Describe a situation when you have learned from dialoguing or working with others. What did you learn from this person. How was your experience improved through collaboration. How can you make the most out of collaborative situations?


Answer 1


by being watchful , be more attentive & learning from experience persons

Related Questions

What defines Modernist poetry?


It arose as a result of the Romantic rejection of Enlightenment positivism and confidence in reason.

What is the definition of Modernist in poetry?

Poetic Terms Glossary It arose as a result of the Romantic rejection of Enlightenment positivism and confidence in reason. Modernist writers rejected Romantic dogmas and clichés (such as the Sublime) and were openly suspicious of language and its claims to coherence.

Modernist poetry refers to poetry created in the tradition of modernist literature between 1890 and 1950, however the dates of the word rely on a variety of criteria, including the nation of origin, the particular school in issue, and the prejudices of the critic assigning the dates.

To learn more about Modernist poetry to refer:


What does Benito Cereno say about slavery?



Even though it doesn't directly entail using violence, slavery is nevertheless harsh and degrading in Benito Cereno's society even though it is legal. Captain Amasa Delano is aware that there may be violence in interactions between owners and slaves.


Brainliest pls

What are the 3 main sensory characteristics?


The three main sensory characteristics are taste, smell, and sight.

What are the three primary sensory qualities?Taste is the capacity to recognise and differentiate between various flavours in food and beverages.The five basic tastes—sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami—make up the majority of flavour. Specific taste receptors on the tongue detect each of these flavours.The sense of smell is the capacity to recognise and classify various odours. The olfactory receptor cells in the nose play a significant role in determining it.These cells pick up on odour molecules in the air, which the brain subsequently interprets.The ability to recognise and differentiate between various colours and shapes is known as sight.The eyes accomplish this by detecting the existence of light and then communicating signals to the brain, which interprets the data.For us to fully experience the world around us, all three of these senses are crucial. They enable us to recognise and differentiate between various foods, scents, and colours.Our sense of balance and motor coordination are also greatly influenced by them. Our capacity to engage with and enjoy the world would be significantly reduced if these three senses were absent.

To learn more about The three main sensory characteristics refer to:


How do you graph a linear inequality on a graph?


Get y alone on one side of the graph before you can graph a linear inequality in two variables. Then, take into account the associated equation that was created by switching the inequality sign for an equality sign.

What is linear inequality ?A linear inequality in mathematics is an inequality involving a linear function. One of the symbols for inequality is found in a linear inequality. It displays non-equal data in graph style.The equal symbol (=) is used in linear equations. Inequality signs are used with linear inequalities. The collection of dots that represents each inequality solution can be found on the graph of a two-variable inequality. The boundary line that separates the coordinate plane into two halves by a linear inequality represents the solutions to the inequality in one half. A system of linear inequalities has a set of solutions that are represented by the intersection of the half-spaces that each individual inequality defines. It is a convex set since both the intersection of a set of convex sets and the half-spaces are convex sets.

To learn more about inequality refer :


Please help me will mark brainiest!



i believe it's a


sorry if it's wrong and I don't know how to explain

Who is the "practised eye" referred to in sentence 4?
A. an experienced sailor
B. a green landsman
C. Neptune, god of the sea
D. a Cambridge undergraduate


The "practiced eye" referred to in sentence 4 refers to a green landsman. Thus, option B is correct.

What is memoir?

A memoir is a story written from the author's point of view about a significant event in their life. It is sometimes confused with autobiography, although there are several significant differences. An autobiography is written from the author's point of view, but the story spans their whole life.

A young man signs on as a sailor aboard the Pilgrim, a ship sailing from New England to the California coast, in this extract from a memoir.

"But it is hard to mislead the skilled eye in these matters; and while I pretended to seem as salt2 as Neptune3 himself, I was, no doubt, identified for a landsman," it says. In phrase 4, the "practiced eye" refers to a green landsman. As a result, option B is correct.

Learn more about memoir here:


What is the point of dramatic irony?



To create and sustain the audience's interest.


It generates curiosity. It also creates tension in that the audience is encouraged to fear the moment when characters learn the truth that the viewer already knows and how he or she will deal with it.

Dramatic irony is a literary device in which the audience is aware of something that the characters in a story are not. This can create a sense of tension or suspense, as the audience is waiting for the characters to catch up and realize what is really going on. It can also add to the overall enjoyment of the story, as the audience is able to see the situation from a different perspective than the characters.

