Respond to the following questions to analyze the figurative language in the poem “Casey at the bat” by Ernest Lawrence Thayer.

Part B

A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison by implying that two different things have something in
common. Note one example of a metaphor in the poem. Then, in one to two sentences, explain what two things are
being compared

Respond To The Following Questions To Analyze The Figurative Language In The Poem Casey At The Bat By


Answer 1
The image of what you are talking about isn’t loading for me

Related Questions

the first one is a demonstration so can someone do the second one for me please thank you.


def- to make someone nervous or feel imitated
ex. the people on the news make me feel agitated
char. nervous, fear, troubled
no ex. calm, happy,

I'm a little confused, but I'm gonna try best to help. Sorry if it's incorrect.


Definition: make (someone) troubled or nervous

Characteristics: typically people agitate others for attention, but some agitate other people because of mental disorders, such as depression or anxiety, which may leave them restless, which leads to agitating other people to relieve the restlessness

Examples: scratching your nails on a chalkboard, disturbing someone when they're at work, throwing a tantrum at the movie theater

Non-examples: Staying in your room when you get grounded, keeping silent when the teacher tells you to be quiet, leaving your parents alone when they ask for alone time

write a complete sentence using the word purist.



When it comes to Christmas traditions, my mother is an absolute purist.



The elderly purist would complain to the minister of the church when she would see a speck of dirt on the pew.

Dressed in a suit and tie, the purist raised his hand every time to answer each question the teacher asked.

Any time the children would try to trick their mom into letting them go to bed late, the purist of the family would always point out that their bedtime was at 9:30.

Having a purist at the game table meant that nobody could cheat or change the game in any way.

please help <3 tysm! :3


La correcto Es c espero que te haya ayudado
the correct answer is B

Read the play.

The Beggar and the King

by Winthrop Parkhurst

[A chamber in the palace overlooks a courtyard. The season is midsummer. The windows of the palace are open, and from a distance there comes the sound of a man's voice crying for bread.]

[THE KING sits in a golden chair. A golden crown is on his head, and he holds in his hand a sceptre which is also of gold. A SERVANT stands by his side, fanning him with an enormous fan of peacock feathers.]

THE BEGGAR: (outside) Bread. Bread. Bread. Give me some bread.

THE KING: (languidly) Who is that crying in the street for bread?

THE SERVANT: (fanning) O king, it is a beggar.

THE KING: Why does he cry for bread?

THE SERVANT: O king, he cries for bread in order that he may fill his belly.

THE KING: I do not like the sound of his voice. It annoys me very much. Send him away.

THE SERVANT: (bowing) O king, he has been sent away.

THE KING: If that is so, then why do I hear his voice?

THE SERVANT: O king, he has been sent away many times, yet each time that he is sent away he returns again, crying louder than he did before.

THE KING: He is very unwise to annoy me on such a warm day. He must be punished for his impudence. Use the lash on him.

THE SERVANT: O king, it has been done.

THE KING: Then bring out the spears.

THE SERVANT: O king, the guards have already bloodied their swords many times driving him away from the palace gates. But it is of no avail.

THE KING: Then bind him and gag him if necessary. If need be cut out his tongue. I do not like the sound of the fellow's voice. It annoys me very much.

THE SERVANT: O king, thy orders were obeyed even yesterday.

THE KING: (frowning) No. That cannot be. A beggar cannot cry for bread who has no tongue.

THE SERVANT: Behold he can—if he has grown another.

THE KING: What! Why, men are not given more than one tongue in a lifetime. To have more than one tongue is treason.

THE SERVANT: If it is treason to have more than one tongue, O king, then is this beggar surely guilty of treason?

THE KING: (pompously) The punishment for treason is death. See to it that the fellow is slain. And do not fan me so languidly. I am very warm.

THE SERVANT: (fanning more rapidly) Behold, O great and illustrious king, all thy commands were obeyed even yesterday.

THE KING: How! Do not jest with thy king.

THE SERVANT: If I jest, then there is truth in a jest. Even yesterday, O king, as I have told thee, the beggar which thou now hearest crying aloud in the street was slain by thy soldiers with a sword.

THE KING: Do ghosts eat bread? Forsooth, men who have been slain with a sword do not go about in the streets crying for a piece of bread.

THE SERVANT: Forsooth, they do if they are fashioned as this beggar.

THE KING: Why, he is but a man. Surely he cannot have more than one life in a lifetime.

THE SERVANT: Listen to a tale, O king, which happened yesterday.

