Spanish homework help

1. Me encantan las bebidas calientes. Por la mañana no me puede faltar un___________

2. No le pongas mucha azúcar a mi café. Solamente una ___________


Answer 1


1. cafe 2. cucharada


you can do cuchara for number 2 too

Answer 2
1. Café
2. Cucharada

Related Questions

Write in Spanish the following using the informal command form.

Pay attention in class!

Have patience!

Go to the library!

Come to my house.

Tell the truth!

Get out of the car!



¡Presta atención a la clase!

¡Ten paciencia!

¡Ve a la biblioteca!

Ven a mi casa

¡Di la verdad!

¡Sal del carro!


Pon atención en clase!

Ten paciencia!

Ve a la librería!

Ven a mi casa.

Di la verdad!

Sal de mi auto!

Por lo general, el invierno es
el verano.
A. más, de
B. tan, como
C. menos, como
D. más, que



D. más, que



In general, winter is more colder than summer.

Hope this helps!

D. mas ,que
Por lo general el invierno es mas frío que el verano

Después de llorar, Ana se
O puso


I believe its puso :)


the other one doesnt make much sense

Puso. The other one doesn’t make sense

Write the appropriate preterite form of either SER, IR, or HACER in the blank to complete
Each sentence.



1. Fue
2. Fuimos
3. Fueron
4. Hicisteis
5. Hicieron
10. Hicimos
11. Fuiste
12. Hizo
13. Fue
14. Hicimos

Question 20
Choose whether the following sentence would be written in
the preterite or imperfect tense.
When she was a little girl, she used to write poetry.






Help pleaseeeeeeeeeeee



1. A. Mi tia

2. a. mi hermana

3. b. mis primos

4. b. mis abuelos

5. b. tu familia


1. mi tia es la hermana de mi madre : my aunt is my mother's sister.

2. la hija de mis padres es mi hermana : my parent's daughter is my sister.

3. los hijos de mis tios son mis primos : my uncles/aunts children are my cousins.

4. los padres de mis padres son mis abuelos. my parent's parents are my grandparents.

5. me gusta mucho pasar un rato con mi familia. Y tu? Como es tu familia? : I like spending time with my family. Do you also like to spend time with your family? How is your family like?

A, A, B, B, B

please decide based on the context of the sentence wether to change the verb in the parentheses to the present or past progressive .
Ellas estaban___(construir) una casa.


ellas estaban construyendo una casa.

1. Normalmente, las personas se lavan el pelo en la ducha
2. Los chicos siempre se afeitan con pastillas.
3. Si tienes una silla, te sientes. Si tienes dolor, te sientas mal.
4. Cuando las chicas están en la juventud nunca se maquillan.
5. Me visto antes de desayunar. Si hace frío, antes de salir, me pongo un abrigo.


1 lógico
2 ilógico
3 lógico
5 lógico

Complete with the correct form of the present progressive tense for the verb
In parentheses. Remember, this is a two part verb: estar present participle (-
andol-lendo), so be sure to write two words. Do not use capital letters.
Mis padres
un viaje a Europa en noviembre (hacer)

Los pasajeros
__ del vuelo procedente de Buenos Aires. (salir)
4 points

Mis amigos y yo
al aeropuerto en taxi. (llegar)

el equipaje ahora. (traer)

Yo ____ la salida de mi vuelo (esperar)
4 points


Mis padres hicieron  un viaje a Europa en noviembre (hacer)

Los pasajeros  salieron del vuelo procedente de Buenos Aires. (salir)

Mis amigos y yo  llegamos al aeropuerto en taxi. (llegar)

Trae el equipaje ahora. (traer)

Yo espere la salida de mi vuelo (esperar)


The first person is correct!
I read it through and it should be correct!

Quiero que comas algo ligero esta noche, así que no tomes comida procesada o bebas batidos.

