Create your own poem that could be considered a parody of a famous piece of art. Submit the picture of the original art along with your poem.


Answer 1

I'm a prisoner on the ground

With no one to stand around

People come and go

And I yell out with a moan

"Please help me

I need to be free"

But no one looks at me

For even one bit

Next thing I know

I start to get hit

I yell out loud

Out into the crowd

"Help me! Please!"

But they back away

And so I say,

"I don't have a disease!"

One moment later

The traitor comes out

And that's when I start to shout

"Traitor! Traitor! You betrayed me! Even when I was in need!"

But he just stayed still

And wouldn't move until

The guards push him away

And that's when he started to sway

Side to side he went

All the while looking content

I couldn't believe my eyes

Everything he told me were lies

I started to rise

To start to go

And wouldn't you know

He held me by the arm

Said, "I don't want to do you any harm."

The last thing I remembered

Was that he got dismembered.

I   dont have  a drawing but look up prisoner on ground with guards around

Related Questions




For number 12, the answer would be C


For 12 I believe the answer would be;
D. Planned efforts to get a new library

First def of campaign; an organized course of action to achieve a goal

Please correct me if I am wrong, have a good day

For 13 I believe the answer would be;
C. Refused to attend the event

Def of boycott
withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest

I talked to the girl ____________car had broken down in front of the shop. Who whom whose


The awnser is whose. I talked to the girl whose car had broken in front of the shop.



whose is the possessive form of who whom and whose. The girl (indirectly) possessed the car. You must use whose. The other two are not the possessive form.

Describe this
Climate change is not
hysteria It's a fact​



It's saying that Climate Change is real


You didn't give any specifics on what to describe, so I just described what the quote was saying

What is the theme of the story the flight of icarus?


the theme could be when Icarus ignores his father's warning to fly" at a moderate height," neither too high or too low. Icarus flies too high and plummets to his death. or trying to be more than you are like the gods.


the gift of magi

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My thesis is that what really matters is that the showed thier love for each other and that when they are old they will laugh about it. two peices of evidence is that Jim sold his watch


Choose the BEST inference from this sentence in section 1: I’m on cloud nine as I silently observe the bird’s victory A) The Peregrine Falcon is searching desperately. B) The Peregrine Falcon has found a suitable mate. C) The Peregrine Falcon has caught something to eat. Eliminate D) The narrator is anxious because the weather is about to change.





The peregrine falcon has caught something to eat.

Which of the following is NOT true about the main idea?
A. The main idea is what the text is mostly about. B. The main idea is always stated, C. The main idea should be a sentence, not just a word, D. You can find the main idea using the What? So What strategy,​





But if multiple choice then B and maybe C

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(This Side of Paradise)​



나쁜 소식은 너무 많은 원인 나는 메신저 한국어 원인 질문에 대답 할 수 없습니다


​Many themes appear in this novel, such as marriage, family, youth, appearances, and more.



Do you agree that it's sometimes hard to face your identity? Why or why not?


Answer: look down below

Explanation: Identity is a socially and historically constructed concept. We learn about our own identity and the identity of others through interactions with family, peers, organizations, institutions, media a...

Key facets of identity—like gender, social class, age, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, religion, age and disability—play significant roles in determining how we understand and experience th...

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Can someone please write me a book report PLEASE:(

I’m in middle school (8th) just to let you know


also no baby books please. Thank you!!:D



Book Title- Carrie

Author- Stephen King

Setting- School; Carrie's home

Protagonist- Carrie White: Description: A shy girl with no friends who is "Protected" by her religious, controlling Mother.

Antagonist- Carrie's Mother/Margret White(Main Antagonist); Carrie's schoolmates: Description: A religious mother who thinks that mostly everything is sinful, believes her daughter (Carrie White) is a witch due to her  telekinesis powers.


