Can you stop glaucoma?


Answer 1

Although there is currently no known treatment for glaucoma, vision loss can be prevented if it is identified early enough.

Reason for glaucoma

Damage to the optic nerve, which results in loss of visual field, is the cause of the chronic, progressive eye disease known as glaucoma. Eye pressure is among the major risk factors. Fluid can accumulate in the eye due to an issue with the drainage system, which can result in excessive pressure that harms the optic nerve.

Can eye treatment for glaucoma be performed?

Surgery can help protect your vision and keep it from declining, but it cannot treat glaucoma or turn back vision loss. There are several glaucoma surgery techniques that can reduce eye pressure, including: For glaucoma implants, trabeculectomy (tra-BECK-yoo-LECK-toh-mee) surgery is performed.

To know more about trabeculectomy visit:-


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which heats up faster
Water or air






Why? Because air has a much lower specific heat capacity (Heat capacity - Wikipedia) per unit mass than water. Also, air is dispersed as a gas so that in any given volume the mass of air that would fill it is only a fraction of the mass of water that would fill the same volume. Take these two factors into consideration and you see that the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of a volume of air by one degree is minuscule compared to the amount of energy it takes to heat the same volume of water by one degree.

The one thing that is more challenging about air is actually getting the energy into it. Water is densely packed, whereas air molecules are much more widely separated, so that presents a heat conductivity challenge. However, if we’re talking about equipment specialized for heating air (i.e. a fan forcing air over heated coils) versus equipment specialized for heating water (flat plate, coils, pumps or no pumps, whatever), energy added at the same rate to each will heat an equivalent volume of air to a greater extent (i.e. raising temperature more quickly) that it will water.

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take penicillin

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Answer:Mistletoe is a parasite – it steals water and nutrients from trees. Technically, it is a “hemiparasite”, which means that it can generate some of its own resources through photosynthesis – it just needs that energetic kick from the sun to fuel the biological siege and subsequent invasion of the tree


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Food web
Food chain
Hurry up pls


The answer is mice bc they’re the primary consumers/herbivores

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Answer: Enzymes


Enzymes are those proteins which participate in a chemical reaction without being consumed in the reaction. These enzymes work as a catalyst which speed up the rate of the chemical reaction. The enzyme is responsible for converting the substrate into a product. Pepsin is an enzyme present in the stomach it is activated by hydrochloric acid it is a peptic enzyme which converts proteins into peptones, trypsin and chymotrypsin are the enzymes secreted by the pancreas and it is responsible for digestion of proteins.

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Many key ecosystem services provided by biodiversity, such as nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, pest regulation and pollination, sustain agricultural productivity. Promoting the healthy functioning of ecosystems ensures the resilience of agriculture as it intensifies to meet growing demands for food production.

Please help!
10 points, it’s quick!
I will appreciate it
Question is:
Does friction affect the motion of an object and why?


Yes, friction and gravity will work together to stop the motion of the slide.
Yes, friction causes moving objects to lose energy and slow down.

Please read careful and answer it and I will mark you



The answer is a


the answer is a because as u add more ice to the icewater the water gradually increases in cold temputere and decrease in hot temperature.

What process is happening to this population of rabbits? (The answer is NOT natural selection. What is natural selection causing to happen?)


The culprit was discovered to be rabbit hemorrhagic disease, a virus so deadly it has been likened to a plague. The disease, which has a mortality rate as high as 70%, had previously devastated rabbit and hare populations in China, Europe and Australia, first reaching domestic rabbits in the United States in 2018

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Integumentary system
Muscular system
Skeletal system
Synovial joint system


Synovial joint and muscular system

Where does The energy come from to heat the oceans



the sun


Answer: Energy from the sun heats the surface water of the ocean. In tropical regions, surface water can be much warmer than deep water. This temperature difference can be used to produce electricity and to desalinate ocean water.

Explanation: hope this helps.

Greenhouse gases

are only produced naturally

trap ozone at Earth’s surface

keep Earth cool

absorb heat from the sun



absorb heat from the sun


Greenhouse gases are specific type of gases that possess the ability to trap and emit heat/thermal energy in the atmosphere. They are able to do this because of their structure. Examples of greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) etc and are mostly produced via anthropogenic activities.

Greenhouse gases are therefore, produced both artificially (by burning fossil fuels) and naturally and functions to absorb heat from the atmospheric surroundings.


absorb heat from the sun


Greenhouse gases absorb heat from the sun.

Why didn’t Henrietta get compensated for her cells


The eldest son wants compensation from Johns Hopkins University and possibly others for the unauthorized use of her cells in research that led to decades of medical advances.

What magnification will you generally start out using when scanning for parasites? A. 4X. B. 10X. C. 40X. D. Both A and B.




