
Answer 1


1) Tone: Bewildered

Mood: gloomy

Evidence : " She knew her parents have been killed...Much of what she had experienced had been so horrible she simply shut it out of her mind"

Answer 2


he or she is correct so here


Related Questions

Which of the following is an example of simile?
A shooting star scratched fire across the atmosphere
My dad is always such a pig when he eats barbecue.
Sarah dances like a ballerina.
That smell was from expired milk? I thought there was a garbage can in our fridge.


Sarah dances like a ballerina. Using like or as makes it a simile
A dhdbenzjdbsbsbxhdjx

In this scene, Forrest shares his belief in miracles, recalling when Jenny, his “most special friend,” encouraged him to run from a group of rock-throwing bullies. And run he did—so hard and fast his leg braces..
Share a better way to have solved the issues/what could bystanders have done differently


He could’ve reason with them or call someone to help or for them but violence is ever the answer
I don’t think it should have been solved differently. He could have gone to a teacher and asked for help, but the teachers didn’t take him seriously and probably wouldn’t have listened. He could have tried to reason with them, but do you honestly think “rock throwing bullies” have any reason? No. This was the best option for him. It allowed him to break free from his leg braces and find something that he could do well.

Running was his salvation throughout the whole movie as well, so if this was solved differently, there wouldn’t really be a movie.



Tone- how the narrator/speaker feels towards the events of the narrative they are describing
Mood- how the piece makes us—the reader—feel
Evidence- examples of the literary devices the author used and how they were used (diction, metaphor, imagery, contrast, etc.)

Paragraph #1:
The tone (coming from the narrator) is joyous, lively, and sentimental
The mood (to the reader) is warm, festive, and personal
EVIDENCE: Imagery of pleasant sensations like “bright lights” the “smell of cookies and cider,” “bright packages,” and the “warm room” as well as the selected vocabulary of “gleamed,” “hummed,” and “playfully,” demonstrate the narrator’s comfort, familiarity, and enjoyment of the holidays while indicating to the reader that this is a safe, happy, and celebratory time.

Paragraph #2:
The tone is depressed and disheartened
The mood is bleak and expired
EVIDENCE: words like “long, cold winter” “dry, brittle (tree),” and the juxtaposition (contrast) between putting “decorations back into their boxes” with the past “finery” of the house show the narrator’s disappointed feelings towards the end of the holiday season and the general “sigh” of the house.

Why is Mr.Poe always believing that the children are lying to him about Count Olaf?
( A Series of Unfortunate Events)



Here you go btw love series of unfortunate events


The reason why Mr. Poe always thinks the children are lying is because, he thinks that they are used to their old rich ways, and that he thinks that the change is making the children make stuff up.  Another reason why could be because he thinks the kids want attention, and he could think that the kids just want to live somewhere else.  Also, Mr. Poe thinks that no one would do all of that just for a fortune.  Mr. Poe is really du mb and he needs to open his eyes, and actually try to investigate, and he needs to think better too.

Hope this helps, stay safe, god bless ya'll, and have a Great day!!!


PLEASE HELP ASAP !!! (crying)


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. B


These i am pretty sure on



6.B or D

A. Circuitous
B. Circumspect
C. Orb
D. Configuration
E. Figurative
F. Cyclic
G. Encyclopedic
Although she strives to be as __ and proper as her aunt requires, Anne of Green Gables often acts impulsively and gets into trouble.


B, Circumspect. This is a guess. Good luck!
The answer is B circuitous

Add an in-text citation using MLA format.

It's easy to grow vegetables in raised beds for several reasons, including good drainage___________

Source: "Grow: Edible Bounty" by Johanna Silver, page 62. Published in Sunset May 2016:
There's a reason raised beds are often bursting with happy vegetables: With perfect drainage and uncompacted soil, the beds are easier to grow in.



I always do the last name, then the page/paragraph, it will look like this:

(Silver, page 62)


A change in point of view can lead to a change in perception. Imagine you are a young screenwriter working for a major motion picture company in the writer’s pool. You have been given the task of developing a new version of the Perseus story. However, the company executives would like to see a movie about Perseus told from another character’s point of view. Your assignment is to provide the executives with an outline of this new screenplay. The following should be included in your outline:

1. list of principal characters with a description of their roles in the story
2. description of key plot elements
3. identification of central conflict and solution
4. rationale for re-telling this story from your chosen character’s POV.

Please help!!


A teleplay or script is another name for a screenplay. Although it is written for television, a play includes both a script and additional works that are not performed in a theatre or shown on television.

