How are the US Courts of Appeals different from the district courts?


Answer 1

The appellate courts don't hold new trials or consider fresh evidence. They are not exposed to witness testimony.

Explain about the US Courts of Appeals?

Each of the 12 regional circuits, which make up the 94 federal judicial districts, includes an appeals court. It is the responsibility of the appeal court to decide whether the trial court appropriately applied the law. There is no jury in appeals courts, which have three judges.

After a trial in a U.S. District Court, if the losing party disagrees with the way the trial court handled the case, the law that was used, or how it was used, they may file an appeal. In general, plaintiffs have the right to request that the trial court's decisions be reviewed by an appeal court on these grounds.

To learn more about US Courts of Appeals refer to:


Related Questions

Briefly discuss China’s separatist challenges in both Tibet and Xinjiang. How might
China’s experiences with Hong Kong and Taiwan have influenced its policies toward
these two regions?


There is animosity toward the convergence and assimilation of Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland as well as the growing meddling in Hong Kong's internal affairs by the Chinese government and its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Why is Xinjiang is important for China?

China's Belt and Road Initiative, a significant economic programme spanning Asia and Europe, includes Xinjiang as a key component.

Beijing wants to continue developing Xinjiang, which is home to China's greatest coal and natural gas reserves, and wants to do so by eliminating any chance of separatist action.

Ever since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) came to power in 1949, Xinjiang has been a part of China. There are Uyghurs who advocate for independence from China and refer to the area as East Turkestan.

Therefore, there is animosity toward the convergence and assimilation of Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland as well as the growing meddling in Hong Kong's internal affairs by the Chinese government and its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

To know more about the Xinjiang aspect of China, visit:


What are 5 examples of expansionary monetary policies?


A macroeconomic monetary strategy known as an expansionary monetary policy seeks to speed up the rate of monetary expansion in order to promote the expansion of a domestic economy. More money must be available to promote economic growth. The influx of cash encourages business capital expenditures as well as consumer consumption.

Expansionary monetary policies: what are they?

Broadening Monetary Policy

Expansionary policy, also referred to as loose monetary policy, expands the availability of money and credit to spur economic growth. In difficult economic times, a central bank may implement an expansionist monetary policy to lower unemployment and increase growth.

Compared to contractionary monetary policy, expansionary monetary policy Monetary policy can be divided into two categories, depending on the state of the economy: expansionary monetary policy and contractionary monetary policy. Broadening Monetary Policy

Expansionary policy, also referred to as loose monetary policy, expands the availability of money and credit to spur economic growth. In difficult economic times, a central bank may implement an expansionist monetary policy to lower unemployment and increase growth.

In order to do this, it typically lowers the benchmark federal funds rate, which is the interest rate that banks charge one another when they lend one other money to meet reserve requirements. While the Federal Reserve cannot mandate a certain federal funds rate in the United States, it can set rules and have an impact on the amount that banks charge one another.

Learn more about Expansionary monetary policies from here;


How are these excerpts similar the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of Sentiments?


Both the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen and the United States Declaration of Independence stood for freedom and equality.

What are the Declaration of Independence's and feelings' similarities?

Both "The Declaration of Independence" and the Declaration of Sentiments Urging Equal Rights for Women begin with the phrase "When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary" (Stanton and Jefferson) and then provide a list of complaints after a few paragraphs.

How do these excerpts compare to one another?

We firmly believe that all people are born free and equal, that these rights include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that these truths must be known by everyone.

To know more about Declaration of Independence, visit:


What are 4 political activities that people can engage in other than running for office?


Anyone can participate in key activities including fundraising, distributing bumper stickers and campaign buttons, assisting people in registering to vote, and escorting voters to the polls on election day.

What is political activities?

Political action is any endeavor that is focused on the success or failure of a political party, partisan political group, or partisan political office candidate. A major penalty for violating the law is being fired from federal employment.

The majority of workers are free to engage in any of the aforementioned activities, including distributing campaign materials, planning or overseeing political events, circulating nomination petitions, helping to register voters, making campaign speeches, and advocating for or against candidates in partisan elections.

The group of activities known as politics include those that are connected to group decision-making and other types of inter-personnel power dynamics, such as the allocation of resources or status.

To learn more about political activities refer to:


Can you always appeal a court decision?


It's quite difficult to succeed on appeal. You must demonstrate that trial court committed a legal error that negatively impacted you.

What does "appeal" in writing mean?

