If you were Dean for a day at a school, what would you do?


Answer 1

Answer: well in that case I would probably allow recess days and allow make it to where pets are aloowed to go to school because that sounds like fun


Answer 2
I would make a bunch of rules that would benefit the students. Maybe make school only 4 days a week

Related Questions

Item 2 In Twelfth Night, which event is part of the resolution? Viola and Sebastian are shipwrecked. Malvolio receives a love letter. Viola, disguised as Cesario, meets Olivia. Sir Toby and Maria are married.



Sir Toby and Maria are married. Have a good day everyone :)


You just have to read the book


what he said.


ty for pts.

one example of verbal irony in the lion the witch and the wardrobe


Of this is for wizard of oz
When they use sacasm

Read the following sentences. Victor was lonely until he heard that birds of a feather flock together. He took out his baseball card collection and began to talk about baseball with William. The two baseball fans became good friends. What is the meaning of the adage or proverb birds of a feather flock together? Friendship makes it difficult to feel lonely. Make friends by talking about sports. People spend time with others who are similar to them. You rarely see different animals hanging out with each other.



I  read it but whats the question?



either "friendship makes it difficult yo feel lonely" or "people who spend time with others who are similar to them"


hope this helped a little

One example of verbal irony in the lion the witch and the wardrobe







"That's a reasonable response."


Read this sentence.

Healthy human cells work to achieve homeostasis, or equilibrium.

Based on your knowledge that equilibrium means "balance," what is the best definition of equality?

even-handedness or impartiality

different in value

contrast in quality or nature

mental tranquility


Even-handedness or impartiality

Select the correct answer. (No links please.)

Read this excerpt from Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. How do the Ghost of Christmas Present’s words affect Scrooge?

“If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, none other of my race,” returned the Ghost, “will find him here. What then? If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.”

Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the Spirit, and was overcome with penitence and grief.

“Man,” said the Ghost, “If man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked can’t until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man’s child. Oh God! to hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust!”

Scrooge bent before the Ghost’s rebuke, and trembling cast his eyes upon the ground. But he raised them speedily, on hearing his own name.

Answer choices that were given:

A. They make Scrooge more open and understanding of other people’s needs and wants.

B. They teach Scrooge that human life is fickle and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

C. They rewind Scrooge of his earlier harsh behavior and make him feel regret and shame.

D. They cause Scrooge to feel pity for Bob Cratchit’s family and their humble way of life.



A. They make Scrooge more open and understanding of other people’s needs and wants.


Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

How can reviewing a completed test prior to submitting it help you to earn the most points possible?



Explanation: Because when you review for an answer or essay you allow yourself to look for mistakes. It helps you catch your mistakes like spelling or punctuation.

Reviewing a completed test prior to submitting it helps to recheck it and make editing whenever it is required in order to avoid any mistakes.

What is Review?

A review of a document refers to checking the content of the document in order to determine any error, missing information, or lack of structure that is used to complete a sentence.

Reviewing the document before submitting helps to highlight errors related to entering information, grammar, and vocabulary and helps it to edit or correct them to show the best impression to the viewer.

The review of the test enables the evaluation of whether the test is able to meet the needs of the question or whether it is completely achieving the goal for which it is prepared.

When you recheck your test sometimes you come to answer the question which you skipped and now you are able to attempt it.

Learn more about review benefits, here:



Which of the following is a statement describing the way something happened?(1 point)



a claim

a reason





evidence that is it

explanation: I’m good at english and I’m always willing to help out lol

What is the benefit of maintaining academic integrity in the classroom?



When students learn integrity in classroom settings, it helps them apply similar principles to other aspects of their lives. Most K-12 educators recognize that the students they teach today will become the leaders of tomorrow. Academic curriculum is constantly updated to meet the increasing demands of a changing knowledge society.




Explanation:Next time read the passage slowly and out loud to yourself and cross out in your mind what you dont think is the answer!  

