How does snowball show leadership in Animal Farm?


Answer 1

Only by demonstrating that he shared in the advantages their leaders unlawfully and undemocratically allocated to themselves at the detriment of everyone can Snowball be described as corrupt.

Napoleon and Snowball, the leaders of the farmhouse, serve as examples in George Orwell's novel Animal Farm that absolute power fully corrupts, and that power corrupts absolutely corrupts power. How did Napoleon's power contaminate the farm? Napoleon's power compromised the farm's fundamental principles, Carnality & The Seven Commandments, which it was built upon. The three pigs' authority corrupted them, and this in turn corrupted society as a whole, leading to Napoleon's ascension to absolute power. George Orwell wrote "Animal Farm," a parable.  The story tells the story of the 1917 Russian Revolution. The fight between Snowball and Napoleon is depicted in Chapter 5. Snowball is skilled in making compelling talks. During the meetings, his persuasive speeches helped him win the majority of the votes

Learn more about Corrupts here:


Related Questions




I know you haven't gave the article but i am going to say it is the 1st one


Enviromental pollulation
in Nepal​


Environmental pollution in Nepal include overpopulation, deforestation, energy and species conservation. Mountain biodiversity is suffering due to ecological fragility and instability of high mountain environments, deforestation, poor management of natural resources, and inappropriate farming practices.

The death rate from both indoor and outdoor air pollutants was 133.3 per 100,000 populations(2017) which is the second-highest death rate after due to Cardiovascular diseases in Nepal. There is no complete combust when coal and biomass fuels are burned.

They leave some variety of chemicals and gases behind which are usually breathable and can be associated with long-term chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, cardiovascular disease, and adverse reproductive outcomes.

The most vulnerable groups are women and children in household air pollution. In Nepal, Diarrhoea is the 4th leading cause of death. There is still limited systemic monitoring of the water system and water quality.

Sedimentation and discharge of industrial effluents are prominent sources of water pollution, and the burning of wood for fuel is a significant source of indoor air pollution and respiratory problems. Vehicular and industrial emissions increasingly have contributed to air pollution in urban areas.  

you have a toy bin that is 6 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 3 feet high, how much space do you have for toys? Please I really need this answer



You have 72 cubic feet of space for your toys.


What we need to find here is the volume of the toy bin. Volume can be defined as a three-dimensional space that is enclosed by a boundary. In this case, it would be the walls, bottom, and lid of the bin. The formula to calculate volume is length X width X height, that is, the multiplication of the three dimensions. According to the instructions, we have the following dimensions: 6 x 4 x 3 = 72. Thus, we can say that we have 72 cubic feet of space for the toys in the bin.

Romeo and Juliet: List at least THREE key events that happen in Act II of the film



Juliet proposes marriage. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet that afternoon.

Tybalt sends a letter to Romeo that he is out for revenge for the Montagues crashing the party.

Romeo and Juliet married in secret by Friar Lawrence.


hope i helped

7) What inference can be made from the punctuation in section (6)? A) Exclamation marks are used to indicate serious danger. B) Exclamation marks are used to indicate happy excitement. C) Exclamation marks are used to indicate a sense of urgency. Eliminate D) Exclamation marks are used to indicate the narrator's fear.





Exclamation marks are used to indicate happy excitement.

List 4 ways hummingbirds work to stay alive.



1. build habitats for them

2. stop shooting them

3. make a bird feeder.

4. help the hurt


i have a brain

The trip to France, Spain, and Italy (was/were) canceled when the coronavirus spread to Europe.





Next time try both words in the sentence and see which one makes more sense :)


I am pretty sure it's were


It would just make more sense in the sentence

this is probably a weird question but if anyone is taking English 2 on sos (10th grade) can u tell me how many projects/ essays are assigned in the whole subject
Thanks !



Id say theres about 4 per quarter/ 8 per semester


hope that helped

Write a descriptive paragraph about bicycle



Every day morning I would ride my cycle . I loved to ring the bell whenever I saw people coming near my cycle. My cycle had a basket in the front. I always kept my favourite teddy bear in the basket.

Direction: Write a descriptive paragraph about bicycle.

