dna. she should show that the nucleotides are linked by covalent bonds between



nucleotides are covalently linked to one another via the formation of a bond ( called a phosphodiester bond ) between a free hydroxyl group attached to the suger of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of a second nucleotide.

Which of these is ATP?


It has 3 phosphate groups, a ribose molecule, and an adenine molecule of ATP. An amino acid is an organic monomer that is used to construct proteins.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a substance made up of adenosine and three phosphate groups, is hydrolyzed by enzymes to provide energy for numerous biochemical cellular activities.  Chemical energy is the type of energy found in ATP. Chemical energy is a kind of potential energy that is kept in chemical bonds as stored energy. Adenine nucleotides are joined to three phosphate groups to form the molecule known as ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. The energy in ATP is stored in the bonds between the phosphate groups. An organic substance known as a nucleotide is composed of three different subunits: a nucleobase, a sugar with five carbons, and a phosphate group.

The complete question is:

Which of these is ATP?

The structure of a molecule has 3 phosphate groups, a deoxyribose molecule, and a guanine molecule.

It has 3 phosphate groups, a deoxyribose molecule, and an adenine molecule.

It has 2 phosphate groups, a ribose molecule, and an adenine molecule.

It has 3 phosphate groups, a ribose molecule, and a thymine molecule.

It has 3 phosphate groups, a ribose molecule, and an adenine molecule.

Learn more about ATP


What are the factors affecting cell membrane transport?


Answer: There are several

1: The degree of hydrophobic vs polar properties of the molecule will determine if it needs a protein transporter or can diffuse across the membrane.

2: The concentration of the molecule will determine the direction of transport. If the molecule must be transported against its concentration gradient, energy is required.

3: For molecules needing a protein transporter, whether the cell actually makes that transporter will determine if that molecule can be transported.

Explanation: N/A

blood drains out of the spleen through the ______.


Answer: splenic vein


blood drains out of the spleen through the splenic vein.

What is a spleen?

In the top left side of your abdomen, behind your left ribcage, and next to your stomach, is the spleen, a fist-sized organ. Despite being a crucial component of your immune system, you can still exist without it. This is due to the fact that the liver may perform several spleen-related tasks.

The spleen may swell as a result of an infection or wound. Additionally, a condition like cirrhosis, leukemia, or rheumatoid arthritis might cause it to expand.

Thus, blood drains out of the spleen through the splenic vein. The supra pancreatic, intrapancreatic, and omental lymph nodes receive the splenic lymph nodes' drainage before going on to the coeliac nodes and cisterna chyli.

Learn more about the spleen, here:


Other Questions
to rewcord setimated uncoollectable accounts using the allowance method, the adjusting entry would be a What to numbers can equal 16? the 1960s african-american music genre that was intentionally crafted for crossover appeal to white audiences was: Your friend is having trouble writing the electron configuration for Nickel (Ni). In your own words describe how you would teach your friend how to write an electron configuration, and then write the configuration for Ni. What causes magnetic stripes on the seafloor ? Part A Find the y-intercept and slope of the line. How does a healthy community affect you? Consider two securities, a and b. security a and b have a correlation coefficient of 0.65. security a has standard deviation of 12, and security b has standard deviation of 25. calculate the covariance between these two securities.a. 300b. 461.54c. 261.54d. 195e. 200 A 3.20 kg fish is attached to the lower end of a vertical spring that has negligible mass and force constant 850 N/m . The spring initially is neither stretched nor compressed. The fish is released from rest.What is its speed after it has descended 0.0490 m from its initial position? Read the excerpt from The Secret Chimneys by Agatha Christie. Then, answer the question that follows.Anthony had said that he believed another attempt to resume the search would be made. Nevertheless, he did not expect that the attempt would be made from outside. He believed that Virginia had been correct in her guess that someone had passed her in the dark the night before, and as he stood in the shadow of an old oak dresser it was towards the door and not the window that his eyes were directed. Virginia was crouching behind a figure in armour on the opposite wall, and Bill was by the window.The minutes passed, at interminable length. One o'clock chimed, then the half-hour, then two, then another half-hour. Anthony felt stiff and cramped. He was coming slowly to the conclusion that he had been wrong. No attempt would be made to-night.And then he stiffened suddenly, all his senses on the alert. He had heard a footstep on the terrace outside. Silence again, then a low scratching noise at the window. Suddenly it ceased, and the window swung open. A man stepped across the sill into the room.He stood quite still for a moment, peering round as though listening. After a minute or two, seemingly satisfied, he switched on a torch he carried, and turned it rapidly round the room. Apparently he saw nothing unusual. The three watchers held their breath.He went over to the same bit of panelled wall he had been examining the night before.And then a terrible knowledge smote Bill. He was going to sneeze! The wild race through the dew-laden park the night before had given him a chill. All day he had sneezed intermittently. A sneeze was due now, and nothing on earth would stop it.He adopted all the remedies he could think of. He pressed his upper lip, swallowed hard, threw back his head and looked at the ceiling. As a last resort he held his nose, and pinched it violently. It was of no avail. He sneezed.A stifled, checked, emasculated sneeze, but a startling sound in the deadly quiet of the room.The stranger sprang round, and in the same minute Anthony acted. He flashed on his torch, and jumped full for the stranger. In another minute they were down on the floor together."Lights," shouted Anthony.Virginia was ready at the switch. The lights came on true and full to-night. Anthony was on top of his man, Bill leant down to give him a hand."And now," said Anthony, "let's see who you are, my fine fellow."Which word best represents the mood of the passage? A-Amazement B-Joy C-Suspense Which line(s) from the passage best reflects the mood you selected? D-It was of no avail. He sneezed. E-"And now," said Anthony, "let's see who you are, my fine fellow." 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