Describing How to Insert a Subdatasheet
Use the drop-down menus to complete the steps for inserting a subdatasheet.
1. Open a table in Design view.
2. Click the
v tab, and in the Records group, click
3. In the drop-down menu, select Subdatasheet.
4. In the Insert Subdatasheet dialog box, select the table you want and click
5. If there is no relationship between the tables, you can


Answer 1


1. Home

2. More

4. Ok

5. Create


Answer 2


1. insert

2. smartart

3. OK

4. close


Related Questions

Can anybody please help me with 7.4.7 spelling bee codehs?



word = "eggplant"

print "Your word is: " + word + "."

for i in word:

   print i + "!"


i don't know why but it is


word = "eggplant"

print("Your word is !" + word + "!")

for i in word:

INDENT HERE or TAB print( i + "!")


Add an indentation right before the print( i + "!")

Explain the difference between invention and innovation?


Invention is about creating something new, while innovation introduces the concept of use of an idea or method.

Einstein's famous equation states that the energy in an object at rest equals its mass times the squar of the speed of light. (The speed of light is 300,000,000 m/s.) Complete the skeleton code below so that it: Accepts the mass of an object [remember to convert the input string to a number, in this case, a float). Calculate the energy, e Prints e Code Full Screen' New m-str. input('Input m: 1 ') # d not change this line change m str to a float # remember you need c s Iine 8 print("e:", e) # do not change Save & Run Tests



The complete program is as follows:

m_str = input('Input m: ')

mass = float(m_str)

e = mass * 300000000**2

print("e = ",e)


This is an unchanged part of the program

m_str = input('Input m: ')

This converts m_str to float

mass = float(m_str)

This calculates the energy, e

e = mass * 300000000**2

This is an unchanged part of the program

print("e = ",e)

CS160 Computer Science I In class Lab 10
Work with dictionaries
Work with strings
Work with files
This program will read a file of English words and their Spanish translation. It then asks the user for an English word. If it exists in your dictionary the Spanish translation is displayed. If the English word does not exist in the dictionary the program states that the word does not exist in its list of words.
Create a text file, with one English word and a Spanish word per line, separated by a colon. You can create the language file using a text editor, you do not need to write a program to create this file. An example of the file might be:
After reading the text file, using it to fill up a dictionary, ask the user for an English word. If the word exists, print out the Spanish version. If the word does not exist state that the word is not in your list. Continue this process of asking for a word until the user does not enter a word (just pressed Enter).
As you might have noticed, there is nothing in the program that limits this Spanish words. This program can be written to work with any translation, so feel free to make it be French, or German or any other language where you can come up with a list of translated words. You also are not limited to 10 words, that is just the list I came up with for the example. The number of key/values pairs that you have in your dictionary is basically limited by the memory in your computer.
You will need to determine if the key (the English word) exists in the dictionary. Use the in operator with the dictionary, or the get() method. Either can be used to avoid crashing the program, which happens if you attempt to use a key that does not exist.
An example of running the program might be:
Enter the translation file name: oneToTen.txt
> Enter an English word to receive the Spanish translation.
Press ENTER to quit.
Enter an English word: one
he Spanish translation is uno
Enter an English word: ten
The Spanish word is diez
Enter an English word: 5
I don’t have that word in my list.
Enter an English word: three
The Spanish word is tres



The program in Python is as follows:

fname = input("Enter the translation file name: ")

with open(fname) as file_in:

   lines = []

   for line in file_in:


myDict = {}

for i in range(len(lines)):

x = lines[i].split(":")

myDict[x[0].lower()] = x[1].lower()

print("Enter an English word to receive the Spanish translation.\nPress ENTER to quit.")

word = input("Enter an English word: ")


if not word:


if word.lower() in myDict:

 print("The Spanish word is ",myDict[word.lower()])


 print("I don’t have that word in my list.")

word = input("Enter an English word: ")


This prompts the user for file name

fname = input("Enter the translation file name: ")

This opens the file for read operation

with open(fname) as file_in:

This creates an empty list

   lines = []

This reads through the lines of the file

   for line in file_in:

This appends each line as an element of the list


This creates an empty dictionaty

myDict = {}

This iterates through the list

for i in range(len(lines)):

This splits each list element by :

x = lines[i].split(":")

This populates the dictionary with the list elements

myDict[x[0].lower()] = x[1].lower()

This prints an instruction on how to use the program

print("Enter an English word to receive the Spanish translation.\nPress ENTER to quit.")