Is Snowball still alive in Animal Farm?


In the 1954 animated adaptation, it is stated that the hounds kill him. Although Napoleon orders his exile on pain of death, he is shown eluding hounds and surviving in the 1999 movie adaptation that is still in theatres today.

A character named Snowball appears in George Orwell's 1945 book Animal Farm. Leon Trotsky, who led the resistance against Joseph Stalin, is largely the inspiration for him.

Snowball is a creative pig who uses cunning and empathy to win people over to his cause. What happens to him after his escape is never made clear. The dogs chased him out, it is implied in the 1954 animated adaptation. Although Napoleon declares him banished under pain of death, he is shown escaping the dogs and living in the 1999 film adaptation.

To know more about Snowball, refer to this link:


What are the main trend of modern poetry?


Modern poetry is characterized by its complexity, plenty of production, rebellion against tradition, love of nature, compassion for the poor and suffering, disillusionment, loss of confidence in religion, metaphysical note, romantic strain, influence of music and other fine arts, and new techniques.

Modernist poetry seems to place a lot of emphasis on the issues of objectivity and impersonality. Out of a heritage of poetic expression, modernism emerged, emphasizing the poet's individual imagination, culture, feelings, and recollections. The Imagists' debut at the beginning of the 20th century marked the beginning of modernist poetry in English.

Like many other modernists, these writers felt that Victorian poetry had gone too far with its reliance on formal conventions and elaborate language. The majority of modern poetry is composed in free verse (unrhymed lines). Instead than strictly adhering to the iambic pentameter rule of five stresses per line, the lines follow the natural rhythms of the language. The language used in contemporary poetry is understandable to the average reader.

To learn more about modern poetry Visit :


What are the 8 elements of satire?



Satire is a form of literature or other artistic expression that uses humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to criticize or mock societal or individual vices, flaws, or follies. Some of the key elements of satire include:

Humor: Satire often uses humor as a means of delivering its message.Irony: Satire often employs irony, which is the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.Exaggeration: Satire often exaggerates or overstates the flaws or vices it is criticizing in order to highlight their absurdity.Ridicule: Satire often uses ridicule or mockery to mock or belittle the things it is criticizing.Criticism: Satire is a form of criticism, and it aims to point out and criticize societal or individual flaws or vices.Sarcasm: Satire often uses sarcasm, which is the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.Parody: Satire often uses parody, which is a humorous or mocking imitation of a work or style.Incongruity: Satire often uses incongruity, or the use of elements that are out of place or unexpected, to create humor or to highlight the flaws it is criticizing.

These are some of the key elements of satire, but it's important to note that satire can take many different forms and can incorporate a variety of techniques and elements.

learn more about satire:

Why is value important in Agile?



Encourages putting people before processes, getting software out the door fast, collaborating with customers, and adjusting plans as needed.

I hope this helps!

Tag Question
Man is the best creature of god



isn't he?


What can you do to ensure your nonverbal communication is effective while delivering a speech?


Communication is effective while delivering a speech people converse with one another and exchange information verbally or nonverbally to express their feelings, thoughts, expressions, likes, dislikes, opinions, and anything else.

Verbal communication is the process by which people convey information by speaking it aloud.Nonverbal communication is when people convey information to one another without using words, typically by using visual clues. Nonverbal cues including gestures, body language, and touch are all examples of nonverbal communication.

It is crucial to pay attention to both forms of communication because there are some things that might not be conveyed or comprehended by the audience if just one is used.For instance, a person might have asked you for directions to a location. To help him understand the speech direction, you'll utilise both verbal and nonverbal cues.

To know more about Communication visit:


What is Cugoanos belief inference?


Cugoano simply motivates the people to take small way to end slavery. He always appealed to the people on a particular level.Cugoano has a lot of tolerance.

Beginning with a description of his birth in Africa and his recollections of that mainland, when he was kidnapped " together with roughly eighteen or twenty other people.

Cugoano is ultimately taken to a trade station following a number of weeks in prison.

He faced a lot during his arrest.Specially he had to face a lot of racism throughout his life.

Therefore, his past experiences made him inspire people to take a strong stand and express intolerance towards slavery.His wanted that other people must not experience what he had to go through.