[tex]Bicycles \: are \: common \: and \: almost \: every \: kid \: has \: a \: bicycle. \\ I \: too \: had \: been \: longing \: for \: one \: and \: i \: kept \: telling \: my \\ parents \: that \: i \: want \: one. [/tex]

[tex]But \: they \: were \: first \: not \: very \: much \: willing, \: considering \: the \: risks \: and \: dangers. \\ Almost \: all \: my \: friends \: have \: bicycles \: and \: I \: really \: wanted \: one. \: On \: my \: last \: birthday, \\ i \: was \: presented \: with \: a \: new \: bicycle \: by \: my \: parents. \: I \: was \: so \: very \: excited \: and \: thrilled, \\ that \: i \: really \: did \: not \: know \: what \: I \: should \: be \: doing. \: It \: was \: a \: new \: BSA \: SLR \: cycle \\ and \: was \: an \: advanced \: version. \: It \: had \: so \: many \: added \: features \: and \: was \: looking \: very \\ \: stylish. \: I \: immediately \: got \: on \: it \: and \: started \: to \: ride. \: It \: was \: so \: much \: fun \: and \: I \: was \: all \: excited.[/tex]

[tex]I \: rode \: the \: cycle \: to \: almost \: all \: my \: friends’ \: house \: in \: the \: neighborhood \: and \: showed \: them \: my \: new \: present. \\ They \: all \: liked \: it \: very \: much \: and \: asked \: me \: to \: give \: them \: for \: a \: ride. \: Though \: at \: first \: I \: was \: a \: bit \: hesitant, \\ I \: then \: decided \: to \: share. \: We \: all \: had \: so \: much \: fun \: riding \: the \: cycle. \: My \: parents \: also \: bought \: a \: helmet, \\ so \: that \: I \: could \: wear \: it \: while \: riding \: and \: save \: myself \: from \: any \: kind \: of \: accidents.[/tex]

[tex]The \: cycle \: is \: black \: and \: red \: in \: color \: and \: looks \: very \: beautiful. \\ I \: clean \: it \: daily \: and \: make \: sure \: that \: it \: is \: in \: fine \: condition, \\ before \: I \: start \: my \: day. \: I \: go \: to \: school \: these \: days \: on \: my \: new \\ bicycle \: and \: everybody \: in \: school \: also \: likes \: it \: very \: much. \: It \: has \: great \: \\ space \: at \: its \: back \: and \: this \: helps \: me \: to \: keep \: my \: school \: bag \: safely \\ and \: tidily \: when \: I \: drive \: to \: school \: and \: come \: back. \: Its \: wheels \: are \: also \\ great \: with \: its \: grip, \: so \: that \: the \: chances \: of \: falling \: down \: are \: less.[/tex]

[tex]Since \: cycling \: is \: a \: good \: exercise \: too, \: I \: love \: going \: for \: cycling \: too. \\ This \: bicycle \: of \: mine \: is \: just \: priceless \: and \: would \: be \: treasured, \\ as \: this \: is \: one \: gift \: that \: my \: parents \: gave \: me, \: without \: me \: preparing \: \\ for \: it. \: The \: excitement \: and \: joy \: is \: really \: great \: and \: we \: thank \: God \: for \: his \: blessings.[/tex]

[tex]\huge\bold\color{purple}{Hope \: it \: helps!}[/tex]

which of the following words is an object
she ​


I think it’s “who” , or “whom” because the others are genders.

How did the Camp David Accords reflect the role of the United States as a mediator?



They led to an official peace treaty between the two countries that returned the Sinai to Egypt, established diplomatic relations between Egypt and Israel, and opened the Suez Canal to Israeli ships. The Camp David Accords led to a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt after many years of war.

Explanation:brainliest plz

A substantiated opinion is best supported by
personal opinions.
individual thoughts.
expert opinions.
common beliefs.



C: Expert opinions


Took the quiz on edge and got it right

Hope this helps you!

Please leave a thanks and a rating! And please consider giving brainliest!

Substantiated opinions are thoughts established by evidence or proof. They are best supported by expert opinions.

What are substantiated opinions?

A substantiated opinion is supported by facts, proofs, and evidence though it may not always be correct. It is used in professional and intellectual talks to back opinions with facts.

They are supported by the opinions and thoughts of an expert in the field and have a chance to be more reasonable than the unsubstantiated opinions.

Therefore, the substantiated opinions are supported by option C. expert opinion.

Learn more about substantiated opinions here:


Imagine you want to convince your favorite band or singer to perform in your town, but you don’t have any money for payment. Write a letter to persuade this artist to perform in your town for free.
To make your letter convincing, be sure to include 2–4 body paragraphs and 1–3 pieces of evidence per body paragraph.



Hello, my name is ( your name )! I am a (your age) from (your town, city, ect). It's pretty small so I doubt you ever heard of it, or even been here before. My family, like alot of families here, are pretty poor, but since its a small community we all help each other out and were all pretty much all one big family.

One thing that is very important too us is music, and once every two weeks we hold a little gathering were we all dance, sing songs, tell jokes and stories, and of course the food is amazing! It's all one big party for a few hours of the day, its usually when the sun sets. Your music and band is widely popular here, and alot of us sing your songs, but since were to poor and our (town, city, ect) Is very remote were not able to go see you preform.

