Read carefully and slowly - actually understand the words: it's a brain exercise!! Only respond if you plan to post and play no party poopers!!

If I had 4 eggs
My rabbit lays 4 eggs
A thief gives me 3 eggs
My farm rooster lays 5 eggs
How many eggs do I have​


Answer 1


Ok first off, Rabbit's don't lay eggs, second off why is a thief giving you eggs, third off Roosters dont lay eggs so you only have 4


Answer 2




rabbits dont lay eggs (i have over 100 rabbits so i should know) thives dont give they take and roosters dont lay (we have one) so you have 4 eggs. (brainlyest plz)

Related Questions

Fale sobre a partida do badminton. *



uhm sorry i would help u dont i dont rlly know what your saying


People often speak of hatred as ""blind""? Why does Szymborska describe it as having ""a sniper’s keen sight""? Do you agree?



she feels that 'hatred' is always lurking around the corner waiting for a chance


In the poem, the poet, Wislawa Szymborska, describes hatred as having "a sniper’s keen sight" though people often say that hatred is ""blind" because she feels that 'hatred' is always lurking around the corner waiting for a chance to show itself.

She says that hatred is gifted, diligent, and hard-working. It never sleeps and is always looking for ways to devour the future.

I agree with the poet because it is indeed true that hatred is always present in the minds and hearts of the people. It is anxiously waiting for the right moment to burst out so that it could devastate the lives of the people.

can someone help me write a story with this prompt: (short story!)

Use the all of the following words to write a story: analyze, red, persuade, paraphrase, exaggerate, negotiate. Underline and bold the words. You may use endings like ing, ed, ly.



As I was walking home from school one day, I saw a lady bug. It was one of those red one's. The more typical color you would see here. I continued walking leaving the lady bug on the sidewalk. When I arrived home I opened the door to the smell of a very well cooked dinner. I walked into the kitchen throwing my backpack into the living room. "How was your day?" I heard my mom say over the stove's crackling noise's. "it was good I guess.." I said with a mix of sadness in my voice. "AW, does baby need a tissue?" My big brother yelled exaggeratingly from the kitchen table. I persuaded myself to ignore him, I walked into the living room to get out my homework. I analyzed it and let out a big *sigh*. I had to paraphrase someone else's words into a paragraph.

(that's not short.. is it?) (Also I didn't use negotiate)

4. Read the following excerpt from the "I Have a Dream" speech and decide if it uses a rhetorical appeal to ethos, pathos, or logos: "I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice." O A Ethos OB Logos OC Pathos​





It uses pathos because he is trying to to use emotions by saying things like, "injustice and oasis of freedom and justice."

Story that ends Once bitten Twice Shy

Please help me and thank u later



once up on a time there was a girl called a Marta .she set dreaming in the shade of big tree .beside her was a jerrycan for water.she was on her way to fill it at the well,but had stopped for a short rest .

Marta was just 14 and was very beautiful .she dreamed about the husband that she would marry one day . He would be a handsome young businessman .He would keep her comfort for the rest of her life.

''Hello, Marta .come here my dear,'' a voice said.Marta woke from her daydreams and saw the businessman standing nearby .

The businessman was the richest man in the area . He was about 40 years old and he was fat and ugly .Nevertheless ,Makeda smiled at him because the businessman was very kind to her.

'' it's a shame ti see a beautiful girl like you going to the wellto carry a heavy jerrycan (pot ) of water .'' said the businessman .''And look at that old dress you're wearing .if you marry me you can do anything, go any where you went .please Marta do you marry me.''

'' i know you love me but i don't went to Merry a person like you,sorry I'm leave you here buy..''said Marta and she goes to her home.


i think it help you

1.Hear 2.lose 3.say 4.make 5.learn 6. Pay 7. Get 8. Have 9. Leave 10. Sell 11. Meet 12. Mean

write the 12 verbs in the past simple

please help me I have too much homework



1. Heard

2. Lost

3. Said

4. Made

5. Learned

6. Paid

7. Got

8. Had

9. Left

10. Sold

11. Met

12. Meant


1. Heard

2. Lost

3. Said

4. Made

5. Learned

6. Paid

7. Got

8. Had

9. Left

10. Sold

11. Met

12. Meant

there you go!!

