did they both reach the same temperature at the end​


Answer 1


Not entirely sure :O


The rate of heat transfer from one body to another depends on the difference in temperature between the two bodies and many other factors. Higher the temperature difference, faster is the rate of heat flow.

It depends on many things, but if on the same conditions, it was probably equal, however a small change can make the speed at which they reach the same temperature different.

Related Questions

Which of the following demonstrates effective embedding of quotations?

1. Juliet calls the dagger "happy" in Act V, Scene 3.

2. Juliet says: "I shall say goodnight/Till it be morrow" (IL.1.86).

3. Simon's early assertion that he does not "believe in the beast", (Golding, 105)
makes his confrontation with it more ironic.

4. Romeo is more than "fortune's fool," (III.1.133) he is an icon of the follies of youth.



3. Simon's early assertion that he does not "believe in the beast", (Golding, 105)  makes his confrontation with it more ironic.


We may well wonder: what is an embedded quotation?

Put simply, it involves skillfully making reference to what someone else said in a way that matches the idea you intend to present.

In the example above, the writer's idea or viewpoint is beautifully presented by making reference to what Simon said earlier. By smoothly adding that quotation (|"believe in the past"), the reader can thus relate to the idea passed by the writer.

The commercial had promised bounce and shine instead her hair was as dull and limp as ever. Which revision correctly punctuates the sentence? Question 4 options: a) The commercial had promised bounce and shine; instead her hair was as dull and limp as ever. b) The commercial had promised bounce and shine, instead her hair was as dull and limp as ever. c) The commercial had promised bounce and shine; instead, her hair was as dull and limp as ever. d) The commercial had promised bounce and shine, instead, her hair was as dull and limp as ever.



A or C I'd pick A myself.


Anything with a comma in front of instead is simply not correct. The sentence is too long and the change too abrupt to be handed with a comma. So B and D leave a little bit to be desired.

I don't think C is correct, but it is just marginally not so. If I saw it in a student paper, I'd probably ignore it. I don't think you need the comma after instead. I would pick a myself, but that does not mean I'm correct.

Don't be a bit surprised to see the answer is C. I think the comma after instead is too much, but that is a matter of opinion.  

Instead is an adverb. Most of the time you need not emphasize adverbs. It's a very hard call.

I think I want to be a good manger because.......................
could you please help me with this?​



I will take care of every responsibility with no excuse.


What Makes a Good Manager

“A good manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men; he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can.” – Frederick W. Smith

Qualities That Make A Good Manager

1. They Align Organizational Purpose With Team Goals

These are times when businesses are undergoing a massive transformation as regulatory changes, competition, and technological innovations are regularly updated. Organizations today need to be dynamic in order to adjust and adapt to the latest developments. Good managers don’t just tell their employees to do tasks; they also tell them why they need to do what they are assigned to do.  

Employees who connect their work with the mission of their organization feel their job is more important and their work holds much significance. However, the majority of employees are still unsure about how their work contributes to the “big picture”. Good managers help them understand the value of their work and how it’s vital to achieve organizational goals.

2. They Demonstrate Empathy With Their Team

A study by research firm DDI shows that empathy is one of the main drivers of overall performance amongst managers. Another study by the Center for Creative Leadership (CCI) shows that managers with an empathetic behavior toward their team are viewed as good performers by their bosses.  

Empathetic managers understand the emotions of their team members. They understand how team members are feeling and this quality enables them to communicate effectively and solve problems right in the bud. As a result, their employees trust them more and managers can build rapport, which fuels team success. Being empathic towards employees equips good managers to form personal bonds with employees and foster long-term relationships with them.

3. They Delegate Tasks Effectively  

Good managers delegate tasks effectively. They demonstrate faith in their employees’ ability to perform delegated tasks and allow them to learn new skills and develop strengths that they might not otherwise know they have. Good managers don’t delegate tasks randomly; they identify potential within their teams and assign work to the right people using the right methods and tools.

Good managers delegate tasks and split responsibilities according to the potential and talent within teams. This helps to significantly improve overall organizational efficiency as well as time management. Assigning important tasks also helps team members develop confidence in their abilities, which motivates them further to put in their best efforts.

