How do you find standard deviation from z-score?


Answer 1

By reducing a score's variance by the standard deviation in a data set, the z-score, also known as the standard score, can be used to standardize scores on the same scale. A standard score is the end outcome. It counts how many standard deviations a particular data point deviates from the mean. Z-scores can be either positive or negative.

Detailed explanation:

The scores on a standardized test have a mean of 200 and a standard deviation of 40, and are regularly distributed. Identify an individual with a z-score of 292 on the test.

Draw an image, text says:

Make a drawing:


















formula for z-score




Insert values








They obtained results that were 2.3 standard deviations above the mean.

They performed 2.3 standard deviations better than the average.

Learn more about score's variance from here:


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What does the WTO do with tariffs?


As long as they don't go above their bound levels, Members are free to increase or decrease their tariffs (on a non-discriminatory basis). Other WTO members may take the country to dispute settlement if one WTO member increases imposed tariffs over their bound level.

The targets for tariff reductions are not spelled out in a binding agreement. Instead, each WTO members have provided a summary of the tariff reduction and binding commitments they have made in accordance with the Uruguay Round Agreements. Intellectual property, products, and services are all covered by WTO accords. They outline the liberalization's guiding principles as well as its acceptable exceptions.

They include each nation's pledge to establish and maintain open services markets as well as cut customs tariffs and other trade obstacles. The GATT aimed to move the globe toward a situation in which trade in products and services occurs between nations without the use of tariffs, quotas, and other restrictions, as well as without favoritism and discrimination.

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What is the top policymaking body for education at the state level called?


The top policymaking body for education at the state level called State Board of Education refers to the regulatory and policy-making bodies of the state government that are in charge of making decisions.

Focusing on the long-term requirements of public education, developing rules and regulations, and establishing curriculum standards for both students and teachers.Interest groups, also referred to as special interest groups, advocacy groups, or pressure groups.

coalitions of persons or organisations that are typically formally organised and work to influence public policy based on one or more shared concerns. All interest groups want to affect governmental policy in order to further their causes or their own interests. Their goal may be to put into place a policy that only benefits people in their group or from a specific social class.

To know more about State Board of Education visit:


Where in the paragraph is the claim writer?


The opening sentence of your paragraph or essay should contain your "claim," which is often referred to as your "thesis statement" or "argue."

Which textual evidence best substantiates the writers' thesis and goal?

Indeed, the Age of Sugar also gave way to the Age of Freedom when the enslaved Africans started to speak, both in words and deeds, and when Europeans started to view them as fellow humans.

What is the paragraph's primary goal, according to the author?

A writer's purpose is the motivation behind the work they produce. Generally speaking, authors write for one of the following three purposes: to inform, convince, or to entertain. When a writer offers facts in a piece intended to inform, the reader's understanding is increased.

To know more about the authors evidence, visit:


What is it called if one task is repeated?


A repetitive task is called a monotonous task.

Repetitive work refers to work that involves performing the same simple operation over and over. repetitious work is made up of operations that are analogous in length, the amount of strength needed or the physical action involved.

A task is monotonous when its instigations do not change or the changes are predictable or there's a high position of reiteration. Suburban roadways where road environment changes are limited and there's a small volume of business match this description. Monotonous effects are boring and repetitive, like that long story you've heard your family tell a hundred times ahead.

Something that's monotonous is veritably boring because it has a regular, repeated pattern which noway changes. It's monotonous work, like utmost plant jobs.

For more information on Repetitive task, visit :


Why did Orwell use the name Snowball in Animal Farm?


Snowball could be a white or very light colored pig; his name could represent the "purity" of the farm; he might end up being the "nice guy." he might have multiple layers, making him a gifted pig and a crucial farm.

Why did Napoleon call the animals by Snowball's name to command them?

When something goes wrong, Napoleon, assisted by Squealer, uses Snowball as the scapegoat and places the blame on him.

The major antagonist in George Orwell's 1945 book Animal Farm, Napoleon is a fictional figure. He's characterized as "a massive, fairly fierce-looking Berkshire pig," "not much of a talker," and "reputation for getting his own way." While initially just a regular farm pig, he soon rises to become the oppressive "President" of Animal Farm, which he converts into a dictatorship. He does this by banishing Snowball, another pig who is his rival for power, and by taking advantage of the animals' revolt against their owners. However, Napoleon's complete transformation into Mr. Jones is his worst crime (original owner of Animal Farm).

To know more about Animal farm visit:


Which theme does the passage most convey Ode on a Grecian Urn?


