Dibuja la gráfica de calentamiento de un kilogramo de plomo que se encuentra inicialmente a 70ºC y pasa a una temperatura final de 2000ºC, sabiendo que su temperatura de fusión es: 327.4ºC y la de ebullición es de 1725ºC


Answer 1


Q= m [tex]c_e[/tex] ΔT and   Q = m L


For this graph of temperature vs energy (heating) we must use two relations

* for when there is no change of state

          Q= m [tex]c_e[/tex] ΔT

* for using there is change of state

          Q = m L

the second expression is a consequence of the fact that all the energy supplied is used to change the state of the solid-liquid and liquid-gas system

the energy supplied is the sum of the energy in each interval

divide the system into intervals determined by the state change points

1) from T₀ = 70ºC to T_f = 327.4ºC, sample in solid-liquid state

           c_e = 128 J / kg ºC

           Q₁ = m c_e (T_f -To)

           Q₁=1  128 (327.4 -70)

           Q₁ = 3.29 10⁴ J

           Q = Q₁ = 3.29 10⁴ J

2) when is it changing from solid to liquid

            L = 2.45 10⁴ J / kg

            Q2 = 1 2.45 10⁴

            Q2 = 2.45 10⁴ J

            Q = Q₁ + Q₂

             Q = 5.74 10⁴ J

3) from to = 327.4ºC until T_f = 1725ºC, sample in liquid state

in the tables the specific heat of the solid and liquid state is the same

             Q3 = m c_e (T_f -To)

             Q3 = 1 128 (1725 -327.4)

             Q3 = 1.79 10⁵ J

              Q = Q₁ + Q₂ + Q₃

              Q = (3.29 +2.45 + 17.9) 10⁴ J

              Q = 23.64 10⁴ J

4) for when it is changing from the liquid state to the gaseous state

             L_v = 8.70 10⁵ J / kg

             Q₄ = m L_v

             Q₄ = 1 8.70 10⁵

             Q₄ = 8.70 10⁵ J

             Q = Q₁ + Q₂ + Q₃ + Q₄

              Q = (3.29 +5.74 + 17.9+ 87.0) 10⁴ J

               Q = 110.64 10⁴ J

5) from To = 1725ºC to T_f = 2000ºC, sample in gaseous state

             Q₅ = m c_e ΔT

             Q₅ = 1 128 (2000 -1725)

             Q₅ = 3.52 10⁴ J

             Q = Q₁ + Q₂ + Q₃ + Q₄ + Q₅

              Q = 114.16 104 J

the following table shows the points to be plotted

         Energy (10⁴ J)  Temperature (ºC)

                  0                     70

                 3.29             327.4

                 5.74             327.4

               23.64           1725

               110.64          1725

                114.16         2000

In the attachment we can see a graph of Temperature versus energy supplied

Dibuja La Grfica De Calentamiento De Un Kilogramo De Plomo Que Se Encuentra Inicialmente A 70C Y Pasa

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Sodium has an atomic mass of 23 and an atomic number of 11, so the
number of neutrons must be_______
Answer here



12 Neutrons


So the mass of sodium is 22.990. You round it up to get 23(as stated in the problem). So, what exactly is atomic mass?

Atomic Mass is the total amount of neutrons and protons added up to form a total mass. So when you subtract 23-11 you get 12 Neutrons.

Tip: Don't know if you need this but-

The neutrons and protons are typically close in number (unless it's an isotope). So say that you subtract and the numbers of protons and neutrons aren't close at all. Well if that's the case, it's probably wrong.

hope this helps!!

Explain how the light behaves with light through a
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It's red


Blue light has a shorter distance between wave crests than orange light. Red light has a longer distance between wave crests than blue light.

If the wavelength of an s-wave is 23,000 m, and its speed 4500 m/s, what is its frequency?



5 metre.


Wavelength = Velocity / Frequency

= 23,000/ 4,500

= 5 metre.

A book falls from a shelf what would have the greatest effect on the velocity of the book as it falls to the ground


Here we can use standard formula for motion with an acceleration: V = gt.
All we need is to find the time of falling t. We know that H = (gt^2)/2.
So, t = sqrt(2H/g) = sqrt(2*1.6/9.8) = 0,571 s.
At last, V = gt = 9.8*0.571 = 5,596 m/s.

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Longitudinal waves


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The Four Elements in Everyday Life.

First Element: Earth. The earth is full of a wide variety of rocks and minerals which provides the soil to grow vegetation and support life. The two ...

Second Element: Water.

Third Element: Air.

Fourth Element: Fire.