¿Qué verbo en subjuntivo se usa en una expresión de influencia?




pls dont answer w a link





It’s Quiero I speak Spanish lol




English: This person admired the nature around them and it amazed them so much that it 'hit them in their soul'. The earth and sun was so beautiful that it made them believe in God.


um if u need translation it is Today the earth and the heavens smile at me today it reaches the bottom of my soul the sun today I have seen it I have seen it and it has looked at me Today I believe in God


Answers to " prueba de comprension y analysis dos palabras


comprehension and analysis test two words

pleaseeeee helpppp

Conjugate the verb JUGAR in the following sentences.
Ellos __________ baloncesto todos los días. *
4 points
Nosotros ____________ video juegos todas las noches. *


Answer: Ellos juegan baloncesto todos los días.

Nosotros jugamos video juego todas las noches.


Donde un auto produce menos friccion en una carretera con hielo o en una sin hielo​



En una carretera con hielo.


please help me please !



1) tomó

2) Ellas bajaron (feminine)

Ellos bajaron (mascular)

3) buscada

4) habló

5) ingresó

6) Ellas corrieron

7) caminado

8) Ellas fueron

9) tenida

10) fueron


I wasnt sure on some of them but i tried...

Hope it helped!

8. What is the main source of light on earth?
Light bulbs
Fluorescent lights​



The sun


It is the ultimate source of power for the entire solar system (Including Earth)

Sun is the main source for light on earth

Question 15
Choose the correct clue word based on the verb conjugation and tense given.
o de vez en cuando



de vez en cuando


pleaseeeee helppp
Juan / aprender *

está aprendando
está aprender
estás aprendiendo
está aprendiendo

Los profesores *




Juan está aprendiendo

los profesores están

Juan esta aprendiendo
Los profesores estan

(05.01 MC)
Lee la lectura y escoge la mejor respuesta. Read the excerpt and choose the best option.
Nos habituamos Irene y yo a persistir solos en ella, lo que era una locura pues en esa casa
podían vivir ocho personas sin estorbarse. Hacíamos la limpieza por la mañana,
levantándonos a las siete, y a eso de las once yo le dejaba a Irene las últimas habitaciones por
repasar y me iba a la cocina. Almorzábamos al mediodía, siempre puntuales: ya no quedaba
nada por hacer fuera de unos platos sucios. Nos resultaba grato almorzar pensando en la
casa profunda y silenciosa y cómo nos bastábamos para mantenerla limpia. A veces
llegábamos a creer que era ella la que no nos dejó casarnos. Irene rechazó a dos
pretendientes sin mayor motivo, a mí se me murió María Esther antes de que llegáramos a
-Casa tomada por Julio Cortázar
¿Cómo puedes clasificar esta obra de literatura? (1 point)


La pregunta está incompleta y la versión completa se puede encontrar en Internet.


Hay pocos protagonistas, y un argumento simple, podemos adivinar que es un cuento corto.


Por lo que se puede ver en este fragmento del cuento, no se trata de un texto escrito ni en verso ni en prosa, ya que no hay ninguna musicalidad en la organización de las palabras. Con lo cual, las opciones que proponen esas características como elementos que permiten clasificar esta obra son erróneas. A su vez, contrario a lo que indica la tercer opción, no hay muchos protagonistas, lo cual queda claro cuando el narrador explica que en la casa sólo viven él e Irene. Tal como lo indica la cuarta opción, hay pocos protagonistas, y se trata de un argumento simple, parte del que efectivamente es un cuento corto.


Los protagonistas dedican mucho tiempo a la casa grande y no tienen una vida afuera de la casa.


Got it right

is this correct if not correct me.​


Good morning, This is correct
It’s fine and are you in college

Conjugate the verb PODER in the following sentences.
__________ tú ir a la tienda?



¿Puedes tú ir a la tienda?


Hi there!

the verb "poder" means "to be able to", or "can"

Poder is an irregular verb; when conjugated in the yo, tú, Él/ella/usted, and ustedes form of the verb.

When it's conjugated in those forms, the o in poder gets changed to ue

for example, if we were to conjugate poder into the yo form:

as we're doing yo, we change the stem of -er to -o

I can= yo puedo

the same thing would happen for tú, which is the form we want

as it's in tú, we change -er to -es

therefore "you can" is "tú puedes"

*in questions, typically the verb comes first, then the subject.  The same thing happenes in English. If you were to ask someone if they can do something, you would ask "Can you do this?" instead of "You can do this?" The same thing happenes in Spanish; the conjugation is still the same though.