What precisely is a script?

As a result, rather than being produced for theatrical performance, a play can be written as a text.

A play may be written just for the purpose of reading, but a screenplay is a reduced version of a play created for performance.

Check out the link below to learn more about screenplay;


I have an important lesson rn so please help me! I might have more questions too

1). Read the following passage from the “Introduction” to Bulfinch’s Mythology .
We thus see that the Greeks of the early ages knew little of any real people except those to the east and south of their own country, or near the coast of the Mediterranean. Which literary term best reflects this passage?
explicit meaning
inferred meaning
historical context
internal conflict

Which of the following is another term for schema ?
explicit meaning
background knowledge
inferential questioning



1. Which literary term best reflects this passage?

ANS: explicit meaning

2. Which of the following is another term for schema ?

ANS: metacognition

please mark as brainliest

I got this one right.
1. Explicit meaning
2. Metacognition

Would you eat cricket protein? Why or why not? 2. Would you ever think about eating other bugs as a form of food? Why or why not?





No. Because as long as I know there’s a bug in food I won’t eat it. I wouldn’t think of eating bugs as food unless i’m in desperate need of food. Because it’s bugs, they’re nasty, creepy and ew.

Read the following poem, "Harlem" by Langston Hughes:
What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

Which best describes the AUTHOR'S PURPOSE for writing this poem?
Question 9 options:

To inform readers about what happens to rotten meat

To explain to readers how easy it is to follow one's dreams

To help readers understand the dangers of achieving one's dreams.

To describe the negative effects of not being able to achieve one's dreams.


To describe the negative effects of not being able to achieve ones dreams

pls help How does the setting of The Giver shape the plot?

The setting of the community allows the reader to identify Jonas’s utopia.

The setting of the community allows Jonas to grow and understand the difference between sameness and choices and allows the reader to understand the theme.

The setting of the community allows Jonas to become the Receiver and gain the memories.

The setting of the community allows Jonas to have feelings and allows the reader to understand his feelings.


Answer: The setting of The Giver helps create the plot because, Jonas lives in a dystopian society. With this type of ruler and community he has to figure out how to get the memories back to the people to have the regular type life you and me both know.

While in Oakland, the girls hope to form a close bond with their mother and visit Disneyland; however, Cecile is hesitant to acknowledge their existence and sends them out daily to attend the People's Center, a day camp run by the Black Panther party.



The book title is One Crazy Summer.


I wasnt sure whether you wanted the title or something else. If this wasnt what you wanted, I can help with whatever you did.

How is dialogue used in “Uncle Marcos” to describe the main character?



Good dialogue reveals personality, and characters only very rarely say precisely what they are thinking. ... So when two characters go back and forth explaining precisely what they are feeling or thinking to each other, it doesn't seem remotely real. Good dialogue is instead comprised of attempts at articulation.


Good taking points and personality

Select the correct answer. What is the theme of the passage? Mason was walking through the mall, wondering what he should buy for his mother. Today was her birthday. Mason had struggled all week trying to find the perfect gift, but nothing seemed right. He first thought about getting her a dress, only to realize that he had no idea what size she wore. Then he thought he’d get her a book, since his mother loved to read. But the book shop was large, and Mason couldn’t be sure which books she had already read. He thought to himself, “I don't know what Mom likes. I want to get her something that will make her happy.” That’s when he saw Little Potter’s Florist and Gardening Shop. His mother loved gardening! Mason ran over to the store. The owner of the store, Angela, was surprised to see Mason. Mason told her he was there to get a gift for his mother. Angela wrapped up five packets of seeds, five planters, and a new weeding fork. She also put together a fresh bouquet of roses for Mason to give to his mother. When the time came to present his gift to his mother, Mason grew anxious. He didn’t know whether or not she would like the gardening supplies. He wondered if he should have bought a dress like he had initially planned. Of course, it was too late to make a change, so he went to the kitchen where his mom was busy preparing a chicken dinner. Mason sneaked behind her and placed the gift on the table. He held out the bouquet and shouted, "Happy Birthday, Mama!" His mother was startled, but she accepted the bouquet with a smile. As she began to open the package, Mason could feel nervousness creeping up on him again. His mom remained silent as she removed the contents of the package. She then turned and hugged Mason with tears in her eyes. Mason knew his mother loved the gifts. She always cried when she was really happy.
A. asking for help
B. valuing our loved ones
C. companionship
D. the power of destiny


The answer is "B" valuing out loved ones

The theme that is conveyed by the author in the passage is B. valuing our loved ones.