An appeal: What Is It? An appealing is a writing technique used by a writer to persuade the reader of their points of view. We cite data, instances, and facts to back up our claims, but these are distinct from appeals, which concern how we organize evidence and examples in persuasive writing.

Which sentence is effective for appeal?

This isn't a second another hunger relief request. He declared that they would challenge the judgment. We're going to challenge the judgment. Maguire filed a petition with the Supreme Court asking it to halt her extradition.

To know more about appeal visit:


What are enumerated powers and give 3 examples?


The federal government, and specifically Congress, is given enumerated authorities, the majority of which  are listed in Article.

Give an example of what are listed expressed powers.

The enumerated powers, also known as stated powers, are expressly granted by the Constitution. Some examples of these powers include the capacity to start wars, manage trade and relations internationally, issue money, and establish and sustain armed forces.

What are the president's three listed powers?

Bills can be vetoed and signed. represent our nation in discussions with foreign countries. uphold the laws that Congress has passed. act as the war's supreme commander.

Laying and collecting taxes, paying bills and borrowing money, regulating business, minting money, establishing post offices, safeguarding patents and copyrights, setting up smaller courts, and declaring war were some of these and develop and maintain an Army and Navy.

To know more about enumerated powers visit:-


How does Claudius react to the play at the end of Act 3?


Act 3's Claudius Aside shows him kneeling before his personal altar and telling God that he killed his brother.

He acknowledges that this behavior is unacceptable, but he has no intention of giving up his newly acquired authority and position. In a subtle way, Claudius admits that Polonius's words have left him feeling ashamed and afflicted. In the play Hamlet, Claudius is the antagonist, or the main character's foe.

Claudius is a pitifully helpless villain who prioritizes material wealth and control above people. He stands out from the other males in the play because he is sly, immoral, and manipulative.

He feels as though the play has established his uncle's guilt. When Claudius prays, his adherents are certain in truth that he has given his family a full, robotic concession, even though no one else has noticed.

To know more about Act 3's Claudius, click the below link


Do all men have to register for Selective Service between 18 and 26?


Almost all male US citizens and male immigrants, who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service.

Why only men must register for Selective Service?

The Supreme Court argued that Congress might elect to require registration solely for men because at the time the draft was designed to replace combat personnel and military women were categorically ineligible to participate in combat roles.

Why is Selective Service necessary?

Selective Service registration is required by law as the first stage in an equitable system that, if approved by the President and Congress, would promptly deliver people to the Department of Defense while also providing an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors.

To know more about selective service visit:


Which are the following are administrative sanctions?


Any person who violates this policy will be subject to reprimand, loss of classification power, suspension without pay, forfeiture of pay, removal, or firing.

An administrative sanction is when DSHS/RCS places restrictions or demands additional work as a penalty for disobeying a set of internal regulations.

In order to respond rapidly and conclusively to criminals who technically break conditional discharge and monitoring, the Administrative Sanctions Program was established. The concepts and procedures of the Administrative Sanctions Program encourage consistent responses to violations that consider the risks and needs of offenders, leading to corrective interventions that are commensurate with the threat to the community and supportive of behavioral changes.

Administrative fines may be imposed on applicants or relevant firms as necessary if any of the declarations or information provided as a requirement for participating in this process prove to be false.

Learn more about "  Administrative Sanctions " to visit here;


Why does the United States engage with other countries?



relattion for the keep his developmental affair

What are direct primary elections?


Direct Voters can choose their favored candidate for the upcoming general election, election, or by-election by participating in presidential primaries.

Why then are primary elections established?

When faced with the requirement to adhere to more specific procedures for the election of global delegates, the large number of jurisdictions decided on a primary race as an easier approach to meet the new nationwide Democratic Party laws.

What makes primary elections significant?

Each political party chooses its candidates for the main election in a primary election. In the presidential primary, the candidates with the most votes advance to the election campaign. Voters also select the officers of their party.

To know more about primary elections visit:


What is the Patriot Act of 2001?


The Act made it possible for investigators to gather data when looking into a variety of terrorist-related crimes, including as the use of chemical weapons, WMD usage, killing Americans overseas, and countering the financing.

What is the USA Patriot Act's major point of criticism?

Critics contend that the Patriot Act reduced individual liberties by allowing the complete access without even a court order.

Since nearly its conception, the Patriot Act is the subject of heated debate, with proponents of the both of the sides asserting that its provisions err on the side of one extremity or the other.