Replace the _____ with "puedes"

therefore, the sentence with conjugated poder will be:

¿Puedes tú ir a la tienda?

Hope this helps!

¿Puedes tú ir a la tienda?

El verbo está en indicativo presente. Se utiliza para hablar/preguntar en forma presente.


Question 6
1 pts
The preterite and imperfect tenses are both used to talk about actions that occurred
in the past.





Preterite Tense- is used to refer to a single event that happened at a specific point of time or had a specific duration in the past

Imperfect Tense- is used to describe ongoing events or events without a specific time period in the past.

its False bestie, good luck

El señor Calvo va a acompañar a algunos científicos a estudiar la naturaleza de su región. Completa lo que dice con la forma correcta del futuro del verbo apropiado.

Mañana (nosotros) (18) (llegar/salir) para el campo a

las nueve. Primero el doctor Herrera

(19) (devolver/recoger) unas muestras (samples) de

tierra. Más tarde, en su laboratorio, los científicos las

(20) (poner/valer) bajo un microscopio para estudiarlas

mejor. Mientras tanto, los asistentes del doctor Herrera

(21) (morder/ir) al bosque para analizar la condición de

los árboles. ¿Y yo? Yo no (22) (querer/hacer) mucho;

sólo (23) (observar/destruir) el trabajo de ellos.




Mañana saldremos para el campo a las nueve. Primero el doctor Herrera recogera unas muestras (samples) de

tierra. Más tarde, en su laboratorio, los científicos las pondrán bajo un microscopio para estudiarlas mejor. Mientras tanto, los asistentes del doctor Herrera irán al bosque para analizar la condición de los árboles. ¿Y yo? Yo no haré mucho; sólo observaré el trabajo de ellos.

Que relación hay entre los campos magnéticos y campos eléctricos?



La electricidad y el magnetismo son dos fenómenos relacionados producidos por la fuerza electromagnética. Juntos, forman electromagnetismo. Una carga eléctrica en movimiento genera un campo magnético. Un campo magnético induce el movimiento de la carga eléctrica, produciendo una corriente eléctrica.

Which of the following sentences uses the participial phrase correctly?

a Janet followed her mother into the store squealing loudly.
b Janet squealed loudly and followed her mother into the large store.
c Janet squealed loudly and followed her mother into the large store.
d When Janet followed her mother into the store, she squealed loudly.



The answer is A.


The rest sound weird or don't make sense. A. is also the most concise

A is grammatically correct and fits the situation well.

Screenshot for question is below





may i speak with =podria hablar con

who am i speaking with=con quien hablo

to dial=*marcar

to answer= contestar


contestar: to answer

podria hablar con: may i speak with

marcar: to dial

con quien hablo: who am i speaking with


yeet tater potater fried taters


yeet tater potater fried taters


haters gonna hate on them tatersss

lol i feel like a sack of potatoes

anyways have a nice day

Practice stem-changing verbs.

La camisa ____________ (costar) $ 25.

Ellos _______________ (preferir) Pepsi que Coca Cola.



1. cuesta

2. prefieren


1. cuesta 2. prefieren

(05.03 LC)
Lee y escoge la opción con la forma correcta del condicional para completar la frase. Read
and choose the option with the correct form of the conditional to complete the sentence.
Si yo fuera el presidente, los senadores más leyes (1 point)





I would

plaseeeeee helppppppppp

Conjugate the verb DORMIR in the following sentences.
Mis padres ___________ en el dormitorio de la izquierda. *
4 points
Mi hermanita ___________ en el dormitorio de la derecha. *
4 points
Yo ___________ muy bien. *
4 points
Nosotros ____________ por ocho horas. *
4 points