Carries telekinesis powers/Viewed as "weird" among other people/Religious

Lonely                                                                                         Crazy

Plot- Carrie White often is bullied at school by her schoolmates, she once is picked on in the bathroom when her teacher comes to help her. While after Carrie's teacher helps her, her teacher gets on to the other girls who were picking on her. He teacher ends up slapping one of the girls. The girl calls her dad and told, but her dad could not do anything because of what she did to Carrie. The girl now wanted revenge on Carrie and her teacher. One girl feels bad for Carrie so she helps Carrie by asking the popular boy to bring Carrie to the Prom. He first hesitates then accepts. Carrie is confused why he had asked her and at first refused thinking they wee just doing it to make fun of her. She finally accepts and asks her mom if she can go. Her mom declines and is upset about the dress Carrie has chosen. Carrie goes to the prom and the mean girl who wanted revenge poured pig blood on her. Carrie used her powers to hold the doors closed. Carrie later goes home and her mom tried to kill her but out of self defense Carrie killed her.

Theme- Supernatural

Point of View-


(sorry I don't get the point of view and opinion parts)


It depends on what book you are planning to write about. My personal favorite is The Mysterious Benedict Society (book one), so I will fill in the graphic organizer using that book as an example.

Book Title: The Mysterious Benedict Society

Author: Trenton Lee Stewart

Setting: A city called Stonetown, near a port called Stonetown Harbor

Name(s) of Characters: Reynie (Reynald), Sticky (George), Kate, Connie (Constance), Mr. Benedict, Mr. Curtain, Number Two, Rhonda, Milligan, S.Q, Martina, etc.

Protagonists: Reynie (Reynald), Sticky (George), Kate, Connie (Constance), Mr. Benedict, Number Two, Rhonda, Milligan

Antagonists: Mr. Curtain, S.Q, Martina, etc.

Venn Diagram:

Kate is a quick-thinker, fearless, and good with tools. She is ambitious and doesn't think before she acts. She doesn't know all that much and relies on her friends to do the studies portion of the job.

Sticky is is fidgety, and gets nervous easily. He isn't very brave, and often needs his friend's encouraging to do things. He has a photographic memory and is therefore the smartest member of the group.

They are alike because they are both fighting for the greater good. They are both part of the same group of friends, and they are both working for Mr. Benedict. They both are enemies of Martina Crowe.


The plot starts off with Kate, Constance, Sticky, and Reynie (the main character) taking peculiar tests, and after passing them, they all meet up with Mr. Benedict. He is the one who employed them. He asks them to spy at a school called The Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened, run by the antagonist Mr. Curtain. He brainwashes people to do whatever he pleases, and his dream is to rule the world as the M.A.S.T.E.R. (Minister and Secretary of all the Earth's Regions). However, the kids (Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance) manage to foil his evil plans and save the world.

Theme: There are many different themes in this story, but a big one is the importance of working together as a team to succeed.

Point of View (POV): In certain cases, we (the readers) see some cases of first-hand accounts, for the most part the story is in Third Person (Omniscient).

My Opinion: This book is a great read for all ages alike. It has mystery, suspense, and fun little riddles for the reader to solve. It is a breathtaking book that has you on the edge of your seat every step of the way. I love this book no matter how many times I read it. I would give this book a 10/10 any day of the week.

I hope this helps! This is an example, but you can base your book report on this if you would like. It would be best to use your own book, however, because that way if you have to present it, it would be easier. Good luck! <3

Can someone please tell me if I’m correct here no links please in the passage is not necessary just in your own thought



I believe so !!


English please help
will give brainliest



They are wide, open areas where mostly grass and flowers grow. Grassland habitats are very common, and there are many different kinds depending on the sort of climate they're found in. Two main kinds of grasslands are tropical and temperate. Tropical grasslands are warmer than temperate grasslands.


What is the little kid afraid of? in chapter two of lord of the flies?


