by the late 1800s what were societies job when it came to prisoners


Answer 1

They tended to be damp, unhealthy, insanitary and over-crowded. All kinds of prisoners were mixed in together, as at Coldbath Fields: men, women, children; the insane; serious criminals and petty criminals; people awaiting trial; and debtors. Each prison was run by the gaoler in his own way.

Related Questions

Who spoke at the 1964 World's Fair?


President Lyndon Johnson

Who was responsible for ending the Cold War?



Ronald Reagan


whats the answer? i dont undersatand how to get the answer



The $2 coupon is just an exscue


Because there is no way you have to go to italy to buy pizza from a $2 coupon

D) The $2 coupon is just an excuse to take a vacation.

According to the Populist Party, what is the purpose of government?

to exercise limited power and enforce only laws that advance the cause of liberty with minimal government interference
to protect the rights of the weak against the power of the strong through active redistribution of wealth from rich individuals to poor individuals
to seize control of private corporations and establish a fully socialist economy
to expand its power to shift utilities for the public good to public ownership and regulate private corporations to reduce oppression and poverty



b) to protect the rights of the weak against the power of the strong through active redistribution of wealth from rich individuals to poor individuals


Let me know if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure the answer is b.

According to the Populist Party, the purpose of government is Option D to expand its power to shift utilities for the public good to public ownership and regulate private corporations to reduce oppression and poverty.

What was the Populist Party?

The Populist Party was a political party in the United States which emerged in the late 1800s in the aftermath of the Civil War.

The main agenda of this party was:

Producerism Against MonopoliesPro farmerHad members disgruntled from both Republicans and Democrats

For more on US political parties refer:


What effect did the end of Communist rule have on Yugoslavia?



The Communist rule in Yugoslavia caused the 10 year war. Poland accomplished democratization before any other nation.


hope this helps you sorry if it doesn’t

south korean forces turn back the north koreans why was it important


Answer:  Now, for the Allies, the Korean War was an offensive one: It was a war to "liberate" the North from the communists. Initially, this new strategy was a success. An amphibious assault at Inchon pushed the North Koreans out of Seoul and back to their side of the 38th parallel.


Both the high price of free trade and NAFTA a decade of success provide evidence to suggest the globalization has which of the following impacts

A. Globalization makes economies, workers, and business interests interdependent
B. Globalization can help workers who learn to adapt to nets economic models
C. Globalization odd a non reversible economic trend due to its connection to the United States
D. Globalization most clearly serves the business interests of the world


Answer:A. Globilization makes economies, workers, and business interests interdepedent.

Explanation:A P E X

Answer: A

Explanation: took the test

Most laws passed during the middle-ages were those created by Kings & the Church, but during the Enlightenment legislatures such as Parliament began passing laws which we call ____________________________.



criminal laws is the answer your welcommmm

If an offender is required to pay a victim money, it is called
a. a fine.
b. restitution.
c. incarceration.
d. asset forfeiture.


the answer is b. restitution

2. What problems did Linda Brown face in Topeka, Kansas in 1951 that eventually

resulted in this case going to court?



she was forced to travel a significant distance to elementary school due to racial segregation


her father was one of the plaintiffs in the case of Brown v. Board of Education, with the Supreme Court ruling in 1954 that school segregation was unlawful.

Which territory in Oceania lost nearly 90 percent of its native Aboriginal

population after it became a colony of Great Britain in the 18th century?

A. Melanesia

B. Micronesia

C. New Zealand

D. Australia


D.) Australia is your answer.

Why is A, B, and C wrong

What was one way that Athens was more democratic than Sparta? *

A. Athenian women had more rights than Spartan women.

B. Slavery was abolished in Athens but not in Sparta.

C. Citizens of Sparta had no say in government, while those of Athens did.


What was one way that Athens was more democratic than Sparta?

A. Athenian women had more rights than Spartan women.

B. Slavery was abolished in Athens but not in Sparta.

C. Citizens of Sparta had no say in government, while those of Athens did.

D. Athens had a true legislature, while Sparta did not


D. Athens had a true legislature, while Sparta did not


One way that Athens was more democratic than Sparta was that Athens had a true legislature, while Sparta did not.

Athens had a legislative government while Sparta did not, as they were ruled by a council of elders.

Therefore, this was one way Athens was more democratic than Sparta.

How is the conflict between Hus and the church, tied to the conflict between the Czech and Germans during this period?

How was Hus executed?

What conflict followed the execution of Hus?



The ghosts of the past surged through Erika Rahnsch’s mind.


My teacher explained the question and answer in my class today.

