Identify a public good and a private good that you use regularly. Describe each good, and identify the characteristics that make the public good public and the private good private.


Answer 1


A pure public good is a good or service that can be consumed simultaneously by everyone and from which no one can be excluded. A pure private good is one for which consumption is rival and from which consumers can be excluded. Some goods are non-excludable but are rival and some goods are non-rival but are excludable.

Related Questions

According to Buddha, how can people avoid the process of reincarnation?



Rebirth in Buddhism refers to the teaching that the actions of a person lead to a new existence after death, in an endless cycle called saṃsāra. This cycle is considered to be dukkha, unsatisfactory and painful. The cycle stops only if liberation is achieved by insight and the extinguishing of craving.


Buddhists believe death is a natural part of the life cycle. They believe that death simply leads to rebirth. This belief in reincarnation – that a person's spirit remains close by and seeks out a new body and new life – is a comforting and important principle.

1- How did heavy casualties affect the course of the Civil War?
2-How could Lincoln free the South's enslaved people if the Constitution did not give him the power to do so?
3- How did the Emancipation Proclamation change the focus of the war?
4- what were the immediate consequences of the Emancipation Proclamation?



Heavy casualties and massive desertions in the armies the need to win war. Effect: Both the Union and Confederate governments pass draft laws. Cause: Draft law was passed favoring and protecting the wealthy. Lower class white workers were angry about having to fight for people (slaves at the time)


Write a paragraph comparing the Patriots and the Loyalists. If you were to have taken sides with one of them, which one would you have been and why?
If anyone can help me with this thank you! (I will report any non-answers though.)



Loyalists were those colonials who were loyal to the King of England. They may not have agreed with the policies and laws of the Crown, but they knew they had a duty to uphold the laws and remain loyal to the government that controlled their daily lives. The Patriots were those colonials who were growing weary of British rules and policies, especially when they had no say in how these laws would be made or implemented. They strived for freedom from a tyrannical royal government, often led by Royal Governors who suppressed any utterance of rebellion. The Patriots grew tired and weary of being British citizens without British rights. From my point of view it seems like the Loyalists had it easy so that's who I would pick but it's all up to you.

I hope this helps :)

please help its not that much and I don't have alot of time to do this!
I want you to do some online research and see if you can find out what life was like back then. Then I want you to write a 5-7 sentence paragraph about how you think The Great Depression would be different if it were to happen during today's times.



The unemployment drama playing out in the U.S. has drawn comparisons to the Great Depression, the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world.

But is the comparison fair?

Yes and no, according to labor economists.

On one hand, the country may soon achieve Depression-era levels of joblessness due to the coronavirus pandemic. By some metrics, we may already be close.

Well we currently are in a Great Depression. The Great Depression now is different because we now have technology.

How did Musa promote Islam within his empire?

He oversaw the construction of schools and mosques in his cities so people could learn to
read the Muslim holy book.

He made sure Mali's economy stayed strong,
which meant people had more free time to
spend in prayer.

He gave away more than $100-million worth of
gold during his pilgrimage.

He conquered major cities including Timbuktu.


Answer:He oversaw the construction of schools and mosques in his cities so people could learn to

read the Muslim holy book. is the answer

Explanation:Musa wanted his people to learn to read and write Arabic so they could understand the Koran, the Muslim holy book. To that end, he oversaw the construction of schools and mosques to promote the study of Islam

It seems you have already answered your question

The x-ray on the right is pointing out an area on the back and bottom of Tut's skull. The large white part is Tut's skull. Notice the smaller white part that the arrow is pointing to. The separation between these two white areas indicate an injury to Tut's skull. What could have caused the injury in both of these images?


The injuries and cave in of the fractured bone can indicate blunt force trauma, which could have happened from a blow to his head by an animal, or falling and smacking his head.

Which parties in U.S. history favor strong state governments?




