Archaeologists have uncovered evidence that cities in ancient India were well organized and sanitary. Which statements below support this claim? Mark all the correct

A. Streets were laid out in straight lines and right angles.
B. Social classes were determined by birth
C. Buildings were all made of bricks that were identical in size.
D. Farmers grew wheat, barley, rice, dates, and peas.
E. Drainage systems carried dirty water outside of living spaces.


Answer 1


E. Drainage systems carried dirty water outside of living spaces.

That's sanitary


Answer 2
The answer is E as in elephant

Related Questions

What happened on January 6, 2020? Why is it so significant when compared to previous changes in administration?


Thursday, Jan. 6 2022, marks one year since the attack on the U.S. Capitol that disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress in the process of affirming the presidential election results.

Answer: Attempts to overturn the presidential election

Democrat Joe Biden defeated incumbent Republican Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election. Trump and other Republicans attempted to overturn the election, falsely claiming widespread voter fraud.

PASSAGE for the last paragraph it was cut off
actions. Under the Catholic Church, not all men were considered equal. Some, like the pope, were considered to be spiritually superior. While the ideas of religious equality of the Reformation did not lead to political equality in Protestant kingdoms, the Reformation still gave common people greater power in their religious practice. It also introduced questions about why and how leaders held power.
The Reformation also benefitted some powerful leaders in Europe. Kings and nobles in many parts of Western Europe sided with the Protestant Reformers because it meant they no longer had to share power with Catholic Church and the pope. They were able to seize land and other property from the church, thereby increasing their own power. While this made individual leaders more wealthy and powerful, it de-centralized power across many Protestant regions. Also, Protestant kings no longer had the blessing of a powerful, central church as a religious justification for their political power.

QUESTIONS: Answer each question in your notebooks using COMPLETE SENTENCES.
Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses
1. Explain how Luther and the Catholic Church differed on their views about how to achieve salvation.
2. What are theses? What did Luther do with his 95 Theses?
3. How did the printing press help Luther?
Reaction to Luther’s Ideas
4. Describe the Church’s reaction to Luther’s 95 Theses using three different adjectives.
5. How did the Church decide to punish Luther? What are three ways that this affected him?
6. Why did some people decide to support Luther’s ideas even though he was an outlaw?
7. Imagine that you are Martin Luther. Do you think you would have been brave enough to tell the Church your radical ideas, knowing that there might be consequences?
A New Church
8. How did the Protestant Reformation effect the common people?
9. Explain why some kings and nobles were willing to support the Protestant Reformation.
10. Do you think Martin Luther should be considered a hero? Why or why not? What lessons can you learn from his actions?


3. The influence and spread of Martin Luther's ideas can be attributed to invention of the printing press which influenced the spread of Luther's ideas and permanently changed the Catholic Church forever. The printing press allowed for a rapid spread of ideas to a whole new group of people.

What territory did the United States gain as a result of the Mexican Cession?



southwestern part of the United States

California, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona


Mexico ceded nearly all the territory now included in the U.S. states of New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado for $15 million and U.S. assumption of its citizens' claims against Mexico. Read more about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Do you believe that Nixon should be impeached (charged) for his role in the Watergate scandal? Did he make the right decision by resigning? Explain.
Please answer in at least four sentences.



Based on readings and research I do believe that President Nixon at the time was heavily involved in the Watergate scandal. I also believe that he should have been held accountable for his actions. If this meant being put on trial and having the possibility of being impeached then so be it.


Hope this helps. :3


Yes, I do believe Nixon should have been impeached and he also made the right decision.


I believe this since it was an arrangement to infiltrate the democratic workplaces at the water gate hotel. It was a trick to discover reports so he could win the election. He was surely utilizing his ability to shroud this outrage and his force was before long taken from him. He had tapes he needed to surrender and that could've arraigned him, so on the off chance that I were him I would've skipped town as well.

How did the invention of the plow change the lives of the Sumerians of Mesopotamia?