THE KING: I am listening.

THE SERVANT: Thy soldiers smote this beggar for crying aloud in the streets for bread, but his wounds are already healed. They cut out his tongue, but he immediately grew another. They slew him, yet he is now alive.

THE KING: Ah! That is a tale which I cannot understand at all.
In The Beggar and the King, what do the servant's responses to the king reveal about the servant?

He believes that the king is unfit to rule.

He is baffled by the beggar's return.

He is protective of the king's feelings.

He feels badly for the beggar's fate.


It’s A I think sorry if I’m wrong

1. Which statement identifies the central idea of the text? *
15 points
A. From a young age, Lloyd was encouraged to pursue sports and other activities uncommon for young girls.
B. Lloyd worked hard and overcame many challenges to become one of the top women in soccer.
C. Soccer is a sport built on teamwork, a skill that Lloyd had to develop before being accepted on the women's national team.
D. Lloyd was a natural athlete, and found the journey to succeeding in sports to be easy.

2. Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Question 1? *
15 points
A. “A minute and a half later, Lloyd collects a pass from teammate Julie Johnston and flips it into the net.” (Paragraph 2).
B. “She searched the neighborhood for tougher challenges, playing anyone who was willing. In a nearby soccer field, she practiced for hours.” (Paragraph 8).
C. “Her father convinced her to work with soccer trainer James Galanis. Soon, she was in six-hour practice sessions, year-round, in all kinds of weather.” (Paragraph 13).
D. “Despite injuries and setbacks, she has become the highest-scoring midfielder in U.S. women's soccer history.” (Paragraph 15).

3. What does the word "knack" mean when used in this sentence? Before the World Cup began, Lloyd described her knack for shining in big games. “There’s a switch that kind of goes off inside of me when there’s a big match,” *
15 points
A. A special ability to do something.
B. A small worthless object.
C. An expandable travel bag.
D. Freezing up under pressure.



1) B

2) D

3) A



Type the spelling words that end in ent and are either nouns or adjectives.

a noun:

an adjective:

an adjective:

absence the state of being missing or not attending
accommodate to make fit or suitable; to hold without crowding or inconvenience
acquire to gain possession of; to get by one's own efforts
aggressive tending toward combativeness; marked by driving, forceful energy
anxious uneasy of mind
apparent open to view, visible, clear to the understanding
argument a discussion in which disagreement takes place
athlete one who takes part in competitive sports
believe to have a firm religious faith; to accept as true
business the work or occupation in which someone is occupied
familiar one who is well acquainted with something or someone
finally occurring at the end or conclusion; at last
foreign situated outside a place or country
fulfill to bring into actuality
grammar the study of words, their functions and relations in a sentence
independent not dependent or under the control of others
intelligence the skilled use of reason; having a high mental capacity
personally as far as oneself is concerned
primitive belonging to an early state of development; little evolved
procedure way of performing or effecting something
proceed to continue on, especially after an interruption
receive to acquire
repetition the act or process of repeating


don’t open the link it’s a virus
noun: argument
noun: disagreement
adjective: apparent
adjective: independent

answer these question asap please. you dont have to answer all of them if you dont want to



1.15 days


5.Hong Kong



15 days

A goat i believe


Q.1. Twain falsely reported that some of the travelers had died because

A. the travelers gave him permission to lie about them B. the travelers left town before the news printed C. the leader of the travelers refused to give Twain any news D. Twain believed the lies the travelers told about each other

Q.2. How does Twain use exaggeration to create a humorous voice in this excerpt? "With encouragement like that, I felt I could take my pen and murder all the immigrants on the plains if need be, and the interests of the paper demanded it".

A. He says that he can murder people with just a pen and paper. B. Twain's boss has encouraged him to murder to get news. C. He explains that he commits murder when he is actually telling lies. D. The newspaper wants all of the town's visitors to be killed.


Answer: i dont know


1. Twain falsely reported that some of the travelers had died because  the travelers left town before the news printed. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

Who was Mark Twain?

American novelist, stand-up comedian, and travel writer Mark Twain achieved success. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) are two of his best-known works (1885). Many people agree that Twain is among the greatest American authors of all time.

2. Twain uses exaggeration to create a humorous voice in this excerpt when he explains that he commits murder when he is actually telling lies. Future American authors used Mark Twain's wide use of exaggeration and other literary methods as a model.

Hence, Twain added comedy and improved the overall quality of his writing by using severe exaggeration.

