Help Plsssss
Why did most Southern slaveholders resist abolition efforts to free enslaved people?
1.Slavery was used to organize the social class system among Southerners.
2Slavery was viewed as a critical factor of the Southern economy.
3Slavery provided the South with greater political representation in Congress.
4Slavery contributed to the military strength of the United States


Answer 1


2. Slavery was viewed as a critical factor of the Southern economy


hope i helped

Related Questions

How did a policy of apartheid affect cultural and political patterns in South Africa?



After the National Party gained power in South Africa in 1948, its all-white government immediately began enforcing existing policies of racial segregation. Under apartheid, nonwhite South Africans (a majority of the population) would be forced to live in separate areas from whites and use separate public facilities.

An effect of the law was to exclude non-whites from living in the most developed areas. Many non-whites were forcibly removed for living in the wrong areas. In addition, the non-white majority was given a much smaller area of the country. Subsequently, the white minority owned most of the nation's land.

List of apartheid segregation

Population registration and segregation.

Job reservation and economic apartheid.

Segregation in education.

Sexual apartheid.

Land tenure and geographic segregation.

Pass laws and influx control.

Political representation.

Separate development and bantustan

Apartheid refers to the implementation and maintenance of a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights. Apartheid is a crime against humanity punishable under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

In 1977 the problems suffered by both Ndebele groups were compounded by the granting of "independence" to the territory of Bophuthatswana, under the leadership of Lucas Mangope. This process had begun some time earlier, in the late 1960s, when Tswana vigilantes began a programme of ethnic cleansing in Garankuwa, a black dormitory suburb of Pretoria. They began by ordering Ndebele residents to leave the township, but soon extended this to include all non-Tswana families. In time this spread to other areas, and by the time Bophuthatswana was established in 1977, non-Tswana residents were being denied identification documents, trading licenses, access to housing, social benefits and mother-language education. This persecution was especially severe against Ndebele citizens who, unlike members of other ethnic groups, did not have the benefit of a "homeland" they could move to under the provisions of Pretoria apartheid planning. Understandably Tswana chauvinism, layered over the existing system of white bigotry and Apartheid racism, led many Ndebele, Northern and Southern, to organise themselves along ethnic lines.

This process of ethnic separation needs to be understood in the larger context of Apartheid planning which initially only provided for the racial segregation of the country's four main groups, so-called European, African, Indian and Coloured. One of Apartheid's main concerns was inter-racial miscegenation, most specifically between whites and any of the three other groups, and although the Immorality laws prohibited inter-racial mixing between all four groups, the only times when these were applied was when one of the parties was white.

Ethnic separation, on the other hand, extended the scope of such chauvinism to inter-black relationships, and allowed each group to initiate its own programmes of ethnic cleansing. Needless to say, parallel developments were also taking place in the Transkei, and were soon to spread to Venda and Ciskei upon their own granting of "independence" and Lebowa and Gazankulu when they were granted "self-determination". It is not difficult to see therefore, how, by 1990, when the Nationalist government and the ANC began a process of rapprochement and pacification, the country had reached the brink of a racial and ethnic holocaust.

please help this is very important i will give you brain thing if its correct and no links pwease <3




beacuse radio waves are electromagneticwaves

What kind economic system did Russia have where government owned
all means of production?



Centrally Planned Economy


Communist countries, particularly Russia and China, decided on a centrally planned economy. The centrally planned economy had the following major attributes: The government owns all means of production, which is managed by employees of the state.

The host is harm and the other organism is benefited.

A Parasitism

B Mutualism

C Predation

D Commensalism


the answer would be B:)

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Pwease help i will give you brain thing if its correct ♡



I believe it is shared.


Cause if there is a block party and people bring dishes and pass them around to everyone then they would be sharing. Hope this is correct. :)

Answer: I think shared


Because it is a block party with neighbors coming over I don't if it's right but that is my guess.

do Christians need to be concerned about the manner in which they present the gospel message?



no , just as long as they are delivering the work of their father

but should do it with caution.

Early magazines were often a more ____ medium than today's magazines. a-lucrative b-entertaining c-serious​





Early magazines were often more Serious.

• What evidence suggests the Shang believed in an



The earliest textual evidence from China concerning an idea of an afterlife is in oracle bone inscriptions from the Shang dynasty (c. 1500 – 1050 bce). Primarily divination records, the inscriptions mentioned that deceased kings dwelled in heaven together with the God on High.