Unrequited love endures forever. The idea that art is an enduring and unchanging truth is one of the themes in "Ode on a Grecian Urn."

The speaker of the passage from "Ode on a Grecian Urn" encourages someone who is in love with someone who doesn't love him/her back. For instance, the line "Bold Lover, never, never canst thou kiss, Though winning near the goal—yet, do not grieve" means that even if he can't kiss her, he mustn't be sad. The line highlights the idea that unrequited love endures forever ("She cannot fade, though thou hast not thy bliss").

To know more about Ode on a Grecian Urn:


What is an example of melancholy in a sentence?


The examples of melancholy are, she had a depressed attitude. The hours steadily passed, and he became withdrawn and depressed.

When something makes you feel extremely depressed, you can characterise it as melancholy.... a painter of haunting gloomy canvases. The sheep's far-off, gloomy cry were the only sounds.

Being melancholy refers to being overpowered by grief and engulfed in depressing thoughts. The term first appeared as a horrible noun for extreme melancholy.

Melancholy is a common emotion brought on by people or locations. We may experience melancholy when thinking of a lover, friend, or significant location in our lives, such as a former home.

Know more about melancholy here:


What is most likely Orwell's purpose for writing this passage Animal Farm within a few weeks?


Orwell aimed to make the real story of the Russian Revolution understandable in Animal Farm. The symbolism of Russian history in Animal Farm is just one aspect of the book.

What is the passage's main point?

The pigs have decided to distribute the resources of the farm evenly. The other animals are beginning to organize a conspiracy to harm the pigs. The pigs intend to finally drive the other animals out.

What message does Animal Farm end with, according to Orwell?

The final illustration in the book depicts the animals' awareness that the pigs have evolved into being just as repressive and cruel as human farmers. The conclusion also asserts that political power is always the same, regardless of who holds it or the ideology put out to support it.

To know more about Orwell's Animal Farm, visit:


In 2–3 complete sentences, thoroughly explain the protagonist's main motivation or goal in your Module One short story? What does the protagonist want? Provide at least two specific details from the text to support your analysis of the protagonist's motivation or goal.
Condensed milk was my story


The protagonist's main motivation can be seen asone that should reveal something important about them as a character however the credibility should be there  when compared against other elements of their character in terms of the backstory, or beliefs.

The protagonist that act in the  "Condensed Milk"  was described as the prisoner of the Russian government  and was  very bitter about the life they lead which want attention.

What is a protagonist motivation?

The protagonist's motivation  can be seen as things that brings about  important things about them as a character which do should feel credible when compared against other elements.

It should be noted that the  protagonist know that he slowly dying, as are the other prisoners however his death is brought about by the Russian government and its punishments.

He was  hungry and tired and feels empty, weak and craves social interaction. however other prisoners are just as tired and bitter  with the way they too feel empty.

Learn more about Motivation at:


Outlines should be writtena. In complete sentencesc. With incomplete thoughtsb. In complete thoughts, but not always complete sentencesd. In complete sentences, but not always complete thoughts please select the best answer from the choices providedabcd.


Outlines should be written b. In complete thoughts, but not always complete sentences.

What is an Outline?

This refers to the arrangement of the details of a text to show the order of importance for the text.

An outline is a basic plan of what you will write in the final document. It will display the sequence of your material, what each paragraph will cover, and so forth. An outline is a hierarchical method of displaying linked text components in order to graphically demonstrate their relationships.

An outline paints a picture of a subject's key concepts and secondary ideas. Outlining is commonly used in essays, term papers, book reviews, and speeches. An outline will provide a general overview as well as critical facts for any of these.

Read more about outlines here:


What did the first hundred days program entail ?


The First Hundred Days was a term used to describe the first three-and-a-half months of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency.

During this period, Roosevelt pushed through a number of sweeping economic reforms to combat the Great Depression. These included the Emergency Banking Act, which reorganized and reopened the nation’s banks; the Federal Emergency Relief Act, which provided for $500 million in relief funding to states and localities; the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which provided assistance to farmers; the Securities Exchange Act, which regulated the stock market; and the Glass-Steagall Act, which set up the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

He also created a number of public works programs, such as the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration, and pushed for the passage of the National Industrial Recovery Act, which provided for government-run cartels.

Learn more about hundred days program here:


Which sentence best states the author's claim sugar changed the world Part 4?


The author's claim sugar changed the world, Economic demand for sugar led to political pressure to end enslavement.