To learn more on Mark Twain, click here:


I know that it's in the wrong subject but I really need help and I'm trying to have more people look at it, bc like no one's active in biology, but here's the question. If a photosynthesis reaction begins with 3 grams of reactants, what will the total mass of the products be?


mass of no prodiced is "0.65g"...i think so

0.65 I guess so and sorry if it’s not

Item 2
Read the excerpt from The Secret Garden.

“I said I would never go back again—” she hesitated, knitting her brows—“but perhaps, just perhaps, I will go and see—if he wants me—in the morning. Perhaps he’ll try to throw his pillow at me again, but—I think—I’ll go.”

How does this scene contribute to the development of the story?

Mary starts to spend time with Dickon in the garden.

The conflict between Mary and Colin is established.

The relationship between Mary and Colin is introduced.

Mary begins to think of other people instead of herself.



It makes the story interesting

D it’s but I can’t say it’s correct

What kind of figurative language is “horrible pit”? A. Personification b. Vivid word choice c. Metaphor or d. Allusion
Any absurd answers will be reported. Ill give branliest to the best answer.





hmmm this is hard bit i think it metaphor because a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

:-D sorry if its wrong! i tried my best! hope its right!!!!

I believe that it is vivid word choice

What is the purpose of literary analysis? Why would a reader want to analyze a story?


a literary analysis is helpful if you want to understand the story without reading it and you would want to analyze it to find and understand the best parts of it such as the theme and moral.

It’s helpful because it helps the reader understand the story

Please help me on this assignment Its important
Diana Nyad—Marathon Swimmer

(1) On August 19, 1979, Diana Nyad began her historic swim from Bimini, Bahams, to Jupiter, Florida, 89 miles away. (2) Nyad, a veteran of several marathons swims, wants to set a new world record for the longest open-water swim. (3) In 1974 she swam across Lake Ontario from north to south—a difficult crossing because of the swift current of the Niagara river. (4) A year later she completed a swim of more than 25 miles around New York City’s Manhattan Island, she had battled dangerous currents for nearly eight hours. (5) The swim from the Bahamas to Florida, however, would be far more treacherous than anything she had previously attempted. (6) It would require exceptional physical and mental strength.

(7) Nyad, like other long-distance swimmers, knew that every marathon swim is a grueling physical experence. (8) In earlier marathons she had become delirious from the fatigue of continuous stroking, kicking, and breathing. (9) She also knew that her senses would become impaired. (10) Her dark goggles would fog over, making it impossible for her to see. (11) Even though her coach and crew were in a support boat only twenty feet away, the tight rubber swim cap that covered her ears would prevent her from hearing the

coach’s whistle. (12) The salt water would even affect her senses of taste, touch, and smell.

(13) In addition to extreme physical exhaustion, Nyad was aware of the many dangers she would face in the water. (14) During earlier marathons schools of jellyfish had repeatedly stung her. (15) On Nyad’s Bahamas-to-Florida swim, a shark appeared.

(16) Nyad’s crew was prepared with an electronic shark shield. (17) Crew members sent out a wave of electricity that did not harm Nyad but affected the shark and cause them to turn away. (18) Electricity can be used to repel many other kinds of animals. (19) Despite all the obstacles she faced, Nyad successfully reached her goal. (20) She was exhausted but happy. (21) She waded onto the Florida shore. (22) She had endured 28 hours of nonstop swimming. (23) The world record for the longest open water swim was hers!

1. What change, if any, should be

made in sentence 2?

A. Change veteran to Veteran

B. Delete the comma after swims

C. Change wants to wanted

D. Make no change

2. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 3?

A. Change swam to swum

B. Change difficult to dificult

C. Change river to River

D. Make no change

3.Which is the most effective way to rewrite sentence 4?

A. A year later she completed a

swim of more than 25 miles around New York City’s

Manhattan Island, battling dangerous currents for nearly

eight hours.

B. A year later she completed a

swim of more than 25 miles and had battled dangerous currents for nearly eight hours, and it was around New York City’s Manhattan Island.

C. A year later, completing a swim

of more than 25 miles and battling dangerous currents for nearly

eight hours around New York City’s Manhattan Island.

D. A year later she completed a swim

of more than 25 miles around New York City’s Manhattan Island

because she had battled dangerous currents for nearly eight hours.

4. What change, if any, should be

made in sentence 7?

A. Delete the comma after Nyad

B. Insert or after grueling

C. Change experence to experience

D. Make no change

5. What change, if any, should be

made in sentence 8?