Plows created easier methods of farming for sumerians. With better farming technology, the sumerian empire expanded due to a crop surplus.
Sumerian farmers' invention of the plow helped them provide their city-states with a stable food supply

Answer the following question in full and complete sentences. The essential question from Lesson 2.4 was as follows: How has the Declaration of Independence inspired social and political change at home and across the globe in the past and present? Choose one social and/or political change within the future United States AND one social and/or political change outside of the United States that the Declaration of Independence helped to inspire.
Answer the following question in full and complete sentences. The essential question from Lesson 2.4 was as follows: How has the Declaration of Independence inspired social and political change at home and across the globe in the past and present? Choose one social and/or political change within the future United States AND one social and/or political change outside of the United States that the Declaration of Independence helped to inspire.
Answer the following question in full and complete sentences. The essential question from Lesson 2.4 was as follows: How has the Declaration of Independence inspired social and political change at home and across the globe in the past and present? Choose one social and/or political change within the future United States AND one social and/or political change outside of the United States that the Declaration of Independence helped to inspire.


Answer:On April 19, 1775, the Battles of Lexington and Concord initiated armed conflict between Great Britain and the 13 North American colonies (the nucleus of the future United States of America).

At that time few of the colonists consciously desired to separate from Britain. But as the American Revolution proceeded during 1775–76, Britain undertook to assert its sovereignty by means of large armed forces, making only a gesture toward conciliation.

Increasingly, the majority of Americans came to believe that they must secure their rights outside the British Empire.

The losses and restrictions that came from the war greatly widened the breach between the colonies and the mother country.

Moreover, it was necessary for the colonies to assert independence in order to secure as much French aid as possible.


The Declaration of Independence put forth the doctrines of natural rights and of government under social contract.

The document claimed that Parliament never truly possessed sovereignty over the colonies and that George III had persistently violated the agreement between himself as governor and the Americans as the governed.

When the Declaration was adopted, racing horsemen and the noise of cannon fire carried the news far and wide. General George Washington had the document read to the army, and its ringing sentences strengthened the morale of his troops.

The Declaration helped unify the colonies so that they all fought together instead of trying to make separate peace agreements with Britain.

Declaration of Independence: National Archives

Declaration of Independence: National Archives

Hisham F. Ibrahim/Getty Images

Some of the phrases of the declaration have steadily exerted profound influence in the United States, especially the proclamation, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Although the meanings of these phrases, together with conclusions drawn from them, have been endlessly debated, the declaration has served to justify the extension of American political and social democracy.

The Declaration has also inspired revolutionary movements outside the United States.

The document remains a great historical landmark in that it contained the first formal assertion by a whole people of their right to a government of their own choice.

The Declaration of Independence, the founding document of the United States, was approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, and announced the separation of 13 North American British colonies from Great Britain. It explained why the Congress on July 2 “unanimously” (by the votes of 12 colonies, with New York abstaining) had resolved that “these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be Free and Independent States.”

On August 2, 1776, roughly a month after the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, an “engrossed” version was signed at the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia by most of the congressional delegates (engrossing is rendering an official document in a large clear hand). Not all the delegates were present on August 2. Eventually, 56 of them signed the document. Two delegates, John Dickinson and Robert R. Livingston, never signed.

Since 1952 the original parchment document of the Declaration of Independence has resided in the National Archives exhibition hall in Washington, D.C., along with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Before then it had a number of homes and protectors, including the State Department and the Library of Congress. For a portion of World War II it was kept in the Bullion Depository at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

In the 1920s the Declaration of Independence was enclosed in a frame of gold-plated bronze doors and covered with double-paned plate glass with gelatin films between the plates to block harmful light rays. Today it is held in an upright case constructed of ballistically tested glass and plastic laminate. A $3 million camera and computerized system monitor the condition of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.



The Declaration of Independence has inspired many social and political changes both within and outside of the United States. One example of a social and political change within the United States that the Declaration of Independence helped to inspire is the abolition of slavery. The Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal" and have the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." This idea played a significant role in the movement to end slavery and establish equal rights for all citizens.

Another example of a social and political change outside of the United States that the Declaration of Independence helped to inspire is the global human rights movement. The principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, such as the inherent worth and dignity of every person and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, have been adopted and embraced by people around the world as fundamental human rights. As a result, the Declaration of Independence has played a key role in inspiring movements for social and political change in countries all over the globe.