Hope this helps;)

i would say D

that would be my beat guess hope that helps!!

What kind of text structure does the author MOSTLY use in paragraph 3 to explain the realationships between air pressure and storms?


Answer:Cause and Effect

Explanation: If you read the second paragraph you kinda get a hunch of what is going to be so next time read it slow and out loud to yourself and cross of what you don't think is the answer.

Hope this Helps!;)

cause and effect

hopefully that helps!!!!!!!!!!






Im pretty sure

if the other persons answer was wrong i think it could be B. it seems to support the original sentence pretty well.

How did the memories influence the development of Jonas’s character?
Group of answer choices

The memories helped Jonas see color and know what the changes of weather can do.

As Jonas begins to receive memories and learn more about the world before sameness, he naturally begins to think more independently. He becomes frustrated with his community and makes his own decision to leave the community.

Jonas’s character developed through the memories because it gave him the power of the receiver.

The memories developed Jonas’s character by letting him gain the same knowledge as the Giver as the Giver loses the memories.


It has to be B.

A) makes no sense
C) Jonas is the receiver but it’s because he’s “gifted”
D) the giver was still content with his job knowing he will be holding all the pain for his people Jonas was no content and decided to leave to experience the joy and pain of real life.

so b is the reasonable choice

What is one way to edit the following sentence for punctuation?

I traveled to Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, and Austin, Texas.
Select one:

A ] I traveled to: Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, and Austin, Texas.

B ] I traveled to Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; and Austin, Texas.

C ] I traveled to Portland, Oregon: Seattle, Washington: and Austin, Texas.

D ] I traveled to Portland Oregon, Seattle Washington, and Austin Texas.



d. I traveled to Portland Oregon,Seattle Washington, and Austin Texas


A I think


yall i need help can you helP?








A is wrong, because it doesn't draw a strong correlation to a reader's life unless they let their dogs get loose.

C is wrong, because it shows the strength of the relationship between the characters

D is wrong, because as a conclusion, it doesn't need to explain how Rowdy got loose.

can you help me, please
Write a note to a friend describing your favorite school trip. Make sure to tell them:

● Where did you go on a school trip?

● When did you go?

● What did you like about the school trip?

Include more details. Write at least one paragraph.

30-40 lines



Dear friend, I hope you are doing great with school. I'm writing to this note to tell you about the amazing trip I went to with my school last week.

We first started gathering in front of the school parking at 8:30 am to make sure everyone was present, and then, by 9am the bus took off to go to our destination. Even the ride to the zoo was great, because my classmates and I had a lot of fun singing, solving riddles and telling jokes. The teachers that accompanied us in the trip were also surprisingly nice.

Once we got to the zoo, the first thing we did was mark our presence and separate into different small groups before we go inside.

As we went in, the thing that caught my attention is this massive lion sculpture that was behind the gates. Everyone was so stunned by how realistic it was, how big it is (probably ten times my size!) so we started to pictures with it.

Next thing on the trip was watching the zebra, it was so fantastic. We're so used to seeing this animal on TV or phone screens, but when you see them in real life the zebras are such beautiful creatures.

After that, not only we got to see giraffes but we also got the chance to feed them; which honestly was my favorite part of the whole trip.

I cant wait to tell you more about this trip when I see you next month


Which sentence contains a double negative?

I have no time for supper because we are late.

Don't light the candle next to the curtain.

We didn't see nothing at the store.

I can't find my basketball anywhere.



we didn't see nothing at the store


didn't and nothing cancel each other out

"We didn't see nothing at the store" sentence contains a double negative. Thus, option 'C' is the correct option.

What is a double negative?

When two grammatical negation structures are employed in the same sentence, the result is a double negative. The more general phrase for when there are many negatives in a sentence is "multiple negations." Double negatives can yield an affirmative in certain languages when they cancel one other out, but they can also amplify the negation in other languages.