Hope this help you!:)

is the particle in the nucleus with a positive charge.
Answer here


Answer: A proton is a positively charged particle located in the nucleus of an atom.

what forms of energy best describes the energy stored in food



probably potentially energy


hopefully this helps

An orange might roll of your cafeteria try when you stop suddenly because of




Newton's first law of motion states that an object in motion stays in motion. The orange is moving and then the tray stops making the orange move forward because of inertia.


The off the tray due to the inertia of motion


As we suddenly stop, the tray and our body comes to rest instantly they are in contact. The placed on tray and keeps moving due to the inertia of motion and hence roll of your tray

_______________________, _____________________, and _________, can help children prevent overweight and obesity. Obesity costs the US healthcare system $147 billion per ________.



A.) healthy eating behaviors,

B.) regular physical activity,

C.) reduced sedentary activity

D.) year


healthy eating behaviors, regular physical activity, and reduced sedentary activity can help children prevent overweight and obesity.

Obesity costs the US healthcare system $147 billion per year.

Hi, I'm stuck on the problem: Consider a resistor (R=1000 kΩ) and a capacitor (C=1μF) connected in series. This configuration is connected in series to a battery with an emf of 10 V. Find the maximum voltage in [V] across the capacitor. Find the maximum charge on the capacitor in [µC]. How long will it take until the capacitor has a potential difference of 5 V?



Following are the responses to the given choices:


The maximum pressure is 10 V from across condenser.

The highest charge mostly on condenser.

[tex]vc = 10\times 1\ mf\\\\[/tex]

    [tex]= 10^{-5}\ C[/tex]

The time it takes for the condenser to be 5 V different.

[tex]time = ln_2 \times 1000 \times 1mf[/tex]

        [tex]=0 .69 \times 10^{-3}\ sec[/tex]

The liquid pressure exerted in one direction only​


the pressure exerted by a liquid on an object increases as we go more deep into the liquid and this pressure is called as hydro static pressure . if we consider a part of the static fluid then all the horizontal forces will cancel out while the vertical forces will add vectorilly and due to which a pressure difference is created . so as we go more deep the pressure increase .

Now pressure is a scalar so it does not depend on direction but when two objects are on the same level with respect to a reference level then the pressure exerted on them by fluid is always the same . hope this helps

hi i need to pass this test im being timed please help





help asap!
three resistors of 20. ohms, 30. ohms, and 60. ohms, respectively, are connected in series with a battery. a current of 2.0 amperes will flow through this circuit when the potential difference of the battery is a. 20.V b. 220 V c. 110 V d. 10.V.



b. 220 V


Let resistors be R1, R2, and R3 respectively.

Given the following data;

R1 = 20 ohms

R2 = 30 ohms

R3 = 60 ohms

Current = 2 Amperes

To find the voltage;

First of all, we would determine the total effective resistance (RT).

For series circuit;

RT = R1 + R2 + R3

RT = 20 + 30 + 60

RT = 110 Ohms

Next, we find the voltage using the formula;

Voltage = current * resistance

Voltage = 2 * 110

Voltage = 220 Volts

what is work done aganist gravity?​


Lifting an object and becomes potential energy of the object (Earth system). The change in gravity potential energy, ΔPEg, is ΔPEg = mgh.

With h being the increase in height and g the acceleration due to gravity.

I hope this helped :T

A 8.7kg cart travels down a 18.1m high hill. Determine the final kinetic energy if 100J of
energy is lost to friction.




E = mgh

E(final) = E - friction

E(final) = 8.7 * 9.81 * 18.1 - 100 = 1444.8 J

16= ? x4

What Makes The Equation True? Comment pls






16 = ? • 4
4 • 4 = 16

What is meant by a colored shadow? If "shadow" means
"absence of light," how can a shadow have a color?



Red, green, and blue are therefore called additive primaries of light. ... When you block two lights, you see a shadow of the third color—for example, block the red and green lights and you get a blue shadow. If you block only one of the lights, you get a shadow whose color is a mixture of the other two.

First, your definition of a shadow is incorrect. A shadow is an area that receives less light than its surroundings because a specific source of light is blocked by whatever is "casting" the shadow. Your example of being outside reveals this. The sky and everything around you in the environment (unless you are surrounded by pitch black buildings) is sending more than enough light into your shadow, to reveal the pen to your eyes. The sky itself diffuses the sunlight everywhere, and the clouds reflect plenty of light when they are not directly in front of the Sun.

If you are indoors and have two light bulbs, you can throw two shadows at the same time, possibly of different darknesses, depending on the brightness of the light bulbs.

