pls help How does the setting of The Giver shape the plot?

The setting of the community allows the reader to identify Jonas’s utopia.

The setting of the community allows Jonas to grow and understand the difference between sameness and choices and allows the reader to understand the theme.

The setting of the community allows Jonas to become the Receiver and gain the memories.

The setting of the community allows Jonas to have feelings and allows the reader to understand his feelings.


Answer 1

Answer: The setting of The Giver helps create the plot because, Jonas lives in a dystopian society. With this type of ruler and community he has to figure out how to get the memories back to the people to have the regular type life you and me both know.

Related Questions

give me a topic that i should write for a story and like a main idea and stuff like that.. any ideas u have


a girl who lost her parents and is grieving in a bad way


What kind of story are you looking for, I have several ideas!

Also, is it for a school assignment, cause if so some of mine might not be the best choice LOL

What do you get if you cross two different species? Depending upon the species, you might end up with a grolar bear, a wolfdog, or a Savannah cat, among many others. What do these animals have in common? They're hybrids. Sometimes hybrids happen naturally in the wild, but usually, hybrids are the result of humans selectively breeding animals.

Grolar bears and pizzlies are the result of crossing polar bears and grizzly bears. These hybrids were first seen in zoos, as the bears' natural habitats did not normally overlap. Recently, these hybrids have started appearing in the wild. Due to climate change, the bears' once-separate habitats are beginning to overlap. Bigger and more aggressive than their parents, grolar bears and pizzlies could pose a risk to natural habitats and humans.

Wolfdogs are, as their name suggests, the result of crossing a wolf with a domestic dog. Bred for the pet trade, these hybrids do not often happen in the wild. Wolfdogs do not make good pets, however, as they can be destructive and aggressive. Many states have outlawed keeping wolfdogs because they can pose a danger to people.

Savannah cats are another example of human-made hybrids that were developed to be pets. Savannahs are the result of crossing a small wildcat called a serval with a domestic housecat. They look like miniature versions of the wildcat, which is why many people like keeping them as pets. Like the wolfdog, however, Savannahs do not make ideal house pets. They can be destructive, and usually, they keep the wild nature of the serval.

There are many more examples of human-made hybrid animals. Some hybrids, such as the mule, have been helpful to humans. Unfortunately, others, like the wolfdog or Savannah cat, should not have been made in the first place.

According to the text, why are bear hybrids being seen in the wild?

Grolar bears and pizzlies could pose a risk to natural habitats and humans.

These hybrids were first seen in zoos, as the bears' natural habitats did not normally overlap.

Grolar bears and pizzlies are the result of crossing polar bears and grizzly bears.

Due to climate change, the bears' once-separate habitats are beginning to overlap.



Due to climate change, the bears' once- separate habitats are beginning to overlap.

Explanation: Just took test got it right on quiz




its d

Read the story Hummingbird and Heron:

Many years ago, when the world was so young that the sun was still new in the sky, there lived two friends. Heron was large and slow, with a long, gangly neck and big, floppy wings. Hummingbird was tiny and swift, with wings that moved so quickly that they buzzed and a slender beak as sleek as a needle.

Heron and Hummingbird both loved to eat fish from the river. Every morning, Heron would fish to her heart's content, eating until her stomach was so round and heavy that she had to waddle back to shore. Every afternoon, Hummingbird would fish and feast until he was so heavy that his tiny, buzzing wings could no longer keep him in the air. Heron and Hummingbird thought they were the luckiest birds in the world.

One afternoon, Hummingbird did not catch as many fish as usual. He fished and he fished, but his line came up empty more times than it ever had before. He flew to Heron's house.

"Heron! Heron!" he called. "Why have you eaten all the fish?"

Heron bustled to her door, angry and surprised at her friend's accusation.

"Me? Eat all the fish?" she squawked. "I barely caught anything this morning! My poor stomach has been growling all day."

The two birds began to argue over who had eaten more fish. Finally, Hummingbird raised his wing to stop the debate.