What is a theme?

It should be noted that a theme simony means the underlying message that can be conveyed by the author in a story.

Here, the theme that is conveyed by the author in the passage is valuing our loved ones.

In conclusion, the correct option is B.

Learn more about theme on:


What Is Better Distance Learning or face-to-face Learning Justify your answer in simple lines 5-6 Points (will mark Brainlest)



Online learning is increasingly popular nowadays, and this trend is here to stay. With more flexibility, self-directed study options, and access to the same instructors and teachers as traditional learning, it’s no surprise that online learning is popular. But is online learning as good as face to face learning? It may be — and may even be more effective in some cases!


What Is Online Learning?

Online learning can be any type of learning that takes place over the internet. This could be a supplemental course, a full degree program, or self study. More times than not, online learning is asynchronous, as students do not have to learn at the same time and place as their instructors are teaching.


What Is Face-To-Face Learning?

Face-to-face learning is the more traditional way of instruction, where students and teachers attend an in-person session at the same time. The instructor leads the class, and usually, students are passively learning.


Empty rows of chairs in college classroom

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels


Measuring Up: Online Learning vs Face-to-Face

1. Asynchronous Learning vs Synchronous Learning


One of the most significant differences between face-to-face learning and online learning is that face-to-face learning is synchronous, or done at the same time. All instructors and students/classmates are present in face-to-face learning.

 With online learning, however, that is not necessary. Online instruction can be either synchronous or asynchronous.



2. Delivering Knowledge vs Facilitating Learning


In face-to-face classes, instructors are usually just delivering knowledge, and then assessing the understanding of that knowledge at a later date.

 This is compared to online learning, where instructors are seen more as facilitators of learning — helping their students understand the material through provided online materials.

 3. Teacher vs Child-Led Advancement

 While both online and face-to-face learning can have components of both student-led and teacher-led curriculum, online study lends itself better to student-led advancement and learning. In online study, students can decide for themselves what they want to dig deeper on, and spend more time learning.


 4. Discipline and Self Motivation

 Some may say that it is harder to succeed in online education, and that is because you must be highly self-motivated and disciplined. In online learning, no one is keeping you on track — you must be your own motivator, time keeper, and disciplinarian.


5. Measuring Performance

 In both face-to-face and online learning, instructors must have a way to measure performance. This is typically done by way of submitting assignments, administering tests, exams and quizzes, and creating points for participation. Participation and class ‘attendance’ is harder to measure in an online learning environment.


University of the People student online learning with laptop

Photo by Buro Millennial from Pexels


Key Differences Between Face-to-Face vs Online Instruction

There are so many important differences between face-to-face learning and online learning. Here are just a few:

 Key Differences Face-to-Face vs Online Instruction infographic table by UoPeople

Benefits of Face-to-Face Learning

Face-to-face learning has been the standard way of instruction for centuries. While online instruction is becoming increasingly popular, in-person study may still be the best option for some people. With face-to-face learning, instructors are better able to gauge understanding and interest of students, and it is easier to generate group excitement about a subject. It is also easier to hold students accountable.

6 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective

Is online learning as good as face-to-face learning? It may be even better.


1. Students Learn More

 Online courses give students full control over what they are learning, so students are able to work at their own speed. They are able to work quickly through areas they understand, and spend more time on areas they do not.


2. Higher Retention Rates


Many studies have shown that retention rates for online students are much higher than for traditional, in-person students. Online learning increases access and makes it more likely that a student can finish a course or program when physical limitations are removed.


University of the People female student learning online with laptop next to window

Photo by Jopwell from Pexels


3. Lower Time Investment

 ln online learning, students save a ton of time by not having to commute to class. There is also a need by face-to-face instructors to fill the allotted course time, when students could be using that time to work on something more valuable for their learning. In online learning, students are spending less time overall, and making that time towards their education count.



 Please mark as brainliest




In my opinion I am very neutral when it comes to this question. Having lost nearly a year of in person learning it is very hard to transfer back to what was known as normal especially when it comes to school. Having to socially interact with other students and teachers in person just seems so much harder than it used to be, Without the aid of the internet or the comfort of working in my own room school seems like much more of a burden. But if I had the chance to go back and relive 2020 as a normal year I would 100% want to be in in person learning. I feel like I have lost so much more valuable knowledge than I should have.

In an essay, analyze the different viewpoints of what transportation will be like in the future. Thanks.