Ch. 6 - Political Parties


The Federalist party consisted of what type of people? Merchants and Bankers

This political party favored strong state governments and they opposed the Constitution? Anti-Federalists

Another name for the Anti-Federalists? Democratic Republicans

Which issues led to the decline of the Roman Empire?

Select all correct answers.

epidemics of foreign diseases

low taxes on Roman citizens

cruel and incompetent emperors

attacks from barbarian tribes



A, C, D


These all led to the fall of the empire.

A,c,d are all right

Why did winning the northern states mean Lincoln would have the most electoral college votes?



The 1860 presidential election was one of the most important in American history. It pitted Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln against Democratic nominee John F. Kennedy.


The election of 1860 was one of the most pivotal presidential elections in American history. It pitted Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln against Democratic Party nominee Senator Stephen Douglas, Southern Democratic Party nominee John Breckinridge and Constitutional Union Party nominee John Bell. The main issue of the election was slavery and states’ rights. Lincoln emerged victorious and became the 16th President of the United States during a national crisis that would tear states and families apart and test Lincoln’s leadership and resolve: The Civil War.

What happened when Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton attended the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London



Here's your answer


For ten days in June 1840, abolitionists from both sides of the Atlantic met together at the World Antislavery Convention in Freemason's Hall in London, England. ... The treatment of Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton at the convention led them to begin their own movement—for women's rights.

There were several events that caused tensions to rise and led to the Civil War.
Place the events in the order in which they occurred.

1. John Brown captured an arsenal of weapons but was later imprisoned.

2. A compromise was reached that allowed California to the Union as a free

3. The courts decided that enslaved workers could be taken anywhere, ever

4. Fighting broke out in Kansas between abolitionists and southerners

5. William Lloyd Garrison founded The Liberator, an anti-slavery newspaper

6.The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act overturned the Missouri Compromise and stopped the balance of free and slave states.​





There were several events that caused tensions to rise and led to the Civil War

1235 I’m not sure !!!

How do people from various groups attempt to maintain their cultural heritage while adapting to the larger Texas culture?


They try to get thru

how do free enterprise and competition interact in a mixed matket economy??​



In a free enterprise economy, competition is allowed to flourish with a minimum of government interference. is a market economy in which private citizens own the factors of production, In a free enterprise system, there is limited government interference and businesses are free to compete.


I don't know what to put in this box.

Which group eventually overran Babylon?
the Hittites
the Persians
the Assyrians
The Turks



A :)


The answer is A hope this helped!

Please help me if you can thank you.

What societal values underlie social programs in Canada and the United States?

How do the economic platforms of political parties differ from one another?

How is a political party’s philosophy reflected in its platforms?

How does the underground economy impact the federal and provincial tax base and social programs?









I think it might be narrowed down between c or d

¡Will mark brainliest!

what were the major causes of genocide in the twentieth century?

(don't answer if you don't have the answer) (URGENT!!)​



the armenian genocide 1915-1923

the holodomor in ukraine 1932-1933

the nanking massacre 1937

the genocide of roma and the jews 1939-1945


Why was Atlanta so important to the South?


Answer:Because of its location and commercial importance, Atlanta was used as a center for military operations and as a supply route by the Confederate army during the Civil War. wer:


Therefore, it also became a target for the Union army. General William Tecumseh Sherman and his troops captured the city in 1864.

Describe the North’s total war strategy (what was it/why did they do it). Need at least 4


It was to basically destroy everything the south had, they would do it because it would leave the south short handed on supplies such as food, water, etc

Why did President Wilson proclaim that this war would be “the war to end all wars?



The phrase “war to end all wars” was first used by the British author H. G. Wells.Thus, WWI was called the “war to end all wars” because there were people who felt that it would lead to the destruction of the sorts of governments and attitudes that caused war.



because there were people who felt that it would lead to the destruction of the sorts of governments and attitudes that caused war.


Have a good day!

how is athena hubris?