"I do not think there are enough fish left in the river for both of us," he said. "Let's have a race. Whoever reaches the dead tree on the other side of the hills first owns all the fish. The loser has to find something else to eat."

Heron agreed. They prepared to race. Hummingbird was certain that he would win. He watched Heron as she awkwardly stretched her wings and prepared to fly. This will be like catching fish in a barrel, he thought with a grin.

Hummingbird zoomed past Heron as soon as the race began. He flew so far ahead that he lost sight of her behind him. He slowed down as he passed a patch of wildflowers. They smelled so sweet that he had to stop and look at them more closely. Hummingbird just had to try some of their nectar. He drank until his belly was heavy and his eyelids drooped. Perhaps just a short nap, he thought, as he settled himself into a nest of soft leaves.

It was late in the day when Hummingbird woke up. He stretched his wings and glanced at the sky. He could just make out the shape of Heron, flying slowly but surely toward the dead tree. She was almost done with the race! Hummingbird zipped into the air and flew as fast as he could, but it was too late. Heron reached the tree first. From that day forward, Heron owned the fish, and Hummingbird lived on nectar.

What is the theme of the story Hummingbird and Heron?

A. A full stomach is not as important as friendship.
B. Don't get distracted by fresh fish when racing.
C. Sharing shows care for others.
D. Slow and steady wins the race.



In the “Heron and the Hummingbird” myth, it is apparent that the setting takes place in a fairly warm region that has an... I believe that the theme of "Heron and the Hummingbird" is "slow and steady wins the race". so D


A. A full stomach is not as important as friendship.


One of your cousins wants to get revenge on the person who has bullied him or her for years. He or she asks you to help vandalize the person’s property



I will do it for with them and get a few friends to help if they want to come.


Simply, I would not do it. Benjamin Rush had the first citation of the phrase, "Two wrongs do not make a right." If it were my cousin were to act on his or her plans to vandalize the property, and he could get in serious trouble. In many states, you could earn up to a year in local jail. If the damage were severe, and unreplaceable, it would be charged as a felony. The bully was very wrong, but stooping to the bullies level, will not help you in the long run. Your cousin could end up losing important life functions, if caught, like the ability to get into college, or getting a job. Having a criminal record, is a difficult factor in job finding research. I would tell my cousin to think before you act, and choose future over revenge.


A. Circuitous
B. Circumspect
C. Orb
D. Configuration
E. Figurative
F. Cyclic
G. Encyclopedic
Some ___ expressions like "as quick as wink" and "as smart as a whip" have become cliches, statements worn out with use.



I believe it's figurative


It makes sense to me

The answer is figurative

The ___ of the constellation Ursa Major is like a bear or a dipper.
A. Circuitous
B. Circumspect
C. Circumference
D. Orbit
E. Orb
F. Configuration
G. Figurative
H. Cyclic
I. Encyclopedic


i believe the answer is D

Wilson did a survey to find the average shoe size of the students in his class. He asked the following question:

What is the shoe size of the tallest student in the class?

Is Wilson's question a statistical question, and why or why not?

No, because it does not anticipate variability in students' shoe sizes
No, because it does not ask a question that can be answered correctly
Yes, because it asks a question that can be answered correctly
Yes, because it anticipates variability in students' shoe sizes


The third one.

Yes because it asks a question that can be answered correctly.




hope this helps

Write at least 4 sentences retelling, in order, the key events in the tale of Androcles and the lion.


The lion took the Androcles to his cave every day
Both the lion and androcles was captured
They be took them himself into the desert
Jacobs story is a reconstruction from his historical sources

Can someone please write a argumentative essay please? About why students should be more active and be in outdoor activities.