This prompts the user for an English word

word = input("Enter an English word: ")

This loop is repeated until the user presses the ENTER key


If user presses the ENTER key

if not word:

The loop is exited


If otherwise, this checks if the word exists in the dictionary

if word.lower() in myDict:

If yes, this prints the Spanish translation

 print("The Spanish word is ",myDict[word.lower()])

If otherwise,


Print word does not exist

 print("I don’t have that word in my list.")

Prompt the user for another word

word = input("Enter an English word: ")

When determining the statement of purpose for a database design, what is the most important question to
Who will use the database?
O Should I use the Report Wizard?
How many copies should I print?
How many tables will be in the database?


Answer: A) Who will use the database?


It's A


Explain how to back up a computer in five steps.




1. Decide what to back up  

If you've stored anything valuable on your hard drive , you'll need to back that up yourself.

 2. Choose backup media  

You'll need to store your backup on a separate form of digital media - such as Go-ogle Drive, One  Drive for Business or an external hard drive

 3. Back up your data  

The backup method will vary depending on your choice of software and operating system Once that's done, schedule regular future backups.

4. Store it safely  

You don't want to lose your PC and your backup. So, be smart and keep your backup somewhere safe.

5. Check that it works

Errors and technical glitches can happen without you even noticing. You may only find out later when you actually need to use that data that something went wrong. Avoid the worry by checking your backups once in a while and confirming that the data is being properly backed up.

The speed density fuel injection system uses the blank sensor as the primary sensor as the primary sensor to determine base pulse width

A. Map
C Maf
D baro



A) Map


All gasoline (petrol) fuel systems need ways or method that will be calculating amount of the air that is entering the engine.This is true as regards mechanical fuel injection, carburetors and electronic fuel injection.Speed density system fall under one of this method. "Speed" in this context means the speed of the engine while "density" means density of the air. The Speed is been measured using the distributor, crankshaft position sensor could be used here. The Density emerge from from measuring of the air pressure which is inside the induction system, using a typical "manifold absolute pressure" (MAP) sensor as well as air temperature sensor. Using pieces of information above, we can calculate

mass flow rate of air entering the engine as well as the correct amount of fuel can be supplied. With this system,

the mass of air can be calculated. One of the drawback if this system is that

Any modification will result to incorrect calculations. Speed-Density can be regarded as method use in estimation of airflow into an engine so that appropriate amount of fuel can be supplied as well as. adequate spark timing. The logic behind Speed-Density is to give prediction of the amount of air ingested by an engine accurately during the induction stroke. Then this information could now be used in calculating how much fuel is required to be provided, This information as well can be used in determining appropriate amount of ignition advance. It should be noted The speed density fuel injection system uses the Map sensor as the primary sensor to determine base pulse width

You own a small hardware store. You have been in business since 1995 and have always been profitable. You’ve never seen a need to do any marketing or advertising since you were able to stay profitable without those things. Plus, you lack any real understanding of how to use technology and it makes you anxious just thinking about technology or social media. However, your son just graduated from college and came home to live with you for the summer before he starts his new marketing manager job at a big firm. He tells you that you are probably losing a big share of the market by avoiding technology and social media. He also says that many of these items can be implemented very easily, and he would volunteer to continue to manage the social media sites in his spare time even after he starts his new job.



Was this a TROLL?


Find the sum of the values ​​from one to ten using recursion



see picture


The result is 55, which can also be verified using the formula:

(n)(n-1)/2 => 10*9/2 = 55

A suggestion for improving the user experience
for the app navigation, has the following


User experience is one of the most important things considered in the modern IT world. Almost 90% of the population is dependent on mobile phones, electronic devices.  So, one things that come is app development. Therefore, in order to enhance more growth in app development, there need to better user experience. We need to think about users and i don't Know More info.

Write a recursive method named factorial that accepts an integer n as a parameter and returns the factorial of n, or n!. A factorial of an integer is defined as the product of all integers from 1 through that integer inclusive. For example, the call of factorial(4) should return 1 * 2 * 3 * 4, or 24. The factorial of 0 and 1 are defined to be 1. You may assume that the value passed is non-negative and that its factorial can fit in the range of type int. Do not use loops or auxiliary data structures; solve the problem recursively.