The use of two negatives in a single independent phrase is referred to as litotes, and in standard English, the negatives are considered to cancel one another and result in a weaker affirmative (see the Robert Lowth quote below). However, depending on how the phrase is put together, certain dialects consider that the second negative is intensifying if a verb or adverb is placed between them.

Learn more about double-negative sentences here:



Weaver ant nests are most common in the outer, often uppermost, sunlit branches of trees. The site of energy influx and photosynthesis, this shell of greenery is where most biological action in forests takes place and thus where the majority of resources sought by the ants accumulate. There the ants bind adjacent living leaves into a kind of arboreal tent. Ranging from the size of a baseball to the size of a volleyball but weighing not much more than an inflated balloon, the nests look frail, but they shelter the ants from wind, rain, and rivals. Transpiration,superscript,1,baseline, from their leaf walls creates a built-in HVAC,superscript,2,baseline, system, providing relatively stable temperature and humidity.

paragraph 2,To begin building a nest, a worker pulls at the edge of a leaf, and if she's successful in bending it, nearby ants join her. The workers may stand side by side while gripping the leaf margins, but if the leaves are too far apart, they climb on top of one another and, seizing each other by the waist, form leaf-to-leaf chains that are strong enough to drag the foliage together. Within hours, the nearby leaves are drawn tight and aligned in a nest configuration.

paragraph 3,The name ,begin italics,weaver ant,end italics, comes from the next step, which involves a kind of child labor. In many ant species, the larvae spin silk cocoons in which they transform into adults. But a weaver ant larva does not make a cocoon. Instead, it produces silk at a young age, when still small enough to be held and manipulated by an adult worker. After bearing the larva to the construction site, the worker locates a leaf edge through palpations of her antennae, then lowers the larva's head to it. The larva attaches a silk line to the edge, and the worker then shuttles it back and forth between the leaves, like a weaver working a loom, until the foliage is bound by woven sheets. As a finishing touch, the nest is detailed with tidy entries and internal walls and galleries. The nests, I suspect, can last for years: when the leaves wither, workers bind fresh ones into the structure to replace them.

paragraph 4,Weaver ants avoid the inconveniences endured by most ants, which, as central-place foragers, spend considerable time commuting from one central nest. This is evident in driver ant raids, where hundreds of thousands of ants regularly travel dozens of meters or more. Weaver ants minimize the amount of moving around they do by spacing leaf nests throughout their territory, erecting them wherever their workers are needed and foliage is available for construction. This also makes it easy for them to handle unforeseen events quickly: a worker seeking assistance need only communicate with the ant reserves in the nearest nest.

paragraph 5,Inside the tent, among the brood piles, are smaller workers with shorter limbs. In most polymorphic ants,,superscript,3,baseline, the major workers are scarce and specialized, but with ,begin italics,Oecophylla,end italics,,superscript,4,baseline, the opposite is true, with the majors doing the foraging and nest construction, serving as the workaday ants rather than "soldiers," in the sense of a specialized defensive caste. The minors are less numerous and tend the eggs and small larvae. The physical differences between minors and majors are more modest than in the marauder and driver ants, but the two are relatively distinct, with only occasional intermediates. Typically, the queen is in a nest toward the center of the territory near the top of a crown, though she moves from time to time. Her eggs are distributed among the nests by her workers.

paragraph 6,Because weaving a nest requires an assembly of workers and larvae, one wonders how weaver ant colonies get started. What does the first nest look like? Once, in the Australian outback, I peeled apart two small leaves sewn together at chest level to find four queens and forty workers, the latter each the size of a small major worker in a mature colony, cohabiting in a space the size of a change purse. Making such a tiny nest need not be difficult. Before their first workers are old enough to do the job, the neophyte queens are likely to join forces to hold larvae and weave the nest together.

This sentence is from the passage.