No plagiarism please cause I would get in trouble if i used something was plagiarism.
Will give brainilist.


research the topic and find reasons why students being active benefits their health or focus in school it won’t be hard to find lots of information

The great outdoors, all of us could use some time to go outside and enjoy the nature itself, back in the 90's that is. With the invention of social media and videos games students wont really be going to the park anymore, but talking on a smartphone while playing videogames. Although many students are in sports programs or P.E, Schools should push there students to be more "well rounded"

 Doing excersise should be slightly enforced by every school, considering the fact That you need to be healthy, but most schools let you cancel P.E and use it for another elcective class. Point is schools dont enforce the kind of physical stature they want on their students. And parents or guadians should also take part in this excersise craze, by signing up there children to outdoor sports or martial arts dojo's they can learn to socialize, use teamwork, and disipline. But This can come with many cons as well as pros.

   Although most of us got signed up for sports at some point, some of us really didnt like it and saw it more as a game and less as an excersise. On top of that most parents also had to drive us there wasting gas, and the(usually) monthly fees that came with outdoor activities, and these prices would start to increase. If schools want us to excersise, they have got to start pushing it on students.

But then again this all depends on the type of student, and what there intrests are. But most students who are involved in a team sport or any other physical activity usually dont need these rules to be enforced. But students who did not want to go to physical activities should at least be tempted to do so by schools.

Should  students go outside? Yes. Should we force it upon them. Slightly. Pushing students to pursue thier careers is the whole point of school. To find your intrests and your passions. And if doing excersise isnt something you like, then don't do it. But schools should enforce the idea that your body will appreciate your healthiness more long-term.

Which of the following is an example of hyperbole?
There are no zombies under your bed, now go to sleep!
A tyrannosaurus let out a tremendous roar that shook the ground.
The movie theater was silent, dark and empty.
You never let me leave the house, Mom!


you never let me leave the house mom is hyperbole because it’s exaggerated to make a point. this persons mom does let them leave the house sometimes but they’re exaggerating to make the point that their mom doesn’t let them go out much.
The answer to this would be the final choice. A hyperbole is commonly defined as an exaggeration for effect. The statement “you never let me leave the house, mom!” Is an exaggeration, assuming that this person leaves their house for school or literally any other reason.
Therefore, the answer is “You never let me leave the house, Mom!

The function of transitional words is to ____ clauses or sentences.
a. connect
b. distinguish


I believe the answer is a, connect ^^


A. Connect

They let you understand and connect the idea.

What can you infer about the family unit’s interaction with each other?

The family unit’s interaction demonstrates how they became a family unit.

The family unit’s interaction demonstrates how they have no real feelings for each other, are satisfied with the conformity of individuals in the community, and believe everything the elders tell them.

The family unit’s interaction demonstrates how they help each other with their training in the community.

The family unit’s interaction demonstrates how much they love each other and would do anything for each other.



The last paragraph tells us about how they love and care for each other


Read the article "The Wolves Among Us".

Beagles, greyhounds, German shepherds, and even tiny toy poodles are all related to the same majestic wild animal, the wolf. In fact, all domestic dogs are descended from wolves. There are several species of wolf, including the gray wolf, the arctic wolf, the red wolf, the white wolf, and the Mexican wolf. Wolves are some of the most widespread mammals. Populations of wolves exist in almost as many places around the globe as humans do.

Wolves are exceptional pack hunters. This is why they are able to take down large prey such as moose or deer by working together as a seamless team. Wolf pups as young as eight months old begin helping on the hunt. Wolves can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour when chasing prey, and their thick, double-coated fur enables them to keep warm in even the coldest arctic temperatures. Their large, powerful paws can reach up to 5 inches across and help to propel them quickly across the snow.

Next time you're playing fetch with your furry friend, think about its ancestor, the wolf. That terrier or pug might only be able to take down a ball or a bone, but it gained its instincts to chase and hunt from those greatest of hunters, the wolves.