The function in Python is as follows:

def factorial(n):

  if n == 1 or n == 0:

      return n


      return n*factorial(n-1)


This defines the function

def factorial(n):

This represents the base case (0 or 1)

  if n == 1 or n == 0:

It returns 0 or 1, depending on the value of n

      return n

If n is positive, then this passes n - 1 to the factorial function. The process  is repeated until n = 1


      return n*factorial(n-1)

Create a program which reads in CSV data of Creatures and loads them into aHash Map. The key of this hash map will be the name of each creature. For your hash function, you can simply use the sum of all ASCII values. You can also come up with your own hash function. Your program should present a menu to the user allowing them to look up a creature by name. Additionally, create a function that allows the user to insert a new creature. This creature should be added to the existing hash map. If the name entered by the user already exists, DO NOT ADD IT TO THE HASH MAP. Simply report that the creature already exists. If the creature is unique and successfully added, report the calculated index value. Your hash array should start as size4. You will need to implement a rehashing function to maintain a load factor of 0.75. Collision resolution should be handled via separate chaining with linked lists.
Other Requirements
•Read in a CSV file from the command line when running the program.
•Convert the raw CSV data into the creature struct and add it to a HashMap
•Make sure you properly release all of your allocated memory.
•Format your code consistently.
•Function declarations, structs, and preprocess directives should be placed in a corresponding header file.
•Save your code for this problem ascreature_hash.(c|h).
Creature struct
typedef struct {
char *name;
char *type;
int hp;
int ac;
int speed;
} Creature;
Example Run
1. Search

2. Add Creature

3. Exit

> 1

Enter name: Terrasque

Unable to find "Terrasque"

1. Search

2. Add Creature

3. Exit

> 2

Enter name: Storm Giant

Enter type: Huge giant

Enter HP: 230

Enter AC: 16

Enter speed: 50

Storm Giant added at index 3.

CSV file: Name, hp, ac, speed, type

Fire Elemental,102,13,50,Elemental
Hell Hound,45,15,50,Fiend
Chain Devil,142,19,40,Fiend
Adult Black Dragon,195,19,80,Dragon
Adult Blue Dragon,225,19,80,Dragon
Adult Red Dragon,256,19,80,Dragon
Please help in C




class TableInput{

    Object key;

    Object value;

    TableInput(Object key, Object value){

       this.key = key;

       this.value = value;



abstract class HashTable {

   protected TableInput[] tableInput;

   protected int size;

   HashTable (int size) {

       this.size = size;

       tableInput = new TableInput[size];

       for (int i = 0; i <= size - 1; i++){

           tableInput[i] = null;



   abstract int hash(Object key);

   public abstract void insert(Object key, Object value);

   public abstract Object retrieve(Object key);


class ChainedTableInput extends TableInput {

   ChainedTableInput(Object key, Object value){

       super(key, value); = null;


    ChainedTableInput next;


class ChainedHashTable extends HashTable {

   ChainedHashTable(int size) {


       // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


   public int hash(Object key){

       return key.hashCode() % size;


   public Object retrieve(Object key){

       ChainedTableInput p;

       p = (ChainedTableInput) tableInput[hash(key)];

       while(p != null && !p.key.equals(key)){

           p =;


       if (p != null){

           return p.value;


       else {

           return null;



   public void insert(Object key, Object value){

       ChainedTableInput entry = new ChainedTableInput(key, value);

       int k = hash(key);

       ChainedTableInput p = (ChainedTableInput) tableInput[k];

       if (p == null){

           tableInput[k] = entry;



       while(!p.key.equals(key) && != null){

           p =;


       if (!p.key.equals(key)){

  = entry;



   public double distance(Object key1, Object key2){

       final int R = 6373;

       Double lat1 = Double.parseDouble(Object);



Plz answer it’s timed


Answer: the third one


just trust me, the other ones dont mke sense to what I know about the subject, which is a lot

Grooved pavement ahead means


Answer:it means warning


You are installing a new graphics adapter in a Windows 10 system. Which of the following expansion slots is designed for high-speed, 3D graphics adapters?

B: Firewire





the graphic card must be high

com to enjoy dont give fkin lecture hsb-tnug-fyt​



This is my faverrrrate part of computer science lol.


Please Complete in Java a. Create a class named Book that has 5 fields variables: a stock number, author, title, price, and number of pages for a book. For each field variable create methods to get and set methods. b. Design an application that declares two Book objects. For each object set 2 field variables and print 2 field values. c. Design an application that declares an array of 10 Books. Prompt the user to set all field variables for each Book object in the array, and then print all the values.




The following code is written in Java. I created both versions of the program that was described in the question. The outputs can be seen in the attached images below. Both versions are attached as txt files below as well.