The Patriot Act was replaced by what?

Donald Trump on May 26. Obama signed the Senate-approved USA FREEDOM Act on June 2, 2015. (By upholding rights and ensuring actual impact over monitoring, we can unite and strengthen America.)

To know more about Patriot Act visit:


What are the five functions of OSHA?


Developing and enforcing standards, offering training, outreach, information, and help, as well as ensuring that workers have a safe and healthy work environment.

Explain about the  functions of OSHA?

OSHA stands for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, a division of the US Department of Labor established under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. An OSHA Compliance Safety and Health Officer is known by the abbreviation "CSHO."

Its objectives include advancing workplace health and safety and educating employees about legal obligations and occupational risks.

The General Industry, Construction, Maritime, and Agriculture standards are divided into these four categories. (The set that pertains to the greatest number of employees and work locations is general industry.) These regulations have been created to safeguard workers from a variety of risks.

The inspection consists of an introductory conference, a walkaround of the entire or selected portions of the workplace, and a closing conference.

To learn more about functions of OSHA refer to:


What are the three function of taxation?


Taxation has three main functions: Fiscal, regulatory, exciting (stimulating). The most basic function of taxation is to fund government spending.

What are the 3 types of taxes?

1) Progressive Tax - A tax that contributes more to the income of high-income earners than low-income earners. 2) Proportional tax - a tax that gives an equal share of income from all income groups. 3) Recurrence tax - a tax that receives a higher proportion of income from low-income earners than high-income earners

What are main sources of tax law?

There are three basic types of formal documents: Law, administration, judiciary. It remained fixed in the code until the Tax Reform Act of 1986 replaced it with "1986".

What are the characteristics of tax system?

Characteristics of the effective tax system: Fairness or justice means that everyone should pay their fair share of taxes. Adequacy means that the tax must provide sufficient income to meet the basic needs of society. Simplicity means taxpayers can avoid the maze of taxes, forms, and filing requirements.

To learn more about Taxes visit:


Why is a lifetime tenure for judges beneficial and necessary according to Hamilton?


One of the most significant decisions a president of the United States can make is to appoint judge of the Supreme Court. This is so because Supreme Court judges are appointed for life and may not quit, retire, or be removed from office in accordance with the Constitution. This is different from the majority of other democracies, whose high court justices are subject to stringent term limits or mandated retirement ages.

Judges who are appointed for life are shielded from any political pressure the legislature or the government may exert. Judges can protect themselves from legislation that are against the Constitution by not being subject to this kind of pressure.

According to Hamilton, judges with lifetime appointments are shielded from legislative and executive political pressure. Judges are able to prevent unconstitutional laws because of this. Then, he claimed that judges have several requirements, demonstrating that only a small number of persons are qualified to serve as judges due to their moral character. Hamilton claimed that having a permanent position can acknowledge the complexity of the legal system in a free society. Few person, possess the expertise and moral character necessary to assess the law, thus those judged qualified for the position should be kept in place rather than being replaced.

We can learn more about supreme court here:


What do you mean by political party?


A political party basically, is a group of people. These people come together to contest elections in order to hold power in the government. It is a way to mobilize voters to support common sets of interests, concerns, and goals. The primary role of the political party is to fix the political agenda and policies.

How does the UN punish countries?


In carrying out this duty, courts, tribunals, multilateral agreements, and the Security Council all have a part to play. The Security Council may also sanction a nation, impose sanctions, or approve the use of force if it believes that there is a threat to global peace and security.

Can a country be forced to comply with UN requirements?

In order to maintain or restore international peace and security, the Security Council has the authority to impose sanctions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. These strategies range from economic sanctions to international military intervention.

The UN has the authority to evict nations.

Exactly that was meant to be conveyed by the word "permanent." However, there is a process in place to kick a country out of the UN. The UN General Assembly would have to vote on that in accordance with the Security Council's proposal. Never has it been done before.

What penalties could a country face for defying the UN?

Nations that reject the UN may be subject to sanctions, trade restrictions, or even military force. Because the UN lacks the authority to act on its own, member states must step in when countries violate resolutions.

Learn more about Security Council:


What are some examples of mutual aid institutions?


Some examples of the mutual aid institutions are the Unions that are formed during the emergency situations.