What is an author's claim Sugar Changed the World Part 4 building claims?The courts' decision to release Pauline would significantly alter public perceptions of involuntary servitude. The paragraph from Sugar Changed the World should be read. The link, the connector, between slavery and freedom was sugar."Following the strand of sugar and slavery leads directly into the turbulence of the Age of Revolutions," as stated in "Global Hunger First Slave Grown Sugar Led Directly to the End of Slavery."Europeans relished sugar while contributing to the cruel Atlantic slave trade. The treatment of slaves on sugar plantations in the Caribbean was particularly atrocious. Profit-driven plantation owners perceived forced labor as a less expensive method of producing sugar.

complete question :

Which sentence best states the author's claim sugar changed the world Part 4?

Economic demand for sugar led to political pressure to end enslavement.The growing demand for sugar made the lives of enslaved people even worse.Turning Africans into objects was important for the sugar industry to succeed.Monarchies became increasingly strong and popular during the Age of Sugar.

To learn more about sugar changed the world refer,


What are logos examples?


Logos is the example in advertisement include the citation of statistics, fact and graphs.

Logos is the persuasive technique that aims to convince an audience by using logic and reason. Also called “the logical appeal,” logos examples in advertisement include the citation of statistics, facts, data, charts, and graphs. Logos along with ethos and pathos is one of the three "modes of persuasion" in rhetoric. It is the art of effective speaking or writing. Logos is an argument that appeals to an audience's sense of logic or reason. For example, when a speaker cites scientific data, methodically walks through the line of reasoning behind their argument or precisely recounts historical events relevant to their argument, he or she is using logos.

To  learn more about Persuasive techniques please visit:


What does the narration symbolize in The Yellow Wallpaper?


The repressive society is signified by the "repellent yellow wallpaper." The creepy woman who finally flees the newspaper is a symbol for the story's writer's release from social restraints.

What can a newspaper contain?

A newspaper is just a periodical that includes news, information, and advertising. It is announcing on newsprint, a cheap form of paper. It is often printed daily or weekly and may have a wide or specialized interest.

What functions does newspaper serve?

Newspaper offer general information and advice. Discussions a nation's economy, sports, arts, entertainment, trade, and trade can be found in newspapers. It's a great method to read the newspaper, and it's a part of modern life. This practice will expand your perspective and increase your understanding.

To know more about newspaper visit :


Can we learn from the experience of others?


mybe yes


because from others experience we can learn many things

What is said about the thoughts of the black man in the poem is he justified in thinking these thoughts explain with an example from the poem?


In the poem ‘The Cold Within’, the black man saw a chance to take revenge by hurting the white wo/man by not sharing his wood to keep the fire burning.

What did the black man see in his piece of wood? Was his thought justified?The black man saw in the piece of wood that feeling of taking revenge from the first person of the gathering which was a woman and the black man did not belong to her race, so she didn’t help the black man by not giving her log to fire. This arose the feeling of revenge in the black man, so he also decide that he would not give his log to fire.The woman’s prejudice is to discriminate based on race. She decided not to give her log to fire because she didn’t want to save the life of the black man. That instance from the poem justifies the feeling of revenge in the black man.

To learn more about prejudice refer to:


What is one key thing clover says in Animal Farm?


Clover is still employed at the age of 14 even though she is two years past retirement age.

Even though Clover is fourteen years old and two years past the age of retirement, she is still employed. What serves as Animal Farm's central thesis? In this narrative, a group of farms animals rebel against their human farmer in an effort to create an animal-friendly society. Napoleon finds it dreadful that the farm is still governed by pigs after the revolt is put down. How common people can still support a revolution that has been utterly deceived is the main concern of Animal Farm. Napoleon and the other pigs in charge, according to Orwell, are working to undermine the revolution's promise of democracy.

Learn more about Revolution here:


Five thousand! That's about how many advertisements you are exposed to in one day if you live in a metropolitan area. Researchers' estimates of the actual number vary from three hundred to six thousand, but everyone knows that ads are everywhere. Advertising goes down the street with us; it's on trains, planes, and buses. It shouts at us at sporting events from the banners on display and the electronic scoreboards. Advertising takes the form of brand names and logos on our clothing and accessories. You can't even turn on the television or check out your favorite website without watching an advertisement. At every point, advertising shouts, whispers, or cajoles us to “Look at me! Buy me!”

Which of these best describes the cultural context of this passage?

A. The setting is in the distant past. The context discusses how advertisers have changed their approach over time.

B. The setting is in modern times. The context focuses on working toward owning material goods that are always being advertised to people.

C. The setting is in the future. The context highlights the importance of technology in advertising.

D. The setting is in the recent past. The context is about being more aware of what you are seeing in your everyday life.