To know more about Cugoano go through the link


adapted from The Cabuliwallah
by Rabindranath Tagore
He put his hand inside his big loose robe, and brought out a small and dirty piece of paper. With great care he unfolded this, and smoothed it out with both hands on my table. It bore the impression of an ink-smeared hand laid flat on the paper. This touch of his own little daughter had been always on his heart, as he had come year after year to Calcutta to sell his wares in the streets.
Tears came to my eyes. I forgot that he was just a Cabuli fruit-seller. But no, what was I more than he? He also was a father.
I sent for Mini immediately from the inner apartment. Clad in the red silk of her wedding-day, with the sandal paste on her forehead, and adorned as a young bride, Mini came, and stood bashfully before me.
I remembered the day when the Cabuliwallah and my Mini had first met, and I felt sad. When she had gone, Rahmun heaved a deep sigh, and sat down on the floor. The idea had suddenly come to him that his daughter too must have grown in this long time, and that he would have to make friends with her anew. Assuredly he would not find her as he used to know her, and besides, what might not have happened to her in these eight years?

How does the author convey that the Cabuliwallah had not visited his native country for many years?
In the passage, the Cabuliwallah is a fruit-seller who sells his wares on the streets of Calcutta.
In the passage, seeing little Mini adorned as a young bride makes the Cabuliwallah feel sad.
In the passage, the sight of Mini reminds the Cabuliwallah of his own daughter whom he had not seen for eight years.
In the passage, the Cabuliwallah carries an ink-smeared paper with the impression of his daughter’s hand.


Answer is D, for the hand impression he bears represents a dear memento from a loved one in another place, another time.

Explain the summary of Tagore's "Cabuliwallah ," ?In Tagore's "Cabuliwallah ," a little Bengali girl named Minnie and an Afghan moneylender named Abdur Rahman or Rahamat form a heartbreaking bond. The narrative skillfully links together their unusual relationship and their bond of affection.The father of Minnie provides the story's voice. Rahamat, a dry fruit and shawl seller from Kabul, frequents the Bengali neighbourhoods where Minnie lives with her family. Minnie was captivated by the muscular, turban-clad man.One day, she dialled his number from her home's window. But when he came closer, she fled back inside after becoming scared. Rahmat told Minnie's father about his family in Kabul throughout their conversation.The story's main lesson is that humans have the capacity to treat others badly as well as well. It is frequently simpler to take the side of our worries and accuse someone who is different from us. It can be a linguistic barrier or a difference in skin tone.

Learn more about Cabuliwallah refer to :


What is the irony of the story after 20 years?


The Irony of After 20 Years is the way that the two main characters, Jimmy Wells and Bob, have interacted over the years. Despite the fact that they have been apart for 20 years, they still have a strong bond and understanding of each other.

At the beginning of the story, Jimmy Wells is a criminal who is released from prison and is determined to start a new life. Bob, on the other hand, is an ex-detective who has been tracking Jimmy for years. When they meet again after 20 years, Jimmy is a successful businessman and Bob is a waiter in a restaurant.

This ironic contrast in their situations highlights the idea that life can take unexpected turns. People may find themselves in drastically different places than they were 20 years ago. The story also highlights the importance of friendship, as Bob and Jimmy still have an understanding of each other despite their differences.

The irony of After 20 Years is also seen in the way that they each help each other out. Despite the fact that Bob was once trying to put Jimmy in jail, he still shows him kindness and understanding. This act of friendship and trust further emphasizes the idea that even after long periods of separation, relationships can still be maintained.

The Irony of After 20 Years is a reminder that life is full of surprises and that relationships are often stronger than we think. It shows us that even after 20 years apart, two people can still have a lasting bond.

Learn more about friendship at :


What is Mark Twain's message in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?


American author Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which is set in the pre-Civil War South and covers themes of  message

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn freedom, civilization, and prejudice, addresses institutionalised racism.

Freedom is what Huck and Jim are after, and the civilization that now exists along the vast river is in stark contrast to this freedom. The central issue of the work is the tension between freedom and a civilised society.

Huck only learns to love and care for Jim after developing compassion for him. , moral judgement must include the belief that one is acting in accordance with universal standards. The satirical book Advice to Youth by Mark Twain message

To learn more about The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn please click on below link


What are the 3 rules of haiku?


A haiku is a 3-line poem with 5 syllables in the 1st and 3rd lines, and 7 syllables in the 2nd line.

What is the symbolic meaning of water in the lesson water?