Mutual aid institutions are the institutions which are formed to tackle the emergency situation that occur in any country or state. The emergency situation may arise from any man made hazard or natural hazard. Man made hazards include fire, chemical leakages, etc. while natural hazards include floods, earthquakes, etc. The governments of different countries form unions which help the people who suffer from these hazards and these unions help people of different as well as same country in the time of any emergency situation. Some other mutual aid institutions include Societies, social groups and Guilds.

Learn more about Mutual aid at:


Can the president pro tempore become president?


Under the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, if both the president and vice president became vacant, the president temporarily assumed the presidency, followed by the speaker of the House.

During this period, the fact that the Senate only elected an interim president in the absence of a vice president posed a potential problem with presidential succession. Instead, the Senate relied on a procedure in which the Vice President voluntarily left the floor at the end of the session, allowing the Senate to elect an interim president. You can stand to take over the presidency. Some vice presidents refused to do so out of courtesy, fearing the political repercussions of replacing senators who opposed the president's policies. The resulting job postings raised concerns about the ability of the interim president to fulfill his constitutional obligations.

Know more about Senate here:


What is the position of a commander?


Above the rank of captain and below the position of deputy chief, a commander holds the third-highest rank in the force.

What is commander in army?

Title noun and countable noun. An officer in control of a military mission or organization is known as a commander. Commander is a standard rank for naval officers. Other governmental institutions, such as various police forces, frequently employ the title or rank of "commander. This naval rank is known as a frigate captain in a number of countries.

What is the job of the commander and how do you become a commander?

One of the President of the United States's most important roles is that of Commander in Chief. When holding this office, the President is in responsibility of making sure that the nation and its citizens are safe and secure.

You must be a member of the company and have received intensive training in order to hold the position of company commander. Decision-making, problem-solving, leadership, and communication abilities are required. You need to be knowledgeable about property management. Company commanders make an average of $94,239 per year in compensation.

To know more about Commander visit:


What does the role Commander in Chief mean ?


The role of Commander in Chief belongs to the President of the United States. The President, in this capacity, is ultimately in charge of ensuring the safety and security of the United States and its citizens.

A commander has a high rank:

Above the rank of captain and below the position of deputy chief, a commander holds the third-highest rank in the force. The Commander is given responsibilities for divisions like Criminal Intelligence, Detective Services, Governmental Liaison, Narcotics, Organized Crime and Vice, and Internal Affairs.

What exactly does a commander do?

Because a commander's duty to command and control his troops is the foundation of an accountable armed force. A leader must "give precise, crisp directions" to make sure his or her orders are comprehended.

To know more about commander visit:


What means corporate tax?


Corporate tax is a charge applied to the profits made by companies and other organizations. Depending on the jurisdiction, there may be differences in the corporation tax rate and the kinds of commercial operations that are taxed.

Corporate taxes are often determined as a proportion of a company's earnings or profits and are paid by the corporation as a whole rather than by the individual shareholders who own the business.

Corporate taxes are often charged on a company's earnings or income, but they may also be assessed on the capital of the business or the value of its assets. In some circumstances, a company's gross revenue rather than its net profits may be subject to corporation tax.

While some nations have a flat corporation tax rate that is applied to all enterprises, others have a progressive corporate tax rate that rises in line with an organization's earnings or income.

To learn more about corporate tax


What effect will expansionary fiscal policies have quizlet?



In general, expansionary fiscal policies are likely to have the following effects:

Increased economic growth: By increasing government spending or providing incentives for businesses to invest, expansionary fiscal policies can help to stimulate economic growth and increase demand for goods and services.

Increased employment: Expansionary fiscal policies can help to create new jobs by providing incentives for businesses to hire new workers or by increasing demand for goods and services, which may lead to increased production and the need for additional labor.

Increased inflation: Expansionary fiscal policies can lead to increased inflation if they stimulate too much demand in the economy, as businesses may be able to raise prices due to increased demand for their products or services.

Increased government debt: Expansionary fiscal policies often involve increased government spending, which can lead to an increase in government debt if the policies are not financed through increased revenue.

if court justices have become more willing to monitor the activities of other governmental entities, they likely believe in exercising which of the following?


The Supreme Court is able to rule on the constitutionality of any federal or state law and overturn those that are in violation of the Constitution thanks to judicial review.

It is when a court displays judicial activism?

Judges engage in judicial activism by reinterpreting the Constitution and making policy decisions. In judicial restraint, judges have limited policymaking responsibilities and leave that to the other two branches.

What takes place when the justices of the Supreme Court meet in conference?