How did Transcendentalist authors contribute to the growth of the spirit of reform in America?​



TRANSCENDENTALISM. In New England, Ralph Waldo Emerson, a former minister, was the central figure in a movement called transcendentalism. Emerson believed that every human being had unlimited potential. But to realize their godlike nature, people had to "transcend" or go beyond, purely logical thinking.

An election in which the people choose
their leaders is called a
A. monarchy
B. dictatorship
C. republic



A Democracy.

Hope that helps!


the answer is C


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

strict racial separation





Apartheid was a racial separation system in South Africa. It was first introduced in 1948 by the National Party in South Africa. The purpose of this system was to give more power to the whites minority communities living in Africa. Non-white Africans required to live in separate locations than the white. Different schools and other public facilities were provided for the White communities. The government was under the control of the white people who enjoyed full privileges in society and rights.

1. Can you see the pattern in the following series of multiplications?
Fill in the rest of the chart with the correct numbers.
37 × 3 = 111
37 × 6 = ?
37 × 9 = ?
37 × ? = ?
37 × ? = 555
37 × ? = ?
37 × ? = ?
37 × ? = ?
37 × ? = ?

2. Name the factors in each of the following problems.
a. 6 × 12 = 72
b. 8 × 9 = 72
c. 4 × 4 = 16
d. 3 × 7 = 21

3. Name the multiples in each of the following problems.
a. 5 × 7 = 35
b. 17 × 2 = 34
c. 16 × 4 = 64
d. 11 × 7 = 77

4. Use division to determine whether the following numbers are factors.
Answer yes or no.
a. Is 13 a factor of 39?
b. Is 15 a factor of 342?
c. Is 14 a factor of 201?
d. Is 12 a factor of 228?

5. Indicate whether each of the following numbers is divisible by 3.
Answer yes or no.
a. 27
b. 35
c. 123
d. 402

6. Indicate whether each of the following numbers is divisible by 4.
Answer yes or no.
a. 124
b. 289
c. 304
d. 222

7. Find the prime factors of each of the following numbers.
a. 25
b. 38
c. 36
d. 285
e. 650
f. 1,740



no 1



















The factors are:

a. 6 and 12

b. 8 and 9

c. 4 and 4

d. 3 and 7

The multiples are:

a. 35

b. 34

c. 64

d. 77

a. Yes, because 39 ÷ 13 = 3.

b. No, because 342 ÷ 15 = 22r12.

c. No, because 201 ÷ 14 = 14r5.

d. Yes, because 228 ÷ 12 = 19.

a. Yes; 2 + 7 = 9, and 9 is divisible by 3. (27 ÷ 3 = 9.)

b. No; 3 + 5 = 8, and 8 isn’t divisible by 3.

c. Yes; 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, and 6 is divisible by 3. (123 ÷ 3 = 41.)

d. Yes; 4 + 0 + 2 = 6, and 6 is divisible by 3. (402 ÷ 3 = 134.)

a. Yes; because 24 is divisible by 4. (124 ÷ 4 = 31.)

b. No; 89 isn’t divisible by 4, so 289 isn’t divisible by 4.

c. Yes; because 4 is divisible by 4. (304 ÷ 4 = 76.)

d. No; 22 isn’t divisible by 4, so 222 isn’t divisible by 4.

The prime factors are:

a. 5 and 5 (5 × 5 = 25)

b. 2 and 19 (2 × 19 = 38)

c. 2, 2, 3, and 3 (2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 36)

d. 3, 5, and 19 (3 × 5× 19 = 285)

e. 2, 5, 5, and 13 (2 × 5 × 5 × 13 = 650)

f. 2, 2, 3, 5, and 29 (2 × 2 × 3 × 5 × 29 = 1,740)


Many delegates who did not sign the Constitution did so because they felt the document
a. listed too many basic rights and freedoms.
b. didn’t allow changes to it.
c. did not secure individual liberties.
d. None of the above.





One of the most famous reasons for why certain delegates didn't sign was that the document lacked a legitimate Bill of Rights which would protect the rights of States and the freedom of individuals.

The SBA sponsors free consulting help through what


your answer is a on edgunity

Which of these describes Lewis’s parents? A Baptist pastors from Georgia B sharecroppers from Alabama C politicians from New York City D activists during the Selma marches






The sharecroppers of the Alabama is describes as the parents of the Lewis, who is described as a freedom Rider.

Who was Lewis?

The full called of Lewis was the John Lewis. He was born to sharecropper parents on 1940, February 21,  in Troy, Alabama. At the American Baptist, In 1961, He cleared BA in theology, In Nashville.

