How did slavery develop and change in Africa


Answer 1
When diverse African empires, small to medium-sized nations, or kinship groups came into conflict for various political and economic reasons, individuals from one African group regularly enslaved captives from another group because they viewed them as outsiders.

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What are the 3 traditional type of learning?



Modelling, presentations, shard learning and worked examples are all examples of teacher-centred activities.


How did Jesus free us from sin?


Mankind's separation from God is brought about by sin, and Jesus served as the bridge by atoning for our transgressions by dying on a cross.

How was Jesus able to free us from sin?

Jesus is the only and final source of our freedom. His sinless life, which God accepted in place of our sin-tainted lives, sets us free from sin.

As we gaze to Jesus and see him make the price for every sin, we are totally released from the guilt and consequences of our misdeeds.

He didn't come to this planet to be a cute baby in a manger and then a famous person around Christmas. He came to atone for our sins in order to save us from it.

We are redeemed from both Original Sin and our own personal sins through Jesus Christ. By being baptized, we are cleansed of Original Sin, fortified against the power of sin and death, and partake in the redeeming act of Jesus' death and Resurrection.

To know more about bible, refer:


Why do scientists use SI units of measure?



Scientists use the SI units of measure, also known as the metric system, because they are the most widely used system of measurement in the world. The SI units are based on universal physical constants and are the standard units of measure in many fields, including science, engineering, and medicine. The use of the SI system allows scientists to easily compare and share their results with each other, regardless of where they are located in the world. Additionally, the SI units are highly precise, which is important in scientific research.


True or false: idiomatic pronominal verbs will always show gender and number agreement. True false.





The most striking impairment suffered by henry molaison (patient h.m.) was?


The most striking impairment suffered by henry molaison (patient h.m.) was anterograde amnesia

Anterograde amnesia is a type of memory loss in which you are unable to form new memories. In the most severe cases, this means you will never be able to learn or retain new information. This type of memory loss is uncommon on its own. Anterograde amnesia is frequently transient.Doctors do know that the median temporal lobe system is important for short-term memory and anterograde amnesia. This region of the brain is made up of the hippocampus, mammillary bodies, and fornix. Anterograde amnesia appears to be caused primarily by hippocampus damage.

To know more about Amnesia here


What is the name given by Hamlet to the play within the play?



Gotiya golpade singh rathor

Sand dunes do not move. true or false


The sand dunes remain stationary and do not move from one place to another so its true

A dune is a mound of sand formed by the wind, usually along the beach or in a desert. Dunes form when wind blows sand into a sheltered area behind an obstacle. Dunes grow as grains of sand accumulate. Every dune has a windward side and a slipface. Sand dunes provide natural coastal protection against storm surge and high waves, preventing or reducing coastal flooding and structural damage, as well as providing important ecological habitat. They also act as sand storage areas, supplying sand to eroded beaches Sand dunes are created when wind deposits sand on top of each other until a small mound starts to form. Once that first mound forms, sand piles up on the windward side more and more until the edge of the dune collapses under its own weight.

To know more about sand dunes visit:


Mendelssohn helped bring to life a long-forgotten work by __________.


Mendelssohn contributed to the revival of a long-forgotten composition by J.S. Bach.

It is difficult to imagine that just a little over a century and a half ago, Johann Sebastian Bach's music and reputation languished in obscurity, virtually unknown to everyone but a few specialists. His stature as a composer of such extraordinary genius and wide-ranging influence is so firmly established in Western culture. Mendelssohn's appreciation of Bach's brilliance and his efforts to make his works available to a larger audience led to the works' current status as the pinnacles of musical expression.

Felix Mendelssohn "saving" Bach's music from near oblivion was perhaps inevitable in hindsight given the odd number of coincidences involving the paths that both the Bach and Mendelssohn families' members crossed.

Learn more about " Mendelssohn  " to visit here;


What are the speaker and his neighbor doing in Mending Wall?


They are parallel to one another, with the wall squarely in their middle.

