Identify the immediate steps a victim of cyberbullying should take.


Answer 1


If you are under 18 years of age

Available 24/7

Counselling and advice for children who are in distress or suffering abuse

Answer 2
Talk to parent or guardian about it or turn or turn of your phone and delete the app

Related Questions

Which of the following identifies why the number of advertisements has increased? There are more products competing for sales. There are more channels in which to advertise. People are spending more discretionary money. Advertising affects a person’s preferences.




There are more products competing for sales.


A. There are more products competing for sales.

What method can you used to prevent coronary heart disease?

taking a multi-vitamin everyday
appropriate nutrition and exercise
choosing not to smoke or drink
Rubella immunization



B. appropriate nutrition and exercise


hope this helps :)

Examples of reflective practice in a health and social care setting



It allows you to recognize your own strengths and weakness, and use this to guide on-going learning. By reflection you will develop your skills in self-directed learning, improve motivation, and improve the quality of care you are able to provide.

What are the three ways of improving your speed?



- increasing your stamina

- practicing running

- pacing yourself


Answer: your hand methods,Stretch daily. and high knees and don't try so hard to run faster because u will hurt your self  basical relax if someone pass u or sum don't try to push it because u are going to slow down


the formal operational stage around age 17



im only 13 :(


nutritional changes that can occur during older adulthood.


Answer:You can get your peroid. you could have more responebilites. You might have to get a job to pay your bills.


What's meant by the following terms?
Hypervitaminosis (3 marks) (ii) Hypercalcemia (3 marks)​


Hypervitaminosis is a condition of abnormally high storage levels of vitamins

Hypercalcemia is over activity in the four tiny glands in the neck (parathyroid glands) or from cancer

Why do red blood cells need to be so tiny?


Answer: im not shoe but to fit in your body. or so it can get to many places to your body faster


A serving portion is usually the equivalent to one serving per package or container.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.


False I believe is the answer
I would say the answer is T (true).

What role do human genes play in a person’s chances of contracting a genetic disease? Discuss at least one ethical issue related to genetic testing when it comes to privacy and/or reproduction.



A new copy of your genes is made in every new cell that your body creates throughout your life. If those copies have mistakes, this can cause problems. For example, some gene changes can make you more likely to get cancer. Your environment can also directly cause changes to DNA inside your cells.


1. What is the function of the ciruclatory system?

2. What is the function of the Digestive system?

3. What is the function of the Endocrine system?

4. What is the function of the excretory system?

5. What is the function of the muscular system?

6. What is the function of the nervous system?

7. What is the function of the reproductive system?

8. What is the function of the Respiratory system?

9. What is the function of the skeletal system?



1. The circulatory system delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells and takes away wastes. The heart pumps oxygenated and deoxygenated blood on different sides.

2. Digestion is important because your body needs nutrients from food and drink to work properly and stay healthy. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water are nutrients. Your digestive system breaks nutrients into parts small enough for your body to absorb and use for energy, growth, and cell repair.

3. Endocrine glands release hormones into the bloodstream. This lets the hormones travel to cells in other parts of the body. The endocrine hormones help control mood, growth and development, the way our organs work, metabolism , and reproduction. The endocrine system regulates how much of each hormone is released.

4. Excretory systems regulate the chemical composition of body fluids by removing metabolic wastes and retaining the proper amounts of water, salts, and nutrients. Components of this system in vertebrates include the kidneys, liver, lungs, and skin.

5. The muscular system is composed of specialized cells called muscle fibers. Their predominant function is contractibility. Muscles, attached to bones or internal organs and blood vessels, are responsible for movement. Nearly all movement in the body is the result of muscle contraction.

6. The nervous system is the major controlling, regulatory, and communicating system in the body. It is the center of all mental activity including thought, learning, and memory. Together with the endocrine system, the nervous system is responsible for regulating and maintaining homeostasis.

7. To produce egg and sperm cells.

To transport and sustain these cells.

To nurture the developing offspring.

To produce hormones.

8. The lungs and respiratory system allow us to breathe. They bring oxygen into our bodies (called inspiration, or inhalation) and send carbon dioxide out (called expiration, or exhalation). This exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called respiration.

9. The skeletal system works as a support structure for your body. It gives the body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals. The skeletal system is also called the musculoskeletal system.


Yoga is the perfect form of concentric exercise, as it forces your muscles to hold positions that are challenging without much movement. O True O False​





Come up with one word for each letter
in the word “ALCOHOL” that is related to the subject
A- (Example – Addictive)



A - addictive
L - lowers
C - confusion
O - overdose
H - heartache
O - overuse
L - loaded

The root word of "biotic" is


Answer: root word is Bio


Meaning “pertaining to life“.