Afterwards, He takes up part in the eldest Freedom Rides, which famously disputed organic process at interstate bus stations crosswise to the South.

In the instruction of these activities, he was brutally crushed in South Carolina and Montgomery, Alabama.

Therefore, Option B is correct.

Learn more about the John Lewis, refer to:

Although George Washington warned against having political parties, the united states has long had a two-party political system. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different party systems.



1)It creates disunity & factionalism

2)Candidates often use dirty tricks to discredit their opponents & win elections

3)Long term policies may become a casualty for electoral politics

4)Money power is often a crucial determinant of results in elections & smaller and independent candidates may not have sufficient resources to compete with big parties on equal terms.

5)Parties can even bribe the people with money or snacks for vote.


1) It creates competition among parties to serve the people better.

2)People will have lot of options among various leaders.

3) People acn select a particular leader who can solve their problems.

4) Political Competition mostly benefits the people as parties will do their best to lure the people.

5) Poltical Competition leads to the development of the nation.

Although George Washington warned against having political parties, the united states has long had a two-party political system. the advantages and disadvantages of the different party systems are:

Advantages of a Two-Party System Political parties can be chosen in a two-party system. The electorate selects the party with the better programme.Strong Opposition is Provided: Under this arrangement, one party forms the government while the other forms the opposition. For instance, in Britain, the opposition Conservative Party serves as a counterbalance to the incumbent Labour Party.It Contributes to Good Governance The opposition party has a responsibility to monitor and critique the government's harmful policies. It motivates the government to be cautious while developing and implementing policy.It Ensures Stability: Because there is no room for a coalition government, which could result in a feeble and unstable government, stability is assured.It is democratic: There is room for freedom of association and choice.Easy Recognition: People are able to quickly recognise the advantages and disadvantages of the party in power.Change of Government: Because the constitution includes a clause requiring regular elections, a change of government is feasible.Demerits of the Two-Party System the separation of the nation into two factions: There is a chance that a two-party system may create two rival factions in the nation. This might undermine racial harmony.It does not foster harmony. It's possible that the power struggle within the system does not advance racial harmony.It might result in a one-party system: The other party may disintegrate into the ruling party if one of the two keeps office for an extended period of time.Election fraud is a possibility because all parties would like to hold office. In addition, future elections could be managed by the current administration using the incumbency apparatus.unhealthy party competition: A two-party system may lead to intimidation, persecution of political rivals, threats, etc.The majority of the nation's resources are wasted on the administration of elections and the upkeep of two political parties.Multi-Party State BenefitsDemocracy is present.increased political education and involvement.increased representation.decreases the likelihood of a one-party dictatorship taking power.Party management.acknowledging opposition partiesgovernment changePeople's and order.The Multi-Party System's demeritscoalition administration.A surplus of political programmes.It is challenging to hold a specific party accountable.political parties with ethnic and sectional roots.It makes it exceedingly challenging to establish a new administration.The party system is incredibly pricey.political opponents are victimised.Instability in politics.The executive is weakened by a multi-party system.It reduces significant areas of law to class bribery.What is party system?

A party system is a notion in comparative politics that refers to the way political parties govern in democracies. Political parties are supposed to share some fundamental characteristics: they have power over the government, a solid base of widespread popular support, and internal systems for regulating donations, information, and nominations.

Supporting answer

To Learn more about two party system here


Chapter 1 On fever 1793 Polly is late. Where does Mattie think Polly is?


She thinks that polly is at The blacksmiths

Which of the following outlined many of George Washington's principles about civic virtue?

The Articles of Confederation
Washington's Farewell Address
The Declaration of Independence
Democracy in America



Democracy in America


George Washington's ideals of civic virtue had to do with helping his country out whenever possible. He did this by volunteering in the army, even though he wasn't mandated to do it, as he was a soldier in the Continental Army.

Therefore, democracy in America outlined many of George Washington's principles about civic virtue.

of the states 10 points
Once a national amendment has been proposed,
must ratify it.



Answer: c


3/4 seems most correct

the U.S military first experimented with native American languages in military intelligence

a.during the boer war
b.during world war 2
c.during world war 1
d.during the Vietnam war


World war 1 is the correct answer
The answer is C) during world war 1.

what was an impact of world war one on latin america?
a. it helped to develop a new political system
b. it created a whole new industries
c. it destroyed many of its resources
d. it disrupted trade



d. it disrupted trade



Impact of world war one on Latin America as it disrupted trade. Option (d) is correct.

What do you mean by System?

A system is a group of components or elements arranged for a specific objective.

