A person's understanding of the meaning of symbols, actions, and words is
based primarily on:
O A. the international concept of beauty.
O B. his or her cultural background.
O c. the national value of truth.
O D. his or her ability to read.
ANSWER: B. his or her cultural background


Answer 1

Most times, a person's understanding of the meaning of symbols, actions, and words is based primarily on his or her cultural background. The Option B is correct.

How do cultural background affects a person understanding?

Our identity and even our beliefs about the nature of life are influenced by the culture of which we are a part. The type of culture into which a person is born, whether Individualistic or Collective, affects and influences what that person believes and how that person behaves.

Our culture influences how we work and play, as well as how we perceive ourselves and others. It has an impact on our values—what we consider to be right and wrong. This is how our society influences our choices. But our choices can also influence others and ultimately help shape our society

Read more about cultural background



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Famalies used to grieve for the dead at home. During the Civil War, people died on the battlefield instead. How did people adapt?​



they had to adapt to people dying and they had to seperate into different groups for war


5. What is terrorism?



Terrorism is described as the use of illegal force or violence against people or property in order to threaten or coerce a government or its residents into pursuing political or social goals. Terrorist attacks on Americans will happen everywhere in the country.

Question 1 (2 points)
What types of geographical features will you find in Southern Africa?
Islands and Mainlands
Mountains and Flat Safaris
Rivers and Deserts
All of the Above


mountains and flat safaris:)

The government of the Roman Republic had a system of checks and balances to
O prevent one branch of government from becoming too strong
O handle resources and money so that they were not wasted
oversee the expansion of the Roman Empire
separate government powers
Help pls


Prevent on branch of government from becoming too strong I think

I mean that's the reason for America's check and balances

Why did the persion war begin?



Because the persians were going to take over Ionia but then Greeks claimed the land so then they started fighting for it there was a total of 4 Major battles.


WORTH 60 POINTS. Remember my rules: Be first to answer correctly and have PATIENCE. ATLA Edition.

While pretending to be Aang's parents, Sokka takes the name "Wang Fire." What was Katara's name?

Star Fire
Sapphire Fire
Ember Fire
Flint Fire


Answer:Sapphire fire


What evidence shows that soldiers’ morale declined and negatively affected the war effort?


Evidence that shows that soldiers' morale declined and negatively affected the war effort is when soldiers deserted the troops during the retreat at Caporetto. There was also another case where Russian soldiers left the Eastern Front to join in a revolution back in Russia.

Discuss the contribution of the international situations that has contributed to the development of constitutions.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The contribution of the international situations has contributed to the development of constitutions in that specific moments in history have been the ones that have moved people to change their form of government in order to create one new government that guarantee the protection and the conditions to grow and prosper in peace.

Those were the cases of the United States and México, for instance.

Both nations had to live many years under the oppression and injustices of a European monarchy to organize themselves and start revolutionary movements that derived in their independence from that monarchies. In the case of the United States, they got independence from Great Britain. In the case of México, from Spain.

After the Revolutionary War of Independence in which the Conteinental Army led by General George Washington, defeated the English troops, the United States decided to have their own form of government and came up with the Articles of Confederation.

These articles proved to have some limitations and that is why the delegates of teh states met at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to create their new form of government under the principles of a Constitution.

Some similar happened in México when the Mexican army led by Agustín de Irurbudide defeated the Spanish Army and created some Constitutions until they finally signed the Constitution of the United States of México, in Quéretaro, on February 5, 1917.

2. Could the Serbians have accepted
the Austrian ultimatum without total
loss of face and sacrifice of their inde-
pendence? British and Russian for-
eign ministers were shocked by the
demands on Serbia. Others thought
that the Austrians were justified and
that Britain would act similarly if
threatened by terrorism. If, as Leo von
Bilinsky said, "The Serb understands
only force," why didn't Austria declare
war without an ultimatum?


No, the Serbians could not have accepted the Austrian ultimatum without total loss of face and sacrifice of their independence. Furthermore, even if the Serbians were willing to accept the ultimatum, it would still be a humiliation for them.

What do you know about Serbians ?

Serbians are a South Slavic ethnic group native to the Balkan Peninsula. They are the largest ethnic group in Serbia and the region of former Yugoslavia, and are one of the most numerous ethnic groups in Europe. Serbians are traditionally Orthodox Christians, although there is a significant Muslim minority. Serbian culture is highly diverse, with a variety of customs, traditions and art forms, including music, literature, film, and architecture. Serbian cuisine is renowned for its hearty soups and stews, often served with bread, cheese, and wine. Serbians are known for their hospitality and warm welcome, and have a strong sense of community and national pride. The Serbian language is an official language in Serbia and several other countries, and is spoken by millions of people around the world.