It can take a lot of work to get a room pitch black. One little hole or crack in some heavy window curtains can be enough to illuminate the room. There are very few perfectly dark shadows.

Which situation would create a field like the one shown here?

A. interaction between two magnetic south poles

B. interaction between two magnetic north poles

C. interaction between a south pole and a north pole

D. interaction between a magnetic south pole and a copper bar


D. Interaction between a magnetic South Pole and a copper bar

Un vehiculo se desplaza con movimiento rectilio uniforme. Sabiendo que recorre 90 km en 3 horas. Averiguo la velocidad en m/s.



Velocidad = 500 m/s


Dados los siguientes datos;

Distancia = 90 km

Tiempo = 3 horas


Por distancia:

1 kilómetro = 1000 metros

90 kilómetros = 90 * 1000 = 90,000 metros

Para el tiempo:

1 hora = 60 segundos

3 horas = 60 * 3 = 180 segundos

Para encontrar la velocidad en m/s;

Matemáticamente, la velocidad viene dada por la ecuación;

[tex] Velocidad = \frac {distancia} {tiempo} [/tex]

Sustituyendo en la fórmula, tenemos;

Velocidad = 90000/180

Velocidad = 500 m/s

Two vehicles A and B accelerate uniformly from rest.
Vehicle A attains a maximum velocity of 30ms - in los
while B attains a maximum velocil) ol 40ms in the same
time. Both vehicles maintain these velocities for 6s belore
they are decelerated to rest in 6s and 4s respectively
Sketch on the same axes, velocity time graphs
for the motion of the vehicles
Calculate the velocity of each vehicle 18s aftur
the start. (VA
= 20ms -land vs
and vs = 20ms-')
How far will the two vehicles be from one
another during the moment in (ii) above?
(SA = 380m and SB
= 500m: SAB
120m). plz help​



(i) Please find attached the required velocity time graphs plotted with MS Excel

(ii) The velocity of vehicle A at the 18th second = 20 m/s

The velocity of vehicle B at the 18th second = 0 m/s

(iii) The distance between the two vehicles at the moment in (ii) above is 60 meters


The given parameters of the motion of vehicles A and B are;

The acceleration of vehicles A and B = Uniform acceleration starting from rest

The maximum velocity attained by vehicle A = 30 m/s

The time it takes vehicle A to attain maximum velocity = 10 s

The maximum velocity attained by vehicle B = 30 m/s

The time it takes vehicle B to attain maximum velocity = The time it takes vehicle A to attain maximum velocity = 10 s

The time duration vehicle A maintains its maximum velocity = 6 s

The time duration vehicle B maintains its maximum velocity = 4 s

(i) From the question, we get the following table;

[tex]\begin{array}{ccc}Time &V_A&V_B\\0&0&0\\10&30&40\\14&30&40\\16&30&20\\18&20&0\\22&0&\end{array}[/tex]

From the above table the velocity time graphs of vehicles A and B is created with MS Excel and can included here

(ii) The velocity of vehicle A at the start = 0 m/s

After accelerating for 10 seconds, the velocity of vehicle A = The maximum velocity of vehicle A = 30 m/s

The maximum velocity is maintained for 6 seconds which gives;

At 10 s + 6 s = 16 s, the velocity of vehicle A = 30 m/s

The time it takes vehicle A to decelerate to rest = 6 s

The deceleration of vehicle A, [tex]a_A[/tex] = (30 m/s - 0 m/s)/(6 s) = 5 m/s²

Therefore, we get;

v = u - [tex]a_A[/tex]·t

At the 18th second, the deceleration time, t = 18 s - 16 s = 2 s

u = 30 m/s

∴ v₁₈ = 30 - 5 × 2 = 20

The velocity of vehicle A at the 18th second, [tex]V_{18A}[/tex] = 20 m/s

For vehicle B, we have;

At the 14th second, the velocity of vehicle B = 40 m/s

Vehicle B decelerates to rest in, t = 4 s

The deceleration of vehicle B, [tex]a_B[/tex] = (40 m/s - 0 m/s)/(4 s) = 10 m/s²

For vehicle B, at the 18th second, t = 18 s - 14 s = 4 s

∴ [tex]v_{18B}[/tex] = 40 m/s - 10 m/s² × 4 s = 0 m/s

The velocity of the vehicle B at 18th second, [tex]v_{18B}[/tex] = 0 m/s

(iii) The distance covered by vehicle A up to the 18th second is given by the area under the velocity-time graph as follows;