D. Both A and B

Match the following vocabulary words. 1.ciliary musclesA transparent liquid which is located between the cornea and iris. 2.optic nerveMuscles attached to the lens to change its shape 3.coneA photoreceptor cell which functions best in bright light. It detects color. 4.vitreous humorThe transparent portion of the sclera at the front of the eye 5.retinaA special part of the choroid layer composed of colorful tissue 6.rodThe nerve connecting the eye to the brain 7.aqueous humorSpecialized cells located in the retina that receive light images 8.scleraA delicate light-sensitive membrane covering the inside of the eyeball 9.irisA photoreceptor cell which is sensitive to dim light, but detects no color10.corneaA fibrous material surrounding the eye to give it shape11.photoreceptorA transparent jellylike substance filling the eyeball



1. Aqueous humor.

2. Ciliary muscles.

3. Cone.

4. Cornea.

5. Iris.

6. Optic nerve.

7. Photoreceptor.

8. Retina.

9. Rod.

10. Sclera.

11. Vitreous humor.


A sensory system can be defined as components of the central nervous system (CNS) which comprises of the brain, neural tissues or pathways and sensory neurons responsible for sensory functions, perception and processing sensory informations such as sound, light, heat, etc.

Basically, the central nervous system (CNS) interprete the neural signals that are generated from stimuli that are detected by the sensory system. The five (5) main sense organs in the sensory system are: skin, tongue, ears, nose and the eyes.

An eye can be defined as a specialized organ of sight with the capability to receive visual images that are subsequently transduced into neural signals and relayed to the brain for processing and interpretation. Some of the components of the human eye matched with their description are;

1. Aqueous humor: a transparent liquid which is located between the cornea and iris.

2. Ciliary muscles: muscles attached to the lens to change its shape.

3. Cone: a photoreceptor cell which functions best in bright light. It detects color.

4. Cornea: the transparent portion of the sclera at the front of the eye.

5. Iris: a special part of the choroid layer composed of colorful tissue.

6. Optic nerve: the nerve connecting the eye to the brain.

7. Photoreceptor: specialized cells located in the retina that receive light images.

8. Retina: a delicate light-sensitive membrane covering the inside of the eyeball.

9. Rod: a photoreceptor cell which is sensitive to dim light, but detects no color.

10. Sclera: a fibrous material surrounding the eye to give it shape.

11. Vitreous humor: a transparent jellylike substance filling the eyeball.


1. A transparent liquid which is located between the cornea and iris - aqueous humor

2. Muscles attached to the lens to change its shape - ciliary muscles

3. A photoreceptor cell which functions best in bright light, it detects color - cone

4. The transparent portion of the sclera at the front of the eye - cornea

5. A special part of the choroid layer composed of colorful tissue - iris

6. The nerve connecting the eye to the brain - optic nerve

7. Specialized cells located in the retina that receive light images - photoreceptor

8. A delicate light-sensitive membrane covering the inside of the eyeball - retina

9. A photoreceptor cell which is sensitive to dim light, but detects no color - rod

10. A fibrous material surrounding the eye to give it shape - sclera

11. A transparent jellylike substance filling the eyeball - vitreous humor

As a glacier moves across the land, it pushes soil and rocks in front of it and to the sides of it. What are the hills resulting from this soil called?


Answer: They are called Moraines

Explanation: A glacier is a large body of ice originating from land that constantly moves slowly over land. It occurs in almost all parts of the world and makes up about 3/4 of fresh water all over the world.

Glaciers constantly move on land and they do this under their own weight.

As a glacier moves across land, it pushes soil and rocks in front of it and to the sides of it.

The resulting hill formed as a result of this soil movement is called a Moraine.

A moraine is sometimes referred to as a glacial till. It is an accumulation of materials (usually soil and rock) left behind by a moving glacier.

How do sensory nerves differ in function from motor nerves?

A. The CNS controls sensory nerves and the PNS controls motor nerves.

B. Sensory nerves carry information to the CNS, and the motor nerves carry information away from the CNS.

C. Sensory nerves carry information away from CNS, and motor nerves carry information to the CNS.

D. The PNS controls the sensory nerves and the CNS controls motor nerves.

please help!!!





When you touch something the sensory nerves carry it to the brain while your motor nerves tell you to touch it. So being carried to and from. I also got it right on the quiz.

Sensory nerves carry information to the CNS, and the motor nerves carry information away from the CNS. Therefore, the correct statement is option B.

What is central nervous system?

The central nervous system (CNS) includes the brain and the spinal cord responsible for processing information received from peripheral nervous system (PNS) to generate appropriate responses. The brain is the most complex organ of the CNS, carries various functions, including sensation, perception, movement, etc.