Water is a frequent symbol of life. It is associated with childbirth, rebirth, and rejuvenation.Water that is flowing typically represents transformation and the passage of time.

What metaphorical meaning does water have?

Throughout history, water has represented a wide range of concepts, including wisdom, power, grace, melody, and the indiscriminate chaos that led directly to the physical universe.Water is important because it represents freedom and transformation. Because it is constantly in motion and has the freedom to do so, flowing water, such as that found in streams, the sea, or the ocean, conveys the concepts of liberty and change. It's cool in relation to the summer heat. 

To learn more about water to :


Who is the person on garden answer?


Laura LeBoutillier is the person on Garden Answer.

What is Garden Answer?

Laura LeBoutillier is undoubtedly a rising star in the world of gardening. Garden Answer channel shows how-to gardening vlog with style, expertise, and useful gardening knowledge, was founded by her in 2014.

Laura grew up in Ontario, surrounded by her family garden and family business, Andrew's Seed Co. She now has over 100,000 channel subscribers and her gardening videos have received over 25 million views. Garden Answer has 2.2 million followers and has received over 450 million video views. She has become quite the sensation in a relatively short period of time, and her popularity continues to grow.

Therefore, the person on garden answer is Laura LeBoutillier.

To learn more about Garden Answer, click here:


Why are none of my devices connecting to the internet?


When only one device is unable to connect to the internet, the issue is most likely one of the following: faulty DNS cache, incorrect DNS server configuration, inaccurate or out-of-date network information firewall or antivirus software is causing issues. a problem with the wireless adapter.

         Usually, the problem only affects one device. WiFi is turned on, but there is no internet connection or access. To solve this issue, we will solely concentrate on that gadget. There is no need to restart the router or access point if other devices can access the internet. The DNS server is usually to blame for problems, so if clearing the DNS cache doesn't help, we can try setting a fixed DNS server. When you connect to a network, the router will typically tell your device which DNS server to use. By setting a single DNS server as the static DNS server, we may tell our computer to always use that server.

To learn more about internet:


According to the speaker, how is the food in the hotel? it's delicious. It's terrible. It's good. It's bad.


According to the audio in Spanish speaker, how is the food in the hotel the speaker claims that the hotel's food is delicious. The correct response is C. It's good.

The audio clip is a very brief one in which the performer remarks that the hotel's food is delicious.However, if only one of the options is mentioned in the audio, it can be assumed that this option is correct. To determine which option is correct in short audios, translate each of the options into Spanish and listen for any mentions of them.

complete question:

According to the speaker, how is the food in the hotel? it's delicious. It's terrible. It's good. It's bad.According to the speaker, how is the food in the hotel?


A. It's delicious.

B. It's terrible.

C. It's good.

D. It's bad.

To know more about Audio in Spanish visit:


How does Squealer use propaganda in Chapter 5?


In chapter 5 Squealer uses propaganda by persuading the animals to doubt their own opinions.

Squealer uses witty words to persuade the animals that Snowball is a criminal and that Napoleon is defending them from Mr. Jones's impending return and their own foolishness.

Squealer, uses propaganda in Animal Farm. He convinces everyone that life under animal government is preferable than that under human rule. By informing the animals that they would be better off if Napoleon made decisions for them, for instance, Squealer attempts to get the point over to the animals.

To know more about Squealer, click here.


under eda, the "commission" means the professional standards and practice commission. T/F


The professional standards and practice commission is not referred to as the "commission" under EDA. Thus, it is false.

EDA's major goal is to encourage data analysis before making any assumptions. those that enjoy talking a lot. a collection of individuals who contemplate hypothetical research. a team of knowledgeable individuals who will evaluate a research proposal and how thoroughly ethical considerations have been made.

The Commission is dedicated to raising the standard of education in Pennsylvania by serving as a leader in the fields of teacher training, certification, and conduct guidelines. Your company's beliefs, operating principles, professional standards, and disciplinary procedures should all be included in your code of conduct. In essence, it should outline how staff members are expected to behave as well as any potential repercussions should they disregard your code of conduct.

Learn more about commission visit:


2 ** Read the text and choose the correct item. 1 The Mary Celeste was on its way to New York/Genoa/the USA. 2 The Dei Gratia sailed before/at the same time as/after the Mary Celeste. 3 The crew of the Mary Celeste had left lots to eat/taken their belongings/left a message in the captain's log.

help mee​


The correct items are that Mary Celeste was on its way to New York. The Dei Gratia sailed at the same time as the Mary Celeste and the crew left a lot to eat.