Pwease help i will give you brain thing if its correct ♡


The answer is : Learned

Good luck

Zach is a pharmaceutical sales representative and must put on a smile every day at work with his clients. Discuss the emotional labor experienced by Zach. Explain the significance of emotional intelligence demanded of Zach in order to be successful, and how he applies his emotions and moods in his job. Give your answer in narrative form, in a detailed manner.



Zach is a sales agent who must place a grin to his face every day, regardless of his psychological state This requires a lot of emotional work because there must be a disconnect in his true feelings and how he must look to his customers.

Zach has to be emotionally intelligent in order to be competitive at his career. Emotional awareness is described as the capacity to control one's own feelings. He may be experiencing mental dissonance and not feel like smiling on certain days, but he must smile for his customer in order to serve himself well and close the transaction.

Zach cracks the bargain by channeling his optimistic feelings and incorporating a positive attitude into his jib. When customers are in a good mindset often make fast choices and buy the goods on sale. So, in his work at a pharmaceutical firm Zach spreads happiness and optimistic feelings.

The U.S. criminal justice system is designed to


The criminal justice system is designed to deliver “justice for all.” This also means serving and protecting convicted criminals, the innocent and overall providing a fair justice system.

Which is an example of a feral child?
A:Lisa was allowed to stay home by herself at the age of 10.
B:As a young boy, Tarzan was raised by apes in the jungle.
C:Until the age of five, Leo lived with his mom and stepfather.
D:Henry and Harper were twins who were adopted by different families.


B. As a young boy, Tarzan was raised by apes in the jungle.
B tarzan because he was not raised by humans

South America is located entirely within what hemisphere


Answer:southern hemisphere



South America is a continent entirely in the Western Hemisphere and mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern Hemisphere.


According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following statements is true?

Children's social interaction with more skilled adults and peers is indispensable to their cognitive development.

the primary motivation for human behavior is social in nature

peoples basic personality is shaped during the first five years of their life

children go through four stages of cognitive development as they actively construct their understanding of the world​



According to Sigmund Freud, which of the following statements is true?

Children's social interaction with more skilled adults and peers is indispensable to their cognitive development.

the primary motivation for human behavior is social in nature

peoples basic personality is shaped during the first five years of their life

children go through four stages of cognitive development as they actively construct their understanding of the world​


Three contributing factors that led to xenophobia



The three most important factors contributing to xenophobic violence are political leadership, lack of conflict resolution processes, and very few prosecutions


what are types of government​


legislative, judicial and I'm not sure


Monarchy, Oligarchy, Theocracy, Authoritarianism, and Totalitarianism.


Monarchy - Rule of one. It was traditionally a king or emperor ruling, but in modern times this usually describes a dictator.

Oligarchy - Rule of the few. Traditionally, this described a group of aristocrats, men of noble blood. But is easily describes a group of warlords or a military junta.

Theocracy - Rule by God. Since God rarely shows up to manage the day-to-day affairs of government, this involves rule by a religious leader or group of religious officials who interpret God's will.

Authoritarianism - Monopoly of political power by an individual/small group that allows people to go about their private lives as they wish.

Totalitarianism - Rule by an elite who exercises unlimited power over individuals in all aspects of life.

help me pls math math math​





its confusinf




Select all that apply. Which of the following magazines would be considered a general interest magazine?
Saturday Evening Post
Seattle Metropolitan
People Reader's Digest
Sport's Illustrated​


I believe the answer is people reader's digest ^^

Example of magazines that would be considered a general interest magazine is People Reader's Digest.

What is magazine ?

A magazine is a periodical publication containing articles and illustrations.

This magazine is usually written on a particular subject or aimed at a particular readership.

Therefore, People Reader's Digest. because it contains some interest about many topics.

Learn more about magazine at;

Pls hekpppppppppppppppppppppppppp



obtaining scarce resources


For example, a country like the United kingdom which doesn't have enough of petroleum can buy from a country like Nigeria which has surplus of it

what do you know by about the age of Renaissance​



The Renaissance was a fervent period of European culture , artistic , political and economic "rebirth" following the middle ages.


Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century , the Renaissance promoted the discovery of classic philosophy , literature and art.


