can some one help me stat

Can Some One Help Me Stat


Answer 1


Related Questions

The growth of overseas trade and new wealth from the colonies had a major economic
impact on Europe. These factors led to the introduction of new business and trade practices.
Identify and explain the different types of economic systems.



At the time Europe was in the midst of three main economic systems:

Feudalism: this had been the main economic system in Europe for centuries. It is based on agricultural production, in which the land is owned by a few noble individuals, and is worked by peasants known as serfs who have to give part of the production to the feudal lord in exchange for being allowed to live there, and for security.

Mercantilism: this system is based around the nation-state. In it, the state tries to obtain colonies from which to extract resources in exchange for gold and silver. The main idea is to have a trade surplus represented by a relative abundance of these precious minerals that are then used to finance the government and the military.

Capitalism: this economic system was developing at the time (it began to develop in Italy in the late Middle Ages). It is based around private ownership of the means of production (businesses, machinery, and so on), and the reinvestment of profits and savings in order to accumulate more capital (hence the name). It would go on to become the dominant economic system in Europe in the nineteenth century.

Which of the following best describes the Supreme Court's de-
cision in U.S. v. Nixon?
The Court ruled that all the requested tapes must be turned over.
The Court ruled in favor of executive privilege.
The Court ruled that President Nixon must resign.
The Court ruled that President Nixon could fire Archibald Cox.





its right

The subsidiary of alliance was framed by –



that I have a a but this is the real account for me please po ba you so very true love gave you my of god in my head in my head in my head in my head in my head in my head in my head

Which is the best paraphrase of the underlined text in
the passage?
O why the stars are bright
O why the stars are smaller
O why the stars are so far away
why the stars are larger than the sun



took the test the anwser should be B not sure it depends on the way it has the anwsers set so B or Why the star are smaller


edge 2021


B is correct



Which of the following statements best describes Jackson's argument to Native
Americans in this source?

A.The Cherokee are better off
moving to a new part of the country

B.The Cherokee should learn a different way of life

C.The Cherokee are a threat
to the people of the United States

D.The Cherokee might be able to remain where they are if they avoid conflict





Although Jackson does not show contempt, he is still trying to convince the Native Americans that their not going to do very well at the place they are currently settled.

Hope this helps :P

Unscramble the words
Pls help now


First one is Constantinople I’m pretty sure
Not sure what second and third ones are
Fourth one I think is Mediterranean
And I don’t know the last one

I hope this helps a little bit

Bosna u drugom svjetskom ratu​


What? Your going to have to use English if u have a question

Why does the age distribution of Texas's population today bode well for future
economic growth?

A)A large number of older people suggests the healthcare industry is sure to boom.

B)A large number of young people suggests the education sector should thrive.

C)An even distribution among age groups below 40 suggests the work force is
strong and stable,

D)Few older people and few younger people suggests job stability is strong among
the middle age groups,



I believe c is the correct answer




I took the test

Which of the following developments most directly led to the activities described in the excerpt? A prohibition on the northern extent of slavery in territories west of the Mississippi River Answer A: A prohibition on the northern extent of slavery in territories west of the Mississippi River A The acquisition of significant territory following the Mexican-American War Answer B: The acquisition of significant territory following the Mexican-American War B The vetoing of the rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States Answer C: The vetoing of the rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States C The completion of the first transcontinental railroad to the Pacific Ocean


“No roads marked the way to the traveler in California then: but, guided by the sun and well-known mountain peaks, we proceeded on our journey. . . . Some forty or fifty men were at work with the cradle machines, and were averaging about eight ounces [of gold] per day to the man. But a few moments passed before I was knee deep in water, with my wash-basin full of dirt, plunging it about endeavoring to separate the dirt from the gold. After washing some fifty pans of dirt, I found I had realized about four bits’ worth of gold. Reader, do you know how [one] feels when the gold fever heat has suddenly fallen to about zero? I do. . . . The Indians who were working for Capts. Sutter and Weber gave them leading information so that they were enabled to know the direction in which discoveries were to be made. . . .

“The morals of the miners of ’48 should here be noticed. No person worked on Sunday at digging for gold. . . . We had ministers of the gospel amongst us, but they never preached. Religion had been forgotten, even by its ministers, and instead of their pointing out the narrow way which leads to eternal happiness . . . they might have been seen, with pick-axe and pan, traveling untrodden [untraveled] ways in search of . . . treasure . . . or drinking good health and prosperity with friends.”