4. They Set Clear Goals And Expectations

Clarity is the pathway to solid results, but a recent survey shows that 42% of employees have cited having unclear goals as their biggest source of stress. Good managers are quite direct and specific about their expectations from employees. They don’t give broad and vague instructions – thereby leaving no space for ambiguity. Whether it’s small daily tasks or a long-term project, good managers have a clear idea of what they expect from every employee, based on their ability and capacity.  

Many good managers use the SMART goal method to define expectations. They also validate their expectations with specific reasons as to how these will positively affect you, your organization, and the employees themselves. When employees understand the reasoning behind the task, they’ll be more compliant and eager to take the required steps to meet expectations.

5. They Make Communication A Priority

Effective communication is the key to not only maintaining amicable relationships in the workplace but also delivering work successfully. Good managers are the first ones to recognize this, and therefore, invest their time and energy in ensuring a smooth flow of communication throughout the project.  

From navigating team meetings with poise to providing people with the right direction in the project – a great project manager ensures that things never slip through the cracks. They are not afraid to take the help of the available resources like online communication tools for the same.

You can use a variety of techniques to describe things. One option is to use simile or metaWhat is a personification



Personification is ascribing human characteristics to nonhuman things.


A popular writer's technique is the art of personification. If you apply personification to something, you are, in essence, applying a real-life principle to an inanimate object or animal (or anything that isn't human). For example, "The wind whistled" is personification. Wind can't really whistle.

We rarely go to the movies on the weekends. The adverb "rarely" modifies



the answer is verb!

rarely is the adverb

go is the verb

saying rarely go, means you dont go often




Romeo and Juliet
please help me for god please i really need help please or i will fail my class please help me please

write a complete MEAL character explaining which character is most affected by Juliet’s death. Be sure to begin with a clear topic sentence, explain your claim, provide evidence, analyze how the evidence supports the claim, and sum up with a final comment about how Juliet’s death will affect this character.



honestly ive never really seen romeo and juliet but i think its romeo who affected the most


Which pronoun best completes the sentence?

Select the word from the drop-down menu.

All the pirates on the ship told the captain they want
share of the treasure they found.

A, your
b, its
c, our
d, their



d. their



d, their


because their means our but our is not the right way to pronounce it

Question 20 (5 points)
“Luck is not chance": Which of the following selections best illustrates a paradox, or
contradiction, at the heart of the poem?
a) People who are considered lucky are usually not seen as hard workers.
b) Coins are rarely called old-fashioned.
O c) Mines have thothing to do with coins.
d) Fortune is usually seen as something that has a cheap smile.


D because fortune is something that represents wealth, using the word “cheap” to describe fortune contradicts the whole meaning.




Which of the following is an example of the present progressive tense?

You had ran around all the bases.
You have been running around the bases.
You were running around the bases.
You are running around the bases.


I believe the answer is D

Why is it important to take action against things that you feel are wrong




Taking responsibility when things go wrong is crucially important to building trust with others and learning from your mistakes. It is one of the most important parts of creating a satisfying life, but a lot of people learn the opposite growing up. In many homes, parents act like tyrants, are quick to punish children when they are upset.


Heyaaa!!! I'm ✧༺♥༻∞Pinky∞༺♥༻✧ and I'm here to inform you that your answer is.....


♥*♡∞:。.。 It is important to take action against what I know is wrong because if you see something happening that you do not agree with, it is biblically and morally wrong to stand by and allow it to happen. A reason for this is the fact that we learn from a very young age that being quiet and letting what happens happen is the right thing to do. However, standing up for what we believe in is something that has been pushing the envelope as of late, encouraging people to fight for what they think and what they know is right. An example of when someone could take action against what they think is wrong would be if a group of friends stood up for an outcast when they were being bullied. The group could have simply stood by and ignored the bullying, as the child was an outcast, but instead, they stood up for what they believed in and, in turn, stood up for their classmate. Please do not plagerize this, write your own, Buddy!! 。.。:∞♡*♥

                      Have an Amazingly Good Evening  (◠‿◠✿)