"Ranging from the size of a baseball to the size of a volleyball but weighing not much more than an inflated balloon, the nests look frail, but they shelter the ants from wind, rain, and rivals." (Paragraph 1)

What is the effect of comparing the size and weight of weaver ant nests to familiar objects?

The comparisons reveal that the nests serve as practical and spacious homes.

The comparisons reinforce the idea that ants work as a team to build their nests.

The comparisons emphasize that the nests are remarkable and surprising structures.

The comparisons highlight that the primary purpose of the nests is to protect the ants.



The comparisons emphasize that the nests are remarkable and surprising structures.

Explanation: The text told the size and density of the nests.

The comparisons emphasize that the nests are remarkable and surprising structures.

What is the meaning of Nests?

A nest is a container created by some animals to house eggs or young. Even though nests are most commonly associated with birds, they are built by members of all vertebrate classes as well as some invertebrates.

Among the species that use burrow nests are puffins, shearwaters, some megapodes, motmots, todies, the majority of kingfishers, the crab plover, miners, and leaf. The majority of burrow nesting species create a chamber at the end of a horizontal tunnel they bore into a steep (or almost vertical) earth cliff.

The location where birds deposit their eggs and rear their young is called a nest. The holes that are present on tree trunks, tree branches, etc., are used by birds to build their nests. A sizeable sum of money or other assets is referred to as a nest egg.

Learn more about the Nest here:



In your own words, explain digital literacy to me. Example: Digital literacy is...



Digital literacy refers to an individual's ability to find, evaluate, and clearly communicate information through typing and other media on various digital platforms. It is evaluated by an individual's grammar, composition, typing skills and ability to produce text, images, audio and designs using technology.


Hope This Heeeeeeeelllllllppps

Digital literacy is all about how you use, consume, and share digital data. It’s also the ability to navigate various digital platforms and understand, assess and communicate through them

Select the literary devices, figures of speech, or sensory details used in the example below. Select all that apply.

The man was as handsome as a Greek statue, but his personality was very ugly.



They used a simile by comparing it with a Greek statue
answer: Simile

explanation: the man was being compared to a Greek statue by using the word “as”

How did the WPA help encourage literacy among U.S. citizens?
They wrote a book about the impact of a literate nation.
They took several reading surveys of a diverse American population.
They made and distributed posters promoting reading.
They gathered literacy data to compare with other countries.



They made and distributed posters promoting reading.


I just got it right on a quiz

The WPA help encourage literacy among U.S. citizens by making and distributing posters promoting reading.

What is WPA?

The works progress administration a new name of work projects administration was an American new deal organization that hired millions of job seekers, largely uneducated men, to complete public works projects, such as erecting public structures and roads.

How was it started?

On April 8, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt encouraged Congress to approve $4.9 billion for the funding of a temporary federal works program known as the Works Progress Administration during the great depression.

What is Federal one?

The group of initiatives created with the intention of providing the public with professional and white-collar jobs relating to the arts was referred to as Federal One. They are:

The Federal Art Project (FAP)The Federal Music Project (FMP)The Federal Theater Project (FTP) The Federal Writers' Project (FWP)

To learn more about WPA, Works Progress Administration, and organization here,



the answer is 5 meters aPre-Writing Organizer: Author's Craft Elements
“There Will Come Soft Rains” Ray Bradbury

What is the relationship between man and nature in the text? How do you know? (Evidence from the text)
Relationship= how do these entities co-exist, or interact with one another?



- fire

- dawen, sunrise


- sand

- dirt

Author’s Craft Element
(These must help show the relationship you explained above)
Text Evidence (Example from the text that shows this author’s craft element)












3 parts of nature

It is sand dirt and water :)))))

Help me please hurry


Answer:Marketing Specialist

Explanation:the last one hope it helps

The last one should be the right answer

Read these two paragraphs from the story Hummingbird and Heron:

Heron and Hummingbird both loved to eat fish from the river. Every morning, Heron would fish to her heart's content, eating until her stomach was so round and heavy that she had to waddle back to shore. Every afternoon, Hummingbird would fish and feast until he was so heavy that his tiny, buzzing wings could no longer keep him in the air. Heron and Hummingbird thought they were the luckiest birds in the world.