Select the statement from the passage that shows how a wolf ancestry helps dogs that spend a lot of time outside in the winter. (2 points)
Next time you're playing fetch with your furry friend, think about its ancestor, the wolf.
Populations of wolves exist in almost as many places around the globe as humans do.
That terrier or pug might only be able to take down a ball or a bone, but it gained its instincts to chase and hunt from those greatest of hunters, the wolves.
Wolves can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour when chasing prey, and their thick, double-coated fur enables them to keep warm in even the coldest arctic temperatures.
(12.01 LC)





The statement from the passage that shows how a wolf ancestry helps dogs that spend a lot of time outside in the winter is "Wolves can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour when chasing prey, and their thick, double-coated fur enables them to keep warm in even the coldest arctic temperatures." The correct option is D.

What is the correct statement for the passage?

The article is about the relation between wolves and dogs. The article states that all domestic dogs are descended from wolves. There are several species of wolf, including the gray wolf, the arctic wolf, the red wolf, the white wolf, and the Mexican wolf.

Wolves can take down large prey such as moose or deer by working together as a seamless team. Wolf pups as young as eight months old begin helping on the hunt. Wolves can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour when chasing prey, and their thick, double-coated fur enables them to keep warm in even the coldest arctic temperatures.

Thus, the statement from the passage that shows how a wolf ancestry helps dogs that spend a lot of time outside in the winter is "Wolves can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour when chasing prey, and their thick, double-coated fur enables them to keep warm in even the coldest arctic temperatures."

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Mexican wolves here:


Read the story Hummingbird and Heron:

Many years ago, when the world was so young that the sun was still new in the sky, there lived two friends. Heron was large and slow, with a long, gangly neck and big, floppy wings. Hummingbird was tiny and swift, with wings that moved so quickly that they buzzed and a slender beak as sleek as a needle.

Heron and Hummingbird both loved to eat fish from the river. Every morning, Heron would fish to her heart's content, eating until her stomach was so round and heavy that she had to waddle back to shore. Every afternoon, Hummingbird would fish and feast until he was so heavy that his tiny, buzzing wings could no longer keep him in the air. Heron and Hummingbird thought they were the luckiest birds in the world.

One afternoon, Hummingbird did not catch as many fish as usual. He fished and he fished, but his line came up empty more times than it ever had before. He flew to Heron's house.

"Heron! Heron!" he called. "Why have you eaten all the fish?"

Heron bustled to her door, angry and surprised at her friend's accusation.

"Me? Eat all the fish?" she squawked. "I barely caught anything this morning! My poor stomach has been growling all day."

The two birds began to argue over who had eaten more fish. Finally, Hummingbird raised his wing to stop the debate.

"I do not think there are enough fish left in the river for both of us," he said. "Let's have a race. Whoever reaches the dead tree on the other side of the hills first owns all the fish. The loser has to find something else to eat."

Heron agreed. They prepared to race. Hummingbird was certain that he would win. He watched Heron as she awkwardly stretched her wings and prepared to fly. This will be like catching fish in a barrel, he thought with a grin.

Hummingbird zoomed past Heron as soon as the race began. He flew so far ahead that he lost sight of her behind him. He slowed down as he passed a patch of wildflowers. They smelled so sweet that he had to stop and look at them more closely. Hummingbird just had to try some of their nectar. He drank until his belly was heavy and his eyelids drooped. Perhaps just a short nap, he thought, as he settled himself into a nest of soft leaves.

It was late in the day when Hummingbird woke up. He stretched his wings and glanced at the sky. He could just make out the shape of Heron, flying slowly but surely toward the dead tree. She was almost done with the race! Hummingbird zipped into the air and flew as fast as he could, but it was too late. Heron reached the tree first. From that day forward, Heron owned the fish, and Hummingbird lived on nectar.

Select the sentence from the story that supports the inference that Hummingbird feels confident about racing Heron.

A. He watched Heron as she awkwardly stretched her wings and prepared to fly.
B. zoomed past Heron as soon as the race began.
C. "I do not think there are enough fish left in the river for both of us," he said.
D. This will be like catching fish in a barrel, he thought with a grin.



i think a





i took the quiz

Douglass writes, “You have seen how a man was made a slave; you shall see how a slave was made a man” (76). How did Douglass transform himself from a “slave” to a “man,” despite still being physically enslaved?