Reread paragraph 3. What purpose does this ser
serve in the paragraph?
Other writing classes at the center, such as story-writing
and family history, have proved very popular.
• It makes a claim that the
writer will support with facts.
3 A playwriting class would also be well attended. Other
writing classes at the center, such as story-writing and
family history, have proved to be very popular. Last year
the center took a survey asking members what new
classes they would like. The most requested class was
photography, which 15 out of 100 people asked for. We
now have a photography class, and it has 15 students. I
believe a playwriting class would be even more popular.
In last year's survey, 10 people asked for a playwriting
class. In addition, three people who did not take the
survey told me they would attend a playwriting class.
It states the writer's claim that
a playwriting course would be
even more popular.
It provides evidence to
support the claim that a
playwriting course would be
well attended.
It makes the argument that
the story-writing and family
history classes should
1 2 3 4 5 6



It provides evidence to support the claim that playwriting course would be well attended .


I took the quiz

Define the term metaphor



a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.


“Your momma may have a simple mind, Tiger, but her love is simple too. It flows from her like a quick, easy river.”
What did Granny mean when she said this to Tiger? Why did this make Tiger feel better?
Write a RACE paragraph to respond to the prompt. Be sure to cite direct text evidence from My Louisiana Sky in your response.

Type your response



i don't have time to write this entire paragraph but i can share the main ideas, it means that her love is unconditional and that she shows it easily


Does homework actually help the student learn?

(i'll give brainly to the best answer)



if you ask any a majority of students they will say homework puts them under pressure and they won't want to do it anyway so i would say no



Homework is a debated whether is something Positive or Negative

Positive: Proponents of homework say that it improves student achievement and allows for independent learning of classroom and life skills. They also say that homework gives parents the opportunity to monitor their child’s learning and see how they are progressing academically.  

Negative: Students and parents appear to carry similar critiques of homework, specifically regarding assignments identified as busy work long sheets of repetitive math problems, word searches, or reading logs seemingly designed to make children dislike books.  When asked how homework can negatively affect children, is that many homework assignments are simply busy work that makes learning is a chore rather than a positive, constructive experience.


in general a source that claims to summarize research or provide facts would not consider reliable if it
A- IS written by popular Author B- Does not provide a list of work cited C- Uses charts or other visuals D-Cite only secondary source....I think B but not sure


you're correct^^

Bis the answer :3

if it does not have a works cited page or part at the end then it is not trustworthy ^^

what was 1 benefit and 1 drawback of Manifest Destiny?


One benefit of Manifest Destiny was that the American Colonies gained more land and resources, but one drawback was creating a hostile relationship with the Native Americans by forcefully taking their property



Manifest Destiny was great for trade and industry with other countries, as well as territorial expansion.


Manifest Destiny led to ethnic oppression and was unconstitutional.

Read this excerpt about the Vietnam War from "Ambush" by Tim O'Brien:

When she was nine, my daughter Kathleen asked if I had ever killed anyone. She knew about the war; she knew I'd been a soldier. "You keep writing war stories," she said, "so I guess you must've killed somebody." It was a difficult moment, but I did what seemed right, which was to say, "Of course not," and then to take her onto my lap and hold her for a while. Someday, I hope, she'll ask again. But here I want to pretend she's a grown-up. I want to tell her exactly what happened, or what I remember happening, and then I want to say to her that as a little girl she was absolutely right. This is why I keep writing war stories:

He was a short, slender young man of about twenty. I was afraid of him-afraid of something-and as he passed me on the trail I threw a grenade that exploded at his feet and killed him. . . .

Even now I haven't finished sorting it out. Sometimes I forgive myself, other times I don't. In the ordinary hours of life I try not to dwell on it, but now and then, when I'm reading a newspaper or just sitting alone in a room, I'll look up and see the young man coming out of the morning fog. I'll watch him walk toward me, his shoulders slightly stooped, his head cocked to the side, and he'll pass within a few yards of me and suddenly smile at some secret thought and then continue up the trail to where it bends back into the fog.

How does the author's specific word choice and stylistic devices affect the excerpt's tone? Be sure to use specific details from the text to support your answer.