Recently, my brother grew very ill, and we had to call in a doctor from another city to see what was wrong with him. It turns out that he has stage 2 lung cancer, and the medical supplies that we need to take care of him are very expensive, and even with them the doctor said he has a few years to live at best.

Soon he'll most likely be on the Make a Wish kids program, and is one wish is for all of you to come down and preform for us for a few hours. Although he would never ask for that out loud as he is a very humble, so it would be like a big surprise for him! If you need, we can mail you all the documents about his condition, as well as get you in-contact with the doctors.

Thank you for reading this, if you are. Please consider coming down to visit us. Sincerely, (your name), from (town, city, etc)


complete the table by listing some situations where it is easier when u demonstrate patience


the northern long end ksksodkdkdkkd


10. Correçt the grammar error in the following sentence. Retype the whole
sentence and correct the mistake: Samantha is the second girl that has
achieved full colours for drum majorettes.​


Samantha is the second girl that has achieved full colors for drum majority’s. (sorry if this isn’t right)

Read the sentences.

I want to be in London right now. I really want to see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

Which sentence uses the subjunctive mood to express the ideas in the sentences?

If I can get to London, I will see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.If I can get to London, I will see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. , ,

If I were in London right now, I would go see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.If I were in London right now, I would go see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. , ,

Going to London to see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace is a dream of mine.Going to London to see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace is a dream of mine. , ,

I will go to London right now, and I will see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.



If I were in London right now, I would go see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. If I were in London right now, I would go see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.


The second option uses the subjunctive mood to express a hypothetical situation.

We use the subjunctive mood to talk about a wish, a suggestion, or a hypothetical situation. In this mood, the verb to be: is, are, and am becomes, be in the present tense. In the past tense, the verb to be was, becomes were, like in the sentence If I were in London. The verbs with s, like works, cooks, makes in the subjunctive mood go without the s.

The original sentence says, " I want to be in London right now. I really want to see Big Ben And the Buckingham Palace" It is expressing a situation that is not real. The person imagines the situation. The sentence If "I were in London right now, I would go see Big Ben and Buckingham Palace" with the word were, is talking about a hypothetical situation using the subjunctive mood.

Answer: If I were in London right now, I would go see the Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

Explanation: I took the Exam

Tisha is researching Renaissance artwork and its influence on modern art. What would be the most credible source for Tisha to use? A. a documentary about the growing modern art scene in Tisha’s hometown B. the biography of a famous artist from the fourteenth century C. a reference book about art during the Renaissance D. an interview with the owner of a local art gallery



B. the biography of a famous artist from the fourteenth century


pleasee mark this answer as brainliest

Answer: C


This story is considered to be an early example of experimentation with “stream of consciousness” narration. Why might an author choose to narrate a story this way?

From- An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge commonlit

also guys you know a cite to find the commonlits answer



i think its to be in a third person narration so i would say its a thisd person narration


i am writing a speech on abortion and i have chosen pro-life could you please write me a paragraph persuading your audience to take action and to join the fight to change this social injustice. basically just try to convince someone to join pro-life.


Answer: answer in the pic


hope it helps!!

use an adverb from the box to complete each sentence

tomorrow quickly over
later softly under
seldom happily around
often sadly behind

1. we want to go to the amusement park :__________

2.we______go to the store on the way home from school

3.she______ changed her mind and chose vanilla

4.our presents are______the tree.

5.he sits_____mark in class

6.l like to jump_____ the obstacles

7.we looked______ for the last piece

8.she sang ______to herself

9.he _______chose a new car

10. she _____ asked what happened to the baby​



its oi oi oi oi oi ioiooiooioii



Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.

That book is very funny isn't it?
Tim and Jan, are busy aren't they?
Susan does not like scary movies does she?
There aren't any pictures in the book, are there?



There aren't any pictures in the book, are there?



There aren't any pictures in the book, are there?

help please !

Task: Imagine you are Boo Radley at the end of Chapter 8, starting when the children are
standing and watching the fire. In his voice, write a diary entry of what is happening from Boo's
point of view. Include specific encounters between you (Boo) and the children. What motivates
your (his) actions? His diction (way he speaks) should be similar to the diction of the novel.
Write AT LEAST 10 sentences.



It hasn’t snowed in ages, well not that it matters since I’ll always be inside this prison. Looking out the window, I see Scout and Jem making of what seems a snowman… I wish I could help, but the only thing I can do is share my worthless treasures with them. Now I can’t even do that since Nathan decided to block the tree knothole up.  