Can y’all name your own dance

( Create a dance name )


You said create a dance name.


Let it be maniopalogejashcerosepticneologisad.

If you want it simple then let it be:

corosnritya or nrityacoros

[corotya or nritros in short]

I made the word corosnritya or nrityacoros by combining two words of the two most ancient languages:

coros means dance in Greek language

nritya means dance in Sanskrit language

Does the show "Grey's Anatomy" give accurate medical information, why or why not??



The series medical advisor, Andrew Dennis, estimates the medicine to be about 85 percent accurate. The writers also follow the rule that only published cases can be used.


yes, it give a lot of accurate medical information. it teaches you things that you should do if you was in that relatable situation.


Diaphragms and cervical caps are expensive O inexpensive O reusable O can only be used once​


Can only be used once

what might happen to a person when a nervous system fails to regulate and maintan homeostasis?​


When they do, cells may not get everything they need, or toxic wastes may accumulate in the body. If homeostasis is not restored, the imbalance may lead to disease or even death.

A food that would cause a reaction such as a skin rash or the swelling of the lips could be a food ____________________.

Group of answer choices






this would be a food allergy

What is NOT something to consider when eating healthy?
Eat balanced
Increase fiber
Avoid all fat
Drink water


avoid all fat not all fats are bad

There are many different diets/eating healthy but I would say "Avoiding all fats" is probably the worst thing to do, you still need your good fats (Unsaturated fats). You could normally find those fats in avocados, nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, and pecans), Oils (olive oil for example), and even seeds (pumpkin and sesame seeds). If you avoid your unsaturated fats that could be really bad for you due to unsaturated fats normally help you avoid/reduce the risk of heart disease and even lower cholesterol levels.

differentiate the following functions (i) x(1+x)^3​



[tex]\displaystyle y' = (1 + x)^2(4x + 1)[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra I

Terms/CoefficientsFunctionsFunction NotationFactoring



Derivative Notation

Derivative Property [Addition/Subtraction]:                                                                [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}[f(x) + g(x)] = \frac{d}{dx}[f(x)] + \frac{d}{dx}[g(x)][/tex]

Basic Power Rule:

f(x) = cxⁿ f’(x) = c·nxⁿ⁻¹

Derivative Rule [Product Rule]:                                                                                [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx} [f(x)g(x)]=f'(x)g(x) + g'(x)f(x)[/tex]

Derivative Rule [Chain Rule]:                                                                                       [tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}[f(g(x))] =f'(g(x)) \cdot g'(x)[/tex]


Step 1: Define


y = x(1 + x)³

Step 2: Differentiate

Product Rule [Derivative Rule - Chain Rule]:                                                  [tex]\displaystyle y' = \frac{d}{dx}[x] \cdot (1 + x)^3 + x \cdot \frac{d}{dx}[(1 + x)^3] \cdot \frac{d}{dx}[1 + x][/tex]Derivative Property [Addition/Subtraction]:                                                    [tex]\displaystyle y' = \frac{d}{dx}[x] \cdot (1 + x)^3 + x \cdot \frac{d}{dx}[(1 + x)^3] \cdot (\frac{d}{dx}[1] + \frac{d}{dx}[x])[/tex]Basic Power Rule:                                                                                             [tex]\displaystyle y' = x^{1 - 1} \cdot (1 + x)^3 + x \cdot 3(1 + x)^{3 - 1} \cdot (0 + x^{1 - 1})[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                             [tex]\displaystyle y' = (1 + x)^3 + 3x(1 + x)^2[/tex]Factor:                                                                                                               [tex]\displaystyle y' = (1 + x)^2 \bigg[ (1 + x) + 3x \bigg][/tex]Combine like terms:                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle y' = (1 + x)^2(4x + 1)[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Derivatives

Book: College Calculus 10e

Match each eating disorder to its common behavioral characteristics.

bulimia nervosa

obsessively thinking about flaws in


binge-eating disorder


anorexia nervosa

episodes of uncontrolled, compulsive

consumption of food

body dysmorphic disorder

compulsive overeating, followed by self-

induced vomiting or laxative use


Bulimia nervosa- compulsive overeating, followed by induced vomiting or laxative use