Therefore, the only solution for Austria to take was to declare war without an ultimatum.

To learn more about Serbians:



Why did the United States appear so uninterested in European troubles during the 1920s and 30s?



After World War I the US attempted to become less involved in world affairs. Americans, after learning of the destruction and cost of World War I, did not want the United States to become entangled in another European conflict which could lead to another devastating war.


Based on the section "The power of nature," why is rainfall in the south important to all of China?



Based on the section "The power of nature," why is rainfall in the south important to all of China? It allows farmers to grow rice for the country's large population. ... Even today, these geographic barriers and the vastness of western China affect China's relations with its western neighbors.


Explain the Iran-Contra Affair. Why was it controversial, considering the United States’ relationship with Iran at the time?



Explanation:The Iran–Contra affair, popularized in Iran as the McFarlane affair, the Iran–Contra scandal, or simply Iran–Contra, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo. The administration hoped to use the proceeds of the arms sale to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match the words to their correct meanings.
population trend
natural increase
changes in population over a period of time
people who leave their native country
people who come to live in a new country
the difference between the birth and death rate



Immigrants- people who leave their native country

Emigrants- people who come to live in a new country

Population trend- changes in population over a period of time

Natural increase- the difference between the birth and death rate


Immigration is described as the flow of people from their home country to another.

Emigrants defined as people who leave their own country to settle permanently in another. The reason for the settlement in other country is to get facilities and jobs.

Population trend refers to changes over time and can include changes in population over time.

Natural increase term refers to the difference between the numbers of births and deaths in a population.

Choose four or five countries that are discussed in the text, and label them according to how free they are. For each country you chose, write a sentence justifying your placement.

How Free?


Justification of Placement


Mostly Free

Moderately Free

Mostly Unfree






Answer: ?


What effect did the abolitionist movement have on the United States in the 1800s?



As it gained momentum, the abolitionist movement caused increasing friction between states in the North and the slave-owning South. Critics of abolition argued that it contradicted the U.S. Constitution, which left the option of slavery up to individual states.

Charles Simmons said,"Live only for today, and ruin tomorrow." Do you agree? Why or why not? Explain your answer. Remember 3 main ideas with at least 2 details/Explanation. Topic sentence and a concluding sentence. ( PLZZ HELP )



Yes i agree because if you only live today you will die tommorrow so you should be happy and always live! <3


5. Why were Europeans able to successfully colonize almost all of Africa by the late 19 the century?

6. Why did Europeans want colonies?

7. Why weren’t Europeans able to successfully colonize Africa in the 16 th , 17 th , and 18 th centuries?

8. What was the most important technology that allowed Europeans to colonize Africa?

9. In the 1890’s in India, how many British administrators were supposedly ruling over 300 million

10. Most European countries relied on what type of rule?

11. Why did native princes agree to rule under European influence?

12. What African country was able to successfully resist French colonization under Menelik II?

13. What important waterway did Britain gain control of from Egypt after taking over control of
Egypt’s finances?


Answer: 5. The European countries were able to colonise African countries rapidly because there were rivalries between African leaders. ... During these rivalries, European leaders would take advantage of the situation and persuaded some leaders to be on their side to fight against other leaders. 6. The reason European countries wanted more colonies was that colonies helped countries accumulate wealth and power. ... Having more land also gave a country more global power and allowed them to establish strategic military positions across the world. 7.  Low world prices for primary produce during the depression years from the 1870s to the mid-1890s certainly caused difficulties for Europeans trading to western Africa and led them to think that an increase in European control there would enable them to secure its produce more cheaply.     8. The steam engine allowed Europeans to travel upstream to establish bases of control deeper within the continent. Railroads allowed for faster transportation and communication within a colony, and between the colony & its controlling nation. Europeans had a cure for malaria (Quinine). 9. 20,000. 10. the one to control the people

11. In systems of direct rule, Europeans colonial officials oversaw all aspects of governance, while natives were placed in an entirely subordinate role. Unlike indirect rule, the colonial government did not convey orders through local elites, but rather oversaw administration directly.

  12. Ethiopia was the only African nation to successfully resist the Europeans. Its victory was due to one man—Menelik II. He became emperor of Ethiopia in 1889. He successfully played Italians, French, and British against each other, all of whom were striving to bring Ethiopia into their spheres of influence. 13.  The Suez Crisis was an event in the Middle East in 1956. It began with Egypt taking control of the Suez Canal which was followed by a military attack from Israel, France, and Great Britain. The Suez Canal is an important man-made waterway in Egypt. brainliest?


