how does T.J eckeberg affect mr. wilsom​


Answer 1


It affects Mr. Wilson also known as George Wilson by looking at those eyes as if they were the eyes of God.


Related Questions

Should 16 year olds be allowed to drive?



yes they can drive


Somebody please help me with this!





Answer: Implied. Some would say inferred, but I believe that inferred is the red herring.


Why does Juliet look alive after being in the tomb for 48 hours?



Juliet looks lifelike because she is actually alive (and is about to awaken). Friar Laurence sees the bodies of Paris and Romeo just as Juliet begins to wake up. Juliet stabs herself with a dagger when she hears people approaching the tomb. Romeo's mother died of grief due to her son's banishment.


hope this helps

Sweeter than honey and richer than money. Freedom
Given freely to all men by their creator. Freedom
Without freedom, would our world survive?
People are held back by obligations and responsibilities that are not theirs.
We keep freedom in mind and continue to strive.
With our ultimate goal, we do not stop.
No, we cannot stop!
We are working for a world where men are not afraid to share their faith.
A safe place for all.
No one can experience harassment for praying or refusing to pray to a god.
“Land of the free and home of the brave.”
If men struggle, and we are not brave enough to speak up about it.
What has become of our country?
People are afraid of being killed because of whom they love.
People are afraid of being persecuted because of their color.
Stereotypes are everywhere.
All blacks are dangerous.
All Hispanics are drug dealers.
All Muslims are terrorists.
All whites are racists.
Everyone is unfairly labeled, and no one can freely express themselves.
Because of this, I wonder.
Is freedom a lie?
Will we never achieve freedom until the day we die?
The world we are striving for.
Is it all an illusion?
If freedom is not free and comes at a price,
If the price is my life, I would prefer to die.
With death, my soul and spirit will be set free.
I will rise higher and higher.
Free of the standards of society.
Free of the judgment of others.
Free of the things of this world.
To heaven, I will go.
“Freedom at last!”
Hear my freedom bells ring.
What could I have done better?


wow this is cool


Write a body paragraph for why police should wear body cameras and a reason to support your opinion.



Police officers should wear body cameras to protect not just themselves but also civilians. If police officers regularly wore cameras the state would be able to look the at the footage if something questionable ever happened. The state would be able to see if the officer was abusing his/her powers or if they were just acting in self-defense. Then, in most cases, the person at blame would be clear. Then, civilians could get justice for the family or if the officer was just acting in self-defense they would not be punished. In conclusion, police officers should wear body cameras for everyone's safety.

So many people like to claim events occur in a situation with a police officer that don’t actually occur, but they are trying to get the police officer in trouble. If police were to wear body cameras, they would have the proof that such events did not occur and that the assailant is lying about it. Another reason police should wear body cameras is in case there is a fugitive on the loose and they possibly see them in public, they could look back on the body camera footage to see if it’s the wanted fugitive they spotted.

why would someone want to be gayy? plz give me a real answer.



i.d.k bc they like someone and so they decide to be with them making them g.a.y


Complete the following
is a
A gift given with
gift not really given.
A. perturbation
B. congenial
C. misgiving
D. deliberately



A. perturbation


A sentence can be defined as a group of words that comprises of both a subject and predicate used to convey a logical information. Sentences are classified into four (4) main categories and these includes;

I. Simple sentence.

II. Compound sentence.

III. Complex sentence.

IV. Compound-Complex sentence.

A gift can be defined as an item or product given to someone, especially as an appreciation without the expectation of monetary (financial) gains or any other thing in return.

Typically, a gift is expected to be given selflessly and with the sole intension to appreciate, felicitate or show a heart of gratitude. You should feel bad or perturbed about a gift, else it would be considered as a show off or gift not really given.

Hence, a gift given with perturbation is a gift not really given because the giver is agitated and disturbed about it.

we went to the grocery idenity the verb​




we went to the grocery.

Here verb is went.




went is a verb meaning to go.





went= verb

A. Read the text and write down E if the piece of information is explicit or write
down I if it is implicit.
1. The teacher congratulated Rosie.
2. Rosie stood on stage and delivered her speech.
3. Rosie was full of happiness.
4. Rosie was a hard-working and intelligent student.
5. The parents of Rosie promised to celebrate her success.





Rosie had to be congratulated since she is hardworking

I need help asap, i will report you if you dont answer the question correctly, steal points, or try to scam me. (these are all the points i have left)

Read the following text from the play Julius Caesar:

But wherefore art not in thy shop today?
Why dost thou lead these men about the streets?

Second Commoner
Truly, sir, to wear out their shoes, to get myself
into more work. But, indeed, sir, we make holiday,
to see Caesar and to rejoice in his triumph.

Wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?
What tributaries follow him to Rome,
To grace in captive bonds his chariot-wheels?
You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!
O you hard hearts, you cruel men of Rome,
Knew you not Pompey? Many a time and oft
Have you climb'd up to walls and battlements,
To towers and windows, yea, to chimney-tops,
Your infants in your arms, and there have sat
The livelong day, with patient expectation,
To see great Pompey pass the streets of Rome:
And when you saw his chariot but appear,
Have you not made an universal shout,
That Tiber trembled underneath her banks,
To hear the replication of your sounds
Made in her concave shores?
And do you now put on your best attire?
And do you now cull out a holiday?
And do you now strew flowers in his way
That comes in triumph over Pompey's blood? Be gone!
Run to your houses, fall upon your knees,
Pray to the gods to intermit the plague
That needs must light on this ingratitude.

Once you have read the text, examine the following painting titled Caesar Victorious:

Ceasar Victorious, Andrea Andreani, 1598 (1599), The painting has a deliberately crowded, celebratory feeling. There is the sense of action, as it depicts the triumphant return of Julius Caesar to Rome. Caesar, dressed in formal robes, is positioned to the right of the painting on his golden chariot riding through the streets with the Arch of Constantine in the background against blue skies and an adoring attendant in the foreground on the left carrying the victory banner that reads 'VENI VIDI VICI' (translation: I came, I saw, I conquered). The left side only is framed by an elaborate faux column, while the others are left simple. In the traditional image, Caesar sits high up on the chariot behind his white horse. He is holding a staff and a large feather, while an angel is depicted behind him placing a headdress upon his head. People mill around between the cart and the Arch watching the procession while cherubs offer branches of victorious recognition in the foreground.
© Public Domain

In at least two to three paragraphs, write an essay where you analyze the tone the character Marullus uses to express his interpretation of Caesar's return. Then explain how this is similar or different from the interpretation the painter has depicted? Use specific examples to support your observations. Use proper spelling and grammar.



His tone is that of someone that is worried or even alarmed at Caesar’s return after he defeated his rival and also former co-ruler Pompey. Marullus knew that this victory would mean that Caesar will be the most powerful man in Rome. For this same reason he felt in a very dangerous position. He assumed that Caesar would soon impose one-man rule. Marullus joins Flavius who feels the same way to try and put a stop to Caesar.  

It is clear that the interpretation the painter has depicted is very different. This is apparent when you compare the painting to the word that Marullus himself used to describe the return of Caesar. In the painting it seems as though Marullus is impressed by Caesar’s feat. I believe he was just putting up a front while deep down he felt disgusted just looking at Caesar in his glory moment.

Rohan's house has an entertainment room with a loud music system. How can he make his house sound proof?



What Rohan really could do is buy a bunch of sound proof foam and put then on his wall.


6. Read this sentence from paragraph 15.
A morning full of whispers, jeers, and awkward questions left Andy slumped in his
seat in art class like a spent parachute.
The author uses a simile in this sentence to illustrate –
how perplexed the students are about Andy's new outfit
how difficult it can be to concentrate in Andy's art class
how discouraged Andy feels by his peers' reactions to his outfit
how exhausting a typical day at Andy's school is



how exhausting a typical day at Andy's school is


In what way is Katherine Anne Porter's story "He" a Modernist work?
a) The setting has many features of modern 20th-century life.
b) The story focuses mainly on the lives of uneducated, rural characters.
c) Porter uses nontraditional, experimental techniques to convey meaning.
d) The characters are shaped by forces beyond their control.



c) Porter uses nontraditional, experimental techniques to convey meaning.


I took the test.


Porter uses nontraditional, experimental techniques to convey meaning.


Modernist features include Porter's experimental use of only the male pronoun "He" to name a character.

Choose the best way to complete the sentence.
The speaker's lofty attitude made it clear that
A) she was well informed.
B) she was standing on a platform.
C) she believed in what she was saying.
D) she felt herself superior to her audience.


Answer:b answer is b Explanation: ) she was standing on a platform.

The following sentence places the bolded quotation in the middle of the sentence, making it part of the writer's thought. What is this technique called?

Although in the prologue Chaucer describes his Prioresse as "so charitable and so piteous she would weep, if that she saw a mouse caught in a trap, if it were dead or bled," her later
story reveals her to be shallow, anti-Semitic and un-Christian

- foreshadowing
- incorporating
- integrating
- framing





A quotation can be set off separately or it can be blended into a paragraph.


- framing


Which of these words is an endocentric compound?


help asap!!



Most compounds in English are endocentric, that is, one of the elements (typically the right-hand element) is the head of the construction. Headedness is shown most clearly by hyponymy: the compound as a whole is a hyponym of its head. For example, traffic-light is a hyponym of light, but not a hyponym of traffic.


Therefore bittersweet would be your endocentric compound. Because something can't be bitter while being sweet.

The word that is an endocentric compound is the bluebird. That is option A

What is an endocentric compound?

An endocentric compound is composed of two words in which one functions as the head while the other one functions are the modifier.

In endocentric compounds, the modifier determines the meaning of the whole compound word

In the endocentric word, the modifier"blue" determines that the head, "bird" is actually blue in colour.