A. Change she to they

B. Change continuous to continous

C. Insert a comma after stroking

D. Make no change

6. What change, if any, should be

made in sentence 13?

A. Change extreme to extream

B. Delete the comma after exhaustion

C. Change dangers to danger’s

D. Make no change

7. What transition should be added

to the beginning of sentence 16?

A. Fortunately

B. Hopefully

C. For example,

D. In addition,

8. What change, if any, should be

made in sentence 17?

A. Insert a comma after Nyad

B. Change affected to effected

C. Change them to it

D. Make no change

9. What is the most effective way to

improve paragraph 3 (sentences 13-


A. Switch sentences 15 and 16

B. Move sentence 17 to the end of

the paragraph

C. Move sentence 18 to the

beginning of the paragraph

D. Delete sentence 18

10. What is the most effective way to combine

sentences 20, 21, and 22?

A. Exhausted but happy, she waded onto the

Florida shore after enduring 28 hours of

nonstop swimming.

B. She was exhausted but happy when she

waded onto the Florida shore, and she had

endured 28 hours of nonstop swimming.

C. She was exhausted but happy, she waded

onto the Florida shore after enduring 28

hours of nonstop swimming.

D. Exhausted but happy when she waded onto

the Florida shore after enduring 28 hours of

nonstop swimming.



I will only answer some because this is your entire assignment, you have to do at least some of them on your own, you can't just not do an an assignment and expect others to do it for you

1.D 2. C 10. A


Is the myth Santa real? Explain your answer. If not explain why Saint Nick was created.
Don't just say "duhhh" or "no obviously." I know Santa is fake but I don't know how to explain it to a younger relative.


Technically yes he is real as long as we believe, I see him not as a person more as a understanding and feeling or gratitude of giving during Christmas.


You have to tell them Santa is a real person and not magical Santa is just a normal man in a red disguise and also tell them that there mom gives the the gift


Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.

Online Content: Site 1

What type of relationship does the Cook Islands have with New Zealand, and how does it benefit from this relationship? (Site 1)



g gene Greensburg Yemen ram jack New

THREE details from the Lion, Witch and Wadrobe text to support the theme of GOOD versus EVIL. ASAP LINKS OR BAD ANSWERS WILL BE REPORTED


Did you watch the movie? Well a girl finds a wardrobe and it looks normal but then she finds that it leads her to a new place. Mind you that it’s hot and sunny where she lives and the wardrobe leads her to a snowy place that’s two details hope it helps
I hope this helps.

The youngest girl finds a wardrobe and she goes in it only to find out that she went to a different universe. She tells her older siblings and they all go with her. Her older brother meets a snow queen and she kinda looks after him. Then they meet a lion and he makes them fight for his kingdom. The lion dies and the 4 kids become kings and queens

Help again, I have I-Ready lessons to do after this so I need your help. If you get it wrong you will be reported, if you send a link you will be reported.



answer is c and dont report people if there wrong everybody makes mistakes :))

Read the paragraph.
Jamile is recording secretary of our school's student council. His primary job is to take notes at
each meeting and present a brief summary at the next one. But Jamile's summaries include
almost every comment from every council member. Dina has told him the only problem with
his presentations is that they
Which phrase would add VERBAL IRONY to the paragraph?
take too much time to read
include minor details
run longer than the meetings
aren't sufficiently brief


I think you should add something that would be kinda funny like a dog trainer is scared of a dog, that is irony

The phrase that would add verbal irony to the paragraph is "aren't sufficiently brief".

What is verbal irony?

Verbal irony is defined as a statement in which the speaker's words contradict the speaker's intent.

The speaker says one thing but means another, creating an ironic conflict between their intended meaning and their literal words.

A figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning differs from their literal meaning is known as verbal irony.

In this case, including the phrase "aren't sufficiently brief" would result in verbal irony because Jamile's summaries are so detailed that they are actually too long, despite his intention to keep them brief.

The phrase would be diametrically opposed to what is expected or reality, producing a humorous or sarcastic effect.

Thus, the answer is "aren't sufficiently brief".

For more details regarding verbal irony, visit:


I NEED THIS QUICK! Write an example of a simile about Minecraft, if you spam an answer just to get the points I will report you.


your as brave as a Minecraft player mining at night

(im not sure this works)

It wasn’t natural everything was cubed had I hit my head to hard or was it just like mine craft. (Hope this helps)

who remembers this song??