Answer:the kid is afraid of a snake thing in the jungle but he says it's a beastie


why did people want to become friends `with Keckly after they learned she worked in the white house


having a position in the white house implied that keckly knew white house “secrets”. because of this, people who wanted to gain private information from the president and others from the white house befriended keckly to attempt to essentially spy on the people in the white house. in summary people wanted to know private information that the government held, so they tried to use keckly to have access to the information.

"You're really on the ball today!"

This is an example of:





Birds Punctuate the Days
Joyce Clement

the nuthatch inserts itself
between feeder and pole

Semicolon (;)
two mallards drifting
one dunks for a snail

a mourning dove
lifts off

a red-eyed vireo catches
the crane fly midair

a down feather
bobs between waves

exclamation point
wren on the railing
takes notice

mergansers paddle toward
morning trout swirl

em dash (-)
at dusk a wild goose
heading east

question mark
the length of silence
after a loon’s call

one blue egg all summer long
now gone

What does punctuate mean in Birds Punctuate the Days? (besides punctuation like periods that are used in the poem)


it shows the daily basis of the life of the birds

Answer this please and tell me why



A i guess we need to see the text tho the paragraph that came with the question


need text

"Forward, the Light Brigade!" Was there a man dismay'd? Not tho' the soldier knew Some one had blunder'd: Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die: Identify the pair of stressed syllables from the excerpt. there, man one, had theirs, make but, die



theirs, make


Tonical syllables are those that have greater sound intensity. In this case, these syllables are spoken more strongly, have a louder and lower sound and are longer than non-stressed syllables.

To find the stressed syllables in a text, you must read the text aloud and more slowly, to be able to clearly identify the moment when you pronounce some syllables more strongly. When you do this with the text presented in the question above, you will see that there are a couple of stressed syllables in "theirs, make."

Answer:theirs make

Explanation:theirs make

Read the sentence. The suspect insisted the detectives were barking up the wrong tree. He explained that he’d been busy at the time of the crime. As a result, the suspect was annoyed when the detectives continued with the questioning anyway. If the detectives are “barking up the wrong tree,” they should stop yelling at the suspect. question a different suspect. ask different questions of the suspect. continue questioning the suspect in another room.



The answer is B.


i took the quiz i hope this helps have a great day




Based on the directions in the writing prompt, find two sources that you can use in your research paper. Remember that one should be a primary source, such as an interview, and the other should be an Internet source. The Internet source can be either a primary or secondary source. List the works cited information for the two sources that you have chosen below



Primary source:

Summers, Archie. Personal interview. 1 Jan. 2015.

Internet source:

Morris, Jana. "A Star in the Making." The Centerville Crier. JB Perhshon, 1 Dec. 2014. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.


can you put me as brainlyest

Archie Summers is the author cited in the works for the two sources. 1 January 2015: Individual interview. Morris, Jana, and online source. A Star on the Rise a Centerville Crier. 2014-12-01 JB Perhshon. 2015. March 1 Web.

How to write a research paper?

A research paper is an academic writing assignment that offers analysis, explanation, and justification based on extensive, independent study.

Academic essays and research papers are comparable, but research papers are typically lengthier and more in-depth assignments that are meant to gauge not just your writing abilities but also your abilities in conducting scholarly research.

You must have in-depth knowledge of your subject matter, use a range of sources, and contribute something unique to the discussion when writing a research paper.

You will be guided through every step of the writing process in this step-by-step manual, from comprehending your assignment to editing your finished product.

Learn more about research paper, from :


need help please
What do you think is the importance of workers
in our society? Why is there a need to protect them by providing policies in our constitution?​


This is the reason the guy above is right

Why does Soda bolt out the door?

Question options:

A) He finally allows Johnny's death to affect him and is overcome with emotion

B) He's very angry about something Darry has told him

C) He realizes he forgot his bag at the auto shop

D) The letter he wrote to Sandy has been returned unopened and he is upset about it.



the answer is D


i found the answer on quizlet

To Kill A Mockingbird: What does Mr. Ewell believe that makes it so hard for him to understand Atticus' decision to do his job and defend Tom Robinson?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

What does Mr. Ewell believe that makes it so hard for him to understand Atticus' decision to do his job and defend Tom Robinson?