Someone mind helping me? c:
The body will not get oxygen if which system fails?
A: digestive
B: skeletal
C: circulatory
D: excretory


Answer: c

Explanation: the circulatory is what moves blood wich carries air throughout the body  

B: circularity system

What effect did the poet Virgil hope to have on Romans with his epic poem The Aeneid? (1 point) a to inspire patriotism b to inspire rebellion c to remind them of their connection to the Greeks d to remind them of their pagan roots

if right you will get branlist and a exlent sstar rating and a thanks



A. To inspire Patriotism.

Hope this is the right answer! If it is please do mark me the brainliest!

Think about the contest described in the Article. How did the contest work? What did it show? Do you think that computers will be able to write poetry as well as people one day? Explain. Use facts and details from the Article to back up your answer.

Type your answer in the text box below.



the answer is


Currently the answer is Yes! One can see examples on Bot or Not web pages in links below where one is invited to guess whether poems are written by a robot or a poet. There are poem-generating programs. There are also other web sites featuring examples of computer poetry.

Match each Federalist paper with its description.


First is 10 second is 51 third is 14 and the fourth one is 78

ONLY ANSWER THIS IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER! Archaeologists have uncovered evidence that cities in ancient India were well organized and sanitary. Which statements below support this claim? Mark all the correct
A. Streets were laid out in straight lines and right angles.
B. Social classes were determined by birth
C. Buildings were all made of bricks that were identical in size.
D. Farmers grew wheat, barley, rice, dates, and peas.
E. Drainage systems carried dirty water outside of living spaces.


The answer is C as in cat

Briefly explain why many of the subjects of Renaissance art are Christian in nature



sorry if its long


The main characteristics of the painting are:

Perspective: figure art, in drawing or painting, the different distances and proportions between objects seen at a distance, according to the principles of mathematics and geometry;

Use of chiaroscuro: painting some areas of light and others in the shade, this game of contrasts reinforces the suggestion of volume of the bodies;

Realism: the Renaissance artist no longer sees man as a mere observer of the world that expresses the greatness of God, but as the greatest expression of God himself. And the world is thought of as a reality to be understood scientifically, and not just admired;

The use of canvas and oil paint begins;

Both painting and sculpture, which previously appeared almost exclusively as details of architectural works, become independent manifestations;

Emergence of artists with a personal style, different from the others, since the period is marked by the ideal of freedom and, consequently, by individualism.


1. What were some common colonial attitudes about the importance of education?

2. What types of books did colonists read?

3. In what ways were the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment similar? How were they different?



Both movements began in Europe, but they advocated very different ideas: the Great Awakening promoted a fervent, emotional religiosity, while the Enlightenment encouraged the pursuit of reason in all things


look at the photos and answer the question correctly please

I’ll mark brainliest if you do it right


B or C, hope that helps
I believe it’s C i don’t know for sure tho

Many people have different views on welfare and how it should be used/ applied. Imagine the President has called you and wants your opinion on the future of welfare in this country. How would you reply?



United States answer here, this is a very opinion based answer but here's what I'd give:


In my opinion, Welfare is a system that was doomed from the start. By giving money to the hands of the people you are yes, boosting the economy, but you're just harming those people in the long run. When you give money to a consumer to use that money on necessities it drives the cost of necessities up. For example, When the government gives welfare and Medicare coverage to citizens it only cost the government more money to pay for the services that use that welfare. By giving medicare to a citizen all the government is doing is paying for the bills that citizen has, and the bills are designed by greedy corporations who drive all the prices up to get more money from the government. If the government instead funded that money into resource's such as government run facilities that make no profit towards the facility and only profits the government, then the government could charge medical bills at a fair rate and waver people of low income. The government should take the billion's being spent on welfare and use it to fund government programs that only profit the government and the citizens of America that need it.

A welfare state is a state that is committed to providing basic economic security for its citizens by protecting them from market risks associated with old age unemployment accidents and sickness

True or False
Greek city-states failed to notice the rising power of Macedonia.



i believe the answer is true.