B-The settings is in modern times. The context focuses on working toward owning material goods that are always being advertised to people


D. The setting is in the recent past. The context is about being more aware of what you are seeing in your everyday life.


The passage describes the prevalence of advertising in modern times and the many different forms it can take, such as on the street, on public transportation, at sporting events, and on television and websites. It also mentions the constant push for people to buy products, implying that consumerism and materialism are important cultural values. There is no mention of any specific time period or technological advancements, but the language and references used suggest that the context is in the present or recent past. Additionally, the passage mentions being aware of the advertisements that one is exposed to, which suggests a focus on being more conscious and mindful of one's surroundings, rather than on predicting or shaping the future. Therefore, the best description of the cultural context is D. The setting is in the recent past. The context is about being more aware of what you are seeing in your everyday life.

Is clover a boy or girl in Animal Farm?


Clover is still employed at the age of 14 even though she is two years past retirement age.

In this narrative, a group of farm animals rebel against their human farmer in an effort to create an animal-friendly society. After the revolution is put down, Napoleon the pig now rules the farm, which is just as horrible as it was before. Animal Farm's central question is how common people can continue to believe in a revolution that has been completely manipulated. Napoleon and the other pigs in charge, according to Orwell, are working to undermine the revolution's promise of democracy. Boxer is friends with a horse named Clover. When she gave birth to her fourth foal, she was described as a hefty, motherly mare approaching middle age who never entirely recovered her figure.

Learn more about Napoleon here:


What is the prologue in the way of the world?


In the prologue, Congreve bemoans the audience's high expectations and the poet's general inability to satisfy everyone in 'The way of the world'.

What is the prologue in the way of the world?The Prologue, which appears directly before the Dramatis Personae in printed versions of the play, is said by the actor portraying Fainall before the play actually begins. It is still credited as being 'Spoken by Mr. Betterton,' the actor who played Fainall in the original production. Congreve bemoans the audience's high expectations and the poet's general inability to satisfy everyone in the prologue. Additionally, Congreve guarantees that his show will be funny but won't try to convert the audience.Poets, according to Congreve, are among Nature's fools who fare the worst since Fortune first bestows upon them reputation before 'forsaking' them. Congreve regrets that the poets, who are Fortune's own children, are subjected to this cruel treatment.

To learn more about Prologue, refer:


How is Tom Sawyer satire in Huck Finn?


Answer: Due to the way he makes decisions and the influence he has on Huck.

Explanation: The second example of satire in “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is the satire on romanticism. Tom Sawyer is a major example of satire in romanticism due to the way he makes decisions and the influence he has on Huck. Tom in the beginning chapters of the novel creates a gang to rob and murder people.

What do you think is Johnson's biggest fear about releasing the dictionary?


He was worried that it would corrupt the English language.

What is social phobia?

A persistent and severe dread of social situations is referred to as social anxiety disorder or social phobia. It's a typical issue that typically manifests in adolescence. It may be really upsetting and significantly affect your life. Some people find that as they age, things get better. Fear of speaking in front of others is the most prevalent type of social phobia. Social phobias can often make people avoid social situations, such as those at work or school, which can negatively affect the person's well-being and capacity for function. While social anxiety refers to emotions of extreme discomfort and self-consciousness, social phobia is the dread of being observed and judged while doing any type of task in public.

To know more about social phobia visit:


Who is Yorick and how does his skull function as a symbol?


In the Hamlet skull scene, Yorick's skull represents death, the final destination of life.

Yorick's skull serves as a metaphor for death, which is life's ultimate destination, in the Hamlet skull scene. Hamlet's skull makes a reference to the contrast between life and death. The skull in Hamlet's hand is a symbol of death, while he represents life. Only the span of a hand separates them! "Only at the tomb do the avenues of grandeur converge." The skull can be seen in Act 5, Scene 1, of Hamlet. Shakespeare used this passage, popularly known as the "gravedigger scene," to add humour to the tragic tale of Hamlet. The goal of comedic relief is often to break the dramatic tension and provide the audience some sort of release by introducing humorous or sardonic elements to the performance.

To know  more about dramatic tension refer :


What is the main role of an external auditor?


External auditors examine clients' accounting records and render an opinion on whether financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with the entity's applicable accounting standards, such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (IFRS).

The process in which an external auditor is appointed, his or her credentials, and the format in which he or she reports are all governed by statute, which differs by jurisdiction. External auditors are required to be members of a recognized professional accounting body. [2] External auditors typically address their reports to a corporation's shareholders. Certified public accountants are the only approved non-governmental external auditors in the United States who can do audits and attestations on an entity's financial statements and provide audit reports for public inspection. Chartered Accountants and Certified General Accountants have functioned in that capacity in the United Kingdom, Canada, and other Commonwealth countries.