One afternoon, Hummingbird did not catch as many fish as usual. He fished and he fished, but his line came up empty more times than it ever had before. He flew to Heron's house.

If the first paragraph introduced a third character that also ate fish, how might the next paragraph change?

A. Instead of the Hummingbird not catching as many fish as usual, the paragraph might be about Hummingbird catching a large number of fish.
B. Instead of the Hummingbird immediately flying to Heron's house, the paragraph might have Hummingbird not telling anyone about the empty line.
C. Instead of the Hummingbird fishing, the paragraph might be about Hummingbird taking a long nap and resting in a tree.
D. Instead of the Hummingbird immediately flying to Heron's house, the paragraph might be about Hummingbird trying to figure out who ate all the fish.



try the answer D

The answer would be D, simply because it’s the only answer that would make sense if a 3rd bird was introduced

Please help anwser the question please. (read he story before doing a summary) Thanks!



When listening to street music, Pedro wished he could play musical instruments. An opportunity arose when he heard that Carnegie Hall offers a chance for kids to learn to play instruments. He signed up but things quickly went left when the recorder was too difficult to play. Pedro was annoyed and upset, but his father encouraged him to keep on playing as nothing will come easy. In the end, Pedro never gave up and got the opportunity to play at Carnegie Hall in front of other musicians.


the guys above me is correct

who ever gets this will get a brainlest and a good rating. The outsiders


the answer is the last one “he aims a gun at the police and gets killed”

How are the inhabitants of the otherworld in "Sayadio in Spirit-land" similar to those in "Valhalla: Hall of the Chosen Slain"?

They both cannot communicate with anyone outside the spirit world.

They both are continually honored for their bravery in battle.

They both seem content and perfectly happy where they are.

They both long to return to their physical lives on earth.


We can deduce that the inhabitants of the otherworld in "Sayadio in Spirit-land" are similar to those in "Valhalla: Hall of the Chosen Slain" because: They both seem content and perfectly happy where they are.

What is similar?

Similar refers to being alike. When one thing is similar to another, it then means that they are alike in a way.

Looking at the characteristics of the inhabitants of the otherworld in "Sayadio in Spirit-land", we see that they are similar to those in "Valhalla: Hall of the Chosen Slain". It is true because both seem content and perfectly happy where they are.

Learn more about similarity on https://brainly.com/question/25631497



Lines 220–228: What are examples of cause-and-effect relationships that the author uses to present information? What do these relationships explain?

lines 220-228:

"Parts of India, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia were war zones before
the tsunami, and these situations complicated relief efforts.
In Indonesia, for instance, no foreigners had been allowed
into Aceh Province for years because of the fighting. After
so many died, however, foreign help was welcomed. Later,
peace talks were held to aid the relief efforts because workers
were afraid to go into war zones. Groups felt it was time for
Muslims, Hindus, Christians, and Buddhists to work together
as members of a world community."


Hello! I believe I have an answer.

A cause and effect relationship in this passage is that no foreigners have been allowed in the Aceh Province because of fighting.

Cause - fighting

Effect - no one is allowed in the Aceh Province

I hope that helps! Please let me know if I'm wrong!

Item 6
Too Fast

Batnik’s father was a great inventor. He had created many things that made people’s lives easier. One of his inventions was a car that could operate on both water and land; this car was Batnik’s favorite. On water, it could float and travel at speeds up to 80 miles per hour. But on land, it could travel at speeds over 200 miles per hour. Batnik’s father had created this special car to help people from their island get to the mainland and other islands faster. When Batnik's father was a boy, the only method of travel from one island to another was by ferry, and the trip often took hours. People who were sick and needed medical help from the mainland would have to endure the long crossing or not go at all because of delays. Batnik’s father loved his homeland and wanted to ease the burden on the people, so he created the water car.