Mis padres durmieron en el dormitorio de la izquierda. *

4 points

Mi hermanita durmió en el dormitorio de la derecha. *

4 points

Yo dormí muy bien. *

4 points

Nosotros dormimos por ocho horas

Other Questions
Classify this triangle by its sides. My cousin has been to my house dozens of times yet he got lostwhile he was on his way over for dinner last week. which organ is responsible for helping to keep the water concentration equal on each side of the cell membrane?(please help I've been stuck on this for 2 days) Respond to the following question in a complete sentence or sentences. What is your favorite time of day? Why? How are the electron structures of carbon (C) and oxygen (O) similar? PLEASE HELP Pleaseee help me with this i need this is like my last question TwT Read the excerpt from act 2, scene 1, of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.[PORTIA.] Youve ungently, Brutus,Stole from my bed; and yesternight at supperYou suddenly arose, and walked aboutMusing and sighing, with your arms across,And when I asked you what the matter was,You stared upon me with ungentle looks.I urged you further; then you scratched your head,And too impatiently stamped with your foot.Yet I insisted, yet you answered not,But with an angry wafture of your handGave sign for me to leave you. So I did,Fearing to strengthen that impatienceWhich seemed too much enkindled, and withalHoping it was but an effect of humour,Which sometime hath his hour with every man.It will not let you eat, nor talk, nor sleep,And could it work so much upon your shapeAs it hath much prevailed on your condition,I should not know you Brutus. Dear my lord,Make me acquainted with your cause of grief.BRUTUS. I am not well in health, and that is all.PORTIA. Brutus is wise, and, were he not in health,He would embrace the means to come by it. . . .You have some sick offence within your mindWhich by the right and virtue of my place,I ought to know of. And upon my knees,I charm you by my once-commended beauty,By all your vows of love, and that great vowWhich did incorporate and make us one,That you unfold to me, your self, your half,Why you are heavy, and what men tonightHave had resort to youfor here have beenSome six or seven, who did hide their facesEven from darkness.BRUTUS. Kneel not, gentle Portia. . . .You are my true and honourable wife,As dear to me as are the ruddy dropsThat visit my sad heart.What external conflict does Portia want Brutus to reveal to her?the struggle in his heart that is making him illthe reasons he is weighing for not sharing his concern with herthe cause for men to be lurking in darkness and what possible threat they pose to Portia and Brutusthe attitudes he holds about their marriage and his beliefs about his vows Which statements about the triangles are correct? Select TWO answer choices that apply.A Triangle P is similar to triangle Q.B Triangle P is a reflection and rotation of triangle Q.C Triangle P is congruent to triangle Q.D Triangle P is a reflection and a dilation of triangle Q.E Triangle P is a dilation and a 180 rotation of triangle Q. The study of evolutionary relationships that includes a branching pattern showing lineages diverging is called... * Why was Western Arkansas and the Indian lands of modern day Oklahoma so lawless and wild? What made this area a perfect spot for criminals? why should you avoid large gatherings during the co vid period, explain in full details.try to avoid short answerings What school assignment might require you to integrate information from two different sources?a: a book review b: a personal narrative c: a research report d:a short story Robins are birds that sing to attract mates. Two male robins, Robin A and Robin B, are both singing to attract females. Robin A has more songs, which the females find more attractive.Which option is likely to happen?Select one:Robin B will have an easier time finding a mate.Both robins will have an easier time finding a mate.Robin A will have an easier time finding a mate.Both robins will have a more difficult time finding a mate. What is an example of Chemical energy to thermal energy to electrical current? A middle school coach wrote down the time, in seconds, of her students 100-meter dash as shown in the table. Student Time -(seconds ) Gary 11.9 Rick 12.3 Phillip 13.5 Jorge 12.0 Robert 12.3 Jeremy 16.0 If the slowest time and the fastest time are removed from the data, how does the new mean compare to the mean of the .. 10 points for each answer brainliest as wellBased on the Nebular theory, which of these is a step in the formation of the center of a new planetary system?A. evaporation of condensed gases due to heatB. combination of condensed gases due to gravityC. contraction of condensed gases due to nuclear fissionD. expansion of condensed gases due to nuclear fission What are some differences between the inner coastal Plain, Outer coastal plain, piedmont, and mountains of the southeast? (Please Help me Fast) Can someone prove 1+cosx/1+secx=cosxwith all the steps included?Please and thank you. Jill and John each had a candy bar. Jill at of the candy bar and John at 3/8 of his candy bar. Who ate the most? Which is the perimeter of the shape? (1 point)