None of your pictures will load if you upload new ones I can help!!

Can someone help me out here
You've probably seen news reports about the couple who fed their cat
a vegetarian diet. Although I believe in individual rights, this couple
took things too for Cats are natural carnivores, which means they only
eat meat. By changing this necessary part of the cat's diet, the couple
caused serious health problems for the animal. Yes, it's true that meat
based commercial cat food can be expensive, but responsible pet
owners must consider the costs before adopting a cat. Personal
preferences about food should stay personal and not be inflicted on



D. - By showing how vegetarian diets can do serious harm to animals.


You can tell that the author is talking about how dangerous that is because of the various pieces of evidence. "Cats are natural carnivores, which means they only eat meat. By changing this necessary part of the cat's diet, the couple

caused serious health problems for the animal." That theme is littered along the text.

Hope that helped! :)




Which two modes of writing should include a claim statement that is supported by the rest of the piece?




Informative and persuasive.


You are trying to get a point across to someone either way, rather than speculating (analytical). Therefore you need evidence in the rest of your writing to support the point you're trying to make, whether it's to persuade someone or inform someone, You are supporting a thesis statement or claim with evidence. Please Mark Brainliest.


analytical writing and persuasive writing.


Analytical Writing style is often called for at university level.It involves reviewing what you've read in light of other evidence.

Persuasive writing intends to convince readers to believe in an idea or opinion and to do an action.

Which quotation from the poem "Ellis Island" supports the theme "Immigration to America did not answer everyone's dreams"?

Lands invaded / when the earth became owned.

I too come to this island, 7 nine decades the answerer / of dreams.

My grandparents / waited the long days of quarantine, / after leaving the sickness,

Waiting for those who'd worked / a thousand years / yet never owned their own. ​



Lands invaded / when the earth became owned.


Took the test


The right answer is D: Waiting for those who'd worked / a thousand years / yet never owned their own.


Read the excerpt from Article A.

An adult sea otter's coat can contain up to 1 billion individual hairs! These hairs form a protective, waterproof layer, which traps air and provides insulation.

Select the correct use of a direct quotation from this excerpt.

According to Article A, "These hairs form a protective, waterproof layer."

The author explains, "that an adult sea otter's coat forms a protective layer".

The hair forms a protective, waterproof layer that "provides insulation."

"An adult sea otter's coat can contain up to 1 billion individual hairs!"



According to Article A, "These hairs form a protective, waterproof layer."


Correct punctuation, quotation marks, and the fact that the quotation marks START AFTER "Article A" and not before.




Help me please hurry



the following answers are correct:







The answer would be these numbers. 1,3,4,6,8

Please help with this


it’s the second one :)

I need this quick please


Answer:Though some in U.S. President Harry S. Truman's administration called for a direct military response to this aggressive Soviet move, Truman worried such a response would trigger another world war. Instead, he authorized a massive airlift operation under the control of General Lucius D.


How are the poetic forms the cinquain and the limerick similar?
Both include a couplet.
Both have the same rhyme scheme.
Both always have five lines.
Both are supposed to be funny.


second answer :)))))

My dad tells me a joke every morning when I leave for school.
Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A)
A subject

(Choice B)
B direct object

(Choice C)
C indirect object



your dad(the subject) tells you(the direct object) a joke(the indirect object)


Direct object


its on khan acadamy just trust me its true


Round up if 3rd number from decimal point is 5 or higher, round down if it is 4 or below. Vocab test score 4/35 = what percentage%?



the answer is 11%



ha gd a had add ht add hd sb md






It might be B or C. Not really sure...


A and D are off the road. But, B and C are close for the answer. If I find out I will tell you.

Do you think mobile movies are a good idea? Why or why not?




Because you can watch Movie on your movies whenever you want you don't need to be at home to watch a movie!



yes, because not alot of people could have access to a big screen or have the money to go out and watch movies at theaters all the time, so watching mobile movies is a great way for those people to relax even though the experience isn't as good as a big screen movie.


There has been much debate in our community lately about the
starting time of schools. It is clear from the evidence presented that
the high school needs to have a later starting time. Records show that
70 percent of tardy high school students show up before the end of
first period. Some residents believe that this is due to early morning
doctor appointments, but only eight percent of those students had
medical excuses. They are simply sleeping in. Additionally, parents of
younger children complain that they have to wait until 8:45 to see their
kids off to elementary school.



B: by showing that the highschool and elementary school his schedules could be swapped with little trouble

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