What is the message of the Mending Wall?As man "sets limits and he breaches borders," the poem examines the inconsistencies in life and mankind, including the conflicts inside each individual. As fixing the wall serves to simultaneously divide and connect the two neighbors, another paradox, it also investigates the function of borders in human society.The major argument in "Mending Wall" is around the speaker's and their neighbor's divergent worldviews. The speaker worries that the wall makes it difficult for neighbours to communicate with one another. It is a wall that the neighbours have put up for themselves, and it prevents them from getting to know one another better.The poem "Mending Wall" is fundamentally about boundaries, the effort it takes to keep them up, and how they influence how people interact with one another.

Learn more about Mending Wall refer to ;


What are those social institutions that shape the moral behavior of the members of society explain?


The media, education, government, family, and religion are all social institutions that have a significant impact on a person's identity.

What are social institution?Social institutions foster overall stability by establishing predictable patterns of interaction based on mutual expectations. A social institution is an interconnected system of social norms and social roles that are organized and provide behavioral patterns that contribute to society's basic social needs.Our culture has an impact on how we work and play, as well as how we see ourselves and others. It affects our values—what we believe to be right and wrong. This is how our society shapes our decisions. Our choices, however, can have an impact on others and ultimately help shape our society.Social institutions include the family, government, religion, education, and the media. In everyday society, these social institutions are interdependent and constantly interact and influence one another.

To learn more about social institutions refer to :


1. Before the apprentice becomes a master,
he must learn the basics of carpentry
and woodworking, such as accurate mea-
surement, sawing, joining, selecting
wood, finishing, etc. What are the basic
skills that we must learn in order to
build strong, loving relationships?


When two individuals are friends with one another, good relationships can develop. They cherish their time together.

What are the basic skills that we must learn in order to build strong, loving relationships?

Friendliness. Being friendly is a method to demonstrate to others that good love relationships may provide room and respect  and connection. Partners can communicate openly about their emotional and physical desires and set up appropriate boundaries.

A partnership must make both sides feel heard and appreciated if it is to succeed. They take time to build but have long-term value. Being a good listener, talking frequently, and making time for others are all aspects of developing relationships.

Determining your needs, locating the ideal partner, creating a healthy relationship, and leaving toxic partnerships.

Learn more about Relationships here


What was one of the results of the Schenck decision?


United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919) The speaker is not protected by the First Amendment from government action if speech is intended to result in a crime and there is a clear and present danger that it will.

What were the consequences of the Schenck decision's removal of protections?

In Schenck v. United States (1919), the Supreme Court decided that the First Amendment does not protect speech that poses a "clear and present danger." This decision exemplifies the ways in which the Supreme Court's interpretation of the First Amendment sometimes necessitates sacrificing individual liberties to maintain social order.

What was the outcome of the Schenck v. United States 1919 case?

Holmes came to the conclusion that the First Amendment does not protect speech that approaches creating a clear and present danger of a significant evil that Congress has the power to prevent by articulating for the first time the "clear and present danger test."

To learn more about First Amendment here:


To modify your own behavior using operant conditioning principles, you should?


Rewards and punishments must be used to change one's behavior using the principle of operant conditioning

The basic concept behind operant conditioning is that stimuli (antecedents) lead to actions, which in turn lead to outcomes. This form of conditioning includes both positive and negative reinforcers, as well as primary, secondary, and generalized reinforcers. The main reinforcement elements are food, shelter, water, etc. Skinner is based on the idea that learning is a function that changes apparent behavior. Behavioral changes are the result of an individual's response to events (stimuli) occurring in the environment. The response produces results similar to the following: B. Define a word, hit a ball, or solve a math problem. The main difference between classical and operant conditioning is that classical conditioning associates involuntary actions with stimuli whereas operant conditioning associates voluntary actions with outcomes. Classical and operant conditioning are two central concepts in behavioral psychology.

To know more about operant conditioning visit:


What two events came as a result of the Brown vs Board of Education decision?


In the case of Brown vs Board of Education Racial segregation in public schools was determined to violate the Equal Protection provision of the 14th Amendment by the Court, which overturned Plessy v. Ferguson.

What took place as a result of the case of Brown v. Board of Education?

The Supreme Court held in this landmark case that racial segregation of students in public schools was unconstitutional. By overturning the "separate but equal" tenet outlined in the 1896 Plessy decision, it signified the end of officially sanctioned racial segregation in American schools. consequences of Brown v. Board of Education. Although Brown v. Board, the Supreme Court's judgment, did not end segregation in schools on its own.