( This isnt really a homework question, its more of just a general question ) I am starting to code C# and I have downloaded visual studio and dotnet, but when trying to run the code for opening a new console template it keeps giving me this error
" dotnet : The term 'dotnet' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or
operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the
path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ dotnet new console
+ ~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (dotnet:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException "
Please help me fix this. ( btw i am using dotnet 6.0 SDK, but before that I was using 5.0.203




This is usually an issue with the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable. One fix that usually works is to do the following

Open Programs and Features

Uninstall and then choose Repair on Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (x86) and x64 version

Reinstall or repair the installation of the .NET Core SDK 1.0.1.

If this does not work, another option would be to manually change the install path of these files from "Program Files (x86) to  "Program Files"

Hope this helps solve your issue.

State the items that will be examined when performing a binary search for Monkey,
which is not in the list.


The items that will be examined when performing a binary search for monkeys are Antelope, Baboon, Cheetah, Elephant, and Giraffe in the first half of the cycle.

What is binary search?

A search algorithm known as binary search in computer science, also known as half-interval search, logarithmic lookup, or binary chop, asserts to have discovered the location of a target value within a sorted array.

The target value is compared to the middle element of the array using binary search. A successful approach for finding an item in a sorted list of elements is binary search.

Therefore, in the first half of the cycle, the following objects will be looked at when conducting a binary search for monkeys: antelope, baboon, cheetah, elephant, and giraffe.

To learn more about binary search, refer to the link:


Operating Expenses for a business includes such things as rent, salaries, and employee benefits.


Overhead expenses are what it costs to run the business, including rent, insurance, and utilities. Operating expenses are required to run the business and cannot be avoided. Overhead expenses should be reviewed regularly in order to increase profitability. Overhead costs can include fixed monthly and annual expenses such as rent, salaries and insurance or variable costs such as advertising expenses that can vary month-on-month based on the level of business activity. Operating expenses are expenses a business incurs in order to keep it running, such as staff wages and office supplies. Operating expenses do not include cost of goods sold (materials, direct labor, manufacturing overhead) or capital expenditures (larger expenses such as buildings or machines). Hope this helps!





Click here for 50 points



thanks for the point and have a great day

In c please
Counting the character occurrences in a file
For this task you are asked to write a program that will open a file called “story.txt
and count the number of occurrences of each letter from the alphabet in this file.
At the end your program will output the following report:
Number of occurrences for the alphabets:
a was used-times.
b was used - times.
c was used - times .... ...and so, on
Assume the file contains only lower-case letters and for simplicity just a single
paragraph. Your program should keep a counter associated with each letter of the
alphabet (26 counters) [Hint: Use array|
| Your program should also print a histogram of characters count by adding
a new function print Histogram (int counters []). This function receives the
counters from the previous task and instead of printing the number of times each
character was used, prints a histogram of the counters. An example histogram for
three letters is shown below) [Hint: Use the extended asci character 254]:



#include <stdio.h>

#include <ctype.h>

void printHistogram(int counters[]) {

   int largest = 0;

   int row,i;

   for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {

       if (counters[i] > largest) {

           largest = counters[i];



   for (row = largest; row > 0; row--) {

       for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {

           if (counters[i] >= row) {



           else {







   for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {

       putchar('a' + i);




int main() {

   int counters[26] = { 0 };

   int i;

   char c;

   FILE* f;

   fopen_s(&f, "story.txt", "r");

   while (!feof(f)) {

       c = tolower(fgetc(f));

       if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {




   for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) {

       printf("%c was used %d times.\n", 'a'+i, counters[i]);


   printf("\nHere is a histogram:\n");



spreadsheet formula for total 91?​



Go to any blank cell. Enter the number 91.

Select the cell that contains 91. Press Ctrl+C to copy.

Select your range the contains numbers.

Press Ctrl+Alt+V to open the Paste Special dialog.

In the top of the Paste Special dialog, choose Values. In the Operation section, choose Add. Click OK.


How should you add a appointment to your outlook calendar



press on the date thing

Put a note on the date you have a appointment on in your calendar

1.Write a Java program to solve the following problem using modularity. Write a method that rotates a one-dimensional array with one position to the right in such a way that the last element becomes the first element. Your program will invoke methods to initialize the array (random values between 1 and 15) print the array before the rotation, rotate the array, and then print the array after rotation. Use dynamic arrays and ask the user for the array size. Write your program so that it will generate output similar to the sample output below:




The following code is written in Java and it asks the user for the size of the array. Then it randomly populates the array and prints it. Next, it rotates all the elements to the right by 1 and prints the new rotated array.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Random r = new Random();

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.println("Enter Size of the Array: ");

       int arraySize = in.nextInt();

       ArrayList<Integer> myList = new ArrayList<>();

       for (int x = 0; x < arraySize; x++) {



       System.out.println("List Before Rotation : " + Arrays.toString(myList.toArray()));

       for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

           int temp = myList.get(myList.size()-1);

           for (int j = myList.size()-1; j > 0; j--) {

               myList.set(j, myList.get(j - 1));


           myList.set(0, temp);


       System.out.println("List After Rotation :  " + Arrays.toString(myList.toArray()));



Uhh... What is happening?.. What... Pt 2


Pistons being pistons I guess...