Best song hajanansnahsgganansh


Not me. I don’t listen to Taylor swift lol


Should children be allowed to use phones in school? Why or why not?


i would say yes, in case of emergency. of course there could still be rules for phones. as long as students are still paying attention in class and not being disruptive or disrespectful, i don’t see the problem.
Of course, they should be allowed to use their phones

Give me a sentence and a definition for the word “immigrant”



one that immigrates: such as. a : a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence. b : a plant or animal that becomes established in an area where it was previously unknown.


Immigrant sentence example. There is a large Indian immigrant population. The immigrant population is concentrated in or near the large cities. Boston is the second immigrant port of the country.


The word “immigrant” means someone who originates from a different country but often settles and starts their life in a different one which is called “immigration” example: someone from Italy immigrates to the United States to start a new life and settle his/her life in the U.S

Considering Malala's speech to the United Nations and your brainstorming session, list your top 3 topics for your own speech. Your first choice being the topic you would like to work on the most.





whats 35 times 1000
right answer will get brainliest



have a nice day
35,000 bestie, that's the answer

Which sentence uses the most precise and concise language that could be used in an academic paper?
A. Old people aren't into technology.

B. Some people much older than I am definitely do not believe that technology is a good thing at all.

C. It is not believed by some older people like yours and my parents that technological stuff is good.

D. Some people from my parents' generation do not see how technology has benefited society.​


D. Some people from my parents generation do not see the technology has benefits society

this has more than one answer if you don't know it don't answer if you need points don't answer no links
Choose all the right answers.

When you use a dictionary, you'll learn about:

how to write good stories
kinds of word (n., v., adj., adv.)
meaning of words
time of day



spelling, meaning of words, kinds of word (n., v., adj., adv.)

Spelling, kinda of word, meaning of words and pronunciation

is our gain also our loss summary





Explain how propaganda is used as a weapon.


propaganda will over exaggerate and skew things to fit one narrative. if someone happens to not exactly know a context of a situation, it can be very misleading, and this is how it’s used as a weapon.

In some instances, propaganda is used to dehumanise and incite hatred toward an alleged adversary, whether internal or foreign, by instilling a false perception of that enemy in the minds of soldiers and civilians.

What is Prpaganda ?

Propaganda will exaggerate and manipulate information to fit a particular narrative. It can be incredibly deceptive if someone does not precisely understand the context of a situation, and this is how it is employed as a weapon.propaganda against the military of the enemy.

Propaganda was employed against opponents as well as to try and sway public opinion in neutral nations. All sides have employed aeroplanes and balloons to drop flyers and posters over warring troops and civilians since the beginning of the war.

Wartime propaganda needs to targetto lower opponent spirits. To undermine the will to fight is one of propaganda's main goals when it is directed against hostile nations. It makes many attempts to weaken the enemy's resolve to resist. One is to envision the military triumphs from the propagandist's perspective.

Learn more about Propaganda here


which answer is right?





A, the girls got sick and concluded it was witchcraft

What do you imagine you could do, however small , (or large) to change your community for the better? Write down your response in a paragraph, using complete sentences. (at least 10 sentences)


(Since the question included “you” I’m assuming “I” can be used in the paragraph. If not just change that part.”

I believe a positive way you can impact your community is helping out your older neighbors. Say that your neighbor needs help mowing the lawn, or bagging leaves. Help them out, it can make them feel loved and appreciated. By doing this, you are making someone in your community happy. And by making one person happy, that person can pass on their positive vibes to someone else, resulting in a happy and healthy community. Another positive way to impact your community is to recycle. There are many, many ways you can recycle. One of many is recycling can and plastic bottles. And one more, by not smoking. When you smoke, you are putting so much pollution into the environment, and your damaging your lungs. These are just a few of the ways you can change your community for the better.