As I lay in bed, I hear chaos on the street; I wonder if Scouts in trouble. “Why don’t they hurry, why don’t they hurry…” I heard Jem say. Hurry what? Whats happening? I take a step out, the cold night engulfs me. Looking out, I see one of the houses on fire; I sure wish I could help, but everyone would probably be scared of me. It really is cold, maybe I should get a blanket for Scout, its not healthy for her to be out here in the cold. I rush inside and grab my brown woolen blanket. I see Scout doing a little dance to keep warm and try to hold in a giggle. Silently walking up to her, I gently slip the blanket on and creep back inside. She didn’t even notice a thing.

hope this help

Read the following sentence:

Between the upcoming vacation, my sister's new baby, and my new project at work, I can barely sleep!

Which attitude does the narrator most likely have, based on the sentence?

A. He is excited about the new developments in his life.
B. He is frustrated with too many responsibilities.
C. He is nervous about failing in his obligations.
D. He is nervous about the events in his life.


B . He is frustrated with too many responsibilities.
B. He is frustrated with too many responsibilities
The narrator uses a “!”, indicating that they are annoyed/frustrated

What is Shirley Chisholm's overall purpose in her speech?
A. to discredit the other candidates running for the Democratic nomination
B. to persuade people that she is the right choice for the Democratic nomination
C. to convince people that she has overwhelming support for the Democratic
D. to pressure people to vote for her for the Democratic nomination


B. to persuade people that she is the right choice for the Democratic nomination

To persuade people that she is the right choice for the Democratic nomination is Shirley Chisholm's overall purpose in her speech. Hence, option D is correct.

What is the main idea of Chisholm's speech?

The need for the ERA served as the speech's main theme. Similar to the ERA, a constitutional amendment would provide federal protection and supersede any state laws that would encourage discrimination.

In the 95th and 96th Congresses, from 1977 to 1981, Chisholm held the position of Secretary of the Democratic Caucus. Chisholm campaigned to increase possibilities for citizens in inner cities throughout her time in Congress. She supports raising the amount spent on social services including education and healthcare.

If there were still any labor regulations that only applied to women, their revision or repeal would give them access to better-paying employment in manufacturing. More options for women in public graduate and vocational institutions would also generally increase their chances of finding better employment.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about Chisholm's speech, click here:


How is the nonfictional text similar to the fictional text in The People Could Fly?
Both include imaginary animal characters.
O Both tell a real story of escaping slavery.
Both use a first-person point of view.
Both describe a person gaining his freedom.


Both tell a real story of escaping slavery. Also talks about escaping through what was known as the Underground Railroad


The Answer is d "Both describe a person gaining his freedom"


i took the test

can someoneone help me with please i have to sent it today

Writing A story

Read the task below.

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story for your school magazine
The story must begin with this sentence:

It all began when Hayley was woken up by a loud noise.

Your story must include:
• an open window
• a broken vase
Write your story.​



It all began when Haylee was woken up by a loud noise. startled out of her sleep Haylee flung herself out of bed frantic to find where the noise originated from. A cold  breeze gives her goosebumps and she turns to find the window opened. she mutters curses as she realizes that it must have been the wind, when she hears a loud crash from behind her. She slowly turns around to see a black cat barely visible in the night and a broken vase.


Choose 3 words from the table above. Write a senteance in which the word appears, the words part of speech, it's denotation and positive or negative connotations associated with it



She likes to gaze at the stars. I think the word "gaze" would be an action verb.

They are very nosy people. The word nosy is an adjective.

That's a fairly priced dress! The word fairly is an adverb.


1. Positive Denotation  

2. Negative Denotation

3. I think positive denotation.

I made plans and tried without much luck to raise the money I would need to mount the kind of expedition that could
find the wreck of the Titanic.
What does the word expedition mean in this sentence?
O dream
O journey
O reason
O problem


I believe it’s journey


I know it’s journey

Explanation: Edge 2021

Please help me to write a short speech about how to treat other people ​


Instead of judging people by their past, stand by them and help them build their future.  

Listen with curiosity, speak with candour, and act with integrity.  

Treat everyone with kindness--not because they are kind-hearted, but because you are. Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up.

Appreciate those who have supported you, forgive those who have hurt you, help those who need you.

hope this helps

Well treat them how you eat to be treated. If they are mean, you can be mean back or ignore them. If you are nice they will most likely be nice back.

Also I don't know if this is a sech, but hope this helps!

How does the author connect Naomi Osaka's comments about the Tokyo Olympic organizing committee with the article she wrote for Esquire?



It C.  


by presenting both as examples of Osaka's willingness to speak out on social justice issues

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