I am not writing a whole essay for you. Brainly is to help with small questions but this is just ridiculous.
Hi! If you still need help with the essay, you can go on a website called, you can just put a title and it will start for you. Hope this helps! :)

In Just-
by e.e. commings

in Just-
spring when the world is mud-
luscious the little
lame balloonman

whistles far and wee

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it's

when the world is puddle-wonderful

the queer
old balloonman whistles
far and wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing

from hop-scotch and jump-rope and




balloonMan whistles
What is a theme of "in Just-"?

A. Outdoor play is more fun than indoor play.

B. Children cannot relate to adult problems.

C. Spring is a joyful time

D. Children should not trust strangers.


The answer to your question is C


C. Spring is a joyful time


pls help I will mark brainliest ( write a sentence using the word tangible)
PLs don't copy the sentence from g00gle



The moon felt tangible


I would prefer tangible gifts rather than something else

Who is your favorite rapper NLE Chopper,blueface,ynw melly,lil durk, or ynw bslime



nle and durk



lil durk



Round up if 3rd number from decimal point is 5 or higher, round down if it is 4 or below. Vocab test score 14/35 = what percentage%?


b. 38%

C. 28%

d. 40%





40% :)

Answer: (D) Which is 40%.

If you've read outsiders can you answer my other question plz... its 50 pointz i think



The Outsiders By S.E. Hinton is one of my favorites, what's your question?

I’m Srry but I’ve read the outsiders but I can’t find your question




1,4,5 or A,D,E

Sorry if its wrong

Answer- what he said a

Pls help
Part A: Which statement accurately describes two themes of The Giver?

People should be kind to each other. People can choose between security and individualism.

Family loves and supports you. Determination and courage give you success.

Honesty is the best policy. Most journeys lead back to home.

People learn from memories and gain wisdom. People can make their own choice.

Part B: Which excerpts create the theme?
Group of answer choices

“There are so many more. I received all of those, when I was selected. And here in this room, all alone, I re-experienced them again and again. It is how wisdom comes. And how we shape our future.” And “They were satisfied with their lives which had none of the vibrance his own was taking on. And Jonas was angry at himself, that he could not change that for them.”

“The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away.” And “For a contributing citizen to be released from the community was a final decision, a terrible punishment, an overwhelming statement of failure.”

“There was just a moment when things weren’t quite the same, weren’t quite as they had always been through the long friendship.” And “He liked the feeling of safety here in this warm and quiet room; he liked the expression of trust on the woman’s face as she lay in the water unprotected, exposed, and free.”

“No one mentioned such things ‘it was not a rule but was considered rude to call attention to things that were unsettling or different about individuals.” And “The daily training continued, and now it always included pain and agony.”


I don't know lol



Round up if 3rd number from decimal point is 5 or higher, round down if it is 4 or below. Vocab test score 28/35 = what percentage%?









and you said i didnt know the answer

hope that helps

The answer is 80%. I hope this helps!!

Please help me with these ela questions, thanks





B. I said, “ Jeffery, you need to learn to ask questions before you make an agreement.”

Can Someone help me out, please??


First-person and second-person voice are the appropriate tone for essays.



What is a topic sentence?

The main idea of the paragraph
The last sentence of a paragraph
What the essay is about
A quote or question


Select all the characteristics of a thesis

Should not be a question
Should be and opinion that is able to be argued against
Should express multiple view points on the topic
Should be the last sentence of the introduction
Should be grammatically correct
Should be a fact or a quote


Pre-writing consists of?

brainstorming, clustering, and outlining
writing a rough draft
Reading articles
Ignoring the assignment


What is a thesis?

The main idea of the essay that shows what the writer plans to explain or argue in the paper.
Is the controlling idea of a paragraph
Is a quote
is a large essay


Based on the thesis: In fact, Americans’ obsession with fast food is hurting not only their health but also the quality of their lives.