Body dysmorphic disorder- obsessively thinking about flaws in appearance

Binge eating disorder - episodes of uncontrolled, compulsive consumption of food

Anorexia nervosa- self-starvation


bulimia nervosa The diagnostic criteria for bulimia in the DSM are: 1) recurrent episodes of binge eating with a sense of lack of control occurring at least twice per week for at least three months, 2) recurrent, inappropriate compensatory behavior, such as vomiting, in order to prevent weight gain.

obsessively thinking about flaws in appearance Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a relatively common disorder that consists of a distressing or impairing preoccupation with imagined or slight defects in appearance. BDD is commonly considered to be an obsessive compulsive spectrum disorder, based on similarities it has with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

binge-eating disorder Binge Eating Disorder is characterized by periods of eating large quantities of food in a short amount of time, often in isolation, due to embarrassment. Many individuals who binge eat very rapidly until they are uncomfortably full. Associated with these frequent binges are intense feelings of being out of control and powerless to stop eating, as well as disgust, shame and depression. However, unlike individuals with bulimia, binge eaters do not engage in compensatory behaviors, such as vomiting, exercising or misusing laxatives and diuretics. While this ultimately makes them physically healthier than their bulimic peers, they often gain weight as a result of high-calorie food consumption  

self starvation Refusing to eat.

Avoiding the grocery store.

Turning down invitations to go out to eat at restaurants.

Lying about eating.

Weighing food before eating it.

Wearing oversized clothing.

Consistently taking laxatives.

Exercising excessively.

anorexia  nervosa They also are typically ashamed and embarrassed about their behavior. They may skip meals by forgetting, being busy, or falling asleep at mealtimes.Emotional and behavioral symptoms · Preoccupation with food, which sometimes includes cooking elaborate meals for others but not eating them .  

episodes of uncontrolled, compulsive of food Binge eating disorder (BED) is a severe, life-threatening, and treatable eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food

body dysmorphic disorder Engaging in behaviors aimed at fixing or hiding the perceived flaw that are difficult to resist or control, such as frequently checking the mirror, grooming or skin picking. Attempting to hide perceived flaws with styling, makeup or clothes. Constantly comparing your appearance with others.

compulsive overeating, followed by self-induced vomiting or laxative use  Purging the food by inducing vomiting or through the use of laxatives are two common . eating accompanied by compensatory, or purging, behavior


Team sports develop a person's social health through learning to respect members of the opposite
Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



The answer would be True.


When people work in teams it allows them to socialize with others. When they can have the oppertunity to socialize they can raise their social skills.

Team sports develop a person's social health through learning to respect members of the opposite team. This statement is true.

What are team sports?

These are the kinds of sports games that are played between two groups of people. Each group in this case is called a team. Team sports are organized by a governing body of people. They maintain the rules, regulations, and ethics of sports.

There are various kinds of team sports that are gaining popularity. These are basketball, football, rugby, cricket, etc. Participation in these kinds of sports can be extremely beneficial for the participants, especially the children.

Children should learn the values of cooperation, coordination, and respect for someone on the opposite side from a young age and team sports provide the opportunity to do that.

Even if we remove the benefits of physical fitness, team sports develop social skills, leadership, communication, the spirit to not be affected by win or loss, etc in the children.

Therefore the statement is true.

Read more about team sports, here


I just found out i have a kid i'm scared yall i am only 16 she's 7 months i dont understand why did it have to come true



Hey you will be ok! You are going to be an amazing parent!! You got this!!! :)


you are going to be an amazing father, dont worry!

how is she living with you tho? they let you have her

Match the phrase with the appropriate mindset component
progress incrementally
lifelong process
accept set-backs
correct intensity level
goal making


You didn’t list the mindset component

E-ödev de yorum nasıl silinir?​


Excel'de bir yorum nasıl kaldırılır?

Seçili Aralıktan veya Tüm Çalışma Sayfasından Yorumları Silme

Excel uygulamasının sol üst tarafındaki gri üçgene tıklayın. Bu, tüm çalışma sayfasını seçecektir (veya Control + A + A kullanabilirsiniz)

Ana Sayfa sekmesine tıklayın.

Düzenleme grubunda Temizle'ye tıklayın.

Yorumları Temizle'ye tıklayın.

What is one benefit to lifelong physical activity?

A. healthier diet
B. lower risk of stroke
C. organized daily schedule
D. lower chance of injury​



I believe it's A because healthier diet helps you


B. lower risk of stroke


Regular excercise helps reduce the factors that cause strokes.

People should eat a variety of which type of food?
O Grains
O Milk
O Meat
O Vegetables and fruits





have a nice day!

