Most earthquakes happen along the ?
B.volcanic mountains
C.pacific ring of fire
D.mid- ocean ridge


Answer 1
D. Mid- ocean ridge

Related Questions

Urology nurses must pass the





cuál es el límite entre la cavidad torácica y abdominal?



El diafragma es un músculo en forma de cúpula que separa la cavidad torácica (pulmones y corazón) de la cavidad abdominal (intestinos, estómago, hígado, etc.).


From fossil evidence, you know two species shared a common ancestor approximately 50 million years ago. In comparing a known neutral sequence between rats and mouse, you found 92 base differences in 1000bp. From this information, which of the following values is closest to what you would predict the mutation rate to be?
a. 1 x 10-9
b. 4 x 10-9
c. 2 x 10-9
d. 5 x 10-9
e. 5 x 10-8
f. 8 x 10-9



Option c ([tex]2\times 10^{-9}[/tex]) is the correct alternative.



Common ancestor,

= 50 million years ago

Base differences,

= 92


The predicted mutation rate will be:

= [tex]\frac{92}{50\times 10^6\times 1000}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{1.84}{10^9}[/tex]

= [tex]1.84\times 10^{-9}[/tex]


= [tex]2\times 10^{-9}[/tex]

Thus the above solution is the right one.



Answer: D


The wind is the atmosphere and the birds are the biosphere

Hope this helps

Fossil fuels are formed when organic material is subjected to extreme temperatures and pressure over many years. Where are does the
energy trapped within fossil fuels ultimately come from?
A)geothermal energy trapped within Earth
the Sun's energy trapped in the organisms
heat energy generated due to high pressure
energy released by decomposition reactions


B) the sun’s energy trapped in organisms

The human body is made up of several organ systems that work as a unit to allow the body to function properly. When the body is invaded by the E. coli bacteria from ingesting undercooked meat, a person will likely experience diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Which of the following system failed to do its job?
(I’ll give brainliest)

A. Digestive System
B. Excretory System
C. Nervous System
D. Immune System


I believe the correct answer is B
It is answered D. Immune system fights against invasion on bacteria, viruses... It is not B because excretory system is responsible for removing metabolic wastes from your body

Which factor is a major cause of global warming?


Answer: increased burning of fuels


could i perhaps get brainliest



Difference between pure tone and speech audiometer



Speech audiometry was performed on 15 children with secretory otitis media pre-and post-operatively and the findings compared with the pre-and post-operative pure tone audiograms. The results showed that in 30 per cent of cases pre-operatively the speech audiogram suggested a significantly worse hearing ability than that suggested by the pure tone audiogram (PTA). Where a PTA gives a borderline threshold disproportionate parental concern should be taken seriously as the hearing ability may well be worse than the PTA suggests.

Which two stages are part of the cell cycle but not part of mitosis?



Interphase is one of the two


Interphase is often included in discussions of mitosis, but interphase is technically not part of mitosis

The mitotic phase and inter phase are the two primary stages of the cell cycle. The cell develops and DNA replication occurs during interphase. The duplicated DNA and cytoplasmic components are segregated and the cell splits during the mitotic phase.

What are the different phases of the cell cycle?The four stages of mitosis are prophase (sometimes known as early prophase and prometaphase), metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The mitosis movie contains more information about these phases. In cytokinesis, the cell's cytoplasm splits in two to create two new cells.A cell cycle is the sequence of events that occur in a cell as it grows and divides. A cell spends the majority of its time in what is known as interphase, where it grows, replicates its chromosomes, and prepares for cell division. The cell then exits interphase, goes through mitosis, and divides completely. Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase are the stages. Cytokinesis is the final physical cell division that occurs after telophase and is thus sometimes considered a sixth mitotic phase.

To learn more about phase of cell refer to:


A graph here shows the average frequency of beak depth for a species of
birds in an area. There is a higher frequency of intermediate beak depths,
with some variation within the population for beak size. A homeowner
removes the native landscaping that contained trees and shrubs that
formed fruits and nuts. The homeowner plants new trees that produce only
larger sized nuts. No more smaller berries or intermediate fruit food
sources are available. What is the most likely impact of the change in the
food supply within the homeowner's vicinity? Select ALL that apply.*
Natural Selection
Fitness in Present Environment
Beak Depth
There will be a decrease in frequency for beak sizes labeled at point 2 on the graph.
Natural selection will likely favor an increase in frequency for beak sizes at point 3 on
the graph.
Individual birds will migrate to the area, increasing the frequency of beak sizes at
point 1 on the graph.
The population of birds will change over time with regard to its beak frequency due to
directional selection.
The population of birds will change over time with regard to its beak frequency due to
stabilizing selection


Answer: A,B,D

Explanation: trust i just did it on USA test prep:)

Natural selection will likely favor an increase in frequency for beak sizes at point 3 on the graph.