Mr. Bob Ewell cannot understand how a decent white man like Atticus has accepted to defend a black man, Tom Robinson. It is hard for Bob Wllhard to understand how Atticus is willing to ruin his reputation among the white community of Maycomb, Alabama if he has nothing to win defending black Tom Robinson, accused of r*apping white girl Mayella Ewell.

However, Atticus think it is his responsibility to seriously defend Robbinson because that is the job of a good lawyer. And judge Taylor had appointed Atticus to defend Robbinson. So Atticus thinks it is the right thing to do. And that is what he teaches to his son Scout.

Boo -emotionally mistreated by his father- is one of the symbols of a mocking bird in the novel. He seems to be a good guy but living with the consequences of prejudices from his fellow beings.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" was written by Harper Lee in 1960. The novel refers to the life of children confronted by social issues such as prejudice and racism in the South of the United States. Lee won the Pulitzer prize in 1961 for the success of his novel.

The main reason why Mr Ewell finds it difficult to understand Atticus' decision to do his job and defend Tom Robinson.

In the book To Kill A Mockingbird, there is the narration about the racist society of Maycomb, Alabama in the United States of America and how a black man Tom Robinson was accused of ra*eping a white girl Mayella Ewell.

A prominent white lawyer Mr Atticus is appointed to defend Tom Robinson and even though he was reluctant at first, he immediately resumed his work and was even abused by the racist white folk and his children threatened in school.

Therefore, the main reason why Mr Ewell does not understand Atticus' decision to do his job and defend Tom Robinson is that he stands to gain nothing, but risks losing everything and facing the wrath of the Maycomb.

Read more about To Kill A Mockingbird here: 2-3 sentences, answer what the author likely purpose is in having the speaker address "you"within the poem?

2.explain what would happen if the point of view of the speaker that was identified during your first reading was changed? Identify a different point of view and explain how that changed would impact a poem.


Hello. You did not enter the text to which these questions refer, which makes it impossible for them to be answered. However, I will try to help you in the best way possible.

1. The main purpose of the speaker when addressing "you" in the poem is to establish direct communication with the reader. This makes the reader an element of the text and can interact with everything that is being exposed in the poem, thus becoming a confidant of the speaker and part of the text.

2. If the speaker's point of view was changed, the reader would no longer be part of the poem, but would be someone who has a view of the poem from the outside, without having to get involved in anything the speaker is exposing. This leaves the reader as a more superficial participant.

In Chapter 9 of Invisible Man, how does the narrator’s disillusionment about Dr. Bledsoe’s letters inform the reader’s understanding of the theme of invisibility?

A. The narrator has believed until this point that the letters would make him able to see Dr. Bledsoe’s points more clearly, when in fact they were written to make him see less clearly.
B. The narrator has believed until this point that the letters would make him more visible, when in fact they were written to urge important people not to see him.
C. The narrator has believed until this point that the letters would make him less visible, when in fact they were written to make him become more conspicuous.
D. The narrator has believed until this point that the letters would explain when Dr. Bledsoe will be able to see him, when in fact they were written to explain that Dr. Bledsoe will not see him.
E. The narrator has believed until this point that the letters would make him more visible in the business world, when in fact they were written to make him become more visible in the academic world.



E. The narrator has believed until this point that the letters would make him more visible in the business world, when in fact they were written to make him become more visible in the academic world.


The above is the actual reason why narrator's disiilusionment about Dr. Bledsoe's letters inform the reader's towards the understanding of the theme of invisibility.

Whose opinion does the king most value in the lady or the tiger


The king values the thoughts of the princess in the lady or the king.