The justices meet in a conference to talk about the cases they've heard after oral arguments are over. Starting with the most senior justice, each justice offers their perspective. The chief justice assigns one of the majority justices to write the case's opinion once a decision has been made.

To learn more about Supreme Court here:


What is the best way to select a candidate?


To become the presidential nominee, a candidate must generally secure a majority of delegates. Typically, this is done through the party's state primaries and caucuses. State delegates vote to affirm their nominees at the national conference.

When picking a candidate to support, what should be your first step?

The first step in choosing a candidate is determining what is important to you and what attributes you seek in a leader. Create a Candidate Report Card that outlines your top priorities and the qualities you believe are most important in an elected official.

What are the three most important elements to consider while deciding on a candidate?

The three most essential hiring capabilities criterion are:

Of course, every prospective employee must possess the necessary skills and qualifications to perform the position for which you are hiring.Value: Think on how much value the individual brings to the organization.Finally, cultural compatibility is required.

Learn more about presidential nominee:


What is the most compelling argument the author makes for lifetime judicial appointments in Federalist 78?


The issue is that Michael Fay, a vandal, was backed by Singapore's government. It bolsters the author's case because he is not taking responsibility for doing anything wrong. Fairness in law enforcement is important.

The founders thought it would be preferable to maintain the concept of the republican system of government they had devised and, possibly, protect the people themselves most fully by placing the judicial department "out of reach" of the people.

The fact that Hamilton devoted the entirety of Federalist #78 to such a seemingly minute topic such as tenure is evidence as to why the judiciary’s own autonomy is paramount in protecting the design of the union, and the Constitution itself, from usurpation by the other two branches.  As he shifts from one justification to another, the common theme of Constitutional protection remains at the fore of his argument.  As often as the framers are identified as lacking foresight into changes of circumstances such as technology, Hamilton illustrated clearly how they had a complete understanding of the potential for changes in ideas.  

We can learn more Federalist 78 here:


How can gerrymandering be stopped ?


Some states have established independent commissions to handle the redistricting process, which can take the politics out of the process and ensure that districts are drawn fairly.

What can be done to stop gerrymandering?Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing electoral district boundaries in a way that gives one political party an unfair advantage over the other. There are a few ways that gerrymandering can be stopped or limited:Legal challenges: In some cases, gerrymandered districts can be challenged in court and overturned if they are found to be in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution or other laws.Public pressure: Activism and public pressure can also play a role in stopping gerrymandering. When people speak out and demand fair elections, politicians and lawmakers may be more likely to act.Constitutional amendments: Some states have amended their constitutions to establish specific rules or guidelines for redistricting, which can help to prevent gerrymandering.Voter initiatives: In some states, voters can use the initiative process to propose and pass laws that address gerrymandering or establish independent redistricting commissions.

To learn more about gerrymandering refer :


What is ethos appeal example?


Advertising that draws from medical opinions or political records frequently makes use of the ethos.

What is an illustration of ethos?

Ethos in your writing or speaking comes from coming off as fair or from showcasing your knowledge, credentials, or lineage. Elements of ethos include the following: Like a doctor, I am competent to advise you that the results from this course of therapy will probably be the best.

Briefing :

John F. Kennedy's address at his inauguration as president of the US serves as an illustration of an appeals to ethos. The president illustrated the power of the human spirit to transform both the nation and the planet. Do everything you can for the nation, not what your land can do to you, was his catchphrase.

To know more abut Ethos visit :


Which of the following is not an exclusive right recognized under copyright law?

a. They are all recognized rights.
b. The right of reproduction of a work.
c. The right of public display of a work.
d. The right of the preparation of derivative works.


Option A is correct.  They are all recognized rights under the copyright law.

About Copyright Law

Original works of authorship are given monopoly protection under American copyright law. Copyright law grants writers a set of unique rights, including the ability to manufacture & sell copies of the works, to develop derivative works, as well as to perform or show their works publicly, all with the declared aim of promoting art and culture. These exclusive rights have a time restriction and often end 95 years following publication or 70 years just after author's passing. Works released in the US before January 1, 1927, are considered to be in the public domain. The Copyright Act of 1976, which is included in Title 17 of the US Code, was the last major revision to United States copyright law.

To know more about copyright law:


Which of the following is not an aspect of
becoming a good leader?
a. taking risks and refusing to be afraid
of failure
b. remaining calm
c. being an expert
d. showing a healthy lack of trust for



C being an expert


Answer: The answer is C Being an expert


Hope this was helpful

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