Well, I can’t just put “true”, but that statement is in fact true.

As a result of the cost of the war, what did King George III do to the colonists?

A. Impose Taxes
B. Killed them
C. Removed them from the lands
D. To keep peace, paid for the war himself.


Answer:A impose tax

Explanation: I think this is right.

A- Impose Taxes

He did this which led to major historical moments like boston tea party

Why is Constantine important to Christianity? (1 point) a He ended gladiatorial contests where many Christians were killed. b He granted freedom of religion in the Roman Empire. c He introduced Christianity to the Roman Empire. d He tried to return the Roman Empire to pagan beliefs.


either C or B.
I would say C.
because he didn’t really grant freedom of religion for all religions it was more he made Christianity the main religion in Rome.

Complete the sentence. Remember to spell correctly.

______is the ability to understand something.


hey there Intuitive is the ability to understand something <3 :)
The answer is cognition.

what are the effects



1. people make fun of them 2. they have a disability 3. slaves built that back up


The image isn’t loading

In what ways has Istanbul connected Europe and Asia?

Please say it in like a short paragraph like 2-5 sentences il mark brainliest


you you you you you you are not getting an answer from me because I don't the answer to this?

During the era of the Silk Road, merchants from Europe would go through Istanbul to parts of Asia to trade for raw materials and/or merchandise. Some people prefer the land travel than sea voyage so Istanbul was definitely at their favour.

What were Jim Crow Laws?
What led to the Supreme Court Case Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?



Jim Crow Laws gave legality to racial segregation. When an African American train passenger named Homer Plessy refused to sit in a car for people of color.


ghana and chavin and inca similarities


The similarities are chavin and Incas people are in the religion polytheistic with resemblance of gods and rituals
The similarities are chavin and Incas people are in the religion polytheistic with resemblance of gods and rituals
Both occupied areas in the mountain ranges of the Andes. Both developed trade relations with the Maya and Aztec. Both practiced the ritual of human sacrifice. Both domesticated animals for transportation

Explain in six sentences how Lincoln's assassination affected Americans?



The assassination of President Lincoln was just one part of a larger plot to decapitate the federal government of the U.S. after the Civil War. ... As a result, new state governments formed across the South and enacted “black codes.” These restrictive measures were designed to repress the recently freed slave population.


btw ik its pretty obvious but dont go to the link the other guy answered with

yo ill give you the rest of my points if someone parphrase this rn

"But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."



The brave men who fought here before us, must not have fought in vain. We must remember and honor the sacrifices that they made for us. We must dedicate ourselves to give this nation, under God, a new birth of freedom. We must remember them.

Hope this helps lol. I did ma best :D

Why would it be extremely important for there to be no strikes or labor issues during war time?



During war time, it is extremely important for there to be no strikes or labor issues because such disruptions can hinder the war effort. In a time of war, the military relies on the support of the civilian population, including the labor force, to produce the weapons, equipment, and supplies that are needed for the war effort. Strikes and labor issues can disrupt the production of these vital supplies, which can have serious consequences for the military and the overall war effort. Additionally, strikes and labor issues can also demoralize the civilian population, which can have a negative impact on morale and public support for the war.

It would be crazy important for there to be no strikes

Select all that apply. will give thanks and branilst for the first answer

Which of the following were provisions of the Treaty of Nanking?

The Chinese had to open five ports to foreign trade.

British citizens were granted immunity from Chinese laws.

The Chinese had to give Russia the island of Hong Kong.

The Chinese had to recognize the independence of Korea.



The Chinese had to open five ports to foreign trade

look at image to see what and how much tax money the government pays on stuff.





Why are terrorists more dangerous today than they were in the past?

A. Today's terrorists are more committed to their causes

B. Today's terrorists try to blend in with their surrounding

C. Today's terrorists have access to modern technology and weapons

D. Today's terrorists are more willing to commit murder


C. Today’s terrorists have access to modern technology and weapons
todays terrorists have access to modern technology and weapons

ghana and chavin and inca differences





that made no sense please explain further so I can help you

Elaborate more, provide a picture?
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