He picks the way to the right, the very that she has picked in light of the fact that, he accepts, she calculates that he will think she is attempting to deceive him since she is desirous, so he will then, at that point, pick the left entryway where lies the tiger. At the point when he picks the right entryway, it ought to, then, at that point, be the one containing the reasonable lady.

The princess can measure up to both the woman or the tiger in regards to the choice that she makes in regards to her sweetheart's destiny. The princess' decision to send her sweetheart to the tiger wold demonstrate her own person to be hardhearted  like a tiger.

The princess needed the woman to feel the very aggravation that she would have in case the two were marry. The princess might have additionally sent the tiger out so she wouldn't have needed to manage the woman and her partner being hitched.

In the event that she picked the entryway with the tiger behind it, nonetheless, he would pass on right away.

For more information, refer the following link:

Use the subordinating conjunction in parentheses to combine the two clauses into one complex sentence. Write the new sentence in the space provided.

1. it was hot/we drank lots of water (because)
2. night approached/it became harder to see (as)
(btw if you answer this your a lifesaver)


We drank lots of water because it was hot; as night approached, it became harder to see.

Which type of conflict is reflected in this excerpt from A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett?

If Sara had been a different kind of child, the life she led at Miss Minchin's Select Seminary for the next few years would not have been at all good for her. She was treated more as if she were a distinguished guest at the establishment than as if she were a mere little girl. If she had been a self-opinionated, domineering child, she might have become disagreeable enough to be unbearable through being so much indulged and flattered. If she had been an indolent child, she would have learned nothing. Privately Miss Minchin disliked her, but she was far too worldly a woman to do or say anything which might make such a desirable pupil wish to leave her school. She knew quite well that if Sara wrote to her papa to tell him she was uncomfortable or unhappy, Captain Crewe would remove her at once. Miss Minchin's opinion was that if a child were continually praised and never forbidden to do what she liked, she would be sure to be fond of the place where she was so treated. Accordingly, Sara was praised for her quickness at her lessons, for her good manners, for her amiability to her fellow pupils, for her generosity if she gave sixpence to a beggar out of her full little purse; the simplest thing she did was treated as if it were a virtue, and if she had not had a disposition and a clever little brain, she might have been a very self-satisfied young person. But the clever little brain told her a great many sensible and true things about herself and her circumstances, and now and then she talked these things over to Ermengarde as time went on.

character versus nature
character versus character
character versus self
character versus society



The type of conflict reflected in the excerpt is:

B. character versus character


The narrator of this excerpt of "A Little Princess" clearly establishes a relationship of protagonist versus antagonist, which is a kind of character versus character conflict. The person we are supposed to like and support is little Sara, who is intelligent enough to not let herself be fooled by the way Miss Minchin treats her. On the other hand, we are quickly led to dislike Miss Minchin for her phoniness and ulterior motives. With this information, we can already predict that the conflict between the two will eventually grow as the plot unfolds.


B- Character versus character


Got it right on edmentum

Why havent I ever noticed how beautiful Alice Kinnian is? She has pigeon soft brown eyes and feathery brown hair down to the hollow of her neck. When she smiles, her full lips look as if she's pouting." What character shift does this represent in Charlie?



This shows that Charlie is developing his perception of emotions, which is totally different from what he was able to do before.


The excerpt presented in the question above can be found in the book "Flowers to Algernon" where we know the character Charlie, who has a mental disability that does not allow him to have a good cognitive and rational capacity. However, Charlie undergoes surgery that lessens the mental disability he has, causing him to undergo gradual changes during the story.

In the excerpt shown in the question above, we can see one of these gradual changes. That's because Charlie was unable to interpret the emotions he had towards other people, but now he can understand that Alice Kinnian pleases him and that it provokes positive emotions for him.