The impact of the First World War on Latin American intellectuals' perceptions of the continent's place in the world was profound. The Great War and its aftereffects tore society apart, reviving and forging a burgeoning anti-imperialism in Latin America. The region faced increasing opposition to what was seen as foreigners interfering in its economic, political, and cultural issues. Although political sovereignty and cultural distinctiveness had been asserted more and more in the years prior to 1914, the war in many ways strengthened these preexisting impulses.

Therefore, Option (d) is correct. Impact of world war one on Latin America as it disrupted trade.

Learn more about System, here;


Which is more important to you for African Americans: economic
equality or social justice? Explain.


social injustice

Effects of income inequality, researchers have found, include higher rates of health and social problems, and lower rates of social goods, a lower population-wide satisfaction and happiness and even a lower level of economic growth when human capital is neglected for high-end consumption.

which court case allowed american to practice the separate but equal clause



Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine. The case stemmed from an 1892 incident in which African American train passenger Homer Plessy refused to sit in a car for Black people. hope i heleped g day


10. Why did the United States break its treaty with the Sioux Nation in 1874?
A General Custer found gold in South Dakota.
B. The Sioux discovered gold in North Dakota.
C. The Sioux invaded North Dakota to get more land.
D. General Custer attacked a Sioux city in South Dakota.


The answer is A. General Custer found gold in South Dakota :)

Which bodies of water border the countries of Southwest Asia?
Select all correct answers.
(A) Caspian Sea
(B) Pacific Ocean
(C) Black Sea
(D) Persian Gulf



D is the answer


....Former Senior Scientist, Geographical Museum, Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University. Southwest Asia, subregion of Asia, bounded on the west by the Mediterranean Sea, the Sinai Peninsula, and the Red Sea and on the south and southeast by the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.


Pacific Ocean


Other Questions
Laetisaric acid is a compound that holds promise for control of fungus disease in crop plants. The accompanying data show the results of growing the fungus Pythium ultimum in various concentrations of laetisaric acid. Each growth value is the average of four radial measurements of P. ultimum colony grown in a petri dish for 24 hours; there were two petri dishes at each concentration.Laetisaric acid X | Fungus Growth Y0 | 33.30 | 31.03 | 29.83 | 27.86 | 28.06 | 29.010 | 25.510 | 23.820 | 18.320 | 15.530 | 11.730 | 10.0Mean11.500 | 23.642sd10.884 | 7.8471v. State the slope and interpret its meaning in SS(resid)=16.7812. Use this to compute se.vii. Show what needs to be calculated for a 95% prediction interval for x = 20. (fill in all the values in the equation but do not evaluate.) Are these two lines parallel?y = 3x 2X 0 1 2 3y3 6 9 12YesNo . i need help with 3c+5=17 Rachel had 36 quarters. If it costs 4 quarters for each coke from a coke machine, how many could she buy? Which of the following transformations would be an example(s) of a rigid motion?Group of answer choicesBread risingAll of these answersA deck of cards shuffledA painting is moved to a new location on the wall Which statement is true? A) function is a relation where each output value is assigned to exactly one input value. B) The domain of a function is the set of all output values, or y-values, for which the function is defined. C)The range of a function is the set of all input values, or x-values, for which the function is defined. D)To write the equation y = ax + b in function notation, substitute f(x) for y. Yeah I have no questions man ABC has vertices at A(3.2), B(1.4), and C(2.7). What will be the new vertices after a 90 counter clockwise rotation about the origin? 3.Analizan y escriben las medidas higinicas que deben de mantener en el aula de clase yen el colegio. 396 divided by 11. Step by step explanation What could it be.... (science) What blocks the society from becoming universal? Simplify 12 32 + (5 1)2. A) 12 B) 18 C) 19 D) 97 Which statement best describes what occurs during a chemical reaction? Solve for x in the triangle. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. Which sentence has used pronoun and antecedent correctly? A. The horse and the cow got out of the fence. It was found two miles away. B. The horse and the cow got out of the fence. They were found two miles away. C. The horse and the cow got out of the fence. She was found two miles away. Is anyone fluent in French if so translate the sentence in the comments Tidal energy is alternative source of energy. give reason Take the three independent clauses below and select the combination thatcreates a grammatically correct sentence.Aaron loves ice cream. Aaron ate two gallons of ice cream.Aaron got really sick.A. Aaron loves ice cream, Aaron ate two gallons of ice cream, andAaron got really sick.B. Aaron loves ice cream but he got really sick and ate two gallons ofC. Aaron loves ice cream, but he ate two gallons of it and got reallysickD. None of the above are correct.