Answer and Explanation:

First, we can say the tone of the excerpt is sad and regretful.

The author is careful in his word choice, especially when it comes to describing the man he killed. He does not describe him as an enemy, as dangerous. He does not try to convince himself or the reader that his actions were justifiable. The fact that he concisely explains how the killing happened, with direct sentences, also show he is being honest and straightforward. He does not try to paint a different picture of what happened. It is worth noting that he does not worry much about the man's appearance. All he says is that he was short, slender, and about twenty. We do not know if the man looked threatening. All we know is that the author was afraid, and that that was enough to do what he did.

As for the parts about his daughter and his own feelings, the author is also direct, concise. However, when he describes the man in his imagination, he gives more details, painting a more vivid picture than he did when he described the killing. Now we know how the man walks, what his posture and attitude are like. It seems that the author wishes to convey how his thoughts linger, how his regrets come back again and again.

Everyone has the same rights. It doesn’t matter what gender you are.It doesn’t matter what color you skin is,What language you speak,What religion you practice,How rich or poor you are,How different you are from those around you, or what country you come from.It doesn’t even matter whether your own government agrees with these rights.Your rights are in you no matter what.3) Na frase “It doesn’t matter what gender you are.It doesn’t matter what color you skin is what language you speak.” Qual palavra apresenta o sentido de gênero sexual? *
12 pontos
a) ( ) matter
b) ( ) skin
c) ( ) gender
d) ( ) language​





Creo que c. Parece que tiene que ver con el género.


A resposta é C, gender


Gênero em inglês é gender

Need help with a few questions (Part 2)




Do it yourself. Like this you'll never pass.

I will say to my mother, " I will provide you a special gift tomorrow." ( Indirect speech)



O-ok where the question?



I will say my mother that I will provide her a special gift tomorrow.








air pollution, increasing of heart disease, causes rashes, nausea and headaches

Why did Yetalya and Mhadeva go to Bapu Patil's house? * (the poison bread)​



Yetalya and Mahadeva go to Bapu Patil's house so they could get some corn from him. But Bapu is a mean person who is known to hurt everyone's feeling by uttering satirical remarks.


This question is related to an interesting story called the Poisoned Bread written by Bandhumadhav.


Which sentence below contains an incorrect verb form ?
A. The cup belonged to Melissa, but she refuse to claim it
B. As they went through her belongings, Melissa got worried
C. That’s when she realized someone had switched bags with her
D. She didn’t want her reputation to be dragged through the mud


I’m pretty sure it’s A.

Answer: D. She didn’t want her reputation to be dragged through the mud

Explanation: The verb in the sentence (dragged) doesn't fit where it should be

Why do children need special protections?


All children have the right to protection. They have the right to survive, to be safe, to belong, to be heard, to receive adequate care and to grow up in a protective environment.

A family is the first line of protection for children. Parents or other caregivers are responsible for building a protective and loving home environment. Schools and communities are responsible for building a safe and child-friendly environment outside the child's home. In the family, school and community, children should be fully protected so they can survive, grow, learn and develop to their fullest potential.

Millions of children are not fully protected. Many of them deal with violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation, exclusion and/or discrimination every day. Such violations limit their chances of surviving, growing, developing and pursuing their dreams.

Answer: The period of childhood is a phase in which the human being is more vulnerable because they have not finished developing physically or mentally. Furthermore, the child requires a particular attention and protection. The principle of the superior interest of the child has the goal of promoting and garanteeing the well being of all children, on several aspects :  Physical well being : ensuring good health and proper development of the child.

Mental well being : providing the child the opportunity to develop intellectually.

Social well being : ensuring to the child the opportunity to flourish socially and spiritually.


Excerpt from I Have A Dream
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
If you needed to determine how long five score is, which source would you use to define score in this context?
online map
a thesaurus
a dictionary
an online encyclopedia


B a thesaurus is the best answer

I always help my mother ---- the weekend.



I always help my mother ON the weekend


2nd grd question but its OK

Here are some pictures of common situations. Talk to each other about how stressful you think each one can be, then, choose the three that you think are the most stressful. It is not necessary to agree with each other.