Other Questions
The diagram on the left shows the layers of Earth's atmosphere and how temperature changes with altitude. The diagram on the right shows the layers of Venus' atmosphere and how temperature changes with altitude. Both diagrams indicate the altitude below which 90% of each atmosphere's mass is located.According to the diagrams, which of the following statements is true? A. 90% of the mass of Venus' atmosphere is within 10 km of the surface. B. The upper part of Venus' troposphere is about 200C colder than the upper part of Earth's. C. Venus' troposphere is several times thicker than Earth's troposphere. 6. What aspect of the Compromise of 1850 was attractive to the South? Marcelino Co.'s March 31 inventory of raw materials is $84,000. Raw materials purchases in April are $580,000, and factory payroll cost in April is $387,000. Overhead costs incurred in April are: indirect materials, $59,000; indirect labor, $28,000; factory rent, $32,000; factory utilities, $20,000; and factory equipment depreciation, $52,000. The predetermined overhead rate is 50% of direct labor cost. Job 306 is sold for $680,000 cash in April. Costs of the three jobs worked on in April follow: Job 306 Job 307 Job 308 Balances on March 31 Direct materials $30,000 $41,000 Direct labor 23,000 16,000 Applied overhead 11,500 8,000 Costs during April Direct materials 139,000 200,000 $115,000 Direct labor 103,000 150,000 104,000 Applied overhead ? ? ? Status on April 30 Finished (sold) Finished (unsold) In process Required:a. Determine the total of each production cost incurred for April (direct labor, direct materials, and applied overhead), and the total cost assigned to each job (including the balances from March 31).b. Prepare journal entries for the month of April to record the above transactions.c. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured.d. Compute gross profit for April 50 points Awarded Simplify the following expression: 3 *3 (4) *2 2 *6 (3) *5P.P is Subscript Warren is making trail mix to keep in his cupboard as a snack. He makes his usual recipe, but then decides to put some peanuts and almonds in the mix. If he adds p cups of peanuts and a cups of almonds, then the total number of cups of trail mix he makes will be 10+p+a. Warren adds 2 cups of peanuts and 1 cup of almonds.How many cups of trail mix did Warren make? the rate of the Earth's and moon's rotation and revolution constant? Someone help are these prepositions or not DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO SOLVE THIS?? PLEASE HELP ASAP!! THIS IS LATE! :(Which answer best summarizes the state's responsibilities to the national government under the Articles of Confederation?A. States had to pay taxes set by Congress and provide soldiers during war time.B. States had to provide representatives to Congress but soldiers were sent only to state militaries.C. States sent representatives to Congress and provided soldiers and some officers to protect the country.D. States provided money in the form of taxes, sent representatives to Congress, and had to supply soldiers during war. Help The first one is what is on sale and the bottem is what needs to be solved! Will Give Out BRAINLIEST ANSWER, HELPRead the Seussification of Romeo & Juliet1. What is the name of the play?2. List the main characters3. What is the Rising Action of the play?4. What is the climax of the play?5. What is the setting of the play?6. What is the plot of the play?7. In your own words, give a short synopsis of the plot. 8. If you had an unlimited budget how would you want your set designed? Try to explain in as great as detail as possible. 9. Would you recommend this play to others? Why? Why not? 10.What part of the play would you like to play? 7) The ratio of lipsticks to eye shadow in my makeup bag is 1:9. The ratio of eye shadow to mascara is 3:2. Given that I have 3 more eye shadows than mascaras, how many lipsticks do I have? You are saving money for a summer camp that costs $1800. You have saved $500 so far, and you have 14 more weeks to save the total amount. What are the possible average amounts of money that you can save per week in order to have a total of at least $1800 saved? What are the two types of adaptations that plants can show giving out brainliest answer !!!! help me out asap please !!!! Simplify the expression.4y + 3( y+1) + 2 (x + 5) China is geographically divided into ___________. Tibet and the China Plain Han China and Mongal China Upper and Lower China Inner and Outer China please help me Ill give brainiest to the person who answers these please What do meteorologists call the linesthat join places with the sametemperature?A. isobarsB. isothermsC. anisobarsD. anisotherms theory,, the family is a definition people construct to explainAccording tosocial bonds.