Hope this helps!
Other Questions
How would newtons laws of motion relate to the movement of bumper cars how might the mass of the riders and the speed of the cars affect this movement Suppose that an individual wants to continue earning income but does not want to pay any taxes at the end of the year. How could an individual accomplish this goal? What role did a government play in a society? How do you find 3 missing angles? PLEASE HELP ASAPAt a local high school, the student population is growing at 12% a year. If the original population was 242 students, how long will it take the population to reach 300 students? Round to the nearest tenth of a year.A. 0.7 YearsB. 3.2 YearsC. 1.9 Years The dismantling of major Colombian cartels in Medellin and Cali created opportunities for their ____colleagues who began forging direct links with cocaine sources in Bolivia and Peru Clare would like to buy a video game that costs at least $130. She has saved $48 so far and plans on saving $5 of her allowance each week. Write an inequality to find out the number of weeks it will take until she has enough money to buy the game. According to the competence and environmental press model, slight increases in press tend to_____ , whereas slight decreases in press create the_____ . What are the 3 main settlement patterns? Can you please help me. answer the image Use the scale to help you solve the equation and find the value of x. Enter thevalue of x below.x + 3 = 9X=_____ In chapter 3, people realize that building a bridge across the gorge of Niagara Falls will bring more tourists to the area Which detail best explains why building the first bridge to cross the gorge is such a difficult task A. Tourists had a perfect view of some of the crazy, dangerous things some people would soon do B. Even at the narrowest spot, the gorge was eight hundred feet wide C. But there was still one thing missing something the businessmen knew they needed D. A ferryboat was built to take people from the US side to Canada Helpppp me please Es posible que en la publicidad se presenten figuras literarias como: personificacin, metfora y simil. Porque? What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (2,3) and(1,2)? Write your answer in simplest form. Search the internet for appropriate Deaf-created vlogs, videos, or reputable articles that discusses the Deaf Culture's view of one of the following topics The effects of aging, region, and other variations on ASL and how/why signs are varied How do signs change over time? Who decides what a sign will be? The history and development of Black ASL How have the language and Black Deaf Culture evolved and how does their history differ from white ASL and Deaf Culture? Is there still a Black ASL that is used? If so, where is it used and why? Causes of Deaf Blindness, methods of communicating for the Deaf Blind community. haptics, and additional support services/equipment required by this community. Define audism, the Deaf culture view, some examples of how audism affects the Deaf. ideas of now it can be stopped. once you have done your research write a paper to detail your responses and findings. NEED THIS ASAP PLSSS(MAX POINTS). what is the definition of contradiction in Hamlet After an over current protective device has been opened due to an automatic operation, it is required to ____ before closing the over current protective device Draw the atoms in the two molecules of ammonia, which are the products. the supreme court's landmark decision in dramatically increased the flow of money from interest groups through super pacs into politics and electoral campaigns Prepare a balance sheet as of September 30. Beech Corporation Balance Sheet September 30 Assets Cash $ 214,950 Accounts receivable Inventory Plant and equipment, net 90,000 $ 304.950 Total assets Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Accounts payable Common stock Retained earnings Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ < Req3 Reg 4 Required Information Schedules of Expected Cash Collections and Disbursements; Income Statement; Balance Sheet [LO8-2, LO8-4, LO8-9, LO8-10] [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] Beech Corporation is a merchandising company that is preparing a master budget for the third quarter of the calendar year. The company's balance sheet as of June 30th is shown below: Beech Corporation Balance Sheet June 30 Assets Cash Accounts receivable Inventory Plant and equipment, net of depreciation Total assets Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity Accounts payable Common stock Retained earnings Total liabilities and stockholders' equity 85, eee 141,600 83,250 226, eee 535,250 $ 87,080 350, eee 98, 258 $ 535,250 Exercise 8-12 (Algo) Beech's managers have made the following additional assumptions and estimates: 1. Estimated sales for July, August, September, and October will be $370,000, $390,000, $380,000, and $400,000, respectively. 2. All sales are on credit and all credit sales are collected. Each month's credit sales are collected 35% in the month of sale and 65% In the month following the sale. All of the accounts recevable at June 30 will be collected in July. 3. Each month's ending Inventory must equal 30% of the cost of next month's sales. The cost of goods sold is 75% of sales. The company pays for 40% of its merchandise purchases in the month of the purchase and the remaining 60% In the month following the purchase. All of the accounts payable at June 30 will be paid in July. 4. Monthly selling and administrative expenses are always $50,000. Each month $7,000 of this total amount is depreciation expense and the remaining $43,000 relates to expenses that are paid in the month they are incurred. 5. The company does not plan to borrow money or pay or declare dividends during the quarter ended September 30. The company does not plan to issue any common stock or repurchase its own stock during the quarter ended September 30. Required: 1. Prepare a schedule of expected cash collections for July, August, and September. 2-a. Prepare a merchandise purchases budget for July, August, and September. Also compute total merchandise purchases for the quarter ended September 30. 2-b. Prepare a schedule of expected cash disbursements for merchandise purchases for July, August, and September. 3. Prepare an Income statement that computes net operating Income for the quarter ended September 30. 4. Prepare a balance sheet as of September 30.