Answer: Vegetables and fruits

Mga epekto ng Neokolonyalismo sa mga bansa sa timog at kanlurang asya​



Napag-aralan mo sa nakaraang aralin ang masidling pagmamahal ng mga Asyano sa kanilang bansa. Nagkaroon ng mga pagkilos at pag-alsa sa mga bansang laban sa kolonyalismo. Tuluyang nawala ang imperyalismo at maraming bansa ang naging malaya at nagsasarili. Mula noon, maituturing ban a ang mga bansa sa Asya lalo ang Pilipinas ay ganap ng Malaya at wala ng bahid ng mga impluwensyang kolonyal? Sa modyul na ito, tatalakayin ang bagong uri o pamamaraang kolonyalismo na ginagamit sa mga bansang Asya ng mga Kanlurang malalakas at mayayamang bansa. May dalawang aralin sa modyul na ito: Aralin 1: Neo-Kolonyalismo sa Asya at ang mga Anyo Nito Aralin 2: Bunga ng Neo-Kolonyalismo Pagkatapos mong mapag-aralan ang modyul, inaasahang magagawa mo ang mga sumusunod: 1. Matatalakay ang mga anyo at ang pamamaraan sa neo-kolonyalismo; 2. Maipaliliwanag ang mga bunga o epekto ng neo-kolonyalismo; at 3. Masusuri ang mga reaksyon o tugon ng mga Asyano sa neo- kolonyalismo. Handa ka na ba? Subukan mong sagutin ang mga sumusunod na tanong. Huwag kang mangamba sa pagsagot. May mga tulong sa pag-aaral na inihanda para sa iyo.


Sana makatulong

What are some of the risks that exist for health scientists in their work?



Your personal health risk factors include your age, sex, family health history, lifestyle, and more. Some risk factors can't be changed, such as your genes or ethnicity. Others are within your control, like your diet, physical activity, and whether you wear a seatbelt



Some risks factors can't be changed, such as your genes or ethnicity.


Some risks factors can't be changed, such as your genes or ethnicity.

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plz match these and if u scam me for my points I will report u F-R-E-E P-O-I-N-T-S FOR EVERYONE Read the excerpt from The People Could Fly So [the alligators] all be quiet. Until the fire flare real high and close. . . . The gators swink close down but it don't do them no good. They got to move. The hot fire is real up now. It blister they tails and they snouts. And the gators are runnin away. Based on the clues in the excerpt, the word swink most likely means 7y - 9 = 2(y - 4) + 1 A corporation that transfers restricted stock to an employee as compensation may deduct the stocks fair market value in the year of transfer even if the employee doesnt recognize the value as gross income in the year of transfer.A. TrueB. False Answer all 3 please will mark brainliest An airplane travels at a constant speed of 540 miles per hour. How far, inmiles, will theairplane travel in 20 minutes? give examples of the benefits of global connections and are skills the goalie uses to send the ball back into play Ficus, Inc. began business on March 1 of the current year, and elected to file its income tax return on a calendar-year basis. The corporation incurred $800 in organizational expenditures. Assuming the corporation does not elect to expense but chooses to amortize the costs over 180 months, the maximum allowable deduction for amortization of organizational expenditures in the current year is: a.$44.44 b.$800.00 c.$4.44 d.$53.28 e.None of these choices are correct. how does light travel across the universe to earth? Nathan is analyzing the demand for baseball bats that illuminate when they hit something. The managing director of his company has asked himto understand the type of need that exists for such a product. What are the two types of needs that Nathan should consider?Nathan should consider theB andneeds that would exist for a self-illuminating baseball bat.ResetNext Samantha is comparing scooter prices with two different DC scooter companies. With the UBER scooters, the equation c = 1.80m gives the relationship between m, the number of minutes per ride, and the total cost, in dollars. With the LYET scooters, the cost of 5 minutes is $3.75 and the cost of 10 minutes is $7.50. If Samantha rides for 12 minutes, how much money would she save by renting the less expensive scooter? Explain your reasoning. Please help. Find tanX What is an example of a regular polygon? Help plz. If u know the answer also show work for how you got it plz. Thanks! What is the correct answer? In order to conserve resources, Evelyn uses her old homework as scrap paperand never throws away paper with writing only on one side,What kind of conservation is Evelyn practicing?A. RecyclingB. WasteC. RenewalD. Reuse HELPPPPPPPP MEEEEEEEEEEE Nigel, Gina, and Kamal bought dog supplies.Each person spent between $15 and $20.Nigel bought 4 items.Gina bought 5 items.Kamal bought 2 items.The prices of the items are given below. Drag items to each box to show what each person could have bought.PLEASE HELP I BEG YOU