To know more about  Brown v. Board of Education visit:


ethics is concerned with what we should or should not do, and law is concerned with which of thefollowing?a. what is the greater goodb. what we must or must not doc. how justice is or is not distributedd. when we must or must not be fair


Ethics is concerned with what we should or should not do, and law is concerned with what we must or must not do.

Two institutions that regulate human behavior are ethics and the law. While ethics are largely unwritten and are left up to the individual doing the deed, the law is defined as written laws and regulations. While ethics is concerned with what we should do and what we shouldn't do, law talks about what we must do and what we must not do.

As an example of law , we shouldn't drive after drinking. We shouldn't lie, as a rule of ethics. Consequently, the appropriate choice is (b).

To learn more about ethics refer here


How do you classify confidential information?


Secret, Top Secret, and Top Secret of Particular Importance are the three categories under which information is classified.

Data that is confidential: Access to confidential data requires a specific clearance or authorisation. Social Security numbers, cardholder information, M&A agreements, and other examples of confidential data may be used. Ordinarily, laws like HIPAA and the PCI DSS are in place to protect confidential data.

Under Brazilian Information Access Law, documents are classified into three categories:

ultrassecreto (top secret),

secreto (secret),

reservado (restricted).

A government-issued document classified as top secret (ultrassecreto) may be kept secret for a term of 25 years, which may be extended for an additional 25 years. No document is therefore kept secret for longer than 50 years. The 2011 Information Access Law changed the old norm, which allowed papers to have their classification time length renewed indefinitely while essentially hiding state secrets from the public. This new rule is required. Existing documents are covered retrospectively under the 2011 statute.

Learn more about "confidential information " to visit here;


FILL IN THE BLANK. the total degrees of freedom for an experiment with n1 = 10, n2 = 12, and n3 = 10 is ____.


An experiment with n1 = 10, n2 = 12, and n3 = 10 has a total of 31 degrees of freedom.

What is meant by degrees of freedom?

Degrees of freedom are the maxi-mum number of logically inde-pendent, or potentially differ-ent, values in the sample of data. One is sub-tracted from the number of ele-ments in the data sample to deter-mine the degree of freedom.

Let the equation be df = N-1

subs-titute the values in the above equ-ation, we get

= (10 + 12 + 10) - 1

simplifying the above equation, we get

= 32 - 1

= 31

Therefore, the correct answer is 31.

To know more about Degrees of Freedom click below:


What is communism Commonlit answers?


A socioeconomic system founded on the concepts of common or community ownership of all property and the abolition of social classes is what is meant by communism, a philosophical, social, political, and economic movement.

A political and social theory concerning how a society may be run, communism. It may be described as a concept that imagines a civilization or a collection of individuals. where almost everything is shared equally. Decisions are made for the good of the whole group, not just for certain individuals. A truly communist society has never existed on a large scale, but the idea of communism has been around for over 150 years.

Learn more about the communism:


What is the measurement of each angle and their intercepted arcs?


The intercepted arc's measure and the center angle are same. The intercepted arc is the same angle as the central angle, which is 30 degrees in this case.

Which intercepted arcs are congruent?

Chord Arcs Theorem, Congruent intercepted arcs are those between two chords in a circle that are identical. Directly opposite a Chord Theorem The chord's bisector is defined as the line perpendicular to a circle's center.

Does the intercepted arc equal the inscribed angle by two?

The central angle that intercepts it, which is how we define the arc angle, is a measure. A conjecture involving inscribed angles The relation between an inscribed angle's measurements and the intercepted arc angle is provided in this paragraph. The intercepted arc's size is stated to be as follows.

To learn more about Chord Theorem here:


After the experience of vietnam, many americans strongly opposed american military intervention abroad. This is often referred to as.


Opposition to US engagement in the Vietnam War (before) or the anti-Vietnam War movement (now) began with demonstrations in 1965 against the United States' expanding role in the Vietnam War and evolved into a broad social movement over the next few years.