Which idea the paragraph is an error in logic



you can't answer that without the paragraph

what the other person said :/

What is a fishbone diagram used for?
A. Analyzing the causes of a problem
B. Identifying problems.
C. Organizing resources needed to solve a problem.
D. Prioritizing solutions to a problem.



I most probably think that the answer's 'A. analyzing the causes of a problem'

Past simple vs past continuous
A. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple of the verbs in
1) My sister
2) He doesn't like (not like) football, so he
(go) to the cinema yesterday
(play) voleyball
3) Hebroke (break) the window when he (be) 5.
4) My mom (be) very angry because we
(come) home
very late.
5) She
(told) me the problem with her mom and I
(help) her.
6) They don't visit (not visit) the museum of the town, they preferred
(prefer) going to the funfair.
(visit) their grandparents yesterday?
8) Who did
you was
(he) with when the accident happened?
B. Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.
1) 1
2) He
(study) Science for my test.
(not do) his homework.
3) They weren't playing_ (not play) rugby because they think is
4) were they listening (listen) to music when you opened the door?
5) She was doing__ (90) to the cinema, but her friends didn't come.
6) That boy was playine (play) the violin very well. Maybe, he
was Having (have) musical classes.
7) Jane, David, and Polly were watching (watch) TV when the light
turned off.
C. Complete the text. Use past simple and continuous.
It (be) a rainy day of November,
(come) from school at 2 o'clock.
(not be) very hungry but we
(be) too cold. While we
(walk) with
my umbrella, we (find) a coin. It
(not be) a normal coin, it (be) a strange coin.
(not continue) walking. We
(be) a bit nervous. What should we do? Maybe, we
to (have) put the coin where we (find)
it. We (do) this. We
(walk) on the street,
when a tall man (ask) us for the coin. We
(tell) him that the coin (be) at the beginning of the
street. We
(know) what
(happen), so we
(continue) walking.




Past simple

We use the past simple to describe:

finished actions in the past:

"I studied for an exam."

finished actions over periods of time in the past:

"I studied for four years."

habits in the past:

"I studied every night when I was at school."

past facts:

"I studied history at university."

Past continuous

We use the past continuous:

to emphasise the continuous nature of a finished action in the past:

"I was studying for an exam all night."

to describe a continuous action that was in progress at a particular time:

"At 11am, I was visiting my grandmother."

We do not use the past continuous for habits in the past: not "I was taking the bus to school."

Past continuous vs. past simple

We can use the past simple and the past continuous in the same sentence structure with different meanings:

The past simple describes when the action started:

"At 7am, I went to work."

This means that the journey to work began at 7am.

The past continuous describes an action that was already in progress:

"At 7am, I was going to work."

This means that the journey to work was already in progress at 7am; it began before 7am.

Using "when" and "while" to describe actions that happen at the same time

"when" and past simple

We use "when" with the past simple to describe two actions where one action is the result of another action, or happens immediately after:

"I went downstairs when I heard the doorbell."


"When I heard the doorbell, I went downstairs."

The action of going downstairs is the result of hearing the doorbell.

"What did you do when the telephone rang?"

This question asks about your action as a result of hearing the telephone ring.

"I left the house."

The answer means that immediately after the telephone rang, you left the house (suggesting that you did not answer the telephone).

"when" with past continuous and past simple

We use "when" with the past continuous and past simple:

to describe an action that was in progress (using past continuous) when another action happened (using past simple):

"I was studying history at university when I learnt to play the saxophone."

to describe a continuous action that was already in progress (using past continuous) and was interrupted by a shorter action (using past simple):

"I was going downstairs when I heard the doorbell."


"When I heard the doorbell, I was going downstairs."

The action of going downstairs was already in progress and was interrupted when the doorbell rang.

"What were you doing when the telephone rang?"

This question asks about the action that was interrupted when the telephone rang.

"I was leaving the house."

The answer means that before the telephone rang, you were already in the process of leaving the house (suggesting that it is possible that you did answer the telephone).


We use "while" with the past continuous to describe a continuous action that was in progress at the same time as another action, using either the past simple or past continuous:

"She read the newspaper while I was doing the gardening."

or "While I was doing the gardening, she read the newspaper."