When he showed the car to Batnik, Batnik’s father warned Batnik that the car should not be driven at the maximum speed on land or water because the engine could burst into flame. One day when his father was away, Batnik decided that he wanted to show the car to his friends. He drove it on the water, at first going only half the possible speed. Then, as his excitement grew, he increased his speed on the water and was nearing maximum speed. When he reached the land, he continued to accelerate. His exhilaration grew. Like the mythological Greek boy Icarus, who flew too close to the sun, Batnik forgot his father’s warning and pushed the gas pedal to the floor. When the car exceeded 200 miles per hour, it burst into flames.
In the myth of “Daedalus and Icarus,” Icarus becomes enraptured by the ability to fly, defies his father's order to not fly too close to the sun, and suffers dreadful consequences as a result.

How is Batnik’s story in "Too Fast" like that of Icarus from the Greek myth?

Both stories are about boys who love to travel at great speeds.

Both stories are about sons who improve their fathers’ inventions.

Both stories are about boys who are great inventors.

Both stories are about sons who suffer terrible fates after not following instructions.



Both stories are about sons who suffer terrible fates after not following instructions.


can some please help me do 1-14
marking brainliest
no “links” please!


to gain
to vote
to speak
to pay
to see
to win
to achieve
to grant
to vote
to mint
to put
to honor
to gain
to have
here are the infinitive for each number
Other Questions
Which choice best describes an anecdote?a brief funny or engaging tale about an actual person or incident a remedy that reverses the effect of a poisona description of a person featured in an informational texta surprising fact that creates interest in the text You have $4000 to enclose a rectangular piece of property with a fence. The fence costs $11 per foot. A scale drawing of the property has a length of 9 inches and a width of 7 inches. The scale is 1 in. : 12 ft. How much will it cost to enclose the property with the fence? Do you have enough money? How do you solve this problem ? rn i just need question 6 and 8 to complete greek mythology Why Does It Matter? what does the text say ? what does it mean ? hurry plss Pls help! I need to show my work! What is the centripetal force for a roller coaster if the mass is 10 kg and the normal force is 25 N? i need help pls! this test is about angles, and i am having trouble with it. Supporters of free trade believe that: What part of a photograph helps the viewer to find where they should focus their gaze?OA.point of rotationOB.the darkest objectOC. the lightest objectOD center of Interest What are the Crusades? Use long division to determine the decimal equivalent of fraction with numerator 2 and denominator 3. 0 point 6 bar 0 point 7 bar 0 point 8 bar 0 point 9 bar Joseph concludes that the difference between the longest and shortest lengths is 2 1 2 feet. Marta disagrees and says that the difference is only 1 foot. Who is correct? Use the drop-down menus to show and explain your answer. Is correct because you the greatest and least lengths represented by the , not the number of at the greatest and least lengths. The raven by Edgar Allen poe what is your reaction is to the poem Use the equation below to find c, if a = 43 and b = 49. c=180-a-) ? A store uses binary numbers to assign a unique binary sequence to each item in its inventory. What is the minimum number of bits required for each binary sequence if the store has between 75 and 100 items in its inventory?a. 6b. 5c. 7d. 8 What factual evidence does this commercial provide about the product it's trying to sell? Durex commercial- Water balloons The complications that Mr.Kraler brings to members of the Annex. How does this connect back to Act 1 No links please help I'll give you brain thing if its correct Barbara and the bank signed a contract in which they agreed that the bank would loan $100,000.00 to Barbara to buy a car. She would then repay the loan by making monthly payments of $2,500.00 for 50 months. After 2 years of Barbara's making payments, she and the bank agreed that Barbara could sell her car to Dorothy who agreed to make all of the remaining payments which the bank accepted. This is an example of: A. A novation. B. An accord and satisfaction. C. A void contract. D. A voidable contract.