What was the Mary Celeste?It was a ship found sailing alone.It was a ship that the crew completely disappeared.

The Mary Celeste was a ship that left New York bound for Nova Scotia and was returning home when she was found by Captain Dei Gratia, sailing alone in the ocean.

Dei Gratia entered the ship and found it without any of the crew. All personal objects, drinks, and food were inside the abandoned Mary Celeste.

The ship showed no signs of mutiny or a pirate attack and had no evidence of the whereabouts of the crew or the reason that led them to this.

Learn more about Mary Celeste:


Which of the following statements is not true about the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing a text


The statement that is not true about the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing a text is as follows:

Paraphrasing is copying a text word for word while summarizing is restating the text in one’s own words.

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing may be defined as a type of tool that is used to state something written or spoken in different words, especially in a shorter and simpler form to make the meaning clearer. This is used to eliminate plagiarism in literary works.

The statement best explains the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing Paraphrasing is restating all of the ideas and details in a text while summarizing is restating the central idea of the text. Paraphrasing refers to rephrasing the thought given by the original author in your own words to avoid the issue of credit.

To learn more about Paraphrasing, refer to the link:


Your question seems incomplete. The most probable complete question is as follows:

Summarizing is restating all of the ideas and details in a text, while paraphrasing is restating the central idea of the text. Paraphrasing is restating all of the ideas and details in a text, while summarizing is restating the central idea of the text. Paraphrasing is copying a text word for word, while summarizing is restating the text in one’s own words. Summarizing is copying a text word for word, while paraphrasing is restating the text in one’s own words.

why and how did the nation expand in territory and influence and what were the effects?


Military conquest accounted for the majority of american territory expansion. Even acquisitions from other european countries, like the louisiana purchase and the acquisition of alaska, were done at the expense of native people.

Who already had a claim to the country. The conquest of a large portion of the southern half of north america was propelled by mythology. Although islam originated in the hejaz region of the arabian peninsula, it swiftly spread to become an Empire that spanned three continents as a result of its expanding dominance. While military conquests contributed.

The empire's expansion, its economic power and trade allowed its religion, language, culture, food, and philosophy to spread to distant lands. This extended as far east as China and Malaysia and as far west as Spain. Indonesia, which was never captured by any invading troops and saw the gradual adoption of Islam over many generations.

To know more about military conquest visit:


What led to the formation of the Democratic Party ?


The Democratic-Republican Party, which had mostly disintegrated by 1824, gave rise to the contemporary Democratic Party in the late 1820s.

It was created by Martin Van Buren, who gathered a team of lawmakers from every state to support Tennessee's Andrew Jackson, a military hero. Jefferson and Madison established it to oppose the centralized ideologies of the Federalist party, which was led by Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. The conflict over the passage of the federal Constitution of 1787 saw the formation of the first political parties or factions.

As focus switched from the formation of a new federal government to the issue of how powerful that federal government would be, tensions between them grew.

To learn more about Democratic Party from given link


What is a good thesis statement for an informative speech?


A good thesis statement for an informative speech is a precise, unambiguous declarative statement.

For an instructive speech, the thesis statement should be a short, straightforward statement that summarises the main point of your talk. For the purpose of persuasion in public speaking, a thesis statement ought to have a tight focus and ought to be debatable; moreover, there should be an argument to investigate inside the speech itself.

If your essay is instructive, all you need to do is present the specific subject matter that the audience will acquire new knowledge about. Your thesis will not contain any kind of perspective, but rather it will provide a summary of the data that will be discussed later.

You can also learn about informative speech from the following question:


What means credit based?


In general, a loan for higher education that is referred to as "credit-based" necessitates that the borrower—or the borrower with a credit-worthy co-borrower, co-signer, or endorser—meet specific credit requirements set by the lender. Usually, it is not necessary to demonstrate determined financial eligibility.

In order to characterize an educational programme, a credit system employs a logic-based process to award credits to a various components. The definition of credits in institutes of higher education might vary depending on the workload, relevant learning, and contact hours of the students. The majority of the time, the amount of credit points assigned to each course is determined by a variety of factors, including the workload, learning outcomes, and contact hours of the students. A course typically has more credits if it demands more work and time from the student.

Click the following link to learn more about credit-based learning:


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