"She was reading the newspaper while I was doing the gardening."

or "While I was doing the gardening, she was reading the newspaper."

"What were you doing while the telephone rang?" This question asks about your action at the same time as the telephone rang (suggesting that you were doing something else instead of answering the telephone).


Complete the sentences using the past simple or past continuous form of the verb in brackets:

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Has Corona Virus brought us closer to our families?
Please write a debate.



We never imagined that we would have to be stuck inside for so long. However, this time has also given us the opportunity to rekindle the relationship we lost with our family. With the fast-paced lives, we were living, we hardly sat together as a family. The lockdown has given us a chance to go back to the days when family time was the most important time of the day. Here are a few ways in which the

lockdown has benefitted families.

Sitting together to eat as a family was one of the most important things that we stopped doing. However, with the lockdown and all the family members at home the tradition of eating together is back.

What does this interaction reveal about Brutus’s character? Select two options. He uses music to help him relax. He is cruel and selfish. He cares about those who serve him. He takes advantage of his servants. He puts his own needs before the needs of Rome.



He uses music to help him relax

He cares about those who serve him


I just did it (A,C)

In fiction, a character is a person or other being in a narrative.

The character may be entirely fictional or based on a real-life person, in which case the distinction of a "fictional" versus "real" character may be made.

What does this interaction reveal about Brutus’s character?

I just did it (A, C)

He cares about those who serve him

He uses music to help him relax

For more information about character, refer to

Utiliza el presente continuo para lograr oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.

1. (she / go home now)
2. (I / read a great book)
3. (she / not / wash her hair)
4. (the cat / chase mice)?



1- She's going home now.

2- I'm reading a great book.

3- She isn't washing her hair.

4- Is the cat chasing mice?

Can someone please help with this


I believe the answer is the second one.

What is your favorite Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus Character?






I like Nico!!


she's just. i love her sm

Nala picked three, crunchy, apples off the tree and
started to juggle them.

punctuation ?



You don't need the commas.


All you have is an adjective, it is describing the apples so you don't need to add commas.


No Commas


you don't need a commas they dont Need to be there at all

Read the passage from chapter 5 of Animal Farm.

That evening Squealer explained privately to the other animals that Napoleon had never in reality been opposed to the windmill. On the contrary, it was he who had advocated it in the beginning, and the plan which Snowball had drawn on the floor of the incubator shed had actually been stolen from among Napoleon's papers. The windmill was, in fact, Napoleon's own creation. Why, then, asked somebody, had he spoken so strongly against it? Here Squealer looked very sly. That, he said, was Comrade Napoleon's cunning. He had seemed to oppose the windmill, simply as a maneuver to get rid of Snowball, who was a dangerous character and a bad influence. Now that Snowball was out of the way, the plan could go forward without his interference. This, said Squealer, was something called tactics. He repeated a number of times, "Tactics, comrades, tactics!” skipping round and whisking his tail with a merry laugh. The animals were not certain what the word meant, but Squealer spoke so persuasively, and the three dogs who happened to be with him growled so threateningly, that they accepted his explanation without further questions.

What is Orwell ridiculing in this passage?

He is making fun of the idea of pigs building something.
He is making fun of leaders who tell lies to their people.
He is making fun of people who question their leaders.
He is making fun of pigs calling one another comrades.


Nasa is realising a new idea that Will help humanity build a better state of wafare but this May lead to a down fall on pigs production because it will effect the food chain it will kill of all the McDonald's chain and it may become a major change in history so become the next time you to out of house and wear a t-shirt because children might be around.

Short story having a hard time fitting in a new environment



My parents and I transferred to a new town and needless to say it sucks. I've never felt so alone and left out. Everything is so new; the environment,the people,way of dressing and attitudes.

A new town means a new school, which is where most of my troubles come from. I've never been outgoing so it's kind of hard to make friends. I try but I can't fit in. My classmates are so different from what I am normally used to. I know they think I'm weird and I can't blame them. I just hope things get better soon.

What does the figurative language in paragraph 15 help the reader understand about the flower



Please provide the actual context!


True or False: Meg is convinced that Charles Wallace is right when he call her"dear sister".