James H. Carson, describing life in the early California gold fields, 1848


B. The acquisition of significant territory following the Mexican-American War


Following the Mexican-American war, which lasted between 1846 to 1848, United America eventually got a sizeable Mexican territory covering present-day New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado. It was made under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Hence, what led to the activities described in the excerpt was during the early stage of exploration of new places in the west or the acquired territory in the west, after the Mexican-American war

Historians debating the causes of the American Civil War focus on why seven Southern states declared secession from the Combined States and united to establish the Confederate states.

Correct option is B.

The acquisition of significant territory following the Mexican-American War is most directly led to the activities described in the excerpt.

Mexican-American War, which lasted from 1846 to 1848, the U.S. gained a lager portion of Mexican territory, which included what is now New Mexico, Utah and western Colorado. The activities occurred during the early stages of exploring new regions in the west following the Mexican-American conflict.

To know more about Mexican-American War, refer to the link:

Explain the Supremacy Clause and why it’s important



This is a very important part of the American political structure because it ensures that, where the United States Constitution grants power to the national government, laws enacted by that national government outrank – or take precedence – over laws enacted by state governments.

The supremacy clause makes the Constitution and all laws on treaties approved by Congress in exercising its enumerated powers the supreme law of the land. It is important because it says that judges in state court must follow the Constitution or federal laws and treaties, if there is a conflict with state laws.


i hope this helps :)

6. The Dred Scott decision can be seen as supporting which side of the slavery debate?
A. The Northern states
B. The Southern states
C. The neutralists
D. The abolitionists


Answer: B

Explanation:  The Dred Scott Decision enraged the North (particularly the abolitionists) because they believed that Congress supported slavery in the South.  The South (particularly slave owners) was satisfied with this decision because Congress claimed that they had no right to remove property that was owned by another, in other words, the slave owners had the right to keep their slaves.

B. It defined where slavery could be allowed

4. Which statement best describes why North Korea punishes
political deviants?
O A North Korea punishes those who argue that North Korea does
not embody Communism.
OB North Korea punishes everyone who does not complete their
daily expectations to perfect standards.
OC North Korea punishes everyone who disagrees with their
politics by censoring some of their publications.
OD North Korea punishes those who disagree with their political
ideology because they might undermine its principles.



OD. NK punishes its citizens mostly for political reasons and fear of treason against the government and its leaders.

Capitalism Will Eat Democracy — Unless We Speak Up By Yanis Varoufakis commonlit


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, your question is incomplete. Indeed, there is no question here, just the title of an article.

What is your question? What is it that you want to know?

Trying to help, we can comment on the following.

In the article "Capitalism Will Eat Democracy-Unless We Speak Up," written by Yanis Varoufakis, former Minister of Finance in Greece, delivered a speech for the TED series. In that speech, Varoufakis questions the way world economics and capitalism have impacted societies around the world. Varoufakis also refers to the political impact.

In the speech, Varoufakis explains the connection that exists between politics and the economy and the way these affect democracy in different countries.

He refers to the fact that although many private companies have invested in new industrial plants and factories, more than a quarter of individuals from 25 to 54 years old in Europe, Japan, and the United States, do not have a formal job.

That is why this Greek economist questions Capitalism, He thinks that "this idle cash" has to be used to increase the education and talent of the people and to "finance technologies that help the planet."

which of the following best describes the purpose of the federal deposit insurance corparation


Answer:  The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation protects Americans in the event of bank failures, as the agency guarantees deposits of up to $250.000 in member commercial banks, helping to maintain the solvency of the United States financial system and allowing depositors not to worry about their money


Best moment A PERSON had or did or anything in 1754-1800


The American Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence, and the birth of the two-party system — this is a pivotal period in American history.

About how long would it have taken for a missile that was launched from Cuba to reach Boston Massachusetts?



During the Cuban Missile Crisis, leaders of the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in a tense, 13-day political and military standoff in October 1962 over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba, just 90 miles from U.S. shores. In a TV address on October 22, 1962, President John F.



3 hours, 27 minutes


this is the time to from cuba to boston and a missle is normally as fast as a plane

why did the united nation not do more to prevent the conflict in bosnia?