The United States and North Vietnam signed a formal peace treaty in January 1973, thereby ending open hostilities between the two countries. However,  The war between North and South Vietnam lasted until April 30, 1975, when DRV forces took Saigon and renamed it

Learn more about to Vietnam visit here;


The map shows the location of Texas in relation to the surrounding geography.

A map of the bottom half portion of the United States.

Which statements about the relative location of Texas are accurate? Check all that apply.

Texas is south of Oklahoma.
Texas is west of New Mexico.
Texas is bordered by Mexico to the south.
Texas is on the Pacific coast.
Texas is along the Gulf of Mexico.
Texas is west of Louisiana.
Texas is north of Arkansas.


Texas  is to the East of New Mexico and South West of Arkansas. Therefore the correct response to the question is options (1),(3),(4),((5),(6)

Where is Texas located?

The state of Texas is located in the South Central part of the country. In 1845, it was admitted as the Union's 28th state. Texas, popularly known as the "Lone Star State," is well-known for its barbecue, live music, and scorching weather. Texas is one of the states in the US with the quickest growth. Texas is bordered to the east by Louisiana, to the northeast by Arkansas, to the north by Oklahoma, to the northwest by New Mexico, to the south by Mexico, and to the southeast by the Gulf of Mexico.

The following are factual statements about Texas's relative position.

South of Oklahoma is Texas.Mexico borders Texas on its southern side.On the Pacific Coast is Texas.Along the Gulf of Mexico is Texas.West of Louisiana is Texas.

To know more about Texas, visit:





At the time it was painted, rachel ruysch’s fruit and insects would have been displayed in a:_________


Fruit and Insects by Rachel Ruysch would have been on view in a monastery's dining hall.

Since 1753, Still-life with Fruit, Flowers, and Insects (1711) has been on view in Florence's Uffizi Gallery.

In pictures, horizontal lines frequently evoke a sense of serenity. Vertical lines frequently convey a sense of steadiness. In general, diagonal lines give the impression of dynamic movement. The exact tools an artist uses, such as oil and a brush, as well as the final product, such as a sculpture, painting, or photograph, are referred to as the medium.

A wingless, silverfish-like organism that existed around 385 million years ago is represented by the oldest insect fossil that has been verified. Insect fossils are not common until roughly 60 million years later, during the Pennsylvanian period of Earth's history.

Learn more about " Fruit and Insects " to visit here;


What is an interest group quizlet?


Interest group definition: An association of people with related political viewpoints that pursues influencing public opinion through lobbying and electioneering. 

What kind of collection of interests is it?

An organization that employs a range of advocacy strategies to influence public opinion and/or legislation is known as an interest group or advocacy group. An "educated society" is a term used to describe a group of individuals who are interested in the same thing.

What are interest groups exactly, and what objectives do they pursue?

In order to push the causes that are important to their members, interest groups are formed. Their principal goal is to influence public policy. Interest organizations are occasionally referred to as "pressure" or "lobby" groups because one of their primary objectives is applying pressure to political decision-makers.

Learn more about Interest group:


6 Principles of Internal Control activities


The six Internal principles of control activities are:

Establishment of responsibilitySegregation of dutiesDocumentation proceduresPhysical controlsIndependent internal verificationHuman resource controls

The procedure known as internal control is intended to guarantee accurate financial reporting, successful and efficient operations, and adherence to relevant laws and regulations. Internal control also includes preventing unlawful use, acquisition, disposal, and theft of assets.

The control environment is influenced by upper-level managers' expectations, notably their control policies, and management style. The implementation of set rules and processes is helped by a strong control environment. A defined organizational structure with capable and reliable personnel, the delegation of authority and responsibility, and management's integrity, ethical principles, and values are all parts of the control environment.

The exact rules and practices management employs to accomplish its goals are known as control activities. Segregation of tasks, proper transaction and activity authorisation, and adequate documentation are among the most crucial control activities.

Learn more about Internal Control activites at

What is the process of drawing conclusions from evidence?


The process of drawing conclusions from evidence is known as inductive reasoning.

Going from the particular to the general is a technique known as inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning, in which you draw specific conclusions from a body of broad knowledge, is typically contrasted with it. Bottom-up reasoning and inductive reasoning are two more names for the same process. Inductive research begins with data collection or observation. Next, you examine your data broadly and look for patterns. In the end, you draw broad conclusions that you could use in theories. Observations about a sample are used to draw conclusions about the population from which it was drawn in inductive generalizations.