Learn more about compound word here:


PLS HELP! Write the root word and prefix of the word "unbelievable." Write the antonym of this word.





I recently spoke to a mother whose son Matt is a star athlete.
A) no change
B) ,Matt
C) ,Matt,
D) Matt,



pretty sure its C


you can say the same sentence without 'Matt' but the commas separate the word from the rest of the text

"It seems your central character has a really cool power: being able to hear what others are thinking,” Tom said.
“Actually, I think it was more of a jinx,” replied Ben. “Being able to hear what people are really thinking is one of those things you think would be great until you can do it.”
Which stage of the short story’s plot is discussed in this passage?
A. Rising Action
B. Setting
C. Conflict
D. Climax



you watch anime


answer for 30 points


Ight bet ok


Your original poem perfectly fits one of the formats from this lesson: Haiku, Couplet, Limerick or Cinquain. Your poetry rhymes and has a strong rhythm, showing signs of having been read aloud and revised for flow.



See explanation for answer.


If the world as a whole was black and white

If the world was always the darkest lit night

Would you keep me around and hold me close

Would you still love me and call me your "rose"

If I were helplessly sadly breaking

If I were uncontrollably shaking

Would you still stay and stick around

Or would you leave me hopeless on the ground

I know this isn't perfect or anything but I hope it helps!

Have a lovely day!

( Yes, this is my original work. )

. Describe a time in your past that changed your life. It can be something big or small.



the day I realized that I can become anything that I want to be in like.



When my grandfather passed away.


He actually died from Corona and I've missed him so much ever since. He was already having heart issues before hand but I never thought that he would die so soon.

Essay Prompt: The legend of King Arthur is well-known in the literature. Based on Unsolved Mysteries of History, there is little to suggest it is true. Do you think it is important for people to believe in legends like King Arthur even if there is little evidence to support them? Why or why not? Write a short (3 paragraphs) explanatory essay stating your opinion. Justify your opinion and conclusions with relevant textual evidence (quotes or paraphrased ideas from sources) and background knowledge. Remember to use relevant vocabulary from the text in your essay.



Even though there is little evidence to prove the historical existance of King Arthur, I think it is important to learn about his legend and values of the time. First of all, Arthur's story gives us a hint of what England was like during the period before it was unified into one kingdom. In this way, we can learn about what life was like then and what principles were considered important. Secondly, I think there is still a lot to discover about his legend. As a result, the more we study it and do research, the closer we will be of finding more evidence regarding his life as a historical character.


Have a Nice Day

Calculate the simple interest of the following. Mark borrowed $3500 at 5.5%
interest for 5 years. How much money will he owe at the end of term? *



He will owe $4,462.50 at the end of term

What are some negative metaphors used to describe the college construction boom?



Some negative education metaphors may also help us explain. During this time, we're learning things that we use to create the society of tomorrow. A cornerstone is one of the most important stones when building a building. Then friends and colleagues, use them as a warm up activity in a college seminar


I hope this helps you sorry if it doesn’t.

What does the phrase "exposing the remains" suggest about the village of Skara Brae? A. There are many complete buildings in the village. B. There are many people left in the village to talk to. C. There is not much left of the village to examine. D. There is not much food to eat in the village



C. There is not much left of the village to examine


The phrase "exposing the remains" suggest that the village of Skara Brae has very little left to examine.

That phrase is used to show that something that has been dead, but hidden from view hass suddenly been exposed, so this means that the village of Skara Brae has very little left to examine.

HELP ENGLISH PLEASSE!!! Use a colon in a sentence about going somewhere


[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:}}}}}[/tex]

Colon cancer is a serious disease that can be deadly.

Thanks.Hope it helps.


Stop going to jungle:" I can't chase you".

Review the clue.

The root of the word annihilate is nihil, or "nothing."

Based on this clue, which phrase is the best meaning of the word annihilate?

to destroy something

to cease to grow

to cause a leak

to prompt a fight



to destroy something


nihil or "reduced to nothing" can give us an idea that the first option best fits the description


To destroy something.


as the SP of your school you have been invited to tell the PTA what your school needs most write a speech​


Answer: Write the speech about the students' good qualities such as  their manners,behaviours,and attributes.


6a. What made Dave Withrow uniquely qualified to join Operation

Breakthrough? [R1.1)

6b. What piece of evidence from the interview best supports the answer to

#ba? [RI.3] *


Hello. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, however, after searching for it on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly the same as yours that presented the text "NOAA’s Big Miracle Worker" as the text in question. If this is your case I hope the answer below can help you.

Answer and Explanation:

The text is an interview with Dave Withrow about the operation that allowed the rescue of three gray whales that were trapped in Barrow, Alaska in 1988. Withrow shows that he was the qualified professional to work in this operation because he had experience working with marine manifers, such as whales, because when he worked at NOAA at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, his department was responsible for taking care of any matter related to whales. This can be seen in the first paragraph of the text, in the lines: “... anything whale-related, especially on the West Coast, comes  through our office.”

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