Levers on the parts we cant see?

Complete the sentence.
In your program, you can open


In your program, you can open a file using the open() function in Python.

What is the program about?

A high-level, all-purpose programming language is Python. Code readability is prioritized in its design philosophy, which makes heavy use of indentation. Python uses garbage collection and has dynamic typing.

It supports a variety of programming paradigms, such as functional, object-oriented, and structured programming. The open() function in Python allows you to open a file, read its contents, and perform various operations on it, such as writing, appending, etc.

Learn more about program on:


HTML tag that makes a text field used by javascript statement


I don’t even know I don’t even know I don’t even know

Write a function to calculate the distance between two points Distance( x1, y1,x2.2) For example Distance(0.0,3.0, should return 5.0 Use the function in main to loop through reading in pairs of points until the all zeros are entered printing distance with two decimal precision for each pair of points.
For example with input
32 32 54 12
52 56 8 30
44 94 4439 6
5 19 51 91 7.5
89 34 0000
Your output would be:__________.
a. 29.73
b. 51.11
c. 55.00
d. 73.35
e. 92.66



The function in Python3  is as follows

def Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):

   dist = ((x1 - x2)**2 +(y1 - y2)**2)**0.5

   return dist



This defines the function

def Distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):

This calculates distance

   dist = ((x1 - x2)**2 +(y1 - y2)**2)**0.5

This returns the calculated distance to the main method

   return dist

The results of the inputs is:

[tex]32, 32, 54, 12 \to 29.73[/tex]

[tex]52,56,8,30 \to 51.11[/tex]

[tex]44,94,44,39\to 55.00[/tex]

[tex]19,51,91,7.5 \to 84.12[/tex]

[tex]89,34,00,00 \to 95.27[/tex]

Which of the following is NOT an example of a metasearch engine?



Where is the choices mate?

Other Questions
True or False George H.W. Bush was able to keep his promise when he said Read my lips, no new taxes? Help.... help i dont need a link I need someone who can help me out. Choose the correct answer to complete each statement.The two things necessary to good poetry are _____.rhythm and rhymecadence and beautiful or strong wordsrhyme and beautiful words The area of Kylie's room is 400 square feet. The width of her room is 20 feet. What is the length of her room? If OK and GE are parallel, what must the length of GE be? 20 points pls answer write the product in standard form (2x + 5) ^2 Write this decimalas a percent.0.872 Select all ordered pairs that satisfy the function y= -1/2x + 4 a) (-1, 3&1/2) b) (1, 3&1/2) c) (2&1/2, 3) d) (2, 3) The number line below represents the solution to which inequality? F. -2x + 728 H, 6x 9-21 G. 7x + 1134 J. -3x - 155 -27 How many moles is 8.3 x 10^12 atoms or particles of Br2urgent Concerning the disposal of materials at the end of the experiment, which methods are safe? Check all that apply.[ANSWERS]B. Dispose of pH paper in the trash.C. Dump the cabbage indicator solution down the drain.D. Ask your teacher to neutralize the acids and bases before disposal. Which subatomic particles are transferred in a redox reaction? Please help!!!Describe why estuaries are an important aquatic ecosystem.(Stemscopes). An object at rest will ____________________ if no outside forces are applied A. stay at rest B. increase velocity C. decrease mass Help?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I need help on this math question, coordinate planes. Listen to the audio and then answer the following question. Feel free to listen to the audio as many times asnecessary before answering the question.What's the weather like in December in Buenos Aires?O Hace fro.O Hace vientoO Hace mucho calor.O Hay mucha lluvia. Susan gently pushes the tip of her finger against the eraser on her pencil and the pencil does not move. Which of thefollowing figures best illustrates the interaction of forces between Susan's finger and her pencil? The mirror has a frame. The diameter of the mirror with the frame is 17 inches. To the nearest hundredth, what is the area of the mirror with the frame? Use 3.14 for .