Good luck!


How does the second paragraph develop the author's thesis?
No links, I will report them! Info in the picture





According to the given excerpt, the author talks about the benefit of using goats to clear grasses in a piece of field.

The second paragraph however goes ahead to state the added importance of he goats as there are little concerns about clean up since the goats eat up the grasses, even the poisonous ones to man and the ones people are allergic to and don't want to go near.

The second paragraph develops the author's thesis by providing further evidence and a restatement of the thesis.


D. Providing further evidence and a restatement of the thesis.


The second paragraph develops the author's thesis:

The author talks about the use of goats to clean the grass in the fields.   But the second paragraph is the additional importance of goats, as goats eat grass, so there is little concern about cleaning, even those that are toxic to humans or that humans are allergic to and do not want to approach.  

 Therefore, the correct answer is D.

Know more :

Describe Miss Maudie Atkinson. Is she similar to other Maycomb women? What do the children think of her?



Miss Maudie Atkinson is not similar to other Maycomb women. The children like her a lot.


Witty, genuine, caring, perceptive, unbiased, unselfish, strong, and honest, Miss Maudie Atkinson is an "upstanding citizen" in Maycomb. She takes care of her yard, embellishing it with lovely flowers; she bakes goodies for her young neighbors.

Write your opinion in the following:
Can you live happy life if you continually do the things you know are wrong?​



depends  on what your doing wrong



The answer is no.


You can't live a happy life physically knowing your doing something wrong. It may feel good at the beginning doing it, but eventually everything comes back to bite you in the tail.  

Though she wanted a piece
of cake, she was on a diet
and her wouldn't let
A. blunder
B. expedient
C. impetuous
D. conscience


D = conscience is the right answer

What is the correct meaning of the word sophisticated?

A.dressed in a modern style

B.having expensive taste

C.very pleasing to the eye

D.having worldly knowledge



D is the correct one.....

Which headline most clearly communicates a neutral point of view
on the
President's actions?
O A. President Vetoes Tax Legislation
• B. President Destroys Hope for Tax Reform
• C. President Kills Bipartisan Tax Reform Bill
O D. President Takes a Stand Against Tax Evasion



A. President Vetoes Tax Legislation.


A neutral point of view refers to a position that is formed without introducing one's prejudice or opinion.  Headline A contains a neutral point of view because it only refers to the fact that the head of state vetoed a law, rather than expressing a biased opinion on the positive or negative implications of that fact.

What is similar about how BOTH authors
approach the topic of the effects of
Both use data to show the effects of exercise.
Both describe an individual's progress in a
fitness program.
Both explain the outcome of a fitness-related
Both provide a firsthand account of one
person's experience.



both are know completely

Answer: both use data to show the effects of exercise


giving brainliest! (100pts if you answer correctly!) How would you interpret the lesson of King Midas and the golden touch for a modern-day world. What do you think the message of the story is? Do you think King Midas is a relevant story for a modern world? Why or why not? (At least 8 sentences!)


The moral of the story of King Midas and the golden touch was that one should never be greedy in life because the wish of being greedy does not give fruitful returns in the future.

Please help me! DO NOT SEND LINK!





rwrwrwrwrwrwrwrw eaeaeaeaeasadadadadadadadadada


maybe because of the lack of such water facilities

which detail shows that malu is trying to hide how she feels





Makes logical sense


the last option D she faked being happy instead of showing how she really felt

The epic opens with an invocation or plea that the Muse help the speaker tell the story of Odysseus worthily. 1) What do the lines

(add a quote, source) briefly introduce? 2) Why are the details included of how Odysseus's men were lost? Who was at fault?

Who was supported?


Answer and Explanation:

1. The lines "Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy" presents a total summary of Odysseus' history and his various adventures while trying to return to his homeland in Ithaca. These lines also show the influence of Greek religion on history and how it is necessary for muses, goddesses of art, to bless the history that is being written.

2. The details of how the men were lost are presented to prove that Odysseus was a great leader and a great hero, but even so he was unable to return to Ithaca with all the men who accompanied him, because these men were negligent and provoked their own death. The author reinforces this idea to show that Odysseus was not to blame for the fate of the negligent men and that he suffered from the loss of each one of them.

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