There will be a decrease in frequency for beak sizes labeled at point 2 on the graph.

The population of birds will change over time with regard to its beak frequency due to directional selection.

What is natural selection?

Natural selection is a mechanism of evolution that occurs when individuals with certain advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those traits on to their offspring. This process leads to a gradual change in the genetic makeup of a population over time, as beneficial traits become more common and less advantageous traits become less common.

Natural selection occurs because resources in nature are limited, leading to competition for survival and reproduction. The individuals with traits that best suit them to their environment will have a higher chance of success, while those with less suitable traits are more likely to die or fail to reproduce. Natural selection is a key driver of evolution and is responsible for the diversity of life on Earth.

Learn more about natural selection, here:


Determine whether each of the following are characteristic of open-mindedness, skepticism, or both.
an important part of science
the interest in new or different ideas
if not checked, it can prevent progress
leads to critical evaluation of ideas
if not checked, it can lead to ideas being accepted without significant evidence
to support them
1 Intro




which organ is responsible for helping to keep the water concentration equal on each side of the cell membrane?
(please help I've been stuck on this for 2 days)



solute membrane


Kidney is the main organ which is responsible for helping to keep the water concentration equal on each side of the cell membrane.

What is Kidney?

The kidneys are the main organs in the body which remove waste products and extra water from the blood in the form of urine and also help to keep the chemicals such as sodium, potassium, and calcium balanced in the body. The kidneys also secrete hormones which help control blood pressure and stimulate bone marrow to make red blood cells.

Kidneys maintain water concentration in the body. Kidneys maintain homeostasis through osmosis. Osmosis is the phenomenon of movement of water or fluid particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.

Learn more about Kidney here:


A solution in which the concentration of solutes is the same inside and outside of a cell is a _______________________ solution: *

None of the above


hypotonic is the answer

Please answer as many as you can this is just a study guide



01. the continued existence of organisms that are best adapted to their environment, with the extinction of others, as a concept in the Darwinian theory of evolution.

02. It shrinks as species begin fighting for resources.

03. The animal will experience a lack of growth.

04. Level 1: Plants and algae make their own food and are called producers. Level 2: Herbivores eat plants and are called primary consumers. Level 3: Carnivores that eat herbivores are called secondary consumers. Level 4: Carnivores that eat other carnivores are called tertiary consumers.


The increase in fossil fuel burning since mid-19th century is increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere true or false





this is a true statement.

5) Select True or False. If False, select the statement that makes it True. A piece of plastic is not a mineral because it is made in a factory and is not found naturally in the Earth. True False; A piece of plastic is a mineral because it is inorganic. False; A piece of plastic is a mineral because it is made in a factory and is not found naturally in the Earth False; A piece of plastic is a mineral because it is a mixture.​





The answer is true because Plastic is not a mineral. It is a solid and it has a definite chemical composition. Plastic is made from oil (an organic material) and it is made by humans - plastic is not a naturally occurring substance.




what is the long term impact on the environment from agriculture



agriculture help the environment


Like in making of money and to prevent famine over a period of time

Which is an example of heterozygous genotype?
[A] AA

[B] Aa

[C] aa



[B] Aa


Heterozygous genotype means "having two different alleles of a particular gene or genes." That would mean that the letters are different, so Aa.


b because one is dominate and other is a hybrid


How can cells store the sugar that is produced in photosynthesis?



it is stored as starch


Answer: It is stored as starch.

Explanation: that's what I would say. hope this helps and I hope you have a super fantastic day:)

How are nebulae and stars related? Select the three correct answers.

A. Stars explode to form nebulae.

B. Nebulae explode to form stars.

C. Nebulae form from stars.

D. Stars are pulled toward nebulae.

E. Stars form from nebulae.

F. Ebulae are found inside stars.



Stars form from nebulae. Stars explode to form nebulae. Nebulae form from stars. (are the correct answers)


Nebulae and stars are related in the following ways:

Stars explode to form nebulae.Stars form from nebulaeNebulae form from stars.

Nebulae refer to a giant cloud that consists of gas and dust that are in space. They're bodies of clouds that are special.

It should be noted that nebulae consist of helium, hydrogen, cosmic dust, etc. It should be noted that in some nebulae, there are stars that are formed from large clouds of dust and gas.

In such a case, when some stars have been formed in the cloud, they'll then illuminate the cloud with their lights.

In conclusion, it should also be known that when there is an explosion of a star that's dying, this then forms nebulae.

Read related link on:

Rearrange them in the correct sequence.