Athena pride does not result in Hubris

Why were Texans so committed to retaining control of the Tidelands? Texans wanted to retain control of the Tidelands because...


the federal claim was based on allegations that original ownership of the land was held by the united states before california was made a state, that former supreme court cases adjudicating state ownership were erroneous and should be overruled
Basically, Texas has had underwater areas for as long as it has existed. When it was discovered that there were oil deposits there, the federal government wanted to take it away from Texas who was a recognize owner of the land. It was a case where the state and the federation had to fight in the supreme court. Politics changed because Texas started hating on anyone who tried to take it away so they switched their presidential support based on this.

Can you guys help me with this I need help with this 20 points



weres the words i can put them in


If you post a pic of the words maybe

Why did Abraham Lincoln's background matter to voters in 1860?



In his inaugural address, Lincoln promised not to interfere with the institution of slavery where it existed, and pledged to suspend the activities of the federal government temporarily in areas of hostility. However, he also took a firm stance against secession and the seizure of federal property.

Lincoln presided over the Union victory in the American Civil War, which dominated his presidency. ... A former Whig, Lincoln ran on a political platform opposed to the expansion of slavery in the territories. His election served as the immediate impetus for the outbreak of the Civil War.

The city-state of ________rose to power after the death of Sargon I. (Babylon/Ur)


The city- state of UR.
The city state of UR rose to power after death of Sargon I.

At the battle of Shiloh,

A. the Confederacy turned the Union back quickly

B. the Union won a narrow victory

C. there was no clear winner

D. Grant demanded unconditional surrender


C for sure Just trust the processs
The answer is B

Apr 7, 1862 CE: Battle of Shiloh. On April 7, 1862, the Battle of Shiloh ended with a United States (Union) victory over Confederate forces in Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee.

To protect slaves and people who helped them, the Underground Railroad created a set of code words to communicate with one another.



This is true, The Underground Railroad set a code with one another.

Which of the following is an example of the fear of anarchy in the United States in the 1920s?
A. the Red Scare
B. the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
C. the Scopes Trial
D. the Great Migration


The answer is A) The Red Scare.
A.) The red scare!

During the Red Scare of 1919-1920, many in the United States feared recent immigrants and dissidents, particularly those who embraced communist, socialist, or anarchist ideology. The causes of the Red Scare included:

Red Scare headlines
World War I, which led many to embrace strong nationalistic and anti-immigrant sympathies;
The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which led many to fear that immigrants, particularly from Russia, southern Europe, and eastern Europe, intended to overthrow the United States government;
The end of World War I, which caused production needs to decline and unemployment to rise. Many workers joined labor unions. Labor strikes, including the Boston Police Strike in September 1919, contributed to fears that radicals intended to spark a revolution;
Self-proclaimed anarchists' mailing bombs to prominent Americans, including United States Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and United States Supreme Court Associate Justice (and former Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice) Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

HELP PLZ! The question is, How can we see the impact of the reconstruction plan in the U.S. today? This is an ASSESSMENT that I have to take tomorrow and it's a discussion assessment which means I need lots of evidence and detail. I will obvi mark brainiest for the best answer, plz plz plz take your time answering this, MAKE IT GOOD PLZ I'm getting graded on what I say!!! (This has to deal with the 13, 14, and 15 amendment and green book and him crow laws stuff too)


The reconstruction era redefined US citizenship and expanded the franchise change the relationship between the federal government and the government of the state and highlighted the differences between political and economic democracy during the reconstruction many small white farmers thrown into poverty by the war entered into cotton production a major change from prewar days When they concentrated on growing food for their own families out of the conflicts on the plantations new systems of labor slowly emerge to take place of slavery. The whole point of the reconstruction was guaranteeing race to former slaves and finding new relationships between African-Americans and whites!

“Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.”
—Exodus 3:1–6,
Holy Bible

Who called to Moses out of the burning bush?


The correct answer is A, because it says “God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I” hope this helps! :)
The answer is A I had this problem
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