Which of these idees MUST be included in a summary of the speech?



c i think but i dont know  man


did reconstruction lead up to black codes ending?


Yes, the reconstruction lead up to black codes ending.

this is the hings i think bout at 3am how did ppl know where to go before maps?? if you kno the answer pls let me know ???

or take the points lol



thanks 4 points


Which elements are part of Louisiana’s legal system? Check all that apply. 1. Precedent is used primarily to interpret cases. 2. Codified law is used primarily to interpret cases. 3. Judges have less power and influence over cases. 4. Judges have more power and influence over cases. 5. Judges only determine which laws have been broken. 6. Judges make several important decisions during cases.


Answer:2 3 and 5


When should the government seek to limit trade?



what grade is this?


Who are the most important and famous philosophers from ancient Greece explain the teacher student relationship among the three of them what do all three have in common


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Who are the most important and famous philosophers from ancient Greece?

The most important philosophers from ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Socrates was the ultimate master professor in Athens, Greece. He taught his wisdom in a place called "Agora." There, he was the teacher of Plato. Socrates taught Plato and other students the Mayeutics teaching, to question everything having a question for every answer.

Socrates was sentenced to death. He was found guilty of questioning the Greek religion and the power of the Greek gods.

Plato was the teacher of Aristotle. Plato taught Aristotle elevated concepts about morality, equality, justice, and beauty through dialectics. Both teacher and student discussed epistemology, cosmology, theology, and politics.

3. Why was smuggling such an important activity in the ghetto?


Prior to the Second World War, Warsaw was the capital of Poland. The city had 1.3 million inhabitants, of which 380,567 were Jewish. This was the largest Jewish community in Europe at the time.

The Nazis occupied Warsaw on 29 September 1939, four weeks after invading Poland. The Jewish population in Warsaw had grown following orders from Heydrich to concentrate Jews in cities and towns, but a ghetto was not decreed until 12 October 1940.

The ghetto was segregated from the rest of the population by a wall and sealed on 15 November 1940. Jewish policemen guarded the inside of the wall, and Nazi and Polish officers patrolled the outside. Only those with special permits could leave the ghetto. Over 400,000 people were imprisoned. i think that’s it

Question refers to the graph below.

Graph showing the number of American troops in Vietnam from 1960 to 1969. The graph shows the following data: 1960 has 900 troops, 1961 has 3,205 troops, 1962 has 11,300 troops, 1963 has 16,300 troops, 1964 has 23,300 troops, 1965 has 184,300 troops, 1966 has 385,300 troops, 1967 has 485,600 troops, 1968 has 536,100 troops, and 1969 has 475,200 troops.
American War Library

Which of these contributed to the trend on this graph?

Escalation of Chinese and Soviet troop levels in Vietnam
Increasing use of air power to try to defeat the Vietcong
Unprecedented presidential control of U.S. military forces
Military reports that the U.S. was on the verge of winning the war



The Answer is Unprecedented presidential control of U.S. military forces


Congress gave LBJ the ability to take all necessary measures to protect U.S interests in Vietnam in the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. This led to the build-up of U.S forces in Vietnam because LBJ wanted to expand operations in Vietnam.

Which founding father was most responsible for the declaration of i independence?

- John Adams

-John Hancock

-Samuel Adams

- Thomas Jefferson.



Thomas Jefferson or John Adams


How did the cotton gin affect slaves?


The cotton gin increased cotton productivity which increased profits for farmers. The increase in profits led to the demand for more slaves to help plant and harvest the cotton. The slaves were no longer needed in the removal of seeds from cotton but were needed in increase numbers for planting and harvesting.

militarism can best be described as.....
1. A policy of making military power the least important goal of a nation
2. A policy of decreasing the number of men in the military
3. A policy of making military leaders the Supreme leaders of the land
4. A policy of making military power the number one goal of the nation ​




What happened to most of the Native (Indigenous) population in Latin America due to the Columbian Exchange?

Most were killed by disease which led to their conquering by Europeans
Most were enslaved and used on large sugar plantations as forced labor
Most were thrown into civil wars which destroyed their leadership



Most were killed by disease which led to their conquering by Europeans


Brainliest PLEASE


I would go with A becuase we actully killed more Native Americans by disease than by actully killing them but if its a school question I would go with B


What was the Seneca falls convention, and why was it significant?



Was where woman first protected for equal treatment. First wave of feminism. This was the building blocks used to boaster the movement for women and their rights to vote

The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's rights convention in the United States. Held in July 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, the meeting launched the women's suffrage movement, which more than seven decades later ensured women the right to vote.
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