What would be the best topic sentence for the following paragraph:

People's health is suffering. While convenient, fast foods and frozen meals are generally less healthy than foods made at home. They have many preservatives, fat, sugar, and salt to hide the fact that they are not fresh. If people do not eat fresh foods that provide vitamins and minerals, they may become tired and sick, and they may miss out on opportunities to enjoy their lives.

Even though Americans think that they are saving time and improving their lives by eating precooked and prepackaged food, their obsession with fast food is causing the quality of their lives to go down.

People are in a hurry, but fast food is bad.
Fast food is not as healthy as people believe.
Fast food can do many things to a person's body and mind.


Which of the following sentences has the most academic tone?

Aren't you a person who is overwhelmed by the amount of information available on the Internet?
Kids know more about technology than their parents.
There are a lot of technology trends to keep up with this generation.
People tend to struggle new technology and amount of information available online.


Which of the following is the best thesis sentence?

Pre-school or pre-kindergarten is not required in the United States.
Learning to read in kindergarten
In some countries, children to not start school until they are seven years old.
Putting a child into school before he or she is ready can have negative effects on the child.


Revising and proofreading mean . . .

Nothing because they are not important
To further develop and organize the essay and then correct grammar and tone issues
To read your paper and submit
To start all over


Part of the writing process is drafting. What does drafting mean in that process?

A total waste of time
The final copy I should submit
a process of writing that can contain multiple version of the paper
Following behind a semi to save gas. (Is that really part of the writing process?)


Question 1:

Absolutely false! Never refer to yourself as if you're part of whatever you're talking about in an essay.

Question 2:

A topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph.

Question 3:

A thesis:

should not be a question

should be an opinion that is able to be argued against

should be the last sentence of the introduction

should be grammatically correct

Question 4:

Pre-writing consists of brainstorming, clustering, and outlining. Never ever ignore the assignment.

Question 5:

A thesis is the main idea of the essay that shows what the writer plans to explain or argue in the paper.

Question 6:

I'm not too sure on this one, but I believe the answer is "fast food is not as healthy as people believe."

Question 7:

People tend to struggle with new technology and the amount of information available online.

Question 8:

I do not know how to answer this one, sorry!

Question 9:

To further develop and organize the essay and then correct grammar and tone issues.

Question 10:

Drafting is a process of writing that can contain multiple versions of the paper.

I'm so sorry that I could not answer a couple of those! Still, have a wonderful day/night! <3

#1 is false
#2 is what the essay is about
#4 is brainstorming....

Help me hurry please



growth is expected to be about average.


Growth is expected to be average

Ten pointer: English Language Arts


The answer is B, it shows you that they blossomed in the warmth of the sun


The buds bloomed the frist of spring.

Programs like the Coast Guard and the Federal Bureau of Investigation fall under which type of spending?
state mandatory
federal mandatory
local appropriation
federal discretionary




federal mandatory


It would fall under D


The second week of May is “National Pet Week.” Dogs are America’s most popular pet. Why do you think so many people in America own dogs? If you have a dog, what do you enjoy most about them? If you don’t have a dog, would you like to own one? Why or why not? Please write 7 sentences


Because they’re fun cute and the best friend I could have
We often hear the statement dogs are a mans best friend, and I have to agree! Many people in America own dogs because they are sweet and cuddly, and also playful and energetic! Dogs are great for curling up in the middle of a snowstorm and also going on a run with the sun beating down on your head! The think I enjoy most about my dog is that he is smart! All owners will probably say this about their pet though! Another thing I love about my dog is how when he wants attention, which is often, he nudges me with his nose until you lose focus on the schoolwork you are supposed to be doing and pet him! Overall, you would be very hard pressed to find something seriously bad about a dog!

Which answer choice most clearly describes Roosevelt’s character as it is presented in the passage? A. intelligent and determined B. well-meaning but too hesitant C. warm-hearted but too trusting D. coldly ambitious and uncaring


A she’s very determined but she never gave up she even went to jail for what she believed in and she still fought for what she believes in


I think it's A, but like I don't know the passage...



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