To learn about "auditors"


How does the author of the article "Doctoral Student" convey to readers the importance of Katie Bouman's role in advancing our understanding of space?

Cite two pieces of text evidence to support your claim.



Doctoral students' perceptions of the problems they encountered during their studies varied. The problems reported were related to general working processes, domain-specific expertise, supervision, the scholarly community, and resources. Doctoral students' well-being and study engagement showed a clear relationship. More effective means are needed to foster students' ability to overcome problems encountered during their Ph. D. studies.


What does the word pro tempore mean?


The word pro tempore mean pro tem as an adjective or an adverb — it basically means "for the time being" or "for now." If you're using your friend's laptop pro tem, you're just borrowing it temporarily.

To determine whether the benefits of adopting synthetic materials outweigh the disadvantages or not, let's first define a synthetic material and assess its advantages and disadvantages a synthetic material is one that has undergone.

Chemical transformation to produce a material with distinct properties.The benefits of synthetic materials Because of their strong bonding, they are used in construction. They can also be moulded. They are inexpensive and be tinted in any shade.

To know more about pro tem visit:


What is a filling called in dental terms?


A filling is a treatment for tooth damaged by decay that restores back to its normal function and shape while preventing further decay.

A filling is used to repair a small hole in a tooth, sometimes known as a cavity. A dentist will first remove the rotten tooth tissue from the cavity before filling it with a filling substance. When bad bacteria in your mouth produce acids that attack the tooth enamel, it can result in tooth decay, which is damage to the tooth. This may result in a cavity, or small hole, in the tooth. A larger hole or even the complete destruction of the tooth might result from more serious decay. Without treatment, dental decay can result in discomfort, infection, and even tooth loss. The enamel continues to lose minerals as a result of the frequent acid attack cycles. Mineral loss may cause a white area to show up.

To know more about destruction refer :


Is coding strand 5 to 3?



A sense strand, or coding strand, is the DNA strand within double-stranded DNA that carries the translatable code in the 5' to 3' direction. Its complementary strand is called antisense strand, which does not carry the translatable code and serves as template during transcription..

so yes.

What is the first step of elicitation?


Gathering requirements is the preferred initial step in the requirements elicitation process.

Once the requirements have been outlined by business analysts, it is time to confirm that they have been accurately captured. To ensure that everyone involved has a shared knowledge of what is being built, requirements are forwarded to each party for evaluation. Improvements will probably be made by stakeholders. It's also possible that this stage brings up new requirements that need to be addressed before approval may occur. The process of requirements elicitation is started by business analysts and continues throughout the development phase of a project.

This is due to the fact that change is constant and that it is impossible to know every question to ask in advance or to know every right answer. Requirements For business analysts, elicitation is a combination of art and science. They must be skilled at asking the right questions and doing it in the right way. Business analysts also need to be able to cooperate and communicate effectively with important stakeholders during all stages of the elicitation process. Business analysts cannot rely on custom PRDs or spreadsheets to capture requirements when working on complicated or highly regulated projects.

Learn more about elicitation Visit:

how is the cultural and social separation between the narrator and the cabuliwallah best revealed? responses through the description of the narrator's occupation and that of the cabuliwallah through the description of the narrator's occupation and that of the cabuliwallah through the conversation between the narrator and cabuliwallah through the conversation between the narrator and cabuliwallah through the mother's objection to the cabuliwallah giving the little girl the coin through the mother's objection to the cabuliwallah giving the little girl the coin through the friendship that develops between the cabuliwallah and the little girl


The social and cultural separation of the characters is shown in option A, "through the description of the narrator's occupation and that of the Cabuliwallah."

The narrator vs Cabuliwallah

In the story by Rabindranath Tagore, "Kabuliwala," the narrator is a writer. He is a Bengali Babu, a title that indicates he is financially comfortable. It also implies that he is a respected man and educated. On the other hand, the Cabuliwallah is a fruit vendor who goes from place to place to do business.

Therefore, we can clearly see a major distinction, a cultural and social separation between the two characters. The Cabuliwallah is a simple man, by no means as educated or rich as the narrator. Just by knowing their professions, we can imagine the type of background and education each man has had and received. Still, each of them has his own kind of knowledge, of perspective.

With the details above in mind, it is possible to conclude that the correct answer for this question is option A.

Learn more about Cabuliwallah here:


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