Because nobody can stand god

What did the Soviet Union agree to as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Select one:

to end its alliance with Cuba

to pay the U.S. $1.5 million in damages

to five up control of its European satellite nations

to remove missiles from Cuba


D … to remove the missiles from Cuba I’m am like 99.9% positive on this

Answer: remove missiles from Cuba


During the secret negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union, the American leaders agreed not to interfere with Cuba’s communist government, and the Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its missiles from the island of Cuba.

Also, I took the quiz

Describe the barter system of trade. What are the limitations of this system?​



Barter or barter is a type of trade in which goods and services are exchanged for other goods and services without using any means of exchange. As can be seen in communities that have not yet established a monetary system, it continues to exist alongside the monetary system in modern economies.


which were the new crops introduced Into the subcontinent during this period​



Potatoes, corn, chillies, tea and coffee were some of the new crops introduced into the subcontinent during this period.




Plz help! Due tonight!
In one paragraph, describe what your think is the single largest accomplishment of the Civil Rights Movement and one area in which the United States struggled with race issues during and beyond the 1960s.


What I believe is the largest accomplishment of the civil rights movement is the March on Washington. This was the largest protest in history to implement Voting Rights act of 1965 and the Civil rights act of 1964. The Voting rights act made racial, religious, gender and discrimination illegal in a workplace. This also follows behind the Civil Rights for African American to desegregate public transportation and schools. One area United States struggled with race issues was segregation of schools, in 1960 Ruby Bridges desegregated an all white elementary school in the South. She had a national guard walking with her because of the angry mob that was right outside of the school threatening her family , saying they wanted her dead all because the color of her skin. Which is why I think the Brown vs The Board of Education is a close second to be the biggest accomplishments in the United States because it allowed all races to attend to the same high school. I hope this helps :)

How does this picture attack the emotions and bring people over to buy war




A war bond is is a form of government debt that seeks to raise capital to fund ... The public may buy these bonds out of a feeling of patriotic duty, or other emotional appeal

Sort the effects of the Indus River Valley geography into positive and negative effects.
(Look at the picture!)



this is in your text book


Which statement describes a similarity between the Florida Constitution and the U.S. Constitution?

a. both require native born chief executives

b. both require legislative term limits

c. both include a Preamble

d. both include seven articles



Explanation- I found the answer
It’s C hope this helped tell me if I’m wrong or right please

In which economic system does the government control ALL economic decisions? A. Limited B. Unlimited C. Semi-limited​


Answer: Semi Limited


I hope this helps "Mark as brainiest"

Answer:B Unlimited


44. Which of the following individuals would be most likely to have supported the Anti-Federalists in the debate over ratifying the Constitution?
O a store owner from New York
O a farmer from North Carolina
O a merchant from Connecticut
a banker from Boston


A farmer from North Carolina

What were the response in the north to conscription?


They were excited to go into war. Many people signed up to be in the war. They thought they would easily win.
They were excited to go into war. Many people signed up to be in the war. They thought they would easily win.

Do you agree that the Court made the right decision in the Gideon case, or would you have upheld the earlier Betts decision ? Explain .



I agree.


Gideon was accused of stealing a pool room. He had no money to pay for a lawyer and asked the court to provide a lawyer for him. This was denied.

Gideon had to do his defense alone, but he had no legal knowledge, which prevented him from being able to defend himself, in addition to preventing him from having a fair trial. In that case, he filed a lawsuit to determine whether he could get a lawyer, so that he could be tried fairly as an American citizen.

The Court ruled that it was right for people accused of committing a crime, who did not have the financial resources to pay a lawyer, to receive a lawyer, paid by the state, so that they could receive a fair and correct trial.

Which of Montesquieu’s and Rousseau’s ideas was adopted by republican governments in Europe and North America in the 1700s?

Only kings have the right to rule a country.

A government works best when ruled by a monarch.

The government should represent only wealthy landowners.

The powers of the state should be separated.



The powers of the state should be separated.


Montesquieu and Rousseau were thinkers of the enlightenment period. Both influenced the society with their views that changed the ruling pattern in Europe. Rousseau wanted the state to be a genuine democracy, that bound people together in freedom and equality. Montesquieu advocated the principle of separation of powers. There are three sorts of powers: legislative, executive, and judiciary. Montesquieu's work was received in Britain and colonies.

How did the challenges and
opportunities for Mexicans in the
United States differ from those for
African Americans?


Answer: Mexicans chose to migrate here while African Americans were forced to migrate


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