The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art.


what is sociological imagination?​



Sociological imagination is the capacity to shift from one perspective to another


Sociological imagination is the ability to see the connection between the larger world and our personal lives.

 An example of sociological imagination is unemployment.


i got it right on edg

Which best describes the main action called for by the Declaration of Independence?

to seek peace with Great Britain
to give the United States the power of self-government
to declare war on Great Britain
to create the First Continental Congress


To give the United States the power of self-government. While it was a power move to make it evident to Britain that they wanted freedom, it was more so based off the fact that they realized they wanted to have their own system instead of working under Britain’s harsh ruling.




Took the Test

After a long experience as a failing democracy, punctuated by a decade long civil war, a country is looking to adopt a constitution that will maximize its chances of survival and create democratic stability. As an expert in comparative institutions, you have been hired as a consultant by the transitional government. Government leaders have asked you to develop a proposal in which you are to make recommendations on specific institutions that you believe will enhance their chances of forming a well-functioning democracy. What are your recommendations for each of the seven specific institutions below


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include the "seven specific institutions."

What are they?

That is the center point of your question and you forgot to attach the institutions.

In this incomplete question, you also forgot to attach information about the country. What is the name of this country? Total population? Demographics? Language? Religions? Type of economy? Political system?

Despite the lack of information, trying to help you we did some deep research and can comment on the following.

These are going to be the seven institutions.

1,. Electoral system.

My recommendation would be that they implement the majoritarian system instead of the proportional one. With the majoritarian system, the candidate who gets the most votes in the election wins.  

2.- Party system.

As the expert I am, I would recommend two parties system for the first election. This due to teh fact that after an authoritarian regime and a civil war, with the two party options people could have better options of choosing two clear defined platforms.

After that first election, a multiparty electoral system would be more than welcome.

3.- Government.

Due to the special conditions lived by this country, I would recommend a coalition government to allow all the "voices" to be heard and not excluding important political sides.  

4.- Federalism.

The formation of many states under one solid federal system would be my strong recommendation. These states would remain sovereign.

5.- Congress.

A bicameral system would be my recommendation. One lower chamber would act as a representative chamber. The other -an upper chamber- would be the equivalent of the Senate.


The creation of a new Constitution would be highly recommended, where laws and rights are clearly defined. A legislative system would have the power to create laws.

7.- Regime.

Presidential regime. This regime would operate under a similar system of three branches, as in other modern democracies. A solid form of government would be divided into three branches: an executive branch or President with its cabinet, a legislative branch with two chambers, and a judicial branch or justice system.

Why did Donald Trump think that the election was stolen from him?



Possibly because of how Pennslyvania had changed from a republican state to a democratic state in about a day.

16. Which of the following was NOT true about the Roman Constitution? a. It outlined branches of government b. It was a set of guidelines passed down c. It was written down in a document d. Its principles inspired democracies​





i had this question and got it right

your welcome

20 POINTS Which component of the justice system will not try an adult in Georgia?
A.corrections system
B.juvenile court
C.superior court enforcement



its B! Juvenile court!


Juvenile court is for kids not Adults!

how corruption manifest in public sector and private sector ​



All before-mentioned forms of corruption occur in the public sector, including bribery, embezzlement, illicit enrichment, trading in influence, and abuse of functions (which can involve favouritism and nepotism). As noted in Module 1, the precise legal articulation of corruption offences is complex. For example, article 15 of UNCAC defines bribery in the public sector as "[t]he promise, offering or giving, to a public official, directly or indirectly, of an undue advantage, for the official himself or herself or another person or entity, in order that the official act or refrain from acting in the exercise of his or her official duties". While this definition can be difficult to digest, the essence of the crime - money or anything else of value exchanged for benefits from political or economic actors - is not difficult to grasp. Nor is it difficult to understand the effect of the crime - circumventing lawful procedures by auctioning off political or economic power to the highest bidder.