Sensory nerves transmit information from sensory receptors, such as those in the skin, muscles, etc. to central nervous system (CNS) and sensory nerves are activated by various types of stimuli.

Motor nerves transmit signals from the CNS to muscles, and other effectors throughout the body. These signals are responsible for activation of muscle contractions, produce movements, and other responses.

Therefore, sensory and motor nerves both work together to perform physiological functions where sensory nerves carry information to the CNS, and the motor nerves carry information away from the CNS.

Learn more about the central nervous system here:


How would life on earth change if there was no clean water or air?



With no water supply, all vegetation would soon die out and the world would resemble a brownish dot, rather than a green and blue one. Clouds would cease to formulate and precipitation would stop as a necessary consequence, meaning that the weather would be dictated almost entirely by wind patterns.

are food will die then the animals will die then we would die and the earth wouldn't be green no more it will be brown and bry there will be no clouds ether or grass

How do the sun and moon affect the tides?​



The Sun causes tides just like the Moon does, although they are somewhat smaller. When the earth, Moon, and Sun line up—which happens at times of full Moon or new Moon—the lunar and solar tides reinforce each other, leading to more extreme tides, called spring tides.

4. This photograph was taken in 2004, 24 years after Mount Saint Helens erupted. Compare and contrast this photo with the previous three. What changes do you see in the biotic and abiotic factors? Does anything surprise you about this series of photographs?



In this picture the ground is now completely covered in vegetation and trees are growing back all along the road and sides of the picture. Then there’s little flowers and grass and bushed all over the place. In the other pictures the ground was bare, with the second and third pictures having bushes and other little vegetation starting to grow. Changes in the Biotic Factors: There are now larger trees, there is grass, flowers, small bushes, and other small vegetation growing. Changes in Abiotic Factors: The ground is no longer dust and ash, The dead trunks and branches are covered in vegetation for the most part and are decomposing.


Brainliest Please?!




1. A low- pressure weather system can cause a thunderstorm to develop.

2.Thunder is caused by lightning. When a lightning bolt travels from the cloud to the ground it creates a channel. Once the light is gone the air collapses back in and creates a sound wave that we hear as thunder.

3. One condition that is necessary for a thunderstorm include warm air and moisture.

4. The dangers of a blizzard include getting lost in the snow and freezing to death.

5. In my opinion, a hurricane would be the most difficult storm to face because hurricanes can severely impact your life due to their damage.  For example,winds can damage houses, trees, and any other property. Even if your home is safe, flooding aftermath can occur. When homes are destroyed, people may have to rebuild homes and towns.

The word “contract” in this paragraph tell you:
A. The muscles are involuntary
B. The muscles are aching
C. The muscles become larger
D. The muscle tighten inward


Contract means The muscle tighten inward

What is the phenotype of the sons in generation III? How do you know? amobia sisters


The phenotype of the sons in generation III would be 100% non-taster. 18. The genotype of the female should be XX. To express the recessive trait, an individual need to have all recessive genes.

Select the statement that describes the major site where antiviral action is blocked by the protease inhibitors. Select one: a. The protease inhibitors block the ability of the human immunodeficiency virus from attaching and entering the cell membrane. b. The protease inhibitors block the uncoating process of the human immunodeficiency virus by binding to protease. c. The protease inhibitors block the nucleic acid synthesis of the human immunodeficiency virus. d. The protease inhibitors inhibit the late protein synthesis and processing of the human immunodeficiency virus.



d. The protease inhibitors inhibit the late protein synthesis and processing of the human immunodeficiency virus.


Protease inhibitors are antiviral agents used to fight against pathogenic viruses such as retroviruses (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus, HIV) and RNA viruses (e.g., hepatitis C virus). Protease inhibitors can drastically reduce the viral load. Protease inhibitors may target 1-virus-encoded proteases which are responsible to produce functional proteins from polyprotein precursors and 2-processing structural proteins that are required for virus assembly. Some examples of protease inhibitors include, among others, ritonavir and indinavir, which are used in patients with HIV infection.

How would you describe symmetry in invertebrates?



Invertebrates can have bilateral or radial symmetry, or they can be asymmetrical. Bilateral symmetry means that the animal is arranged in the same way on both sides. Radial symmetry means the body parts are arranged in a circle around a central point.

The sugar that is made during photosynthesis is ribose.



True! :) Also, reminder drink some water and relax. <3


What is metabolism?
the process of cell specialization

the process of turning glucose into energy

the process of cell division

the source of energy for the body



metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy.


Metabolism is the chemical reaction in body cells that change food into energy.

specific proteins in the body control the chemical reactions of Metabolism.

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