Dialogue about stressful activities (interview, traffic, school, late to work)​



The three stressful ones are:

-The dentist

-Exams (School)

-Late to work


The three most stressful ones we can select as discussed in the other dialogue are these above.

Going to the dentist and receiving treatment on a tooth problem can be stressful. Sometimes the dentist decides to remove the tooth which usually comes with pains.

The young man sitting at the exam is definitely going through stress. Exams can be tasking and exhausting. In some exams, one can be mentally drained after attempting certain difficult questions. This is another stressful situation.

Being late at work is very stressful and can make one loose coordination in the first few hours of arrival.

When Frances shared her slideshow on the history of horse racing, several classmates started daydreaming, and one fell asleep. Which of the following most likely explains why Frances’s classmates were bored?
Frances showed and described several famous horses that made horse racing popular.
On each slide, Frances showed an image and described the image carefully in her voiceover script.
Frances used a wide range of different media throughout her presentation.
Frances included a clip from the earliest film footage of a horse race.



On each slide, Frances showed an image and described the image carefully in her voiceover script.

Frances’s classmates were bored becuase on each slide, Frances showed an image and described the image carefully in her voiceover script.

What is the use of slideshow in classrooms?

Slideshows have been around for a while, but in most classrooms they are only used as a way for presenting small amounts of information. These are used to give an overview of a topic and students may use slideshows to accompany research projects.

How to make a slideshow interesting?The colors and font size draw your eye to the short text. It’s easy to read quickly so that your audience can turn their attention to what you are saying rather than reading a slide. For subsequent slides, use the most salient point of what you will be discussing and make it visually appealing.

Thus, Frances’s classmates were bored becuase on each slide, Frances showed an image and described the image carefully in her voiceover script.

Learn more slideshow here- brainly.com/question/6636708


which statemen describes environments with successful food chains?

Pls give me right answer no jokes​



what are the statements?

to choose from


Try These questions out and I’ll give you brainliest no links on My question or I will report you


6.I’m pretty sure a,but possibly b


1....the answer is b






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Mr. Delgado has some young orange trees. He wants to plant them in 49 rows. If t is the total number of orange trees, enter an algebraic expression to represent how many trees he can plant in each row.HURRY HELP PLS!!! Which objective best describes the reason for American intervention inBosnia Herzegovina during the 1990s? A pressure of 7x10^5N/m is applied to all surfaces of a copper cube (of sides 25 cm) what is the fractional change in volume of a cube? ( for copper B= 14x10^10N/m) What other organs / body systems work with the Fallopian tubes? what describes the role that the people play in making decision ello i need help -^- Explain how to back up a computer in five steps. Need help ASAP please The lines "He did not know that he was dead, then" (paragraph1) and "And then he died. He did not know he was dead"(paragraph 4) serve to do all the following EXCEPTA. connect paragraphs 1 and 4B. characterize AnseC. characterize the speakerD. illustrate the speaker's desire for deathE. reinforce one of the motifs of the passage 6Type the correct answer in the box.Most adults should consume no more than 30 percent of their daily calories from fat.A person on a daily diet of 2,500 calories should get no more than calories from fat each day. Which of the following words could replace the italicized word in the sentence from The First Men in the Moon below, while preserving its meaning?I set myself to decide just exactly how the return to earth could be contrived.hinderedarrangedpretendedstrained PLEASE HELLPPPP!!!!! The product of a number and 16 is equal to the sum of the number and 14 *Find the area of a triangle: Base of 8 cm Hight of 9 cm May i get some help please If Jamie had 12 pencils and she lost 9 what's the fraction left I'll ask this question again. You can get 7 points.Sammie Ardito Riveras story talks about the importance of traditional foods for contemporary American Indians. Give two reasons for this, according to Sammie. otto von Bismarck was apponinted of germany by king wilihelm in 1871 Which document held the provision that a person could NOT be considered guilty of a crime with no body of evidence against them? A. Writ of Habeas Corpus B. English Bill of Rights C. Petition of Right D. Magna Carta Infants gaining control of their torso before gaining control of their arms and legs is known as the cephalocaudal trend.answer is F