Learn more about inductive reasoning here:


Journalists who trespass are subject to: __________


Journalists who trespass are subject to both civil liability and criminal prosecution.

Journalists who trespass are those who enter onto another person's property without permission. This can be done in order to get a story or to take pictures. Trespassing is a crime in most jurisdictions and can lead to the journalist being arrested and fined.

Trespass is defined as intentionally accessing another owner's property or land without permission, infringing on the owners' privacy or property interests. Criminal trespass is defined as being on another person's property without permission.

To know more about Journalists, click here.


which of the following factors is associated with the development of disordered eating or eating disorders? a. history of post-traumatic stress disorder b. negative self body image c. unrealistic expectations to be perfect d. all of these are correct.


Several factors like, post-traumatic stress disorder, negative self image, unrealistic expectations of being perfect, etc. are associated with the development of disordered eating or eating disorders. Option d. is correct.

How do an individual develop eating disorder?

Eating disorders are behavioral disorders characterized by severe and persistent disturbances in eating behavior and associated distressing thoughts and feelings. They can be very serious conditions that affect physical, mental, and social functioning.

Stressful life events can trigger eating disorders as a way of coping. Those who have experienced job loss, the death of a loved one, financial hardship, relationship difficulties, or other stressors may turn to food for self-satisfaction. Magazines, television, and other media have produced unrealistic images of the perfect, successful person. Pressure to be thin, even in very young children, can lead to strenuous dieting that can turn into an eating disorder in those prone to eating disorders. It has been shown to be most likely to occur between the ages of 14 and 25. Girls in this age group are much more likely to suffer from eating disorders, but adolescent boys are also affected.

To know more about eating disorder, visit:


Which country is famous for potato production?


Presently, China is the world's largest producer of potatoes, followed by India, Russia, and Ukraine. The world's fifth-largest producer of potatoes is the United States (NPC).

What is production?

Production is the process of mixing multiple inputs, both immaterial (such as plans or information) and material (such as metal, wood, glass, or polymers). In a perfect world, this output would be a product or service that is useful to people and has value.

The primary goal of BCFB is to introduce agriculture to the county's youngsters. BROWNFOOT — Bingham County is the epicenter of the potato universe because it produces more potatoes than any other county in Idaho and the country combined.

Therefore, China currently produces the most potatoes in the world, followed by India, Russia, and Ukraine.

Learn more about production here:


How does the play-within-a-play in Act 3 of Hamlet represent Elizabeth?


The play inside play in Act III of Hamlet represents Elizabethan theatre by delivering a spiritual message to the play's characters. This acts as a lesson for Claudius, who now knows that Hamlet has such concerns, as well as Hamlet, who has now verified his suspicions.

The play-within-a-play is introduced in Act 3 of William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet" as a way of proving Claudius' involvement in the killing of Hamlet's father, the previous monarch.

The events of the play closely mimic those of the murder, and Hamlet interprets Claudius' response to it as proof that he is, in fact, responsible.

It's unclear how Elizabeth especially is represented by the play inside a play in "Hamlet." When "Hamlet" was written, Elizabeth I was the reigning monarch of England, although she bears no particular relationship to the play's plot or protagonists.

To learn more about Hamlet


How does Hamlet treat Ophelia during the play within the play?


Shakespeare's "Hamlet" contains a sequence in which the character Hamlet addresses Ophelia in an extremely contemptuous and dismissive way. Hamlet is acting crazy in the play and has just returned to the court after some time away.

A group of performers portrays a moment in the play when a guy abuses and rejects a lady. Hamlet grows angry while watching the performance and addresses Ophelia in a stern and disrespectful way. He advises her to enter a nunnery and claims that she is unfit to be a mother or wife.

Contrasting this treatment of Ophelia with his prior contacts with her, in which he showed love and affection, is Hamlet. Hamlet's treatment of Ophelia is a part of this ruse, which aims to test Claudius's culpability in the play within a play scene. But it also reflects Hamlet's own emotions and his perception of women as unpredictable and erratic.

To learn more about Hamlet


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