The area triangle A₁ = (1/2) × 10 × 30 = 150

Area of rectangle, A₂ = 6 × 30 = 180

Area of trapezoid, A₃ = (1/2) × (30 + 20) × 2 = 50

The distance covered in the 18th second by vehicle [tex]S_A[/tex] = A₁ + A₂ + A₃

∴ [tex]S_A[/tex] = 150 + 180 + 50 = 380

The distance covered in the 18th second by vehicle [tex]S_A[/tex] = 380 m

The distance covered by the vehicle B in the 18th second is given by the area under the velocity time graph of vehicle B as follows;

Area of trapezoid, A₅ = (1/2) × (18 + 4) × 40 = 440

The distance covered by the trapezoid, [tex]S_B[/tex] = 440 m

The distance of the two vehicles apart at the 18t second, [tex]S_{AB}[/tex] = [tex]S_B[/tex] - [tex]S_A[/tex]

∴ [tex]S_{AB}[/tex] = 440 m - 380 m = 60 m

The distance of the two vehicles from one another at the 18th second, [tex]S_{AB}[/tex] = 60 m.

it is possible for an excited hydrogen atom to return to the ground state by the emission of a single photon. regardless of the initial excited state, this electron transition produces a spectral line in which region of the electromagnetic spectrum?
1. ultraviolet
2. infrared
3. visible light
4. radio waves



1. Ultraviolet


This is called the Balmer series. Transitions ending in the ground state (n = 1) are called the Lyman series, but the energies released are so large that the spectral lines are all in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

It is possible for an excited hydrogen atom to return to the ground state by the emission of a single photon. Regardless of the initial excited state, this electron transition produces a spectral line in ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The correct option is 1.

What is electromagnetic spectrum?

An electromagnetic spectrum is the spectrum consisting of the colors of radiation of a white light with different wavelengths.

It is possible for an excited hydrogen atom to return to the ground state by the emission of a single photon.

The transitions which ends in the ground state (n = 1) are termed as Lyman series. Energy released is large in amount so that the spectral lines fall in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

Thus, regardless of the initial excited state, this electron transition produces a spectral line in ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The correct option is 1.

Learn more about electromagnetic spectrum.



no files.

Please hurry I’m not trynna fail



Larger, because both the Sun and Moon are pulling it.


The blocks shown in the pictures below are all made of wood. Which car will move the fastest?



The one with the less mass



Suppose a force F, = (1/3)x acts on an
object. Assume at x = 0 the force pushes
the object and it starts moving to the right.
What happens to the magnitude of the work
done as the object moves to the right?

A. More work is done

B. Less work is done

C. A constant amount of work Is done.

D. It is impossible to predict


Answer:constant amount of work is done

If two balls have the same amount of mass and the red ball is resting at a height of 2m and the blue ball is resting at a height of 4m, which has more potential energy?
A) red ball
B) blue ball


I think it would be the blue ball so B)

Can sugar molecules produced from photosynthesis be rearranged into different compounds carry out life process



Yes, the sugar molecules produced from photosynthesis can be rearranged into different compounds to carry out life processes such energy producing compounds, energy storage compounds, body building compounds, and compounds of other types of food


a) The sugar can be broken down in a plant cell to produce ATP and then energy through cellular respiration as follows;

C₆H₁₂O₆ + O₂ 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + ATP

The produced energy can be used as power for cellular activities, such as the synthesis of protein and cell division

b) The produced sugar can be linked together by enzymes to form starch which is a form of chemical storage of energy as follows;

Sugar C₆H₁₂O₆ transformed into starch (C₆H₁₀O₅)ₙ

c) The sugar can be used in building the plant body by forming cellulose which is a form of starch

d) The sugar can be transformed into proteins and fat which are other types of food such as compounds containing sugar produces compounds containing fat based compounds

What is the function of Soda Line​


Soda-Lime is a mixture of chemicals, used in granular form in closed breathing environments, such as general anesthesia, submarines, rebreathers, recompression chambers, respiratory therapy departments and xenon delivery systems, to remove carbon dioxide from breathing gases to prevent CO2 retention and carbon dioxide

Can I have brainliest please?

All matter is NOT composed of __________.
A. protons
B. neutrons
C. sodium
D. electrons








which instrument measure the intensity of sound​



Decibel Meter

A decibel meter is a measuring instrument used to assess noise or sound levels by measuring sound pressure. Often referred to as a sound pressure level (SPL) meter, decibel (dB) meter, noise meter or noise dosimeter, a sound level meter uses a microphone to capture sound.


Decibel Meter


A decibel meter is a measuring instrument used to assess noise or sound levels by measuring sound pressure.

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