The same goes for embezzlement and misappropriation of property, defined in UNCAC Article 17. Beyond the complex legal formulation of the definition, the bottom line is that someone entrusted with something valuable (such as property, funds or investments) has taken it for him- or herself or routed it to some third party at the expense of others. It is, essentially, a combination of betrayal and theft. UNCAC article 19 defines the offence of abuse of functions. This offence could apply to situations such as patronage (the use of State resources to reward individuals for their electoral support); nepotism (preferential treatment of relatives); cronyism (awarding jobs and other advantages to friends or trusted colleagues); and sextortion (the demand for sexual favours as a form of payment) - all of which undermine independent or democratically representative decision-making, and fair and competitive processes in the formation or staffing of governments. Like the crimes of bribery and embezzlement, these forms of corruption are highly destructive of transparency, accountability and the rule of law. That is not only their effect; it is also their object and purpose. For a further discussion of the crimes defined by UNCAC and the corollary obligations of States that are party to the Convention, see Module 12 of the E4J University Module Series on Anti-Corruption.

Corruption manifests differently in different areas of the public sector. For example, corruption schemes in the areas of security and defence may include patronage and bribes to secure the purchase of military equipment from a particular company, while in the health sector it may refer to kickbacks that patients have to pay to their doctors or abuse of healthcare funds by public officials and doctors. In the area of education, corruption occurs when lecturers demand favours from their students to pass an exam or to receive a diploma (for more information about corruption in education see Module 9 of the E4J University Module Series on Anti-Corruption). Common corruption schemes in the police and the judiciary include the manipulation of cases and evidence by the police, court judgments given to satisfy a favoured party, and corruption in judicial procurement. All these schemes lead to people's frustration, disengagement, polarization and even conflict. When these corruption offences occur in the areas of the public sector that are responsible for providing justice and enforcing the law, such as the judiciary and the police, they are not only offences in their own right, they also obstruct the course of justice and undermine the rule of law and human rights in the most direct and fundamental way.

At the national level, political parties are responsible for A. selecting county party leadership. B. serving as the presidential candidates' campaign staff. C. deciding the parties positions on key issues. D. electing delegates for state conventions.​









how social media may perpetuate attacks on LGBQI individuals​


It will attack through the heart and poor victim will cry for 1 day or 2 depending on how hard it perpetuated .

Social me.dia is a place for anyone to talk to anyone. People can bully anyone they see fit simply for being LGBT.

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PLS HELPPP!!!!!Record players were common by....A. The early 1800sB. The late 1800sC. The early 1900s D. The late 1900s 30 points I WILL GIVE U BRAINLIEST AND THANKS AND 5 STARS please help this is very important this is a big part of my grade True or false: You should not have any expectations for the rest of the paperbased on the thesis statement. * Find the value of x.Equation?X? If f(x)=sin(x) and g(x)=sin(2x), which of the following statements is true?A f(x) is a taller version of g(x).B g(x) is a taller version of f(x).C The period of f(x) is half the size of g(x).DThe period of g(x) is half the size of f(x) 23.20m + on ?Which expression is equivalent to 54n 2s=ut + 1/2at^2Find the value of s when u = 5.2, t=7 and a = 1.6 CAN SOMEONE HELP ME I DONT UNERSTANND THIS PROBLEM The dinning table in the kitchen has a length of 2.3 m & a width of 3 m. Find the area of a sheet that will cover the table top How long has La Soufrire been active? HELP HELP HELP PLSSSS Please help! No bots are acceptable. Please answer both! there is no right answer, they just have to equal what ever number they tell you too. A circle has a diameter of 16 inches. What is the circumference of the circle using function on the calculator? A random sample of students were asked which award they would most like to win (Olympic Gold, Academy Award, or Nobel Prize), and asked which portion of the SAT they performed better on, between the Math and the Verbal. The results are summarized in the table below. Use this table to answer the following question.1. If P(M) is the proportion of students who did better on the Math portion of the SAT who prefer winning an Olympic Gold, and P(V) is the proportion of students who did better on the Verbal portion of the SAT who prefer winning an Olympic Gold. What is the standard error of the distribution of the difference of proportions? What is the slope of the line y +3 = (x +4)? hello please help ill give brainliest How do la's mother's actions set the plot of the story in motion? Use evidence to support your response the graphs below have the same shape. what is the equation of the red graph? Recall the experiment comparing patients 4 weeks after surgery for carpaltunnel syndrome. The patients who had endoscopic surgery demonstrateda mean pinch strength of 9.1 kg compared to 7.6 kg for the open- incisionpatients.4. What hypotheses would you test?5. The P-value of the test was less than 0.05. State a brief conclusion. What type of conflict is occurs when a character is in conflict with another person?