Harvesting, Sowing, Manuring, Tilling and Ploughing, Irrigation, Weeding.

Plzz Help ASAP​



Tilling, Ploughing, Sowing, Manuring, Irrigation, Weeding, Harvesting.

B. How do the roots of the trees may help in controlling soil erosion?

a.They keep the soil more intact

b. They go deep down the ground.

c. They absorb nutrients from the soil

d. All of the above​


I believe the answer is d, all of the above ^^

It would probably be d

2. Write one question that a
scientific experiment could


How long does it take for bread to start getting mold on it?

Which model shows a way that large molecules can enter a cell without using
the cell's energy?





There was no C and D on yours but here is a picture of my son's exam.

2. What is the main function of the a Reproductive System


to give birth to youg one

Which layer of the ocean do you think is most impacted by the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Explain your answer.


The layer most  affected by the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the abyssopelagic zone or bottom layer of the ocean.

What is Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

The term Great Pacific Garbage Patch refers to the accumulation of debris that have long been found along the North Pacific Ocean.

It has affected the ecosystem in the affected area and its impact is more greatly felt in the abyssopelagic zone or bottom layer of the ocean.

Learn more about Great Pacific Garbage Patch:


1.La energía es la capacidad de un cuerpo para producir trabajo.

2.La energía se clasifica solamente en renovables.

3.Las ondas se pueden propagar en un medio o un espacio vacío.

4. Las ondas se pueden clasificar en longitudinales y transversales.

5. La energía cinética es aquella que se encuentra en movimiento.

6. El núcleo de la Tierra está formado
por metales, principalmente hierro y níquel, y en menor
cantidad por azufre y oxígeno.

7. La corteza terrestre está compuesta por rocas
8. La contaminación se puede
definir como la presencia o acumulación de sustancias en el medio ambiente
que afectan negativamente el entorno.

9. Los elementos de la tabla periódica se clasifican de acuerdo con sus propiedades y características

II. Escoge

1. Son fuentes de energías renovables:

2. Son fuentes de energías no renovables:

3. Partes de las ondas:
15. La ciencia que estudia los seres vivos es:

16. En la biotecnología se incluyen las áreas de:

17. Consiste en la liberación de sustancias químicas a la atmósfera que alteran su composición.

18. Se debe a la presencia de desechos en el agua. La contaminación de mares, ríos y lagos se produce por
las actividades del ser humano.

19. Se debe a la acción humana (los residuos y la basura arrojada en cualquier superficie terrestre).

20. Cuando el contaminante es una sustancia química que procede normalmente de los usos industriales.

21. Surge con la emisión de fluidos a elevadascontaminación.

22. La actividad humana produce mucho ruido, y los altos decibelios en un determinado lugar por encima de sus niveles naturales marcan la contaminacion.​



La actividad humana produce mucho ruido, y los altos decibelios en un determinó do lugar por encima de sus niveles naturales marcan la contaminación.


Creo que es la respuesta

Earthquakes occur when:

A.the earth's plates rub against each other
B.magma squeezes through cracks in the crust
C.eroded sediment is carried away
D.heat and pressure build up under the surface


I think it is a I’m pretty sure


B: magma squeezes through crcks in the crust


Lava (magma that has erupted onto the Earth's surface) is visually mesmerizing – as the molten rock flows downhill, lava exposed to the air cools to a deep black color, while the molten rock beneath glows bright orange.

im not sure ha but ok nadin yan

In meteorology, ____ is a volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content.​





An Air mass is a volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content. A front is the border between two air masses.

In meteorology, mass is a volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content.​

What is meteorology?

In the academic, public, and private sectors (government and business), meteorologists work in these fields. Some of the businesses and organizations who employ meteorologists or make use of various meteorological services.

Although we will touch on a few other topics as well, the main focus of this course will be on weather analysis and forecasting. After all, everyone is affected by the weather every single day in some way.

Meteorology is defined as "the science of the atmosphere covering both weather and climate" in the Met Office's Meteorological Glossary.

Therefore, In meteorology, mass is a volume of air defined by its temperature and water vapor content.​

To learn more about meteorology, refer to the link:


Difference between pure tone and speech audiometer



Speech audiometry assesses your ability to hear and comprehend spoken words. ... They are also charted on an audiogram, which measures the decibel level, frequency and gravity of hearing loss.

Pure-tone audiometry only measures audibility thresholds, rather than other aspects of hearing such as sound localization and speech recognition. ... However, there are benefits to using pure-tone audiometry over other forms of hearing test, such as click auditory brainstem response pure tone audiometry, which only gives an indication of absolute perceptual thresholds of tonal sounds (peripheral function), whereas speech audiometry determines speech intelligibility and discrimination


~Hope this helps ~
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